Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1966, p. 14

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ANN LANDERS| Feminine Boys' Names Become Severe Handicap Dear Ann Landers: 1 was| Women exquisite--vntil she had been in 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 20, 1966 thereceiving line for five min- utes. Almost every woman who came through left a red blotch' of lipstick on fier lovely face. After about 30 disfiguring kisses--on her mouth, cheeks.) eyelids, and even her nose, 1} could stand it no longer. I stepped out of the line and handed her: a mirror and especially interested: in-the-tc+ ter pos the man who didn't want his wife to name their son Beverly -- and I don't biame him. My brother's name .was Vivian and he really had the girl's gym class in an uproar until they discovered the mis- take. : Along this same line I'd like to say something about giving male names to girls. Several years ago, when | was new at my job, the boss invited me to his home to mect his family. His young son and daughter came into the room and the boss beamed, "I want you to meet Evelyn and Bobby." I! arnr OVIWN Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. A. E. piece of tissue. She was morti-| Phillips, Miss Nancy a fied to see herself decorated|2nd Dr. and Mrs. a oe like a circus clown. \are in London, Ontario lay at- Why can't women press tending the graduation of Miss cheeks if they wish to show af- Linda Jane Russell abr gtiiod fention? It is thoughtless to toria Hospital School of } urs- mess up 'people with paint. ing. The graduation exercises Thank You.--Nettled jare taking place in Thames Hall Dear Net: The cheek-to-cheek of the University of Western On- extended my hand to the young) routine makes a great deal 'ario. irl and said, "I'm happy to}more sense than smearing a Nee ee : » Sonat you, Evelyn." She replied:|friend with lipstick--not only; ¥ yoo: | ee "1 am Bobby. My brother is! when passing through a receiv-\o0d week of } ete i An Evelyn." ling line but on any other occa- ana hye At ye, lle oc ? i j { rew , » " At that moment the boss' wife sion. Thank you for writing. will be bald this year on Wed: appeared on the scene. "I'm Mrs. Jones," she suid, cordially, Dear Ann: You keep saying nesday, June 1, and expanded "please call me Fred." alcoholism is a sickness and 1|to cover the annval garden tea It was an unforgettable night,| wish you'd cut it out. Alcohol- 4 Stonehaven which is ae you can be sure, but it madejism is hereditary and if you) Suspended for 1966. Mrs. W. G. don't believe it you ought to|/Burns is convening me more determined than ever to give my own children names|come over and meet my hus-| Fund tea with Mrs, that would leave no doubt as to band's family. aerts as her co-convener. My father - in - law and my their sex. And I did.--Old Fogey! mother-in-law have not drawn. Mr. and Mrs, Dear Fogey: If you want to : ' start a society for the preven-|a sober breath since the day 1\Golf street, are in Ar tion of giving children mislead-| met them 15 years ago. The two| Nova Scotia, attending the ing names, I suggest that you|boys in the family are beer|Sraduation exercises at St. contact Shirley Povich, one of|drunks and the girls sip sherry|Francis Xavier University, the country's ginest sports writ-|from morning till night. If you|Where -heir son, Edward Ger- will explain how the whole fam-| ard (Jerry) received his bache- ers. A few years ago Shirley : was astonished to find himself|ily picked up the same sickness,|!or of arts degree on Wednes- I'll apologize.--Had It day. list in Who's Who Of American} | Dear It: There are a variety Women " |of theories on what causes alco-| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Far- Dear Ann Landers: I am the|holism. A tendency toward alco-| TOW, Christie avenue, will be mother of a bride and I would/holism may run in a family, but| SPending the weekend at Engle- like to call attention to a prob-|it is not inherited in the same} hart where they will attend Jem I've never seen discussed! way that curly hair is inherited,|{he wedding of their nephew, in your column although I have| 'I suspect your husband's fam-| Mr. Gerald G. Farrow of brigh- been reading it for many years.