12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 13, 1966 crn|| PUBLIC NOTICE Probe Scheduled OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- 22m seca ea| i WE BOUGHT OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS VALUE OF DEMONSTRATOR MODELS tee today Uecided to call offi- cials of the works and transport ; CONSISTING OF SUCH FAMOUS NAMES AS departments to appear to ex- eso | FRIGIDAIRE © GENERAL ELECTRIC © INGLIS decided to delve into the cir- =i | MOFFAT © WESTINGHOUSE © KELVINATOR @ BEATTY =""---:, | FINDLAY © ADMIRAL BEACH © THOR and TAPPAN Henderson reported that the ar- |chitects' fees alone had run up| | P TO 70% OFF THE REGULAR VALUE. SOME ARE ONE OF A KIND, . eae of 208 or desi 0 TEN oF A KIND, FIFTY OF A KIND. MANY ARE TOP-OF-THE-LINE MODELS. ALL THESE MODELS WILL. GRADUATE sers'saia that when the arch BE DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT OUR STORES AND PUT ON THE FLOOR FOR SALE. ALL THESE Stanley | Dalidowics, the lie ls 'added the sumt will be MODELS WILL BE TAGGED TO "SELL ON SIGHT" OUR STORES WILL BE JAMMED AND ALL MUST |fee is added the sum will be 5 -old of Mr. and Mis. Domienik Dalidowice, |£l08e 0 $1,000,000 BE CLEARED IMMEDIATELY. Of % Fairbanks st. hes Deputy Auditor-General G, R. graduated from the chemi- Long said that when the gov- A cal engineering course at jernment decided to enlarge its the University of Toronto. original plans for the building it Pes ; |agreed to pay the architect's ocean eee emat travelling, 'Telephone, pro month. * | fessional and technical help, and .. {supplies expenses for the revi- Ressabelk Céaths | "Audit director D. A. Smith MOST UNITS WILL SELL FOR LESS'-THAN WHOLESALE bes that rsd - ge Quail Bop Code diz Fafrat "ea DEALERS INVITED. . .NO PHONE or MAIL ORDERS |ground garage an al - out LONDON (AP) -- Merearet (Temi, 8 tte, Brocessing, ve THERE WILL BE NO LAY-AWAYS OR HOLD ORDERS FOR THIS SPECIFIC SALE. DELIVERY MUST BE TAKEN IMMEDIATE- Vince of Cambridge Univer- |fice space, and to redesign the > LY. WE BOUGHT OUT 3 COMPLETE WAREHOUSES OF APPLIANCES AND THIS SHOULD POSITIVELY BE THE sity says she has proved quail jexterior to provide sun-shading . eggs send signals to one an- |for the windows. other in the 48 hours before | Paul Tardif (L--Russell) said they hatch, jall these things should have She says they do this to |been included in the original make sure they all hatch to- | Plans. -~ gether, although they were CES : ye = Z 4 laid at different times. | BIRDS TAKE CHOICE q Z if The scientist has been work- | Argentina's climate varies so _ "2 nm. 4 ing on this project for three |widely that both parrots and years and reported in an in- |penguins flourish in its terri- : q ee 4 «ee -s : Sr Washes, Rinses And Dries All Your $ terview Thursday: tory. ao tees om eB eee ete ; a, mB Dishes Automatically Undercounter "We have dis d that | a fe J = i eviichitalsation of tus hateh. | ¢ , : Le" ; AP = And Portable Models. ing in some spenies of birds | ® | Sez a : || 9 | COMPARABLE VALUE TO $419.95 --such as quail and one or two others--is due to the ac- , : Ege pees fi i : ' tivity of the embryos them-,| | 4 a : A selyes. - phd yi , ELECTRIC , "The embryos make a | 3 y 4 ey 4 99 : clicking noise and these sig- a SE" 2 / , 4 nals mean the embryos can f - i '% T0 either bring forward or re- wo 2 2 a ---- an OF ee an tard the hatching time." ee , : Ve Vi Fully Automatic, Clock Controlled, - write, sald they can slow the | os ati ST ge W | Easy To Pull Out Storage Drawer. hatching time of an sa % SH Ve mes! | COMPARABLE VALUE TO *419.95 MAKE SOUNDS f ip @ \e "We have found th k I 4 | soends a -- RAVEL (fp f ql ELECTRIC é most continuously in the two ¥jom ' SA. 4 43 days before hatching," she ; feed artificial signals to the 4 U G VET' Z 2 ae fe a embryos. We do-this on a Ht | i li rE Complete Selection Of Time And Temper- peng nc ibis | a heii : . ature Sota . Whisper Quiet Operation. 