Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1966, p. 21

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26--Apartments on Rent (26--Apartments for Rent he7--nooms For Rent |30---Automobiles tor Sole |30--Automobiies tor Sele Sele |36--Legol Hoe ___ [38--Coming: events oes ATTRACTIVELY | | KELLY DISNEY NOW NOW AVAILABLE FURNISHED ROOM | ANNIVERSARY USED CARS LTD. | NOTICE | BINGO | GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST | Avolioble in private home. | WHITBY -- 668-5891 WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 CLOUDY AND SLOW | Grenfell Square etd enctiall ali Cars bought ond sold TO CREDITORS j |pinst RACH - Purse $2,200, Maiden Fifth--$2,200, 'Kohineor'" claiming, & RENTING 82 PARK RD. N. | | lens paid of laeree Sete) Cals gull oe me oe oe a | THE ULTIMATE\IN APART- 728-8671 ' tl at up oF down IN THE ESTATE OF $1, 450. 00 |Short" Atair (eittsimmons) 1290. 7.48| Seren 300 39. e |: MENT LIVING IN. CEN- -- od iene ee eicctae | PRADIRLIL Aes "rime: eis "F3 Mag My ps iy TRAL OSHAWA. |Eations central, single er 10 shore, siogie| @ 1964 CHEVROLET IM. baie Susie and bold PRINGLE IN PRIZES ag Magy lg py Eells d COM ALY Ic [Rees., Parking space. Apply @ Alber!) Pala 2 door Hardtop, V-8 MORLEY STALKER Creditors of the above-named he Ae ae 2 - pee r automatic, power steering ond M te R ALES | deceased, who died of tne Two Buildings ion for Fem, weekly nes Kor. | --_ te Like New". 137 oe fp w not Oshawa, in the County Osha a | Oshawa icence | es : }----of aris, on 19th deo ~~ 1aW ; OSHAWA G y £2,200, "Manville" maiden 2 IW Me sest- Immediate | FURNISHED ROOM. "Apply 11 Nesenu. NOW $2,295 999.4309 ... 723.831} of Merch, 1966, are request ear-oids, fooled in Canada, an fur) Sinth--42,800 "Pontive'" elaiming, % | Telephone 725- 2198 | ed to send particulars of their * '. . FURNISHED bedroom in priveie home| @ 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC On the spot financing claims to the undersigned on Lions Club og ie ie Bre an | hate ' Ditttecny based 4 " Corner of Colborne Street Possession 5 minute walk to the bus. Gentlemen! cCedan with V-B automatic, ae a Leetone) 1-4 hes or before the 15 Be A Hero (Walsh) 3.90 alezy Ri vias a vorcatte) 4% 'and Mary Street, Only 2 min! pretorred. Telepnene. 7US7e. radio. One owner, only 21,000 31--Compact Cars for Sale June, 1966, after which date | Time: :$4 35 | Time: 1:8 34 ROOM for gentioman. Apply 4b Simcoe | Licence (497680 the astate will be dietributed.| 2 Jackpots Golden Viclor, Geiden Jive, Santu wny John, New Flag aise ren. utes walk from Mory Street | fra miles. | ' i and King Street. STARTING > ombiisneo wodrsees" in "eiiet nee' | NOW $1,795 | ww VOLVO & PEUGOT | DATED AT OSHAWA, this Me. Seuren Da gne thy. 6 arynioe on erage TAlberten" -- S-veer- AT $125 AND UP . [Setue cee cee ome MERCEDES BENZ | 11th doy of May, 1966. | NOS, 52 and 56 | ow one sin | Third--92,100, "Leaside" claiming, d\olds, | ply 574 Crerar Avenue @ 1964 CHEVROLET BEL Genero! Repair ond | FEATURES: TTRACTIVE AIR Sedan, V-8 automatic, ' 4 | Porkhill & Yonch and svear-olds, one mile |pOur Ricky ( 7.0 $90 3.00 Bodwenni (LeBianc) 60 $40 3.40 bTickied iy (Ditech) 1" FEATURES 1, 2 ond 3 bed- ; furnished Tight housekeep- Auto-Electric Service Borristers. & Solicitors, | ONE MUST GO } j iy fi 0 'V (? Apartment controlled room suites, Cras Swale Geran Cae the | regis wae "ic He Jake and Bill's Garage B Simcoe St. S. | Sultan's Treat (Harrifon) 440 3.10 Prize Jive (Walsh) entrance fies, Girl only, 162 Warren Avenue. Tele) ence | orag Sshauo. Ont $300 in 52 nos. or less | sai Along werry) 3.30] Time: 1:28 Electric heating. phone 728-2359 NOW $1,995 449 Ritson Rd, South wo, : Ti "a 35. aThird Maoh, Private balconies Free Hydro -- Solicitors for the Executors $200 in announced Nos. | Festival Harols, Av: Garden's Ace ROOM FOR RENT, Suit giris, Telephone Oshowa 728-0921 " , : 8 an Harold, Au 5 Ace, Oshawa's largest suites 728-0260 @ 1963 CHEVROLET Cooch, ee Froncis D. Pringle and $25 Consolation Prize |e Bg Poca tad nk tat Oe eae sa "i coe ¥ ; , Refrigerator and stove In French Provincial kitchens. (TWO furnished, newly decorated rooms,| standard transmission with ec- | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Dorothy E. Vanstone view Miss, Marie's Bid also ra Acres entry. each apartment Ag close tg North General Motors and down ay 6, radio, in Excellent ' - - | PLUS = ---- Drapes n each apartment Double sinks town. Suitable for couple, Phone 725-8707. | Caadition Your Authorized Datsun Fourth--$2,200, "West Bend' maiden' Eighth--$2,000, "Norende' clevoiag, i f ent 30 | full "7 Condition | and Fiat Dealer T-year-olds, foaled in Canada, 44 tur-\4-year-oids and. upwerd, , fur Living room and bedroom 30 inch range, fully | PURHISHED RBI, as of Keb NOW $1,295 $10 per line both games 27s! saeraee + TV pre wired - Specializing in Volkswagen | NOTI( E Biante 3 oe