Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1966, p. 26

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THE OSHAWA ---- ---- remand = No Blackjack BE ATON'S » OSHAWA! thet dog catcher John Tops of 95 Christina dr. must not carry a blackjack, enter residences without permission or threaten dog owners with a $50 fine. Councillor Vic Dingley report- , Save 25.00! P ¢ scial Purchase f ontrol officer had 00) into : a private residence carrying @ D 5 blackjack and threatening the } = Misses owner with a $50 fine if his dog) : ; io : was not kept tied up. Hardly a day will go by that you won't use A ; ; Double-Knit : the Oster-Blender. This time-saver liquifies j , LAGE SEWERS ' vee toe years of red tape vegetables, purees, chops nuts and crumbs Suits That entanglement Pickering Village oad og Tj . bread, mixes drinks, blends gravies, sauces | . Coupeil unanimously endorsed a ; Vis Be i or party dips. The 4-cup glass container has Deserve Notice ! resolution that Clerk Bruce Ho- + s "- i plastic handle and lid with removable meas- garth make an appointment | it @ oe | uring cup. Ends and blades come out for Reg. 49.95 ! with officials from the Ontario Af cleaning. 2-speed 500-watt motor in chrom- UG ane. ee Een, omens HS iumploted ease. Model 499-04, : resonAL Morrie OnLY rag ae Das system Mj , boa Reg. 59.95 \ ee, i, Y You" look twice ot Mr. Hogarth, at a Council Bs SPECIAL h wy these double-knit wool ¢ , eac uy suits! Very good- meeting*Tuesday night was in- structed to set up the meeting i ' 4 4 ; for May 17, 19 or 20 so that -- ' (with j looking little numbers the entire Council could be Zi cord). i that make wonderful present. A representative from y e 4 4 travel wear! Single signers G St We ; yy 4 wil sito be asked to. attend. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 is and double - breasted : styles... slim and A- N APPROVED pores Z wots hears after the Pick- Searhafig--S-F 4 line skirts! All ore ering District High School Board . The fairest of them all .. . > youthfully styled in 2- ' : iw J unveiled plans for a $3,363,688 . | chet ag addition to the Ajax High School; -- ins ym or 3-pieces ! Colours SHE' S TOUCH |Pickering Village Council ap- ' easiasil . HADDON HALL LY that reflect Spring . . « proved the debenture of their ' laa wale y d " ' mis stels, cher Mrs. Olwyn Wadiow, 43, pound ($2.8 million) con- |share of $1,097,179 for the 36 | oc. -- pupa WH Ya, j poe pe ' ' "Y, pretty British housewife, tract for the equipment from j|room addition b 4 : PLATE GLASS MIRRORS Ze 9 avy, some mother of a son of 17, and the British government de- | Ajax Mayor H. M. Smith in t Ue IL, iy outlined in white. Brok- also an official of a com- spite "tough American com- |company with. Ajax Clerk B.| | --= -- - J en sizes 10 to 18 th the pany making electronic petition" as well as British |Falby attended the Village 4 | 5 . iy j flight training equipment, competition, She said work- |Council meeting after the High| | 17 ty, DECORATOR MIRRORS a J group, sits in one of the company's ing out the financial details |School Board outlined their R p 3 4 flight training simulators was much like housekeep- | plans and asked for Village ap-| @4am) / i? iy 4 3 finished h + idvelled ad j EC ing 1 . i) ae ea <= = sizes finished with smooth bevelled eages SP IAL, each at Ashurst, England, today = ing, but on a "much larger | proval on the project as soon as |A\ |} and etched designs on four sides. Strong j ; W toy AN Wi > he J vB mma Bla acl BO a nnn lly ae lb we, i masonite baking has hangers for vertical | CENTENNIAL PARADE | NAY 8 py . or horizontal installation. Approx. sizes hg j St. Frances De Sales Catho } 4 | 4 } iy 5 |lic Church in Pickering Vil- te Hy } j p x Or tu Vy lage was given permission to| "a eg 4 20 x 30", hold a parade along Highway 2 ae £s Each . a e i f and