THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Moy 13, 1966 2% E f SATURDAY, MAY 14 10 AM SIMCOE STREET Come help us start the fund drive for Oshawa's Centennial Pro- ject--THE CIVIC AUDITORIUM RECREATION COMPLEX! It's going to be ready next year and will give us the facilities we've needed for so long: swimming pools, gym, squash court, arts and crafts centres, lounge, canteen, billiard room, meeting rooms and administration facilities to replace the Oshawa Rec- reation Department building recently destroyed on Gibb Street. There's no doubt about it, WE NEED IT--LET'S BUILD IT! So come one and all to the giant parade that's going to get things underway. There'll be 100 different displays... bands, major- ettes, the Oshawa Generals, 4 Sherman tanks, The Maid of the Mist, RCAF planes, Batman & Robin, Fire Engines...the biggest and best parade Oshawa has ever had! The Parade leaves Alexan- dra Park at 10 A.M. and goes south on Simcoe Street to The Band- shell at Memorial Park. There, Mayor Gifford, Mike Starr, M.P., Ab Walker, M.P.P. and Eddie Shack will officially open the fund drive for the Civic Auditorium Recreation Complex. Come and bring the children. Help us to get our Centennial Project off toa great start. See you on Simcoe Street Saturday morning! ont Ay, A * s » SY a VAY th IT-LET'S BUILDIT = & Cm sa.