Soturdey, Mey 14, 1966 4] | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Don't Favor | 'British: MP | OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal MP/ | Robert Stanbury proposed in the |\Commons Thursday that the rights to vote and to run for office in federal elections be limited to Canadian citizens, : | This would end discrimination in favor of recent British immi- grants who do not yet hold Ca- nadian citizenship, he said. Non- British immigrants cannot qual- ify until they obtain citizenshi Mr, Stanbury (York-Scarbor- ough) introduced a private member's bill to amend the Canada Elections Act, He said his amendment would encour- age British subjects and other immigrants to acquire their certificates of Canadian citizen- ship and "reflect the maturity of a nation approaching {ts cen- | tenary."' | | CENTENARIAN SINGS CHRISTCHURCH, En gland) (CP)--At 105 years old, Agnes | /Tilley can no longer get to church on Sundays, but she still sings in the choir, Her parts, including solos, are tape + re-| STICKY SITUATION ae back to the | Workmen prepare to tow the 13th. Toronto Transit became firmly stuck, hold- 10U RARE BEARS a convertible that made an Commission had just pour- ing up several trams before Pig ll pened panda bear | unlucky U turn on a down- ed fresh cement between its it was extricated does not flourish in captivity x town Toronto street Friday _streetcar rails and the car ald Wirephoto and there are only eight in the world's zoos, four in China, Common Market Does he gia Unites Europe jangle? By HAROLD MORRISON | so tightly integrated that it no|tent by cross-border differences Canadian Press Staff Writer (longer could entertain thoughts) among European neighbors and Britain's bold and brassyjof the kind of aggression that) competitors. It would be to the speeches about possibly joining| caused two world wars benefit of the British economy p U the European Common Market; To the extent that these mem-|if she could have some free and / Nos are essentially shouts into ajber countries agree, the West-| easy relationship with the Com- , o> canyon where there is no echo.|ern world will rest easier, As| mon Market while retaining her 2 lf $o, Put This! The more Britain talks of join-| time passes, maintenance ofjold tariff preferences with the! f ' ing a modified Common mar-|this developing economic unity} Commonwealth. | Lion To Work ket, the less modified the Com-| will become so vital that each). But the compromise Britain| | ' LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN mon Market becomes, member country will become| seeks becomes steadily less BEAD ag nt fete The Brussels decision to end|less inclined to allow political|/ayvailable, The few whispers nada's te, internal bickering among the| differences to lead to a military|from Paris which hinted that six members over farm financ-, showdown President de Gaulle might be ing and to fix a date for elim-imjay HURT BRITAIN more receptive to a fresh Brit- ination of remaining Intern' Nevertheless, the Brussels de-|!sh application to the Common industrial tariffs is @ giant-steP! cision may make British ex-|Market appear to have been in establishing the strong €CO"! porters edgy. In the past British| magnified by over-eager British ae, oy Deep by the! diplomacy benefited to some ex. Officials, ; ' a ere " ~ ener 'There is no open urge from It doesn't establish the politi- either Paris a keane that 1 unit yhich f d t of 4 poem pons Fb aie ara Frurope| Wage Dispute Britain attempt to renegotiate and certainly no suggestion that 7S S d P] the Common Market would be Gata ia 4 ee PC Leaders tu y anned |prepared to modify its policies| Pade sl ah Vole % in order to win Britain OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis-| ; NEW EASY TO USE : The situation would suggest, | er Nicholson told the Commons| instead, that either Britain SUMBEAM ELECTRIC : Thursday he has someone in | throw in the sponge and openly | See Lawyers ais to head a federal concill- plead for membership on Com- ' Hedge jation board that will study a OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition) wage dispute between the rail- Leader Diefenbaker and for-| ways and the Canadian Brother-| ret Mr eighe justice minis | heod of Railway, Transport and| er Davie Fulton conferred to-|General Workers (CLC), é , day with Conservative Jawyers| He expected the person, who} same gr 2 ior ihe . inh o8, who represent them at the| he did not identify, to reply to aaa Senha at sis loan | Gerda Munsinger security in- day or Monday accepting or 18 A DILEMMA | quiry. turning down the job It Js unlikely that eliher Can-| A spokesman for the former; The CBRT Wednesday called ada or the U.S, would be pre-2 peme minister said Mr, Diefen-|a strike vote among its 22,000 pared to entertain construction| aker and Mr, Fulton reviewed |non- operating railway mem-|of a special Anglo-Saxon trade|';, Catales . No with Counsel C. F, H. Carson] bers, It-said Mr. Nicholson has| bloc since this would undermine aay Hed hae Lm and Charles Dubin evidence|had two months to appoint a|the multilateral policies which|mer with chrome-plet- given at the inquiry and a docu-|conciliation board chairman| these governments pursue, Un-|*%,rand® a" and cone ment made public Tuesday'and complained about the de-! less pinned against an economic|.ightweight, fast and per- which is not evidence. lay, wall, Britain is unlikely to sac-|fetly, baleneed, The-spokesman said Mr, Dief-| Mr, Nicholson denied having) rifice Commonwealth links. ie ecgien hp gt | oe tireiah enbaker might hold a press con-|had the matter in hand so long.