THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 14, 1966 19 DIVIDENDS: By THE CANADIAN PRESS STOCKS AND FINANCIAL REPORTS a aaae pas _, _|Car Production Cutbacks Prices Continue To Slide worst Jolt Since JFK Slain" To Low For Nine Months Lewis Petal oe Ltd., $1.40 preferred 35 cents; $2.00 preferred, 50 cents; com- By LARRY DWORKIN over the U.S. government's po-; The industrial ind ex re- Feeling the effect of a decline pouendgend cents, June 30, record Canadian Press Siaii Writer sition of # iax increase io fight) ireaied 3.21 iv 101.29, and in ite in automobile sales, retail sales dune 10; 6%4-eper-cent preferred Prices continued to tumble on|inflation has helped push ps ogg period. dropped 7.32 fall dewing Avetl fee tle Sost 31% cents, July 31, record July the stock markets this Lm - a Ostsdi's ee tia trading the in time in eight months, the U.s,|12- olume on Can = sageedy te Aap -- changes was light. At Toronto,|dustrial index fell 2.20 follow- a department re-) Riverside Yarns Ltd., class A The declines followed thelit totalled 14,692,496 sharesjing a weekend announcement y . Retail st 25 cents, July 4, record June slumping New York exchange|compared with 19,010,658 last/by General Motors it was put-|becomes serious, the action was Ps ail store sales declined by|15, * where blue chip issues were| week. ting eight plants on a short/enough to jolt the stock market) about one per cent from March. E buffeted for the second consec-| As a result of the slide 115|work week. into its worst loss Monday since -- of durable goods dropped; National Containers Ltd., issues skidded to 1966 lows. In-| Brokers are divided as to common 15 cents, June 30, rece the ination of Presid y about seven per cent from k by spreading cut- "wah ic te United States auto-lcluded were Falconbridge,|where the market will level out,|J0nn F. Kennedy. Nov. 22, 1963,|March, led by a substantialjord June 15. By JACK LEFLER NEW YORK (AP)-Is a hole appearing in the booming bal- loon 0f-the-U.S, automobile it~ dustry? Production cutbacks announced this week by the three big automakers indicate this may be so. Whether or not the outlook This was a gain of 3.1 per cent over the previous week. down 2% to 94, Chrysler 1% to Some feel it will continue to de-} This was the production pic- drop in automobile sales, ai- mobile industry. 46% and Inco, down 2% to 97%.|crease until a more favorable| Analysts also say uncertainty price earnings ratio is reached. Others are advising clients to though sales of most other dur- able goods fell also. The total of $25,227,000,000 ture: General Motors Corp. said eight of its -23 assembly plants RATS OUTNUMBER MEN . There are estimated to be 3,500,000 rats living in Madrid, the capital of Spain, with 2,800,- buy in what they describe as is Geodon, bargain prices, In the industrial list, Ford of Corporate Profits In U.S. Show Signs Of Slackening 22", 3s(..20 cial Pipe Line 1% to.79, Moore Corp. 1 to 82 and Alcan Alu-| would be closed for periods ranging from one to three days the rest of May. Ford -Motor Co. reduced its planned output in May by 19,- 000 cars to 242,000, which would still be a high for the month. | Chrysler cuts its June work schedule to 136,000 cars, which still would be a high for the month. was 10 per cent above April, 1965. Do You;.. GOLF © PLAY TEN ° wim SAIL WATERERS erage! GN. DANCE » PLAY Lawn CaM BAN eS Ease ee Seo an You... PICNIC LUNCH... | MOUTH-WATERING FOOD » CONTINENTAL ELEGANCE » IMPECCABLE SERV! Do You BREATH-TAKING SCENERY SND PEOPLE kee YOU'LL BE GLAD when the index fell rigs r minium 2% to 38%. Since January, the index has} Massey - Ferguson advanced advanced steadily from 150.2\5% to 34% on 90,483 shares. It per cent to 153 per cent during reached a 1966 high of 37 be-| american Motors Corp. is March. fore backing off. Imperial Oil | building cars on its regular pro-| Friday's reports of increased) was up % to 53% |duction schedule. rofits and production came in : the face of another drop in se-|/ BANKS LOWER INVENTORIES SET RECORD Have curity prices. Prices on the| Banking issues also Were) 'The companies said their cut- YOu. : trial production--the output of| New York Stock Exchange fell lower hy: ~~ Pe nant br ey were to enable them to) LOW, LOW OFF-SEASON RATES !1 the mills, mines and factories--|for five straight days with the down . 