Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY -- AJAX Sixteen, Graduating Class At Whitby Nurses' School WHITBY (Staff) Sixteen(Dr. K. C, Charron, deputy min, members of the « edustinglins of health of Ontaris, Fol- class of the school of nursing|lowing the ceremony a recep- at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby,|tion will be held on the hospital will receive their diplomas at|lawn, the 38th graduation exercises} Four events, honoring the June 10. The ceremony will be|graduating class, will be held held in the. hospital recreation! prior to the graduation. hall at 3 p.m. | The graduation dance will be The special speaker will be'held May 27 at the Annandale WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY St. Andrew's Members To Select Architect Soon WHITBY (Staff) -- Progress! The congregation has purchas- is being made by the congre-jed land on Cochrane st, on gation of St, Andrew's Presby-|which the new church will be terian Church toward the eree-| erected, ag ved -- hy be Risen § The decision to build a new embers of the building com:| peo) » ; : mittee have visited a number chureh resulted from the condi of churches 1o secure ideas|tion of the old church building which might be incorporated injon Byron st, s, It was found the new church. A number of!that it was structurally in need architects have also been in-|of extensive and costly repairs, terviewed. A decision on the se-\from the growth of the mem- lection df an architect is expect-| bership which required addition- ed in the near future lal space, Friendship Hour New Project "A Friendship Hour" every| This service is available (with- afternoon Mondays through|out charge) for anyone who Thursdays from 2 till 4 p.m.| wishes to pass the time in a at St. Mark's United Church/friendly atmosphere, or would house, 200 Byron st. s, This is| just like a refreshing cup of tea a new community project of the! before proceeding home, Cees si ee pitity! 07 May 18 @ film will be is will provide sociability RE for those who care to drop in; shown. A schedule of hostesses games of checkers, croquinole, has been dpawn out for the euchre etc. are available and/duties between 2 and 4 p.m a cup of tea will be served! It is hoped this project ful- around 3 p.m, ifills @ need in the community Unity Past Noble Grands Meet Unity Club Pat Noble Grandjmembers to hold the July 13 (Rebekah) held its month|y| meeting at her summer cottage weeting Wednesday evening in|which will be in the form of a he committee room of the IOOF| pot luck supper, this was accep- fall, ited with appreciation ; _| Sister Sally Joner won first gr ent Rett epic Sone. prise a Fe oo " ' on the ened the meeting with prayer rs savene Cauncers Ww prize. and conducted the business!) 16) was convened by. Sins meeting. | ters Gladys McConnell, Edith Sister Donna Martin invited! Hoar and Dorothy Adair, } Golf and Country Club, Picker: | ing. The hospitel will- entertain the graduates at a dinner at the hospital June 2 and the annual baccalaureate service will be held in St. 'ohn's Angli- ean Church, Port Whitby, June 5. The faculty of the school of nursing will also entertain at a! graduation tea, | | Members of the graduating) |elass are: | | Mrs, Donna Evelyn Barton, Whitby; Miss June Ilene Davis, Oshawa; Miss Margaret Cheryl Diack, Unionville; Miss Lois Edith Hall, Unbridge; Miss Donna Muriel Holliday, Whitby; Miss Patricia Irene Killens, Falconbridge. | Miss Beverly Joan Lovelock, | |Oshawa; Miss Sandra Adelaide Ramsay, Toronto; Miss Sharon Grace Ethel Ramsay, Toronto; Miss Carley Seymour, Brooklin; | Miss Ruth Scott, BA, Toronto; | Miss Rita Mae Smith, Elk | Lake. Miss Daina Steinbachs, Niag- ara Falls; Miss Jean Elizabeth) \Taylor, Port Perry; Miss \Joanne Ellen Thompson, Am- jherst, Nova Scotia and Miss Lorraine Ann Whitehead, Scar- borough. 'WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR |MONDAY, May 16 | Co-op Credit Union banking) night | Ist Whitby Scouts Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Gardenview United Church Wo- NEW Photo shows construction | under way of the new Rouge River bridge on Highway No, 2 -- the first BRIDGE continuous post - tensioned concrete double T-beam structure to be built in On- tarlo. It will span. the | men A}l Saints Anglican Church) Evening Guild | Girl Guide of Canada Whitby! pans are well underway for District Association R. A, Hutchison"s "Fun Fair" | §$t, John's Anglican Church|to be held at the school June 4 Men's Club |The association is pleased to be Blair Park Vista Ratepayers|able to present E.G. (Sonny) Association |Sheflin, well known ventrilo- |$t, Mark's United Church Wo-/quist, as the main attraction, men Unit No, 9 St. Mark's United Church Wo-| lisa, daughter of Mr, and |Mrs, Bruce Duggan, is celebrat men Unit No, 8 ing her fifth birthday today. TUESDAY, May 17 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rosas, Col | Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club /umbus, were weekend guests at | Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS) the home of Mrs. E. P. Collins, |Victoria st., also her son Alex WHITBY PERSONALS Centenary Birthday Tea In Oct. All Saints Anglican Church Afternoon Guild were entertain- ed at the home of Mrs, R. &, Cassells and Miss Edith Barnes Gilbert st. e. A short interesting business | Club |Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club |Red Cross work room material to be used to make) The Antique Club aprons for the "Olde Tyme"}Women's Christian Temperance bazaar to be held in November.| Union Collins and sons, Jeffrey and |Andrew, Don Mills. Conveners are: General con- The June meeting will close the activities for the summer months and will take the form| | veners: Mrs, Tony Kozak, Mrs. Al « Anon Family Group |Gordon Kyle and Mrs, Leonard) Almonds United Church Wo-|Pridie; bake table, Mrs, Rob-| men Evening Group ert Wilkes and Mrs. Martin Hei-| {Service and Mrs. M. Houston; refreshments, Mrs, Gordon Kerr; candy table, Mrs. J, Beenan, novelty table; Miss Sharon Kiyle;-games room, Gor- don Kerr; John Leslie and Tony |Kozak; publicity, Mrs. Ronald | Connell and Mrs. J. Doble. | The following Whitby Salva- tion Army Women's Home League members attended the Oshawa Crusade for Christ held at Oshawa Civic Auditorium: 1967, Estimated over « all ravine at a height of ap- proximaiely 70 feet above the river and will reduce the highway grade from five per cent to four per cent at the crossing. @ bridge is being built one side at a time tu avoid in- terruption of traffic. The photo shows the vast amount of timber used - an estimated 650,000 board feet, Much of this timber can also be used when the second half is being con- structed late this Fall. The first half of the bridge is expected to be opened to traffic this Fall with the complete bridge finished in way fatalities, more than 1 lives @ year, \N===y PROTECT Your Furs an( Yoth Garments Insured » Refrigerated Horege voults on promises CALL WHITBY OLEANERS LTD, imma NO, 2 cost of the bridge is $1,238,- 000, --- Photo by Depart- ment of Highways, Ontario, HAPEL rem SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 A.M.-e(at R. A, Hutchison Public School 4 blocks south of Blair Park Plaze) Speaker --~ Mr, Bill Morrison of Scarborough Family Bible Hour -- Adult Service Cadet, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. Alice Carr, Mrs, Stanley De- bosky, Mrs, M. McGuire, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Betty Bergstrom, Mrs, J, Wilde, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs, Reg. Donnithorne and Mrs, Jake Reid. | Miss Gertrude McIntyre was Created To Individual Requirements 4 Sunday School -~ Classes for all ages, Other Services As Announced For more information phone: 725-9243 or 668-4576 Whitby Mi oll Pentecostal WHAT encom tang mec Great tari Adventure Vacations 'vescetimemennenemant Land between the Lakes On an Adventure Vacation In the Land between the Lakes, it's little more than 300 miles from Canade's southernmost point of Pelee Island, to Tobermory on the north end of Bruce Peninsula. Yet it's enough to span several worlds, meeting was transacted, Plansjof a pot luck luncheon June 14) Ajax Kinettes . Inan; tea room, Mrs. W. G,|in St. Catharines for a weekend MEANE TH were started for the Centenary birthday tea to be held Oct. 5 at 1 p.m, Business being concluded the WEDNESDAY, May 18 at which all former members| meeting closed with prayer and| whithy st. John bulance and supporters of the Guild will|a social time followed, Mrs, A. eit of F 2 vo shin be cordially welcome. Guild members were thanked for their wholehearted participa. tion in the recent auction and sale which was very success: Mrs, Victor Evans donated |B, Conrad on behalf of the Guild thanked the hostesses for their hospitality. Dainty refreshemnts were ser- |ved by Mrs, Donna Martin, rs. A. B. Conrad |M and Mrs Earl Dilling Gift To Korea Talked By Church