ae NTN! ETRE ANN LANDERS & Telephone Customers Don't Take Precedence Dear Ann Landers: | prom-| ised myself if it happened again I would sit down and write to you. And it did, so here I am. Why does a telephone cus- tomer get precedence over the customer who has taken the) time and trouble to go to the) store? I left my office today for what I thought would be a quick trip. Just as 1 was pre- paring to hand the saleswoman the money, the telephone rang. She turned around without so much as a word and left me standing there while she be- came involved with a customer who had dozens of questions. With every passing minute my blood - pressure mounted. I tapped my foot, for 12 minutes. I very nearly walked out of the store but I*decided it would be biting off my nose to spite my face, If I left 1 would have to start all over again some! place else and perhaps not find what I wanted, Please don't tell me to boy-| cott the store tha: treats its) customers this way. They all) do. Just tell me what 4 to do) about it. -- Columbia, 8.C, | Dear Columbia: Leaving a} eustomer to answer the tele- phone is more than bad busi- ness. bit is bad manners, It's as rude as turning your back on a friend in mid-sentence to speak to an intruder. The sales person who must) answer the phone should ask his; customer before he leaves him) if he will please wait one gmo- ment while he takes the num- ber so he can return the call. The next time you are aban- doned this way I hope you will { Dear Ann Landers: | am the) mother of seven ciildve and 1) have seen a good bit of what goes on in the world so please don't think I'm naive. What happened yesterday gave me the shock of my life. When the delivery boy re-| turned the family dry cleaning he handed me some papers that he had found in our son Karl's coak pocket. Karl is 17, Among the papers was a note from a girl. Karl and the girl are not going steady, He just happens) 7 to see this girl more often than any of the others, The girl was pleading with Karl to take her to a motel so they could pre- tend they were married, From the way she wrote it sounds as if she has been trying to get him to do this for quite some time. | Please tell me if I should re- main silent and act as if I know) | nothing. Or should I let Karl) know I saw the note and have a talk with him? -- Lancaster Mother | Dear Mother: Get a copy of my book, Ann Landers Talks to Teen-Agers About Sex. You do not have to buy it. Your public library has a copy. Hand the book to Karl when you return the papers to him, Explain how you happen to have the papers} and tell him you have read ev- erything. Make it plain you have com- plete confidence in him and that you know he's not going to do anything foolish. Tell him you} want to make sure he has plenty of information since it is ob- MR, HAROLD Burnham of the Textiles Department of the Royal Ontario Muse- um, chats with Mrs, Avern # \CIAL & PERSON Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Teiephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department -town guests at. the; agee wedding included! 1 Mrs. Gilbert Cryder- avison, Michigan; Mr.! s. Joseph Selesky Jr., daughter, Grand Blanc, | n; Mr. and Mrs, Alfred arborough, Ontario; Mr.) 6. Wiifred tach and) | Mrs. George Trebell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. kinner, Milton, Ontario. to her wedding to Mr. Smith, the former Miss Magee was honored at showers, Mrs. Joseph and Miss Earl Linton | daughters, Linda and| presented the bride-to- a vacuum cleaner. Mrs, 'oung Sr. and Mrs. Nor-| ee Jr. held a miscel-| ower, The bridal at- s. Ronald Hickey | ; { Rar 'a Magee gave a! shower and Mrs. H "4 | the bride's godmother, fa miscellaneous show-|County Health Unit since 1961. jeighbors' shower was the home of Mrs. Wal- uk and a presentation | if stainless steel sauce- nd an electric frypan nnery Ladies' Auxiliary | 205 gave a cup and shower and the brides fiss Janice Carter and mauire bride's aunts Mrs YMorris and Mrs. William Zewere hostesses at a mis 11s shower Gy, lL. H. Magee held a Jai tea for her daughter the background is the paint- Bnadian universities and ing by: Alexandra which the Oshawa club purchased for Eastdale Luke, @itional funds canvasses has fp! governments, -- busi Col- @8 industry, foundations all in Can THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 13, 1966 15 : send asad | { jin aid of the building fund of St, Luke's Presbyterian Church The afternoon Group of the Pre- isbyterian Women will assist the hostess. tin be , | Mrs. Jules Von Gunten and Plena, Patricia