WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Planning Director Invited To Whitby Board Meeting Hobbs E WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby Planning Board this week in- vited William McAdam. oplan- ning director of the Central On- tario Joint Planning Board, to attend the June & meeting of the local hoard, Mr. McAdam will explain offi- cial plan policy and procedures. The Central Ontar'o Joint Plan- ning Board is seeking to set up' Church House Open Four Days The monthly meeting of Unit 1 and 2, St. Mark's United Church Women was held in the Church parlor at 2 p.m, this week. a uniform official plan policy| and procedure for the whole! 'area covered by the COJPB by} |co-ordinating thought and stan- dardizing procedures, WHITBY (Staff) -- Dr. 'The. board received.a letter set -uohhs was e'ected- chai from the central area board re-|man of the Whitby Centennial garding a residential develop-|Centre Board at its first meet ment policy, The letter will bel ing Wednesday night. Members studied by the subdivision com: attending were Forbes Me- mittee of the local board, | Ewen, secretary; Don Reed, James Waterfall, Ron Hawkins | and Councillor Thomas Edwards, | reading matter and tea will be| The committee toured the served, centennial centre building and| It was decided to co-operate|was suitably impressed with] | WHITBY -- AJAX Centennial Centre Board cultural and} Councillor Edwards outlined the terms of reference from the town council. He stated these in brief are to gather information from organizations wishing to use the building Dr, Hobbs recommended that a committee examine all docu- ments with respect to the cen- tennial project and, after ap- proaching various organiza- with Unit No. 3 early in Oc-\- § AT PICKERING MUSEUM THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 13, 1966 § | BROUGHAM (Staff) -- Mrs.| Haze) Scotis of Beaverton has| a house full of dolls. -- two hundred and more -- which she § jhas been collecting since she u t an inter-\was a little girl, view with town council by its) Some of these dolls -- china, June 6 meeting to lay out its| wax, rag-dressed in the period approach to the problem for) of their manufacture, will be on council's approval, idisplay in the Pickering Town- "BRIDGE SCORES ty ise sien May 14, Mrs. Stotts owns an Anne Rutledge doll with wonder- WHITBY (Staff) -- The win- ners and high scores in the games played Jast week by the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club were; North and South ~ Mr. and s, it would see \little mistress, expressive dark | brown eyes, She wears a gown |made of gold lame with short styled in the 1800's : ee Beaverton Woman Collects lected Chairman '200 And More Period Dolls fully modelled head and like her) | cape all trimmed with jet beads, Mrs, Stott says that her re- pair box resembles a sixteenth century beheading centre with \lieadiess bodies, odd arms, iegs) jand rigs, begging to be united | |with their hasds. Sometimes it) takes years to find the matching' parts, | | From the attics and -storing places of friends, family dolls WANTED! Men's end Children's Clothes. come to Mrs. Stott, who them, bod, ond feet are broken, Pp been exhibi saleable goods at a tea they are| | Mrs, H. Winter, 116; Mrs. K Verses entitled 'God's Care') followed by prayer were used|atranging in the assembly hall, for the opening by Mrs. H. T,!The proceeds will go to the car- Fallaise, Leader of the Unit,(pet fund Mrs. D. J. Kean led in the; An invitation was read re, worship service at the previous|s4rding the Centennial tea to be meeting. This year's study book|"eld at All Saints Anglican "Jesus Christ and the Christian|Chureh parish hall May 28, | | | Hunter and Mrs, D, MacGilli- vray, 11444; Mf and Mrs, F. | Wells, 108; Mrs. D. Wilson and | Mrs. P, Spratt, 107, | East and West ~ Mrs, G, | Pirie and Mrs, J, MeCutcheon, 10844; Mrs. V. MacDougall and sur j.2"2" Municipal Board Approval For Restricted Area Bylaw BROUGHAM = The Ontario)C. T. Loughrin In Lot 22, Con-. "| collection says that in 1607 Capt, |(there is one of these donated-- The owner of this interesting| The TREASURE HOUSE For Information Call Whitby After 5 P.M, 668-8103 John Smith brought the first doll to America, After this hand- made wooden rag, corn husk by Mrs. Stott now in the mus-| eum), and many others, appear-| Life" by Dr, Arthur B, B. Moore was. introduced by Miss KE Davis, Mrs, Walier MacCar! read the minutes of the last meeting and later called the roll to which members responded with the number of visits they had made since the last meeting. Assistants volunteered to set M tables and serve at 6 o'clock at the banquet for the mothers and daughters of Brownies, May 16 in the assembly hall, | Mrs, Fallaise invited the Unit to hold the next meeting in her home, 121 Green st, At 1 o'clock! June 13, members will gather Municipal Board has given its | approval with certain exceptions |to an application by the Town- ship of Pickering for. approval of its restricted area bylaw. township council Aug. 3, 1965) and was amended Oct, 4, 1065 The OMB hearing was held Mar. cession 4 HOME PROPERTIES Seven ratepayers -- namely | A. Hensen, E, Ellsmore, M.