| For the moment Britain may |tovohest growth, Hedge leveler makes ference next week, The inquiry|The union and railways told him| be able only to sit and watch|(immine accurate, Powerful Sunbeam) resumes Wednesday | April 19 they could not agree on; or continue to make loud noises Come In and See Mr, Justice Wishart Spence,'a chairman which bring no Brussels re- Our Display Tedey head of the royal commission,,; Since then the government| sponse. The one bright hope is| inti wl 4 Tuesday authorized -- of ef bere nro ee chairmen for two|that the Brussels agreement JOHN SWAN commission prepared sum-/other boards in connection with}may make the Common Market wih of = ~ said were od other railway negotiations, more responsive to the Ken- HARDWARE LTD. ce reports to the inquiry, He, So many appointments had to|nedy round of worid tariff bar- said this summary is a "'handy|be made these days it was "not| gaining, which now has reached OL "735-3527" -- but not part of evi-jeasy to get experienced men,""a critical stage. : 8 ence. . : meameioniy woe On Wednesday in the Com -- mons Mr. Diefenbaker said Mr. Justice Spence is conducting an "inquisition" in an '"un- pafalleled and unjustifiable pa STEINBERG mon Market terms --- ditching | Commonwealth preferences -- Trimmers or attempt to form a stronger association pith other trading Royal Couple Reach Tour End BRUGES, Relgium (Reuters) Bells pealed in one of Europe's |: most picturesque medieval cit- mecca EARLY WEEK FEATURES Prince Philip arrived here to-| day on the last Jap of their five. day state visit to Belgium, * MONDAY 6 TUESDAY @ WEDNESDAY As the Royal Couple entered " . , . the city's I4th century Gothic ae ; townhall, a group of bemedal led members of the British Le gion's local branch caught the ¥ CANADA FIRST GRADE eye of Philip, who stopped to , tal to. them S) GOLDEN CHURN C He asked some how long they had lived in Belgium, Their, § lb standard - bearer, James Wil:| son, 68, of Glasgow, Scotland, | told Philip he fought in both) world wars and came to live in, Bruges shortly after the Second| | World War. | TASTY : ' The couple were accompanied| on their visit, the last official! oceasion of the tour, by King| : SIDE Raudouin and Queen Fabiola of| ; ae _ fy SPARE RIBS pate. tina -------------| Second Crothers | Burns Up Track GOLDEN RIPE -- (CP) -- Another Crothers came pounding down the track -here Friday "ad in CABANITA C the space of two hours wrapped ; up the 880, mile and two-mile lbs events, : Dave, brother of internation. BANANAS ally-ranked Bill, is an 18-year- , eld Grade 13 student with plans for taking architecture at the University of Toronto. He won his triple while run ning for Agincourt Collegiate in 8 the Scarborough Secondary/ Schools Athletic Association) ng a J b) aWa tack and field finals, | Ls igs ON SALE OPEN DAILY 10:u-10em if W Reguler 1.00 Bags By Dominion Hands » / d FIREWORKS | FAMILY @ Beg inped ne / NO WHERE ELSE FOR PRICE SAKE NO WHERE ELSE Regular 10c Package 79: 1.99 » . sPaRKLEne 2 Regular 5.00 Box Regular 25.00 Box --e, ph ae 2 PARTY FAMILY y , DISPLAY DISPLAY FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE NO WHERE ELSE NO WHERE ELSE FOR PRICE SAKE SATURDAY 7-{(0P.M, SPECIAL ) CIGARETTES Regular 6.95 Assoriment New Exciting Colors rice * 29: f SAKE -- Breathiaking Fun wnt Re re nap m Ir ----- PARTY PAK eR tment For Spectacular Celebrations . --s. | SEWING FOR PRICE SAKE . 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Girl's and Ladies Regu 730 ........, 60° | Running Shoes BASEBALL CHARCOAL SUNWHEEL 40° Dunlop brand with eushion arch and in- CAPS Regular 50¢ eeeeeee soles; heavy rubber sole is vulcanized te atrong canves uppers in choice of attention leagues! Ne timit en FLEUR DE Lis 28° colors and black and white, quentity while they lest! Regular 35c¢ : ' @ GIRLS' sizes 6 te 10. 1 33 FOR PRICE SAK ' Compere NATIONAL COLOR ¢ mt owes! a peel FOR PRICE Regular 25¢ .. eeew 20 1 t0 4. Pair " opie 1.47 MAIN FLOOR -- "MAIN "FLOOR * ROMAN CANDLES 4 @ LADIES sixes 5 to 10 Reguler BOO i ceases s 20 ow Lowar Leva.' *" 117 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LTD. 1038 KING.ST, WEST AT GARRARD RD. taate of food; starting of charcoal or wood, at 5%