Group The Afternoon Group of Almonds United Church Women held its monthly meeting in the Sunday school hall with Mrs F. J. Reed presiding Mrs. Reed opened the meet- ing by reading an item about a Japanese mother, she also read some interesting reports of the work of the Gideons. During the business session it was announced that no more nylon stockings could be sent to Korea as the Korean gov ernment is charging duties on these Members were informed of the passing away of the Rev. A. F. Bamford, former minister at Almonds Church. An interesting skit entitled ,"Wheat Goes Abroad" was jgiven by Mrs. Reed, Mrs. John Newton and Mrs, George Bow: cott, This was followed hy a discussion on food distribution The theme of the devotional period given by Mrs. Percy Pascoe was "Home and Fam- ily Life.' In connection with this Mrs. Pascoe read a poem by | Jane Scott and also quoted from | Miss Scott's book, 'My Adven- tures With God." Mrs. Pascoe closed with prayer and a social time was spent The next meeting will he |held June 2 instead of the regu- lar meeting date. Members | please take notice of the change | of date, Legion Auxiliary Plans Bazaar Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Cana- dian Legion Branch 112, Whitby, held its business meeting in the Legion hall May 10 with Presi-| dent Phyllis Norris in the chair. Business on hand was the bazaar, All_ members are pre- paring and sewing articles for this event to be held in October Twenty-three members went to the Rally which was held in Bowmanville May 2. The new) Ger-| Zone Commander is Mrs trude Williams, Oshawa Sick convener read her re- port. Thank-you letters were re- ceived from Mrs. Shirley Hicks, Mrs. Jean King and Mrs, Hazel Campbell who had received cards and flowers while in hos- pital, Mrs, Christine Brown and Mrs, Fallon are in the Osh- awa General Hospital, Both are wished a speedy recovery, May 24 meeting will not be held, as this is the service banquet night, the next meeting will be held the second! Tuesday in June | The meeting ended with due! lritual and the "Queen." {| Ontario Ladies College Castle | Chapter St. John's Anglican Church WA Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. THURSDAY may 19 The Women's Progressive Con- servative association general meeting Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's Miss- Faith Baptisp Church Women's Missionery Society work night. FRIDAY, May 2% Red Cross Senior Citizens' §o0- cial Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ Ambassador Co-op Credit Union banking night JAMS HIT GERMANY West Germany has the world's most crowded high. ways, with 12,000,000 vehicles on to attend the wedding of her niece, Ann Shelly, graddaughter| of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frag.) cis J, MeInttyre, to Gary Loch | Best wishes to Michael Mars: jden, 525 Mary at. @, who is gulserating his birthday on Mon- ay. Creighton; parcel post, Mrs John Leslie; bazaar, Mrs, P. | Massey Dedicates | Jerusalem Hall STAFFORD BROS, | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 JERUSALEM (AP) -- It was Canada day at Jerusalem's He- brew University Wednesday when Vincent Massey, first Ca- nadian-born governor-general of| Canada, dedicated a hall in his| name at the Jewish National) and University Library. | He and a party of Canadian} | friends, accompanying him on al |Mediterranean yacht cruise, jalso inspected an exhibition of {books and documents relating {to Canada, including a 1639 at- las of Canada | Massey continued his Israeli i visit Thursday, in the course of ja Mediterranean and Middle East tour that has taken him to | several Greek islands and Arab | States, | Massey and his party leave) today for Cyprus. They expect | to be back in Canada at the end COMPLETE LINE OF HIGH QUALITY NURSERY STOCK + Everything for your gardening needs. Open 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. ven days @ week, JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE Between Whitby end Alex - This Is Your Invitation to visit FOX NURSERY Garden Centre Church 307 BROCK ST, N, -- WHITBY 9:55 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, -- SPEAKER -- PASTOR - JONATHAN KING 7:00 P.M. -- UNITED SERVICE WITH BARRY MOORE CRUSADE At the Oshowa Civile Auditorium Pastor: Rev, Max Cose -- Asst, Jon King ACTS #112 THIS 2 N. WHITBY 668-6162 Handling full line #1 Rl ¥ Gvetly Nursery Uverything for Your Gardening Needs. Open 9 a.m. te Inter: | lof May, 239,708 