Murder Or Suicide Soo Trial Argument | SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) -- An Ontario Supreme Court jury heard final argu- ments Tuesday in the capital murder trial of William Dalton cheduled ta after 14 days Barber,--an be charged today of testimony. Crown prosecutor §. A. Cald bick suggested in his summation that Barber was a liar who killed his wife. Defence counsel Terence Mur- phy suggested Mrs. Barber committed suicide. Barber, 55, staff assistant to the vice-president of operations at Algoma Steel Corp., is charged with slaying his wife, Marjorie. 53, Dec. 3, 1965. Doc- tors testified she died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Mr. Caldbick said Barber's testimony that he confessed to his wife's death to shietd his mistress, Mrs. Irene Chapman of Toronto, from scandal and publicity was "'just another one of his lies." He said Barber knew full wei! when he admitted Feb, 12 to Sault Ste. Marie police inspec tor Robert McKwen--'i killed her, Bob'--that his 11-year-old love affair with Mrs, Chapman would be exposed People don't go around say- ing, "I killed her,"' just for the fun of it, Mr. Caldbick said. SAYS SHE DEPYT" SED Mr. Murphy tcld the jury ear- lier that Mrs. Barber was de- pressed about her husband's af- fair with Mrs. Chapman and could have impulsively decided to take her own life. High Rents Cause Welfare Headache QUEBEC (CP)--Daniel John zon, Union Nationale leader, zig-zagged his way down the Gaspe Peninsula Tuesday, tell- ing voters the Lesage govern ment has heen putting pressure on welfare recipients to vote Liberal in Quebec's June 5 pro vincial general election Mr Johnson, opposition leader in the last legislature, spoke first. in. the Matapedia Valley town of Causapscal, then flew across to Bonaventure on the south and continued on to Gaspe, on the peninsula's eastern tip In Bonaventure, "where 600 persons packed the movie. the atre to hear him, he roast and other persons in need should be blackmailed." Welfare Minister Rene Le vesque had promised in the leg islature to notify all welfare recipients during April "that they will receive their cheques no matter what party they vote for."' But the minister had not kept his promise In both Bonaventure and Gaspe, Mr. Johnson appealed to English-speaking voters in their own language In Bonaventure, he said he had been informed that a large Inumber of the 7,000 voters in ithe riding, both Roman Catho jlic and Protestant, plan to ab iment with her husband, Mrs. | 'Barber left their home bent on | started the station wagon driven said he | stain from voting because the depart-| June 5 election is being held on who are exert-'a Sunday for the first time will prosecute welfare ment officials ssure on welfare recipi if the Union Nationale next government ing pre ents"' forms the Lesage meanwhile constituencies of Chambly and Taillon south of Montreal. He told a gathering of about 75 persons, who had awaited him at Jacques Cartier city hall, that education 're mains our first priority.' "Tf we have to import tech fictans and other skilled men while our own people are draw ers of water, we will never be masters of our destiny," he said. 'Some people say educa tion is expensive, but nothing is more costly than ignorance," Premier visited the The best way for English speaking voters to express their disapproval of Sunday elections was to yote for the Union Na | tionale Mr. Johnson told the rally of i300 massed in a hall where \there were seats for only 350 that a Union Nationale govern ment would assist all parents to educate their children in schools of their choice Switching to French, he said it is deplorable that so many | Gaspe residents have migrated to the cities The Union Nationale had in its platform the answers to tre Distortion: Moss WINNIPEG (CP) -- Retired racing driver Stirling Moss says | auto critic Ralph Nadar has dis- torted facts to blow up a sen- of the lack of safety features in automobiles. "He has taken what are basic ally facts, distorted and en- larged upon them, and blown up a tremendous storm. It is and danoornue" He suggested that on the eve- ning of Dec. 2 after an argu- a late night sortie alone in one of their two station wagons. She returned jater aiter cai - ing in a restaurant and while says Moss, who retired from lundressing in their bedroom, | professional auto racing after a ithe sight of her husband on the!crash in 1962 bed, reeking of whisky, so de-. Moss said in an interview that pressed her she