|ily is loaded with emotional|ton and Miss Carol Gibbon, Our daughter was married|problems and that they all|daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. last week, The ceremony was W. A Mrs. Farrow will be accompan- beautiful and the bride looked! cape ; rd fe igi iesat dette ne a alte --- {ied on the trip by Mrs, Clay- = ton Farrow ahd Mrs, Charles Sharon Crossman Bride-Elect Aker of Brighton, aunts of the / bridegroom. Feted At Many Showers, Parties ..., hundred or more couples Oshawa and district will be taking part in the three day| week. Many parties and presenta-| tions have been held for Miss) Mrs. Allan Wood, an aunt of| Toronto International Square the bride-elect, held a pantry|Dance convention being -held at Sharon Crossman whose mar-|shelf shower and each person| the Royal York Hotel, May 19 - riage to Mr. Robert Mont-\also brought a recipe pertain-'21. Mayor Philip Givens has gomery is taking place to-|ing to the item for her shelf.|declared this week 'Square morrow at Westmount United! The bride-to-be was presented| Dance Week" and 3000 dancers Church. with a walnut bread box and|will square-up in all five ball- Mrs. Thomas Wolframe) cannister set. rooms from 10 a.m. until after ee on a a Mrs, David Anderson held a|midnight. Saturday morning ride-€lect's co-workers of Gen-| _. P space and time has been allot- eral Motors Pay Roll Depart-|™scellaneous shower in her) (0th Oa iden and. although ment. A flower trimmed wish-|home on Celina Street. Present] the convention is sold out, spec- ing well held numerous gifts|at the shower were friends and/tators would be welcome on Fri- for the bride-to-be. relations of the bridegroom. day and Saturday. Mrs. William Crosmas and) Mrs. William Rae Crossman Mrs. Arthur Locke were C0-|neld a trousseau tea in the hostesses at a personal shower) honor of her daughter in her|Mr. Vincent Russell, Talon Court. | Mrs. William Ogden, an aunt| of the bride-to-be, entertained relations at a cup and saucer shower in her home on Warren Avenue. Mrs, Jack Ogden as- ceiving the guests were Mrs,|tertained at Melville Montgomery, and her|shower given by more than mother. Pouring tea were Mrs,|forty friends and neighbors at Frank Reid, Mrs. Allan Wood,| Woodview Park clubhouse, with Mrs. William Ogden, and Mrs,|Mrs. Joseph France, Mrs. Ross ' 48-! Hector Thompson. Mrs. Geotge|Duncanson, Mrs. Allan Leavitt sisted the hostess in serving!Kerry and mrs. he--Brafton|and Mrs. Richard Orr as host: refreshments. |assisted in the kitchet;>Attend-| esses. Mrs. Lox Adams arranged &) ants in the rooms were Miss| party for friends of the future|Chery] Weeks, Miss Beverly, Dr. C. D. Russell, Mr. John bride and bridegroom. The)March, Miss Georgia Kerry,|Greer, Mr. K. A. Rose, all of party was held in her home/ang Miss Connie Crossman. | Oshawa and Dr. W. W. Tomlin- in Pickering and the couple was!serying the refreshments were|S00, Pickering attended the presented with a fruit com-|Miss Glennis Merrick. Miss|father and daughter banquet port. Gail Crossman. Miss Patricia) this week for Miss Linda Jane Mrs. Lynn Clapp arranged &)Kerry, Miss Gloria Parry, and| Russell, Miss Judy Greer, Miss plastic ware shower for the| urs Tox Adams. Miss 'patti| Judy Rose and Miss Janet Tom bride-to-be, who also received|Carey and Miss Cathie Wood linson, who are graduating to- --" -- " kept the guest. book day from. Victoria Hospital iss yeorgia cerry, School of Nursing, London On bridesmaid, held a miscellan-|. Mt. and _-- os Mont-| tario. eous shower for Miss Cross-|2°Mery, Parents of the pros- man. The hostess was assisted|Pective bridegroom, are enter- by Mrs. George Kerry and| taining the bridal party this Miss Patricia Kerry. Mrs. William DeLong enter-| tained at a miscellaneous pl ban. a. er given by neighbors on Gibbons street. Mrs. Cyril! Norris, Mrs. Wayne Norris and Mrs. Lloyd Harding assisted) the hostess in serving refresh-| ments. | Miss Beverly March, a brides-| maid, entertained former school friends at a _ miscellaneous shower. The