Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1966, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 17, 1966 4] BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top vecord-helder in Mestess! Individuel Chemplonship Pley) North dealer. Roth -sidea vulnerable NOT TONIGHT OR ANY NIGHT, 00 YOU EXPECT = A LIVING WHEN Ue WITR ike THE WH IN A FEW YEARS WE'LL BE ON THE MOON! L ge THATS BILLY--- MU ll THEY'D NEVER GET ME "y TO Ki66 A MACH NE | They sure Are | '¢ CERTAIN HOPE 4 goa FoR | } Weerhey DON'T INVENT ; AUTOMATION |./ i A MACHINE TO REPLACE | wives ' tL, YOU'D BETTER NOT LET Ms ? --« CATCH You! - ~< GOOD NIGHT "~ a 7 IN A BIG WAY THESE DAYS 4 Ni] (p UNITH THe O CEMENT MILLS INTO ONE COMPANY, It is a fundamental principle of dummy play that if a con tract can be made only if the adverse cards are divided in a certain way, you go ahead and play on that basis. For a good example of how | this principle is applied, here is |a case where declarer was able |to make a slam even though | East had what appeared to be two unassailable trump tricks. | West led a diamond which South ruffed, there being no need to take an immediate dis- card on the ace. When declarer then led a heart to the king, West showed out and the 40 trump distribution was revealed. Declarers only possible | chance now of making the hand |was to arrange for a trump | eidplay. However, this could not | be achieved unless East's distri- bution was such es to permit the proper end play position to be reached. South had to assume that East would follow to three high spades and two high clubs as they were cashed, and he like- wise had to assume that East had exactly four diamonds. There was no distribution that East could have, other than 3-4-4-2, which would permit the slam to be made. WHAT WE GUNG DO AFTER THE LONG LANCE GLAD YOU SAVE TRIBES MEDIC/NE BUFFALO, PAREWELL-- RIOTING ,OR ae 1A WE'LL FRIZZ!! UNDESIRABLE PLACEON EARTH! Lowesr SLOBBOVIA Cy B> Sik 2 hege-- ee THE LONE RANGER I KNOW I'VE GOT co BAD MEMORY, TATE... BUT Z'VE FOUND A WAY TO WHY SO GLUM, MIRA ? GET A DEAR-JOHN LETTER 7O REMEMBER FROM PRINCE CHARMING $ \ SOMETHIN! t LEAVE A LITTLE REMINDER SITTIN' OUT WHERE ) 3 CAN SEE \7/ » al TODAY I GOTTA now ) 2 rue 3 Y'S6E, \F 5 WANT rue ones / SECRET AGENT X9 4 HUBERT WHAT TERRIBLE TABLE MANNERS ! SON-IN-LAW, of diamonds, discarding a and ruffed a diamond, He played the A-K-Q and ruffed another Next he crashed the clubs, putting the lea my and bringing about sition: TELEVISION LO Channe) 11--Hamiltes Channel 9--Ti {43---Dick Van Dyke 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 PLM, | 1l--The Mery Griffin thew | 1 Spy | &3--News Magazine | T=The Fugitive | 4--CBC Reports [eS Ee onr. ck 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today +-2----Jeopardy T-Money Movie ¢+~Luncheon Cate 4--News and Weather 3--Popeye and Po Channe pennensetnevereenne eat YwReway «ve. 5:00 P.M. Family Theetre 7--Cheyenne &--Superman 4--Passport Te Adventure 3-T.BA 2--Mike Douglas $30 PLM, Pore S~--Leave it Te Rifleman | peed é--Music Hop | é--tdight bMetre 3-77 Sunset Strip | 1:90 PLM, 0 Pm |H-The Saint 7--Twilight Theatre 6--Generation +n owe, Chuck Healy North @As oo West Immatertel 10:30 P.M, | 3--The Public Bye | 11:00 P.M N98 76632 Nowe leather and Sports 1:15 PLM, 2---Johnny Carson 6--Viewpoln Bast 9Q76 South 9109 $10 9--Soupy Sales | &-2---Post Office +-4---Search for Tomorrow 8--HMeon-dey Repert 12:45 P.M, 64--Buiding Light 1:00 P.M. Ne Theatre %--Morning Star o Dummy now led the nine of diamonds and it did not matter whether East ruffed high or low. In either case, South gras bound to win two of the last three tricks, East's two trump tricks dwindled into