THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 13,1966 7 feet from a CBC radio tower. |rences. GLANCE AROUND.THE GLOBE : Mental Care Ordered | For Georgia Klansman ATHENS, Ga. (AP)--A KujDora Alencar de Vasconcellos to Klux Klansman charged last|be Brazil's ambassador to Can- | al Ete eit ORIEL NE OR hospital Thursday. Joseph How NAMED TO HALL INDIANAPOLIS, | newspaper On main intersection in City of Oshawa, Heavily travelled area, is IGHLY RECOMMENDED MODERATE FINANCING NEEDED Che Rih Room LESSEE TRAINING IF NECESSARY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL For Further Information | Telephone 725-0807 or 723-1126 % y ig IT WHISTLES! whistles but has a long | reach. Janis, a student attended the trade school's open house in Toronto Wed- nesday, Decorate Your Home With Draperies Whether it is a small window, a picture win- dow, or an entire wall you cover, nothing does it better than custom-made draperies, Skilled drapery experts will custom-make your draperies in single or multiple widths ... lined or unlined, with pinched or shirred headings. Manufactured In our own factory. Janis Adams discovers to her surprise that the "Friendly Robot" whistles A product of the Provincial Institute of Trades, the ap- preciative robot not only (CP Wirephoto) manufacturing facilities and safety controls. | Mr. MacEachen sad his de-| partment has made arrange- ments to submit such reports) on the competency of drug man-| jufacturers applying for new| OTTAWA (CP)--Next month Prime Minister Pearson and the provincial premiers take a look at one of the most important ernment had money than-from- any conscious --deci- sion about which level of gom- ernment is best suited to do the job. \ . { ps wns F; Ups And Downs Eqvestroughs . Rround Peking Radio engincers say 2 high|nwallation of m power te « e t requency radio field and leak-| | TOKYO (AP)--The absence of Deliver Music So en ie cele pend jm yl = bo Pines tet cata naa, jon the tower property are re-/ but they continue to glow of China's most powerful men, ec sponsible e weird { \ trois careiennins wonerile viatt:| CARVILLE cr : Maric Lind seat the Macdonald-Car- en occur-'time after being switched ing Aibanian and Romanian|qovcsnout. Bulb yor bes ar Orit reeway. ; delegations added to speculation| 1; 314 goa 5s 8 ean Ht we want to have some fun today that he may be in dis-\ptscvcout tubes held im the they are imagining things when| A west with ascault with intentiada. Mrs. Vasconcellos was for Stace. hare hand glow brightly pe Bhew po «4 = a pn , oe FOR LE ito murder his wife was ordered| many years Brazil's consul-gen- babe jerky idan Rca gal reading. ie ~ | music coming ik the i, 2: = = : / ia' | } chy * | commi to Georgia's mental|eral in New York. pean IE ge its psc lls (i hace inasni to tes with|femens, the downspouts ie tha lard Sims, 43, was ruled to be was absent from banquets given/it," says Douglas Wood, vice- The bet at j ' lin need of psychiatri Ind. (AP)--|for each visiting delegation and explanation is s imple, Mode T psychiatric care. In nd, (AP)--|fo siting delegatior chairman of the Oakville board ie: Whode said | rn iwo bay | lier invol »nt with the | Three men who did not go to Peking Airport ; enough, Mr. is said in an low, sims os soastied of mur- gained worldwide prominence | Wednesday to see the Aibanisns|°f education 'and oj 4 power and the house isn t! lder in connection with the 1964|head a list of the first 16 named ot fd greet the Romeaines, A B pon the Hig unted, But it is located food SERVICE ST ATI ON 'der in connection with the 1964 Thursday night to the Indiana| Tokyo students of Chinese al-| | | killing of Lemuel Penn, a Wash-| Journalism Hall of Fame. They fairs, dip - rhea 5, newspa- lington, D.C., teacher, near are Kent Cooper, former gen-|Per Men and scholars are won- Aiea: |eral manager of The Associated|dering whether Peng has been |Prest= Roy W. Howard, co-| caught up in the current "anti- WOMAN IS AMBASSADOR [founder of Scripps - Howard |Party' purge. ne | RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters)| Newspapers, and Ernie Pyle, Mao Tse-tung made his first | iPresident Humberto Castello famed war correspondent killed) announced public appearance in} \Branco has appointed Mrs. py a sniper's bullet on a Pacific) *!* months at the banquet for) | "lig i vovid the Albanians Tuesday, and island during the Second World | me | War. -- re bared who bs | anybody in the Communis Want Tight | SEES MENACE narty appeared. Albania is Pe. | | | BADEN-BADEN, West Ger- | king's only Communist ally in| | ie .| Europe. | Dru Control" (AP)--A Swedish: aero: "panos absence from the func: | nautical engineer said Thursday |tions suggests {oat he could be ' ; supersonic commercial airliners | under suspicior-because of one OTTAWA (CP)--A committee d health |of his vice-mayors, Wu Han, and has urged tighter federal con-| Vould pose a menace to health) i | x e % d ty. H oposed their | '¥° Communist party newspa- | trols over the manufacture, and property, He propose: pers in the capital have been un- testing and sale of drugs to pro-jintroduction be prevented. BO der sharp attack for their wob- pg vom bed en a Lundberg, general director Of ma e committee's report, sub- +. ; ' the aerotechnical test centre of tted to the government last uly 14, was tabled in the Com- Bromma, Sweden, said that mons Thursday by Health Min-|when a plane breaks through ye! poranepengy ft it elt aks the sound barrier, a boom re-| e minister