former. was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Charles March and Miss Glen- nis Merrick. | The Canadian Girls in Train- ing of St. Stephen's United Church held a_ miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect. Miss Crossman's group served the refreshments. A clothes hamp-| er was also presented to the| bride-elect from all the girls of the group. Mr. and Mrs. K. A, Rose, jevening at their home on Athol|Highland avenue, accompanied | Street East, following the wed-| by their son Michael will attend the graduation exercises for QOLQRORMQOQRKNDNNDG Safe and Sure Fur Storage CALL 723-3012 London thwarian Prepares Study | Of John Galt's Life RAAARLRCCURNNRLEN LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Flora, JS @ Expert Fur Cleaning McPherson, former staff mem- os Will give new life, luster and loveliness ber with the London Public Li-| = to all your fine furs: brary said Thursday she has re- bans?) ceived a $900 Canada Council| ' grant to help her in the prepara-; §SS3 @ Perfect Fur Protection tion of a biographical study of ed : John Galt = In our gir-cooled vaults. Keep furs safe Miss McPherson, who has al-| $= from moths, heat, theft ready had a book published) = about pioneer Norman McLeod,| -- , . says her new work will deal = @ For Your Convenience with Galt's time in Canada, his Bonded pick-up ond delivery . . . fully \) activities in the Canada Co. and his work in the present Guelph-) Galt area. She says she hopes to com- plete the book in 1967. Galt's association with. Can ada dates from about 1820, when! he was appointed London agent} for Canadians claiming compen-) sation for losses in the War of 1812. He was appointed secretary of the Canada Co. in 1824 and travelled to Canada in 1825, bs insured to any amount you desire. OSHAWA FUR & LOCKER SERVICE 81 William St. West, Oshawa SYVIIIITIIINT TRIN IINIOD \ RORROORRDE Ss 4 AL & PERSONAL Jo Aidwinckie, Women's Editor' Teiephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department the Flower) Mrs. A. B, Len-| Mrs. Antigonish, | Doidge, chose the same method of es-|Gibbon of Englehart, Mr. and) Uxbridge. | | their daughter, Miss Judy Rose at Victoria Hospital in London, | this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Greer are among those attending the gra-' duation exercises at Victoria) Hospital, London, where their! daughter Judy will be graduat- ing. Out-of-town guests that will be present at the marriage of Miss Sharon Crossman to Mr.| Robert Montgomery, tomorrow, | will be Mrs. Nettie Balls, Mr.) and Mrs. Herbert Ware, King-| ston; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bruce,| Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. Donald| Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Don-| ald Crossman Jr., Mr. and! Jack Ogden, Mr, Claude 'Noddle, borough; Miss Anne Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harold! Robert Ware, Collins Bay; Mr.! and Mrs. Harry Watson, North Bay; Mr. Harry Weldon, -- Rose- mere, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Wilson, nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Cynthia Gaye, to Benjamin Joseph Gau- det, son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Gaudet, Weymouth, Nova Scotia. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 25, 1966 at 11.00 a.m. in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moores Highway 17, Markstay, Ontario, formerly of Oshawa, will be holding open house for relatives and friends on Wednesday, May 25. from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m, and Memories of school days: at O'Neill Collegiate and. 'Acta Ludi" were recalled and em bellished when a group of former students foregathered at the Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto,| for a social get-together this Once assembled and identified, the party proceeded to the supper dance at the King| Edward Hotel. Sharing the|7.00 to 9.00 p.m., on the occa- happy occasion were Mr. and/sion of their golden wedding Mrs. Geoffrey Andrews, Dr./ anniversary. and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis ei . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cain, all AT HOME " of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Blain Mrs. Sebastian Conlin will be Elliott (nee Gladys Hicks) of| at home to her relatives, Willowdale, formerly of Bow-! manville; Dr. and Mrs. Wil-|vin), all of Oakville; Dr, and liam Weber (nee Betty Solmes),| Mrs. Homer Beatfle (nee Flor- Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson\ence McGilvray), Burlington; (nee Joan Morris), Mr. and!Mr. and Mrs. William Bolster Mrs. George Boeckh (nee Kay|(nee Helen Pepino), St. Cath- In honor of her. marriage to) Taylor) all of Toronto; Mr. andjarines; Mr, and Mrs, William! the for-| Mrs. held in the former's home On/home on Gibbons street. Re-|mer Miss Donna Code was en-|Shirley Vickers), Mr. and Mrs. and | a miscellaneous} Jack (nee| McLarty, Port Credit; and Mr.) Mrs. Stewart McTavish, Stothers (nee Eileen Ker-|Bowmanville. Martin Cleworth A New World of APARTMENT LIVING enue east, Apartment 110, on Saturday, May 28, from 3.00) p.m. to 6.00 p.m. to celebrate her 95th birthday RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hobbs, 4 Oshawa, will be pleased to re- ceive their relatives, friends and| neighbors at the home of Mrs. Hobb's mother, Mrs. William Allchurch, corner of Finch ave-| nue and Beare road, Scarbo-| rough, on Sunday, May 22, 1966) M Oshawa, from 2 p.m, to 4 p.m. on the} occasion of their 25th wedding! anniversary. daughter, PROFICIENCY LEADS TO ALL-ROUND CORDS r. and Mrs, The Carolyn Diane, Martin David Jamieson, son of THE STARS SAY | Scarboro' College By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Principal's Wife You can make Saturday a| Heads Consumers fine day by planning smartly. Handle routine affairs and tasks) toronto (CP)--The wife of the principal Scarborough ~ | College, a new branch of the : ' f fighter on ? of details then will give you 8! raimnoss Hig Berne ogc "ad better chance to study the n Lt) te i Mee A ee offering. : a} . Plumptre, national president of FOR THE BIRTHDAY the Consumer's Association of If tomorrow is your birthday, Canada, "a ~ 25,000-meniver or- your horoscope indicates a ganization whose aim is. to pro- pleasant outlook for most well- tect, educate and represent to- Planned and cleverly managed| day's buyers affairs, especially those involy-| Asked what projects CAC has ing job and family concerns; in the mili at present, she re- also creative pursuits. On the plied in .an interview: monetary score, however, it willl "we want to have bacon be important to avoid specula-\graded for fat content, more tion. No dramatic rise in your) checks to prevent salmonella in- financial status is promised for|fection and revision im the' la- this year. On the contrary, belling of fruit juices." gains possible in July, August; she explained that some and next January could be off-tinned fruit juices are really a Set if you don't conserve andj percentage of fruit juice plus plan with the future' in mind.|water and may vary from five Beginning with March of next per cent to 30 per cent pure year, however, you can look for| juice, an uptrend on the fiscal score. Stellar influences are excel- lent where personal relation- ships are concerned, so you should find the next 12 months Y propitious fo cultivating new friends, for romance and social Clarke, Doidge, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carolyn Flewell, 16, and last Saturday. Carolyn is the Simkin, Glencastle, avenue. 'and May. You may be surprised The, First In fabrics" Castleton; Mr. and|. Susan Simkin, 15, of 'the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Both site Aes Meee at some token of appreciation latin of oc tee Mrs. Jack Falls, Mr. and Mrs.| 2ist Girl Guide Company, Jack Flewell, Malan ave- lin Collegiate and are in for saat effarts in late. October ed @ Laces @ Rayons Ormand Falls, Rocklyn; Mrs.