one. SALLY'S SALLIES 4-- Any he &--Dialing for Dollars 7---Ben Casey 4~--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Wovile 2--P.D.Q 1:30 P.M, 9--James Beard Show | &4--As The World Turns | 2-48---Let's Make @ Deal 2:00 P.M, Kids \s People | 7--Confidential for Women 64--Password 2~--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte | 7--Movie 3-12 O'Clock High | 11:40 PM, %--Plerre Berton --Nightcap WEDNESDAY | 8:00 A.M. | 4--Laptain Kangeres $30 AM 9--T.V. University | li--Albert J. Steed = AM. 9---Romper Room J--Dialing For Dolters With Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 8--Look of Art | 2~Bozo's Big Top 7:36 AM. o--Meta 4--Love of Life 2--Operation Apihabet $--Huntley-Brinkley d-Acrese Canedea 7:00 P.M, 1--Danie! Boone 9---My, Mother The Car &--Men in Crisis é--Nows, Weather, * Sports 4-Car 6 Where Are Your 3--Giiligan's teland S~Hunfley- Brinkley | 2:30 P.M. | *--People in Conti? Report 8-4--The Doctors 7.20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports %--Musical Showcase § 3----My Mother The Car 1--Combat ¢-On The Seene 4--Daktari -- Adventure 3--Hogen's Heroes 4:00 Pim Vi--Movie %--Gomer Pyle #2--Piease Don't Met The Daisies +3--Red Skelton Hour 8:30 PLM, 9--F-Troop | PA Time For Us &--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M, %--Fractured Phrases 68--Another World 7--@eneral Hoapttel +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1}.--unny Company o---ite Your ve 2-8---You Don't Say f 7--Superman Show 63--Take 30 4---Hdge of Might 4:00 P.M, 9--Playtime With Uncle Bobby é--Mela 8-2--Eye Guess $3--Canadian Schools 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M \l--Ed Allen |#-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed |&3--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys | 9--1 Love Lucy 10:45 A.M, &--The Match @eme +3--Cher Helene 63--Worlds In Contrast 11:00 A.M. &3---Bonnie Prudden Show | @-2--Morning Star 4--hecrat ™ Hawike- Douglas 2--Mery Griffin 9--Mr, And. Mrs. 4--Andy Griffiths 'YOUR HEALTH you, Use Of Cortisone aap baa | # . you find ene." | Carefully Controlled "a Ry. JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Ben stai : t hig So + WELL, WHAT ARE You MICKEY MOUSE Le ge RN ae by Sed a r A "g LC Mhags 0 bee pa a of 4-Red Skelton 9:00 P.M, S--The Wackiest this in The Army | t3--Movie ip =m, A Dear D : MAW Wg ir. Molner: The water with tin a here tastes so terrible that I (age 73) have been drinking a "f. 4:30 P.M, 11---Secret Squirrel NOTHING,MR,OTI64 | BUT YESTERDAY I WAS » AND GHE GAIP T LOOK MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES SO HAPPY ABOUT TOPAY, GRANDMA P TERRIBLE / ACTUALLY I FREL | OVER AT AUNTIE JORDAN'S... YOUTHRUL WHEN T SMIL&./ "Tir oot )| & rpave V you HAVE? waar Seen |, Mer THE {1 16 SHE LIKE ? 7@ i T WAVEN T Bh LADY. | aa \\ AMET THEM i ' \W al LAMPS (mr PNT || Ww STREET WHOLE HOUR NOT TOUCHING YOUR FOOD, BUT STUDYING ME, On ?...sust HOw Dip 4 [7 You DETERMINE THAT w/4 Tue HAS ) " a LACE ON < i> sit LANG v+:DO T MAKE YOU LOSE: YOUR APPETITE? ~ ae rin Ra 7 SHALL ) 43--Front Page Challenge ¢ r 1--F Troop 9:30 PLM, 7--Peyton Place 2--Butternut Square Piet nh ~ CROSSWORD AOROSS 1,P. 1, knife 5, Track circuits 9. Algerian seaport . Russian river Sprint . Cabbage 18. Insect 14. Earth as a goddess Bard's "ever" Escrow Reverence Left- hand page 22, Achieve 28. Shocked 26. Mother of Trish gods 27. Narrow 15. 