? | Charlotte Says | PM's "Insulting" WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Char- OTTAWA (C ae a. the ioe go erent about 6,000 men. lotte Whitton said Sunday night army's nine infantry battalions|But an airborne or light ae 4 > in Canada are far under} jhas between 3,000 and | Prime Minister drmniage ane) strength, informed sources said! men. former prime minister Diefen- 2 THE | COMAWA TIMES, Wednestoy, Mey 18, we Boy's Trial After -- 'Sniff Of Death' the 70-year-old former mayor ma, | Ottawa said at an intervae | preceding the Assessing Offi- cers of Ontario convention. "Discrimination against women in public office is more marked now that they've started to show capacity," Miss BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE =) Army Strength Declines Two Years In Kingston Brigades May Amalgamate OnThird Time Around |e seats ssiiek by TORONTO (CP) --~ Giue-sniff- ing Was compared with the "'gniff of death" by special pros- ecutor Bruce Thomas at the pice és pedeseaws ' Ls aft a i6- -year- old hoy charged with| self-administering a poison "or any other noxious thing." George Cimbura of the attor- ney-general's jaboratory com- pared the effects of glue-sniffing to those induced by drinking) alcohol. The chemicals Toluene and Acetone found in the plastic ce- ment used in model building could damage kidneys and blood-making apparatus in the body, Mr. Cimbura said Judge T. 1. Moore said the interest of the community justi- fied the admission of reporters to a trial which would ordinarily he held in camera, The report- ers cannot divulge the name of the boy. The trial continues. WAS 15 The case is being heard in juvenile court because the boy. was bad when accused of sniffing glue with the intent to cause himself bodily harm, Mr. Thomas completed Crown's case Tuesday and the) Isdee Moore adiourned the trial) # one week when the defence will! be heard. Constable Arthur Lymer testi- fied that among 40 glue-sniffing| cases he has investigated for the police department's youth bu- reau, an 18-year-old youth ended| up in the Ontario Hospital at Whitby and four or five others required professional help be cause they had become ad ldicted to the glue. A l4-year-old, testifying for the Crown, said he had sniffed giue with the accused and ex- perienced hallucinations, inc jud-| ing "seeing" monsters, He said he, the accused and others would gather at a home garage or in a ravine and sniff glue deposited in paper bags They would tell each other what they *'saw" while under the in- fluence He said glue-sniffing is 'sort of an out' to escape reality. WEATHER FORECAST Rain Clearing Tonight Then Sunny With Cloud TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast; issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A weak disturbance is expected to move eastward to the south of the lakes today causing overcast skies and rain over much of Ontario and pos- sibly some thunderstorms near the north shore of Lake Erie While somewhat warmer air is moving into Ontario tempera- tures will be held down today by the lack of sunshine, In gen- eral, temperatures are expected to be a little lower than they were on Tuesday. Lake St. Clair, southern Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Partial clearing this afternoon. Not much change in temperature. Variable cloudi- ness tonight. Sunny with a few Dock Strike Talks Begin MONTREAL (CP) Judge Rene Lippe--chairman of the\c trustees overseeing the Seafar- ers' International Union is scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. today on his task of mediation in the strike by some 4,250 longshoremen on the St, Law- rence Appointment of Judge Lippe was announced late Tuesday in Parliament by Labor Minister Nicholson The Ottawa appointment fol- lawed pleas for intervention by hoth sides in the dispute which by Tuesday had Ieft idle some 130 vessels Strikehound are the ports of Montreal, Trois Rivieres and Quebec City. The men are rep- resented by the Interna- tional Longshoremen's Associa- tion (CLC) and the. shipping companies by the Shipping Fed eration of Canada Their last collective agree- ment expired Dec. 31, last year SEEKS INTERVENTION The Cor Exchange Tuesday sent a telegram to Prime Minis ter Pearson asking his personal intervention "A full week has gone by at the height of the shipping sea- son and nothing prectical has been accomplished,' the tele gram «aid Lake Erie, Winds northwest cloudy periods Thursday light variable today 15 Thursday Niagara, northern Huron, Lake Ontario, Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Al- game, Sault Ste. Marie, Ti- magam i, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: Overcast with intermittent rain today ending this evening. Gradual clearing tonight. Thursday sunny with a few cloudy periods not much change in tempera- ture. Winds light variable today northwest 15 Thursday White River, Cochrane Cloudy with occasional rain to- day ending this evening. Thurs day variable. cloudiness with widely scattered showers. Not much change in temperature Winds light Ottawa region: Some sunny periods during the day but be- coming cloudy again. with showers toward evening. Thurs day mainly cloudy with show- ers. Seasonable temperatures Light winds Forecast temperatures Low tonight __ Thursday gg f 68 St. Thomas . 