20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 14, 1966 'To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire :.: Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. (5----Trailers z __ |Articles for Sole === 13---Aiticles For Rent SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT , " GOLDEN FALCON NOW ! SIX og ase + Laine Coffee SERVICE BAYS Punch Bowls, Bridal BU S | N ESS S z RV| g E D | REC TO) RY j ORBIT For Auto Service Be. , Men's Formals, White CORSAIR e Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, J WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ' ag Dodge, Ford, Ply. | SARGEANT'S RENTALS TRAVEL TRAILERS see GA ths. BR ges mouth, Pontiac, We correct 463 Rit Rd. S, 725-3338 ; é : | : } | wheel alignment, inspect ond cd elias acct Accountants Barristers : \Gardening and Supplies Instruction | hht}:-:4 SUBWAY TRAIL o PARK ceareee castor rays comber, |14~ Business Opportunities 4 > . | Z ¢ " ftoe-in oan toe-out to WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLLAN AND €O.,/HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL ; . AND SALES sare |PULLY EQUIPPED » intan ) ny r ¥ risters, Solic! % Me Kin ' = ; correct condition 6.88 fs enuly Selon, & ary. Chartered Acenintanty 4 king Street MAN, Barri store, Sol "a jn king ? RDEN TIME", HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME )10 DUNDAS ST, E, @ Ports, extra if required {40h fing concern, excalen apport portunity B.Com cAi David & Perkin, CA QC; G, 5, Bovehyn, a) a: A fitenan. GA IN SPARE TIME RIKG $ i | WHITBY @ Torsion bor adjustment [ments w. J Corneaie, Realtor, Port 177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, SOUTH AG ANTARLNIC SEAS ' extro Perry, Telephone 5 -- wy) ey Agu Re } C GRASS Mi j ; f ' , een Tate ERISDLANDER, ANC True, S68-2761; 778-4376; 795-5133. NHA and NO, 1 FINE GRASS MIX iow monthly poyments in- | / Horls and Accauniel GOOD brick commercial bulldines e other first mortgage funds available. Pit PASS i | 18 * 68, uptown location. Air condition- feos Paeeent S22 Simene Street nae PARKLAWN GRASS MIX | 'eluda text books ond instruc- : = CRAP 'S es acer BRAKE SPECIAL ed, suitable for mest any business, Pras orth, Oshawa B ildi PERFINE GRASS MIX (most rout ) F jeniiy occupied as beauty salen whieh ve abba uilding Trades ' , dg poner cars), First f TOPKINS, BEADLE AND €6., Charier ig id ae tions; Prepores you to achieve Authorized Dealers for Quality. Royaline may be purchased also. This countant nanc us SUBURBAN GRA MIX io D i ~ i - | a lent buliding, tastefully dec e Acro mien e Rinancial: Trade 8 ue a Ache Ontario Diploma by means pe i | @ Citation @ Glendette | jwheels 14.88 |fuil, particulars call Ossie Morin, taric, 725-2507; 3. 7. Hopkins, E P| ? { 3 sity of Provincial examination L, Be @ Corsair @ Rambler « 5103, W. ©. Martin Renita, Gast. c kom CA anning on fin- INDIVIDUAL GRASSES : aos Ay! WHEEL BALANCE ghecial ue GORDON ¥, Certified Genera hi > PEAT MOSS For FREE information--write, | . @ Truc _ Campers ineladiga Welghis bay asl [WANT ADS reach mounanan of ntaeates bbe sh Sho . Darts.Ser teh 4 Sphs ine 2 MSW, Oshawa Shop) ISMING OG rec room: SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Americon School, Dept. 8, | 2 a Parts-Se Cook" Misha 1.95 |e vast ousiones Ty tole ona yeh izi 5 EN PRE 7 ; ORIGINALLY THEE SHOCKS, MUFFLERS ne FOR PEOPLE with income properly * MAodernizin our [O-GREEN PREMIUM Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Ch "curniawe - "SHOCKS, MU S, | servic ored = JPM OF A 1" Ws am "og meg lag Hedley h ey a ») ies SARDEN 50-GREEN | pCK!? omens Saat, PATRICIAN FAMILY IN ROME. TRAILER SALES Paar been em Female Help 'Wanted one 7 bathroom: MILORGANITE MON Sisscesic be ee WKF LEACHED ANP THEN | Wisicit AFTER, BEING DIGNIFIED ee ; path ° COMPARABLE PRICES, sand LORGANITE | J - w 4 DIGN: Simcoe North | Pry} CLANEY'S Accriiniing Service : C11. 