Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1966, p. 2

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ISmarten Up- Or Else, FEIGNED DEATH TO ESCAPE His head and neck swath- ed in bandages, Marine Pvt. Reuben Morales, 19, of La Puente, Calif., lies in Da Nang, Viet Nam, hospital, and tells his story of how he escaped death from the Viet Cong. He was one of only two men of a 13-man patrol] who survived a Viet Cong attack, Morales told how he was shot in the WEATHER FORECAST Light Winds With No Rai Unseasonable Cold Stays TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at\southern White River: cloudy today and Sunday. Occa- unreasonably | sional light showers today and 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: The Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Mainly| cool weather of the last week|again Sunday afternoon or eve- shows no sign of returning to|ning. Not much change in tem- normal mid-May values. Tem-|peratures. Winds light becom- peratures through the weekend /ing east 15 Sunday. will average in the 50s during) Northern White River, north- the afternoon throughout the ern Georgian Bay, Timagami, | province with night-time read-|Cochrane, North Bay, Sudbury: | ing to near 40 in the south and|Variable cloudiness with not! head and neck, feigned death). 44 Pavern as Viet Cong executioners killed other leathernecks-- and fled from a burning evacuation helicopter before finally being rescued, _. |rant Psychiatrist Warns PCs MONTREAL (CP) --As th Mr. Camp said the Conserva-ifirst week campaigning draws tive party is broad enough to|to a close, Quebec's June 5 pro- accommodate people from a'-\vinclal general election cam- most any kind of view, paign is ss rg be a low-| n ; rontest hased more on Canadian 'politics at the mo-| Pressure con tn| ment are in danger of becoming| Patty images than party plat- la farce--"'and a bedroom farce ett "se A =P hime an Me at that," he said, No party in traditional major parties are Canada was sufficiently estab- concerned, | |lished in membership at the) Premier Jean Lesage, who moment-to--provide--the necos- won_re-flection handily in- 1962 on the slogan "malitres chez nous" (masters in our own (CP) -- Young|the next millenium, if not in the HAMILTON Progressive Conservatives were) 1970s |warned Friday that their party)... Ree lis headed for oblivion unless it URGES ORGANIZATION G limproves its policy-making and! He called on the young Can lorganization jservatives to establish a nation- - f . +. |wide 'Tne warnings Came trom Mt, ¥ abe e : | Daniel jaan. a University of implement. the party's princi- 1] hiatrist, and Jack|Ples : Besser, S cerenie market re-| Mr. Gonder said Ontario's | searcher Conservative party is domi- The two men veo A poten who 0 into| sary leadership, jpanel discussion at politics to satisfy career amb Mae -- pages Progressive Conserva- tions and are more interested, Heath lacQuarr' ee OF ouse), seems to be relyingoow live Association confer-\in @ smoothrunning machine -- _ ae ely (ny elon , contiainion oh anes / | in ide power in Ottawa-ts acceleratin lence, About 100 delegates are than in ideas, nolitical or ization st spoke during a an Ontario, LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- The grandson of the founder of the Firestone tire company Friday aétused U.S, senators and au- thors of using tire and autome bile safety as 'a political ve- ; sol ' 'ay, policies and a defence lattending the weekend meeting, If this state. continues, he excessive provincialism in Can- Policies ANU a Cs" \tives deserved to lose last No-|Conservatives will be neither The Conservative party had \vember's federal election be-/YOUng. nor progressive nor the|been the consistent advocate of leause of what he called an ap- |Party in power," strong central government in : a," . | If they don't fmprove, '"*hey|dent of the Progressive Con-, we paid that what he termed Politics Bid lare in for an era of deteriora-|Servative party, told the confer ihe unwillingness of the present) \tion, perhaps obliteration, by) "ce that Canadians couldn't @f-|covernment to use the «mail| | aie deeds each other's throats Over was the greatest danger on the $ The important thing i the ay parties when in office had | Fi i ] T ] win gnats ot Deere oo Hay Slacted very much alike, | inancia a e clarea, hicle to advance their own ca- a "There is a built-in nec ssity) * {ment dealer testifying under) front of the voting public, \protection of the Canada Evyi- suggested, Morgan Firestone, 35-year-old Prof, Allen Linden, of Os-, Vice-president of Firestone Tire jsecurity, interest-free loan from giving the Liberal viewpoint| Hamilton, made the charge dur-| to acquire. control of a Toronto W K A r restaurant and tavern arns Canadians are 'sick of the junk ence at the University of West- AIK as politicians have been feeding ¢rn Ontario | a royal commission investigat- SAIGON (AP)--The venerable them for decades." "Drivers vote, and it would Atlantic Acceptance Corp, that) Buddhist monk in South Viet ine' have failed to articulate|criticize the driver and pass j j i 92.500\ today to keep its promises or : | cane: : gti ye ner a! Pandan: tata erene fl felt people were not ready for| Concerns gp? {RtRins, ¥ to buy Old Angelo's Meataurant ei , of the key fig. it: the professor said, "hut the |censing and vehicle mainte. ri Quang, one of the key st time for dialogue is now," nance, even though such laws) to buy the majority interest of|turmoil, made the statement to a clear principle to the people| It was politically expedient to| erate ste Dao, It was his first reaction " tf piengt and epereien He. xeniee since Premier Nguyen Cao Ky/'ract all the different BrOUP Ser ph Bh be adler ney hon headed by Said a week ago he intends to. Professor Edward Broadbent subject like safety, The only| The commission | Margaret Stalls n On 42nd Attempt LONDON (Reuters)--Brit- ain's most famous learner- motorist has failed her driv- ing test--for the 42nd time, Schoolteacher Mar garet Hunter, 68, has been trying to get a driving licence for 25 years, but Friday it eluded her again Miss Hunter hit the head- lines some time ago when, during a driving lesson, her instructor leaped from the car shouting 'This {s sul- cide," Friday Miss Hunter stalled her car right at Yhe start of the test. into the mid- and low 30s in the) much change in temperatures north. Cloud cover is expected) today and Sunday. Winds light. ba ee es eons Ottawa region; Sunny with a seath of the lower Great Lakes, |{°W cloudy periods today and on . ;|Sunday. Near seasonable tem- More persistent cloud cover will) eatiibis Winds Huh remain around Lake Superior as|? m ent. an old disturbance drifts very, + 9 lap aia meress Low tonight high Sunday Lake St, Clair, Lake. Erie,| Windsor +40 (58 Lake Huron, Windsor, London; |St- Thoma 40 55 Partial clearing this afternoon, |1ONdON ++++++e+eees 5S Clear tonight, Clouding over | Kitchener 55 abain' Sunday morning with|Mount Forest ...... 3 55 showers likely by evening, Con- Wingham ., 55 tinuing cool. Winds light. Hamilton ..« 52 Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali-|St- Catharines «4... 52 burton, Killaloe, southern Geor- on Bay, Hamilton, Toronto: 55 artial clearing this afternoon, Clear tonight. Sunday sunny elouding over in the afternoon, Continuing cool. Winds light. "I'm very sorry..." sald the transport ministry ex- aminer. 'I'm not giving up," said Miss Hunter. Forecast temperatures a5 35 Kingston .isssesees ITYENtON coccccveces Killaloe sesseeereers Muskoka sesesveree 3 North Bay eesessees SudDUry seeeeeeeens Karlton Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing White River ..oses- | Moosonee .vsseeeres seeeeeeee seeeee a "Employees Union Wants Baboon Has Young School Sex Instruction After Death Spell HAMILTON. (CP) i _jarguments and debate ules Foaerss fo ile by Soviet t@rio division of the Canadianjone is going to teach my three acientists afier she had been| \iuion of Hpenal Rar meaty ne wore bb sex except me clinically dead for 140 minutes| (C1) Passed @ resolution ; now has survived five years annual convention Friday sup Another dissenter, Herbert 4 jporting the teaching of sex and|Barker of Hamilton, sald; "l since the operation and had ed < fdur babies, Tass news agency|@mily planning in Ontario}am personally fed up with peo- said today. "schools, ple trying to regiment parents : : Proposed by a delegation! right out of the business." The animal, called Sargenta , mgt Out of tne Ousin e » Called Sargenta, trom the Toronto suburb of Subakian in favor ot (le ree was cooled and drained of blood) North York, the resolution com-|_,° : Sak in 1961 at institute at Su- olution, William Baker of Tor- \ % a 'ea whore |Piained of what.tt terms a Jack! onto accused parents today of chumi on the Black Sea where|o¢ qualified sex and family plan-|shirking their duties ; scientists are working on how tO! ning information in the schools.) ee extend life, the story said. Bruce Martin of London, Ont, AS & result, he said "there Then glucose and drugs were said anyone who supported the @re More young people having fed into Sargenta's arteries'resolution 'could not be a re- babies today than ever before. while her body was intensely/sponsible person.' When chil. 