0 lol. ' mperlal-| vet their production in line with rose to another record during] Dow Jones industrial average | Commerce was off 15% . Mad ng dealers' inventories, which are April, the advance was the/of 30 stocks showing a weekly | Royal 1 to 73%, i wa yy 'om - at a high slowest since last fall. |loss of 26.72. lon Ye to $1, Monires M4 | 'They blamed criticism of Strikes in the coal and the| The average closed down 9.46)and Nova Scotia % to 68% lautomobile safety. Arjay railway industries were blamed| Friday at 876,11, the lowest] In base metals, Hudson Bay Miller, president of Ford, said in part for the slowdown but|since last July 29 when it was|slid 24% to 7914, Denison 1% to/harassment on safety influ- the board said revised produc-| 874.23. Since mid-February, the/46, Noranda 1 to 50% and Riolenced sales. tion schedules in the automobile} Dow Jones industrial average|Algom 1 to 22. Pine Point|- Sales reports for the first 10 industry for May indicate fur-|has dropped about 120 points) bucked the trend, rising 2% to|days of May were mixed, Ford WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. corporate profits shot to 'their highest level in history during the first three months of this year but there are signs of at least a temporary slackening in the industrial boom. The Federal Reserve Board F isaid Friday that aithough indus- Enjoy... CHILDREN. WE HAVE...A SUPERVISED CHILDREN'S PROGRAM, You're missing the fun at GRAY ROCKS INN St. dovite, Quebec, Canada or phone: St. Jovite 425-2778 You won't miss anything if you write for brochures "OT-46" ART BOOM REPLACES MINING BOOM Young man, not under 25 or over 45, with executive ability, good education and pleasing personality who is accustomed to active contact with the public. If qualified, write stating age, education, business experience, minimum income os New issue} , ' i i onth in that|from its record high |63%4 reporting record deliveries for | ng Wan tee Chicou. ed'in 1903 the spreemeah cael 6 ek 4 iy fed ~-- It was the commerce depart-| Western oils were also caught aay and Genera! Motors, ita, Gee ts 'heiving the relief bill ran to $10,000 and a department store | its index oF papers . ment" ge gy ig the retreat with Pacific Per sara and American Motors iskei a . , ge -e orders, | tion rose to 153.4 per cent of the] corporate is be AX€S!troleum off % to 12%, Dome %| reporting declines. | substitute ne far siakal sa Simas "poatectig seriehias oe arp Photo |1957-59 average, up four-tenths| of $78,300,000,000, on a season-|tg 15 Union 4 to 28 and Home| Ford dealers sold 59,065 cars| YOUNG BUSINESS EXECUTIVE oo oe ---- - -- oo ------------|of one per cent from the re-|ally-adjusted annual basis, for), 8 to 165%. Scurry Rainbow|in early May, topping the May | vieed March figure. This was|the first three months of this) ,qdedq 1 at 291%, high of 56,506 set last year. the slowest advance since last] eo Golds lost ground as Hollin-| Chrysler's sales of 30,895] eee é z ene 2 ig li % Kerr-|cars were 13.6 per cent below) ewioundia |zer dropped 2% to 21%, Kerr / | S k |Addison % to 105 and Mcin-|the 35,770 in May, 1965 N.Y. Investment Spokesmen --iyre'; £5 sty. Dome ose 1%/soup 96050 CARs | Promotion Greatest Ever pests avy was va er tw ede pv am | Speculative activity was quiet)cars in the 10-day period, com- : TO Oo 10 e Try To Cheer Stock Recovery |althoug ernational m|pared with 127,194 a year earl-| requirement, telephone number and Information By DON McLEOD | The program organizers, in-|and display local hospitality by| |clinabed Rs orate eA = ier. i : which describes your qualifications. This position is ST. JOHN'S,. Nfld. (CP) --j|cluding over-all planning direc-/listing the names of residents By ED MORSE +. to at J hewert reading re te gh " ed i tes an peed ge Ae with a leading, international company. Renumera- Newfoundland has rolled out ajtor George Giannou, say|willing to open their homes to| NEW YORK (AP) -- erejsince last July 29. cents aes \ 829, * : r sprit dante 565-mile red carpet--it's black/there'll be a place for eveny-jovernight guests. They hope to|will the stock market decline) production cutbacks and a va eg apo fell oe = pared with 8,029 for the samejf tion commensurate with qualifications and back- really--and launched the big-/body, He predicts the number|provide 6,000 beds this way. |find a bottom? That was theldrop in sales in the auto indus- a ae -- ho os peg Fe period a year vege | ground. Usually fine opportunity for high earnings gest tourist promotional scheme|of visitors and.the value of the| 'This is going to be the be-| question on Wall Strect today at try dominated stock market! . rs