10.6.4 hddeoss FACE. OF A MAX OYED A BRELIANT IK THE PERSON OF THE DictaToR, (past city limits) 1 D Rn ee atic ae sim : it vee bee SOME OFTHL | RED OR GREEN 1S JULIUS CAESAR, WAS ea et on South, TIS 0397. Bes. 7237605. CALL: EVERGREEN 6-9-6 BXIREMELY Copy ? Rees or ne ccchoane 723-9534 INSURANCE fee ety ee ts pond tires! F PHELAN GOLFGREEN 12-6:6 Janitor Service it vz. ROMAN EMPERORS, GENERAL MOBILE home, 10" » 41" with TIRE STORE OFFICE os m1 pine tipo : s Stiga: ta f wcellent cond one. 723-4833 ' GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD eet 1 oe : sesh ates ea een. iAR, 'Chartered hcenin BONEMEAI ED JEFFREYS HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps 'wo. Phone 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH Experienced. oitl for senaral Ontaris 71 668-6032 SHEEP MANURE TELEPHONE 725.6511 < Mausteneh Shee © dee Uae eg : eh. aipech tioned ] » JANITOR i ' 9 + 5 stenography not Barristers ih & WINDOW CLEANERS Sales and Service TV--Radio Repairs 6---Marine Equipment jaf a SELL -- sn Ro rniiure| "necessary but experience in BER AND KELLY, Barristers, Sole H | ; ' ' ( : rniture, 444 Simcoe South, 725-3271,°| Nn office hendling fire and free! East. Dis OME GARDEN TOOLS | You call we cleon, At " BOATS outo insurance is a require dence Phones: J. M. Gree . pone tention Builders and Contra COLOR T.V. ; RS FULLER BRUSH -- 'Telephone daytime ito ny is © requir Terence Kelly ac IMPROVEMENTS BULK GARDEN SEEDS sg hy it wie Pie : ihe APPLIANCE bh ' = Add; BVENINGS B6R-6ER r ary commensurate ermyn, BA, ey ILLERS BUYING OR SELLING furniture 1 with experience, Appl in @ Additions Alterations BUG Kk > schools; churchés, foctorias, REPAIRS Black 'ond White . ' ES ; urn or ar poly Cau & ty tampto 3-97 eT sor tchens~~-Rec Rooms and FUNGICIDES r ze Mens. PMG pe ' TAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor ond Notery |e j iction Need WEED KILLERS Expert repoirs to all makes ic, The Commercial Building, 286 King : son mca West, Oshawa ; park ; ; i OPEN ALI DAY ' a ' 4 Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 462 Sim Bing ; : | f : | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ wT cos South, 7350 sorePa Pp. MANGAN, OC, Solicitor James Allen Monday Saturday Atl WINDOW CLEANERS q 728-5143 3 siKeTimai- SP RINOTINGT New, used 2 gene 2 lew iy ee © & Sons Daily Delivery | @ Homes © Commercia| ¢ ALCAN Well Drilling--Diggirg 'STARCRAPT" Grew Trovelier boats. | Repairs al makes. Cycle Centre, 284 Bond SECRETARY ; ndus Jindow Clea , - je motors. Oper ning ng, Street East, 725-6344 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH Industrie! @ Window ean- NCES pen evenings and uit RE and APPLIA 'i ' ' 5 RY otal my y | ing and Jonitor Serv WELL DIGGING by machine specializing weeks : forage and Supply GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired eras, bam ot 6 2 avila y Pd Uf ts, 6 | 26 COOPE R-SMITH Mo Jern Equipme gt iy "og 452 Simcoe S$ - Oshawe in 30-inch file, W. Ward, 204 Che ! Brook 655-364 at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West Experienced in general office ra . si¢ "A odern Equipment a x 52 Simco : or 666-0808 4 Simcoe shawn, 773-3446 perienced Professiono ° Telephone 723-0011 Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 666-3807. /7 5° T, LAKEFIELD cedar asirip boat, 38 cad routine, typing and short T. K. Creighton or residence' > ¥ . Li otor, electric starter, Tee-| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re Drynan, QC, 778554 GL. Murdoch! OUALITY CARPENTRY CO Free Estimates, : j 2---Personal ee 'ralier. Complete, $850, 725991 after pairs to_all_ makes. New! hoses." Phone! hond. Must be fest and iC, 723-4768 j Victor Call 668 3239 Whitby DOC'S SPEED Jack Lees, 728-6956 occurate e GENERAL REPAIRS Mortgages arranged & G ; = | R | 65 JOHNSTON 4 HP t FREE! Furnace