CENTENNIAL PROJECT WILL EXPAND AUDITORIUM ACTIVITIES CANADIAN STANDARD SWIMMING, DIVING POOL MAJOR FEATURE '67 Project Will Provide iNew Home For City Clubs +. | Parade Launches Drive Oshawa Cimes | Building Fund Campaign A home for 29 clubs will be| YWCA library, the Oshawa aire provided when Oshawa citizens|port and in several home base complete the civic auditorlum|ment recreation rooms, centennial project -- a commun: ity pool and recreation complex, goog ee small is These homeless organizations size are representative of every kind of community activity, For checker players who like keen competition there's thi Oshawa checker club, For more active type of activity, there's the judo club, ballroom dancing or the shuffle board club, The new recreation complex will provide facilities for the Oshawa Kennel Club, the exee utive of the dog obedience elu the Upland bird dog club an the aquarian society, For outdoor individuals there's the field naturalists club, the rock and mineral club, the trailers and ca Former Bowmanville Clerk H jnow are scattered throughout iven e orma ory erm \the city and have been since the Oshawa department of recrea- TORONTO (CP)--Jack Leroy| Roderick Cormack of the attor-|tion building was destroyed by Reid, 30, former clerk-treasurer|ney-general's department had/fire Jast fall, of Bowmanville who stole $38,-/asked for only a reformatory| 4 parade today launched the 711 from the town in three/sentence, $500,000 public subscription cam: years, was sentenced Friday to| Reid has made $17,520 resti- paign which will help pay for two years less a day in re-/tution and was paying the re-|the $1,000,000 Centennial addi- formatory by the Ontario Court| mainder to a bonding company|tion to the Civie auditorium, BRIGHT ENTRY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD SEEKS SIXTEEN Shine Interviewing U.K. Teachers Frank Shine, administrator of| ees the Oshawa parate school| tors, board, ix in Great Britain ins! for terviewing Catholic teachers in-| the terested in locating in Oshawa. labor He left one week ago and will . 4 : be there for about two weeks ee ge yg og x Trustee Dr, George Sciuk told) trustees of the Roman ( atholic ci "a ype that underpin board members this week that/Secandary School in - Whitby -- ace eaucation the board is 16 teac 8 short) Township to have its Grades 7... 2% con . for the 1966 schoo rm, He! and & pupi included in the: May 24. 2 said 12 teachers hired' Oshawa senarate May 6 or rent one Dr. Sciuk prese 1 bill far 157 pounds, 13 shillings (nm 1 vicinity of $500 far advertising in British publica tions for Catholic teachers NEGOTIATIONS Negotiations between the jani which represents the jani-|cuse later this month on non said the union has applied! graded schooling a conciliation officer fram Sister Mary Reatrice dil! be Ontario department of the Oshawa separate school board representative at the can non scheduled far were choal syste two S ult in a meeting (rary grade er between the township board and| Versus creative individualized the executive committee of the| Prosrams for individual learn Oshawa separate schoo! board changes and innovations in A letter from F. J. Moloney elementary school organiza ary of the RCSS No. 9 | "Ons non-graded and a working definition hip of Whitby, stated that), nN . \ b rroom addition ta sti?" lasophy of the non » tors employed in the Oshawa @ (OUT , school Paul's School on Gar separate school system and the t \ separate have 2@% been abandanes 1 mor came to a halt ur the hoard's favorable costs are administrator returns from ai 'h@ department of education trip to Britain CONFERENCE Trustee Michael Rudka, the \ tea board's 1 mM negotiations w dian Union of P Or hoal level standards alsa rooms, will re ers the and graded the far » to be discussed at ence are prospects the future of the non - graded school and outlook for its adop hevend the elementary years Mary Reg e's » alte schoo board cor tion hinge nur hoal Wficia ese duh mf iwas recommended by NCE TO A WIDE VARIETY OF FACILITIES ference which will diseuss the psychological and sociological | is under di-/@ Separate s | rection of Science Research In- stitute, and will deal with arbi:| school | Sister aibility of having the city paveipleted for use next September.'not seriously injured ministrative, leadership and fas cility services to numerous groups, the new facilities will be used for the recreational classes and other activities, Among these will be various arts and crafts classes, junior judo training, lectures and de- monstrations, photography, art and craft exhibitions and ballet instructions, With the nature of the facilis ties and services inherent In the complex this can and will be various arts and crafts classes, junior judo training, lec tures and demonstrations, photo- graphy, art and craft exhibitions ; land ballet instructions, Freeway Traffic Problems," im", jo . . betes 2 Major Topic At Conference | in tus" Four city officials will repre-|be placed well back from the Campaign officials, Adjacent, as of Appeal, jat the rate of $50 a week, The! 