Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1966, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1966 ANN LANDERS Father Will Change | cary After Dear Ann Landers: My hus- bend and 1 are expecting our first child in about eight weeks. We've heen married seven and had almost given up , #0 of course this child 'means a great deal to us, I can truthfully say 1 don't care if it's a hoy or a girl, and at first my husband didn't care either, But these past couple of he has been making un- settling remarks to friends, rel- atives----anyone who will listen, Last night he told my mother "Tf it isn't a boy, it's for sale." I laughed it off when he first began fo say such things, but wer funny. I'm begin ink he actually has his on a boy and if it's a he will he terribly disap- nted. . We live in a small town and heard about my es - isn't making it any easier Please give me some help. Weary Dear Weary: The King of Sweden has a throne problem, What's your knucklehead's ex- euse? Expectant: fathers who voice & preference for either a boy or . § girl baby cause their wives) embarrassment and anxiety. Moreover they look like fools because, invariably, the ones who scream the loudest for boys end up so goofy about their daughters that they are posi- tively obnoxious, Show this col- umn to your husband and let's hope it will persuade him to keep his mouth shut. Dear Ann landers: Fight years ago our daughter Melanie married a young man who was notably lacking in ambition. Her father and I tried to make her understand that if she mar- re CHILD GUIDANCE Teaching Letters To Tots Can Be Done In Many Ways By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD ently we discussed the child who learns to read before! entering Grade 1, and offered some suggestions to mothers who want their children to learn to read so early. We em- phasized the value of reading) to the child from two to six in+ the home and reading by vol- unteer mothers to kindergarten! children in small groups, We noted the value of doing. 40, in echools of disad- vanta areas, Then we raised the question: | What about the A, B, C's &) Should we teach them before the child enters school? Many reading experts have sald we should not teach a child even after he began to read at, achool, Indeed, most reading primers and first readers have only a few hundred different words and the child is supposed to learn to see and read whole words. 'It's often called the look-and-say method If the youngster is taught by the: look-and-say method, and most children are, his attention is focused on whole words, If he were familiar with and in- terested in the letters and their sounds in words his attention would be diverted from words to the letters and sounds mak ing them up, So the word method advocates say. CLAMOR CREATED But many parents and some teachers have set up such a clamor about neglecting letters and their sounds so long that the look-and-say basal reading texts are beginning to put a bit of emphasis on letters and sounds almost from the begin: ning. However, most of these basa! readers assume that lettes and sounds can and should be ig- nored till the child is in Grade 2 or 3 Knowing your child will be taught by the Jook « and - 'say method, or guessing that he will, what may you do when he is four or five years old? Of course, you can't tell the teacher what to do at school, 'things she took for granted, Baby's Birth {ried the young@nan she might have to do without many of the The day before Melanie eloped she screamed at us, 'I don't care if we never have a dime, Alt I want is him!" Bo now she has "him" (who pre- fers-to work a night shift so he can play golf during the day) plus five children and plenty of unpaid bills, Last night Melanie said it would be nice if her father and 1 gave them $5,000 so they could get out of debt and take a trip. 'we've never been any- where since our honeymoon," she complained, which is, of course, true, When her father failed to show much enthusiasm for Melanie's suggestion, both she and he husband became hos- tile, They called us "tightwads, selfish and abnormal," They claim that parents who can af- Z| utes for corrective exercises ey | KEEP IN TRIM | Moderate Exercise Helps Lower Back Aches And Pains By IDA JEAN KAIN | "Why is it that people are |having so much lower hack jtrouble?" I asked m team of! 388 Btn cnn nt ath aber ld dite dd ake j The doctors explained that as| life becomes physically easier, we have more hack trouble be-| cause the muscles are not used! in everyday movements, Exer-| cise is no longer a built-in pat-| tern. A practical way to coun-| teract the effects of soft, seden- tary living, is to take a few min} jery day, In the beginning, it is best to, take supervised exercises. In any acute stage of back trou ble, all exercise should be) avoided, unless the doctor ad vises you to continue. Last week the béginning exer cise were given. This prelimi- nary set will be repeated briefly | to use as a starter. The routine, | termed William Flexion Exer- cises, is to be taken twice daily, | with each exercise. repeated 5) jtimes, slowly | ZEL \of a dog, for dto help their chilidren out with money gifts have a moral obligation to do so. 