ci ie : ' evel of su ious he 65 STON 40 HP electric motor, ir uenace cleaned, adjusted free ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA) op Lame improve 16 Celina St. ATTENTION! Housewives, cleaning win & CUSTOM bela 4 1 condition, also one combination! Guaranteed trouble-free winter if vo CL, Barrister and solicitor, 14 Centre F j at th dows, siorms, screens. Fred's Window Marie Murd ; : d gear shift control. Telephone! purchase from Western Oil Co, 725-1712 For Interview eall | Ae - ag i am. 530 p.m.) ment problems, call us first EST 1909 and General Cleaning, 668-6979 Reduced Sale on ---- speed Gchewe. Mey 160 nd AIR KING de-humidifier, cost $110. Wil niment 1461 quir t or 4 Evening appoint biel 723-16 Ps CELLARS CLEANED rasn removed. equipment, chrome acc, fen 18th, Phone Genosko | j / PACESHIP, moulded plywood, sell for $50, Also prefab bar tor recren AJAX 9A2- ] 54 ~ - household repairs done, Telephone 723 | lik j _ A neue der skirts, grills, Mises, slike, on these dotes for eppoir 4 r r. Excellent condi-ition room. Cost $94, will sell for $45 Classified Rates Then hove a talk with our One of Oshawo's Lorges ' = anid mahe f julpped. $725, Phone 723-4180 both excellent condition. Telephone 725-| s Selection o ; very customers elec n cinuais hive FILL SPARE ROOMS witn paying guests 24 hour towing, licensed ELECTROLYSIS Y ' 166A CENTRALAB Pe i ase Wnts, $1.08 . pened Dial 723-3492 now for an acwriter to ' Open ; "if FAN > 1965 14-FT, FIBERGLASS runabout with PIANO, upright, "Nordheimer," 58" high one ae} ineerion § Reap' ¢ ned Coraeal teaireotian ea anes eae NU RSERY STO help you phrase an ad, mechanic. Open 7 days 'till 723-464] vertible top, 28 Johnson motor, elee- goed condition, tuned to concert pitch CANADA LTD. additional w s, 54 eran manship call 6sb v1? 4 10, 1600 King §t,- £; Start, tee-nee trailer and extras, ex-| $165; also 50' plano, $280; H. A. Cave insertions ef 2 , Fertilizers ond arden sup- 2 " 0404 1 condition. Best offer, Whithy 668-\Piano Re-Building Co, Tuning and re 9 oney to Loan SEWING CLASSES gins 4 ephone stiiner Dealer 668-8658, WHITBY, ONT geri ngs integer iar TRI rai Televi gion iAWA ITHA vEN LTE TD, | GUARANTEED "used wringer washers 7% KING ST. E e 14h, OE, ROOFING chimneys, all types of coment secutive insertions of 24 words, for 128-778) n being ¢ cted at your local Sine 033 pairs fo all makes of planos, Brougham, | : ean plies mw - 44 now ng conducted at you ne erie FE alll sdditional words 21e, each mek isewalke, PS sea item. ank 2 | WILL LOAN yo vp to $5,000 at a ren Sewing Cen Her Half price suminer rate.-ia FOOT 'SPRING BOX' Lidminum boat Ontario, 942-554 42-477 nono ti A IB abd hadalBon a Pe : sonable rete of interest to -consolidete . Dial 725-5443 for enrolment schedule 2 Evinrude 10 4.P. motor, teeNee trall-,CUSTOM PICTURE framing, any site Chorge--!0 per cent additional charge CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING. Ce POWER. EQUIPMENT your, bt " on tor any other worthwhile Before You Buy A GoUNO CABY shaker cide in Fares ol Condition Si Ceaslie teleshine| Call BIN RRFREtTT oh Ligier ahetts. tak 0 thin 8 days amic bathrooms, Armstrong Corlon or > nd Servic ul Poce. POM nev cee eer MT | 1 ind. Bundes. Streat 05 $467 evenings only B. Pet, Pele ® , file floors Home renovations. Free esti "ces Wy "4 Il or Be a Ne Soom STERN, Telephone Piano or Organ, See uty net ont ale re ath. Tel pt ma PART TIME ad of Countir Less thor 24 mates, Guaranteed work. Whitby 6468-6036 oro an Lawn OY 223-46 riv ! oxi y ar ele Watt ct? wah" tach tote RASTEENT ERT oateces| ASC THE EXPERTS ot | HEINTZMAN sah 7--Swop and Barter' 9--Market Basket ; 2 initial, figure or abbreviation counts' aie remodelling, rec-rooms, Free ortgages ' SEPTIC TANKS, tollets, tubs, sinks, cab- NO: } ONTARIO potatoes. Free delivery. | xperience Tr ete werd; phone number