yy if U i] | YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED | TO USE IT TO OH, DOCTOR, I'M SO GLAD You've COME/ REVEILLE 16 OBSPERATBLY ILL/ /_ GET BACK ON THE GROUND AND LET ME HANDLE THIS! INOW, FiRGT +d WOULD SUGGEST SMELLING GALTE. ++ THBY ALWAY6 00 THAT IN THE MOVIBG, YOU KNOW/ THEN, SECOND.» -- [HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, MISTE RAN / DONA F Reach v GETA i cL igs YOU IN ALIVE, Si FAST JAPANESE SENTR: _ eS RNR RNIN s THE JES « @ THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 YOUR WHITE MEDI 28 HARMED / We 1 TOLD THE HUNTERS THAT CINE BLFFALO MUST NOT. TOOK THEIR: AMMUNITION / THERES NO CHOICE IV GOT TO FOLLOW TH INGTRUCTIONG IN Channe) 11--Hamilten Channe) %---Toronte Channel 8--Rochester Channel 7--Buftale Channe! 6--Toronte Channel 4--Butfaie Channel 3--Barrie Cnanne: 2--Buttee neces se SAT URBAY WE. 6:00 PA, W--Fligper 6--Life and The Land 3--Mister Ed 3--Checxmate 4:30 PLM, Vi--Donna Reed 7--Orzie and Harriet 4--Stu Davis 4--News 3--Musical Showcase 6:45 PLM, 11-7---News, Weathe Sports 7:00 P.M, Yi--Polke Party 9%--Jackie Gleason 7--Movie @3--Beverly Hillbillies 4---Round Table 7:30 PLM. 1i--Dance Party 9-2--Flipper 6~--Danger Men 4--Jackie Giesson 3--McHale's Navy 4:00 P.M, 11--Jamboree 6-14. /BEFORE 1 GO IN TO VISIT MRS, MESSER 1'M GONNA TAKE OFF MY GLASSES GHE'G GUCH A SLOPPY HOUGE- KEEPER... +f COULD BE TEMPTED TO GOGGIP ABOUT LATER J - wt DON'T WANT TO GEE THINGS... "le TSS Mls (| he, as siQl Meri GUESS...1 © Khas Fenteces Syediente, Ios. 1946 World veges emaroal @2--1- Dream of Jeannie a--Lete Sing Ovt $.2--Get_ Smart 7--Lawrence Welk 6-3--Movie 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M. 2--Movie 7:30 PLM. Great Music 7---Holiday On ice 4--Face Is Familiar 10:00 P.M, 9--Spotlignht 4--Gunsmoke 10:18 PLM. Movie 10:30 PLM. J--Movie 63--Jullette 1:60 PLM, 9-4-4-3-2---News, Sports Weather Ws P. . Movies Nad) PL, 4-Lete Show Was 3--Movie 11:38 P.M, @--News, Weather Feature Showcase 14 PL 9--Answering Service 11:0 PLM, --Mov'e wuRDatT 7:00 A.M ance 7:30 AM, VieeCamera On Canada Y--Herald of Truth 8:00 A.M, P.M, Nn fF Oral @--SHHH! Children 7--Christopher Program 4--World of Life 2--Agriculture U.S.A 8:15 A.M, 7--Davey and Goliath 8:30 A.M, V-Sacred Heart 9--Songs of Faith 7--Beany and Cecil 4--Popeye Playhouse 2--Fellx The Cat 6:45. AM. VeLiving World 9:00 A.M. N--Cethedrai Chlenee 9--Tides and Trails J--Porky Pig 2-Clutch Cargo 9:30 A.M. Vitalin Journal Cartoon Playhoume 4--Peter Potamus 2--The Answer 10:00 A.M. N~Caraselio @--Falth For To-Day J--Rocketship 7 4-Uncle Jerry's Clue 3-Thie le The Lite B-Heve Ovn WH Trevel 0:0 P.M... Ni--Club 11 Dance Party 6: PM, |')--Lost in Space | 4--Hazel | 2--N.B.C, News Special | 2:18 3 7:00 P.M. ®--Plesse Don't Bet The! 9--Voyage To The Bottam| 7--Discovery '66 4--News, Weather, Sports | Pertormence | }).This Space Age P--Have Gun will Trevel) 3 PM, | 2--Saturdsy Night ef The! | | | 7Donna Reed | 63--Umbrelle | 3--Lost In Space | 4--My Favorite Mertien TELEVISION LOG 16:06 PLM, |11---Untouchabies 9--Dr Kildare 8-2--Frank Sinatre 11:00 A.M. |11---Secret World } Meta $--Creative Person |- 7---Bullwinkle Show | &3--Memorandum | 6--Great Show Musi¢ | o--fendic Corners cae } 10:90 P.M : | : | 11:30 AM. | Store Sy Lee |11--Discussion ae 11:00 P.M, | $1 Wish You Were Here) !!-9-$-6-4-3-2--News | Weather, Sports | 11:20 PLM, | T-4-3--Late Show | 11:25 PM | 3--Movie | & +The Christophers | 4--Pattern. For Living 4--Faith For To-Day 12:00 NOON li--Dialogue 9--Itallan Album 7--Eddie Gets A New Neme 4--Tween Set 4--News, Weather | 2--House Hunter 12:15 P.M | &--Douglas Fisher 12:00 7--News, Weathe 12:15 A.M 7--Movie La hetedlal 70 Am 6 Laman Langere | henge one 3--Living Word 12:30 PLM, |}]--Spectrum +---Tennessee = Tuxedo 4--Face The Nation Pe My | q MA, Saree A THIN li veaibert 5. Sees 9--T.V, University lige | 8:55 A.M. Continental' Miteters | 7--Dialing For Dollars | 9---Spectrum | 2:00 Am | @-Meet The Prem | . . 