Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1966, p. 32

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32° THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1966 {20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale (20--Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. '155 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RETIRING? Lovely 2 bedroom bungsiow, newly redecorated in choice locatiaon on gxtra large lot $13, 509 full price. Make on 997 Cts Sitar San HOW ABOUT THIS? $2,462.00 full down poy- mennt to one N.H.A. .Mort- e. This is a new home, ye fireplace, built in GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR ut * [vs ene | Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call "THE HOT LINE' Three bedroom brick bunga- low in spotiess condition, Lorge Hollywood \Kitchen, finished Recreation & and 'SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN _ DAILY '20---Real Estate for Sele | OUR DOORS ARE OPEN We invite you to enter intq a new world of homes creot- ed by Armstrong Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E. SWITZER DRIVE 3 bedroom bungalow, breeze- way ond attached gerage Broadloom in living room, Stvle toon und 2 henroons : Resiniins room with bar and exhoust fan, family room, potio, beoutifully landscoped lot 85 ft. x 100 ft, Listed for only $24,000, ~ Reout Luxury equipment For the extras out and inspect ore these standard homes st come in you mu Won't you be our guest?| QUIET LIVING 10 yeor old 3 bedroom brick | SOUTHWOOD PARK, OSHAWA REALTY (BOND STREET) LTD, TRY YOUR DOWN PAYMENT 3 bedroom bungalow schools, and bus brick close to mire a located parks wiry many NORTHEAST fomily home close toe Street, 2 bathrooms, | down, extra large lot with o fovely garden also has a paved drive with double 2 King up, 1} '20a--Summer Properties For Sele or Rent \23--Real Estate Wanted Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E. COTTAGE & STORE Store located at B.B. Beach on Rice Lake with all equipment ichoding conairioner, deep freezer, Shell oil & gas pumps. Servicing over 50 cot- tages ond doing o good busi- ness. Attached cottage com- pletely finished and furnished with bathroom and good ap- plionces. Immediate posses- sion. Both available for the price of a cottage -- $7,- air be Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 \ AUATION NG & SALES. NICK SIBLOCK SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. oven ond stove, fully decor- oted, colours of your choice if you hurry, and situated in nt- a good location For appor ment to inspect phone 723- 8144 500.00 with $2,500. down, | 728-7576 24--Stores, Offices, Storage FACTORY FOR RENT 5,000 square feet, clear span r truck level loading end ramp. 600 'square feet for office and administrative use. Am- ple yard' area for storage and parking Present occus pant has outgrown location, Enquiries invited. Paul Rise tow Limited, Realtor, 728- 9474, 187 King St. E, Oshawa, STORE FOR RENT at Vest two piece bath in sement. Nicely landscaped lot plus mony other extros. Sub- stontial down poyment re- quired with monthly poyments of $91.00 including taxes on one 514% mortgage. Inspect before you buy, Call now HORTOP. STREET NEAR ST. JOSEPH'S Excellen 114% storey brick home with attached garage. Three spacious bedrooms, ex- tra large living ond dining: room, modern kitchen, Large , Lot 51' x 157' with hedges and treés. Priced sell ot wick $16,800.00 bungalow in Raglon. Com- plete with natural fireploce, storms and screens. T.V. aerial, draperies included in purchase price. 200 foot well on the property, water soften- er installed, Located on a lot 165 feet x 173 feet. Taxes only $185.00 per year. A few minutes drive from Oshawa, OWNER MOVING Spotless 7 years old brick bungalow. with paved drive $15,700 and brick garage. Basement : omplete! Ml with 2 loroe pan completely ponelled, finished rec storms, screens, v fenced yord for children protection eae ; a | T.V. aerial. Home heats' for vith $5,000 one while its lasts $100.00 per year. Within n and one open mortgage R walking distance of for balance meor 4 WHITBY MONEY MAK ¢ C Spc ar, | soar om Cw mony er fe $13,900 . excellent income for o $39,000. Will c KAISER CRESCENT x : ye Pat If @ split level on a