counts|saewsiks. remogeliing, rec-reoms, Free RUNDLE & Company Ltd 3----Sportsman's Column Nels, Vanities, pressure aystoma." Sine, Als® Seed potatoes and apples. Telephone two words TORATYT 79 Simcoe St. N Oshawa tir oats, Motors, trailers..H. Chinn, | 7201306 or 723-06) G "ENTRE LTD ie 4 ae SMELT FISHING equipment ' Itt BR 4p . THs. DEATHS= ROOFING, hol tar and gravel, shingies| GARDEN CENTRE LTD. TELEPHONE 728-2921 cances, New and used guns, 4 Hillside Ard Rowd South 723-7088. APPLES -- 2nd grade, Mcintosh, cor 8 = ¢ repairs, | { nd 4 5 c | 3 tackle boats, Valle nek ' trolled atmosphere, $1.50 per bus. Also = SOCIAL NOT Lopaire, Sarge one snail Webs. Lane 1015: King St, Eost tackle, boat y "|G cArticles tor Sale st arade Mac's, Brine own. containers POWER $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi-| Rooting and Construction, 725-693 725-6551 GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo all wringer ree! We Algoma Orchards Lid. Tuiekson Road tional charges if no: paid within 8 day®.| EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foo! washers and ranges, Free estimates. Call WANTED - Members for trout < North, Whitby, r ing and fi r 28-1742 or 723-00 Write D. Muller, RR Ne i | IN MEMORIAMS ag Patel Eel Nl ad Ml LOANS 1742 oF 723-00 $125 for season, Write D, Mull DRAPES FUR BABI habe ecieiwrwe| ouper Market > » the tie or 5. 19 723-584) . ' f : w bags of seed potatoes, RR |, Burketon ® ; 82-00 fer f rd 'o Sate poll yt of Ahh Bian SMITH'S Septic Service vy Ont, 986-4470. 64 King St. E, each thereafter vel charge If net | ¥OUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim Moneys available fir 4-- Motorcycles RE -ADY MADE f uni Ad in een verse; 25¢ t neys bullt, repaired, gas linings installed: | nd. secer Or Open [SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt service , ' pply Manager Mr, Baker paid within & days revle remaired, Free eatienaten Joe Ov) | TREE FARM 7 ify No oats z val on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut § zes, all patterns 10------Farmer's Column @ : mortgages. No bonus, Firs West, Whitby, 666-2564 PASTURE TO RENT, 150 acres, N ARDS OF THANKS ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get| edar posts poles jill. ey wae y ; 5 acrans" How % 00 for the first 38 words and Sc.| your driveway paved by experts, 2 cents Manure, topsoil, mulch sh Ay sb isa me tgoges 5 YAMATl 1A M & C s astle area, Telephone 623-2449 TYPIST pe rs a within ® gdaltional square foot, All work gueranteed. 773-0281, | Cedors for hedges oot ee rn eee ee tveyere SPORTSCYCLES DRY GOODS DEAD AND CRIPPLEDfarm stock picked| i har f not within Y ' ir coms, al chasec J ' , rf ft! Mt Fur n * charge if not pa ALL Wade Lal pe %, roo ms, al | White birch, evergreens, MF. SWARTZ H, FLIM AND TROLLOPSE, Ontario Land =) ~ & DRAPERIES Pore Y. Marowill Pur Farm, Tyrone,| For production planning dept COMING EVENTS Call VAIAA shade trees. Call collect "ay . 2 Elgie Street Bast, Phone All models now available A CELINA ST ones eee Stenography Production ne 1.50 for : 7 , 2614 King St. Eost i (4 CELINA oT, Los d 1 Fil $2.10 per Inch (disvioy); $1.50 for the COMPLETE "HOME iMPROVENIENTS Newtonville 786-2283 4) 9 4,000 miles full warranty 793-7827 - ecords General Filing first 26 words end Se, each thereatter COMPLETE "HOME IMPROV ENENTS Oshawa, Ontoric DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Priced from $279 11--Pets and Livestock duties, Must be fast, accurate ind - and Surveyor. Co ercial blue prints ery material 9 ' (Word Ads Home Improvements, 725-9428 - ere 723-4697 Ontario Street 125-6 " : 10 am, to 10 p.m erial 98¢ and up BLACK GELDING, 16 hands, suitable for) typist with a minimum of AUCTION SALES : GENERAL WELDING services "-- CHAIN LINK FENCES fe 723-8711 games or pleasure, Bowmanville 623-334 Grade 12 education $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, -- | Ping, structural epairs, specialty:| Am A-1 company will give TV---Radio Repairs USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires.) Cozy J RANCH Kennels, regisiered Ger Phone For Appointment |All work guaran' Oy 723-684 & Lbs y Scrap radiators $4; g@ns..