CARE OF CHAMPIONS INCLUDES LOTS OF LOVE |CHILD GUIDANCE | _ Extremes In Child's Character | Need Professional Help By GARRY MYERS, PhD. Some while ago I answered {ing challenge. I must admit that |L cannot point to specific scien-i t i in this column a mother whose tific evidence in support of my} | hoy, five, had very strong fem- inine interests and wishes he were a girl. "At school," she said, "he plays with the girls and names many girl friends-- no boy friends. The boys who used to come over to play do not come anymore." She said she was trying to keep him from advice to that mother, How-} ever, the consensus of this in child development points to the desirability that young boys) |play with boys as wel as girls.! Any boy, five, who spends nearly all his time at play with | gigis obviously does not have nérmal fun with boys of his age 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 16, 1966 15 and is not preparing to enjoy such fun later. The more he" plays with dolls and the like the less inclined he may be to cul- tivate boy playmates. Merely playing with dolls per se may have no great signifi- cance, There is a tradition in Mrs, Myers' family of a brother who played with dolls and pup- pets day in and day out till 'he was nearly 10. He turned out to be a highly masculine man be- are a real man! coming a successful .engineer and father of a fine large fa- NURSERY TEACHER mily. Bs "T am teaching in a nursery' I can think of another rela school of four-year-olds. I also| tive who is a surgeon and father jhave a very masculine husband! who likes to cook and excels at who loves to cook. And J en-/\it, Years ago when our children courage the four-year-old boys! were very young I enjoyed shar- to enjoy the housekeeping cor\ing in their care and in many ner babies, cooking and | household duties. But this other playing with dolls. The following came from a mother in Minnesota, "On what scientifie evidence --or physiological -- or what- ever -- do you base your reply |to the nother who is concerned about her son's masculinity as evidence in your recent column Is taking care of a doll really 'unmasculine?' Then I assume caring for one's child is also to be fiscouraged; that, is if you hostess, The tea was held in the Picadilly room of the president, Mrs, T. Eric Sutherland, chairman of. the Evening Chapter, and Mrs. Harry Finer, the official General Hospital on Wednes- day afternoon, Mrs. John Perry, left is being greeted by Mrs, James MeCansh, At the annual membership tea held by of the Women's Auxiliary the Oshawa 4 4 of the|O held Tea get The Women's Auxiliary Oshawa Colin Mrs Carter, or General Hospital its annual membership and Kerr their friends stated ved the of the tea Individual tables were placed throughout the room for the convenience of the guests, mak ing it an enjoyable afternoon FRESH RHUBARB PIE Made with Floky Pastry @ Another Woolworth's Service PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS -- Serves 16 to 20 people 5.95 5 Oe DH ek 6 a BE RB Delicious FRESH STRAWBERRY SPONGE ROLL SPECIAL THIS WEEK . SPECIAL THIS WEEK . @ ee pee tags GRAND CHAMPION MINTS Oshawa Cat - Fancier's Siamese Kitchen Becomes 5 : Glamor Room Becomes Triple Grand Champion By ELEANOR ROSS By JO ALDWINCKLE One look at the recent show silaged by members of the Some think 1% Is 'an: unlucky number and that cats American Institute of Kitchen Designers, and we knew bring not. Mrs R. L. MacGregor;. she is per we had long kitchen is on its way ing a glamor room fectly happy with 13 cars, all New concepts in the appli Siamese and four adorable kit ance field play a part in tens change. These Ln clude stacked washer-dryer that « In addition she has four adult be operated simultaneously, anc blue Persians and eight kittens, Se hauiad tak tiny bundles of blue fluff. They Deetlaan sabinal. © all live like rovalty in their spot ander: the less pens in the airy basement Raantan OF % of Mrs. MacGr r's Thickson aieie kiichen road south and she is sahihail kept busy and house Riven tiie 1k oa keeping electronic ane pring cooking we Mini § > minute old hlue-point electric range triple champion three cat fanciers' societie and the grand champion of the