Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1966, p. 8

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ck Q' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 14, 1966 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPOK{S EDITOR THE MEMORIAL CUP annual dinner was revived last night -- thanks to the energetic enterprise displayed by the Generals Hockey Club, while the "outsiders" paid their own shot -- we suspect that the OHA and Maple Leaf Gardens were part-and-parcel of the deal. But, in the main, it was Oshawa Generals who brought the Memorial Cup Dinner beck to @ flourishing success. It was tremendous! Edmonton Oil Kings -- and ali their cohorts -- were on hand, as well as the Oshawa Generals and various club officials, But the main addition was the "hockey men" who have been around Maple Gardens for the past week. There were all kinds of brass' on hand along with OHA officials, CAHA execytives, NHL scouts, former hockey stars, press, radio and TV types, etc. THIS WAS INFORMAL! There were hockey men galore on hand and when they got down to banquet speeches, Wren Blair was 'good, Bill Hunter was also good but boringly long, while' guest speaker, Rudy Pilous, was sensational. Blair spoke with tolerance while Hunter deliberately flaunted opposition at all and sundry. But even including "'the needles" it was obvious then that his remarks were pre- arranged, in order to do the most good for the Oil Kings. In spite of 'the needle' -- speaker Bill Hunter did manage to pay a high tribute to the Oshawa Generals Hockey Club, players and executive. He spoke very highly of the excellent trip to Oshawa enjoyed on Thursday and the 'sub- sequent guided tour, through Generals Motors. Throughout the tour, the employees indulged in playful antics, display- ing hundreds of signs, such as 'Go, Generals Go" or "The Oil Kings are only Queens', etc. Western Canada workers, in turn, had their own banners of sincere welcome for the Oil Kings. A final 'thorn salute" by dozens of cars, in the "final testing department' served to give the visiting Oil Kings a warm and friendly acclaim. Manager Bill Hunter admitted that his Edmonton team had been both pleased and thrilled, with their treatment in Oshawa. WITH THE SERIES TIED, the other speakers, includ- ing OHA President Matt Leyden and CAHA convener Lloyd Pollock, refrained from the blatant victory predictions voiced by Edmonton manager Bill Hunter and his cohorts. But it could be safely said that none of the brief speeches smacked of more than a meagre touch of tolerance -- it was strictly West for The West and Eest for The East. Crowning high- light of the informal and pleasant event was guest speaker Rudy Pilous and his inimitable contribution of dialect stories. The players of both teams, along with all the "hockey brass" on hand, thoroughly enjoyed the event which, after last night, is sure to remain an annual highlight of the Memorial Cup series. -- It was a friendly; social touch, that helped to stress sportsmanship and inter-Dominion fel- lowship, an attitude that all Canadian championships should Willie Mays Vows To Fight Tax Collection WASHINGTON (AP) -- Base- ball star Willie Mays has told the U.S. government he is pre- pared to go to court, rather than pay $14,712.21 in back income \ taxes the Internal Service claims he owes, | The San Francisco Giants' joutfielder made his stand known in papers filed with the U.S. tax court, asking for a "re- determination of deficiencies" in his federal income tax pay- ments for the years 1960 through 1964. The internal revenue commis- sioner informed Mays of the al- leged short payments in a no- tice dated Feb. 11, 1966. That notification, detailing the dis- allowance of various forms of travel and business expenses, showed a tax shortage totalling $16,229.78, | But Mays' lawyer, Vibert L.