Church st. on the occasion ) an j SATON'S UPPER 4 DEPT. 644 ba of their centennial celebration 7 ; Y a j m eS S Talse on August 20. Village Council ow 24 x 36 : |gave permission for the parade} i a ' Each ae e |with the proviso that permis- i ined from the Chief By PETER BUCKLEY port is good, straightforward) Sion is obta : LONDON (CP) -- A sober,|reformist stuff." |of Police mee pene 28 x 42", i searching report by a private; The Times makes no overt | Each me e study commission on Oxford) judgment on the report, but it! University was itself given sober raises questions about Calne 's| Canadians j ' FULL VIEW MIRRORS z J treatment by the British press| future even if the Franks c today. mission reforms are put inte ef-| The seven - man iniseigci fent. ' Fight French 4) Generous 18 x 54" size for walls and doors. headed by Lord Franks -- ap-| The commission's desire to| é Styled with polished edges and plastic clips pointed by Oxford two years|have Oxford remain strong in| MARVILLE, France (CP)--| ee supplied for easy installation ago in an apparent attempt to|the future "is a matter which Supersonic aircraft screamed db forestall a royal commission in-| will be largely beyond Oxford' 8} into the skies today In the final apna: quiry--delivered an omnibus re- lown powers of decision," The| workout of a three-day NATO j } EACH | exercise in which Canada took iy & port today, recommending wide-| Times editorial says. spread changes in the way Ox-| The Daily Mail says the "re-| Part for the first time. ford operates. port is excellent--"nicely bal- Canadian pilots made no rash| . : It urged a slight expansion|anced between recommending| Predictions of victory in this HATON'S palin Fi al 276 program, reformed admission| radical changes and. preserving highly - specialized photo + re ' procedures, more working-class | traditional values:' connaissance operation in which undergraduates, greater stress! The university set up the com- jthe French Air Force, "flying | on science and technology, andj mission in 1964 to quiet rising |" its own backyard," has a| drastic changes in administra;) public criticism of Oxford's tra-|nabit of catching the prizes.| tion, |ditionally-cloistered ways. |The winners pvill be announced) The aim of the changes, the; The Oxford contain, comes| in a week or so. 0 report, made clear, would be to|yp with a plan for a medium-| Jt is simply a matter of| keep Oxford in the front rank! sized university of 13,000, Pres.| reading the map," said FO| of the world's universities, ent enrolment is 9,800, Despite| Bruce Arnott, 24, of Toronto,| The Guardian found that as-|rising demands for more in |who pilots a CF-104 at 500 or pect a little hard to swallow.|versity students in Britain, it| ore miles an hour. | af The assumption that .Oxford, |specifically rejected the mass- Hundreds of jet reconnais-| with superior rights and duties, |education idea for a 'multiver-|Sance aircraft streaked across| should be kept above the run of| sity." closely linked with gov-| Belgium, France, Germany, The| i _ English universities "will pro-| ernment aad industry. ' | Netherlands and Britain in Ex- SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 14th i Trimfit Seamless iH | a voke those who are unfamiliar) jercise Royal Flush. BERGER ete = y ony with the unconscious arrogance | SEEK BROADER BASE Group Capt, A. F. Avant, na- FAST-DRY HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL f in which Oxford and Cambridge| 'We want to continue turning|tive of Rosetown, Sask,, com- For kitchens, bathrooms, interior and exterior furniture, bicycles, ete. Reg. 2.75 qt. ea Pale Colour H excel," the newspaper said in a| out an elite, but drawn from a| mands Canada's two photo- re- SPECIAL, at. 1 92 s with a Dash of Brilliance { leading editorial. broeder social base," said one|Connaissance squadrons here 6010 PIEDMONT GREY 6080 NUT BROWN 6170 ANTIQUE WHITE ; _ But it added: t added: 'Much { the re-/ commission member The war game was staged be- 6020 BRAZIL GREEN 6090 VERMILION 6180 TINTING WHITE i Priced for economy, but looking sumptuous, @ 'Trimfit' style for ell. your " Two out of five Oxford stu- tween the northern and south- 6030 GRECIAN PINK 6120 BLACK 6190 GLADE GREEN costume needs this Spring! dents-now-come-from-the public) em NATO forces. The northern $050.