decided to kill\Nadar "has generally done herself, he said, Wearing only|more harm than anything I a coat, she went to the garage, could have conceived possible." "The e 2e rs earlier by Barber, knelt beside "i ee the exhaust pipe and inhaled, imported, There are just dan- he told the jury in describing | serous drivers." how she must have killed her- ---- ~| Hockey Ain't Art, School Buses Committee Rules 'Sardine Cans' OTTAWA (CP) -- Hockey is not considered as part of the OTTAWA (CP) arts, humanities or social School busesiences by the Canada Council, in Canada are built "like sar-|the Commons public accounts dine cans' and their construc-|commitiee was told Tuesday tion should be brought under a. James Muir (PC--Lisgar) in cate e, ( > y ' safety cod onservative MP quired about hockey's standing Heward Grafftey said Tuesday , with the government agency es 'Research groups have tablished crashed typically constructed in: the country as the committee con school impacts of 25 sidered the 1965 miles-per hour and the results ' 1965. spending were appalling,' Mr. Grafftey Brome-Missisquoi, Beh to foster art buses at pro gram of the Canada Council Council Chairman fineau replied that hockey and other sports are "outside our jurisdiction."" They don't rate as art forms member for Jean Mar said in a speech to the Ottawa B'nai B'rith Society School buses travel many miles over secondary rural highways where death and in jury rates tend to be high, said Mr. Grafftey Seats on the buses should he integrated with the bus frame, | he said, and passengers should wear seat belts Replying to Percy Noble (PC Grey North), he said the Stratford Festival has the high est rating in the council Excerpts of the speech were released to the press before de livery. UAW Slates Auto Makers LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP)-- The United Auto Workers ac- cused auto makers Tuesday of 'vicious anti- union, anti-em- ployee tactics, during union rep- resentation election campaigns among white-collar workers Is the time to switch. . , SWITCH The union's constitutional con- adopted a resolution urging increased efforts to or- vention sational storm in his criticisms | interest is paid on savings accounts... OTTAWA (CP)--Two conten- tious resolutions that would give! police increased powers in deal-| ing with traffic offenders were approved Tuesday by the On- tario traffic conference. Against the recommendation of its resolutions committee, the 200 delegates, many of them po- fice oificers, tie provincial government provide jegislation for compul- sory driver alcohol tests. While some delegates sug- gested such tests would involve an invasion of human rights, the majority supported Insp. Firnest Duffield of the Sarnia police de- partment, He said the only per- son who would haye anything resoiven tat should! Ronald F. Anderson, traffic co-ordinator for the township of Scarborough, said speed limits in many areas of Ontario could be raised and said police are taking an unrealistic attitude to- ward speeding. He said it is not true that the slower the better is invariably | fect Giat = students of Dubna. just A R000 jae iit legislation. Re But representing poltee ments, traffic parking authorities councils that the should be that speed at which the reasonable motorist can safely control his car. but rected at speed alone at five - ithey slept Auto Safety Fact | 'Give Police More Power' {Partial Success Traffic Delegates Resolve |",leep-Teac MOSCOW (AP)--Partial suc. | times. Then at 11 P.M. lights cess in a mass experiment with teaching English has been JiA The program of giving lessons and at 7:30 they took a new les-|---- before students went sleep and repeating them while was especially y ye for those who had never 5 | ns Ag ese pra some students failed He told about 200 delegates finish the course and others be- . -- depart-| gan to Jag in memorizing and the first 19 or 15 nights. would be the driver who had*otthe particular road condi- expressions to learn. been drinking The other resolution was that police officers be given the power to arrest speeding driv- ers, without warrant, instead of being restricted, as at present, to stopping the speeder and is- suing a summons Insp. Duffield said the legis lation would be particularly use ful in the province's border fowns where offenders from out of the province often fail to ap pear when summonsed REMEMBER WHEN could get excellent reasonable prices? at the meals at Well, you still car HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING 87, WEST, OSHAWA NOW... It's that time of the year when THE PERFECT UP... 4'4% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 5 yeor G.ILC.