Canadian Cat Association Mrs. MacCiregor also rare cat, a male Himalayan, a Persian-type seéal-point Siamese "Bimbo Bee" is the only one of his kind in Oshawa and_ his proud demeanor indicates that he knows that he something special Mrs. MacG became terested in cats about five yea ago when her in London, 4 Ontario i her a female eye Siamese. She soon realized that shaped in she had a ve different' eat.) but pr ably "The Siamese the most '¢xture: of the : intelligent cats of all." she said and fine and close "They study their owners In Blue-points the have 'their own methods of get blue, slig d ting attention or anything else , they want. They are not vicious Stadually to oyster white on the), if they are handled properly and and chest, The they demand a lot of love. If should be a much darker they act up and start to The Seal-point st the furniture, 1 slap at fawn or cream, darker with a folded newspaper It on the shoulders and hter on makes a noise they don't the stomach and chest. The Wi Then, once in a while, | mask should be connected by done in a new de their claws when they tracings with the ears in Eventide Orchid long. The Persians and gold hardware structive too, but In a the complete position is different displayed re Siamese all decorating lis e luding stark MacGregor charges each one of w an outing every day allowed the run of the house as She is 'car their hahit RAPSIE AMID PRIZE RIBBONS the home is concerned. There is just something about a cat:It's what some cleanliness, quietness, small size the suspected had luck, but and pleasing disposition are only to becom part of the story. Unlike a dog that continually craves attention and will do just about anything to get if, a cat is majestic and- independent. A cat has her own personality; she is an individual and .she takes over a home bys immediately selecting her own little corner this the Hotel Genosha. Oshawa Times Photo Many Members And Friends Aty Have You Been Shopping Lately such a bizarre occupation as|father and | had ample boy 'dressing - up' in any available! playmates in our early and OGH Auxiliar Me bershi Tea me AT ao "Do you have any concrete your masculine husband had Y Pp i article, book or scientific evi I hope you don't discourage hostess ¥ Ty will change my approach and skills and interests, nor discon _-- sprays Hart shoo all boys from the 'Babies'|\tinue your ways with the chil Mrs. J, H Mrs | kitchen, I do hope your evidence| school. Indeed, | don't believe! and Wednesday D. J. MeKa In eharge of the jis negligible because [ do so en-|that you and I basically dis-| afternoon in the Piccadilly Room Sues! booth and tickets were DOWN I OWN 9 15 f > e husband Parents' Questions ed She Hotel Genosha Stewart. Mrs. Donald Sager s "T think you should clarify! Q. What of the often The guesis were rece by|Mrs, Jack Perry, Mrs, lan Cur é ; your readers pronto. Future fa-\the presence of guests"? of the Auxiliary; Mrs. T. Bric '| milies will, indeed, suffer." A. It has merit unless Sutherland, chairman of | the My reply in part to get away gvith unreasonable | Harry Finer, the official hostess & Thank you for your refresh-| behavior Mrs a | . With a background of iz) soft music, the. guests helped aA tractively arranged on tables fe centred with a unique fruit ar bg a For New Zealand First Otfenders peering m S u e i Ba ke i S ec lals By MARILYN ARGUE {two courses of study--the first Lal tences worked off on weekends|dening, dress - making, hand Li are being tried out for youth. crafts .and office skill the Zealand, says Senator Murieling, cleaning, laundry, mending tea table, centred by an arrange Fergusson, who recently toured. and "kitchen affairs' ment of flowers and candles lavas Roderick Ross, Mrs, R. S. Irwin, Ml -- = Another women's institution Mrs, William Holland, Mrs. H. The Liberal Japan allows se | +4 4 gg! _ ne take jobs about two months be Spections during a trip to the ifore their release date, They WIMBLEDON, England (cP) i Law Conference iate last year form centre, but can trave|| Mohammed Younis, an 18-year jin Australia, A director of the/freely to and from their work old Anjam Aira in Pakistan jis one of nine senators On A ing guidance and counselling