Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 May 1966, p. 2

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CRITICIZE MUNSINGER INQUIRY Opposition Leader Diefen- baker (foreground) and for- mer justice minister Davie Fulton explained to report- All-Out Civil War Ky Regime Danger By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Staff Writer The United States is faced with a major dilemma as a re- sult of the fresh outbreak of anger between South Vietna- mese government and the re- bellious Buddhists who wish to bring civilian rule to the war- torn land. HERE and THERE PRIZEWINNERS Prize winners of a draw held at the Woodview Com- munity Centre last Friday were: Mrs, C, Campbell, 296 Richmond st. Oshawa; Mrs, E. M, Henderson, 90 Central Park North, Oshawa, both grocery hampers, Mrs, Pas- coe, 796 Grierson ave., Osh- awa, a bed doll, Mrs, Hor- ner, 118 Rosehill blvd., Osh- wa, an oil painting, All dona- tions were appreciated by the Woodview Senior Citizen's Club, GRADUATES Two Bowmanville men and an Uxbridge man were award- ed degrees at Queen's Uni- versity Saturday. Norman Albert James (second class honors) and David MacKen- tie Thompson of Bowmanville oe Jim "You Live and Work in Oshawa, But Do Your SAVINGS Stay and Work in Oshawa ?" 80% of the Funds deposited with Central Ontario Trust are invested direct! of Oshowe Bonds The balance is invested in Government Securities as required by law, through City SWITCH UP... By GERARD MeNEIL i |Inquiry Purpose Termed | 'Political Assassination | OTTAWA (CP) -- The explo ' 1, Commons' washroom Wednes- I have never said it and don ns aeldentn oh semeeh dented event in the 99-year hist- ory of Canada's Parliament, / By KEN KELLY testimony, Mr. Cardin had ac- ni | OTTAWA (CP)--~The Gerda| cused Mr, Diefenbaker of mis- have no reason to get him |Munsinger security inquiry en-\handling the Munsinger case' Mr, Dictenbaker stated par: jtered its final stage today,|when it came before him as'ticular objections to two points "'~ ere of Conservative lawyers| prime minister, in @ summary of police reports Neither records nor memor- | because of a boycott by Oppusi-| : prepared by Mr. O'Brien and \¢s recall anything recently like tion Leader Diefenbaker and'A McCARTHY SMEAR _, described by Mr. Justice Spence | former justice minister Davie) The Conservative leader 8aidlas a "handy document" but not | Fulton, the purpose of the inquiry W&5| evidence | A bottle of animal blood was thrown to the floor of the Com-| 'Commons' Bomb Blast Death |Britain Seeks Was Unprecedented Event 'NATO Accord Sparks Street, two blocks south OF of the Commons, shortly after OTTAWK (CP) A British making a speech in the House,|Cabinet minister told Prime The shooting was attributed| Minister Pearson and External oS, time to _ fe reny sare Affairs Minister Martin Wednes- ernood, angty a e or switching allegiance, and Pat- dsy that the Wilson government rick Whalen was hanged Feb,|Wants the best possible relation- 11, 1869, \in Canada's last pub- *hip between NATO countries Ne execution and France, The incident recalled one of The British view Was @X- the wierdest episodes in the his- Pressed by George Thomson, tory of the U.S. Congress when,| Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- | The remaining lawyers began|'the political assassination of final argument with commission|6pponcehts," He accused Mr, counsel J.-L, O'Brien lesding| Justic co-of 'a MeCarthy| off with his version of the facts|smea in making public last! turned up in the inve.tigation., week 'a sordid, \ibellous"docu-| Mr, Diefenbaker and Mr, Ful-| ment which was not part of the ton withdrew their three law- commission evidence. yers just before the final wit-, Mr. Diefenbaker suggested nesses appeared before Mr. Jus- Mr, O'Brien was smarting over tice Wishart Spence Wednesday. | objections by the Conservative | 'Then, at a joint press confer-| cabinet to proposed action years ence and in written statements,|ago by a client of Mr. O'Brien, they fired off bitter words about|' He said Mr. O'Brien repeat- the inquiry, Mr. Justice Spence ediy said around Montreal that and Mr, O'Brien, "he was going to get even."' Neither Mr. Diefenbaker nor Mr. O'Brien told reporters |Justice Minister Cardin gave outside the inquiry: "WEATHER FORECAST 4 _ Thundershowers On Way - Cooler Weather Again TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|noon showers becoming clear jissued by the weather office at\tonight, Not much change in |5:30 a.m: temperature, Friday variable Synopsis: Showers or possibly| cloudiness with a few afternoon i thundershowers are expected to|showers, Winds light variable break out in the afternoon, Ottawa region: Showers end- Skies should clear tonight butiing during the afternoon, Clear jdaytime cloudiness and after-)with cloudy periods this eve- Inoon showers are forecast toining, tonight and Friday morn develop again on Friday, As ajing, Mainly cloudy with scat- result of the tendency for clear-\tered showers Friday afternoon ing at night and cloud-develop-|Temperatures near normal. ment in the daylight hours tem-|Winds becoming westerly 15 peratures are likely to remain|this afternoon and on Friday. below normal Lake St, Clair, Windsor: Scat- itered showers and thundershow: ers this afternoon, A little cooler| Windsor today. Clearing tonight, Friday|St. Thomas ........ variable cloudiness with scat-\London ..... tered afternoon showers, Wind| Kitchener southwest to west 15, |Mount Forest , | Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Niag-| Wingham ,.... jara, Lake Ontario, Georgian| Hamilton |Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Ti-|St. Catharines .,,., magami, London, Toronto,|Toronto The latest wave of hostility|the United States seeks {0 Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: | Peterborough PYT YT) between the Buddhists and the achieve some form of unity in|Scattered showers in the after-| Kingston ceeebesons Roman Catholic military junta Saigon to enable the waging of "00M. Not much change in tem- Trenton Y of Premier Nguyen Cao KY war rebel Viet /Perature. Clearing again to- Killaloe : swept South Viet Nam Monday Cong night, Friday variable cloudi- Muskoka see after government troops moved», , a oe ness with scattered afternoon|North Bay s+s+++0+, is , Ky's march on Da Nang, inighowers, Winds light variable, |Sudbury .... Into the dissident Buddhist city : i ; \8 x gn B, ja ' ot Da Nene * the "northern region of South) Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie,|Earlton The outbreak threatens a full. Viet Nam, irked Presidet/white River: Scattered showers|Sudbury .++.++ scale civil war at a time when|)00"80n's administration which/this afternoon, Variable cloudi-|Earlton ..+++++++ had not been informed in ad+\ness tonight and Friday with a/Sault Ste, Marie... 3 vance of Ky's plan and cast alfew scattered showers. Winds! Kapuskasing feeling of discouragement! light variable White River across Washington, Cochrane: Mainly: cloudy to-|/Moosonee . U.S. HOPEFUL day with a few scattered after 'Timmins "teneaneens both received a Bachelor of |, U.S. officials, however, were Science degree and Douglas hopeful Ky will be able to ride 7 i out the storm and that South Grant Feasby of Uxbridge re- | Vietnamese political leaders-- ceived a Master of Science |Catholics and Buddhists alike-- degree (metallurgical engin- |Will be able to resolve differ- eering). jences, Meanwhile, Thich Tri Quang, HOSPITAL REPORT |a powerful monk in the Unified The Oshawa General Buddhist Church, appealed to pital report for the week 'Johnson to intervene against ending May 14 shows 452 |Ky's action in Da Nang and persons were admitted, male jagainst any plans he may have births numbered 30 while fe- of moving against another male births were slightly less Buddhist stronghold--the city of at 26. The number of dis- |Hue, about 50 miles from Da charges was $1 for males (Nang, and 30 for females, Major This threw the U.S, into a di surgeries numbered 91 while lemma, for although many of- minor surgeries totalled 128,. | ficials in Washington don't trust Treatments and examinations Quang, they realized that Ky 245, casts, 38, physiotherapy, |broke his pledge to the Rudd 913 and occupational therapy, |hists not to retaliate against 194. Visits to the hospital them following Buddhist dem totalied 718, onstrations earlier this spring not understand or believe the conduct of the inquiry' commissioner, Mr, Justice Wishart Spence CP Wirephoto ers why they withdrew their counsel from the Munsinger inquiry at Ottawa Wednes- day, Mr, Diefenbaker told a press conference he could Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Friday 45 45 45 45 45 45 peeeenneene seer against the Hos- Summer after summer...year after year Canada's largest selling ale is MOLSO EXPORT AL ese a < ta hy, Crd ay Doswell, President of Central Ontario Trust n Oshawa Separate School Debentures and First Mortgages To Central Ontario Trust and Sevings Corporation, The only Trust Compony with its Heed Office in Oshowe, SWITCH UP... To 