th New THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1966 Cama rg A DIFFERENT KIND OF BATTLE » ston, Ont., hugs one of his friends before his return to Canada, The soldiers have provided beds, equipment Canadian soldiers serving - with the United Nations peace - keeping force on Cyprus have helped give life and hope to patients of the Red Cross Hospital for Sick Children at Kyrenia. Pte, L. G. Lunman of King- 'Oscar' Keeps Mum About It | But He's Key Man In Safety | By CHARLES C. CAIN seems destined to become com-)energy is absorbed by the body. DETROIT (AP)--Oscar is a|mon in the auto industry in the|The rest is shared by the car key figure in the auto indus-| years age men eee occupants and car interior, try's safety program but hejit involves the question o anit wuaee pe i will BB 9 word about it.)whether auto accidents might ee fel sera' ie aad He is a 180-pound dummy,|be less harmful if car bodies | aioe y ote ai A ecnuiaiae made of rubber and steel and|were less rigid. ae ne - § Plat ie eed wired to give detailed reports| Ford is deeply involved in a vid i = Nave * acloned sacecal of the bumps he takes in 300\collapsibility study and Gen- i re rag ar sev smashups @ year on Ford's test-jeral Motors has done consider. | "8s , ; ; ing area. jabte research, too. Chrysler 1. Bumpers and their backup Oscar is the name which|and American Motors have) structures are of little value in Ford's safety engineers gave to|taken a preliminary look at the|a crash, the hero of their auto collapsi-|idea. 2, Radiators have no value in bility program, aimed at find-| From a layman's viewpoint, | reducing the effects of a crash. | ing ways to absorb the force of|the problem seems to be this:| 3 something may have to be a. collision while leaving the| Studies have indicated that in| qone about the tire and wheel, car body intact. ,an auto accident, about three|which Ford engineers' feel do Collapsibility is a word thatito 15 per cent of the collision|not absorb enough. energy. A | Auto suspension frames) 5 | -4. |now get a "free ride" in auto| aoe jaccidents and should be modi-| . 1 \fied so they will absorb more of (Continued From Page 37) , tempestuous speeches during jth. effects of any impact. the Second World War, but he | one sided at a meeting of the | bounced back to become | Studies showed that wnen a) grants committee of the Uni- | prime minister from 1944 to jcar is in an accident it takes} versity of the Wes! Indies and 1955. \just 90 one-thousands of a sec the committee was publicly | 'CHARGED BATTERIES' jond for the energy of the crash reported as seeking extra Defeated by the PLP, he |'0 be dissipated. money from West Indian gov- | slipped into quiescence--Ja- All the damage that the car ernments, including Jamaica. | maicans say he was "really |Sustained in the crash hap- Bustamante quickly wrote a | charging his batteries.' He |Pened in that tiny part of asec-| letter to Sangster--which was | came back again in 1961 to \ond and the remainder of the published--saying; "The tax- | jead a referendum campaign |crash energy was_ transferred payers of Jamaica cannot af-| that ended with a popular |to the passenger in what has) ford to pay any more taxes | yote against continuing Ja- been called the second collision .» » and we cannot afford to | maica's membership in the |~~the impact of occupants contribute more from present | West Indian Federation, now |@8ainst the car. revenue." | defunct, | Ford said if the crash time This year alsc, Bustamante 1962, won 26.|could be lengthened a bit, it made a much-publicized inter- | seats in the House of Repre- |would cut down the amount of vention to break a critical la- | sentatives to 19 for Manley's |crash energy transmitted to the rpaoa a gr aed stalemate in | party, passenger and thus give him a e sugar industy. | ante's w rawal |better chance of escaping in. There is endless speculation aca cee a oe ok jury in this capital about when, if the question of who will suc- | ~ ever, Bustamante will decide saad hile io OH) a. Very: Ober to step down from the post of | oo) whe 7% in his -party *\ target TWO MILLION CANADIANS Lion Landmark 'EXPECTED TO TAKE TEST More than 2,000,000 Cana- dians are expected to partici- pate in the first Canadian Drivers Test on television, the Canadian Highway Safety Council estimates. The test will be broadcast May 19 from eight to nine p.m. on the CBC television network. Hosts will be Ed McGibbon, well-known AULVING HiVaAULaRte!, anu ¥ aii~ | couver's dynamic Scot, Jack | Webster. | and officials Road safety organizations across Canada report widespread interest | in the test. Requests for test forms have resulted in mil- lions being distributed to in- and supplies. Others have | helped polio-stricken chil- dren in their exercises. --CP Photo dustries, associations and in- dividuals The Council points to a vital feature of the television drivers test -- "You can't evade the verdict because you judge yourself." Viewers with fest forms or using sheets of paper will answer questions posed on the pro- sam, Lich Compaie ine aa- swers with national averages as well as the answers of the studio audiences CHSC is co-operating in the Canadians Test which will also be broadcast on the CBC | French network the evening o June 21. WATCH COOL SMOKES NEW DELHI (AP) -- If you smoke, don't do it on a moun- tain top, a Clay To KO U.K. Fighter, Clay Says | LONDON (AP) -- World| heavyweight champion Cassius} Clay says he will knock out} Henry Cooper in their May 21 title fight at London's Arsenal soccer stadium | "T will) knock Cooper cold with a good, clean punch," he said Monday Clay stopped Cooper with cut eyes in the fifth round of their previous London fight in 1963 Asked if he planned to cut up Cooper again, Clay retorted: "T do not deliberately cut people. Cooper is too nice a man for me even to think of such a thing." Clay put in six devastating rounds with sparring partner Jimmy Ellis at his White City Stadium gym Monday. Ellis tried a fast left hook-- Cooper's best punch--on Clay, but the champion steered it off with his own left and cracked a right on Ellis' jaw. Later