ravine lot FULL PRICE s <A > JUST LISTED!!! ¥ in a central location what home EAST END you are lookin for, phone 300 # night about this 3 bedroom 5 brick Investigate with a.seporate dining room, Warren' Avenue, a quiet tree hed rec ond. fire lined residential Mom couple gorage. A 500 king only $15,- Call 728-9466 AJAX , 64% N.H-A. AVAILABLE GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 942-3310 DIAL 668-8826 218 DUNDAS ST. E, 2 nearly new cottages on Rice Lake, completely furnished with new furniture and op- plionces,. hydro, pressure sys- tem, bathroom. $3,500. each with $1,000. down -- lakefront cottage on | Rice Lake, completely | ed inside and out, bathroom, | furniture, treed lot, asking | i 2 ACRES V.L.A 4 ot West ) sland. Rd tr ntage by 660 tt. Call 728-9466 728-9466 9PM WHITBY special ers MODEL HOMES bees Once in a house time the builder con offer you this opportunnity Only one of a kind, a model home to suit your every need. At o low down poyment, plus 0 6% 7% N.H.A. mortgoge. Toke ad- vantage of this. builder's special, benefit by calling ond jet us help you to pick the house of your chorce 723-8144 GEORGE SULLIVAN NICK VAN DEN BROEK MARLOW HANCOCK deep CLARE SHANK ROGER MORRISON ERNEST MUELLER finish- $10,000.00 Oven 9 AM te HARRIET ST. WHITBY yeor old brick ot Multiple: Listing Service Oper! evenings till nine 728-4678 | bedrooms decoration, e room, 9 Bond 'Street Good location. Rent $100 per month Available now. Cail Mrs, Taylor 494-2948 Torento, evenings Summer Cottage 25-----Houses for Rent idee Stoner Rice Loke y Hi omplete Dial hesitate to see this Cail 200----Summer Properties fet Sale and Rent Deloy w town house to sub- Children weicome se ng schools and shopping. For fur- ther details call 28-342 FIVE ROOM HOUSE with store, double Gerage, Simcoe North at Orchardview, facing school and bus stop. Immediate then call 723-4275 two bedroom bungalow, ences for two or three aduits, from Oshawa. Lease May 623-7723 or 673-2209 5S!X-ROOM bungalow, Bioor and Simcoe vicinity, avai able now, Telephone 725- S45 alter 6 two - bedroom bungalow, ce BEL-AIR RESORT ial te tot ae ee : Pa ec own; $135 per month. Cal LAKE BAPTISTE FOR RE Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Lid NEW SPACIOUS six-room,; pwostorey 'coaunith livingroom with natuyal fireplace, endscape, northwest! area. Adults COTTAGES City yy 8 monthiy. Available June ed porch- " boot- call FOUR BEDROOMS $14,900. Solid brick 2 storey home, four good sized bed rooms, separate dinning room with walk-out to back yard Only 8 years old. Fully land- scaped, try your offer to-day Phone 723-8144 ng Hib 50' Beact ake Frontage arge living oy ord offer UREN HOUSE at New in frome, roorr PLAZA LOCATION 4 Oshawa o in carport in excellent Commerciol King St, € Services included small Ploza off King 2 $88.000 fir Bathroom has t-in heat East 2 houses years old ond com place HIGHWAY WHITBY Impossible to match out end Ernerald wo stor th ot Tw storey with Sixty bedrooms and kitchen ix : Ws ere quite finished, must sell ete Estote oecupancy R. Payne gece LONG BROS 10" Octo REALTORS PORT HOPE toched er frontage ides room bungalow ¢ ickhorn Lake location Only pletely rooms, c Ost owa 5 and bo ; cleor see two sking room sttaak Ldanl aturing f new ries bedroom cot Call C and Dad or younc e r ] ed from the services. Be re bath bu tor 885-4619 es October just starting cut Neot and Taxes $220.00 rec- clear 4s here A decorated. Two plus a finished INVESTMENT NO, 2 Whitty), jut Hatdhad full Sebonsincs at only $20,900.00 sections For details call Need about $85,000 down, WHY RENT ? 12 ROOMS PLUS When $2,300.00 will £50 acrid 103 semi-de- ; iltie tached brick the ommercia ibilities : mmer peteaaaet Simcoe Street-Rossland area should sell this section finished in 6) 40 siding means al- 7470 maintenance. Elec N.H.A, MORTGAGES heated too. We had North West Arse ee sora lls of are sold to all schools n't wait, could miss porks, shopping the best buy Oshawa. By Truly Oshawo's 'most co the way, it carry for, m Peterborough lent community. Where? Bridgenorth Che- $123.00 per includ "id a BRAEMOR ot iad lee ae GARDENS Stevenson Rd. N. to olis' West to Waverly daily reation room 62 us now Can be s LAUDER ROAD st mit apartment house ir $2,000.00 