|man Shepherd . yon st ql y of moa | - start i / 90 » pups. Deposits for next PLANT SUPERINTENDENT DEADLINES 7 TVPES BUILDING" RUPATAT 1 highest quality of m | ) TC arter 4 2V 90c.) battertes jin fed. Malan bind WORD ADS ad ng fe. hd aaveutreah o, fire terials and workmanship and For Conventional RO- DON SF ORT te] : 25-216 5 Nelson Street 7 Ashburn 685 1662 eveneen: paeleee! GENERAL PRINTERS LTD, HOU! ces, masonry, Gord May, W 0 Old fences re MORTGAGES TAUNTON RD, E TELEVISION TOWERS 0-11, Veh : S p.m, DAY PRE $ aces, = masoi ord Ma hitby west prices 3E > ".|SHETLAND Weish ponies, three years 668-2774 moved, Free estimates ony Without. bonus Just East of 5 Points tower with 10-ff. mast and single 8-213) old, Reasonable, Telephone v2.94 723-2230 "7 AND FOUND ee ~ : talled, $50. (This is @ 4 Sam DAY OF PUBLICATION Peer cores, CeOnne baa: re me EXPERIENC ED i v Discover the swinging world of f TRIO Television, Corner Bond | BEAUTIFUL' baby budgies, ready" for 5 ' cient service! Call 725 BPE Ayt pair Fast, efficient service! Call 72 723-5377 APPRAISALS ECONOMY AND YAMAHA 1 98-5) A3e4 training, talking strain, Apply Mra EXPERIENCED BS ao oe PUBLICATION EAVESTROUGHING, Free estimates ee DELIUXE CONTENTS of eight-room house, Moving | lou' 0 Sign Ea - 9am AY z ceer wake" Tiber Tallaice tee Contact mut of town, Reasonable, Best offer, Ap- SADDLE, English style. Excellent con. 4 riced to suit. your -budnet : Na aiveae ree ; one 728-681 ray eg orga varantea HOON Link Pilced te suit your budast | yt "Rin ive Baa o's 900° "| dton Towphne" 282 BOOKKEEPER CARDS OF THANKS CARPENTRY -- New and recalrs. block at bk | HONDA 450 CC WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator and stove LABRADOR pups, seven weeks, males fy PREVIOUS ps f wae eatiinntan e0.34nn Vv - ps ae Qoed- conditior Telephone, 723-3613 $25; females $15., purebred, good hunt 1 tpm, DAY isd eheaent werk, Rees entiinates Te LLOYD METCALF OSHAWA.TV._|-1966 BMW MOTORCYCLES aie," pbactaais ing stock, Telephone Ajax. 24-s18-atter:--Must be fully versed in_pays | Real Estate Ltd wour is + rae i < ¢ COLDSPOT ombination refrigerator | \"* Week days roll, 5 day week. Hours 9 to 1 eolumn--4 p.m Carpentry FOR SALE 40 Kine'St £ Op 4hy SUPPLY LIMITED @ Honda Sport 90 $449 freezer, two-door, excellent condition. (GERMAN SHEPHERD, lemaiey four, 5. Write stoting age ond sal- mns or jorge 0 ay ¢ CARPENTRY, new and remodaliine Ae { 9 28:4678 T : ' " secaia elephone 728-9686 years old. Good with children. Best offer ary required to repairs, Free estimates, Telephone WE DELIVER FREE TAUNTON RD, E, @ Honde car convertible Telephone Dunbarton 839-3887 i Sonkee be toe AN 608-0014 Call 728-6903 . | Just East of Ritson | $2,195 "Can be. seer a so Witen hee: CHMSAPRAKW BAY Reirievers, regis BOX 24819 FIRST and SECOND | On: Disol t ith, Apt. 216 or Arcade Barber Shop. |tered, 3 months old, Excellent hunting ibe Opies : » Display: a : eos mgt ollaatancgaetia ' Cortege MOR TGAGES 723-81 3] 199 KING WEST ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, inch and stock. Frice $m. Call after 6 p.m, New OSHAWA TIMES MAN WITH "one Tarae" and one ama No. 1 Field Sod » duarter Tower structure win doupte) cas" 947-446 CCASSIFIED DISPLAY OPEN 'TIL 9. P.M 3 nerial, $39.95, Telephone 723-8131.) WANTED -- good home for 4'4-month-old nde 4 20¢ de - ira Vacatior - A k VACUUM brown terrier puppy, female, Has had any king ' ; ier 200 : x ee alla 728-4242 'AGUUM repairs, ail makes, hoses noculations, $10, Telephone 725-3016 rTON TRUCK r hire, a Be ered. Sod late "380 | SEC bs ne' R 'i TED TELEVISION RADIO Fleming Vact i aeivies, Main Sireet 1cAvticles Wanted | WAITRESSES scohies Jo Free Estimates andtdy J 24 HOUR SERVICE coon be | REQUIRED 28 404 : 112 " 195.3568 DUCATI 1963 VESPA 180 SCOOTER, oo GOOD USEH FURNITURE. What have! LANDSCAPING 4 h IMP 200, Alax 942-49 pu? \ Creek, 16 Bond Street West Full or part-time PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for @ BSA @ TRIUMPH : ou? Valley Cree S Dentistry 623-5246 all, mortgages, Mortgages and" a: HOLMES Accessories Pirell tires MOFFAT range. 