4A THE OSHAWA TIMES, , bhay 14, 1966 RRNA RR RT NE arate EE FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSES Peon: gsi ei Ae SOUNDPROOFING WALLS QUESTION: We are convert- ing a large upstairs apartment into two smaller ones of two and a half rooms each. Is there any way we can make the wall between the two apartments soundproof? ANSWER: A fait amount of sound reduction can be obtain- ed by building a false wall out of contact with the existing one, The framing should be fastened to the ceiling and floor, Place an insulating blanket between the old wall and the new one; then finish with gypsum wall- board (plasterboard), S00T THROUGHOUT HOUSE QUESTION:. WE have a ranch-type house, on a concrete slab, with no basement, We have oil-fired steam heat, The heating unit -is covering every- thing in the utility room with a black soot, which is sifting into other rooms, too. Would cover- ing the oil burner stop this -- or anything else? ANSWER: Either-the oil burn- er needs adjustment because of improper mixture of oil and air, or some parts of the furnace or boiler have doors that do not close tightly thus allowing soot to float through small spaces. The burner could be enclosed with a sheet metal hood, but some provision must be made for air to get to the burner in order. to obtain combustion, I atrongly urge you have an oil burner service man check the operating efficiency of your unit and also test the automatic draft adjuster, OOZING TILE CEMENT QUESTION: . Several months ago, I tiled our front hall floor with vinyl squares, But ever since, I've been absolutely plagued with the black cement oozing up through the cracks. I have been able to wipe most off, but when will this stop? ANSWER: The whole trouble was that you slathered the 'ce- ment on too thickly, Frankly, there's no telling when the ooz- ing will stop, sorry to say. The safest cure (hate to tell you!) is to pry off the tiles and do the job over again, using less ce- sent aC Thee WHITEWASH FORMULA QUESTION: Please your whitewash formula. ANSWER: A _ very simple whitewash can be prepared by adding water to hydrated lime that has been well protected from the air. The following is a good formula for use on wood surfaces: Dissolve 12 pounds of salt and six ounces of powder- ed alum in about four gallons repeat This very economical plan assures extra large rooms for a house of this THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK size, Both front and rear entrances are protected. The rear entrance is convenient to t and to the extra large kitchen which could also dining area, Construction is Brick Veneer, and house could an Gi he basement serve as a be built on a 40-foot lot. Very suitable design for electric heating. In this case, the fire- place and chimney could be eliminated. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 527 cost $20.00 for and the first set, additional sets. comply with Building Code of are obtainable by the $5.00 for Ci ee B 1 u eprints a 4! National NoS27 a _ f Canada, and "2 return mail. 45 (Ontario residents must re- mit 5 per cent SALES TAX), The new 1966 DE entitled '101 Selected Subur- ban and Country signed for Canad SIGN BOOK $1.00 tax free, is now avail- tails, etc., able at this Newspaper Office (or from the address below). This edition includes informa- Homes de- half Storey, ians,"" price of hot water. Add tion on the Cost of Building in one quart of| Canada, Financing, Heating, Storey Colonial, Designs. Full details on how to order Blueprints are also plus many out- standing new Ranch, One and Split Level, Two- and Duplex Furnish your terrace with this good-looking chair, and two tables. The set cost you sy and is easy to make. Also, thé pieces are easy to take apart for storage. Pat- terns 292, 293, 294, which give material lists, cutting guides and directions, are 50c. each. If you would like all three ask for Packet 28 which contains these and one extra for $1.75. Oshawa Times Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont, Mister TOWERS molasses to this mixture, Then thoroughly mix 50 pounds of hydrated Jime with about seven gallons of water. Add the first solution to the lime mixture, stirring vigorously. When thor- |- oughly mixed, thin out with more water to the desired brush- ing consistency. When first ap- plied, this whitewash will have a yellow tinge, but it disappears in a few days. For a variety of formulas for whitewash for spe- cific purposes, send 15 cents (no stamps) to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C. for a copy of Farmers' Bulletin No. 1,452, 'Painting on the Farm." BRICKS GETTING POWDERY QUESTION: The bricks in our basement wall are getting powdery. Is there anything that can be done to stop it? ANSWER: Try applying a liquid cement-hardening prep- aration, available masonry sup- plies dealers and some large hardware stores, If the bricks are very old and deteriorating, replacement may be the only correction, Insulation, Constructional De- included in this book. The Building Editor, Oshewe Times, Oshewe, Ontario. (C) Enclosed please tind $1.00 tor which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE", Meil requests 10¢ extra, (Please make remittance poyable to The Oshewe Times), Address ... Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres, @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 728-6218 CORLON 80 Simcoe N. ROSS E. 25 YEARS SELLING AND INSTALLING BROADLOOM, LINO, NEW ... NEW SEAMLESS EVER-GLOW NEVER WAX FLOORS Plastic Underlays To Level Concrete OSHAWA 728-6218 MILL and TILE 728-6218 po IT Now! FERTILIZE DON'T LET YOUR LAWN STARVE @ So-Green 7-7-7 @ Greenfield 20-5-5 e Cc. i. L. 10-6-4 Rundie Garden Centre Lid. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN 1015 KING E. 725-6551 TOWERS ANY HEIGHT TO 100 FT. ATTRACTIVE ADDITION ONLY TWO CLAMPS ON THE HOME EASILY MOVED "GFD' SPECIALLY DE- SIGNED FOR BEST COLOR TV, from COMPLETELY INSTALLED Phone 123-9525 and let MISTER yo -- = TOWERS Your Towers Specialist Give You Tops in Tower Reception Everything on Displey et 378 KING ST, WEST WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST SIDEWALK SLABS Frou... brogklin concrete products Lro. ) "hydraulically pressed for maximum durability" @ COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES © SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ae 655°33T1 |