he y (Kombium) 9.70 4.10 2.80\Dakota (Marcie) 42 479 Extra large. Fridge with ONE large furnished room, suil one gen 043 ALNSMOBI Repoir and Service Eorly Bird Gome 7:45 Shorp |CrMCIy wae crurcstie) Sas 240 |Cantidad 2nd (Harris) : Living room and bedroom tleman, Close to north GM parking space. @ 1963 OLDSMOBILE four 160 Z Si th | Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 Sir Trin (MeComb) 2.0. Time: 1:29. telephone pre wired Freerer Apply 15 Patricia Street * | door Hardtop 88, V-8, radio, 138005)" TO CREDITO S - \ $25.00 Full Cord Time; 184 Winning Score, Doe Jel. UI" Bédy, Intercom in each Linen Dropes TWO unfurnished rcoms and bath, close power. steering and brakes, i er Line u or | Caribou, Portree Bay, Colonel &., Liberated, Ne' rend, Winner opartment Walk-in closets in bedrooms gay ag lg foie of i? new 'white well tires, "The IN THE ESTATE O $150 Jackpot Gome Aberfoyle, Gevehe, Ban alse ren pasee? Sin, Zoesekite, Witeheratt \ or young ¢o 3 | > c Broadioom in halls Extra Two Piece bath in ° Conant Street sharpest in Ow, $2.195 SABY AN HENRY JEROME ELL 30 Requier Games at $20.00 tdwood and: vir tile all 3 bedroom suites lor gentien )\ ; 2 a | - ~ , pt 9 . Hardwood d Fgh yay gy eh ee ee Ap , MOTOR SALES LTD. | Double in 15. Nos. or Less in apartment All suites equipped with ply | 3 : vi her bg late of Ost the Pro Last 5 Gomes $30 per game | Vonity in bathrooms Large Balconies PRIVATE, furnished room, $7 weekly 1964 VAUXHALL VIVA Vo Eevogen ogee " Service tee Sy ges Na a. hie 9 : s Telephone 728-4353, ; ; new cor lew ond Used Cars ' . ' DMISSION 50 ti or ouna Steam Room and pd 4 an ' 2 anmninaniek ADM SS ~UC Sliding patio doors Peet Cha LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, separate mn, Seesthis one fast, 334 RITSON RD, $ of Toeee athag t th A 1 sith Club pa i uses ' x 4 - AI LAI/ gains Bachelor, | ond 2 és ies Pal enty ance Sg _espita} on? buse 5 money on 723-3461 , eae visit ae ee 1 Service leaving King ond WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. CLOUDY AND SLOW bedroom apartments wimmir | 5 only phos me H93B46 ; 2 above ate dul f 4) Cl naias ; t Elevator service to Indoor Parking Availa FURNISHED ROOM. Apply 86 Cabot :__ Open Evenings Statutory Declaration and Pag nd gsecly ? FIRST RACE Purse $2,200. Maiden| Paris Fashions, Ne Boy A-106 e or ice to 4 , r trae) (enpasite sh ng ' -- 7:00 § m fi f ) } 1 a fs Sniel caar aokian Street (oppasite Oshaws Shopping VAUXHALL VICTOR -- | 1963 ACADIAN one-owner car, only 13,000' with particulars ond value om tile» ene Coane Ge 7 eee te fees er ane re Sedan. Super model, "In nice miles, 6 cylindér golden brown, coach, tion of security held, if any | " Garden's Pride Charice Encounter, No Bey 111 Next door to North 576 HARMONY ROAD SOUTH -- Furnish iP j 332788 with power steering and radio, Excellen wet Ma Gant ee ade ne biggest prize mone Whirling Ronen, Stev Se Optimistic, 'Kornblum X111 ; ly " or icernce 332/ P tion, Must be ffer. | rust bi nt te e under « v ore ' a Genero| Motors Plant RENTAL od raam, sult, pentiomen, $10, weekly.) candit ONLY $495 [Call Liova Corson Masta "| Sioned on or before the 31st. | in the area for a 50c ad- Aliona Miss. Hall A-SI: | Clem Clam, Walsh 117 thie i + ; - P | he man Author, Gordon 4 yy' ntry ond office BEDSITTING ROOM for lady. all con 1961 CORVAIR Monza, automatic, tour doy of May, A.D. 1966 mission charge Acceptable Gife, No Boy 118 | Mail servi to each oe nat veniences, fully equipped kitchen, private VOLK SW >) door, white with red interior, bucket \$ultans Ranee, No Boy 113 |PIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 lating ' chats vies ai. Reference: 2 eats, excellent condition, Telephone 728 GUARANTY TRUST Song of Heather, Turcotte 4000) Fiur-Vear-olds and. vp 7 furlong apartment reas tal 2 ( Rac 3 8656 EVERY WEDNESDAY | ici G } Well OILED, B preferred. T 12 COMPANY OF CANADA y ~ 3 eonia, Gordon 113 N arroby c A } n _ . ' Pri Eligible Tournalieu, No Boy 113,/Gaveray 103 DOUBLE ROOMS, single beds, suitabie , 1961 CORVAIR Handy Van; 1958 GMC 9020 llth Avenue tw , mi re ' i ' Mf nike Ar . a 7 Ith ¥ i e@ oak stable and Edgor Ridge| Bega Bega, Nedeau, 113 SURE OF AN APARTMENT Nort GM Age ass "Krthur anteat gant re rT ee fon Wehr Wid Mareuey 500 Becier: 0h? Regina, Saskatchewan All proceeds to charity Stable Entry |Valecrest Lady No Boy A-108 3 orth G Apply Aided f ' ¢ . House Boy, Turcotte 113 h r > KeCL # th s PHONE NOW | Exclusive Agent ater 5 1961 VOLKSWAGEN DE- {Plymouth sedan. Telephone 725-2156 Executor of the Estote | Jubil Pavili SECOND RACH -- Purse $2,100 claim-|Moss park, Turcotte, 116 ae . LARGE furnished room, suitable for two! 1 1) COACH. Both body and | 1965 SUNBEAM imp, $1175 or 'best offer ubiiee ravilion ing (3,000) Three and four-year-cids foai-|Brief Wind, Harrison, 108 | OSHAWA. REALTY gentlemen or couple, in' new bungalow.) LUE CO ; lated Telephone 725-4115 