1%, 19, 21. DOWN 1, Large island in the East Indies 2. Declaim 3. Varnish ingredient 4. Unit 5, Tepid 6. Constelia- tion 7. Faint 8. Place for an armband 13, Annex 14, Opening 16. Baton 7--Supermarket Sweep | 1:30 AM. 9--Abracadabra 4--Movie . Great name in poetry 20. Girl's name . Vege- tables 5. Neigh bor ' of 2 Be Sec SoS Skee ee Eis GMa & ZOE aimimo <I ZIP} o rae &---Woody Woodpecker | 63--Razzie Dazzle Dear Dr. Molner: My doctor|subdued readily, but the oppo- wanted me to take a cortisone drug but I refused. I am con- cerned about its side effects be- site is more often true, and it takes repeated treatments be- fore you get rid of the trouble , |drug?--L. C, De mas Pion > DOl< > 1H) >| VOOM a >[o> Tex, ee Yesterday's Answer Watch wv Trrigate 32, 36. 38 While Scold ' , Ester of oleic acid . Service- 42, man's center 43, . Balm 44 Spani river sh 1 Sprinted Manx Employ 1 8 9 Wj 'LA Mulberry Feminine noun wuffix . Absent 37. Turn right Negative Stout Hillside dugout Slices Snare On board ship 47, Ages 48, Duration 39, 40, 41, 43, 45. 46, 20 Y ff, AA / Y, cause I want to have another baby in the near future, and for other obvious reasons. Could you recommend some other! entirely. Reason: The wart, due to a virus, tends to regrow, or a new one appears, until the virus has }been thrown off. I think you are confusing what} Removal by surgery, or elec- may happen when cortisone is|trocautery (burning the wart used for long periods with what|out electrically) is the most ef- will or won't happen from mod-|fective form of treatment, so erate use. |your daughter might best do as You can be sure that your|the specialist suggested. doctor is perfectly aware of| My one word of caution fs to what side effects to guard|{ake some simple measures to against. I cannot see that mod-|Prevent spreading the virus. erate use of it has. anything to|Careful foot washing, clean do with another baby, and 1|hose, and being careful not to ldon't know any other obvious|Walk around barefoot are the | reasons. best rules | Cortisone, with proper medi- lcal supervision, is a beneficial! }medication, It can do things) |which other drugs cannot do. I |hope that you follow your doc- | tor's advice, and leave it to him jto see that you suffer no harm-! ful side. effects. j You are worrying without a good reason. Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT ..popular, modern dime pack | Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- ter, who is 43, had a plantar wart on her foot, The doctor cut it out, Later she went to a skin) | specialist. He burned it out, On jher last visit he said she has) |to go through the same thing jagain. | .What do you suggest,+ or |where does she go from here? |Is it cancer?--Mrs. R. K. No, a plantar wart is not can cer, but it can be one of the jstubborn enemies of comfort, It lis called a plantar wart because j}of its location, on the plantar |portion of the foot, or the sole. } | Sometimes these warts can be! lot of caffein-free coffee, with meals and at bedtime. This doesn't seem to bother my now- quiet ulcer. I also have smoked four or five cigars a day for 50 years. What is your opinion? --W. F. x Continue as you are and en- joy it Dear Dr. Molner: I am a woman of 57, About nine months ago one of my breasts beoan to grow. X-rays showed nothing. What is your opinion? -- Mrs. M. W. It is not easy to give mn opinion because this is an un- usual occurrence and I do not have a specific description of the enlargement. Evidently your physician did _jnot discover a lump and the x-ray was normal. You can take comfort in the knowledge that mammography (x-ray of the breast) is 95 per cent accurate n detecting any malignant dis- 'ase, The enlargement could be rom some unusual hormonal 'hanges at your age. Obviously ou should have a_ periodic heckup by your doctor. WRIGLEY's SPEARM/NT fio ' a You get more-to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste!

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