2 Crossley 'retrig. '28-440 Apply Mr Campbell CAREFOOT or JOHN . ments of sale purchased ' : ato' 22 Both good condit Two . » | Surge a Street 4W9.'TOP SOIL with or without menure Prynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "B i ae goggles, jackets, gloves, Bu kitet ipboards, Cheap! 7288 13---Articles for Rent GENOSHA HOTEL | For pontine rn i a ie! maar ELECTRONICS | Briers Renairs 'ond 'service, nana: wrtare; sitteat i BIALEK, DR Dent pon, | Kuzik, 668-3906 or 648-298 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail AB's Motorcycle SHOP ®*\broadioom 12 x 25). venetian blinds TOBACCO PLANTERS wanted, experi nimces st ; ¢ " GARDEN ana iawn maintenance. Rolo able Mi, sonalemenn Realtor, 114 Brock) | 114 STVENSON RD. SOUTH Apply Frances Stree | RENT LS enced preferred. Telephone Orene 9R17, ppaintment, 72 A ss . A . andscaping, patios, pinughing| *'ree! Whitby 468-3328. | FOR PROMPT SERVICE 728-7780 i YELLOW bridesmald dress, size 12, om rst tobaceo tarm en Taunton Road and Htivating,. Call 655-4996 after 6 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, safe CALL me waist ¢, floor length, worn once, | Eas Hen Dressmaking : agreements purchased and acd Telephone Hampton 263-2255, OF AL / EXPERIENCED girl for" evening hifi EXPERIENCED GARDENER w r a ' - era: L KIND fy n nr rister no Str . cam A th's Colt 4 "MODERN" DRESSMAKING' nee for your garden and lawn, plant and Hennick, Barristers 1 King Street Whitby- 668-5679 SUZUKI GENERAL ELECTRIC dburner range, 9 - Beret sane Gr Rae bi od ean Mae she All- models or Sarg. ald. 30° model excellent eondition:| REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- -- Reasonable. 725-8614 Noe 1 ) y 1 . t DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the , f 88 PART-TIME executive activity for mature 1 4 ey massaging belts, rowing ma . Personalit re | NURSERY Sa ae oi: sical Buainaea bervier. Giresiey: Cela Gane mediate Delivery, Low wn HP. ROTO TILLER 32" jires, al am 9 Ach : 9 i woman. Pe onality ma Scope than : Kentucky livery customers ay moderate cost, Telephone) HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED payment, $19 monthly, Con atta , Jsed one season 9)? je] SHINES, DIKeS exercises = a! SAROT ONES, ar oes : isectabanpii DRESSMAKING -- § org me + 6, 668-4965, |725-3492 to place your ed. a plete line of accessories, Open Mrs $6 per month See Ne cating "glam: Revainil Gear. alterations, stip ; l we ER ( t ' i rn Cardinal Clean- ' ald got ; PLOWING AND CULTIVATING. Gar TY TOWERS till 9 p.m Gurney" electric $80, Telephone, PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe ita i ag ' ; Hens of larger areas, Call us. Free est Nursing Homes awa "auntak ot 2 Oshawa 195 King W. 728-4242 : cleaning -- rods pipe vise EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER: Ladies' inate hs V 242 eile ; COUNTER GIRL for night shift. Apply be ws oath aeei- rea _... WALLY CLIFF LODGE, over ooking. Lake an f PES Whitby 1206 Dundas E, 668-6642 TYPEWRITERS, 'adders, cash registers,| tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe schicken Ville, St Bhneen etree ridal wear ce piv ! 