between 5.30 and & " ed in Canada 1 mile (18). Con JO Barroby, 113 942-2401 : Housekeeping If desired. Close to south] motor in good condition pon 37---Auctions Boston Mills, Dittfach | Greek Tar, Kornblum X109 . (Bond St.) LIMITED plant. Telephone 728-7930 after 4 p.m ence 92668K iis VOLREWAGEN Gsllna like aw, tee Wild Fablus, Turcotte!20 |STrong Wilied, Gomez, 119 LARGE housekeeping room, for one per NOW motor, custom hitch, custom radio, new EUCHRE Dark Apache, No Boy 110 [Ringer Flinger, Walsh 113 Only bill you pay is your tele LARGE housekeeping room, for one per. NC PO7 2 [Meters cuban bith gustem radio, nes E Biue Briton, Inouye, 110 2 Also Eligible: Fiddler's Belle, Loe i! All. other costs a Titian and Charny cree Attar 550 942-0 oredeck, Fitzsimmons Senator Gray, McComb phone bill, All other ay 26. Wilson pnd Crérar gree. After 4 1958 VR 0 peer, Wau 18 AUCTION .SAL Willle's Brief, Hale X120 Spark, Harris, 113; Mald of Honor, Si r felephone 728-4439 @ 195 : WOODVIEW a Honor, Se absorbed by owne ie Te B Manala: Bs! 1961 BMW 700, good condition, perfect) Columbus Church Grounds Danish Dancer, Hale 110 chia, 110; Balinede Consentino 113; Wueen SHELDIAN TWO FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 9 4292 second Car, $300. Telephone 773-4900. ? . COMMUNITY CENTRE Miss Telso , Bell 100 crest, No Boy A-108; A-Cinderelle Stable ger eidpty ai 2 ae hospite elephone spec e AAT 19a) VALIANT louldosr, 360 gerlex, Good Friday, May 20th. 6 p.m I _ ~ Midnight Echo, Kornblum x9 jand Harfield Stable Entry canditien Call teat ) Cadillac Avenue North Galanx Inouye 115 ' a or 728 : : Needlin Al, No Boy 110 IXTH RACH -- Purse $2,700, Allow- MANSIONS rio FURNISHED rooms, kitchen and ; : : 10 SIMCA, goed motor and body. Cali. Furniture, electric appliances, WEDNESDAY. MAY 18 |Cosmic_Kid Gordon, 110 ance New Waterford, Thee-yeor-old fillies, CAVALIER | Conte tacaten Pucumeny Seb nieee : : between 5 and 9. 728-6423 refrigerator, scrap iron, hay, ' G Also Eligible: John's Freedom, MeCom|] mile (9 er y loc J " 4 : : me nil SHARP 15; Count Sand, No Boy 108; Royal Flaming Victress, Kerib. AKK108, : 5 4 1962 CHEVY II n, light blue, 6 auto rain, straw, cedar roils, 8 P.M. S Immediate Occupancy Two SINGLE hedrooma ah 3 jarvis : Pa nae oar Sas to aa py Bao e Sliced hi, eee ancl nnd Bienes Autumn, Barroby, Wee Annie Dory Here's Lady Sue, McKeever, X110 treet furnished suitable for qn - f Phene 725-4103 tara WOO w a sy No Boy ,115; Firelight Barroby, 115;|Mary Tell, Dittfach, 120 Ouse 5, all conveniences. immed ider re 7 steel! stoneboat clothing, ce Moon Base, No Boy, 120 Worthy Craft, Waish,B-118 | Special terms for first oppll fe n person or tele 167 h Pane Maine ADMISSION 50¢ Empress of india Gomer ¢-118 | ¢cants Rent now and you none 72 4 32--Trucks for Sale stove ening. ey A THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,100 claiming Rullehs image, Walsh B-115 will save, Located -- 5 min- | STA other articles, donated or will (7500 Maiden two year olds 4' furlongs) British Maid, Kornblum AXX160 av . | ) TA- a South Gen. |28--Room and Board 1959 CHEVR 1999 DODGE oneton, four-speed, peavy| sell for commission. Lunch DONOVAN COLLEGIATE +on Pines Wen tiie AMBASSADOR ha IP ofc from TION WAGON, V-8 quto- {duly suspension, in vary geod conbitien.| 84 ots00" Breceeds for-new STUDENTS ANNUAL Level_Jay meComb_118 |Windfields farm_ entry | eral ators oe a * ; 'a $1000. Phone 775-8493 afer 6 p.m , Thunder Jay, No Boy, 118 B -- Staffords Farms Entry er ee anne haaien ee |! r | 9000 | FILTER QUEEN Saies ond Service| Monse ART EXHIBITION jiere's* waotine, rorcate, 117 C --~ Corginer Pacme niry @One, two and three bed Ritson Road South or call 723-8364 > and f He. LICENCE | Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti Auct. Ted Je FRIDAY, MAY 20, IN CAFETERIA | (°! hens gM eke 10 | SEVENTH RACH --~ Purse $3,000 ar: One ond two bedroom aport room suites includes every- (ROOM AND BOARD for one gentieman ' ee oe | mates_822 King West, 778-7882. 7 P.M, TO-10 P.M Let's Battle, No oy, A-lI? |villa Allowance, four-yearolds and up, ments, Stove, refrigerctor, | thing @ Swimming Poo! @ {central location, Telephone 728-6075 NOW $695 | i948 CHEVROLET pick-up truck in good ~ f Two and three dimensionol Pickli King, No 5 |fosied in Aanada, 7 uel s (6), drapes, broadioom corridors, FM music @ Intercom con GOOD HOME for neat young lady. Room| mechanical condition, good tires. Phone Rascoe Weerry, Puly Sark, Brownell xy een work, grades nine to thirteen Fable Quest, Steve, Windkin, No Boy 10 Nhat perl te Mall gr tea : ' Intercom, FM. Immediate oc trolled 6 Moll delivering to | Foun ane boerd. Bevendey week: Con 1963 GMC hail-ton, 73,000 miles, new paint AUCT ION SALE Demonstration, Free Coffee |Caribita, Nedeay, 11 |Morinins mornin, Walsh 114 cupeney, $97 and up your cor, © = wavelns © 6teaEM AAG ROARED) Hes cay wok R E MAY 17 lent