miles of road, } on Highway No, 2 | PHONE 668-3396 wan: Seven doys @ | BROCK Evening Programs Start 7 and 9 WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Big Jim Cole had come te the rim of Hall and nobody but nebedy was going to push him over! ae | NigHT Grizz TECHNISCOPE Postar RIZZI) \ TECHNICOLOR is . ligant \ living r erm oom furniture ---,. N fos va HAD Ds i] ate l\ PETC ed Mode ! Or. 2 Just mail this coupon to- House of Braemore, 4646 Dufferin St., Downsview, Ontario. REAL ESTATE Sales. - Valuations Consultations 668-8841 or 728-6661 "TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE FIRE WORKS Extract from Town of Whitby FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M "FAITH TIDINGS" Radio Broadcast CKLB 1350 on your dial 9:45 A.MomA BIBLE -- CENTRED BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M=-MORNING WORSHIP AND PRAISE Guest Speaker: DR, JAMES BEDFORD President, Buffalo Bible Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. TWO MORE MEETINGS BARRY MOORE CRUSADE CIVIC AUDITORIUM, OSHAWA SATURDAY NIGHT, 8:00 P.M, --~ SUNDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. "DON'T MISS THESE TWO GREAT MEETINGS" The Public Cordially Welcome WHITBY BAPTIST ne Street West at Centre) Coperne,? Rev, John MeLeod EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rosslond Road West Rev, Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Organist Mra, W. &. Summers, A.T.C.M, 11;00 AM.-MISSIONS DAY Guest Speaker: Miss Jean r of Bolivia 7:00 P.M.--The Borry Crusode, Oshawa Civic Auditorium, 9:45 A.M--Bible School Wed, 7:30 -- Mighty Minutes 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED By-law No, 2349, 1, Mo person shall sell ot retell in the Towa of Whithy any fire works ef any kind or description whetecever at any time during the ealender year with the exception ef the three business doys fame dietely preeedi: the dey set by Stetute for the observation of Vietoria Dey and Victoria Day and except the three business days Immediately preceding the dey set by Statute for the observetion ¢ tale Dey end Dominion Dey except by apecia! eutherity of e Counell, » No person shell by retell in works of eny or = deseri eighteen yeers of age. 3. No person who proposes te sell fire works of ony kind or ten et retell shell exhibit any display of any such fire display window, This prohibition shall not app! sell the said Town of Whithy eny fire kind jon whatsoever te enyone under an te prevent ' tion of such fire works being displayed prev there le ne explosive or chemical conteined in auch imitation, JOHN R, FROST DESMOND G. NEWMAN, Clerk Mayor The world of children's make-believe, in London's Storybook Gardens. The world of giant industry, In the spectacular varie coloured chemical complexes of Sarnia, and in Canada's first full- scale nuclear power plant at Douglas Point. The world of living theatre, at the annual Stratford Festival. And everywhere there are bounteous crops of fat, red tomatoes, choice tobacco, and huge ears of bright golden corn, On the Lakes themselves Lake Huron end Lake Erie--the sparkling waters come In delightful variety, There's the boisterous surf, tumbling In on long flat beaches... the safe, sandy shallows beside a thousand tree- sheltered campsites, Along the shipping channels, the freighters of the world forge past as regularly as street cars, Sheltered bays afford fine fishing for Smalimouth Bass and Perch, Water-skiing, canoeing, or just cruising around in the sun-- the Land between the Lakes offers all of these, Plus lots more of interest and enrichment for your whole family. Now's the time to start planning your Land between the Lakes Adventure Vacation, Why not mail this coupon today? Ontario Department of Tourism & Information Province of Ontario, of Touriem & | UNITED CHURCH |f Telephone 668-3091 ST. ANDREW'S . MARK'S " PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev, W. J, S. McClure, B.A, Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J, M. Smith, 8A, B.D. Miss tle Newton, Deaconess Mra. J, L. Beaton, ARC.T. 9:45 A.M.---Chureh School 11:00 AM "Wrong Conclusions" EVERYONE WELCOME 11:00 A.M. "Balanced Chorocter" 9:45 A.M.--Juniers, Intermediates, Seniors, . A.M Nursery, indergarten, Primary, Junior, Congregation, ¢ information P 9%, Room = No. 487 Toronto 2, Please send me full information about @ Land between the Lakes Adventure Vacation, Boog Neme_ Address

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