Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1966, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA Times, Friday, Mey 13, 1966 BRIDGE Oy 8. JAY BECKER sh record-holder in rr BIDDING QUIZ You are BU SAWYER sides South, both 4 vulnerable. The bidding has been: JODAY 16 OUR im TOPAY IE ALES PI WEDDING i U ANMIVERGARY )i THE THIRTEENTH WELL++-+ ja PLL SF 'BENOARY AND I (THAT Fiaures )| | + NORMAN Ba THUNE a SLL THAT THE ey BUILDS, A SE HIM IN THEIR | SHENG" YIN ON THE BCENE NOT JUST A sr!ITBOA TRANGF( '"~Y goRgoT rr 1 "~ bg PO daa : y $ = | 1, Three notrump. Maybe you shouldn't be willing to bet your = life on making three notrump, pln BATTLE, He 3 : ae s but if you come home lame, BONALLY PERFOR) d ops BUT ONE LITTLE you can always sue partner for Fl OPERATIONS iN "4 Z FROM IT - HORE, WITHOUT. -- BORA ¢ FINGER non-support SLEEPING -~ SING é B WILL COST Hitt HIB || Presumably North lias = de- ' - - } = ONLY ONE PATIENT 5 =a ad 0 cent hand for his overcall, and --with his values and those held : Bee Se ' 2 ps by the opening bidder--it's hard HOW, LONG LANCE/ fre COMe c= THAT OF YOUR WHITE. \ / # Thm Khe Daxora meoicue murraig | \'0 imagine East's getting into IMO GABAY, THERE DAKOTA) WITH A WARNING / BUFFALO MEDICINE burrALo/_) LONG LANCE NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP the act to do any damage. In , . tanetaelbon ---- CHUCKLET"THATS WHAT "TO TAKE MY PLACE!' HE THINKS, TOO!? ALWAYS WANTED TO BUT C.C.HUNT AND | GET INTO SHOW-BIZ// OFFERED MY STAGE-STRUCK _ WEF MUNTERS ARE ASTER A VERY BRAVES FROM GOING ON fact, if East bas @ much as a RAL HOE = a , er jack on this bidding, tt is more . than his expectancy. In one way or another, you are a tremen- dous favorite to make nine | tricks 2. Three diamonds. It would be wrong to bid two hearts at this point. What you really have are the values for a raise in diamonds and the way to show those values is by bidding three diamonds, A two heart bid would indicate better hearts ' " and would also tend to deny a Pe : ye / oo sc sscnaieaislanaaane mn diamond fit, If partner wanted THREE'S A CROWD/.) Mi, "apa FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS JN / BUT CROSS Mis AND SINCE NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU you to bid hearts, he would pre- ~ THIS NOT, GiRLIe, AND AND He WINDS WERENT INON THIS CAPER FROM THie sumably have doubled one spade PRINCE CHARMING 'UP DEAD ~ START, YOU WIND UP IN THEE HOT SEAT/ What you should hope for is es Wee that North will be able to bid 'Y three notrump over three dia- monds, 3. Pass. This is « good hand opposite an overcall, but not when partner bids your single- ton. ers ghey 4 - overcalle ith two hearts, you Fie ct ( would jump to four.) Under the + ait " | : t j : . circumstances, game is unlikely gong : i et Pi = y t A / ke f : Hl) } fi and the best and safest thing to 5-/8 "ae > == rime ee : ; fag J : do is pass, The indications are r 7 * |that the hand is a misfit. 4. Five diamonds. You have canta en ------ to take @ position one way or re another, by bidding either four | TELE V ISION LOG or five diamonds, and the rec- <3 jomm d oh gg Md goer Channe 2--Buttate 1:00 FM. t--The Besties DON'T There wo le point to Channel 3--Barrie t---Movie 4--Cousin Bil | MARVELOUS HUBERT, showing the clubs, since a club Channe) &--Butfale | -PHoney West é-Linus The Lionheerted 7 PARTY, MAJOR, LEAN ON THE bid would unnecessarily confuse Channel &~Toronte | +--Friday Movie ' = i 11:00 A.M a Channe) T-Butfale 4--Gomer Pyle MAJORS CH the issue. nnel BR " 1 1 of Progr 5 / ' Channa! S-Yorome | us Se | Romito _ Sons H | You bid five hoping that part- Chane! 