TSE'S "rece rc r 9.59 'AD --" Page -- and advancement into sales management. Excell- in its history on behalf of/tourist industry will double over|ginning of the biggest tourist|the end of another big weekly | sentiment throughout the week eye ot Sac indineketnna ES he turned ou f is neal diee!, (if : feat Ae "Come Home Year 1966." jee one " jpeom dele "e ever pesiers 7042. ; si The market fell every day ex-|4 0 $40. in +6 Gitinint cents 'yet ent group medical, life and pension plan benefits. The carpet is the Trans-Can- 'ina 5 figures are still be-|taken,"" Mr. Giannou says. "'We| The investment shokesmen| ent Tyesday when stocks ral-\2°¥", %-4 vakbvadd | : | : : E ada iano; running from Port|ing compiled but it is estimated|want people who were here|were trying to cheer stocks on fied. Hey be a wee " ied bg coat --_ nr a Boag All replies confidential. Address PO Box 636, aux Basques, the main ferry | more than 130,000 tourists came) years ago to come back and see|to a recovery. j ae : ly te an SS San 7és mes Steel production las hey i Kingston, Ontario, terminal from mainland Can-|to the province and spent be-|it now. They're not going| "I think the market is at or) RECOVERY FADES ro | be ume Paleo $653.80 he reached the highest level n a| ada, to St. John's. It was com-/tween $30,000,000 and $35,000,-|to know the place." near a turning point right now,"| A continuation of the recov-|compared Ww! 99 astivear with 2,765,000 produced. pleted in 1965. | 000. Part of the reason for sched-|said Robert H. Stovall, vice-jery faded Wednesday. ha sel at Regen SS mee Bumper stickers and fluores-/ Mr. Giannou expects that 40/uling the kick-off tourist drive president of E, F. Hutton and) were pounded badly Thursday | cent front licence plates pro-jto 50 per cent of the visitors|this year was the desire to/Co. 'There are too many good|and Friday and became much k claim this as the year for| this summer will stay with rel-|avoid conflict with the Montreal| values around to be ignored."| cheaper. ek. MAT et Newfoundlanders to come home/atives or friends. But early|World's Fair and Canadian cen-| The Dow Jones 'industrial} The Associated Press average to visit the land of their birth.| reservations are urged as book-|tennial celebrations in 1967. average this week tumbled 26.72/0f 60 stocks fell 10.7 to 321.1.| * The object is to exhibit re-jings into late summer have| The federal transport depart- | The losses in both the AP! et ac rim cent provincial growth and de-jcome in from other provinces|ment has acquired the car ferry jand Dow Jones averages were) & velopment and to pet oarens Som the Date States. |Leif Eirikssen, which the CNR NET EARNINGS --_ the -- on on) he inca tigen pipe wit e planning directo i se its C Strai | ut were not quite as' bad as/ marke yound up a storm Newfoundland deeply into the i) i r denies} will use on its Cabot Strait run By THE CANADIAN PRESS q market ww p y Offering the Investor from North Sydney, N.S., be- the previous gveek's when the| week of steady losses with an-| decline was the worst in four|other severe setback Friday. lucrative tourist business by ap-|his staff is bidding for more pealing to thousands of expa-| tourists than the province can triates to come back for 'a visit! handle | to see what's going on at home.| 'It's the old question of which Ontario Store Fixture Co. ltd. year ended Dec. 31: 1965, §109,- 952, 25 cents a share; 1964, ginning in early June, alongside the refurbished ferry William Carson, which can carry about years. It was the second straight! @ The week got off to a bad! week in which the market un- 2 1. A GENEROUS 7% RETURN--The bonds efe priced at pa? to yield 7%. Interest twice yearly. 2. SOUND SECURITY--A first mortgage secures the issue. A Sinking Fund retires afl of the.bonds within 6 years. 3. EXCELLENT CAPITAL GAIN FEATURES--The attractive convertible privilege 'and the free bonus of common shares start with announcement by|derwent a sharp slump. General Motors that it would cut} The plunge came against a its production schedule for May}background of cuts tn automo-|j by seven per cent bile production and sales, the) @ Despite Ford Motor's report/ possibility of a tax increase and | of its record car sales for .the|}demands for tighter credit. 3 The official, three-month cel-|Comes first--the chicken or the|500 passengers and 110 stand-| $137,761 net loss ebrations starting June 15 couldjegg. We need tourists to pay|ard-size cars. The new ferry is| Industrial Wire and Cable Co. draw an influx of visitors that|for what we are building now.