2 re recorde This summer it's harder than é M . d $ other SODT ION zs ever to put off that trip to PA iiNs "a t 4 t j 4 4 Z COMPARA LE VALUE TO 31 .95 By tricking the eggs in this bis ae ; ~~ 4 i 7 fashion, the scientist said, she Europe. You have the choice and co - workers have been of a record number of 29 : 4 oi 4 eM FULLY AUTOMATIC able to bring forward the | transatlantic jet flights from W, 4a ; pe 4 ty ge Toronto every week. Jet ties bbe | £2 WAS 4 ERS 5; "We have experienced | direct to London by magni- ae ee a le? J ' pan trying to retard it,' ficent BOAC Rolls-Royce hs. ; bay fii; , Bi: oh ye hago she believes the | 207 oF Air Canada giant Ms, he Be Gee Gl : Large Size Tub. Many Cycles IND § embryos make their signals DC-8 jet. And it's cheaper, y A e Ake fi able Fabrics. by breathing and not by too! There are new low P ) > o y F COMPARABLE VALUE TO $449,95 knocking on the inside of transatlantic fares in effect their shells. | right now. (Example: A 21- a Ha / % - "The eggs must be in actual day Economy Excursion igs j > ' ye) the. nests," pied posed Toronto-Zurich will cost you "for the signals a get only $412 return --a saving } , ; $ -- < Ser 2. iat ee neha "ie Large Capacity, Door Storage Space, TO She described her three Travel Bug bite you, See & ; 3 Cals bi = 8 years' work as fundamental | Europe this summer' But Vegetable Crisper Porcelain Enamel ¥ coke i ming that ~ first... see your Travel wes a ts : One Door And Two Door. Gscover much more about | Agent i c COMPARABLE VALUE TO *429.95 the hatchability of eggs and what effect the signals may have on the birds in later Pgh |= fe) £% Fs my E™ 4 » sth te eh é heaforrar -- c - ' 7 ; T" . : AIR ONDITIONERS ee ee BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS eae " "alr a Pi et _-, GUARD THE CITIZEN q CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA - ' - saa hoes ¢ | ° ' Pre ae : ' The state of Rhode Island {s i freee Enjoy Complete Air-Conditioning Now, De $ planning to create an ombuds-| \ + @: e humidifies, Filters And Circulates Air For TO man's office to protect the pub-| i 2 / Pp o fo pe 50 eh M fc re te ic B ti ir lic against bureaucracy, | m @ Relaxing Comfort. For Rooms Of All Sizes, ve ! 'as 2 © 1 | COMPARABLE VALUE TO 369.95 lnevermake |__| Tevevisions sO.900) : will hever make THESE PICTURES ARE THE mean PROOF OF THIS GIGANTIC PURCHASE MADE 11" - 17" & 19" Size Screens Outstanding -- " @ BY BAD BOY AND PACKED IN 3 OF TORONTO'S BIGGEST WAREHOUSES, Sound Beautiful Cabinet. a whisky mellow. | COMPARABLE VALUE TO $219.95 | " Extra charcoal filtering will. That's why every drop of Gooderham's Brown Jug is filtered through layer after : Convenient Tuning Controls, 'Large 23" Pic TO layer of hard maple charcoal. It's a slow process, but we're ture Tube. Beautifully Finished Cabinet Table in no hurry. In fact when it's finished, we take the time to Models, Console Models, &"Lowboy Stylings"' label, me tn. Yam to make sre Brown esis perfectly COMPARABLE VALUE TO *349.95 polished. Remember that when someone tries to smooth- ' talk you into buying another brand of whisky. The char- 1 pe a ony : ie "igs sg wot _-- { DEHUM | DI Fl ERS ef Gooderham's Brown Jug. Why don't you pick one up and read it sometime? &" Stop Dampness! Stop.Costly Moisture Damage 9 KIN G ST. EAST Stop Warping Of Furniture And Woodwork Dehu- TO midtfiers Prevent cg Mildew and Dampness ON No. 2 HIGHWAY A Must For Every Hom ee D SSN COMPARABLE VALUE TO *159.95 a 200 YARDS EAST OF THE TOWNLINE warwnerionesas 728-4658 | F REEZERS ; : EVERY NITE (SATURDAY 6 P.M.) TRADES Precision Temperature Controls, Fast 9 5 ms no PAVIMNENTS WANTED ig a ic Plus Many Other Outstand- T0 Gooderham's have been -- fine whiskies since 1832 | | B rd J L J iu ULY ! i | _ ims COMPARABLE VALUE TO *349.95