May ives. Reuben Brown were co- Henry Anthony} é . poured tea and Miss Barbara|"ostesses o 6 Magee and Miss Janice Carter|", served the guests who were|°, College Park Seventh day| shown the trousseau, wedding|>c;cnes: Church, Ronoring the) and shower gifts by the bride. |Lorthcoming marriage of Miss to-be and her matron of honor, | Lucille Lyzanchuk to Mr. Derek} Mrs. Ronaid Hickey. "Evans, Over 80 guests attended. | " The bride-to-be was assisted by The F re nc h Conversation 155 Meldia Joychoben in open-| group of the University Women's '"* the many gifts. | Club of Oshawa and District ~~ Hee aA met at the home of Mrs. N. H. } Edmondson, Athol street, Whit- | by, on Monday evening. A Miss Jean M. Hollingsworth, | : ® itn" ig NeW Service Rersing branch, Ontario Dever TMM Ou Nour Or In Our Plant ment of Health. Since leaving | Oshawa, Miss Hollingsworth has | A Commercial and Residential been supervisor of public health! nursing at Muskoka District WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM Health Unit and public health, (including Nylon & Aecrilon) nursing supervisor with Ontario) Mrs, G. D. Conant attended the annual inspection of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Wed- | nesday night at Varsity Arena Toronto, and presented her cup the Public Duties trophy in Nur sing to Mrs. F. Gallagher of Willowdale who had given 544 houfs to St. John work during 1965, The inspecting officer was Air Commodore PD. D. Briggs C.D. who also addressed the large gathering Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Dyed the Color You Wunt RE-NU WAY @ Fast Color @ Permanent Mrs. Alex road west on Tuesday @ Odorless Guaranteed Craigie, Rossland is opening her home And ©€ letel for a coffee party 2 rites! Why Replace ? Re-Nu and Save FREE ESTIMATES SARDINES N' CHILL Take the heat out of summer "About Tota" Hove you heard thai ine SSHAWA YACHTHAYES .Hi te open seven days o week from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. all summer? Well ... . it's true, As well as being able to take a look at their heautitul selection of new hoats _ they have ¢ competent stoff thot will refinish, rebuild and repair ony type, size or construction of boat, Their hoist is equipped to haul or launch boats in power or sail up to 65' in length. Their excellent staff is also qualified and trained to install mavigational aids. . . depth indicators, radio telephones . even Rador!!! Summer fun and boating go hand in hand. All your boating needs ore found at the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN ot the Horbour in Oshowa, * * * Here are © few DO'S and DON'T for longer garment life recom- mended by the OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING, 50 Mill Street in Oshawe. DO: brush clothes regularly; put on, take off and hang up carefully. DO: dry clean regulorly . . . perspiration, grit and stains rob garments of looks and life. send stained garments to cleaner at once. Identify location and type of stain, DON'T: press a garment thot is stained, or you may set the stain. DON'T: use home stain removers on a valuable garment. DON'T: weor good clothes when using o cold wave solution. DON'T: hang knitted garments DO... et ay oe clothes ore corefully and expertly cleaned and laundere. en toke them to OSHAW DRY CLEANING. Lip . iaatarass * * * Looking for a really great buy? ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLI- ANCES hove on excellent selection of used stoves, , , 24" and 30" electric, also a wide range of mew ranges. . . 22" 24" and 30'. Either in spotless white, or a beautiful decorator colour to match your kitchen. Everyone knows that Moffat is the big name in stoves this year's models are really stylish While you are in 452 Simcoe South take « look at their new and used wringer washers . or new automatic washers, Make laundry day a little easier for Mom. No one can beat the repair service on washers, dryers, etc. that ALCAN offer, They will pick up the article for repair ond deliver it in tip-top working shape, Call 723-0011 * * * Planning on building o home or cottage this summer? W, FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD, hos some beautiful ten ocre parcels even have a stream right through them. All of these parcels have terrific. views: Real breathtaking Very. reasonably priced from $5,500 with $1,000 down. Make arrangements to take a nice spring drive out there ond have a look see. Give Mr, Howard legiate as a tribute to the Iple citizen Oshawa artist who is also = a long-standing member of ieived a $500,900 grant the Lyceum