7--ABC Scope | $-Romper Room | 6--Film Feature | 4--Mike's Carnival 4--Amateur Hour | 7 AM, 3--Whiplash | Uncle Bobby ' &---Smile Time 1199 PM. 4--Love Of Life | 2--Operation Aiphabet j 10:08 Am 11--People &-2--Eye Guess 1 Lev cy 9--Platform 8--Movie 7--Issues and Answers 6&3--Country Calender 4--Zane Grey. | 2:00 P.M. | 1l--Outdoors Unlimited | 9--Jr, "A" Hockey | 7--Directions. '66 63--Eyes of Tomorrow | 4--Film Feature wv li-- Ed Allen 8-2---Concentratior 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Giant | The McCoys 11:00 Awa, ll--Mike Douglas Show %--Mr. and Mrs. 6-2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep 63---Butternut Square 4--Andy Griffith 11:30 A.M, 9--Abracadabra 7~--Dating Game @-2---Poradise Bay 4-Dick Van Dyke | 12:08 NOOR %--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie ¢@--Luncheon Date +--News end Weether 3--Popeve 118 Pia or of tee Heme me Pm | 9--Soupy. Sales | 8-2--Play Post Office --The 7--Mov' 4~--Sports Spectacuier | 3:00 PLM. |1l--Dance Party | 6--Some of Those Days 3--Human Jungle | 2--It's Up To You 3:30 PA, | &---Blography 4--French For Love 4:00 P.M, 1l--Top Cat | 8-2--Sports In Action | 7--College Perspectives 6-3--Heritage 4--Cameo Theatre 4:30 PLM. Tiny Telent Tie 9--Rescue 8 | 63--The Amish' 4--Cadabout Gaddis 5:00 P.M, 730 P.M, Noagara. Frontier le SPOr!S| 1) gegnlty Theatre | ¢4---Seach for fomorrem | sy Report 1 Pim +4--Guiding Light 1:00 Pa. |ll=Theatre %--Morning Star &~Dialing For 0« Girl Talk &--Malinee %--Canadian Talent } Showcase | 4--Forest Rangers | 2--Viet Nam Review 5:30 PLM, %--$am Snead Golf } #2--College Bow! | 7--Big Show of The Week| 7--Ben Casey é--Hymn Sing | & Luncheon Date | 4--Celebration for Julle | 4--Meet The aillere | Movie 2--P. D. @. 1:00 Pome %--James Beard Show } &2--Let's Make A Deal é4--As The World Turns 0) Pw %--Kids is People | #-2--Days of Our Lives | 7--Confidential for Women 64--Password PLM. | Dear Charlotte te FM %Peopie in Conflict B4--The Ovecters 4:00 P.M. B--Well Disney Preeente &--Tom Decker 6--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 2--Conference Call 9----Filpoer Daisies t--Voyage Te The Bottom of The See | $3--Haze! 4+-Laeole 710 PA | ll-Movie 9--Avengers | #3--Disney's World @ | Color 6-3--F lashback y--A Time For Us | é6--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter"s Party dWovie 4100 Pm. #--Fractured Phrases | 8-2--Another World 7--@enere! rioepitet 643--To Tell The Truth nm Pm. | 1--Funny Company %--It's Your Move 82--You Don't Sa 7--Superman 6-3--Take 30 +--Hdge of Night 9:00 PLM, 4:00 P.M, 3--Mawie 91 Love Lucy 63-2--Bonante | @--Maich Game +--Porry Mace | 63--Worlds in Contrast 4--Secret Storm 9--Peyton Place 6-2--Branded 9:30 PLM. 1--Canede at War a--Merv Griffin CROSSWORD 3. Pathways to the greens Nautical chain . Domesti- cates . Persia . Common name prefix . Verb form 8, Humble ), Light muslin Pull-over . Distresa signal . Harvest goddess ACROSS . Small lizard Boy's nickname . Soothe . Natives of Yemen , O'Grady of the lyric » Parrot Lidded pitcher . Japanese coin Tellurium: sym Courts 19. Bhove 20, Rose orna- ment Piano fey partners [5 [PiATrR IK BEVIADRIAY \VIO(GIUIE Mt CTT ING) ETL TAITIE MBOUUIAIT IE | ou wala PIEIO 21. Yesterday's Answer 33. Monster 34. Salt 35. Eng. cathee nautical term 25. Verb form 27. Military acronym 29. Plunders 31. Eskers 38, Meadow . Arrowroot . Charts > ys 6 Y again . New wine Gi 0 . Complies . Squander Gi Junior and Io WY, others : 27. Clothes 19 machine 28, Conclude 29. 30, Gone Brazilian palm 31. Grampus OSHAWA TIMES, Mey 4, 1966 18% BRIDGE Oy ©. JAY BECKER "bd record-holder im Masters' Championship Play) West dealer. Both sides vulnerable, Bo: 46 pay Spe oaey of clubs. About per cent of bridge players play rubber bridge ex- clusively and do not concern themselves with the intricacies of duplicate bridge. In a sense this is regrettable, since dup- licate bridge is # razor-sharp game that demands much clo- ser attention than the average player is willing to give it. -- One characteristic of dupli- cate is the stress placed on the overtrick. A rubber bridge player who bids four spades and makes five is not upset if he could have made six by play- ing more carefully. The 30 points he loses are unimportant, especially if the stake is a tenth of a cent a point. But the duplicate player looks upon the overtrick as manna from heaven, and would just as soon lose an eyetooth as give away an overtrick. For example look at this hand from 'Play Bridge with Reese', where South's main concern is to make twelve tricks, not eleven. He wins the club lead with the ace and enters his hand with a trump, not bothering to discard a diamond on the of clubs because he