Clay's entourage de- scended on the sedate Lord's Cricket. Ground to watch the West Indian tourists play Marylebone Cricket Club. Clay, who had never seen cicket before, declared: 'I like it, It's not too- slow for me." A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OQPrTrAmernicyT VriVMEtTAiot 142 King St. East 723-2721 Free Hydro Ultra-modern frigerator Double Sinks Locker Space - Sunning Patio vise the Indian de-jto frostbite. ONE - TWO - THREE BEDROOM SUITES High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Kitchens inch Electric Range and New Re- fence ministry. After studying troops in the Himalayas, it found smokers are more prene blank | {George VI asked public works | authorities to spare the lion and was moved to Waterloo Sta-| tion. | Many travellers assumed that the figure was a seulpted and complete version of the red searlet lion several times jion's head that is the symbol larger than life -- a familiar of British Railways. ¢ sight to visitors arriving in Lon- don by boat train from South-. 1% latest move, . necessary ; m South- pecause of rebuilding around| lampton--has been red f p' $ moved from the station, cost more than! $4,500. WANT 10.45 Take the Family Vacationing ? | Leaves Station LONDON (CP) -- A bright the front of Waterloo railway | station. : f wot The clay lion, a landmark in. Mobedy con vemewee the nei why the plinth that the lion neighborhood for more than now occupies was pul Gene Tt |a century, was moved about 400 30° yon, acnte fac An vaare yards west by crane on a quiet -- te =e -- Sunday and set up on a vacant iplinth at the end of Westmin- ister Bridge apposite Rig. Ren | 8g CHANGE MAILBAG JOBS LONDON. (CP)---Convicts in Its color was changed to tawny British prisons may be freed yellow. 5 from some of their traditional The red lion--13 tons and jobs, such as hand-sewing can- standing 12 feet high--originally | vas mailbags. Lord Stroneham, advertised a brewery when it'62, new prison chief, wants to was set up in 1837 near the replace the present 36 trades, Waterloo Station site. which include basket - weaving The beast was in the wayiand blacksmithing, to nine when Festival Hall was being trades which will be more use- built in 1951. But the late ful to released prisoners. A New World of APARTMENT LIVING "GRENFELL SQUARE" LUXURY APARTMENTS 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL -- -_<<<--7" ONE BEDROOM SUITES TWO BEDROOM SUITES FAMILY SUITES 3 FLOOR RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY One of the new tenants will win a lovely 23° CON- SOLE TELEVISION . .. those who reserve their suite by June Ist, 1966, become eligible. Bring this card of introduction. Buy a New Free 23" Console Television Fur Piece ? Beoutifully Landscaped Entrance 30- include Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vanities, Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshowo's 'Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Private Sauna and Health Club Facilities; Swimming Pool and Rentals Start at 125.00 ee ae ee FOR Rental Information Phone 723 - dill 11 A.M. -- 9 P.M. DAILY Exclusive Agents OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) Ltd. 728-9466 ~ WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? Ys as CAN'T prime minister and head of There is Sangster, who has his Jamaica Labor Party, been deputy leader of the La- CHANGE IMMINENT? bor Party since 1950. Other The last general election in | possible candidates for the | this country of 2,000,000 people | JLP succession include the | was held in 1962 and the next | formidable figure of Hugh is due before April, 1967. The | Shearer, 42, a minister. with- general feeling is that the vet- | out portfolio and the opera- eran leader will be unable to | tional head of the Busta- fight it. gor a change at the | mante union. top would seem- imminent, . ; But Bustamante is as un- | SPEAKS AT UN predictable as he is spirited, | Shearer also 1s a member One of his few appearances | of the Jamaican Senate and since his first stroke in Janu- | the country's chief spokesman ary, 1965, came in March | im the United Nations, od . Some observers here say he when he turned up unex- sted! t he ' already has been tabbed by | pe Be adquarters of Bustamante as his political the Busiamnnte Industrial | Trade Union, an organization | heir. he established following po- Other men to watch in the litical and social upheavals | Cabinet include the energetic that made 1938 the Year 1 of | trade minister, Robert Light- | modern Jamaican history, bourne, who has won promi- "We will follow Bustamante | nence for the drive he put till we die," hundreds sang, | into Jamaica's industrial ex- Sir Alexander, knighted in | Pansion program, and. Ed- 1955, has alternated with Man- | Ward Seaga, minister of de- velopment and welfare, ley, now 72, in dominating Seaga represents slum-rid- Jamaica politics over the last den Western Kingston in the ' two decades. Towering well | | Aen over six feet, he is said to | lower house, Last year he eon was quoted in a newspaper have Irish, Indian, Spanish and African ancestors. He for, | account as threatening a mally changed his name from | PNP group. with action' by Clarke in 1944, "the crowds of western King: | He has a fabled past. Biog- | ston." raphies credit him with doing Seaga is 35 and a hard cam- everything from fighting for | paigner, A Jamaican of Sy- Spain in Morocco to acting as | rian descent, he took a degree a dietitian in a New York | at Harvard and is a trained hospital. He was interned for | anthropologist OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- and radio dispatched trucks alwoys on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oil Budget Plan available NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN wus 22d"S481 SUPPLIES vice 110 KING ST. W, BASE Uc. Wy, ok. -- aa \ and down a Molson OF COURSE YOU. 4 CAN! All You Have 16 WOT... SELL All Your Unwanted Golden MOLSON tems 26 5 CALL 723-3492 - For te 25 4 OSHAWA TIMES acti LASSIFIED For the right taste in ale FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 Read By Everyone Used By Everyone