a \ 11--Pets and Livestock |17---Female Help Wented |18----Male Help Wonted |18--Male Help Wanted |(20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sale -- '20----Real | Estate for Sale _ | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunsdey, Mey 12, 1966 For TALE "Registered Boxer, female Pavers, ceedies, smaller than average Price $8. Telephone 660-2684 after § | WANTED - good home tor 4'-month-oid| brown | PURDY, * ermnaie. Has hed noculat ones 'si ,_ Telephone @ 725-6 } ----| leigh SETTER "puppies, Canadian and} American champion bDiocodiines, CKC reg ister Famous for pets and hunting. Phone 773-7618 GERMAN SHEPHERD police dog, 6 tered, Good with children, | sell, Telephone BOOKKEEPER taking full all bookkeeping to ist. Apply in own writine kittens, x SEAL ~ pein g's he Sm ply references. weeks old Uxbridge © me | eeeuan SHEPME female, four) years ola. Good with children. Best offer, | Teiephone Ounbarton 89-3887 BOX 23621 FREE to dog lover -- German Shepherd | OSHAWA TIMES crossed with Collie Uooks like @ Husky), 4 monihs old, inaculations, and dog house Included Telephone 7% "nn LABRADOR pups, seven weeks, m $25; females $15., purebred, good ing stock. Telephone Alex 942-5418 ofier| five week days 1 2--Articles Wanted G00D "USED FURNITURE. What have alley Creek, '6 Bond Street West CASHIERS PART TIME Experienced for? POWER Super. Market 564 King St. E Manager Mr WANTED TO BUY thed coment mixer 4 to 4 cubic feet Telephone Hampton 263-2283 13 Articles Yor Rent ce RENTALS / OF ALL KINDS EXPERIENCED Bpinenesseh f NC igi oi -~ time; also apprentice ng mo Reaut f King o manville, 623-380 GIRLS WANTED tp sev TOOLS y shop. Hand and electric # uhuiid peak English, Pay to H. She apply Boke mo ing belts, 5 bikes exercises $6 per mont PLUMBER'S cleaning rod p v tr 4s, pif wrenches Josta ver R RESPONSIBLE chine fn perse threading PAIN /IPMEN on ye ste ide adder 6 ta HAIRDRESSER expe ove clientele Alax Plaza yh Pe 18--Male Help Wonted steel scaffolding, compres spray guns, wallpo tarpa per stear wheel WITH TRUCK OR CAR MAN ator, air hand trowe'ls portable mers heat electric wer re hammers building mas jocks mortar boxes miter saw, elec tarpaulins, sand we post ole illating sanders BOX OSHAWA acetylene weld 1940 amp electric TIMES STA & fate Ltd ng W., Oshawa Phene 123. 3224 rpening 934 JEWELLERY SALESMAN: Representative F Prestige House t Linens, Dish Coffee ch Bowls Bridal Tables, Chairs Cc Glasses and rmais, White Mink Stoles SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Rit Rd, $. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk reducing machines, sick room supp Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables hureh aisie runners, Cleve Fox " a Simcoe Street North all 723-2614 ENTERTAINING? Fifty peonie awa: Ter quets, parties, weddings parking, 723-2140 morning to Box M 24884 Time Oshawa nquiries Confident LICENSED MECHANIC to one hundred 14-Business Opportunities Own A CHICKEN DELIGHT Franchise athe abe' oui he tae wned franchises now Severa Protected FULL 7 eauibee D Beauty r ers, going cencern, excellent oppertunit FIRESTONE Pasry, Telep 190 King St 15---Employment Wanted MATURE ROOKKEEPER requires po: t f erie ed accounts payabie, References, Write Time and pay Box 24446, Oshawa DAY CARE AVAILABLE for e ele FITTERS re) i pre-schoo Twh fitte ¥ 668-6363 able to di ay MAN wit dozer avaliable for digging thers ellars et Te @ Blackstock 986 need af t me Andrew Antenna Co. Lid WHITBY, ONT RELIABLE LADY w home. TUTORING and Lat 17.