Without leaving his adopted studying Canadian peniten-| jananese language, music bride by proxy, bridging the tiaries. "especially the fiute' and |5:200 « mile gap by telephone, be served in any one of three ing match in England "periodic detention centres' for 'The Japanese fee] that we ee E land, Set up in 1963, the homes! what we call a crime now may | serve young men who had had not be considered an offence at The idea is to keep them, Senator Fergusson said one} busy with lessons and small Japanese had illustrated this from Friday afternoon to Mon-,@ Criminal offence in Japan to day morning--"the time when|Own an American dictionary or} get into trouble, often because . The philosophical! approach to they have no idea of how to rehabilitation is shown also in of There are from 10 to 20 have misbehaved : ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee clothes, jater childhood: So, no doubt Tas Mrs Ashton | dence to dispute this? If so, I) your husband in his cooking -- and my husband from the dren you teach in the nursery acquainted tea for the members Keith Claxton-Oldfield and Mr E jjoy my 'unmasculine habits'| agree rs. A. D. Austin, Mrs. Jack jyour stand on this matter forjrule, 'Don't punish the child in Mrs. James MeCansh, president\rie and Mrs. BK. F. Cuthbertson E siciaanie op BE BO 1 |CONCENSUS OF OPINION youngtser finds it helping him|Evening Chapter, and Mrs Harry Kerr was convener | Jail Sentences Served Weekends 'em::ives'1 rerresnmens i rangement, candelabra, flowers OTTAWA (CP) Jail --sen-\including housekeeping, gar Me BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! ful male first offenders in New|Second concentrating on nurs-| Pouring tea and coffee at the : were Mrs. E. G. Storie, Mrs. | penal institutions there and in TAKE TOLERANT VIEW ; senator from jn occupants: to New Brunswick ' , , MARRIED BY PHONE ba Commonwealth and Empire) must continue living in the re lold cricketer, married 17 year |Elizabeth Fry Society here, she| 1p this centre, as well as hav joint committee of Parliament) sessions, the inmates can study Surrey home. He married his The weekend sentenves can skills such as sewing and typ- While his brother witnessed the youths 16 to 20 in New Zea-\should be tolerant, because | no previous convictions, a later date,"' jobs around the community | theory by saving it used to he they are. likely to be idle and American cigarettes | A New World | f use their-leisure time." treatment of prisoners who punishment is a room, all the oth They: call it self-reflection | youths at each centre. They eat ney havent '\their meals with the home di cells Instead there Yirector in a family atmos. furnished just, like phere. Some of them say they ers, but separate have never eaten at a table be- 'he room for jfore. They have always just had something to eat handed to them." combination handsome ear ich can be ONE BEDROOM SUITES TWO BEDROOM SUITES FAMILY SUITES 3 FLOOR RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY GRENFELL SQUARE" LUXURY APARTMENTS 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL Free 23" Console Television One of the new tenants will win @ lovely 23" CON. SOLE TELEVISION . . . those who reserve their suite by June Ist, 1966, become eligible, Bring this card of introduction. tchen the and slid ki The standard jances Siamese are high and never be long of a well-bred hom * The ca should fat, The th leg be, muscular body should and for STORE FURS ida AIM TO BUILD GOODWILL They are given academic son lectures, physical training and counselling and do repair work around the house and grounds One group looked after the lawns at. an old peo ple's home in the community The new approach is part of the New Zealana justice de partment's philosophy of involy- ing the offender in neighbor hood activities, and winning the goodwill of the community to wards him 'They want tional care edial as possible oven, which reduces roval court [8-month- who is a e of ti lim dainty with time from hours to les Rapsie an legs slightly .