DOWN of d in one or two yearly BOARDING HOUSE WITH tor the your you release contines will sorry cramped apartment four bedroom storey ond o half. Let your children enjoy the benefits of this spacious yard. Your ©monthly poyments will be average rent and remain fixed Charles Rickson H. Mil buy telephone, City of taxes, etc custom bring il put Ex. al financing avail- len Real : en Réa Bill this linmoculete two storey home bedroom attached garage poved drive. Well schools and spacious room Th and f ror Extra ond 182 coted The chonce to nospite property quickl ng y q al WHITBY 8 ROOM BRICK ONLY $ $13,950 phe : 2 storey fan cation with reasonable 18 taxes. Trees for modernization started. 2 D. Smal! down payment substntial preter save the interest ond poy bachelor apartment rented Lorge 99' by Brock St make m with : home in w lot on busy Whitby. Has here ond igt prepared ir. hoe home, lovely pre- 15, winterized house ney ive wel to neor Upper Broadioom ond dir and -holls extras Private landscaped ing $21,900.00 NORTH WEST AREA Split ngalow attached garage. roadioom in storey fr com, 4 ratior ylight and alse 4 sen 80 we wi green in | iminum eS ferred less than stalk a deas ar ail' 72 ing irway ee een tress veniences, screer 'i SORES | q you FIVE ROOM house in Newcastle. Avail- able immediately. Telephone 723-8359 THREE-BEDROOM self contained duplex, South east area, $130 monthly. Available June 15. Telephone 773-5016 before 2 om 26--Apartments : for | Rent home built-ins Ask es, good swimming, ing, fishing BOATS --. AVAILABLE CALL 725-0267 SCUGOG ISLAND Port Perry. surmmer cottage for sale also Telephoné 725-8210 ESTATE SALE 2 acres on large jake, Perry Sound area. Open fo offers Don Stradeski. Realtor 723-465! 21--Forms for Sale Lil eae x ssly to home ir ! ar fur while rents climb endlessly to. [| = many half them churches, the sky, Call 723-8144 shade fireplace ments or if ya here you facilities + bathrooms, open with : MOTORS -- in will en- tions: fr month you cross LOW DOWN PAYMENT of cash month, $12,900 ue AO x 175' toxes DOWNSVIEW $500.00 We still ond two entrance b th Five room boat and Our listing boords are fu exclusive listings, available {| do staff COLLEGE AV ond , OSHAWA stone r @ FOR RENT @ APTS, --- ROOMS ROOM end BOARD Phone 728-1070 Office hours: Mon, te Fri, 10:30 a.m, te 9 pm., Sat. "til 3 iP m ORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 BRUCE ST, NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best apart- ment buildings ot very ree- sonable. rent. 1, 2 and J bedroom suites include every- thing - the only bill will be your phone. Children wel- come. Model suite open April 30th, Rental-represent- ative on duty daily at apart- ment on 275 Wentworth St. from 1-9 p.m 723-8701 after hours 723-0362 uble nerald Isle Seven rooms ame truction on ot motor living and dir piece bath has white broadioom arote bath master bedroom for showing only by our members. If it's a low down 4 -ant problem coll -9 this bedroom ond clean bungalow with private paved drive and garage on a Ritson arge 723- further details contact arold) McGrath Peterbor- storey 4234 or direct Tor- garages. A 728-1679 line-364-7471 of write subdivision with i Bowes ond Ce Limited, Pact paler H. Millen Reol Estate Peterborough we haven't via APPROVED we will have a acres between Grove, just North rooms, aluminum throughout. Price $13,000. FISHING CAMP road past Van Belle Garden house on left, After 6 p.m. for inspection iat please DIAL 728-4678 with approxi L 728-46 BARGAIN $1,000 down. Park Road ; allant attached gorage, cory d three bedrooms. Bob Johnsor open fireplace for those dull cold days and restful patio for just iI 725.8585 it Keith Peters Realty 728-1554 | FieTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four siding. 