1)--Hamilten |-Petticomt Junction Fr arte EET ne ee the _ ap aa PRIDAY Svemne o-sn, enerte 4--Tom and Jerry / if " ~ right places, in whic! pred iS ha AS gad 11:30 AM = ------ is Bs 7 | prs make eleven tricks easily 10:00 PAA gteter Paterue dite. . , 4 ; > ' b Hands of this sort depend large- ; ae $-Robin Hood = Aa --> WA ily on how the cards fit, and 9--U.N.C.L.E 4--Quick Draw McGray " » Noy S the best policy usually is to Cans poy Al ih eg 12:30 PM X i \ "6 |blast your way -- what you at (tel al oh | think you can make, its HIM! HE SHAVED "THE nie Pas " Miter " EN Pont y 7 5, Veer hearts. You can't be DP OFF/ WELL, L/LL BE, sm JoRocketship b-Spotlignt On écTanteiins "Vinese scientific with this hand either, AYR BOUND SPOT THE pe | or 100 PM d---Whipiash -- i 2 It looks as though you ought See Gare. esate to make four hearts opposite the THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 The Wh Hunter great majority of hands North ' Pag Legg I=Bowing Fs sls foe : may have, and once you reach Cvect +-Viewpotnt pea et | ; ° , 4 this conclusion, there is no good ene 1:00. PM ; y reason for messing around. In Soaertricer henveteae ts ce thts iyre of hand, science is for | 4:30 PM T4--Christrmas Program Vi orwe + cegie teers +News 40 PM 1: PM 2:00 PM J Twil Theatr = ' sae | -" Gy a N--Pemily Theos, mo, 0 |)), tate Shem OHA dunier "OY V PEOPLE CROSSED OCEAN j achey : 6--Huntley-Brinkiey b--New Year's Eve P--HI-Time , A _ > j The island of Hodegsscar in --Huntley-Brinkh HY Aol \\\ A | News , |h-2--NCAA Footbal 2 { 250 miles from 'Africa, but its 1--Cheyenne T1100 PM 7--AMmONGen | Oe a ~ a4 inhabitants are thought to have Trees | -€3Sports ; rs Saas gas al acta Jm$tan Roberts migrated from Indonesia, 4,000 7:00 P.M 4--Basketball x i | VWe-Honey West aaTummay Mf ' miles to the east. is *.The Flintstones 6:00 A.M 3:00 PLM. ~~ f * t--Movie Put +3----Golt Classic -- dled doors Uniimited Dal " Stews wetter sperm end terwe newe | *easketball = 1 SALLY'S SALLIES Fa ot 4--Bowery Boys 3:30 PM a 7 ele Are Poume owlers Tournament \ e é B--Comoet ¥ 6:30 A.M Ps $--Huntley-Brinxiey Vintonnitrel Mouse ou Uniimites 1 FM $--Cartoons oy | Vie Wild, Wlid West 3--Funny Co. 2---NCAA Feotdell #--Smothers Brothers Steen "_ Flintstones 9:00 A.M Golf Addams Family 4--Fun To Lear Bowillr 4-The Wiid Wild Weat| 2--Porky Pig Relier © H 8-<emp Runamuct 1 AM ashe 00 FM VJ--The Sonine $108. CM Hawkey Duke thew «| Srerene Sorte Presents ; , 10:00 A.M World of Sports baad a e a ive mar #-2--Secret Squirre 4--Golf Class ' 1---Popeye --( Man 6--Extension $00 P.M aren 4--Mighty Mouse Dennis the Menace Wh t D It M ] . ay yhou --F , r ecu | Playneute IForest Rangers at voes ean! . MICKEY MOUSE Beat The Camp 10:30 A.M Bowling Series lle Mobb) Th with =Hobby Time heey By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD +3--Tommy Hunter Show. | &--Casper l-Johnny Quest . 4-Hooan's. Herose t2-Under Cos +-Buge Bunny | Sometimes T wonder, io Welas meaning that everything is| "Professor, aren't you kind of |W € L east as} Lg 8 id : all right. Some other test may] old to be growing @ beard? CROSSWORD well if we discarded the ex-| : \pression, "x-rays were nega- be necessany to make visible | . aR em EES DL 8 NES Sea oe }tive." Not that t h 'thwhatever is w \. ive h he phrase isn ever is wrong. That, in cer. and-T.B. could exist at the ACROSS DOWN 19, Depart ea Mera iagnced hg ge ey is the reason for explOre-/ ais time! 4. Playground -- 4. Venetian 20. Apron : ph titer stood, but it has come to be a/tory surgery at times, A h ew : ; i Miia man with ear trouble asks: 5. Spaniah traveler top ; etxteni cliche, and like most cliches, it} One letter before me asks: 'i fs "Tength 2.King killed 21. Shield {D4 RY has generally lost its pure origi-| Will cancer show in | vy Sot ee rn a ore. ie aT | ine: ' ur cancer show up I &Nitake x-rays of ears? Won't the unit bySamue! 