| Kesier, Utah, said Mays will not; dispute tax deficiency claims} totalling $1,527.57. | The tax court, on May 12,' | granted Mays' petition that Salt! | Lake City be the place of any | trial of the case. Mays said in| the petition that his current! |mailing address js Salt Lake! City. The Jawyer's documents, ac- companied by a notarized affi-| davit signed by Mays, said the |tax collectors erred in failing }to recognize that 'a baseball player of great popularity and | wide notoriety" incurs expenses for travel, transportation, and! promotion that should be con-| |sidered ordinary and necessary) jexpenses for the production of |income, Canada Boxers | | | | | B.E. Team Need Lot Experience CALGARY ot | seeking a berth on the Cana- jdian team in the British Em- |pire Games will have to show A WELL-PLACED RIGHT his way to winning a unani- mous decision in the 139- pound clastyin the Canadian Amateur Boxing Champion- Dick Findlay (dark trunks) lands a solid right to the face of Spud McVormac on ships in Calgary today. Find- lay is from Vancouver and McCormac, Calgary. (CP Wirephoto) Orillia Boxer Moves In Ran By JOHN SHORT CALGARY (CP) Walter| first round. moved| McLeay's opposition tonight Doubleheader Split By Leafs 60 degrees Friday for the first time since Toronto Maple Leafs arrived at their home park more than a week ago and the faltering International League club responded by splitting a Soutichcacer qiin Toiedo mud Hens. The seasonal temperature siso brought out 3,430 fans, as the Leafs lost their opener 5-6 before stopping the Hens 4-6 in the nightcap. The Leafs had won only six mes in 15 starts before Fri- y and their largest hometown crowd was less than 3,000, Elsewhere, Buffalo Bisons de- feated Columbus Jets 12-4 after losing the first game of a dou- bleheader 2-4, Jacksonville Suns edged Syracuse Chiefs 6-5, and Rochester Red Wings defeated Richmond Braves 4-2. Bill Rohr pitched a four-hitter for the Leafs in the second game. Minor Lacrosse Ready To Roll this week at the Oshawa Chil- dren's Arena. Youthful players from the ages of 5 to 16 begin their practices and finalize their registrations. President Ed Kolodzie and his |capable executive expect a rec- ord enrollment and hope to sur- pass last year's figures of about 300 boys. In order to do this it has been stated that no previous experience is necessary for any boy to participate. In fact new |boys will be most welcome as many of them develop so rapidly under the skillful coaching that they become good enough to play All-Star. PRACTICE SESSIONS ;stopped the bout at 2:40 of the be Harold Handlin of Prince | 94 George, B.C., only fighter among 56 fighters to reach a Association convener Dan Kocho has announced final de- | tails of a two-week practice pro- tgram beginning on Tuesday, |May 17 at the Children's Arena. at 6:00 p.m. | (Bo uled for workouts. Minor lacrosse activities start, MINOR LACROSSE Garrard Roads's Leagues Start Practices Monday - Lowery, D. Toutant, P. by ¢ Lellan, D. McCammond, U8 nat od smite Garrard Road Minor La- Gled thelr feat practises. forall uled their first es, for al 'e or oh ee divisions, starting Monday, Mey|, a ai, 3. Hoty, B. ss 16, at the Willow Park Bow], |". Tutak, D. Healey and @, Players are we to report| Morris, ~ -- " on the proper night for their 7 * practices. Listed below are the| Wegenay, sMay 18 (6.906 teams and their scheduled)7 35) _ eam: rbourn's practises, |Shell: coach, T. Brady; mane TYKES : |ger, E. Flagel; players: M. Fia- Monday, May 16 (6,30 - 7.15)|£¢!, D. Morris, K, Badgley, D, -- Team 1; coach, Bob Loney; |CTosby, P. Holliday, B. Manager, Burt Porter: players: IK. Toutant and Ron Sidler, N, Loney, D. Adams, G. Tou-| Team: Cardinal Cleaners = tant, C. Cooper, 8. Goodwin, J,jcoach, Bob White; manager, Campbell, J. Morris, B. G.|John Plowright; players: D. Edwards, R. Jolley and G.\Harper, J. Delaney, J, Plowe Porter. right, J. Halliday, A. Liebregts, Team 2: coach, Bob Lindsay; : eae: A Cooper, C. manager, Jim Brady; players: Pe and W. Gow, : K. Brady, Dave Maguire, Dan| Team: Oshawa Discount Maguire, M. Gallas, G. John-|House -- coach, Vie Sheffield; ston, R. Schoer, G. Schoer, M.|Manager, John Kasubeck; plays Edwards, R. Fields, E. Soban-|¢rs: P. Boland, G. Stovin, W.. ski and B, Horfer. Seon © ene R. Me i 1. oe ,|Kinnon, T. Dougalev, J. Hea Jon een lige macenct'|slip, M. Hutchins and' 8, Reilly. Grant McIntyre; players: D.| In "'namen the above prac- F leming, J. Fleming, J. Gan- tises, Bantam Convener Jim gemi, J. McIntyre, C. Halliday,| DeMille wil? be holding tryouts D. Harrington, M. Kelly, J.|for the Bantam All-Stars, on Kelly, J. D, Wall, G. Coker, M.