4 small cot 725-9191 teen nine. Act wisely, invest in Excellent 723-9178 future, Call Stan McCormack, 655 ; 3 : 1 5.9365 Keith Peters Reality Ltd. Realtor : r cottage, e', 723-7963 ROSMERE STREET -- Seven - yea Ideal 728-5836 brick bungalow. Three bedrooms or n j MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. mony. cupboards, valance Not crowded here either or winter hove minum 64% works Annop trim Open ond neat with low BROOKLIN BEAUT RG' fr landscaping bonus some splits carports controlled streets sk toxes off the spacious finished rec ond nk, ks "¢ $22,500 quiet street close te room with ber ated on ontoge lot is this 6 room brick and paved Ideo! | and gorden space 8144 french door to a der appointment beautiful home NEW HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! .p, NORTH EAST wouldn't take a | built, home con- nice bed wood kit combined In at from dining room vate 2 fireplaces to or low ing re walkout Only a extra delightful Phone des hen, elec carrying ct 5 arges large kite G.M. COMMUTER FARM 100 acres about 35 miles North of Oshawa, being well located on excellent county road, which will be all paved, 9 solid brick home in excellent condition Born 36' x 60', steel roof, pig pen 25' x 40', all in good shape. Water supply good Owner has retired and very anxious to sell, Asking price $27,000. Cal! Lawrence Lindsay 32-4-6145 or write 129 Kent St. West, Lindsay. Modern home Courtice Highway 2 storms ed ) Orie to su one built patio, pane floor Moke an tric this ken with broadloom, corlon and oak bosement pr heat with recreation room and cupboards for you drive to Oshawa and $0 $4,000 down with one mortgage see galore few minutes Whitby be congested in the city MADISON AVE. OSHAWA BEAUTY $17,500 k and stone front bungalow WE LIST. AND SELL M.L.S ae OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Centre MEMBER 0O.D.R.E.B waterfront location mate 7 fishing area rtable year round home attached garage alu- soon acres, room with handy strict mited John O'Drisce lazing around when summer is here. The spacious kitchen and n please the "Inspect Whot shine floor family to tris we plan. briek of three large holly chen 12' x 24 living and dining double gorage. Basement is well designed for recreation raom with a roughed-in bath and fil for fireplace. All $23,650.00 and 625.00 down, Hurry, cal Orrange to inspect now, $14,900.00 A good 2 storey older *1 9 2 ey d ' 63' frontage in N.W. Area close to Sim 1 ot in popular east.end with neat homes surrounding. Extra clean coe and Rossland Read, of- ; home to see with landscoping all finished. Features three bedrooms. | 9 built en etc. Good 614% and bot this one iving room yore 2812 ACRES BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY Jack Hogan Joe Maga Eldon Bot esi one finished recreation room will tory for sure now and be convinced BUILD YOUR HOME ON popular west Whitby and shopping.- Builder will build build. Asking price $6,000 OSHAWA ON THE HILL be del ighted room. 7 by your lly. equipped Kerr mot sisting rooms, ohnston expansior THIS WHITBY LOT location Hanr Vv etirement or as V ; south irches bank : @ Sloan t and near schoo chi the | Osborne floor, Basement consists o' fur A. small holdings. Includes laundry rooms, bathroom; bedro' : Asphalt drive, carport. Many extras mowers, etc $18,000.00 with vate. 725-216) WHITBY for cash sale room, your home or sell boats Reduced to exce tractors you tra ; =~ ent terms, commer itiful PETERS exclusive & MLS 100 foot frontage, cial Brock North, with a bea room brick home. Start a { live here too. Perry Real Estate 723-812 in?) BILL MacDONALD LARGE EIGHT ROOM home in top condition. Ten minutes walk to uptow dsoy 324-6145, or direct Two three plece bathrooms. Deep fenced ye i lot. Many other features. Good income Toronto line 364-747} property. For appointment to Inspect | call Larry Andely Joseph Bosco, Reaitoriniech VILLA Two three-bedrooms, | 28-737 housekeeping cottages. Ideal sand beach INCOME PROPERTY fishing, lawn golf, ponies. A family| Two three room apartments, New fur- resort. Folders Write Wilberforce, | naced 'garage and paved drive. For de 46 Ontario |talls call Gerry Osborne 728-6724. Josenh FoR RENT --.Lakelront housekeeping | Bosco, Realtor 728-737 ottages, Sturgeon Lake, modern con-| . OLDER BRICK HOME, Walking distance veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow 10 ACRES -- $1,000 DOWN, Bloor West. Owner of this|to bog arge Kitchen dinin Q and|manville 623-2262 ' Py ie 1 livi id size bedrooms rr mee) arnt cha 7 Her wo-bedroom, aluminum siding bungalow |!vingroom. ree ee Bz BALSAM..LAKE =« Executives modern} Oshawa on paved road ere maculate condition and nice y c been transterred..Willin . Low---Taxes r $80" per MONT. three-bedroom. electric heated cottage for | volue ttle ore pr stella A real hideaway xecutive-ond-so-relaxing watch fice for quick sale. George To inspect call Sally lace . 