'And even some crimes today heated and a high-tension elec-'dren enter school, he said, they are being carried on by people tric current was applied to setiare "typed, classified, cata- who have been misinformed on her heart beating again. logued and referred usually to sex since childhood," Despite|an expert in child psychology the On-, He told the convention: 'No Guard Your Elms New chemical injection method protects elms against Dutch elm disease Bidrin® Insecticide has proved high- ly successful for control of bark beetles thot kill elms by infecting them with Dutch elm disease, Important: Bidrin protects elms by killing insects. It cannot control the disease itself, or save an elm in- fected prior to treatment. Our men are trained and certified to use the new: injection method. throughout the tree. It's in the bark Spraying is eliminated. So is hazard when a bark beetle tries to feed -- to people, pets, wildlife. Call kills him before he can infect the We'll be glad to give you full in- tree. formation. Injected into an elm, Bidrin works us, For the Help of a Certified Man See RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 No Policy Changes Lesage Election Bid | ghee costal Tough Job Ahead For Tennis Team 4 'France in three consecutive Jast six years of Liberal admin-|tennis matches this weekend if istration, \it is to stay in. the running for At his campaign - opening| the Davis Cup, rally in' Sherbrooke, he asked| The chances looked tiny on for m mandate to press the|the basis of the opening day's claims of Quebec in Ottawa, to| Play Friday in the France-Can- make the province "stronger|ada series, in which the French " swept to a 2-4 lead in tie bepi- of-five matches with rather sur- pris ng ease, than ever HAS MANY NEWCOMERS Daniel Johnson, whose Union 'The series against France is Nationale party formed the op- the second round for Canada position in the last legislature, playing in the E n rone has heen stressing that the Un } . Rurepesa *\for a change inst fon Nationale has changed in| American arte, pe Hy Md the last six years and that 88 of inated Finland 4-1 in the first its full slate of 108. candidates! round are newcomers, sora meee His party's slogan is Quebec first, Both the Liberals and the Un- jon Nationale would go after the federal! government for more revenue from personal in- come tax, corporation tax and succession duties, Both would! seek to take over social secur-| ity funds such as family allow-| ances oni -_ old. age pensions. "nour |'Independance Nationale, _ Both want Quebec to stay in whose 'members want Quebec to Confederation, but would seek gnlit with the rest of Canada a new or 'revised Confederation! party Leader Pierre Boute agreement increasing Quebec's gault has said le Rassembie- powers, ment will run at least 50 candi- Between them, the Liberals|dates---it already has nominated and the Union Nationale ac-52--and hopes to win at least counted for all but one of the 10 seats, sining members of the last legis- ature, The party standings a dissolution were: Liberals Pry | Union Nationale 28, Independent 1, Vacant 2, Bul a new element has been injected into the current cam- paign with the entry. into poli- tics of an aggressive separatist group, Le Rassemblement. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF OSHAWA Requires DRAFTING SUPERVISOR SALARY RANGE --~ $6,145.00 to $7,328.00 (3614 hour week), Applicants must be fully experienced in the municipal Grafting field, Will be required to supervise Senior and Junior Draftemen, Must be registered 0% @ Senior Technician with A.O.C,E.7,7,, er heve equivalent experience . Applicants should submit full details of etc, ¢, education, experienee, not later than 5:00 p.m., May 20th, 1966, to oe Personnel Officer City Hell, Oshewe, Onterie, Dr, Cappon said the Conserva-|5aid, 'the Young Progressive ada, A , : ! t [palling state of organization. Dalton Camp, national presi-|Canada, pets. -\ford to spend all their tlme atifederal machinery it possesses, Inquiry Hears -- contemporary political scene role in a political patry, he de- THERE'S NEED TORONTO (CP)--An invest---"~ ss aoe rees and get their names in r for gompromise in Canada," he dence Act said Friday a non- uddhist j r goode Hall law school, said in|and Rubber Co, of Canada Lid, C, Powell Morgan enabled him during a panel discussion ipatiing the annual business confer- John Shemilt, the dealer, told ling the collapse last June of|Tri Quang, the most influential' «1 eaders of the political par» not be politically expedient to |Mr, Morgan, then Atlantic pres--Nam, warned the government) oi. ohilosophies because they|laws that might be unpopular He said the money was used ures In the country's politica He sald "It is difficult to state might be good for the country." John Belli whose company|the Buddhist newspaper Chanh| Gennda tunities AC nant at pick on the tire companies be) in Mr. Justice Samuel Hughes of stay ; , é the Ontario Supreme Court, was| year socialist views as opposition to\they are getting their publicity told Mr, Morgan invested $10,-| The newspaper, in a heavily- the Liberal statements He|at our expense." 