Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1966, p. 6

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G THE COHAWA TIMES; Seturtey, Moy 14, 1966 A Priest Saves the Kingdom ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON © Seripture--Il Kings 11-12; 11 Chronleles 22-24, Raised in hiding by the high priest, Joash is proclaimed king. The pollti- gra cal and religious covenant is renewed is saved by and the people return to God,--II --II icles 22, Chronicles 23: 1-24:3, Jehoiada, money is collected Temple rebuilt, Jehoiada dies ried among the kings. atch Joash turns from When Joash permits Zechariah's death and gives away the Temple treasures, he is slain in bed, ~-- II Chronicles 24:17-27. GOLDEN TEXT: Malachi 2:7, Se- BIBLE LESSON ~ By R. H. RAMSEY There was no darker period in the whole history of the Hebrew people than that with) whith we are deaiing ioday. In the days of the judges only the political integrity of the nation had heen jeopardized: but in the later days of Ahab and Athaliah, the cause of true religion was being jeopardized, In these years, a death struggle between true religion with its high moral demands, and false religion which pandered to hu- man weaknesses, was carried on, and Jehovah worship came Jehoiada. | th hoiada brought the child king J0asn into ine tempie, crowned him, and proclaimed him king. At this point, Athaiiah, hearing the tumult, went to the tmple, where she was seized and slain. One of Joash's first acts as king was the issuance of a dual covenant: a religious one be- tween God and the king and the) people, 'that they shouldbe the Lord's people'; and a political one between the king and the people, wherein the king prom- Too Many Thieves Attend. Church; For Material Gain EDDY GILMORE LONDON (AP) -- i too many thieves are goin Many small parish churches 10| would cost thousands of dollars | church, The trouble is they're|to replace. Yet the' doors. are. Canadian - Mysore Project 'Mushrooms $100,000 Aid TORONTQ (CP) -- Twenty- ber Robert said: 'Let's five cents,aput aside four years|one share 80 long as we get} ago for a "loaf" for a starving | the starving fed,'" |person somewhere in the world, 'has mushroomed into $100, 000 | began working on the coin let any- lof In growing numbers, ye close to being wiped out of ex- istence, The outstanding figure in to-| day's lesson is Jenoiada, the! jised to rule according to the law of Moses, establishing a relationship of justice between Cause Of True Religion Jeopardized In Dark Days the Temple by the high priest| the temple and installed him in' When the time was right Je-| | RESTORE TEMPLE hoiada, money was collected for the rebuilding and restoration of the temple and the work completed White Jenviada lived, the young king stood firm for the true religion and the nation, Jehovah, advanced age and was buried! among the kings in the city of} David--the only to be so. buried--King Joash| turned from the Lord, He was) quickly seduced hy the false | worship of idolatry and--in spite of all he owed to Jeholada-- allowed his son to he stoned to death, when, as king. Joash could have prevented it. seville ~y ki "he tn " overtake ¢ in Syria eplnel. pe. Jeusalem and Jeath, coer the see or ety suffer | the terrors of siege bought him joff by handing over the most | Precious treasures of the tem- e palace i | ph iy Under the leadershin of st CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Mary and Hillcroft Streets SERVICES 8:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M, 7:00 P.M, Nursery Core---11:00 A.M, Wednesdoy---10:00 A.M, HOLY COMMUNION as a whole, adhered to When Jeholada died at an| "commoner" | himself and his people With the covenant renewed, | the people, in a newly-awakened | fervor of Jehovah worship, pro-| ceeded to demolisn the shrines | of Baal, brought the king from | high priest. He was a good man. |and through a long life was ;completely and utterly devoted to oy worship of Jehovah, Re- to the royal and reigning |e, Jehoiada felt a great re- sponsibility for both the welfare the true king and the con- tinuance of the true religion. He endangered his own life to stand FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev, N. Frank Swockhommer, B.A, Miss Judith Davison, Bac, Mus, 11 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP "SO GREAT SALVATION !" 