1965 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT CONVERTIBLE Has "327" V-8 engine, outomatic trons- mission, power steering ond brokes, bucket seats 'ond floor console, Finished in Madeira Ath binck tam and black trim. Sharp, Sharp, shorp, Lie, HB0859. $3030 1962 RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAGON Hos 6 cylinder motor, standard transmission ond radio, Only 18, 000 miles on this com- pact model."Here is value at the "BIG LOT" Lie, 4239X%, 1964 CHEVELLE TWO DOOR HARDTOP Finished in @ tutone blue ond white with trim to match, Big 6 cylinder motor, auto- matic transmission and radio, This one is really sharp. Lic, J2982, 1962 FORD FALCON COACH This sharp compact has 6 cyl, motor, standard trans, ond radio, This popular Ford Model is really sherp, How Is this for price, Lic, 380988, $944 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN Has V-8 motor, automatic transmission end radio, Exterior is white with matching trim, Monday special only at the 'BIG LOT", Lic, J 12984, $2020 1965 CORVAIR COUPE Has 110 h.p, engine, 3-speed trans- mission and radio, Here is value in o sporty model, Lic, 17086E, $1888 1962 OLDS. SUPER '88' 4-DR. HTP, $1616 Gleaming biock with trim te match, This Ie @ one owner with 56000 miles, Hos automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering and radio, Value, Value! Value! Lice, 110812 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN Only 39,000 miles on this unit, Hos 6 eyl. motor and automatic transmission and ra- dio, The price is low, low, low, Lie. H 96260. $1616 AS IS SPECIALS *144 144 "56 PONTIAC J5652 .... '$6 BUICK H77276 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN GM's economical 6 cylinder motor and auto- matic transmission, Tutone brown and white with trim.to match. Monday. Special, Lic, $499 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARDTOP "283 V-B motor, automatic transmission ond radio, Here is value in this sporty model, The BIG LOT' offers big sovings on this one, Licm79428, 1959 FORD STATION WAGON Has Y-8 motor, automatic transmission and radio, Finished in @ tu-tone black and white, This one is @ really sharp ear, Lic, 10037, 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE Hos 4 speed stick transmission ond radio, This one is really sharp, Finished in dark blue with trim to match, Lic. J 12893, $1288 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR COACH Hos new 6 cylinder motor ond automatic transmission, The 'BIG LOT' offers this as @ Monday Special, Lic, H 98036, $555 es | 3 a En OLLIE ) 1964 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Exterior finished in white with blue trim Has V-8 engine and automatic transmission, Ideal for the big loads to the summer cot- tage or camping trips, Lic, X9305, $1969 hn 1964 OLDSMOBILE F85 TWO DOOR HARDTOP Finished in grey with red trim, Has V-8 motor, automatic transmission and radio, This sporty mode! is on special et the "BIG LOT' Mondoy only, Lie, 631844 1964 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE COACH Here is economy and value on this Monday Special at the 'BIG LOT", 6 cylinder motor and automatic transmission, Lic, H92564, $1616 IF YOUR PRESENT CAR HAS} BEEN ACTING UP... WE SUGGEST YOU GET ON THE BALL AND MOVE UP TO A GOOD OK USED CAR FROM THE "BIG LOT" Present car rattling, clunking and making lots of odd noises in general , , , DON'T WAIT till it collapses under you, TRADE UP to a guoranteed OK used car from the big lot. Always over 100 cars to choose from; SEE ONE OF THESE FRIENDLY SALESMEN HOWIE McCABE RON GAMBELL JIM SINCLAIR GRAHAM WHITE JOHN HORKY KEITH KAINE DOUG AMEY JIM PHILLIPS MURRAY SILVER KEITH SMITH JACK---HUGHES MITCH KOWAL JIM NEAL PETER GOODGHILD HERM SWEETMAN AL MARLOW MORLEY HUGHES MEd hs Witt, 1963 ACADIAN SUPER SPORT 2-DR, HTP. Only. 33,000 miles on this one. Has auto- matic transmission and radio, Take it for a test drive and you will agree it is superb, Lic, H 95505 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE 's pe aweted with 283" V-8 a smission, power brakes and adio. Put the top do wn and dri ve away with this ne, Here is value, Lic, 39431 $799 1961 VALIANT V-200 SEDAN HANDY VAN cutoratle tray ' Here is the unit ideal for light de- cy tor and radio, ere is value ir Chases Carpsrction's best. salle) liveries, Mechanically sound, body H 99288, good, 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR COACH Economy 6 cylinder motor, auto- matic transmission and radio, The price is right on this deluxe car, Monday Special Only! Lie No, H- $1414 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 6 cylinder motor and standard transmission, Here is value, The price is low, low, low, Lic J6616, $999 1965 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN Economy, value ond ap oy of am ne this 24,000 mile car, of menderd wenn. gre a evo How is tie $2020 1964 CHEVY VAN Here is the ideal unit for light or heavy loads, Side and rear doors, extra seat and West coast mirrors, Lic, 158898, 1961 CORVAIR STANDARD SEDAN Has 4-speed transmission and ra- dio, Finished in a light blue with trim to match, Lic, No, H94277, 1963 OLDS, 4-DR, HTP, Exterior is a honduras maroon with interior trim te match, Hos full power equipment _ and is luxury all the way, 'Lice, H 79888, 1960 OLDSMOBILE TWO DOOR HARDTOP This luxury ear is fully powered and finished In @. light brown trim te match, Sharp, Sharp, Sharp, Lic, 16947 1961 FORD | GALAXIE 2-DR, HTP, Has Ford's 352" V-8 motor, auto- matic transmission and radio -- Value, Value, Value --- Lic, No, J- 14421, 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN Has 6 cyl, motor and automatic transmission, Only 38,000 miles on this sharp car, Lie, J5733, $1699 1962 PONTIAC COACH Turquoise and white has 6 cyl, motor, automatic transmission and radio, Here is value and economy at the "Big Lot', Lic, H 85946 $1414 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST 725-6501 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP Be, te aca eee and radio, Loy 10ib0 thee on Ot ote. _Mondey Special, Lie, 316117, 52888 1961 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Has 6 cylinder motor and automatic. ¢ sion. Finished in @ beautiful green with mati . trim, Plenty of room in this ma ns for he trips_ and bi Monday Special ot loads. IG LOT", Lic, 0530, $1010 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Only 16,000 miles on this luxury sedan, Has V-B engine, automatic transmission, power brakes and radio, This car is immeculate, Finished in dark blue with trim te match, Lie, H 5, 1964 OLDS. SUPER '68' SEDAN This is @ one owner with 47,000 original miles, Has automatic transmission, power steeri power brakes and radio and 'royal master tires. Here is true value at the "Big Lot', Lic, 10436, 1963 PONTIAC STANDARD SEDAN and radio, Only 39000 miles on this sharp model, Here is value, economy and price, Lic, 196260, $1616 1962 OLDS. DYNAMIC '88' SEDAN Finished: in a mist blue with matche ing trim, Has full power and is really sharp, Lic, 35927K, 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Has V-8 motor, autmatic transmis: sion, power steering and radio, Here is value at the 'BIG LOT", Lic, No, 38073, 1962 VOLKS STANDARD COACH Here is the ideal second car, This one is sharp, finished in white with light trim te motch, Value Plus. 753530, $744 AS IS SPECIALS '51 FORD H78776 $4 'S9 VAUXHALL 322412 44