mechanical conditien and Movies, Admission 25¢. ote ae ee mor alts Sroter Uses Worn aii pate ital r fiv lay A rien 1,125 5 * " i bine large balconies @ 'Mode unches packed. $15 week elephone | IVE si 874 FURNITURE RUMMAGE SALE -- Harmony Hall, cor-| Also Eligible Fur Trader, Gomez, 115;|Fiaming Triumph, Kornblum *x107 340 Marlan suite furnished by Wilsor Hampton 263-2255 1958 GMC | ton panei bus. ideal for large ner of King and Harmony Wednesday, Bive Forest, No Boy, 8-120; Sure Te Burnitiios Ce ° R GENTLEMAN, oe ord family, camping, etc. No reasonable offer 1,930 am. Good ured clothing, |Please, Kornblum X1i6; Tiempo Muerto, | SIOTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 elaimin Apt. 111 wee bo ae lag ae sean oO pire MANY OTHER: CARS TO refused. Telephone evenings 725-3955 Modern and Antique m © No Boy, B-120 AJ H Knox and §. N.| (500) four-year-olds and up 1 mile d ' Rentol representative on-duty Road (by K-Mart). 723-2786. CHOOSE FROM 33_-A il Ww d Shariro Entry, B.+J Trudeau and P, Ber| Safety man, Kornblum X117 | fo 2 : -- Auto' i Contents of houses, Some nard Entry Fast Jay, No Boy 118 728-4283 Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment |SINGLE ROOMS and boerd. Apply 38 --Automobiles Wanted | sobtakily ye ecwaeadap ab Rococo rogue robinsen 115 vision Street implements roperty 'of V j FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 Claim:|Lankz Planky, Barroby 119 c "7 ee ae ; DEATHS ng (4000) Three year olds. 7 furlongs (12)|Mighty Partol HAarris 11$ ----__---- 885 Oxford St. gt a tit sedage led gaged CARS WANTED G. Nicholls, Taunton Vilage, Lett Wing, No Boy, 1 Admiral's gift, Dittfach, 110 PHONE |Single beds. Phone 725-9843 Buying A New Car ? East of Oshawa, Monday, May zee ue McComb, " is ts 183 ROOM AND BOARD for young lady in| Sell ( > "Ted" 3 |, CHERRY, Patrick Joseph Strip for Action Brownell A-XXX101 ' 7 tbe, A Two Bedroom ; | MOTORS pth Ses, genkey AM Taig suddenly. grMondey May, Nt M4 at King Jv, Toreate, Ton Sacto Time wm 7 - ric osepl erry, si | det Cor Dealer and 'Save', TED JACKSON, ber of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 723 826 ] |modern home, with privileges. Rossland | i |and Stevenson area. Close to bus. After Apartments |4 p.m, telephone 728-0114 Ss e Morning and after hours -- | ROOM" AND" BOARD for" threw girl 607 King St TED CAMPIN MOTORS Auctioneer |N@,,322 Alax) beloved husbend of Béne | Telephone 728 ¢ \ 723-449 Res 5574 f A ' r x Available | 723-6255 ELENA AVENUE, 14 -- Furnished r OSHAWA Jaen hiecnieme Dear' 'brotmer' of William, Ales, John MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS cule clean home, esr south" Gen LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS won = KIC)TICE of © ies Annie inncDonsid ana' rs chen ! nie In new building, with posses Mot leph: 725-2000 ars for wrecking, Highest prices paid tine Smith both of Ajax, Resting at the tion for June Ist, 129.00 SHARED oe eee ' 723-4494 i ell m. E. Sherfin Funeral Home, No. 2 MONDAY, MAY 16 monthly includes: walkout ACCOMMODAT ION 29--Wanted To Rent R 795-5574 SHAW" AUTO WRECKING CO." Cars SALE ay, Pickering (lust gast of Har FIRST RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse) Also Started: 'Miss Fly' Ball, Joundale toves friger } NN aC a on - 1 " { oyal al, Rose Oveimo, Uy balconies, stoves _fefrigere POUR OR THREE - bedroom house re S68. / 40°00 bought, 89 Blooor Street East, 7252311 The effects of Mr. Gerald Service in the Chapel on Thurs: rr We any 4.60 3.00 2.40 and DQ---Ottawa Duke. ig tors, electric heat, broadioom BUREAU quired, family of five, May 15 or June 1 P : : , OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars| Layden, c/o 433 Jefferson [12% Bonkorion. &Vanessa Wick, McCormick "430 3.70/DQ--Finished 4th, disqualified and and all utilities. Children Fe ay ae yi 2, 10 and three years. After 4 call |\Opnosite Steinberg's Super Market tor wreck ng. Tires and parts for sale e, Windser, Ont will be ' aainere Ginny coerem 3.70 placed last for an unrestrained break, i $, D.: Hyman any people find compatable 26-7877 75 Nelson Street. Telephe 725-21 i @ i so Started: Harry ion, Joseph welcome. Gall S, 0 y' P elson Street, Telephone 725-216 sold at public auction at Ideal, Willie Champ, and Reverie. SIXTH RACE ~~ 1 Mile (Pace), Purse Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286 ROOMMATES through SAB | TWO- OR THREE-BEDROOM house re WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. No ¢ : 33 CLARK, Julie $900 (8 cree ¥ quired in Oshawa, Ajax or Whitby by charge for towing. Telephone 726-4549 Stirtevants Auction Hali, 33 Entered into rest In the Hillsdale Manor ' ) Why don't you call 723-6881 middle-aged couple with school-age child.