| Thursday, May 19, at 6.30 p.m. Lubinec and K. DeMille. in the Willow Park Bowl. | Any Garrard road area boys Mtuesday, May 17 (6,307.15) --(0l, eeistered may register st these practises or at Secretary Team 1: coach, Larry Gra-|john Goodwin' ham; players: J. Brown, M. Se ee Holliday, J, Toutant, P. Reilly,| seve Street. J, Armstrong, L, Graham, R.| Sidler, G. Sheffield, R. Harring-| |ton and J, Loney. Team 2: coach, Pat Shannon; | manager, Ron Mc Each pyn;/ players: L. Hall, M. Hum-! phries, B. Shannon, F. Lie- bregts, J, Kelly, D. Armstrong, | B. White, J. DeMille, J. Mc-| |Eacheryn and W. McGuigan. | |. Team 8: (7.15 - 8.00) --coach,| Dave Harrington; manager,| Scotty MacLellan; players: Bb Golf course favourite ALL-ORGANIC LAWN FERTILIZER BEST FOR YOUR LAWN On Tuesday, May 17 and May the Peewees rn in 1954 or 1955) are sched- |"plenty experience' and not|Henry of Orillia, Ont., mi |just a winning record, says Al|Within reach of his fifth Car Decarie of Montreal. i dian championship Frida "They'll be up against real @ first - round knockout over }eompetition from British box-|Derek Austin of Cloverdale, Tanke ita jers," Decarie said Thursday.|B-C., in a semi-final, 112-pound | rleic sje gl "Those British boxers start|bout in the 1966 Canadian ama-|MOUus Cecision, = , hag > championships and| MOVED UP AND WON A jyoung and they'll all have a|teur oxing champion Pp MacMillan, _ steppin i: iniWalker of thacasuk "lian an that club trainer Stan Waylett and club doctor Charlie Mc- |minimum of 100 bouts in top British Empire Games trials. machiivan, stepping up eer eae 00 p.m. | P class, won a unanimous decis-|route to a three-round decision, Tykes (born in 1958, 1959 or maintain. BUT MEANWHILE, getting back to the business on hand, it's Oshawa Generals vs Edmonton Oi] Kings tonight in the fifth game of the Memorial Cup finals, with the sixth game on Sunday afternoon. Consumed with a compe- titive spirit that will not submit, Bobby Orr insists he'll be playing tonight and-or Sunday afternoon, in spite of the fact jin the heavyweight final will be|final without an earlier bout. | | provided iay Graham of; An all British Columbia final,| Vancouver iraham held offjinvolving Tommy Boyce and Meng A pred bs; page: lawkward Ralph Stimson of|Fred Fuller of Vancouver, de-| Pave 5 = for a unani-|veloped in the 132-pound class, | ¥ | |Boyce, 125 pound champion last! Wednesday, May 18 and May| f : é |25 sees the Novices (born in 1956| year, knocked down Don p J |or 1957) having their sessions at| At 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May , Three weekends and your pool is completed. We give you easy to fol- low, step-by-step instructions and everything you need to install your Spartan Pool. The complete Spartan Kit includes galvanized steel panels that never rust or corrode--simply bolt together. Heavy-duty vinyt interior never needs painting or reconditioning. Hundreds of "'do-it- yourselfers" buy Spartan Kits every year, No money down, five years te pay. Phone ws today for all the facts, $39.40 GALVANIZED PER MONTH Spartan MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. CANADA LIMITED 690 DRAKE ST. CALL 725-9151 -- EVENINGS 725-3661 do it yourself pool FULL SITE 16 FT. 5 39 FT. only Simcoe Hall Boys Wi Basketball Tournament The Simcoe Hall Boys' Club) the scorers whith 18 on Simcoe Street South, defeat Iiveen, figure that Orr's injury is too serious to permit him | competition in Europe." Henry, 28, who lost the cham- ion over Butch O'Guarian of|and Fuller won a one-point split sale tae tek tae Ge eae limitations with an injury as serious as Orr's hurt, so it only |teur Athletic Union commitee|MacMillan of Vancouver, ; ; " remains to be seen, But the rest of the team has a grim |which will name the eight-man|reached the final against Frank ere ivi tonight: will a el Vancouver fig h ter.| 6:00 p.m. determination they know they are considered "under- |team after the two-day trials|Scott of Vancouver by landing) _""- " weds erie age pene reached the final) finally, the Midgets (born in dogs" to this powerful, hand-picked and packed Western |and national boxing champion-|a stunning left hook for a tech-| at Ridvevill s against Jim Neil) 1950 or 1951) begin their season team, but they want that Memorial Cup medal and tonight | Ship end Saturday night. nical knockout at 2:39. T 4 E d ef baer egrets Ont, hooey | re-| at 8:00 p.m. and tomorrow afternoon should see Oshawa Generals give | There are 59 boxers entered! Only three knockouts high ensions Lase abhi) ee ® ea -round| Any boy not yet registered their utmost. They figure -- and rightly so -- there's no |!" 