7:00 P.M.-----Service in Fellowship with the Crusade in the Civie Auditorium, Nursery ona Jr, Church ot 11 A.M. Bible School ot 9:30 A.M SSE NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER --- REV, H, A. MELLOW, B.A, 0.0. AND REV, W. C, SMITH, B.A., B.D., B Peed, ORGANIST -- MR, RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, ond 3; Junior 4, 5 and « 9:15 A.M.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergorten s 4 and 3; Primary Grodes 1, 2, ond 4a 11:00 A.M, -- SERMON "HOLIDAYS . . . WILDNESS OR WILDERNESS" Bobysitter Service by Comedouble Club 2:30 P.M,--Socrament ef Baptism in the Chapel 7:00 P.M.Study Group et 707 Hortop Street not! nearly always open, Those in| spiritual. charge of the churches do not! Within the last 12 months)1,500' want to hide their treasures,| churches have been robbed. They want the members of the! Some of them have been ran- congregation to see them and | sacked and pillaged. rchienjoy them, Yet this is getting! thefts include 200 pairs of can-| costly, dlesticks, most of them old and) Churches near main roads are| valuable, more subject to thievery than! Sometimes the thieves -- the|those on country lanes, Police| petty ones--just raid the poor|say the thieves prefer the| boxes, In other cases, chalices|churches near the highways be- | worth $14,000 have been stolen,|cause they can make a quick | Lead is a favorite loot, Great! getaway. ; chunks of it have been ripped| Some churches possess almost! from roofs, In the black mat: | priceless antiques. 'As an ket, lead brings fancy prices, |tique, a rare Elizabethan cha One church lost its gate, An-|ice is priceless, Melted down it! other had its bells stolen, |might be worth $5,000 . thing | d, The altars,, Some members of the clergy| 0 K ] wine heir beautiful anaes say it is wantetel to beep expen: | rgan ecita At St. George's some centuries old, are often|sive objects in the churches, targets, The favorites are Angli-| The church thieves respect! ean and Roman Catholic/nothing. Even tombs have been churches, for they are older and/opened and the lead linings sto eg glow: elias = See Sa ime a. -- lorgan and theory at University) of Western Ontario will official-| ly open the new organ at St. Parishioners Veto Cimmick George's Anglican Church, this : ™ Sunday evening at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. Brown presented her idea|food problems of various Asian Tried In Church Service The organ, built by Casavant|to them, countries and teach. Asians food Freres of Ste, Hyacinthe, Que-| "We would make cards to} technology. bec, was installed some three|hold 20 quarters which ha PRA, Tay (APA Re ils an are them oan theless gn, The pas ss wes cold be Sate int banks or ew ae a tae an exper>| The--custom arate ae have _been spent in the finaljthe Canadian Freedom from/ FAITH {mental push-button device that|peared. Instead Catholics now|™shing of the organ tone sojHunger Committee of the L th Chu h allowed the people. at mass to|place a money offering in a U eran re place a communion host at the|basket or plate at Sunday (fostern Caneda Synod) The Rev, Henry Fischer Pastor --- 725-2755 ging for material gain, 'support this year for the beana- |eards, The share-a-loaf funds|against the usurping Queen dian-Mysore project in India, | were diverted to the Robert ¥,\Athaliah, to save the young "l was trying to think of | Brown Fellowships, which now|Prince Joash from her violence, some way the average Cana-|support four Asian students at|to guard and prepare him for dian housewife like myself| the Mysore training centre | future usefulness as he was leould help ease. the terrible| where Calgary-born Dr, W, J,|8rowing up, doing emerything in hunger among Asians," said/Gall is director. | his power to make and keep the Mollye Brown in an interview.