| oS Bouriae Strate Chiet, four r| Robert Nichels. Hall St. unless notification jon Monday, 16, 1966, Julia Cain,, SECOND RACE--~] Mile (Trot). Purse Phil vilbesy ae 15.00 He Ar References supplied. Write Box Manas? . unl ss Pe MN BE widow of the r Clark and mio-| $800 (6 ~ i he dan, automatic, power - received to the contrary by | 1-Chucky Mohawk, Remmen 4,40 TWO-ROOM tment with kitchen, Un- Oshawa Times bs A i : : ther of. John Clark of Oshawa in her 94th | @-Sporty Tag, Findley 3.90 1.70 2.60 ' AVAILABLE JUNE 17th: | DRS SeOM speriment wih biter. Un SRA, BHOKGOM Gli RGN (ee 34---Automobile Repair May 18th. Mackie's Van and |year, Resting a! the Armstrong Funeral|3-Ringo Star, Alexander 0:70 5.60], Als Started: Credit Card, Bourbon, . vO 'equired by j Ut ss Lal j Slick rewer, Two bedroom apartments room. $70 monthly. immediate posses: june Sieady amsalnarent. Teleahone CONVERTIOLE a > Storage Home, Oshawa, with requiem high mass |7-Kelly Todd, Norris 320 ver esl Madam Herbert, and Telephone 723-8644 78.2499 ] eat 0 i n $t. Gregory's Catholic Church, Osh Also Started: Reimont Harry, Armbro Large suites, stoves, fridges, ONEBEDROOM, iv oho r windows , If FRED STONE awa on Wednesday, May 18, 10 a.m, In-) Frosty, Janet Bars. EXACTOR, 4 AND 7, PAID $30.40. f { I , dinette, YOUNG COUPLE with one child want to cor , r " farmant Sh Br DAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND 8, PAID | to wall, closet in r his, FP ti Y with one wa ontrol Peet ite O c UC O erment St, Gregory's Cemetery ' , $8.50. hole ca pi pease a retr gerator and stove n kitchen, drapes. rent a 2-bedroom house, Whitby area, walls , ondition riv BROOKLIN P LI E A Tl N Church and Knights of Columbus PB deh ht nee -- 1 Mile (Pace), re w nq f Near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults.\cail 648-8075 after S$ p.m Atier aing 9 Hs TH as ur 4 Central location, Aduls only Available June 1, Telephone 723-2570 aides esc # PHONE 655-3653 eo. hee tunes i oe he ener) SIRS RACE om 1 We UP ROET, ree ata, calle 12.40 4.90 4.00 Centro! location, Be -- LADY desires to rent two large, privaie|1960 OLDSMOBILE four - door hardtop Motor Rebuildir | UNCLAIMED ARTICLES ' ca : 1-King Grattan $, Fillen 3.80 3.90 TELEPHONE 723°6455 if thy HY NoUSeKeenInG Foon'. Near bus tine, Teles radio, toll power, good tires; new brakes ¥ FEDS | } AUTOMATIC 1 " 2 AFTER 6 P.M r 8 rch phone 728-9630 transmission with eight thousand miles ylinder Reborin ie : ' COURTNEY, Helon elizabet THIR DRACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse | UTOMATIC'--- THREE -- FOUR - ROOM apartment, over top of : woh 30--Automobiles for Sale i965 PONTIAC, Laurentian, automat , smission vatenes, Tape recoraer, etc Whitoy, on Sunday, May 15th, 194 len s-apate is A Mets tee ie oe mun, ds Unc Bs ees Pye', store, downtown Oshawa. Rent $80 THREE-ROOM apartment with garage still under warranty, Many extras: Tele nksheft ond Velve will be sold by auction ot the Elizabeth Palmer, wife of Frederick Ww i Janey G Grattan, Murphy r Hal, month. Immediate occupancy. For vate oe a Peb'y Beda ll : a phpne 728-68 e : Pickering Township Police |Courtney, loving mother of Valli, Carlyn.) aise Started: Walter Dillon, Brave 799.0769 rater, stove inclu vailable Imm Nev r Used t I in y formation call 723-576 : ad 25 "DO ech boned wwe e 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four . aS e fi Station in Dunbarton on Sat Shawn and Danelle at home, dear daugh Ezra, irish Counsel, Colosse Mir, and SIGHTH RACE--1 Mile (Pace). Purse BASEMENT apartment, one large bed fe nn Chevrolet, Oldsmobile sedan, black with aqua Interior, 6 cylin Rs ' ' ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. H, Palmer of Whitby, | Reid's Honor $1,600 (8) room. private entrance. Adults only, $100, ONE- AND TWO - BEDROOM apart Riillan Chey ° Trucks Gar, iakmerd anti. radia, ¥ DOC'S AUTO SPEED May 28th, commencing ot |dear sister of Mrs. R. Pascoe (Betty) 5-Perennial, Campbell 0.90 3.90 3.50 per month, Available June Call Deniments, immediate possession, Drapes FOR A ETTER DEAL Pertect condition. 725 - - = 2 pr Willlam and Rebert of Whitby, In her 36M! poueey pace Mile (Pace). Purse 2 Si2z!ing Adios, McKinley Siraitaukl, Maste % tove and refrigeratcr, heat and water FOR A B ) & CUSTOM Loyal Pogue, ouctioneeer |year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral, FOUR --| #). PUTS SHenrietta Sue, Findley He elevator and controlled entrance, ic . '62 FORD convertible d . Chanel, Whitby for service in the chapel ' : i s # Also Started: Miramichi Fred, racie WHITBY one end two-bedroom apart-iers and jaundry on every floor ° dard transmission, 28 V ' { 24 hour towing -- guto parts. on Wednesday, May 18 at 2 p.m. Inter--2G!. Remus Jr. Curran 11.40 5.90 3.60) Lochinvar % % i C , Shady Valley, Cindy's Pride ments in six-plex, stove, refrigerator, | oreterred. App Superintendent O between 10 a.m. and 4.30 pr ' 38--Coming Events ment Mount. Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. |J-Jenuine Jasper, Marchuk 21.70 6.90) ang Lady G J vei, srt idee avanaole hums Brererred. Apply: Superine : AL MARL \WV/ eee eines alice parte Cale Serviced by licensed mech- 9 Minister Rev. J. Smith, Visitors com-|2Miss Angela Mary, Feagan 2.90 APARTMENTS, modern building 725-6504 models our specialty. Curtis Auto Wreck anic. Open 7 days till 10 p.m. mencing.2 p.m, Tuesday Also Started: Horatius, Gordon _\.ee, ONE, 7 Two ahd THREE bedroom apart meetin, Seva, 'Calciaareler, drones. a0 Ontario Moter Soles Ltd 2 +600-King- St: E:; 728-7781 DNIPRO HALL Scottadee Girlie Dillon, Meadow Harvester and Pag RACE = 1 Mile (Pace), Purse ) ; , : r pe , S-Kahia Kat, Wellwond 9.4 2.70 ed entrances, elevator service, swimming|Svec' 'aundry facilities. Telephene 140 Band St. W., Oshawe USED CAR PARTS, spindRs to make ormerly Oshawa Towing) HOULDING, Effie Peart 4Gina Guinea, Norris i 3% Saas a tk oe ee trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street B | N GO Entered into rest, Oshawa, Ontario, on, FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse 7-Chipidale, McRann oa call 723-234 COLLEGE HILL. One - bedroom sem East, after 4, 723-228 TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis Sunday, May 15, 1966, Effie Pear! Bart-/$1,000 (8 Also Started: Larry Dillard, Bryan ; vt basement apartment. Private entrance ? V Tarai Many ox are our only business, 1038 Simcoe EVERY UESDAY ley, beloved wife of Robert Houlding and &March.Van, Corbett 14.50 §.30 4.50 Direct, Sandy Demon, and Mighty Bach. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, modern| Heat included. Adults -only. Inmed ALL CASH Dee eed camaitony Wai treat acl North, Phone Tae7a0 Pan ear mother of Mrs. Carl Shaw (Winona), Mrs,|5-Johnnie R, Palmer 7.20 4.90\elor . H building; rent includes stove, refrig-| sossession, Telephone: after 6 p.rr Kor clean core or trucks, We otter Ss. 655-3626 George Imeson (Marion) and John, all of|4-Star Nib, Archdekin 4,00 Attendance 3.462. 'Total Pool $252,643, trator, heat. water Elevator and Som ; a. Lost and Found All. Regular Gomes $10 Oshawa. Sister of Mrs. Lena Hankinson controlled entrance its preferred deol up or down. Liens paid 1963 CHEVELLE MALIBU Super Sport Sess 4 ' Ve Rochester, New York; - Mrs. Bernard! Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave FIVE - ROOM apariment, newly decor- |p tematic, floer shift; ast offer ~ Pa Weal aoa or terete 7270068 ated. All conveniences. Seperate en-| NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED) NF BG, UE Lost Pearl choker without clasp, Share The Wealth O'Reilly (Doris) Oshawa in her 73rd e e é i year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral trance. Ample parking facilities. hot and 146 BROCK ST. NORTH n vicinity Eaton's Plaza. Valued as keep Jackpot No. 51 or d TWO-BEDROOM, living room, kitchen and) coig water. infant welcome. immediate : 1959 CHEVROLET hardt 6 cylinder, sake. Reward. Call collect Willowdale eu Home, Oshawa. Funeral service in the - bathroom. Telephone 728-4190-or 482 Al-| coc, 6a at Verdun Rene Across m Royal Hotel automatic, radic, good b mechanical- | 225-4286. $20. Consolation chape|, Wednesday, May 18 at 2 p.m, In bert Street, Oshawa pas sve: W 668-333 y¥ sound. $52 all 725-8885 terment Oshawa Union Cemetery. MODERN two - tree bedroom apart ns Lost, fold oval locket, Initials M.E, be We are trying our best te LARGE bed-sitting room r re wash rooms. Call anytime 1953 OLDSMOBILE sed perfect body, twe r corners and A and P Store improve our bingos and hope kitchen, -bathroom and to 7 996 good tires, has '$4 Oldsmobile 98 motor hitby, Valued es keepsake, Reward s POWERS, Cynthia Melinda Electric heating, stove, retriger nd MORE ( ASH with 4-speed automatic transmission. | Please telephone 668-6153 after § p.m for greater attendcnce the OENGWa GaaEeaT Heaeiiel on ont drapes, $85. per month. Whitt SINGLE furnished room for gentiemar Weuld Mi bag Ritson Road tt pat } Interment Erskine Ceme mak good k cer sh | A 15, 1966, nthi H | Piss SAGMSILT TOE Haroon ' App We $ pad So a P ean Cars Wevld | make 4 #0 36... Lonel FREE ADMISSION aa May, 1s, 3966, Cy thla Me inde Nor nibs ] Hep age ta frig dos a as COMFORTABLE room in private home tr ae rr een eee Hg ig techy pir Sxcan en oe ee Cor, Bloor and Edith Sts wae sia Tunshey, May. vat lena MONTREAL (CP) --W. N., jresulted ina Shortage of mort- building. Stove, refrige Bie ha apace a Conte Be gale DODD MOTORS SALES | tires! Must sell : siness DNIPRO HALL A Raaurrection. Carnaliry Hall, president .of Domtar Ltd. ,| gage money, which may make come. Call 723-2659 y 136 Elgin Str 314 PARK RD. SOUTH IWS PONTIAC. Parisenne ylinger,, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND : | Said today sales of construction] house- building show a decrease WHITBY -- Three - roor njained FURNISHED edr basement Spies a Me ' natiG, ewe OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF materials may decline in Can-/of from 12 to 25 per cent in 1966. <earinad Wh