}| William Mann, Mrs. E. P, Shaur| nessy and ©. H, Robinson ob-| jected to the provision in the) Mrs, E, Watts, 106; Mr, and|_-' Mrs, R. Howe, 964; Mrs, B.| McColl and Mrs, G. Beaton, 96, | APPOINT PLANTE The bylaw was passed by the Zwicker, Mrs, L. Rutherford.) SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP)-- | Jacques Plante, retired Na+} tional Hockey League all-star for a buffet juncheon preceding 14 at Brougham, The bylaw| bylaw which required a house) goalie, has been appointed pres. | Mrs, C, L. Lorden reported a satisfactory state of the treas- ury. It was announced that the Church House at 200 Byron st. 6. will be open Mondays, through Thursdays from 2 until 4 p.m with two Church ladies in charge each day. There will be games,| the meeting. Mrs. A, A, Archi- bald will tell about her recent trip to Hawaii and Hong Kong illustrated by slides Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. E. FE, Bond assisted by |Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. W, J Hare Mothers Of Guides, Brownies Meet The Mothers' Auxiliary of the ist Whitby Guides and Brown- les held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ron Hawkins, The business meeting was chalr- ed by the hostess Thanks were extended to all mothers who helped in any way with the very successful Brownie Revel held recently. The Auxiliary provided funds for the purchase of feed bags to be used as screening at Guide Camp. A hike is planned for the 1st Guide company May 14. Three mothers are needed to help the leaders. Anyone willing to ac- company the girls should contact the Captain, Mrs. W. Edwards at 668-5217, Final plans were made for the combined Brownie and Guide Mother and Daughter banquet to be held May 41 at 6 p.m. at All| Saints Anglican Church parish| hall. The Auxiliary will providel tea, coffee, sugar, milk, choco-| late milk and cooked meat, and mothers will be contacted by the telephone conveners, Mrs, G Lawson and Mrs, H. Houston, and be asked to donate food, | The next meeting will be held June 6 at 8.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, H. Houston, 237 Lupin dr. at which election of officers will be held. New members will be welcomed deals with the northerly part of the municipality which has) an area of approximately 81 square miles and @ population of about 6,000 people John B. Regan Co, Lid., which owns land from which! sand and gravel are being taken sought relief from the bylaw. | The board recommended the by- law be given approval it app- lies to these lands which are now in the ""Q" Zone, July 31, 1066 The board recommended that the township plans to include} in a "'Q" Zone all lands acut-! ally used as a pit these can be included in an amending by- law until c, |SASH PLANT The hearing also dealt with the lands owend by C, R. Bishop} on Brock rd, in Concession 7 where the Burton Sash plant has been in operation since 1954 Thee board said this section of the bylaw is in conformity with the official plan, In the matter of the objection fo have a minimum area oflident of the Quebec Junior A| repairs | vate homes and in her own home " them and . dis-|for weeks at a time. Her hus- lays them, Many le cher-| band is as interested in the h old dolis' hy when the) collection as she, and does ell disintegrates and hands|the carpentry work on her dis- play cases Mrs, Stotts' hobby has given; This collection will be leasure to many, for they have| played on opening day and on ted at Women's In-\other special occasions, but stitutes, church bazaars, in pri-inot be a permanent exhibit. ATTENTION | PEE WEE Baseball Players you are interested in Herdbell in the ROYAL ADIAN LEGION MINOR BALL ASSOC, LEAGUE Pee en siret tote on AM Saturday, May 14 Between 10 ond 11:30 A.M, for » All persons inter in coaching of managing are come, MR. ALEC BROWN = Chairman of Minor Sports --~ 668-3401 2,000 square feet to be erected, | Hockey Learis, the announbe: The board ruled the town- ship had shown this area requi-| Ment came at the end of a day- : ® : long meeting of the league's rement was necessary,. if hous- | es were to be self supporting) Sovernors. Plante played with : sf Montreal Canadiens and New! and to ensure the properties y rene in his NHL d would produce a tax return suf-| ork Rangers in mus I IL days, | ficient to pay for all the ser- vices required, The board felt the decision of council should not be disturbed, but recommended council be re- quested to study the position of the owners to determine whe- ther or not the lots should be One-Stop DECORATING SHOP CILUX 'RUTONE WHITE CILUX TRUTONE WHITE Reg. 11.75 Gal. 3.65 Qt. SALE PRICE, Qts, ...cecvccsecccees exempted from the present floor space regulations Respecting the section of the bylaw dealing with yard requi- rements applicabl: to the "Q") Zone where lots about a resi- dential, commercial of village zone, the board recommended council consider those require-| ment as it may be found disir- | able to increase the yard where} it abuts the aforementioned zones. @ Wallpaper and Murale @ Custom Draperies Broadloom C.1.L. Points end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron S¢. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 RYLIC-LATEX Uf SALE PRICE, Qts. .. ACRYLIC LATEX - EXTERIOR Reg. 10.55: Gal. 99 GAL. cece al 3.35 Qt. jof Dr, L. T, Barclay, owner of Trinidad Topic Of Church Group Study The May meeting of St.jman of 34 years, the child of Mark's United Church Women|strict Moslem parents, Miss Pel- Unit No. 5 was held May 9 in/low also gave a reading on the the Church parlor, Miss Laura|"Archibald Institute", a school Pellow presided and opened the/for girls and finally read an reading with a verse. item from the last Observer, - The worship period was in| y charge of Mrs. Violet Kemp who! :p fembers discussed the part | for dwellings, be approved until July 31, 1966. 90 acres in Lot 12, Concession) 5, the board: ruled that, as an| application. will be made to the planning board to have this) acreage removed from green: belt zoning and placed in a zon- ing which would permit its use that the bylagr RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE ey will take in assisting with| The 'board also gave approval MANY MORE SAVINGS IN PAINTS at... gave a reading entitled "How|the "Open House" Would You Say It". Miss Mar-ichurch House week day after- as it applies to the lands. 4 = och in Fad Me heg (NOON: the "Q" Zone of the Highiand led the coal eaeer, "| At the close of the meeting a|Creek Sand and Gravel Co. in Miss Laura Pellow was in|Soclal time was enjoyed while| Lot 13, Concession 5. charge of the study book on|refreshments were served by| Limited approval was also "Trinidad" she told 'of Peter Miss Eleanor Cornell assisted! given to the bylaw as it re- by Mrs, Mary Underwood llates to the 92 acres owned by at St. Mark's! until July $1, 1966, to the bylaw son of a Moslem father and aj" " hidbot Hindu mother, also of a young nce nines BROCK Evening Programs Start 7 and 9 Conviction By WHITEY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Z Big Jim Cole hod eome to the rim of Hell and nobedy but nobody Voiceprints was going to push him over! HITE PLAINS, N.Y, (AP)--| Peter Rispole, 66, convicted| last month in atrial in which | "voiceprints" were used in evi-| dence, was sentenced Thursday to six months in jail for per- jury. The voiceprint charts the hu- man voice in map-like pictures | called spectographs and may | some day rival the fingerprint} as a means of identification, ex- perts claim. Introduction of the prints dur- | ing Rispole's trial was believed to be the first time such prints have been allowed in evidence in court, Rispole and George M. Straehle were tried before a} Westchester County court | jury on charges of lying to a! grand jury about a telephone | Co-Starring, Martha Hyer & Keenan Wynn TALKS GARS warning by Straehle to Rispole of an impending police gambl- ing. raid. he jury deadlocked April 16 over the guilt or innocence of Strachle, a suspended New Ro- chelle policemen Rispole, who was convicted, 'could have gotten a@ maximum five-year prison sentence from Judge Robert E, Dempsey IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canade RESIDENCE: BUSINESS 668-437) 725-4563 We're celebrating our greatest sales year . . Now! Get a special price "VOLUME VALUE DAYS" Deol. ' Valiant ... the Sales Leader ! jas Am} . at Now jet even more cor for your money! We're borreling through prices! And if you're quick off the you can get yourself a great "Volume Value" soles success deal on a brand-new Dodge. You can't | get such great value anywhere! Come to us ond buy } your big new Dodge now! Backed: by the exclusive | S.year--~50,000-mile power-train warranty! | | » | EASY TERMS AVAILABLE Fd am! NORTHSIDE GHRYSLER DODGE 918 BROCK : 2 BE Ov WHIT By 4 iv s7N ON i Sales - Valuations Consultations. 668-8841 o r 728-6661 107 Byron St. $, DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. Whitby FREE LIVERY why the Cascade 40 electric water heating appliance can guarantee you all the hot water you'll ever need The Cascade 40 has two heating elements. The 1000 watt bottom element keeps 40 gallons of piping hot water on tap. The 3000 watt top element surges into action to replace any hot water used--and to replace it FAST. For more information ask your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ...... . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ...... . . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . .. . .. TELEPHONE 942-2930