---Female oor Wanted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER _ MECHANIC BOX 24819 74 Simcoe sHAWA TIMES Mature LADIES 942-6603 - 942-3145 GIRL store work register experience. F 728 - 0851 WAITRESSES f part-time Apply Mr Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL | ccon's ery TOBACCO _ PLANTERS wanted, exper 295 Sin . o 9R COOK For Whitby Apply. to ° . , aunty WANTED attendant, good v WAITRESS EXPERIENCED 5 weekly clea RELIABLE ard, stea Ra MAN to treet, Oshawa PERIENCED WAITER : el, 6 ee EXPERIENCED g Mreet bb 7 . jorth. { WAITER ounge and t ; ¥ Weal PAINTER . en: Atter 43 J & rR BTEs Srnt ¥ LAPRGUAKU, sune end of Aug . Write stating qua CLEANING LADY, Saturday, reter and 'eiephene numbe: Whitby 66-5983 after £6.20 am, RR 1, Brookiin, Ont, For expanding steel fabrico ing shop. Must be capable of responsibility for trial bel- once, Must be proficient typ- hand- and he able to sub- Oshawa SPERRY PHOENIX A tegrity, who is COMPANY = | sisean or PHOENIX, ARIZONA WANTED reliable man of good in- currently a feels he ond pro management, To such hard might like selling perty ao mon who wi worn we ffer a five figure ir Personal supervision ir small pleasent reali estate come -TORONTO 0 office INTERVIEWS We have 2 new $b. divisions to look after @ We doe business large trade-in Saturday, May 14 May 15 ' og it ae re @ We have too much work to handle Sunday, Join the world design and moar flight contr BUT ,, We are only interested in oa sincere person who is ond not afraid of work discuss it, It best move you' instrumer active Let's could be the ve ever made J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BOYS 16 Years Old PART-TIME WORK A lB pplying Will Be Hired 19..-Male and Female Help Wanted Darlinaton Township School Area FOR 1966 REQUIRES PTEMBER No, | room school Intermediate Diy HAIRSTYLIST YLING 723 ees ¥TAXI DRIVERS TAX| MAY 14th ORP. MERCURY 195-477] A DRIVING INSTRUCTORS ° SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME time agent ! Electro SALESMAN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY dicect shawa 20----Real Estate tor Sale t "in Retirement Home Pefferlaw ACTIVE REALTY AQ c 48 Simcoe St. $ JANITOR WANTED 'e GEORGE S. S17 an 985-2632 448? Oshawa es ' Port Perry POSITIONS PAYIN f HH. Kelt YOUNG MEN REQUIRED : va _W. FRANK WORMS WANTED, highes! prices - ¥ ine Oe Phone 668-47 , | 623-3393 or 723-7 843 PRINCIPAL WANTED in JOHN F., DEWITH REALTOR Bowmanville Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King St. E. VACANT ote Z bedroom eost end, mmnacu prick Street, Phone quie d-ond ' FRESH AIR about swapping and high toxes for some fresh air, large lot and Lovely 3 bedroom ric, ond stone bungalow attached garage, poved Price $25 drive, fireplace, For only $18 Terms 900 we inge you to hurry! 14 Frank Kc ORONO AREA, RETREAT derr brick view. Strearr site on 35 000 n-exce How email io your Color id Ow taxes? home rea Excellent pond with acres would STOCK FA exceilent Good cloy-loam lend, Pay At 10ad, Askir 1g $30,000 Terms could be an for seme young $10,900 $1,500 or so down this excellent étort couple or 1 prefer the more thle accommodation & rent money Onn es Dial 728-4678 93465 7 1-9 178 1963 5836 ASBE CARL B* OLSEN REALTOF Lek Niersma is McRobbie FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2 . » Stree Nest Bowmanville 623-3393 KEITH LT D. REALTOR 723-7463 A TREASURE: The nicest split level af this type that Call 623 Atter 9 p.t ste ( home heen p ledged t we have eve t and peacet rth of Wh 000 DOWN NORTH WEST _ Btn, With ail. Fratte OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING * Voug 723-7463 $205 or Schotield-Aker Ltd SCHOFIELD-AKER "teen LIMITED CENTRAL 23-2265 ONTARIO TDI IST Over A Quarter Century Of Service were Supervisor OPEN Daily A.M, REAL ESTATE DEPT. yh, - 99 PRESTIGE AREA PHONE 723-5221 This home is designed for lux ocoted on a completely fenced ravine lot 61' x 