10 weight classes. Twenty-|jighted the semi-finals before| ves eos ditties pps wsiceed do so at their proper times. second prize, so they are ready to give it everything | five bouts are scheduled for this| about 2,000 fans. | I S t M and Neill had an tear mwa tes We ie they've got, to claim tthe Canadian Junior hockey crown. bolagenore Bgy- ory Ma Baa Defending champion Bats) n por oves ln rugged Lawrence Hafey of| n e ina T eached the . : ' ' KEN BRACK, manager of the Connaught Park 'Jay bouts oft be held Saturday. 6 a is comas on the|. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J, CaP) /P aaron, N.S, : Cee" Juveniles, is in with another appeal. The team is work- | Decarie said the selection strength of a TKO over Yvon|It may be news to golfer Ar- awa begbeinin died staat at fe ing out at Connaught Park diamond tomorrow (Sunday Sexi la io up when Fred chairmen from each provincel the first round, says there is literally an eno-|pesrnemre, id y pe be our so any Juvenile softball player interested is urged to be |Tepresented will have a good) 'The third knockout wasitional explosion in Palmer's ate id oe tas osi . on hand, They need players! jerop of fighters from which to| posted by Earl McLeay of Cal famous swing. Mow ohh = cs r con 0 amen --__..|make their selection for thelgary in a heavyweight bout| Dr. Arnold J, Mandell of|: nireal oullasled Poorly - con- | British Columbia has entered I and large, all varieties of goif|0!® ; n |18 fighters. Alberta has sent 14, oped aiaael Ryan with|swings and game performance! Desrosiers, a Nelson, B.C. | Ontar : '| McLeay confu yan ; inative, now stationed with the | io 14 from three AAU |g jeft hook early in the round,|have a hidden significance. Abe ; "id Benncaet. Quebec six, New!shook off a brief barrage and|They are all designed to Royal Canadian Navy at Vie- runspvick four, Manitoba two! battered Ryan with at least 40/Strengthen a given player's par-| land Nova Scotia one. shots to the head before referee ticular means of "coping with |ship at ll vgn Ba eal Eebind --l\Jack Smith of Edmonton tension." Mie eet points and, Albans 63 - to - 35. to win the -- . He told the American Psychi-| a to play. His spirit is commendable -- but there are physical | Decarie is head of an Ama-|pionship last year to Jimmy Edmonton at 119 pounds in alover Jim Titley of Edmonton, |day, May 19 and May 26 at jcommittee of AAU branch|pyhamel of Montreal at 1:34 of nold Palmer but a psychiatrist morning, at 10 o'clock and they still have severa! opening, |Sames in August in Jamaica.|against Martin Ryan of Ed-/UCLA said Thursday that, py |ditioned John Lapadula of Tor- jtoria, won the 1964 champion- Alex Barbier added 12 more. "B" Group of the Tournament. atric Association: "The 'smash | it' Hamilton 59 - to - 48, to win the Eighth Annual Oshawa Minor Basketball Tournament By winning, Simcoe Hall re tained the trophy for the sec- ond - Straight year and now have won this tournament five of the eight years Ajax, winners of three years, defeated §t. Albans 63 - to - 35 to win the "B"' Group, also for the second - straight time This year's championship team had four holdovers from last year's All Star team. The four were Charlie Marlowe, Larry Lloyd, Joe Krasney and Victor Rudak. Along with this group, were Bill Rajkovic, Den- nis Hercia, Dave Calder, Steve Ball, Dave. Jamieson, Graham Munroe and John Cuthbert The coaching chores were han- died by Marcel Boivin, the coach of the Minor League League Champion "Parts and Service'. SIMCOE ST. OVER AJAX In what turned out to be the big game of tournament Simcoe St. fought hard to de- feat Ajax 51 - to - 41. Larry Lloyd set the pace with a 24 point effort, while Charles Mar lowe added 17 for the winners Dave Calder and Bill Rajkovic also netted four points each Tan MacRae topped the Ajax scorers with 11 points.Ken Pflug picked up seven, while Ken 0'- Brien and Pete Hall came up with six each EASTVIEW DOUBLES DOVER- COURT After playing to a 10 « all tie at the