-PRIMROSE YELLOW... 6150-ENAMEL $200 CARNIVAL RED Pe rie oe aes ea ; , SH eae sioner a ail Chan es schools as Eton and tog PA coming from Belgium, 6060 IVORY UNDERCOAT ' 6210 ULTRA TURQUOISE ; rs ag Pioin knit Gress sheer in brown mist, toupe mist, iiiusion (pale gi The commission admitted that| Britain, West Germany and The 6070 TAHOE BLUE @ 6160 SUNLIGHT YELLOW 6220 BABY BLUE fe D U the sons of the rich get better ee neennts, were pitted against 6130 WHITE available in quarts AND gallons, 1 92 6 65 No. 808 Micro mesh dress sheer In brown mist, taupe mist, ton. education at the famed schools| Southern pilots -- Canadian,| Re 2.75 qt. ahd 9.50 Gal, SPECIAL T. oe GAL " bctor rges and do better on 'the entrance; French, German, American | ™ aes bs No. 37 Plain knit dress sheer with nude heel, demi-toe, Brown mist, toupe ATLANTIC CITY.°N.J. (Apy| {Sts to. Oxford Flying umpires--on a multi-| NO. 6140 MOONLITE SUPER-WHITE ENAMEL beige), A California psychiatrist Wed- The commission proposed that nation basis--watch the camera A. lustrous, non-yellowing, quick-drying white for kitchens, bathrooms, furniture: Sizes -- Short 8% to 10; Medium 9 to 11; day suggest 4 i { the poorer boys from. state|™Marksmen and give them no Use on wood or metal, Reg. 1:35 Va-pt. SPECIAL V4-pt. ; 5 : | . Hea go i lpr bigs ri sy* | Schools take an easier entrance|breaks, The exercise tests the Reg. 3.50 at. Reg. 12.75 gol Tell 10'to 11. FAM : ay OP axe ' teamwork and e , | ore ' 45 » 1a. . ment" to improve rehabilitation a ounied' t6- nchanas perstaibeatigt padi! york pt noth SPECIAL, qt. 2. SPECIAL, gal. Me a his is expecte { icrease WS é g : Tit would Work juch like the) {%¢,Proportion of working class | § LATEX CONCRETE -WALL AND FLOOR ENAMEL present system employed »0ys to about 20 per cent. The EXPO USES SPADES Heavy-duty latex finish for concrete surfaces such es basement walls, floors, porches and patios. 7 commiss on noted that once ad Water pipes, sewers, power, @ TD 9000 WHITE @ TD 9010 PATIO RED @ TD 9030 FLIGHT GREY mental hospitals, whereby pa- : : = aaa tients may seek "voluntary ad: mitted, these students usually| heat and telephone lines needed @ TD 9020 ALPINE GREEN me z i get better marks than those|35 miles of trenches mission" as distinguished from|> ' barks : of trenches at, the Reg. 9.50 Gal. 65 Reg. 2.75 Qt : ivelineny cuemlaest, sid fr 'om the private s¢ hools Montreal World s F air site SPECIAL, Gol. er 6. SPECIAL, Qt. exace 1.92 Your Furs Gel Dr. Norman Barr of the Neuro-| sayphiateis tastiinte, University | TECO DELUXE FASHION-MIXED COLOUR-MATCHED INTERIOR FINISHES of California at Los Angeles of LATEX SUPER SATIN PAINT " . The VIP Treatment He told the annual meeting of EF fEL OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! } Leaves a velvet non-glare finish on walls and ceilings. Clean applicators with soap and woter, dries in ee ee ee ey EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEBT. 201 PHONE 725-7373 the American Psychiatric Asso- take advantoge of it! 24 hour ser- approximately 30 minute 95 1 15 \\ . ciation: vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- Reg. 8.50 gal, 2.50 qt. SPECIAL ; GAL. t) QT. . in Our "Let us assume, for example woys on the ready to serve you, | tt t-enan ts caught vehanded OIL Fue! Oi! Budget Plan ovailable. |. # SEMI-GLOSS PAINT Sanitized-Treated : = in the performance of a crim- NOW IS THE TIME j For walls, woodwork, kitchens, bathrooms end shelves, 6 65 1 de inal act and conviction is a fore- TO CONVERT AND CALL | Reg. 9:50 gol. 2.75 qt. SPECIAL . Oe QT. os CLEANING gone conclusion. ' { Super Semi- Super Semi n Au "Instead of forcing him M LA -- ie ee Fur Storage Vaults! portage og > -- ¢ ' Nh 000 4000 Ce reer 3110 4110 guilty st a rehabilita- Antique Whit 3010 4010 Taup 3130 4130 ' tive pos ser yey for a mani COAL & 723 3481 | tie three 3030 4030 Skyblue 3140 4140 We don't roll out any mum period of time, arbitrarily = chiffon Gre 3040 4040 Pole Lavender 3160 4160 . six months, SUPPLIES KING ST. w. bath Goan aie ayer red carpets, but we've | Lamplight Gold 3170 4170 : "At the end of this time," | P 3070 -- 40g0 French Beige 3180 4180 something better for your Barr said, "his case would be) - ait | 0 1080 4080 ; Apricot Ice 3190 4190 reviewed by a board of experts) Moch 3090 4090 Celery 3200 4200 precious furs! It's the very and, if he seemed rehabilitated, | | Sunlight Yellow 3100 4100 be referred back to the court for | Important Fur Treatment appropriate disposition -- dis- ALLEL OM INTERIOR PRIMER SEALERS your furs get in our com- sharge, probation, lit A @ 3500 Fast-Dry Wall paint and seeler Emulsior : ae ageitionay & S40v Wall witner acd canien MT Ghleehas. pletely Sanitized-treated storage vaults, This last- V prin and sealer, oil pigmented RA wae net considered re- / ~ Reg. 9.50 gol. 2.75 qt. SPECIAL sau uceu enka GAL, 6.65 QT. 1,92 ing chemical process keeps our vaults as hygienic vabilitated, he wow have re- i Be id course to volunteer for an addi-| : a 73K. £ Cente a 30% Off TECO Deluxe 30% Ott TECO Deluxe as you'd wart tm Faye tna, oe Meal furs met tional six months, or to request: ww (ecw, me, BLENDED BRI : cool c be i fully kept | STLE BRUSHES GENERAL PURPOSE as cool as.can be in a carefully kept constantly leaving the voluntary program sess Ur rate a by ok sys Fertilizers Fe ee 50% Natural Bristle and 50% Nylon. PAINT ROLLER SETS controlled temperature! We can prolong the life C othe final de- eK 'Sate * Re " " = @] iti cision would always rest with eer: Peat Moss ...... ° sedi Sa 94 ° inte oo 2,45 Yan, Mite gover on =a Metal trey "a and beauty eRe? Mee Naar -- = t re ; Ay \ ei . - eg SPECIAL, -- . rae The psychiatrist said such oe / lim) ick: Evergreens tee ° a Res aes" 1.22 yd ey a 32 914" alte Reg 4.95, hs, de ony ' Ee cla "vant ae ee RT (oa es 2 tes 295 906° Shee 8 4.86 ada . 3.45 your furs to EATON'S for the, VIP treatment . .. . also be allowed to retain their AA ee ae ae Ge AER mu Sanitized Cust | i d st i 'ivil rights as a further stimu Wy, J y H ic : ae Se er lus to join the program . om *r ' Shade Trees _... C 0 CE OF 1,000 COLOUR VARIATIONS Sanitized-treated vaults. special decorative effect, make your selection of tint hade from our big ¢ i tor, and our paint-mixing machine will custom-mix it while you wait j 4 SIGN TWO VETS "Hedges ep There will be-off extra chore mar -cuart Oe BGa' wal ol PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts- g sah cea ana a ~ per quart Or S0¢ per gallon for individual colour mixes EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 1048 burgh Steelers of the Nationa! " + 274 PHONE 725-7373 : Football League snauuced LANDSCAPING A SPECIALTY R "y PHONE 125-1373, LOCAL 255 Thursday the signing of two vet- | erans to 1966 contracts. They) "DROP IN OR CALL" are quarterback Bili Nelsen, formerly of Southern California Van Belle Gardens who will start his fourth year in the league, and Andy Rus Friendly Garden Centre sell, a linebacker from the Uni S MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA versity of Missouri who spent] ©P Highway No. 2 623-5757 the jast two yeara in the army, | :

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