Aldine, trie, and "stove |aoartet ' ance and private 723-942) erales, Bowe ring, radio, rear seat! DONALD GORDON BROCK, Kindness beyond Price, yet jada during 1966 because of a| Speaking in both English and supplied, Telephone 668-527 : ' UE con al all praker. s ght glass, white walls ATE OF THE CITY OF ST. GEORGE'S HALL} within reach-of all 2 ie COZY FURNISHED three room" apari:| OCNeT#!, Motors. Telephone 725-16 1965 CHEVELLE, white, two - door hard-| whee s, deluxe seat belts, Elton W bor tes E ci | 3 | shortage of mortgage money. |French, he discussed Domtar's reer : abtan, Bhana ; OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY | H ld th i Oe wacabene CaN IGA = GALAY Sa bole THREE ROOMS and bath. heated, uppe radio, padded dash,| Joh $-$519 1A : e told the company's annual) b 5 whi a bus. at door.|duplex, Private entrance and basement. seat belts, backup light, warrenty bal:lisag" CH@VROLET" coocky Vir "alandara OF ONTARIO, TRUCK B | N G O GERROW cubaling' the steaneth "Ok te bilingualism policy. in which $105 monthly. Ca ? Telephone 723-24 Excellent condition. 728-8649. Must Bact offer, Apply 498 Dunkirk Avenue af DRIVER, DECEASED . e eve i 3 ok SON STS economy high r 5 TWO-BEDROOM apariment, privaie bain. SIMCOE NORTH jose to four Spr All persons having claims ALBERT and JACKSON FUNERAL CHAPEL \economy and high rates of inte jeach customer and shareholder ¢ room apartment fib " os, Ree - - ' est on conventional loans have! " decorated. Parking. Immediate ners. Bachelnr ?-room apartme ate rtible, licence HA6805. Rediis7" BORD, twodoor hardiop, 6 eviinder| against the Estate of the EVERY WEDNESDAY 390 KING STREET WEST r jis respected. Apply 136 Rit: R South eatrance. Refrigerator and stove. Rea h ck Interior, Must be driven tele: ase v Seas ngoins 2 S a lean HL, CAT peter CE, ETT he aporeciaind Niue we: boas stendaed, Licence HaOls S16, Trade! obove-nemed deceased, late 7:45 Telephone 728-6226 | | Mr. Hall outlined Domtar's CARGE FURNISHED bedroom in ® Gann SPANISH MOTIF apartment on Highway No. 2 lust west of Thickson/ Eg ast of the City of Oshawa, County 18 GAMES AT $10 | modernization and expansion and quiet home, for one or two gentle. central, controled entrances, ¢-| RO : 1940 PONTIAC Laurentian, six cylinder,, Of Ontario, who died on or 3 =) BIRTHS |program, which included open- jing new facilities at Red Rock men, close to north General Motors. trically heated, broadioomed and pre: 1965 PONTIAC, licence H8359, four-door! sitomatic, very good condition, Asking about the 30th day of April, 9 GAMES AT $20 ater, Apply 330 Gibb Street Beenonatvater, Nicola Meter Sales Lid $ 1966 ore hereby notitied to SHARE THE WEALTH | jand Cornwall, Ont., in the first Telephone 728-7289 ized corridors, automatic range, refriger-|hardiop, fourteen thousand actual $850. Telephone 725-0139. Mrs. Somegy #90 MONTHLY, three-room first floor a ba B wicelireg Fe PP PY Wage on Ree ' t | apartment, fridge, range. heat and utili WHITBY -- One bedroom furnished apart ™ both an Seda echaa ey 398 ur wea seh TR, extrac Best send to the undersigned on or $230. Jackpot 56 Nos THACKERAY |quarter of 1966. ties Included. Good parking, near town ment $100, Adults. Available June Ist & oitan suhans 795-444 before the 7th day of June $5 each Horizontal Line Garnet and Joyce Product t and hospital. Quiet adults. 725-2093 Telephone 668-8727 1963 BEL AIR Chevrolet, licence $9373A clvinl rt 966 their ie eind full i (nee Plomer) are proud to announce the! uction of a $71,000,000 i iy J ve n ? i] nam ull solat ; th -- as i $10 Consolatior CLIFF -- In loving memory of a dear|Dir!h of a daughier, Elizabeth Anne, pulp mill and related chemical toons oll 4 - V-8, automatic, radio. Like new, Nicols|'S7? CHEVROLET four-door hardtop. A THIRD FLOOR one-bedroom apart UPSTAIRS unfurnished three rooms and Mo Sales L16., on Hier r late. Licence 34991, $695 porticulors of their claims Willi weight § lbs. 12 ozs., on Sunday, May 2 "1 Pp is she ' inaiaine hotor es 4 » Highway No. 2, just | powe nmaculate. Licence husband, father and son, William Mar 7 lant : pia pty rateiger ster npr anes. pele ae taal fra "i y vert ~~ Priceline west of Thickson Road. 668-3331 Trades accepted Motor Sale, 509 Immediately after the said $15 DOOR PRIZES shall Cliff, who passed away May 17, 1963,| 1966 at the Oshawa General. Hospital [Plant at Lebel Sur Quevillon in adults only, r b now n ° On 472 King 15-307) 1950 PONTIAC, licence 103506, binck,, | lOO" East date, the estate will be Within our store of memories, Special thanks to Dr. Beckett and fourth) northwestern Quebec was mak- Apply ng St x » licen 5 \ BS ' 1 floor staff " -- - rn, Vi He holds a place apart, jing excellent Y a matching trim. No de mer 1964 CHEVROLET fA A eda va ribs havir gar rogress. T mill WHITBY -- Two - room apariment, LARGE two-bedroom apartment, heat,/ Matching <M for Sates' ta. 4 automatic, power steer ing