3 a 2 © Onta Qualitied q e desk t e@ cabinets, Terms, trad. A pdges and Lombare Pop Reasonable r Telephone 998-035 y ; rs y entals service, B "4 : Po Mos iades a era ephone HONDA Blue, 1965 cc's, "Apply at) Ham toilet auger RELIABLE WOMAN or lady pension = Smith's Sports, 353 K Street West > Ol) hes e Gardening and 'opiifies aa Vo TERIA sin GF FN aul Gatouneevias . R 1 0. Arnlth's Sperts; $59 King Street Welt! oii ean, Render calveionr Gavi New| PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ' ght responsibility, home at oii : R f \ ; mosp! Please reply stating wage re wh. eee estimates, 725-51 cond $375. Apply 119 Nonquon Road| stepladders adder jacks, sgh ra . imcoe MONDA, 90 €.c., 1965, A-] © Itlon, $325 - és a 728-0418 : O Grane peers OG: time e TELEVISION Telephone 723.5309 ondition, $ 23-640 steel scaffolding, compressors EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, pari D 6 rds and up. 793 , bs J N ER y r pray guns, Wallpaper steo m 4 ' MAP Bran cor Vaken tae net eee, ang: UbHT Peal |BRIDGESTONE --motorcycies (Daviond (rary Tomtrg ont eran eaeina, Street! Spray guns, wallpaper steom= --|time; also apprentice. Apply. Wande's $2.24 yard; well-rotted manure, $5, yard Painti is ti 'Bond and Divisio Speedway champs Sales and Se ' ; : ' 4 ited, howe: ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, Reauty Shop. King Street East, Bow. De e 049 f Ginting an ecorating United Rent-All and Marine, S85 _k hae ARAL propane torche manville, 623-380) : 128-5143 oft Shiv kate A a 728-5 East, 728-5565. rf fi f Taitere 6 Ban wnt, Custom rk, EXPERT nting ecoratin ! BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT GIRLS WANTED to sew in a tailor's LANDSCAPING & TUR Celilo. Manne ae eeaceran [aw MOT Oe hele Tine thea, ieee 1964 HONDA 90. Ai shape. Windshield:| cenit "hing Quran, ap Ween HL: EMAUAR oni, Fad shop. Hand and electric machines, Must Free estimates. Talephone 725-8931 estimates. 728-0257 | Helmet, saddie bag Included. 3,000 miles. |. mediately, Best offer, 243-256° ' MISHING | speek English. Pay while learning. Apply toa ; ' e Cell only $2.80 | Telephone 723-4903 r ar) oer trowels, wheel borrows, elec A person to M, Sheriff, a7 Prince Street, : | PAINTING, paperhanging. Doe ! ' Y | / TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-to0} tower ' in Upstairs, over Rose Bowl) GARDEN SERVICE RAIN OR SHIN: Times Action Want! Free est mates, Call Willlam f FAST T.V SERVICE oe il fructure, all-channel antenna Instalied in wuprater, dir. compressor, * M i tae INDEX TO Ads give you speedy 'eip, wn any kine of {72 : ' 5---Trailers hawa p mited, Taunton, 19ck hammers, hond trowels, |RESPONSIALE older woman to texe . : " ' Aas gra iN aly | Mg a . charge rouse, Rioor west area, ar CLASSIFICATIONS 4ding T weather, To buy, sell, hire or rent tele EXPERIENCED PAINTER and DOMINION be i Me east of Ritson Road | woter pump nr riable heat mi (dl tor aah Wael, GKla Tame saci ad - edar on Jehone 729.2492 for, Call ng r fast servic cir | RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG usED AUTO PARTS anything! Chas] ers, steel scaffolding, electric hospitalized, Telephone 723-0200 tor = de 1--Womens Column | ; os ar irish pind besiptt alt - TELEVISION ITENT NG TRAILERS » Wreckers, corner of Sollnal generator, ramset power re italis : : Il HAVE YOUR PAINTING d TENT CAMPING \ i east of Oshawa | H | | r Servic s c 2 1154 9am. to 9 pm } 2 BOOKING neater ers, electr Lammers, mos mon's Column ping f nstruction rior, exter 1 wo ad | @ RENTAL BOOKIN FURNITURE three rooms, new qual ania i18--Male Help Wanted 4--Motorcycies . estimates 0 > All work guaranteed NOW BEING TAKEN + : $29, ine, complete| «°° nry saw building jacks, ue | | JACKS ON'S TRAILERS bedroor i room, kitchen ensem-| Mortar mixers, mortar boxes, > : A eae ) R > : Plumbing and Heating c | bies, Pay. « weekly, Unbeatable] chain hoist, miter sow, elec. -- | SHA NV | . ' Jom enishie % es H | OSHAWA. and WHITBY | Sales and Rent ils Furnishings, 424 JEWELLERY. cutters, pipe threading dies 5. ed, to Box M25105, Oshawa Times. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING aap tric plane, tarpaulin mceoe last HIGH SCHQOL Stark ide mum cag HIS aR ates a NIC GH T SERVICE 728.026 13 ; ve " 5 un raged wer oe SALESMAN Herie siudy pieberes ObG m6. lereruer a eee 725-8541 or 668-5830 . da: Sitncon Aires! ndats. Scala Gold presentative For Cé frog. pret ALL TYPES of § and remode RE NTAIL S and SALE' r itfits, 200 amp electric Py ige Costume pe a A ; vincial ex new and used materials, Reasonabie RA 'Cc TYPEWRITER d me) l4----Business Onportu Everareens . . t or * ales. Estimates free. 723-119 Foley S E > bin and Camping 7 PEWRI + Standard, $30.; portable welders Mouse to cover eastern Un- 1S---Employment War vergree coginized . © Senin 6 nabiag . ae : er S207 "comptometer anon nts Wont Mario nd Kenty , 'i ertifice r A : RADIO T CIOK ers @ Everything r i ol r, Store . 'pbb! FocPemole He "Wanted oe Rug-Upholstery Service 10 & TELEVISION ce me Galaonon Peete, ; ae total east register, S TA N ' S ied 15/68. txeallentanmnrrunity aie Hi ng @ Fertilize mor f t € Repaired BABY BARGAINS arriages $29.95, cy 1/66, Excellent opportunity, we tg -- 5 23-9020 uctoble niorma @ NOW OPEN 7 V SERVICE MILLER ' 39.88, play Qharpening & Rentals Ltd This Fine Line has been astab- SIDE. LANE Pp » Osha Raw i ra erties e Nigh chair $10.88 233 King St. W., Oshawa | { the area for the WAPDIAN Peay EVENING , if ) > % ayest Phone 723-3224 twenty: years ANADIAN ACADEMY 198 5984 FIREPLACE WOOD, while birch, maple ' a wenty years A 0 Ma ' ARLIN ON and sixteen. inches | SRY eet M2? TOP soll SANDY LOAM one 40 Main Street West . ' \¢ i WHEEL CHAIRS, Wamtal beds wale | y Box M 24884 De Guus kaos' ne ee a Hamilton, Ontario - ) ' C SHAWA N ONT ee = . qi teducing "mach Nes) sick room supplies Oshawa Time h Row +r rr ~ a entals, 105 fatrice, 725-1444 f inquiries Contidentia W \ ca AL . Borie 623-734) EL EC T RON ICS F 1) by > t CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church , Standerd 14 ft d aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 itomobiles tor Sole -- Top Quality, Field and nvraei =| *2 '3 ms PER MONTH RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Establish da TOWERS, 379 King Street Deluxe: with toilet ! REFRIGERATORS, $24.95) beds, aig) DIMOO® Street. North, Call 723.2614 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ey Ginsu an \ om tario and the Maritimes, on rass molete amis ommencing June ' 3iCompact Cars fer Sale Guaranteed, |. (veh! Towers | cht ag Bhat eters Everything f ro fon mattresses, $19.95) ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred). Required immediately to help 32----Trucks $ - ity onty he cost ef this * r attresse ety fa' May ad MILLER e t $10.95) TV's, $20.95; people? Oshawa Tennis Club far ba Pages wary ents, tniey the 33--Automobiies Wonted QUANTITY TOP SOIL MILLER 4 Y4ecAutomebiie Renalr able. Phe '2 5 or 923-9910 if ome quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen 4 smotier stoff for one. hoistering. 2 : TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs AJAX O4 ; en ed, Valley parking, 723-2140. morning piler Y on. BS). evel ind GOOD FIELD 4 ' sma CHESTERFIELDS nistered a any pintanteed Dean Avenue aA e . f convenient park sng a d? You're reed tyled ave ' TRAILER HITCHES ma ' ¢ RE te pur AWAY 0 Tidy eum wy ranting tha contidey , al aapointment 38--Coming Eventy GARDENS PLOWED and cultivate : bet ena, PP ¢ je to RE-CONDITIONED ANTENNA B213, also all types of welding ete weive b arae, round re room with a Times Action Want Phon 2714 Mr. Martin " ng, 728-437 3 from 35 ©. and $20. for cottage or able. Portable equipment for 23: pedestal kitchen table: twenty-two feet of a. Telephone 723-3492 and put ene to 39--Notices Row Tiling, 7a-4078 Street, 723-7: home, Call Mr, TY Towers, 723-9525, un. beige draperies, 728-3376, : work' for yeu. IW, O. MARTIN REALTOR