22, Gained ' i jnal meaning x-ray? We are in close contactlinner ear show?--E. K 9. Fashion $.Routine- 24. Owing EIU Ems] | A negative finding in an x-ray|with a person who says he has! YX.ray in some instances can rept es oy 4, What 25. Large ia} a b jdoesn't mean that everything is|/several spots on the lungs andipe ysefyl, but the heavy bone pee - = 26 eens AICITIA Giale] all right; it just means that thejit is hopeless cancer. Could the} ctructure of the skull makes it ' J 3, 5a 46. Seine z j s Ve y 9 ots ? . 4 . i : CADE Te 14. Drese up proverbially 38. Individ- 7 S jx-Tay didn't reveal anything }spots he T.B.? Should we belq ifficult, and conventional erb , : wrong. Indispensable as the;checked?--Mrs, J. C, methods of examination give ce 5 8. Outlook uals ee ee } , . - PENSE ., : is, it can't do everything; In sucha case an expert at A 6. Feat 80. Incline Vesterday's Answer arey 18 i : se aa : more information. Laine os sarten ) be FePeran Jaane 1 TR a seaniel Ren Cee el ee ee e coin islant 88. Losersofe | ay ABs Suishing De-/and "positive," a married YOU CANT HAVE BOTH th hw iy 8. Poker RS. Bclence of port jof tissues through which the|tween the characteristic pat-l woman writes: 1 FS co. stake plants: abbr, 89, Printers' rays pass Bones, being dense, |terns of the two diseases. Aj 7 was given a urine test which ves, 9. Ex-soldier 34, Green land measures jappear as heavy shadows.,|sputum test, however, would/ine doctor said proved positive MAM aa 31, Command Reseovel: at: Fostio : bead _ hi ee preg : make things quite definite, Can-|what does this mean? That I a Worka 20 an ox Fe coin : ' contraction | 18 iter shadow rom this fac am positively pregnant?-- er.te 'or! a} tame poms ee 4 ees (ct can deduce a great many wR. 28 Reaite I. nd Castle's -- but Sg reas brs : N th | It's difficult to' tell. It could 29. Sacrifice, lle Te 14 Tt Y af ce ai otoney g Boge ow the on y have been a pregnancy test, or in baseball LL : a ee 2 test for diabetes, or for ve- 30. Takeaway [9 n pobre hy nag ees oe way to buy lereal disease, even. It depends a title, old 4 [ ferat. 2ne same is true Of gastro n the test. He probably meant fs, Pp : intestinal x-rays. A barium \ . atyle | arink her : fills th : vat the urine test for preg- 81, Devon, for F AK OF' DAriUM eCneMA THis Ue ancy indicated you were preg- one ; | intestine with a solution through 4 ant - ate PLL J fsncrtsre donates | SPEARMINT | 'tats wny 1 eine ss 7 ie, Wacies Sou 20, Barww = 4ZZA testing 'results. Otten dye is | PRD [a ciedl anie Bk IIOEST Ot HS was cera mother ; AJLAr® je =F [introduced into the bloodstream »- POpu ar, mo erm 87. Opponent 44 to make blood vessels visible 4 CAMPATGN STARTED, THAT 40. Giant | In the common and very val- dime pack Get MUCH... AND NOTHING waar et a ae juable chest x-ray, air in the No ciel some ireek if, jlungs is less dense than sur- he ' mythology mp py ' 7 {rounding flesh, so irregularity WRIGLEY's 42, Hatred VAG, YY, ANAS /, jor craters in the lung become 44. Clocked, 7, : visible, Calcified spots '(healed Jd areas) will-show CHEWING GUM | X-ray won't begin to show ett learly cancer of the cervix, but} ja Pap smear will, X-ray doesn't ishow diabetes, or anemia, but blood tests will So accept x-ray for the things it does so well; don't use the} iphrese "X-raye were negative" Q POOR KID / THERES NOT ENOUGH WIND TODAY \_, TO FLY A KITE ioe | Sa MUGGS AND SKEETER You get more to enjoy In the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of thst fresh flavour end lively testet si

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