725-6297. rent One hundred weekly; July or .Aug-| thon.e smo!!-city-lot ane ng the throu Ned | Griffen Real Estate, 728-26 Joseph Bosco, Realtor 1B Ji safe beach; small. boats roor 8. O* IN P N bust have nterestir '> Ot LARGE three - bedroom brick bungalow, TRIPLEX IN WHITBY Two one bedroom 72 IW DOWN: PAYMENT on r thi choic gh ac A P5700. wr |iust off Wilson Road South, large kitch: and one two bedroom apartments in exc HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, "electric 4 bedroom eq $s ice property, sking price 3/00 per en, recreation room nearly completed. ellent condition. Large private lot on inside facilities, fish ng, skling and swim fin offer nas schools. and shopping. Perry quiet street. Showing good income. Co AY Vateontas AGES ar Orr Real Estate, 723-8123 fact Joe Crawford 723-1021, Joseph Bosco, WHITBY -- $14,500 4 Mailac Cottages, RR 3 Burks Falls. Realtor 728-7377 COUNTRY LIVING, large ce you car near WITH VIEW We list with this 2 bedroom home e 200! 2 future | ou will st dining $5,- Economical hot ond room 1e parate and ALl REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET E REALTOR FARMS and Small Acreages Buying Selling? Then place your confidence in a former. farmer who knows the District and your problems. Call ALLEN THOMPSON -- Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 dele ta ' lot, divided basement and garoge NEW RANCH BUNGALOW three bedroom, double' attached garage, broadloorr electric heot, many extras. $23,900. 644% N.H.A, Mortgage 725-4452 only water heating lace and picture windows that show off a view unexceiled in Oshawa, Must sell this beouty todey. Call for appointment LABRADOR DRIVE OSHAWA fine 3 hedroor open firep Suburban or $19 500 ins e Another brick home with carport or Northeast area. boat $1,000.00 DOWN -- Roed home, economical bedreoms Pork type living 3 South smaller Box nelude fers modern in stove and 'ov mortgage on vanity Inspect and make offer kitchen ace IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON. TERRACE MOTEL SUITE OPEN FOR. INSPECTION 2 or 3 bed- $115. up. Extra 4 pce. baths in all 3 bedroom opts Intercom controlled Two Elevators Draperies included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laudry room on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walkiding Distance of schools and shopping. in hoded 5 miles from i bock Home is ir m te is asking Valentine, pring fed creek meondering igh the cedar f You will several locations te 72 ACRE FARM land, modernized 8 home 22--Lots for Sale LOT FOR SALE Country living yet within easy driving distance of Oshawa 110° by 198' suitable. for V.L.A. Priced at $2,750'cash terms. Call Fronk Smith 728-6286 or 723-3533, S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited LOT FOR SALE Attractive ravine lot 89' x 165', Beautiful view of lake, Bowmanville and surrounding area, Excellent residential neighbourhood, Must be seen to be appreciated. APPLY 18 MARTIN ROAD | Third house south Hwy iis ne (Wes | End) TWO - BEDROOM apariment, ; electrical; Neto tea ---- ly heated, stove, fridge, washer and dry- Jer included. One child welcome. $115 LOTS FOR SALE monthly. Telephone after 4 P.M, 6468-2445, 60' x 2254 LARGE one - bedroom apartment in In modern duplex, occupancy June 1. Phone beaut creek ot home on Excellent room 2 located close orge bungalow and almost acre. Make "sh 3 BEDROOM BRICK IN age witt shed basement both. This can be payment storey to extra 3 pe the V of ranch bunga bedrooms with Selina lage drive arge fed new home down can mo " FOR RENT -- Lakefront cottage, Halibur owl tarae aEneA tanh DUPLEX -- Seven years old, full base-\1., istrict, Modern, with all. conven double attached garage. School bus at;Ment. One large two bedroom and | iences cluded, sandy beach, $60 door. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 one bedroom apartment, Excelient terms D t 8.5447 ' di : Inspect 'now by calling Murray Boyle|Pe by 66 a SPOTLESS three-bedroom brick bun- 729.4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 728-7377,,.RESERVE YOUR COTTAGE now for| galow, Large well landscaped lot. Close May 23 holiday weekend. Sturgeon Lake./ to schools. Broadioom to stay, This home 81G HOUSE Telephone 623-2262 has many extras. Be first to make offer for the busy golfer. Four bedrooms plus by calling Gerry Osborne, 728-6724, family room. Fireplace, This split level| CHANDOS LAKE Joseph Bosco, Realtor . has everything beautiful view and) Three bedrooms, conveniences. Excellent} tie $9 _-- double garage Stradeski, Realtor| beach, Boat house, $8,500, Phone 723-3015 SEMI- th 8, 723 | ane arene Sop I I eaaN toe Un 723-465) : ah FOR SALE Balsam Lake 2 acre isiand| spection. No agents. Located west of NINE ROOM country home on acre lot with cottage, Sandy beach, Phone 728-| 5 5 | ng Centre, 229 and 231 Cabot Street, Large trees, beside creek, Nine miles o, northeast of Oshawa. For further = mation. call Don Stradeski, Realtor 7 PRIVATE SALE -- Four - bedroom brick | 465) storey. Residential north area, Fifth) ~ bedroom or playroom dewn, Possibility of EXECUTIVE HOME -- Choice north end renting upstairs. Separate entrance. Ask- location, seven-room brick bungalow, just ng price very reasonable, No agents one year old An outstanding recreation! /ate beach. 2 miles please, Phone 728-1914 room with double glass doors to patio.!s rooms, screened porch This home Is beautifully decorated, equip upstairs will hold several 41500 DOWN, six-room, ped with quality drapes and broadioomed oorace pat "barbecue half home. New furnace, in tivingroom, dining room and master phone 225-5944 (area 416). Bop Johnson, 725-9365 bedroom, Four nice bright bedrcoms, two belies * | Estate. bathrooms, one with double basins and FOR SALE -- Scugog Lake T Port td PRIVATE ~ vanity, Large homey kitchen with lots of /Furn seven room cottage (TV) galow, large living room, rec, room, four-|CUPDoards and very modern, Attached | Choice leased lot, Docks and punts. $3,000] two basements attached gar- 94'age, fully landscaped jot and many Teler Vhitby 668-2548. to $10,000 downpayment or | | extras. $28,900 with good terms. To In-|gEAUTIFUL winlerized collage on Lake| Telephone 728-5264, No } | barn shed, spring ' home f nted ine op afford schoo basement boat stream J week, Wh aye loom, po with stee!. beam construction ond bi for ke me ie 5 $160:00. C Neot 9 Centre lot on quiet Econorn O p F N will be delighted with the large kitchen and fenced in the children may talk Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom Daily 1 to 9 p.m ys 2 bedr at fs and londscapir finist Inspect - ; a ndscaping finished. Inspe Luxury large 1, HELP! Listings Wanted -- If room apartments. you are considering Hling give us a coll. We will glad give you a valuation on your property, Call 728-7328 early possession PICKERING ze here pi small jot. Just «right "Cottage for sale 3 BEDROOM - with low taxes ond large - $12,600 or treet. Wite Don at yord Clean decoration and gorage for the car too. Cash here OSHAWA BLVD m_ bungalow Retire couple wanting to save WHITBY 7 ROOM BRICK AND STONE BUNGALOW 2 car gorage t-in features, play A beo me f you : ) for real value a see APARTMENTS AND STORE NEAR MOTORS $45,000 store Divided into store Wondertul for tor ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE "beach and| t Glanmire Lake (Madoc) frontage, Ken Matthews, | Oshawa 725-7740. Lake Scugog, pri east of Caesarea, 3-pc. bath, large| beds, exceilent! Furnished, | Poir SOUTH $9,000 taxes 583 son N COTTAGE for opartments. Within walk ing M low garage, or a good stort for young with asbestos 5 upkeer 4ing sale of Genero smoll lot with low Plant distance South r h s Week en ere ds 2 Noon to 5S p.m BEAU VALLEY COME SEE THE BERMUDA beautif storey and one- low taxes, Call Metcalf Real vice Inter-ec Retnal Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 Immediate p Viiiis ln accept chi With lorge with buil open fireplace, deluxe recreation room and large 13!' 