wants to conceal his distribution as much as he can. Pursuing this policy further, he plays a low heart to the queen, deliberately leaving a trump outstanding so as not toe reveal how many trumps he started with. Note that South plays a low . heart, not the jack, when he ' |takes the finesse. The jack lead might alert East to cash the ace of diamonds after taking his king of hearts, since he might be able to count at least eleven winners for declarer. But the low heart play to the queen is almost sure to be effec- tive if East has the king. East jis unlikely to cash the ace of diamonds, knowing so little about South's hand, and if he returns a heart or a club, South easily wins the rest of the tricks, 32. Stockings 36. Pester 38. Lawtul 30 39. Try out 40. Betimes SM 41, Land measures 3? 42, Beverage YO DOWN 1, Otherwise | YOUR HEALTH | Water Require d | Doesn't Add Weight | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner; We are haying quite a dispute, I drink} six to eight glasses of water a) day. I have had a heart attack | 'and my sister thinks that is too} much water and it will put on weight. I have never heard of such a thing. Please answer.--| Mrs. E. F. H | I'm afraid your sister has put) are not kept moving rapidly enough. This sluggishness lets some water, and waste matter which it has absorbed, remain stagnantly in the tissues, Ankles | swell, or other areas hecome| congested j This is not because the pa- tient drinks too much water. It two and two together and gotten|is because water, and the waste seven instead of four. Water does not add throsgh the body to carry away | products, true| moved weight. It constantly must pass;}amount one drinks will have re- The are not being rapidly enough. jwastes. Since a quart weighs jabout two pounds, it is obvious! ithat if. you temporarily with-) {draw water from the system, | tweight will go down--but not true weight. I've used this ex- |ample before: A football player in an-afternoon of hard practice jcan easily lose five pounds and jsometimes much more than when he is thirsty. Sweating) has "dried him out." So he) drinks enough fluid to make up} |for it, and the next day he is right back at his usual weight. | If you. drink more, you will} jlose it faster. And. vice versa. | Thirst takes care of that, Drink- jing more won't make you gain} twe ght. There are no calories in jwater, Your sister may be confused| over another aspect, People in| EYE DECEIVES HAND The eye's reaction time for a} wink is 1-20 second, three times/ visited Yugoslavia as tourists in| dropsy. faster than a dalibarate blink. | 1965. WELCOME TOURISTS About 8,000,000 foreigners heart failure--that is when the} heart cannot beat strong enough} to maintain full, brisk circula- ition -- may have edema or) Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT ..popular, modern dime pack WRIGLEY's Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmin Thie means that body fuids| (t's where Katherine Hepburn | met Rossano Bremil® | slight if any effect on this. Medications can be given to hasten the discharge of this stagnant fluid, and thus reduce the edema, but that is another matter entirely. You still should drink plenty of water to keep your body functioning health- fully. If you have edema, rely on your physician's advice, hot your sister's because she is mis- taken in her belief. - I should add that the fact that you have had a heart attack does not necessarily mean that you have either edema or heart failure. Millions of people have had heart attacks and returned to activity and health after- ward. Either way, you need water And it won't add weight. Dear Dr. Molner: I recently read of a study to determine reasons for loss of hair that re vealed an iron deficiency in the majority of cases, and an iron supplement was suggested te remedy this. Do you agree?-- I am not familiar with this particular studye Iron deficiency implies anemia; plenty of cases of anemia have been treated successfully without observing any change in hair growth--un- less the anemia was severe. If anemia is present it should be corrected. Il] health from what- ever cause can be a factor in hair loss. Taking iron whether vou need it or not isn't going o be a cure-all for thinning rair. You get more to enjoy in the convenient Ree more of that fresh flavour and lively taste!