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 year ACCUMLATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS e@ 9 AM, te 6 PLM, Mon, te Thurs @ 9 A.M. to % PLM, Fri eo 9 AM, te BPM. Sat. lions. to sleeping | reported from the Soviet scientific city ef after THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1966 @ : |lowing the words from a lesson| FIREMEN NEEDED HELP 'book and repeating them. The| CALCUTTA (AP)--A fire en- jlesson was ,repeated th Fee | gine answering a call in Assam | state caught fire en route when j|had to be turned out. jthe gas tank exploded, injuring | The lessons were repeated inifour firemen. A second engine softer tones until midnight. At |put out the fire and went on to 6:15 A.M. it began again andthe village, where several bam- was repeated until 6:55. At 7 boo houses were already de M. students were awakened | stroyed. tO'son to fix in their minds the jovernight vocabulary and re- "\lated grammar. The 36-lesson program taught anv 1,605 words ana expres sions, More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Flere is & pieasant way to. tn improved powder, sprink powder, upper and lower plates them firmer so that they feel more os to FIND NEW CENTRE The geographic centre of the | These results were given by|United States' 50 states is near maximum permissible s peed the youth newspaper Komsom 'Iskaya Pravda. Students had to be in bed by 19:30 P.M. Light music was Opposition should not be di-|played until 10:45 and then a minute lesson began. to lose under compulsory Nests speed which is unsafe in view gave 25 or 30 new words an 0-' Castle Rock, &. D. | et drug coun' 'Before you buy any « Piano or Organ | see sees The students sat in bed, fol- Why Pay More.. SAVE!! ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 16°. DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa --- Whitby and Ajax Districts 79 Simeoe St. North 728-2921 . LEAN, --- WHOLE OR HALF COTTAGE ROLLS 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE APPLES 49° LEAN, MEATY ~~~ BREF Blade Roast FCONOMY -- 6 4&7 RIB 09i. ~ BEEF LEAN, TASTY MINCED BEEF FIRST GRADE ORONO PRIME RIB ROAST SHOULDER BONELESS SHANK Mr; Johnson, speaking in Bon-| Problems of the Gaspe fisheries CREAMERY aventure in support of Union The trails. of Mr, 28nize white-collar workers and Nationale candidate Real lLa-|lesage' and Mr. Johnson may, asking that the U.S. and Cana- bonte, said he has proof that|cross tonight when the two dian governments modify laws certain welfare recipients| party leaders: move into central] to protect workers' rights to "have been under pressure!Quebec, The premier is to ad from the Liberals." dress a rally in La Tuque while "In 1946, it is unthinkable) Mr. Johnson speaks in Shawini that needy mothers, orphans' gan | BUEHLER' COLEMAN'S & Sq Ready to Eat CLUB STYLE Friday 'til 9 p.m, kil A Ss ib | ) Whole, Half or ' @ Freezer Special! PRICES! a One look at your food bill should tell you "you need o freezer". QUARTERS OF Come in tomorrow, see our selection of chest and upright freezers, Chose the size and model that suits your family and your budget a ;E E F best. Choose from a selection of name brands --- names you J REALLY KNOW you can depend on, Take advontage of Cherney's 15 Cu. Ft. DELUXE EF 178 '199 PEAMEAL BACON HOME FREEZER 20 Cu. Ft. DELUXE 229 END CUTS campaign SWITCH UP... 3.100 BARBEQUE FEATURE "choose a union without undue influence, Interference or co- " ercion by the emplover Head Office: 19 Simeone B, WN. OSHAWA, 723-5221 FEARMAN'S --» No, 1 Wieners 49: "a ONE POUND WITH EACH PURCHASE OF ONE LOAF BROOKSIDE 24-02, BREAD AT REG PRICE 23 King #. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 OPEN | 8:30 'til 6 p.m, f ve WE HAVE A GOOD | SELECTION OF OVEN READY FRESH KILLED TURKEYS 5 to 8 lbs. BONELESS RUMP OR ROUND -- STEAK ROAST iy 25 Cu. Ft. DELUXE HOME FREEZER All Welded Stee! Construction Balanced Lid Interior Light HOME FREEZER New Season VEAL Q: ] Ib Tecumseh Unit Locking Handle With Two Keys Food Insurance Magnetic Gasket Coloured Trim Warning Light Adjustable Tempera ture 5-Yeor Compressor Warranty LEG, RUMP, SIRLOIN or BONELESS ROAST @ Moffat 24" Electric Range @ Findlay 30" Automatic Range @ Westinghouse 10" Refrigerator .... $178 "Above 3 Items Priced With Your Trade-In yeWae $138 12 KING ST, E 723-3633