21' n or neo a conven call dren 'om, study by Unusual 12 room brick bun ed kitchen bedrooms p, $8,000 house. jiences better home aver ms, two ; home ' us for room. Located CALL GUIDE REALTY sve See We several | stone 723-5281 Locations in Ask a9 small age TWO-BEDROOM apartment! in new bulld- ng ntercom, elevator, built-in stove, fridge, washer, dryer free, broadioom in living room, wall to wall. Many extras Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123 GOING WEST -- Must sell! semi-detached brick home, Live here and rent some Real Estate 723-8123 NEW THREE bedroom brick ~ bungalow, lust completed, no walting to be ap. Proved. Immediate possession. Try twenty five hundred down. Vendor will hold | mortgage. Perry Real Estate 723-8123 | oll close to schools, stores IMMEDIATE possession. Five- room brick Town water. Taxes $300 yearly. $1797 Drilled on Gladstone Avenue, clean with| Early possession Lylia M. McBrien Reali. ? appointment te spect this homé call George Twaites atlcincce complet finist tl Inside 724-1133 evenihigs 723-2008, Cari Olsen! > roe, Comp Rey tn Flor sandy "pr Realtor, 20 Ray Street vate beach, 45 miles from Oshawa $1,500 DOWN buys this 2 bedroom home!cellent~ swimming, boating, fishing on Haig Street, just minutes from North) 458 General Motors. Call George Twaltes at ' : - 723-1133, evenings 223-2008, Carl Ol cen| BURNT RIVER, Fenelon Falls, four room| Reiter Se hae Siract > : c de conveniences, Sixty min-| raven i ay . Best offer over twenty | 4 BEDROOM home on Bloor Street East Telephone 723-6230 after 4.) with halt acre of. land. Garage, pav ed FENELON FALLS Sar drive, This home is in real good conditio waterfront cottage |Phone George: Twaites at 723-1133 washroom. Hot; ings 723-2008, Car! Oisen Realtor, Road open ail Street 623-3488 }BROOKLIN -- Two-storey brick on large] 2 lot, nine rooms, hot water heat ng w COTTAGE j of ome ra cti 2 be and tunity tunity t aries brick building .in good Near GM. Mary rooming hor with have rooming house with restourant for jumbo income of constr solid repair St restauront beoutitul opartments plont oppor storce to have se jumbo income oltage, outs #5 from Os two hundred. Representative raw Your Soles You pick our Seven room low taxes rooms. Perry lot school, location Inspect by appointment before Large city t is too lote Looking for a Move Into GILBERT WHITBY iy Beto KASSINGER Frowae |i Ga ee ae Mee You'll Eorly Fol Decoration is clean and sharp. Buy hundreds ¢ e build to | 725-4668 | THREE-ROOM sale three-| fully. lined, cold water year, Tele! to new treed with back. Ideal your : home, Call Frank Smith 728 urnished, conveniences 6286 or 723-3533. bedroom apartment, 411, Phone lout. refrigerator, stove TV outlet, hot 4 | | cl yew furnace fenced | yard Asking Estate Broker, 655-4971 2 | S. D. HYMAN Laguits only. Telephone "725.387 Fy price $13,900. spect and try your offer FOR SALE Waterfront cottage lots + beast bs Sibhy's Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 |NEED ROOM to move 'around in? Four|, straight north of Ross Memor-| Real Estate Limited |Adelaide West, Apartment ay. ft rooms, large fe is le ts,| : rd FREE INFORMATION. Call Clare Mc Nels Seeesie ena eee Ing very. close.| Hake Presb 4 za crrpe a ONE-BEDROOM apartment ra private Cullough, 723-7843. W. Frank Real EstatelMany extras in this. one eho oe Halder 4 | 1 Lar eL ots washroom. Centrally: located. Telephone before buying sor_selling any property.|19,900 full price. Call Mar rinicing water. Tum. tiebt| g [725-8505 after 4 p.m, | FIVE BEDROOM 2 storey or 668-5313 or 728-5103. W. O. Ma R 5 | WANTED one or two respectable young | women to share heme with working lady. : yn Fitrgeraid| >, ¥ Gle Call o Income, 7 ) Mart 46438 home near French School, Ravine iot.| ng price for neat three bon Steadeck! Rasitor ie | $15,200 FULL asking price for n ke |FOR RENT -- Laketront | [Near hosp tal and downtown. Call 723-0225 ott ° after 5 723-465 year-old brick bungalow seer pi ping | COLLEGE HILL Close to Billingual ee Located in good d strict ecan | school. Large 6 room brick home. Mod 62 percent mortgage. Carrie ernized kitchen and bath. Large fenced $98 Principal, interest and taxes con ot, paved ive, and garage. Ideal fa-| dined. For appo ntment 40 see. call Elme sil TBY fr inspect call Gord Chariton! Fredin 728-5103. W. O busine close unfurnished apartment, |very central, heavy duty wiring, private |bath ond entrance, parking, TV antenna. $95 monthly, heat, hydro Included, 725- }4497 | ADELAIDE $17,200 Ae ot near schools with gorage now before the summer rush fully lot fully home on for new find the