'Why wait until you die?" Melanie shouted, 'If you give us money now we won't have to pay in- heritance taxes!" | Will you comment, please?--| | The R's | fee | Dear R's: Parents have |moral obligations to raise their) children to be independent and self-reliant, They do not owe) their children gifts and con- tinued financial support after marriage. And they don't owe them an inheritance either Giving can be a joy, but your) children are trying to chisel en MR, AND MRS, MELVILLE TRACY Family And Friends Honor Pair On Silver Wedding Anniversary | To honor her parents on their; The Misses Sharon and Susan' money from you -- and thatl.iiver wedding anniversary,|Raynolds of Whitby kept the | takes It out of the gift class. Miss Dianna Tracy arranged al guest book and the guests were} | Your daughter is employing reception for Mr, and Mrs, Mel-|served by Miss Carolyn Henry, | emotional blackmail. Don't let| vine Tracy, Larry avenue, RR|Oshawa; Miss Diane Wheeler, | her ugly remarks push you into!) Oshawa, and on behalf of|Bowmanville; Miss Judy Swain, | giving her or her golf-playing|jer brothers and herself, pre-|Blackstock and Mrs, Robert! husband one dime more sented them with a silver tea! Othen, Toronto. xou want to give them, _yaervice. Among the callers were the Mrs, Tracy is the former|Reverend Fred Spring, minis-| |Miss Mary Hoskin of Elmvale| ter of Byng Avenue Pentecostal and Mr. Tracy was born in|Church and Mrs, Spring, Mr. | Menising, Ontario, They were 'celve the placards, he may be able to put each back in its place. | Of course, you should begin with only a few and add more| gradually. Thus your tot may| easily get the hang of learning familiar words with meaning and have a few familiar words in stock when taught to read at school, Unfortunately, most of the, words in the average primer and first reader can't be pictured ALL Beer HAMBURG PATTIES Gis Maal OSHAWA LOCKER PHONE 81 William St. West land Mrs, Tracy received many | married in the parsonage ofjgifts and greeting cards includ-| Churchling those from the Honorable jand have spent most of their|/Michael Starr MP and Mr jmarried life in Oshawa, They!) Albert Walker MLA, They also are members of Byng Avenuelreceived a telegram from an safely do: | |Edmonton, Alberta, Get the old-fashioned alpht-lacetten Use Gieme tren |- ve ' bet blocks for your tot three to "Sin James Tracy of them to pick out one or more Lioydminster, Alberta; _ Ken:| SOCIAL NOTICE at a time by its name as helrracy of Toronto | t . sy | looks at it and handles it, a The bride of 25 years ago re Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Me- identify many or all the 26 let.|celved her guests In a gold silk Laughlin will be pleased to re- ters before entering school, their relatives, friends ) shila' American Beauty rosebuds ' Note your child's early inter |Relatives and friends werejand make some sounds of familiar|Present from Toronto, St. Cath-) House on Saturday, June 4, 1966 | objects and creatures like hiss- seo bg Eimvale, Shanty trom 2,00 p.m, to 6.00 p,m, on} ing of the radiator or barking|/»*Y 8"@ Oshawa and district, |i. occasion of thelr S0th wed: some objects and creatures by ee gp IR gg wate One Sev erenty: the name of their sounds--"tick| Wesley Johnston of Eimvaie : " aii aud tock," 'bow wow," 'meow,' \and Miss Nellie Hoskin, Wye:| DRIVERS GET THE EYE 'baa baa." Mr, Tracy's sister, Mra, Cecil | Brasil' former ber ga has |Cameron of Shanty Bay and|50 secret agents riding its COLLECT PICTURES Mrs, Harold Wheeler, Bowman:| buses, The unpaid spies, mainly You might collect 1 | groups of pictures, two.or three! which was centered by an anni-|ficers, are watching the bus to a group, which, when sai |Versary cake, made and decor-|drivers and can ticket drivers together, rhyme: can, fan, man;|ated by Mrs, Melville Henry,|for discourtesy or breaking traf- You-would Heed ne -werds with! _ eon . these pictures mow, You might Stl it i it iii i ie Oe i ee ee collect some groups of pictures SS ty are the same: book, bag, box; fish, fan, fox; can, cat, coat; horse, hand, house. Such learn. by te ey ff Meat Market "GN child later at school . a You might work out a good For P lized yar game for him at home, Fasten Or Fersonciizes i Service 7 house chair, door, table, a} placard with the name of each| thing printed large and clearly tached for some hours or days ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Call to the child's attention the) name of each object on its! BONELESS ROUND Before long, if you remove STEAK ROAST 79: WING STEAK». 