fadio. Many triputed having. regard For no one else can ever be P he mi refrigerater. st Avalt ine 4 |water included In rent. Moving toshouse| monthly. N lust wont of 'Thickeon (extras, Law mileage, private, Teesnone| fe the claims of which notice Mere cherished in our hearts jis scheduled to start producing Telephone 668-613 Bnd will sublet for 10 months. Available . das high wisaiied Sadly missed and lovingly remembered |850 tons a day early in 1967, June Ca efore p.m. 723-620 hy ie z for his family } weir = One ana Iwerbedroorm 'pari ep 199 cwevroter Se Eas ro 458 PONTIAC, six cylinder automatic, re ATED AT OSHAWA, May KINSMEN CENTRE | OBI I UARY He described a recent $5-a-ton ment monthly, Stove, refrigerator ? > ' a Avaliable immediately. Telephone 648:3200./VACANT -- Centrally located, private linder, standard shit, with|built motor and transmission, needs some th, 1966 N } NTRE price increase announced by ar ean furnished apartme Fa ang ie. Nicgls Mater bales' ks6.,' an | body work. 4300 or benf 'atfor. Telephone besie' Marte Banbk A_ LASTING TRIBUTE Faste : : f 3 ss . rn Canada newsprint pro- DREW STREET, 74. three re | ieeincinaea. holt taree' er our worsing| "hws 2, lust west of Thickson 725-2962 Piel > ESDAY 7:45 For Permanence and dignit FUNERAL OF ' : chy u v o & dministratrix re) gm -- ucers as or three. Individuals. Abstainers Po a ee A A gig and. exiren, Sh. Teleanone TISGaS by her solicitors, TUES we suggest THOMAS GILBERT SHELTON eve Seo veces vamp Gren. immediate possessio COUPLE ONLY, immediate occupancy,| §) OLOSMOBILE es Te : : Greer and Kell Early Bird Game MOUNT LAWN | Funeral service for Thomas} ' SsUaee | Wee near narth General Motors and hospital |teering, whitewalls, back-up lights, CUS: 19g; CHEVROLET station wagon, Park Ye ree) EMORIAI R jless.than four per cent and was ONE - BEDROOM apartment on Jarvisi no" aie or ateve. $90 manthly, Tere.[0M tuned speaker radio, tinted glass,| Wong "va automatic Excellent condition King Street East, FREE ADMISSION MEMORIAL PARK | Gilbert Shelton who died at Hill- I"the first d Street. Redecorated, Immediate posses-|onone 320-4 padded dash, excellent condition. $1.075.|Telepnone 7280741 before? p.m Oshawa, Ontorio Jackpot 57 and 50 | BRONZE MEMORIALS |sdale Manor, Friday May. 18, in| 19 pale abe ae gl i of sin ry ate bathroom and entrance. goed buy 23-930 bs a } | - ' c | | sa ; ya . s a $90 pe nt all Leon Manitivs, Guide| ONE BEDROOM aparimant. Wilson Road| i960 FALCON; aayr a maar, 1962 CHEVROLET, standard six cylinge Children under 16 not allowed F céurteous advice please his 69th year was held at the| year uring whieh labor Realty Lia E » $110 month, ,including frig.) °°" ain oP ee eee sedan, goad Condition, clean with radio Special 7:30 bus from visit the Park Office Armstrong Funeral Home. Mon rates increased by 47 per cent. v r TO. AV ble rol. T o J ng $1,295. Telepr 263-2 7 5 | > 2 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby | * Se i "9 Nicols Motor Sales Lid., on Highway 9 : = : = : For 4 Corners 23-2633 \day May 16 at 3 pm The Five-room apartment with bath. Available PE ugt west of kson Road, 668-33 "a PONTIAC Laurentia door V8 pba: : Pgs - wn color. $1845. Tele . ; Ss - c c service was conducted by Rev.| TRY NATURE'S WAY TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Adulls , ee PER MONTH [fncee WAGON, 959 cay iiee ater § AA RESULTS RUMMAGE SALE LOCKE'S FLORIST ID. Sinclair of St ; CHRISTOPHER, is Funeral orrangements and Luke's Pres-| lil, (AP) A rking. Close to downto tires. $ riv ne 728-4915.|1961 PONTIAC "convertibie, second car Ss JAW Hell s inne 1 | i r of | a Telophene PALast? oe apply @ Nesue 8? The cost of this |e VOLKSWAGEN Van ee Shanicalig| Avtomatic, power steering, radio. Private TIMES UAW Hall. Bond Funeral gcrengements end "lyterian church ity counell wee tale Waa SUBLET ° for one ay te eeeeeneTy ar T aa tacetote ATT Classified Wed., May 18, 1 | aacaaiona ,| Burial was in Oshawa Union|cost $1,000 a year to keep the mer teeter, dune, we ange hes ier O° : : } | ib er d , . oom n $12 ene of vuaphene 798-5447 WSS CHEVROLET Va, automati of saiindl ak OSHAWA SHOPPING * Cemetery Pallbearers were ass mowed on city - owned ® oe spsite \44$ FORD Galaxie 800 Xi. power sleer| Vertible A-l condition, .Te'=etone 728 ACTION ADS | pap ieed BY: ENTRE . |George Dick, Al May, Roy Hun-|land. Instead it decided to in- Two BOOM riment vale me t Moric ed: j and brake a-cylinde aulomatic.[etu. SPARE ROOMS w paying gues v = : ioe Vielen dank: gy © at "ee : beth lawned possession. ing i? ny extras Must sell, Beautiful car. [Dial 723-3492 now for an adewriter to| 723-3492 Neighbourhood Assoc 24. HOUR : PHONE SERVICE Tuck 1 aF 4 Bud alter they e "4 rl i to see if Ay "us "Oxters Tires. } Reasonadie. 423-5722. \ neip you phrase an aa 728-6555 ucker an ran udway, ithey can do the job. .

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