200' with 001; double CAPE COD - We hove o splendid home, in prestige neighbourhood, attached gar large living room with fire: basement, 24 piece, master bedroom 22 x family room with fire 14 . feet Joukle garage, breezewoy, about § 9) down. Will consider trode tor smaller house PERFECTLY LOCATED ist north of Rossiond, -on urious living swimming 6 walk-out ace, panelled den, 2 baths oll rooms ere - larger average: Shown by appoint then ment, only $20,900.00 Two storey hore with attach ed carportin excelle loon Masson, four bedrooms, large Home entre hall plar inge rec 2 vears d. has a foar é eation room. and vely quie tion off King St, East otura reploces finisher treed lot, owner 2 haths, spac 6 b mahogany chen with 1s bought smolier house ve fost y $5,500 down and low taxes, Phorie Charles Chaytor for details cupboard plus extras, Call now for the details Sj Pp SCHOOL many HILLIPS JUTH OSHAWA Near ut : ndscaped yordeattached brick nd paved frive ton today INCOME : PROPERTY Duplex--South NUHLA $18,.000° at r rents {room AREA galow NORTH WEST Seven room brick +t split entrance and double adloor era tile garage. Broadloorr ' fr her id both Large spa id joe is rooms, separate laundry ). washer and dryer, ter tanks, Electri heated. Make offer SCENIC TE 1 and | 4 ACRES uwdwood bush iperd building site for coun me hool bus past cated just 8% miles awa in Raglan area to enj privacy utdoor parcels living $5,000, ENCE ASSISTANCE ENTRAL ONTARIO 1S AVAILABLE TO YOU SELL BUY BUILD WITH CENTRAL AND $15,900.00 LAKEMOUNT S17 Y OR } 668-4416 723-7996 123-3376 KEITH PETERS LTD,, 728-7328 TREET EAST 0,00 2 fe r RAVINE LOT $14,60 But with ble refinements stove and area th, excellent tam- dining width nat eplace wer artitionec At PROPERTY na with plenty of, just BEACONSFIELD HOMES In Whitby ECHO HOMES With streets ¥ Old 728.7328. English One Mortgage } a ae slonial § 668-5853 | Sas MODEL } I Y " N at OOD l IT - - } Open Doily OLIVE HOWE nd week-ends y te N _ BIRD WHITBY -- ape 723 - 0321 8-5853 BEAUTY TRUST AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 | '20--Real Estate ¢ tor Sale _ HOI SE This Week-end IN BEAU VALLEY 12:30 to 5. P.M. DAILY Come See The BERMUDA Seven beutiful rooms, two boths, Huge rec room. Locate . ed on ravine lot on Juniper St We also have\ severe! homes stages of construge Locations in beaut) Valley are getting 370 34 i * © \ckiess 4 presentat out Yar L] a "a Puree e MOVE INTO A 9 Kassinger Hor BY EARLY FALL We have literally hundreds of plans or we will build to your specification: But don't leave it another minute or before you know it we will be sold out EXCLUSIVE AGENT SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723 "2265 OSHAWA REALTY STREET) LTD, | (BOND 2 ACRES VLA Builders special at-West City Limits on Rossland Road, 150 feet frontage by 660 feet deep, Call 728-9466 TRY YOUR DOWN PAYMENT "3. Bedroom brick é located close to schools, park shopping and bus | Jeal tamily home with many extras, Call 728-9466 NORTH. EAST 2 family home close to King Street, two bathrooms, \| up, down, Extra large lot with o heautiful garden, aise pay ed drive with dout Excellent 500, Call $ $ MONEY money bungalow le garage $15,- terms. Only 728.9466 $ $ maker! Large excellent ation howing a turnover $9,000 per perty suitable ming house in 2R.9AKE 728-9466 en 9 A.M, to 9 P.M Multiple Listing Service PRESTIGE HOME: Custom Built PICKERING Ranch style briek bungalow. 3 large bedrooms with walk« n closets, Living room with Built-i dining fireplace china car dreo, This cable binet n nome features electric eat kiteher far carion kitchen and bath om and meny PRICE $26,900 SIMONSEN + 942.5 THOS. N. SHEA REALTORS 20--Real Estate for Sale ( (Continued on Page 26)