| In April, Mrs. Brown pre-| | young king faithful to Jehovah,| "One night I had a dream of|sented a cheque for $1,00 to! calling it @ 'share-a-loaf' cam- |the fund to Joseph H, Hulse, } ee iehat meet of teraet'st paign, Each time a woman |chairman of the Canadian-My- |Ahab.and Jezebel, was married| ;went shopping for the family| sore project, It brought to $14,-\t9 Jehoram, son of Judah's Je- igroceries she would put' aside |000 the amount she alone has |hosaphat, She seized the throne| 125 cents for a loaf for starving | raised through the 25-cent con-| fellow human beings." tributions, A year and a half Jater, Mrs.| Dr. Prakash K, Shastri, direc- Brown's husband died, and she | tor of the Indian tourist. office |: returned to her former work as|in Toronto, said he hoped Mrs, a secretary, Her extra time,and|Brown might one day visit his energy' were poured into the|country to see for herself the share-a-loaf campaign. It be-| work that is being done, came the Robert W, Brown Fel-| Dr. Gall and his staff work | lowships for training students in| around the clock to improve lfood tec hnology at Mysore, a| methods of food preservation in of| memorial to her husband. a land where 30 per cent of the "Robert (her son) encouraged | food produced is lost through! -- j|me," Mrs, Brown says, He at-|spoilage, They also help set up| tended a meeting of the Wom-|new food processing industries, en's International League when | conduct research on special Tomorrow! Reveals the startling signi- ficance behind world news! > with PROPHECIES next 20 yeors! Monday - Soturdoy ; 9; P.M, jf Judah upon the death of her! ha 02 «9100 TM. json Ahaziah and put to death) Jr, A Hockey) all her grandchildren the} "seed royal" of the House of | David -- and substituted Baal- |worship for the worship of the| Lord, Fortunately she was un- successful in killing all the | |grandchildren, Prince Joash, | youngest son of Ahaziah and rightful heir to the throne, was| spirited away to sanctuary in! FREE METHODIST CHURCH Minister; Rev, ©, M, Bright Phone: 725-3872 J, 8. McINTOSH AN "00. P.M, 10; 30 1350 RADIO frie St., off Simcoe &, (Next- efter Bloor $#,) 10:00 A.M.----FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.----THE SAINTE'S CORONATION 7:00 P.M.Closing Rally of Oshowe Crusode For Christ with Borry Moore, Oshawa Civic Auditorium, Wed, Evening 8:00 P.M----Proyer Meeting» end Bible Study Thurs, 7:30 P.M.---W.MS$.---252 College A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU REV, RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M, -- Sunday School 11:00 A.M, SERMON: "CHRIST AND THE OLD TESTAMENT" I, From the Sermon on the Mount, practicing and coming to know this particular organ, He will present a program which will illustrate the entire rarige of that each individual pipe of the| United Nations. When someone some 3,000 in the organ haslasked {f other orapieations | altar rail without touching the| masses. been voiced, both to blend with might want to Join, | I remem- wafer. | The Vatican ecumenical coun- 2 ag Pingel a va " Bo Rt. Rem. Carlo Busi, pastor of ll' 1963 decree on liturgy Op-|irch building Technical Subsidy | MASONIC fan Carlo Church, thought the|¢ned a new approach for greater |" Professor McIntosh, who Is invention by one « his paris, sag ol F feme y aadM one of Canada's leading organ Increase Planned TEMPLE BLDG. ea---but too , ; ) , , j raw) -- nes didn't|in allowing modern languages ists will have spent two days OTTAWA (CP) --Legislation | 9) Centre St like it to rehlace Latin, increasing government allow-| @ Sunday Services ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ' i ' .| ances paid to persons taking 9:45 AM The Vatican daily 1'Osserva-| PROBLEMS FOLLOW technical and vocational train-| means, Sure Pree. Tt : BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, tore Romano agreed with the majority, It called the Ferrara experiment "a deplorable initi- ative," saying that. 