| Oshawa, were presented nue, and Susan is the daugh- Grade X. . mt December--especially if! Vasten'e' brnseias John Falls, Mrs. Wilbert Hop-| with their #fRound 'cords ter of Mr. and Mrs, T. E. --Oshawa Times Photo |0Fr late December--especially if| ita Milton Mr and Mce -------- you are engaged in creative en-) KING $T. a s, ; 4 } j J T PARK RD, James Hart, Niagara Falls; if L N TI ES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE lame "ter icocis beta 2 ib ant ha gel ev Mr. and Mrs, Gustav Plitz,|these periods, King Park ridge, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs - , pac icke: | 3 i Nr err Harry Thompson, Ottawa; Mr./ FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE|friends and neighbors at the Suey _-- sa Pickering,| A child born on this Cay will ' Plaza and -Mrs, Douglas Turney,' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albert|home of her daughter, Mrs.\ Wish to announce: the forth -\be endowed with fine intellec- fg Morganston; Mr. and Mrs.'fubbell, Oshasva, wish to an-|Frank Love, 50 Adelaide ay-| coming marriage of their eldest|tual powers; will be extremely f PHONE to David Jamieson, ceremony is to take place on Saturday, June , 1966 at 4.30 p.m. at Dunbar-| ton United Church, Dunbarton, | Ontario. MILK MOSTLY WATER Cow's milk is about 87 per jcent water, 4.9 per cent sugar,| fat, 3.35 per cent pro-| tein and 0.75 per cent ash, | per cent jactivities. Especially good |months along these lines: June,| July, December and next April Village generous and will make friends easily. j het 723-0721 \ ° Killex kills more lawn weeds than any other lawn treatment 1015 --<--<---= ONE BEDROOM SUITES TWO BEDROOM SUITES ~_ The finest Rundle Garden Centre . Complete Sales and Service Seles and Service for All Yeur Gardening Needs, LAWNBOY, YARDMAN in quality garden. tools, If you need it, we have it Rundle Garden Centre KING ST. E. TORO 725-6551 We guarantee it. FAMILY SUITES 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY "GRENFELL SQUARE" LUXURY APARTMENTS 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL Se SS Ae ee i ee ee ONE - TWO - THREE BEDROOM SUITES Frea Hydro inane _ ss i ea Ne eu a sy bs i ee ea a ly -_- es of Free 23" Console Television One of the new tenants will win @ lovely 23° CON- SOLE TELEVISION . . . those who reserve their suite by June Ist, 1966, become eligible, Bring this cord introduction. High Speed Elevators Softly Corpeted Corridor Floors Beoutifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens Include 30 inch Electric Ronge and New Re- frigerator Intercom Connected to. Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vanities. Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-balcony Suites Available Suites Available Second Washroom Oshowo's Largest Suit Rental Includes TV Parking Space ond Ac Locker Spoce @ Private Sauno and Facilities; Swimming © Poo Sunning Patio Rentals Start at 125.00 Health Club and -------------- ee FOR Phone 723- dill 11 A.M, -- 9 P.M. DAILY Exclusive Agents (Bond St.) Ltd. 728-9466 Rental Information OSHAWA REALTY j Used as directed, Green Cross Killex quarantees results--= 4 or we will refund the full purchase price, | We can make this guarantee because Killex contains a triple combination of components which kill more hard-to-kill lawn weeds than any other lawn treatment. Even where famous 2,4-D has failed, Killex has provided outstanding control over such problem lawn weeds as: Chickweed, Clover, Bedstraw, Black Medick, Heal-all, Ground Ivy, Knotweed, Shepherd's Purse, and of course Dandelions and Plaintains, Killex is economical, too. One ounce of Kiilex to one gallon of water weed-treats 250 sq. ft. of lawn. Yet for all its effectiveness, Killex is safe on most lawn grasses. Even the best weed killers can fail sometimes. Killex 1s an exception. s* /t's Canadian...it's quality q Dhislen of THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO, PRODUCTS OF CANADA LIMITED oT.M. REO'D, x J Everything In Landscaping OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE OSHAWA, ONTARIO 723-1161 Everything For Your Garden Rundle Garden Centre Lid. 1015 KING ST. E. 725-6551 For Your Garden Needs Visit JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3527 See Us For All Your Gardening Supplies VAN BELLE GARDENS HWY, 2, BOWMANVILLE 623-5757 Green Cross Products Available at WHITBY HARDWARE LTD. WHITBY PLAZA 668-3540

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