end of the first quar- ter, Eastview applied the pres- sure and pulled away to a 44- to-23 win over Dovercourt. Dave Tutton sank 13 points Bob Kreasul nine more, Greg Medinski came up with eight and David Mason seven for the winners Ron Anderson sank 11 points, «while Bob Toccket, Mike Mar- leau and Ben Iannaci picked up four points each for Dovercourt HAMILTON EDGES ST. ALBANS Hamilton built up an eight - point lead in the first quarter and stretched that to a 14 point lead after the third quarter but were forced to hang on, as they sneaked by St. Albans 41 - to % Hamilton's Bruce Tracey led the other the th Norm. Neilson. paced the win. ning St. Aiban's squad with a 16-point effort, Fred Fotopous sank 20 points, to lead the attack for Ajax, Pete Hall picked up 15 more, and| Jan. MacRae pee toe re Goalie Credited Mike Finnigan 'came up with| eight. For St. Albans, Alex Bar. bier scored 12 points, Angelos Viold and Tom Moss added six each. SIMCOE §T,. DROPS HAMIL- TON After another slow start, Sim coe Hall came on fast during the last three quarters and beat Hamilton 59 + to - 48 for the championship Larry Lloyd again set the pace, scoring 27 points, with Charles Marlowe right on his| heels with 22 more. Lloyd Jed the scorers of the tournament with 63 points in three games. | Marlowe was second with 50. For Hamilton, Bruce Tracy sank 22 in the final game and ended up with 40:in two games. Also for Hamilton, Norn Neil- son picked up 16 while John Drywood added seven, and Angelas Violo netted six) each, while Tom Moss and Frank Gentile scored four each. AJAX DOWNS COVERCOURT Ajax and Dovercourt battled to a 19 + all tie at the half) time but then it required a good team - effort, as Ajax pulled away to defeat Dovercourt 46 to-33. Klaus Pflug paced Ajax with 15 noints, Pete Hall added 12 and Ian MacRae another 10 points. Ron Anderson accounted for over half of the Dovercourt points scoring 18. This was the first round of the "B" Group. SIMCOE ST. DEFEATS EAST. VIEW | Eastview jumped to an early lead but were hauled down in the third quarter, as Simcoe Street beat them 51 - f - 37. Larry Lloyd and Dave Calder sank 12 points each while Cha-|~ » ; ¢ Si sé Maviowaa Cia F war The two winning teams, Sim- : coe St. and Ajax, as well as and Dennis Hercia Picked UP/the second - place finishers in six to lead the winning Simcoe , St. Club both groups, Hamilton and St.) Gerke Albans, received bars donated . by the Westmount Kiwanis Club The tournament was very successful, thanks to the head referee Greg Milosh, who hand led the majority of the games Medinski set the pace with 10 points for the Eastview squad, as everyone figured in the scoring. David Mason picke? up nine, thor Fil came up with four, and seven other players scored a pair each AJAX TRAMPLES ST. ALBANS LATINS ARE POOR Average income in Latin Ajax scored at will from the America is $200 a year, com- opening jump, and never look-|pared with $2,500 a year in the ed back as they trampled St.|United States. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an-Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. we. ss JOHN RIEGER | 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 In Calder Win CLEVELAND (AP) -- Roch- ester Americans have their sec- ond straight Calder Cup cham- pionship today, and much of the credit can' go to. goalie Bob Perreault, During the best - of - seven American Hockey League final) series, won hy Rochester 4-2,' Perreault shutout Cleveland Barons for 143 minutes ahd 25 seconds, which tigures to be, better than seven periods of hockey, | Perreault blanked the Barons|_ in the first and third periods of) the sixth game Friday night) while his teammates scored/| three goals for a 3-2 victory. The Americans did all their scoring in the first period, with goals by Brian Conacher, Larry Jeffrey and Jim Pappin, Con- acher connected first while the} Barons were a man short, and 'the other two goals were two minutes apart. CASTLE INSURANCE Your home is your castle. It probs ably represents the biggest invest- ment you ever moke. And you'll be smort to protect thot investment State Farm Homeowner's Policy. This low-cost. package . of protection provides broader cover. age for your home ond belongings and for you, in cose of lawsuits 'ot less cost than mony simi+ lor policies. Call me the de- talis! ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshawe Blvd. N. Oshowa 725-5841 Stote Form Fire and Casualty Co Can. Heed Offices, Seatboro, Ont, with a rays rane for Iwsueance school represented by} Palmer and others may be a| way of acteptably converting tension into useful range | "Ben Hogan's meticulous and | ritualistic commands for the || player, in his writings, may || well fit the obsessive-compuls- H 15 CHURCH STREET ive's need to operate within a} well + elucidated framework of |] Ph. 725-0522 being correct in order to reduce |) tension | "The superstitious adherence to a ball brand, a particular) putter, a warming-up ritual, or a specific cap are perhaps used || by us all to invoke the oldest tension reducers of life--relig- Counties and Rewmenvilic ion and magic," said Dr. Man- | CHEVROLET, CORVAIR, dell. } OLDSMOBILE a SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 728-6206 44 Yeors Serving You GARAGE @ Wheel Alignment @ Frame and Wheel Straightening @ General Repeirs ---- Guaoronteed Used Cars ROY W. NICHOLS IT'S TIME YOU BECAME ACQUAINTED WITH A RAMBLER L AN . , RRR SS. > CURIOS. Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" oF THE ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Open 12 Noon 'till A.M, DOWN "77 MONTHLY Puts you in the driver's seat of a 1966 AMERICAN 2 DOOR SEDAN .. lt Likes You DISTRIBUTOR 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 BICYCLE SHOP GOLF EQUIPMENT FULL LINE OF C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES waar WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. "Your Rambler Dealer" 100. Nenquon Rd. OSHAWA 728-7351 Scles--Service--Parts' KEYS MADE 497 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3979 | Lee Bishop | RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Reeoring New and Used Radiotors 42 Bond St. W. 723-1633 Cr Fuel and Lumber Oshawa's Finest rlotel For----Parties-Sales Meetings Banquets -- Conventions Air-Conditioned Coftee Shop Oshawa TODAY HOCKEY cu i I p Ch ¥ E Oshawa Generols, at Maple 'Leot Gordens, 8:00 pm, 4-out-of-7 Canadian Championship series, SUNDAY, Mey 15 HOCKEY. C4 Edmonton Oil Kings, 4-out-of-7 © uM oie Oil Kings vs 5th game of M Ch lanshi up Finols---Oshown Generals vs at Maple Leaf Gardens, 2:00 p.m.; 6th gome of Championship series BASEBALL--Leaside Basebell Assoe. Junior League--Oshawa Acadian Cleaners Legionnoires vs High Park, at Talbot Park, 1:30 p.m. MONDAY, May 16 LACROSSE--OLA Junior Schedule--Toronte Township va Oshawa Green Gaels, at Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, Mey 17 No Gomes Scheduled, WEDNESDAY, May 18 HOCKEY--- If y io! Cup Ch ip Finols--Edmonton Oil Kings vs Oshawa Generals, at Maple Leaf Gardens, 8:00 p.m.; 7th and deciding game of Canadian Championship series TENNIS---Toronto & District "C" League--Scorbore 1.C, vs Oshawa 7.C., at Oshowa T.C., 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY, Mey 19 TENNISToronte & District "8" at Leaside Tennis Club, 6:30 p. FRIDAY, May 20 No Games Schaduled, SATURDAY, Moy 21 BASEBALL---Leaside Baseboll Assoc. Junior Laegue-----fast York Kinsmen vs Oshawa Acadian C Alexandra Pork, 2:0 M hi League--Oshawe T.C. vs Legside T.C., m. FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL and COAL 244 BROCK ST. S. 668°3524 WHITBY ART'S Gun Repair 18 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA os Bought--Sold--Traded or Re "AUTO AND TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING ¥ HEADQUARTERS. @ RENT BY HOUR, DAY OR WEEK!! KING EAST Phone 728-9641 Everything in Builder's ppli Fuels. Specializing in summer cottage needs, PHONE 985-7951 PORT PERRY 'Stafford -- Brothers Lid. Monuments . .« of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Get ready for Summer, come In for o full tune-up now! PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. T.V, Towers, Aerials, Apertment Systems and Aerial Repairs Taunton Rd, East is (Just_East Riteon) HOUSTON'S GARAGE @ Texaco Products @ General Repairs Speciclizing in broke adjust- ment ond repairs. 67 King St W. 723-7822 MOSIER Sheet Metal Work PHONE 668-5281 @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL __@_RESIDENTIAI

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