414 % on Savings, to 4% on Chequing Accounts, to 6% on 1} to S year G.1.C.'s te 7% yield per annum on 10 year Accumulating G.I.C,'s and the Convenience of longer hours. Central Ontario Trust is open daily Monday ¢ 6 P.M,, Fridays' til 9 P.M. end Seturdey 9 A.M. to S$ P.M, ee Heod o Thursdey 9 A.M, te Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Office: 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723.3221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville, 623.2527 iministef and was In it Mre Munsinger _wax| MOMs Sept, 24, 1964, splashingiiy vears avo four flae.wavine Caster, quoted as saying she met Mr,|e°tO™* te green carpeting Mipiorng Ricans shouting "free- pa . front 2 Conservative. mem: ros Dietenbuker while he was primel per, of-a-Con MER" dom for Puerto Rico" opened ' fire on members in the House ' praised BY! David Cowlishaw of Van- Pierre & » former Conservadive. ansociave|COuve?, head of an organization!" 41°10 "Puerto. Ricans--in- defence minister called Underdog, later told D0-\ciuding » woman--were caugh , lice he threw it to bring utten| ond A avicted on pie a SAID PRESSURE USED be a = plight of @ man Who! charges, The woman was sen- | 'The same document said poli-|{e't he Hadn't been sdequately| enced io from 16 to $0 years, : jrecognized for hi : tical pressure was applied to ob-| Re 00 Maden ities §f 80 in prison and the men received. wal terms of from 25 to 75 years) tain Mrs. Munsinger's release Dr. P Ollivie from jail Feb, 3, 1961, wo days|meniary wou peel oho aa, and all still are behind bers., before she lJeft for Germany, 5 The wild attack by the mem- p ¥+| worked in the Centre Block for|, | 7 ine. mem ending a stay in Canada which! 49 years, recalled relatively as if the Puerto Rican Na- papen Aug. 7, 108 mild incidents but little out-|0Malst party led to a short: He and Mr, Fulton each critl-| right violence, crusade for tighter secu-| cized commission hearings held rity Measures for the . House, ; Occasionally, someone uld ) in secret without notice to them, start a oaach in the public gal-| pit nothing substantial came of lack of access to secret t, f &X Nery only to be quickly cut off) -- hibits, questioning based on rei fleiry. eran intl secret RCMP files and the pub-| 'There had been minor. scut- lication of a summary of the tieg among members them- files without admitting it a8! geives during the heat of de- evidenc bate, ' FINDS IT DISTURBING SHOT AT ANIMALS Fulton said in a Former Speaker George ment that "inasmuch as the Black used a rifle to --_ a whole inquiry relates to the han-| Squirrels and rabbits from his 'dling es jasiatts case, it was office Window in tne tere sind 3 dag! "A fire Feb, 3, 1916, resulted seriously disturbing to find the jy, tragedy and wartime suspi- commissione at the outset cion of sabotage, adopting an attitude suggestive seven persons, including a of bias as to my fitness or re- Nova Scotian MP, died when it| liability in any aspect of this!yaced through the gothic build- matter,' ing as the House sat During hearings, which began A royal commission later re- in secret April 6, the inquiry; ported no evidence that the fire! has heard police evidence that|was maliciously set Mrs, Munsinger spied for the Fire swept the West Wing of| Russians before coming to Can-\the same building in 1897 and! ada and was the mistress of the library burned in 1952, | Mr, Sevigny, Mr, Sevigny testi Thomas D'Arcy McGee, a fied she never was his mis- father of Confederation, was as- tress, }sassinated Apri: 7, 1868, on Good Nemes Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker --~ President Bil McFeeters ~~ Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 state- Is the time to switch. , , It's thet time of the year when interest is peid on sevings accounts... THE PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH UP... 44% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% on 1 ¢. 5 year GI.C.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 yeer ACCUMLATING G.1.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M. te 6 P.M, Mon, te Thurs, @ 9 AM, te 9 PLM, Fri, @ 9 AM, to 5 PLM, Bet, SWITCH UP... may Central Ontario Trust 7 & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 Simeoe Mf. WN. OSHAWA, 723-8221 23 King St. W, BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 New Home Recipe Reducing Plan It's simple how quickly one oy lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home, Make this home recipe yourself. 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