|just a bit:bigger. The two willlLtd., year ended March 31: some say will severely tax|/Then we can build more. We'lllmake daily round trips and : Air) 1966, $744,000, 45 cents a share; provincial .transportation andjhave a place for everybody this/Canada a } | offer growth potential. the first big tourist advertising) Government spending on tour-| A highway courtesy patrol threa months ended March 31: first 10 days of May, the market} Brokers' analysts were at - |An attempt will be made toloffer first aid and assistance.| Cake Dutault- Mies be, some justification--GM andiyear- old bull market was|f LIVESTOCK three months government - backed building|than 250 local committees are|1966, $4,742,226, $1.15; 1965, $3,-|car sales for the early-May|industrials fell 9.46 points to/§ for all classes and grades of/commercial rooms by summer. jended Dec. 31; 1965, $660,164; /other market rout Friday. |short of last week's loss of|# The demand narrowed and junteers. Their proposals for year ended Dec. 31: 1965,,|down 119.04 from its historic) Monday" crash of May 28, 1962. /§ ate 7% FIRST MORTGAGE steers from midweek on. t a has agreed to extra! 1965, $565,177, 34 cents. accommodation facilities, It is|year flights from the mainland. Giant Yellowknife Mines Ltd.,| campaign by the province since|ist development will soar tolconsisting of uniformed infor- 1966, $506,845, 12 cents a share; | was hit by nervous selling on|odds over whether a bear mar-| it entered Confederation in 1949, |$900,000 from $243,000 in 1965.|tion officers in marked cars will 1965, $971.298. 23 cents. '|Thursday, with what proved to| ket had arrived or that the four-| jmeet a shortage of hotel and|Twelve new provincial camping Lid., Chrysler followed Ford with re-| merely undergoing a correction. | $1,700,000 motel rooms with a $9,000,000! parks are planned and more|three months ended March 31: ports of a big decline in their) The Dow Jones average of 30| TORONTO (CP) -- Tradingjand expansion program de-|directing more than 2,000 per- 77,305, 92 cents, .... «+++ ****! period as compared with a year/876.11 Friday, bringing the} ed s s opened actively at steady prices/signed to add more than 1,000|\sons in entertainment projects.| Russell Industries Ltd., year|ago. That set the stage for an-| weekly loss to 26.72. This was\a unro opper ines imite slaughter cattle at the Ontario! Officials also plan to sititine| Veet, OUTEORTS |1964, $204,068 6 As the week ended the Dow] 30.85, which was the worst since| | public stockyards this week.| nnn | All but a few of these are vol-| Montex Apparel Industries|Jones industrial average was|the week preceding the "black | | M4 i , | Ltd. prices eased back on a neavy (9 lby G g entertainment will receive 803-411 thigh of 99 The Associated Press 60-stock | & pia : 3,411, $1.83 a share; 1964,/high of 995.15 Feb. 9 he Associate 8 offering of good and cholce a unnin jeprving smments of government) et 758 § cents General Motors the| average fell 3.3 to $21.1. The} : : er a par aiese ae } |weekly loss of 10.7 was below| | | itd.,| Week at $84.50 a share, a loss| weekly s 0 low | Sean cate, cnie At First Victory iit mt en inten lcm ala Nest oeeks 120 | CONVERTIBLE SINKING FUND BONDS steers 26.50-27.50 with sales to P pation is thee , ae : 10| . Among the losers Texas Gulf} Volume rose to 8,990,000) 28.80; good 25-26; mediums 23- 25; commons 19-23; choice heif- ers 26-26.50 with sales to 27.50 good 24-25.50; mediums 22-24; commons 18-22; choice fed year- lings 27-28; good -24-26; good cows 21-22 with sales to 23; me- diums 19.50-20.50; canners and cutters 15-19; good heavy bo logna bulls 22.50-23.50 with sales to 24; commons and mediums 17-22, Replacement cattle: Good stockers 27-29; good steer stock calves 30-31 with sales to 31.50 good heifer stock common and medium 22-27, Calves 2,180: Choice vealers 36-460 with odd sales to 46; good 32-35; mediums 28-31; commons alves 25-26 stocker NEW ORLEANS (AP)--Bob/key to it all," say the organ- Goalby is aiming for his first|izers. Their only major disap- victory on golf's tournament|pointment so far is failure in trail in six years, but his mast-|attempts to arrange visits by ery of the Lakewood Country|Canadian warships. Ottawa said Club course has been over-|it just wasn't possible. |Shadowed by Arnold Palmer's} The CNR coastal ship. Cabot aching back, jwill make three round trips Goalby carved out a three-un-|during the summer from here der par 69 Friday to take sole/to Goose Bay, Labrador, with possession of first place after|20 stops en route at small 692 net loss; 30) cents a share, Western Supplies Ltd., year ended Jan 31: 1966, $437,247, $1.68 per class A and B share; | 1965, $266,029, $1.02, Central-Del Rio Oils Ltd., three months ended March 31: 1966, $916,125, 14 cents a share; 1965, $593,779, nine cents. 