best value J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker Trodes ccc down pa have you financing "piteobs oe BEAVERTON FARM 5 ACRES & HOME $ 725-3557 sh glare laa Hee ge "bedroom brick home or 668-6201 25-93 Heel Gow Gi dca te for sale on small lake near good beach. new, inside Colborne Box TERRACE, modern | broadioom fhruate Ne hove literal! plans money J00 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT Whitby Extras included with cash payment town. pay sihorne bedrooms well, we w pecitication: but don't leave it home another it minute or hefore vou nigae 2 sid out bedroom. brick home in finished in low price your 'building with rec- know we will be s ee miles tal, roon kitchen 3,900 hot family size net} Low Make offer al P low NHA ¢ tull particulars call | " or for ment See rn Oshawe 723-22 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots Paved street, Close by public school, new high school ond bus lines PRICED TO SEL Phone 728- 5579 \? | TWO WATERFRONT lots five miles west} of wel on, Ont. Phone Westhill 28 14, with clean built in Call with three zt in barn, 2 c ond High CLOSE | hed or use lecoratior good ' Sturgeon Lake deep a pass qd sandy beach, reasonable. buss ot door for Pub COMMERCIAL, wells, 4 piece bath | MODERN one and three bedroom apart |ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes, jaund- |ry facilities Telaahons 725-6253. |TWO BEDROOM apartment. Stove Irefrigerator. Possession June ? 299 Mont Avenue apartment 4 ITHREE- ROOM aparrment,_ piece bath. Available June $70. Heat, hydro supplied. 723-2980. BARGAIN - ed Lake near Schoo! 62 Cottage and 714 Coe Hill. Full oad to daor fridge, acres 725-2753 or Mart Rug and Apply y home. To Fred 8.8569 Bosco Realtor 728-7377 nba LISTED -- Lovely 3-bedronm,| ADELAIDE STREET brick bungalow off Ritsen 94/0w lose separate school and bus, Schools ng $15,200 with terms. 'For appoint py ; cri NI ry K) COD v, ", a Elma Fredin 25-2753 or 728-7 4 oF » CLEAN AND NEAT FOR ONLY $ ] $103, W. ©. Martin Realtor rb gl Blog , FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, family. moplete recreat Me " Hollywood kitchen, fivepiece bath The Int ' Aad suitable for basement apartment, to sup e 8 5 x é t our income. Owner anxious to Asking $16,500 with terms. For par. ars call 728-5103. W. ©, Martin} lesenh z Just dsl soa y y bu Lo three-year-old exce lent heav private three 15. Adults only From 5 to 7. 1446 after 8 p.m Lim |ONE ACRE to 10-acre lots minutes from | shawa. Some qualify for VLA also choice ravine lot in city. Good terms |For details contact Joe Crawford 723-1021 j Joseph Bosco Realtor. IT'S CLEAN and new consisting of large bedsitting rrom, kitchen bathroom and jlarge storage room including electric ah heating. Stove, refrigerator and drapes. | LAKESHORE LOT for sale, 100' x 150'|Private entrance, laundry facilities, It's on Pine Lake, Haliburton. Hydro, good/a snap at $85 per month! Whitby 668 beach, good road Dad Persye 985-7496, | $447 says Aes: ee | Want-Ads Don't ar Cost-They Pay vay before y find ee bedroom cottage Good swim after 6 pm sized For MéFeeters ve plemer and the mortgoge interest se arge cottage. All con-| CLARE McCULLOUGH RESULTS Men yber of the mp Whitby borgain TIMES 3-piece bath, hot and ake $525. season's TOWN possession 723-7843 istrict Reo Bye ok Sg NOW ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY ----- COMMERC TOWN Classified rental, Telephone 725-6741. alter. six WALTER FRANK WEA We SIVE AND M a ey home ond 112! by 176! lot near -heatag brontionm, treed. it Call Bon St ACTION ADS BANCROFT LAKE front he REAL ESTATE tie as wt sis nae SMALA, tour-raom house Yor sale, weil in 723-3492 ea Bid ouit band q sole porking. close proximity te ether thriving businesses, ee ol fast for this Realtor OWNER LEAVING davs on this: 1% ste Boord Ye two-bedroom: town house, room, June .}, 723-0876. n trig. 723 $120 rec (eee two + bedroom apartment with laundry facilities, Apply 111 Craydon atter 430 p.m, e and stove heuer | Road, Adults Oshowa and R ao Telephone G. Hood} and parking Apartment preferred babuiad Whith eagsonable toxe garden. Unfinished \9 acre $60 seekly ol, Interested in offers. Ader renting, Bowmanville, 42..2ase

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