'The campaign motto is: We association and the cloud chas- , li standard swimmi " Canadian standard 8 DRling club, the '"Seet Adelines", teachers is "barely adequate" the 8s ' the ric 2, UAW,|Paign has not officially start: Grossing roome at the civic | --_ | Cit T h The Appeal Court allowed an| bonding company has made up | | | , did it before! We can do it | 1 y eac. ers jattorney + general's department|for the loss to the town near again! appeal from a suspended aen: Oshawa, _ | Leaders of the campaign are: In Short Supply in" p poh A A tsi |B, R, 8, McLaughlin, chaleeneny » Baxter Of FOF | T, V. Kelly, Q.C,, finance chair: | Mr, Justice Frederick Mac:| Church Members man; C, C, MeGibbon, Q.C,, sec A high turnover among|Kay said that Reid was in a) c ie F retary; I. F, Markson, treasur- teachers is making it difficult posites of ed when he stole onsider uture er; and Harry Gay, building for Oshawa schools to find re- ee hae ro that Reid) A congretational meeting of| chairman, are blacemenis, saya a city educa:|, sa habn give ,| members of the burned out King) pre one! p m ten official sno a pied Mthat (Street nited Chureh will ean taiohed oe Centonniai| Along the more artisitte side , aey : ato iheld Monday, | recration com lex will feature a Of life facilities will be avaP Bag » : mee -- Purpose of the meeting is to P able for the drawing and paint it of elementary -achools inj t idetermine plans for re-location nat and diving pool, a beginners " Oshawa said the supply-of new New Contrac of the church, d 8 4 4 08 id the 'Barbershoppers"", indoor | pool and facilities for a wide : . Rev, L. W. Herbert, minister) variety of other activities | Rardening club, the antique club | of the gutted church on King! 'ace : . and the Oshawa choral society, to fill the demand or 1ce| Since the fire, some of the st, @, Said today that a fund/cihs have relied on the idle| In addition to providing ad Approximately 40 teachers) gyricg employees a head: |has been established but a cam- have resigned this year out of | quarters of Local jauditorium for meeting space a total of 381 Oshawa elemen:'have successfully negotiated a ed. |while others have gathered in tary teachers, he said new contract giving them wage! Time of the meeting is 7:30 the basement recreation rooms| Oshawa Board of Education| parity with U.S, union office |P.m jot their members this year has received about 25| workers | resignations from secondary; The contract, which still has WORKER RELEASED lawa airport buildings where the school teachers, secondary|to be adopted by union! Sidney Morine, 37, of 285 Jar-|Oshawa recreation department school superintendent George| members at their June meeting, |vis st, a Fittings Ltd, employ-|works in cramped quarters and Roberts said yesterday, = geen Md the union execus/ee who underwent an emerjunder difficult conditions, Rastdale Collegiate, a new| "ve Wednesday _ jgency operation on his left arm} As an example of this situa- aes pore CE eA to open| The new contract provides /at Oshawa General Hospital Fri-|tion, the Oshawa chess club, a in. September--"come hell or|Wase parity with U.S. rates at day morning after an industrial] group of some 25 dedicated play- lhigh wate: ays superinten:| "he end of three years accident, was released yester-jers, has, since the destruction Ident Roberts--will have a staff; lhe agreement ended two! day afternoon, a hospital spokes:|of the Gibb street headquarters lof 60. It will have. room for | Weeks of negotiations between | man said today, about 700 iiidente joffice staff and Local 222 offi- \@ 3 | clals, | Since May 1 the six women | office workers had been work: ing without a contract Representing the union office staff were Mrs, Joan Sutton, office steward, Sharon Blears and Hairy Benson, internation lal UAW representative A few have utilized the Osh: met at the civic auditori was Ivan a the city easer pron ently ne 4 " t e civ Abe Taylor, president of UAW sent Oshawa at the three-day| roadway i a > lc auditorium, te Agnes Theresa upervising|the school yard if parking vga ' "| Mr. Richards , ay intersplay of facilities and. ser - : > Local 222 and Russell MeNeil Teathin ( hice Mr ichardson says small|" principal of the Cshawa Sep: facilities were also required anion secretary « treasurer, bar.