500 in John Belli Operations| censored article, quoted Tri/agreed that politics should be; wr, Firestone said a study Ltd., and Mr, Shemilt and R, Quang as' saying about ideology and political val-\made by his company shows L. Hunter invested similar, "The present government willjues, but he disagreed that the that 10 per cent of the acel- amounts, be judged by the people. If it}major principle should be the) dents studied were the fault of Under terms of a July, 1963,| does not keep its promises, then,|pursult of individual happiness. |the driver, Only two per cent agreement, Mr, Shemilt under-|1 am afraid, the people will re-| 'Man is born into a state of were attributed to tires, took to pay off trade debts to! act." obligation to society,"' said Pro-| None of the senators or the lAtlantic, Adelaide Acceptance The statement was seen as a/fessor Broadbent, "'only afterjauthors critical of tire safety and Aurora Leasing, both asso- warning of new Buddhist pres--he has fulfilled his commit-|have ever come to our fac- lelates of Atlantic, as well as|sure for a speedy return to cl-iments to society is he free to|tories to find out what we do purchase Mr, Morgan's shares| vilian rule seek personal happiness," to make safe tires," 'for $55,342, the commission was een ~ told MADE BANK DEPOSIT Brian McLaughlin, a char tered accountant who testified jearlier Friday, said cheques to ithis amount were deposited to iMr. Morgan's account in a branch of the Toronto-Dominion {Bank | A cheque for $28,000, payable to Dallas Holdings, was. issued by Mr. Morgan from this ac @ount, he said, Directors of Dal- las Holdings, an investment company, were Mr, Morgan, W L. Walton and Harry Wagman, jchartered accountants, | The- hearing will Monday, HOMES ONTARIO LTD. i i Nearing Completion At... continue | Apply To Close | District Railways OTTAWA (CP) -- The Board of Transport Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing at Lindsay, Ont., June 15, into applications by the CNR to abandon two short railway lines in that, area One is -a five-mile line be power for another of York University presented | thing 1 do not like Is the way|- NOW... Is the time to switch , , . It's thet time of the yeer when interest is paid en savings accounts . , . THE PERFECT TIME TO ioe SWITCH UP... 4% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% on 1 t. 3 year G.1,C,'s 7% yield per annum on 10 yeor ACCUMLATING G.I.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M, te 6 PLM, Mon, te Thurs, | © 9 AM, te 9 PM, Fri, @ 9 AM, te 5 P.M, Set. SWITCH UP... | Central Ontario Trust a & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 Simene 8, OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St, W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 DRUG STORES tween Cannington and Lorne- ville, the other a 22-mile stretch between Lindsay and Beaverton east Hearings will open in the town haH. council chambers at 10 a.m Downsview (Park Oshawa's most desirable location on Adelaide East and Central Park Blvd. OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LTD. ROSSLYN PLAZA PHONE 728-4668 ... WE INVITE YOU | x | To come and browse around this weekend... for per- | | sonal appointment phoné 723-8201, APPOINTMENT lke eure "| SARICK HOMES N.HLA, CENTRAL PHARMACY 211 SIMCOE ST, S$, PHONE 723-1070 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING $T, FE. PHONE 723-3143 FROM MORTGAGES ee ee 519,995 ® 3-4-and5 bedrooms. @ 1 & 2 garages 'Melville Dale Bill McFeeters, Vice President is pleased to announce thet Mr Melville Dole has joined the staff as soles representative Mr. Dale was born and raised in Bowmanville." Mr, Dale op- erated a successful hardware business for over 40 years that town, Mel is o Past Presi- dent of Rotary and very active in all phases of community af fairs. Mel has passed all ex- aminations required Ly the De- partment of Real Estate and the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. He will be looking for word to being of service to his many friends. SCHOFIELD AKER Ltd. 360 King West 723-2265 THE 1220 SQUARE FEET MARQUETTE $21,995 in SARICK"HOMES EXCLUSIVE FEATURES @ All over 1,200 sq, ft @ Some treed walk-oute @ Storms ond screens @ Plostered walls, valances and cornices @ Completely landscaped @ All on oversize lots Fully decorated cluding ¢ity boulevard Built and Backed and Sold Direct To You By... ONTARIO SARICK HOME tii TEL. OSHAWA 723-8201 TORONTO DIRECT LINE 923-8685 SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ee ad CROWELL'S SHELL STATION 22 BOND STREET EAST SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO shKTION 74 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES 1271 SIMCOE STREET NORTH STATHAM'S B.A. STATION CORNER KING STREET and RITSON ROAD OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE 222 KING STREET WEST RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST STN, 35) WILSON ROAD SOUTH CORNER WILSON ond OLIVE AVENUE

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