Club. 1@ federal government in a Taylor, president of the Oshawa Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association, right, and Mrs. J. G. Nichols, centre, president of the Peterborough club. In Many Showers, Presentations story (if Ontario Textiles Fete Bride-Elect Susan Powell pascinates Luncheon Guests Prior to her marriage tomor-|win court, with Mrs. Ronald di row in Albert Street United) Weeks as the co-hostess. The May luncheon of the|Burnham, of the Royal Ontarg = a "as Stephen Doug-| The 35th Oshawa Brownie|Lyceum Club and Women's Art|Museum, Toronto, His subjeg Po I bas) Miss Susan Joy| Pack presented its Brown Owl|Association, held in the parish|was "Ontario Textiles", B was a teacher for owe ge been the guest of/ with a cup and saucer and heldjhall at St. George's Memorial|his talk was accompanied at the Wandtirean honor at parties, showers and'a treasure hunt with many|Church on Monday, was attend-|slides. The Museum becant = deagle aaa presentations. small useful gifts. The hostess!ed by over a hundred mem-jinterested in textiles in 1945 ST nto before coming OSHAWA CATUDP*Y: MAY 14 | 1 Willi PHONE?" ™. § King) entertaining with this tang' Spread chili sauce over toast strips which have been lightly brushed with the olive oil from a can of sardines, Top each with a whole sardine and sprinkle over grated' cheese ® yolunteer> in the Caribbean and Serve as an appetizer with afl Oshawa ong, cool drink (me@rica -- serving, says , 'on a basis of equal- se with whom they MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO rk," in the Church Grounds et CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURH ss Marsh, a perky MARY ST. AT HILLCROFT ST. walk out. Then write a letter to| vious that some of the girls in the store president and tell him/| his crowd are in pretty pathetic why the store lost the sale and|shape emotionally and are ig- your good will. 'norant as well. | Forder -o call at 655-3853 in Brooklin. | am sure he would be delighted to show you the lovely sites thot are available. Don't hesitote summer is almost here and if you want that new home or cottage up for summer-fall, you will have to hurry! * * * bey nice to put all your moving problems in the hands of a reliable mover. Such is the case when you let LOCKW MOVING & STORAGE moke your next' move, The © om canape RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU 728-5387 --Oshawa Times Photo Mime the Ghaaization serving in conscientious core taken their they make is very patos ip to make o Don't sit down, head in a in, your fingernolls, you decide to let LOCKY" amelie " = 7 HN S Sado estimates 20 SIMCOE NORTH Mrs. Harold McNeill enter-|was the Tawny Owl, Miss/bers, their friends and visitors.|and with leads and contac tained at a supper party at the Beverly Smith. They were received by presi-|since 'that time a considerab Georgian Motor Hotel, followed| School friends and other close dent Mrs, Avern eC biseay = volume "1 re oe . ' \friends of the future bride gave the two vice-presidents, Mrs.| garnered, e said, an § me & Sanoinenoees shower Bae her a linen shower at the home|Ralph Wallace and Mrs. H. M./stood as a valuable archive t the h | ow f 2 @ home of Mrs, H. F./of Mrs. David Anderson, the Moffatt. the future. Examples of t¢ Millen, Masson street, where! hostess. The head table guests were/|tiles had been borrowed, pho the bride-to-be was presented| 'The Teenage Girls' Club of Mrs. Barry Woods Mra, H. D./graphed and ee a -- a om 4 "ery , .|Cleverdon, Mrs. M. Elliott,| ; . Hl nl Pigs lad la rare the. bride-to-be on. Mrs, Ralph Wallace, Mrs.{history of which Canadians?°™ Lately many other gifts. [pantry-shelf shower and pre-|Avern Taylor, Mrs. J. G.|/might all be proud. Aunts and cousins of the!sented her with a crystal bow!,|Nichols (Peterborough presi: Before 1800 flax was grown bride-elect entertained her at a|Thé hostesses were Miss Terri oat she Pi § Fy " si and used as yarn. lenported . N ris and Miss hyllig Tonto president), Mrs, M.isheep were scarce and when roar ye Boomig 3 . ihe Manuel." snl ahaa Moffatt, Miss Agnes Strickland they arrived, usually from Scot- ome of Mrs. Carl Flagel. The|" : ' '; : ie and Miss Kate Connolly land and England on_ sajling hostess was assisted by Mrs.