65 Kitchener oe 65 Mount Fores 62 Wingham ... 62 Hamilton 68 St. Catharines ,.... 5 65 Toronto 68 Peterborough ..... 62 MIDGSION sisccccces 62 Trenton ... . 62 Killaloe .. Muskoka . North Bay Sudbury Earlton ' Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing White River .... Moosonee ... Timmins Lake Georgian 62 60 60 60 62 65 60 62 60 50 Kangaroo Hunt For Prince Charles BRISBANE (Reut- ers)--Prince Charles left. here today for a cattle station 290 miles to the northwest to take part in a kangaroo hunt and watch an aborigine dance During his three-day stay at the Kidsvold station he also was expect\i to help to round up and bramd cattle, and stay over night at a lonely out-station Australia THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA STUDENT EXECUTIVE Allan D. Bock, son of Elder and Mrs. L. L. Bock, 1130 King st. ¢€, was re- cently elected public rela- tions secretary of the Stu- dent Association of Atlantic Union College, South Lan- caster, Massachusetts, Allan, a freshman chemis- try, pre-medical major, will be inaugurated in an as- sembly program at the col- lege May 11 No U.K. Action On Upper House OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis ter Pearson told the Commons Tuesday he has been informed there is no prospect of action by the British Parliament in the immediate future on a Quebec bid abolish its legislative council The Quebec legislative coun cil. is appointed rather than elected and is the last n cial upper house in the country As a step towards its abol- ition, Quebec's Liberal govern- ment. is seeking a constitutional amendment to reduce the veto power of the counci A petition to this effect is awaiting approval! in the British House of Commons Premier Lesage said Sunday Prime Minister Wilson is await ing the outcome of Quebec's June 5 provincial elections be- fore taking action Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win nipeg- North Centre) said Pre mie Lesage has a formula that could be used to abolish the Senate of Canada, "If it can be done that way in Quebec it can be done here," The federal government should either follow this course or reassess its executive action n passing Quebec's request to Britain without giving the Com- mons a chance to debate the matter There was no place for an upper house at any level of gov- ernment in Canada but the Commons should always be careful to 'look at the niceties of constitutional procedure." John R. Matheson, parliamen- tary secretary to Prime Minis- ter Pearson, said that at a time when governments are making more and more decisions affect ing individuals, the Senate be comes a great safeguard of in dividual rights to provi - of ove | penitentiary jman's eye out, An Oshawa man was sentenc- ed Monday to two years in the for knocking a Joseph Fenyves, 30, of Arthur at;, said he threw -# beer bottle at Joseph Zombatic for making a noise, The bottle struck Szombatic over the right eye damaging it so badly it had to be removed. Fenyves, who had been con- victed twice before for the same offence, was given the maxi mum penalty for assault caus- ing bodily harm, Said Magistrate Jermyn "Perhaps you will come out a better person', Fifteen - year - old Frederick Vanderlinde of Cadillac st. s., handed 'over $5 to two youths hecause he was afraid he would be assaulted Vanderlinde told Jermyn as he was restaurant with a friend, Albert White, two youths forced White into his own car and made him drive out to a ranch. Vander- linde came long to help White On the way they dup a third youth, a friend of Vander linde's James Carey, Mauistrate leaving a picks 19, Thomas st., Oshawa, and Frederick Laugh- lin, 18, Philip Murray ave., Osh- awa, were both found guilty of common assault, A charge ol robbery was dismissed Vanderlinde said while he was in the car he offered Laugh $1 because he was afraid of be ing assaulted At the ranch Vanderlinde said Laughlin "frisked" him Vanderlinde then gave Laughlin a further $4, Joseph Victor, Laughlin and Carey, said it seemed strange that Vander linde and his two friends were intimidated by Carey and Laughlin, both of whom were smaller than the three