1964, $369,661, 36 holes of the $100,000 Greater! coastal villages. An extra ship} New Orleans open golf tourney.|is to go on the CNR's south} Coupled with his first-round/coast service as well to handle} 68, it gave him a 137 and put/expected traffic | him one stroke ahead of Jack| The ambitious effort includes| Nicklaus provision of all the myriad sou-| But the big mystery for to-|venirs of such festivities--lapel. day's third round was whether buttons, window decals, special | Palmer would show up, Hel|road maps. A 224-page book on} wrenched his back on his fifth Newfoundland is being printed) {Sulphur dropped $9.12 |shares from 8,220,000 Thursday, How much money do you want? You decide, Just a few dollars a month in an Invese tors plan are all that's needed to start you on the way to financial success. The Man from Investors gan show you have the rnoney you want in ten, fifteen or twenty years, He'll get you off to the right start nsing money to make money while builde ing toward your financial objective. Dated April 1, 1966 To mature April, 1971 with a bonus of common sheres at the rate of 200 per $1,000 Bond The proceeds of the issue are for the purpose of bringing into production the Company's copper-zinc property near Matheson, Ontario. Mill construction and underground development is now under way to bring the mine into production at a rate of 500 tons ® day. We would be delighted to tell you the costs, risks, and oppor tunities of the issue. Just retum the attached coupon, No obligation of course. hole Friday and limped home|which the government hopes| with a one-under par 71 for a|will return $140,000 of its $201,- 36-hole total of 142 000 cost through advertising| Palmer was rushed to ajsupport, At $1, a profit of 50/ doctor, underwent treatment | cents a copy is expected | and received a narcotic to ease| National magazine tourist ad- the pain. Later he reported by|vertising this year will cost telephone: "I'm getting stiffer'$150,000 and a similar amount and stiffer.' is to go for tourist posters, | Bob Rose of Toronto, the only|pamphiets and "general pub-| Canadian entrant, Fridayjlicity." Also $85,000 is to be| --|Slipped to 80 after an opening- |spent for documentary films--| round 78 and missed the cutoff/an increase of $35,000 over last| with his 158. 'year, 24-27; boners 18-23 Hogs 8,300: Grade Toronto 34.10-41; heavy sows 23.40 + 26.60; stays 18.45-19.70; boars sold live weight 15.35- 15.75. Sheep and lambs 550: Good jambs 2830.50; spring lambs 34 40; sheep 5-13 according to qual- Investors has an extensive range of flexible plans specially designed to solve your problem of accu mulating money. Start making money with your money the easy Investors way. See the Man from Investors A hogs at Orp, WALLINGTON & Co. Limttep INVESTMENT SECURITIES TORONTO HAMILTON yf Ord, Wallington & Co. Limited A r) 185 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontarie ' MONTREAL . M.LS. Selling Selesmen -- Robert Johnston LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE ~ PRODUCE TORONTO (CPJ -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs ave:age weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of May 12: A 52.4; A me dium 5.07 43.6 Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases yuoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal ers: Extra-large 42-43; large 41- 42; medium 39-40; small 36-37 B 37-39.5; C 34-35 Butter prices Agricultural stabilization board tenderable carlots: Buying 40 score 59; | buying 39 score 88; selling 59. Why Pay More ee SAVE!! C ae ON PREMIUM QUALITY gal. FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby and Ajox Districts Please send me, without obligation, the prospectus on Munro Copper Mines Limited large A small "AL" SWAYNE trict. Manager 858 Oshawa Bivd, N. Res. 728-1814 MURRAY SMITH istrict Manage 941 Oshawa Bivd. N Res. 728-3186 Anvestouk SYNDICATE LIMITED Phone 725-1513 A. E, The Oshawa and District REAL ESTATE BOARD Presents THE TOP mM, 1.3. Salesman For The Month 7 yf NAME og yf City. Jere gf Belinea ADDRESS. (Please Print) Business mania neal