|; eitained, following rill be en-| Mrs, Cleverdon said Grace,|ships, they were settled around HE. R. Maidman. lal tonight, at the home of the |following which Mrs. Wallace!Lakes Erie and Ontario, where} A neighborhood miscellaneous| bride-elect's parents, Mr. and|8ave the toast to the Queenjwith wolves and predators, | shower wa BS $ \with Mrs. Victor Peacock play-|their lives were hazardous, of Mrs. lng Grltad a na iene lade cincesbee ing the National Anthem. Flax was woven with the wool Greetings were extended by|for garments, but very few re Mrs. Rivers of the Toronto Club/mained as they were cut down and by Mrs. Nichols of the and worn and worn. Peterborough Branch and Mrs.| sanpwoVEN COVERLETS Barry Woods spoke as a mem-| yyany coyerlets and blankets ber of the July 1 Folk Festival.| cre made on the old hand- | The president welcomed Mrs.| \ooms. The width was about the Marie Taylor, wie ' cae 0 | stretch of the weaver's arms so and m ning thy jusually had a seam down the; aylor is the most outstanding | entre, Coveriets were made-up ' ge anc ano es i ae A ays AO gr Brie ca a girl became engaged, diary spt '!and had a border on three sides Boacency. Club's award for and the girl's or boy's initials | The president referred to the and date In west reedinade Ipainting which was on display. Dark. blue indigo and white} The Lyceum's Centennial proj- seemed a favorite color around | ect, it honors Mrs, Ewart Mc. | Oakville but Georgetown, Dun- Laughlin (Alexandra Luke) as das, Stratford and Kitchener an outstanding painter and produced a few spreads and lcharter member of "Lyceum". coverlets in a red rose design It has been chosen by the Art|Zhe Waterloo and Markham Committee agd the principal of| Mennonites in 1846 produced a) the--new udtduie Collegiate, |Surprise with added color Yel-| where it will hang when the|!ow was made by dyeing with | Ibuilding is completed, onion skins, and the article had | to be washed many times to |}ONTARIO TEXTILES eliminate the odor, Brown came} Mrs. C. M. Elliott introduced|from walnuts, and green was the guest speaker, Mr, Harold'very rare, and the goods, or fival in Jamaica she ful British engineer leaching in Kingston ritish volunteer ser OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY howcase of -<-e-eer ONE BEDROOM SUITES TWO BEDROOM SUITES FAMILY SUITES 3 FLOOR RESERVED, FOR ADULTS ONLY \ "GRENFELL SQUARE" 'LUXURY APARTMENTS 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL Free 23" Console Television One of the new tenants will win a lovely 23° CON- SOLE TELEVISION . . . those who reserve their suite by June Ist, 1966, become eligible, Bring this card of introduction. 4 MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S FOREMOST » FINE CLOTHIER FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS service ONE - TWO - THREE BEDROOM SUITES Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Beautifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30- inch Electric Range and New Re- frigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vanities, Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshawa's Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Private Sauna and Health Club Facilities; Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio Rentals Start at 125.00 HONEYMOONING IN TROPICS Photographed in the trop- ical gardens of their hotel Merna Jean Dignem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Dignem of Osh- awa, Ontario and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oreste Vella of Whit- by, Ontario. Golden Spindle Textiles Offers you a large selection of Domestic and Imported Fabrics at LOW LOW PRICES. are Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Vella of Oshawa, during their honeymoon stay in Nassau, Bahamas. The bride is the former Miss FOR Rental Information Phone 723- dill 11 A.M, -- 9 P.M, DAILY Exclusive Agents OSHAWA REALTY \ (Bond St.) Ltd. 728-9466 A complete formal for every occasion . . , boys' size 2 to men's size 56 In the latest styles, at reoson- able prices . . . tailored to fit like your own, Summer favourites smartly styled in sun-touched printed Sateen or poplin. Keep you looking fresh and cool through the long, hot summer. S, M, L. At this price you'll want several. $3.00 Complementary Formal Wear Pamphiet containing styles and procedure available by request, Boat MEN'S WEAR LTD, Established 1924 LOOK AHEAD TO SUMMER WITH THESE iP PLAIN AND PRINTED 98: "STRAW HAT" LINEN 48" yd PRINTED SERANP LINEN Want, 9 guene 1.49 Suet aed od /\] Be nth he Pm 7 BONDED KNITS -- ALL COLOURS. 60" yd. 3.98 Come ond see our carefully chosen selections of SILKS - COTTONS - RAYONS ALL AT PNG BUDGET PRICES i -------- ----<--= WE CARRY FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fashions since 1867 : 74 SIMCOE NORTH 32gKing St. W. at Cor, Prince Se. \Phone 723-8271 Open till 9 Fridays