com- plainants Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said Carey's and Laughlin's ac- tions were technically assault even though no blow had been struck, It was assault because there was "an aura of intimi- dation", he said. hile in court Carey was charged 'in an unrelated case of driving while his licence was suspended representing He pleaded not guilty but two Good Nomes Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker --- President Bill McFeeters ---- Vice Pres SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 to solve your painting problems' police officers swore they saw Carey driving on two. separate occasions. Magistrate Jermyn registered a conviction Carey and Laughlin were re- manded--in--eustody--p pre-sentence report ating An Oshawa youth was fined $200 and costs after pleading guilty to failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Jacques Decoste, 19, of Osh- awa, was involved in an acei- dent, drove on, bumped into an- other car, then a traffie sign and finally brought his Cadil- lac convertible to rest on the lawn in front of his Howard st, home. Decoste told the court he did n't stop after colliding because he was drunk. Magistrate Jer- myn. gave him 30 days to pay the $200 William Baker, 24, Athol st,'e., Oshawa, who was found lying unconscious in the street, plead ed guilty to being intoxicated in a public place and was fined $25 and costs, Stanley Clay, 59, Cambridge Oshawa, pleaded guilty to intoxicated in a' public and was fined $50 and with no time to pay. He was found lying on the sidewalk, a mickey of whisky in his pock et, A charge of having liquor was withdrawn ave being place costs Thomas Gray, of Oshawa, was .'fined a total of $20 for walking out of a restaurant without pay ing the tab on three sepgrate Occasions, William Kroontje, 20, plead- ed guilty to being intoximcated in a public place and was fined $50 and costs. James Antler, 19, was fined $50 and costs for having beer as a minor Denis Mason, 19, pleaded guil- ty to having beer as a minor and to later damaging his cell He was fined $50 and costs for Tuesday baker h A peacetime battalion nor- C efe: mally numbers some 700 men. the Commons defence commit-|tario. But some of the home battalions, '¢e Tuesday that there is not ave insulted the more Defence Minister Hellyer told than 3,000,000 women in On- "Mr, Pearson and Mr. Diefen- have fewer than 500 men, the Yet sufficient air transport to|baker passed over every capa- sources said Strength of the army at the end of March was 43.914 com- : pared with some 51,000 three years ago. In the first three months of this year the army recruited 1,248 men but lost 1,775. The defence department said the 2nd Battalion, Black Watch; which went to Cyprus last month was at full strength. But it declined to give the strengths of any of the other 12 battalions in the army. One source said one of the army's four heavy brigades soon will be converted to an air- borne unit because of the sol- dier shortage. A heavy brigade so named for its heavy equip- ment such as tanks and how- SUBSIDIZE FALLOW The U.S. government paid farmers $1,382,000,000 to. reduce grain in 1965, com pared with $846,000,000 in 1963 move two airborne brigades. FO acreazes SCARBOROUGH -- COOKSVILLE 151-5200 277-3643 VISIT ANY OF OUR 5 PLANTS having beer and for damaging the cell he was put on three months' probation and ordered to'pay for the damage. SHIRT LAUNDERING -- AND -- DRY CLEANING Free Pick-up and Delivery PICKWICK CLEANERS "Your Sanitene Dry Cleaner" . OPEN DAILY TILL 6 P.M, INCLUDING SATURDAY TUES., WED,, THURS, & FRI, EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, BRING THIS AD WITH YOU: HAVE A CONDUCTED TOUR AND RECEIVE A FREE PORTERHOUSE STEAK, Weecerscceseesceseees secceeeseuseres There must be a reason ble woman and put men in the Whitton said. Canada has po- tential women senators who are head and shoulders above any senatorial appointments that have been made." HAS YOUR FOOD DOLLAR LOST IT'S STRETCH ? Ob> OD CLUB An independent Canadian food compony owned and operated by its employees and members LET CHAMBERS STRETCH IT FOR YOU! PHONE OR MAIL COUPON FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET WESTON CHAMBERS FOODS LTD., 65 Underwriters Rd., Scarborough, Ont. Please moil me your Free Illustrated Booklet explal ing your Food Club ADDRESS eee eee eee errr ee oe seeneeeenennenee OSHAWA 741-7900 + 123- Pre ~~ NO OBLIGATION PETERBOROUGH 1163 745-2461 Pee eee ee eee eee eee eee 2) PHONE .. seeeeeene why more people choose CHAMBERS over any other Food Club. Inexpensive way 0 ay ; FOR YOUR YOUR COTTAGE HOME YOUR BACK FENCE We recommend Benjamin oore M IN paints 4.95 B. M. 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