di y why | | ; sults that can break windows th overnment waited 10 % 4 seeuths before making the re-|/crack plaster and prompt heart port public, He said some drug/attacks in a ground radius of and patent regulations are be-|49 miles. ing changed in line with recom- mendations by the committee, WAS BABY BOMB |while other changes pere being) yonpon (Reuters)--China's considered. rors fly r | Th itt headed by D third nuclear test seems to have) e committee, headed by YT. heen that of a baby hydrogen | -- ----- _jIrwin Hilliard, ogg - IN-\homb, British specialists said} jchief at the Toronto Western Thursday, Their preliminary 7 y e ] | Hospital, a ee -- sie analysis indicated that the fis- B Pr l ew agi abd debdnte' under' cion-fusion-fission sequence oe e H i : WWeey " sential to a successful full-scale | Oo Very special regulations hydrogen blast took place in | were needed because drugs had sienday! iment over : |become much more powerful ondays experimen e jand dangerous than previously. western China. ot as | Secondly, the public was unable S ui x @ | 10] } |to realize some of the dangers |inherent in the misuse of some ; drugs. vailable| avallable| pePORT ON COMPETENCE The committee's main recom- mendation was that patents should not be issued to drug issues of the decade: ment ald to higher education. This will be*the main topic of the federal - provincial confe ence opening June 16 in Vic- toria. Money is a prime considera- tion facing the governments, but according to State Secre-| tary Judy LaMarsh there are decisions some fundamental that must be made first. govern- "There obviously is an essen- tial inter-relationship between the division of financial re- sources and the division of re- sponsibilities in this area, But do you start with the resources or the responsibilities? | The provinces have exclusive jurisdiction over education, but Miss LaMarsh said she thinks it-is. accepted that both levels r- the Food patents. { The patents commissioner, J.) |W. T. Michel, would retain the) tency of the company to pro-| power to grant or deny produc-| duce the drug: in question. ition licences, but the new ar-| This report to the commis-|rangements would effectively | sioner of patents would deal|take the committee's views into} with the adequacy of the firm's! account. ee manufacturers until and Drug Directorate makes a favorable report on the compe- Miss LaMarsh, whose depart- ment handles the federal role in education, said in a speech re- cently all federal aid to educa- tion until now has been de- of government have a role. The federal government's role extends not only to specific areas of research where a na signed to meet a specific need, s{jona) approach is needed, but There has been little overa |"'generally in. the fulfilment of planning and co-ordination be-|national goals such as full em- tween the levels of govern-|Ployment, economie growth and ment. jequality of opportunity, She said with the Bladen| 'The federal role is there, commission report in hand. out-|t00, in a broader sense .. . that lining the needs for the next/higher education involves the decade "I think the time has| Pursuit of learning in the fullest eome to improve this piece-|/meaning of the word and that meal approach and to work out|this pursuit, by its very nature, a real blueprint for government|&" know no artificial bound- support to higher education." ary: DRAPERIES From FISH Mercury '66--most fishing The state secretary is not cer- features of any outboards tain whether firm decisions will) : be made next, month, but! has| "pointed out two basic questions | Rinesw AY A new 9.8 fishing Mere silently pushes you toward s that must be resolved: your favorite fishing spot. For '66, new quietness LUMBER CO. LTD. eect lr sivemnaen, begins with a new cowl, mounted to an aluminum oo Pda a "A Good Place frame to cut sound and vibration. New rubber seals which is to underline our to do Business" and quieter activity in this field," exhaust ounce oC ee relief muffle, ernment in supporting higher | (formerly McCullough Lumber) too. And what's per many existing fed-| 728-4687 left of the sound Oe eee ee chen per Is blown out the --------_-- ; Jet-Prop exhaust, deep under water-- where it is dis- persed In the propeller slipstream. When it's time to slow down, just twist the throttle grip on the tiller handle to give less gas. And you don't have to worry much about hidden obstructions, The curved Glide-Angle design slides your Mercury right over them (over fishing lines, too), When you want to slip into a tight spot--where the fish always seem to hide-- use the gearshift (forward, neutral, reverse) for easy maneuvering. See the fishing outboards with the big outboard features--3.9, 6, 9.8, 20, (Mercs also come In 35, 50, 65, 95 and 110-hp models) at your Mercury dealer. 'Any Width |-Any Length Fabric Custom-Made To Your Individuat Window Requirements 1966 MERCURY Your outboard Is worth @ generous allowance tewerd @ 1966 Mercury. You've got your choice of nine quiet new Mercurys ---- the widest range of horsepower ever offered. Why net come in todey? AND STARR =: King St. E. Past the Town Line See Our Wide 501 NYLON Range of CARPETS sq. yd. 56-35 WA HOUSE a |e | Ax 7 ares > INERCURY | 3 a, fe | 7 Simcoe Street North 'GORD'S MARINE | | Phone 723-3321 SALES and SERVICE | CLAREMONT 649-2007 F 9 MILES N. OF PICKERING ON BROCK RD. | SPORTS Klekhaefer Corporation, Fond du Lac, Wieconstn, and Kiekhaefer @ Mercury of Canada, Ltd. y of Br Pp