69° PORTERHOUSE ¢. oa 5.1b, Poly 1.99 4 Ibs, 2 Ibs, 3 Ibs, lCentre Street United Here are some things you might| Pentecostal Church, uncle, Mr, Jack Goddard of 0 y six. Encourage him at play with shawe; neth, at home and Miss Dianna RECEPTION is way he may be able to {bengaline sult with a corsage of ests in sounds and his wish to nalgnbers mt Anslaite He may soon call; Pouring tea in the afternoon "quack quack," 'moo + moo,"|vale, Ontario, In. the evening) RIO DE JANEIRO (AP)--- SOME ville, presided at the tea table] judges, Jawyers and military of: hat, rat, cat; pen, men, hen. Mrs, Tracy's sister, fic rules, whose beginning name-sounds ¢ "NORM FISHER'S N A 5 ze. ing should prove useful to your ke on furniture or parts of the! Week-End Specials ! eek-End Specials! Leave these placards so at- placard AND RIB STEAK u 65° Bog 4 Ibs, PORK HOCKS CHUCK STEAK By the Piece BOLOGNA PURE LARD ANY ONE ITEM Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Soave on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quentity and Save Complete Locker Service FUR AND SERVICE @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ wee 53° the us 49: Blue Brand Beby Type Beet HINDQUARTERS BEEF SIDES 55° 140.180 th pens 218 ibe @ CUT & WRAPPED Weight 200 Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simeoe St. North Phone 723.3732 723-3012 'f J SRRRRRRRRRERERREeReReeeee Position: Lying on back OO! or -- tt = oa een feet flat on floor Action: Take a deep breath as you draw in the entire abdo- men. Uxhale and force lower back flat to floor, Hold the mus- cle contraction to a slow count of five. Count out loud, do not hold your breath, Keep abdo- men in, chest up. From shove position, bend al- ternate knees toward chest Then, from the position of both knees to chest, rock forward Have You Been ~ AT -- LER'S DOWNTOWN? and up tos sitting position. (both risky. To avoid strain in| PAGES MUST STUDY Easy does it! Position: Sitting on floor, legs lift with the powerful thigh m straight, hands at back of neck, | cles, elbows back position of trunk Position: Sitting on edge of and sav jmat, with knees bent, soles of Straight chair, { apart, keep forearms together with hands in and el |bows togeth | Action: Bi forward @ 'AOWN Deiween nies >a . bounce, bounce. This exercise| action helps to round out the ei Today's exercise routine is de + Bring alternate knees |signed specifically for postar toward chest without changing! improvement spread knees HELD HEAD HIGH The world's pole - record was set at 211 days nine 17-year-old Maurie . Kirby at inaiminap olis, 4 hours in 'ifting, bend knees (squat) and and to strengthen| viously had to the lower back muscles, Clip selves, now have organized _ | classes in Grade 7 to 11 when 1959 by | squatting ithe House is not sitting. QUEBEC (CP)--A school for U Sages has been started this year (in a tower of the legislature building. The 16 pages, who pre- shift for them- DINNER HAS TEETH Astinane in aame naris Seer, ae. | Africa, Crocodile's tail is a gourmet small of the back, thus ecoun-! teracting swayhack. Pregaution: Avoid all exer- jcises which involve sharp, twist- b ing movements or jerky -and' jsudden motions. Backward and|é iprolonged forward bending are '¢ Shopping Lately . « | ot LOW LOW PRICES, | t Golden Spindle Textiles Offers you @ lerge BUDGET-PR ic ond imp Fabrics LOOK AHEAD TO SUMMER WITH THESE a ICED FABRICS PLAIN AND PRINTE 98 "STRAW HAT" LINEN 49" yd, PRINTED GERANO LINEN 1.49 18" ya, 3,98 pa ye a Au co . 40" 4. Come and see "oer earetully chosen wlections of SILKS ~ COTTONS - RAYONS ALL AT BUDGET PRICES "WE CARRY FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE OMLY 32 King St. W. at Cor, Prince St, Phone 723-8271 ' FREE + na a dle tld Decorate Your Home WITH Draperies Whether it is a small window, a picture win- dow, or an entire wall you cover, nothing does it better than custom-made draperies, Skilled drapery experts will custom-make your draperies in single or multiple widths ., lined or unlined, with pinched or shirred headings. Manufactured in our own faetory. MAKING -e Any Width ¢ Any Length _ DRAPERIES From 29 Per\Yard Up Fabric Custom-Made To Your Individual Window Requirements See Our Wide Range of CARPETS 501 NYLON 5 sq. yd. 6* ee HOUSE 7 Simcoe Street North Phone 723-3321

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