} and the conventional front. The feet and oval should be long (a slight kink a allowed). The long, tapering from the ears muzzle with no whiskers a face. The skull and the nose tinuation no igher vwamese should be of in shape and t the head LONG OVERDUE A home version , restaurant of and system and cooking while in use long overdue Elegance is the watchword for the total kitchen which wi w concepts tapering of a famous air with smoke } end electric broiler should ' thei# own ah al odors outdoors $s an improvement twin ovens to has a in stra lines + send ine to narrow break at the perfect wedve should be fiat be a head should should of the break. The: ears wide con is foi with ture n¢ in de he be to keep institu brief and rem and especially rehabilitation for young offenders fint with mink mo should be rhe blue. Th cabinets in a f inish virkii . elmond tanch Mink complemented y ay engine mir overs 0 tot be cabi and walnut and large at the base and sricked clear vid gO r t ' as bs in ' the cook's domair y and the eyes sister deep aperture should true orit fashion CLEANING & RESTORING BONDED COLD STORAGE Phone 723-3012 Free Pick-up and Delivery OSHAWA FUR ond LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West kend centres although the considering There are no for women yet overnment is them In Japan and chair Chere w wes rhe herr to not crossed ONE - TWO - THREE BEDROOM SUITES Hydre t ah done are coat. should Re copper emphasize rain highlighted b forged for the particular unit The all-pervading Mediterra influence has moved kitchen in de design as it applies short elossy hardware Iving coat is Senator Fergusson visited the Tokyo Guidance Home, a centre for 90 women convicted under the anti-prosti tutin laws For the first 20 days' of the normal six-month sentence, the women undergo psychological physical, educational and adaptability tests. Then they follow one of of and silvery arker acrass the shoulder hanging nean into Free and to cabinets "oration High Speed Elevotors points blue belly . Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30- inch Electric Range and New Re frigerator KITCHEN \' Beautifully One kitche every V lo that epitome TRACT that attr the show law r pale them ted one sligh was FOR : Rental Information Phone . 723 - dill 11 A.M, -- 9 P.M, DAILY Exclusive Agents OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) Ltd. 728-9466 of ele gance n and finish with like Intercom Connected to | clip two courses obby white Bothrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vonities Double Sinks Drapes grow too he can de thei from Our present day Simaese cats are descended from lar animals that guarded the palace walls in old Siam and traces of oval lineage are disce in champions like Mini's Ré dis kitchen the the er rhia resented | end| Night Throughout One or Second Washroom periods, and t n moderr ) Two-balcony Suites Available i yodern op nible | art and pop art for the small} M to Arapertes Hang : Suites Available really ove nsie home apartment, as well a Oshawa's Largest Suites 1 m for the néw or remodeler i and is I ; ' Ramiiy Te Somethin eas new f om " Rental Includes TV Antenna for Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Py Sauna Facilities; Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio. charming that delighted u apo Also @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS ca a ee es @ DRAPERY HARDWARE potatoes has evolved into a pleasant fam SSHAWA'S Ml Rentals Start at comes jellied and skimming oft] r it hm, ily room } i 4 « heir f rite | i | YECORATING SER E the fat. 'This is their favorite What . * 125.00 WARD'S Simene St 725.1151 dish, bul they also enjo contaiming app SINCE 1919 tandin the landscaping of an adjoinir ote and Health Club 1 tion i? and errace, and .the sele use indoor plants flow ot tchen t af he cooking INTERIOR with irpeted: kitchen : "is a\ ts iances bea-| or disguised , a daily the whole scheme bright with] con the! WIFE PRESERVER ('ay at ame rant with) W oj } that has not only improved it and decorated and for good measure fose of vitamin tip of a spoon of egg, chicken, fish utifully extrar $. at Athol and rinse babs h Mrs. Ma re stilitarian ro is no animal hair m the ehower' for a thor has grown in with the cats as far as a pet foriough, non-messy eleaning job. as well. ® tha that can compare tasteful mour} |