'applying home appliances to grace is not the proper way" to go back to an old tradition. Centuries ago Christians used to bring personal offerings to mass, usually a small amount of the choicest crops from their Want Prize For Disney BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)--| A nationwide campaign is de-| veloping in Argentina to nom-| inate film producer Walt Disney] The council document said nothing about offerings or re- ceiving communion, Many churches tried for greater par- ticipation by having the people arriving at mass take an un- consecrated host at the door, if they intended to receive. com- munion, and place it in a| ciborium or chalice-like com- munion vessel befoe going to "| their seat. Questions of hygiene| land crowd size caused prob- lems, Giuseppe -Vaccari, a Ferrara resident, thought about it for a year. He made a amall wooden four-pedestal device -- in size and quality much like a pol- ished walnut rack for a smoker's pipes The communicant had merely to press a button in front and, with a slight click, a commu- nion wafer would drop into a the organ, A printed program, giving the organ. apecifications will b vailable at the Tecital Viet Nam say $ also authorize new federal-pro- 'Lepers te HONG KONG (Reuters)--The| North Viet Nam news agency| said today 30 patients were| killed and 34 wounded when| U.S, aircraft attacked the Quynh| Lap leprosarium in North Viet| Nam for the seqond time. The agency said 10 of the! wounded are in serious condi-| tion, The agency said the leprosa-| rium 'had' moved to new prem-| ises following a raid on its pre-| vious site by American aircraft | UNITED CHURCH ing will be introduced in' the| Commons Monday. | Immigration Minister Mar-| chand. gave notice in Commons /journals today of this intention He said the legislation will 11:00 AM, THE SERVICE | vincial agreements relating to COME WORSHIP. WITH. US! the training allowances and tn-| cidental changes in the admin- 'istration of unemployment insur} ance, | -- REORGANIZED CHURCH The Reverend Canon F, G. Ongley, M.A,---Rector The Reverend R, G, Brooks $,Th.---Assistont ~ SUNDAY, MAY. 15th EASTER V ~-- HOLY COMMUNION 9,00 A.M, 7:00 P.M, Uniting with the Barry Moore Crusade CIVIC AUDITORIUM 6:30 P.M.---PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 11,00 A.M, --- MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING PRAYER 8:30. P.M,---Organ Recital ~~ Professor J, $. Mcintosh Nursery Facilities avullable at the 11:00 om. Service | OF JESUS CHRIST HARMONY | op tarren DAY SAINTS | THURSDAY, MAY 19th --- ASCENSION DAY 10;00 A.M, --- HOLY COMMUNION |] (World Headquarters, Independence, Rev. N. 7, Holmes, B.A,, 8.D,, Minister Mra. Marie Taylor, A.RC.T, (Plane and Organ), RMT, icine and Choirmaster Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA ' 45 AM ae chiel 11:00 A.M,.---Kindergarten ond | 10:00 A.M. |CHRISTIAN SCIENCE| FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, Branch of The Mother SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M, King Street Pentecostal Church 611 KING ST, W. One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Phones: Chureh 728-5371 ~~ SUNDAY -- 9:45 A.M,.----Sunday School end Adult Bible Class, 11:00 A.M, --- MORNING WORSHIP * 7;00 P.M. Parsonage 728-6662 last June 10, Tiny Tots Classes for the Nobel Peace Prize. 'ciborium underneath, ; Ore. i A «gE | Ch ssc eM urch School The idea came from a Bue-| ,Mser. Busi had the gadget | 11:00 A.M, For Children and Adulte laced at the altar rail on MORNING WORSHIP os Alres theatre owner who in-|?. be 11:00 A.M, vited several hundred promin-| |Easter Sunday. An_offertory A Hearty Weleome To All Morning Worship Lutheran Church Canoda gat parsons to a meeting Mon-iPoneecratad, the. host during WESTMOUNT rane node a tiway aot || UNLLED GHURCH | mass'and, at communion time, peppers for the plan. distributed them to communi-| Now the country's most pop- Rey. Philip Fiess, Minister Bond Street West et Resenit! Bivd, Ronald A, Jansen, Vicer (Uust north of the Oshawa SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. MORTALS and IMMORTALS | Wed, Service (Inctudes testimonies) 8 P.M, | READING ROOM----CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS, | i EVENING SERVICE @ Bright Singing @ Mixed Quartet @ Specials by The Cholr A Warm Welcome To Worship With Us, Monday te Thursday--11;00 a.m, - 5:30 p.m, Friday 11:00 a.m, - 9:00 p.m, Listen te: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday All Are Invited Phone 728-9606 cants ular paper, the mass-circulation ane of the pastor's parish: | daity Clarin, supports the idea,lioners complained afterward, | and praises the celebrated pro-|sqme saying it might be hy- ducer of cartoons for his contri-| gienic but was. too mechanical, bution to spiritual values and|" rhe device was gone the fol- his "clean and highly moral) lowing Sunday. | message of goodness in this _ | troubled period of world his- tory." The Argentinian Federation of Associations for the Protection of Animals has adopted the nomination and has undertaken to launch the idea formally, HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Hormony Rd, South | Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis = SUNDAY--2;30 P.M.--Healing and Messages 7:00 P.M,---Divine Service Mrs. B, Brown THURSDAY----7:30----Open Circle 8:45--Message Service (Psychometry) Rev, Roy F, C, Stoddard Free literature from U.K,, Canada, and the U.S.A, given et el! services. or information call; 725-7183 or 655-4966 Shopping Centre) Minlater: Rev, Frank H. Ward, B.A, Cholr Director TION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH | eo Rowland MeCérd, Nn Boe. 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST 9:45 AM aRiaaer eo 5 aalee wae Cc SUNDAY SCHOOL monte Welone ___PASTOR: REV. BN. HABERMEHL, B.A, M.TH. | ee | 248 AM--vner invmedate 1110-00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP MORNING 11:00 A.M.--Nursery and Primary |) NURSERY CARE PROVIDED WORSHIP Dept } a ge i ite aM aN HEAR | The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon, te Set, 9:30 - 10:00 am, 7:00 P.M.-EVENING SERVICE Radio Ministry Chr, Ref, Church; each Sunday et 9:15 P.M. CKLB You are welcome to these Services OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH STORIE PARK HALL --- MILL STREET Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.$.A, Pastor; Rev. Roy F, C, Stoddard BUILDING SUPPLIES Suppliers of: (Back To God Hour), every other Sunday et 11 A.M, CKLB (churches in the area) EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Meeting in the T. R. McEwen Senior Publie School Auditorium WILSON RD, SOUTH D, Ellis 9:45 A.LM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for All Ages MORNING WORSHIP 7;00 P.M.--Oshawa and District Crusade for Christ Civie Auditorium, "A Welcome Awaits You At EVANGEL" ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLis 9:45 A.M, Family Bible Schoo! 11:00 A.M. "HEAVY "ASSIGNMENT "Discover the Difference" SEWER PIPE WEEPING TILE MORTAR MIX SHEATHING BRICKS SHINGLES FLUE LINING FIBERGLASS INSULATION GYPROC LATH HARDWALL LIME PRE-CAST STONE PATIO SLABS McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King St. W. 1350 RADIO Pastor: Rev, R 725-9617 UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Orange Temple, Bruce St., Oshawa (Upstairs) BAHA'I WORLD FAITH = BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST, N, OFFICE 728-293) & Teaches, Sunday Service May 15th 2:30 P.M HEALING SERVICE "Men must eliminate all those prejudices which divide man- kind" For Information re: weekly meetings or literature 1: 00. A.M MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.----Junior, Intermediate and Seniors 10:45 AM Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary 11;00 A.M,---SERMON "POWER TO LIVE YOUR BEST" Nursery for the Infants and Toddlers A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL 7:00: P.M, DIVINE SERVICE Speaker M MR. H. WALLACE Write Box AS Clairvoyant Mrs en on =" Times ' 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Fast Delivery Service 723-3481 SEC, >23-6786

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