(c™aro Traffic Conference be-| notarscooters are hazardous on|Vices: should lead to a greater ae eee See Mr. Weltact sald he thought gained for the local union ginning in Ottawa Monday. ithe freeways, He said that they|Partictpation in the broader TRAFFIC PROBLEM the school yard ehould only be Local 222 office employees, Purpose of the conference is/can't keep up with the rest ofl orme Py vy ily tae ; *} sgy,| UNEE as an exit for t within UAW Local to discuss problems of traffic/the traffic and so present a/termen sec The houses would be like "sits! Phe board's executive com: 1188. ~y t h 40 m:| in Ontario problem jcommunity, ting in the middle of Yonge st., we : » Mast Of whose mer eee son ' oishaniealanns ee "ann Saturday night" . pens Js oe 7 bien bers work for Houdaille Indus-| One section of the conference) A law forbidding cars to stop} = That the description Auditorium board of directors tries, Ltd is devoted to freeway traffic, | alongside - highway, untens Oshawa Rotarians leita: wetines Gava Gt : ne PB 8 its problems and the discussion/in an emergency, should be Trasin sven Wade, gave ste nous the mater mare ache pree added to ve TA Decne] Wisit Border City ') OAC ee 1erougaly > . g i. ing when referring to houses) FINAL APPROVAI Injured Driver Bob Richardson, deputy city] these are a real danger, he! 1 in the area of new St The new eight-reom St. Mich I 'P ' Condition works commissioner, is chairs) Minimum and maximum| . Twenty-eight members of the Michael's school if the school| gel's elementary se parate n oor ata of hte eevee rol apeae limits will also be dis. | Rotary Club of Oshawa will pay yard is used as an exit fromischool in the city's west end) WHITRY Russell Willard by ce ft poten = the Ont rio | cussed at the conference by rep-/an inter-club visit to the Rotary the Oshawa Civic Auditorium, /has received final approval/21. of Whithy. was reported to.| (8% sie Wiame hee ae rd 'sentatives from Metro Toron-/Club of Windsor on Monday. Mr. Wallace said he attended! from the Ontario department of day in "peor" condition in To-| = - Aments to be | to Hamilton, Ottawa, the de-/Leaving Oshawa at 7:30 a.m, by an exploratory. meeting with! education ronto General Hospital with et gg ge Bn ll partment of highways and the/chartered bus, the party will representatives of the board of Oshawa Separate Schoolinead injuries he sustained Fri eae tama "| Ontario Provincial Police jfty to Windsor from Toronto's directors of the Civic Auditor:/Board trustees were told byliday morning when his. car . on : ; Crosswalks and *"general|International Airport, ium where the possibility of/their architect, William Saccoc:\crashed into a telephone pole here's room for IMPrOVes| pedestrian safety will be an-| During their stay in the using the school yard as anicio of West Hill that the ex-! Police said the accident ment," said Mp, Richardson, other big topic discussed at the | "Border City," the Oshawa aceess or exit was discussed penditure appraved by the de: eurred at the junction of Thick The committee will be out-jconference, said Mr, Richard-/group will tour the mine and Asked his = opinion the partment was $160,000 son rd, and Highway 12, The linir he problems of freeway! son |plant of a salt company and I | , pany pay hoard's architect,.William Sac The new school, which will/sports car Willard was driving driving such as pedestrians, Representing the city of Osh-ja visit to the General Mo f y : , coccio, said he would be relue-/front on Vancouver Court and/struck a guard rail and clipped| picnic areas and two » wheeled/awa at the conference will be/trim plant, They will have & 4 ; - ' tant to give an actual/border the parking lot of the/off the utility pole 15 feet in the vehicles Mr. Richardson, deputy c¢Xy/with Windsor Rotarians, at sh the schooliOshawa Civie Auditorium air Picnic areas are a definite works 'commissioner; Victor] The day will conclude, follow: snder anstructi¢ \ passeng he \ as hazare said Mr, Richardson, | Silgailis, head of the operations|ing their return by air to Tor ted to be com:ithrawn out af the car, but they should have proper en-/ department Ald. _Margaret/onto, with a dinner at the Sky- 'trances and exits and should'Shaw, and Ald, Cephas Gay, line Hotel. hould ¢ y e po ex