ge CASSIUS JOGS WITH ROYALTY Henry Cooper May 121, jogs alongside Queen Eliza- beth's horses taking their morning outing. The horses are from the royal stables, Heavyweight ¢ham pion Cassius Clay, doing his roadwork in Knightsbridge, London, today for his title fight pith Brilish champ Scientists T 0 Cover Muskeg With Flannel By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP) -- Dominion|nical surveys department came Observato seismologists willjup with the idea to solve the be using hiankets to extract in-|key problem of accurate meas formation from the earth's|urement between the blast sites crust in the Northwest Terri-|and recording stations hundreds| ¢ tories this summer of miles away, I The bright red biankets will : eee be used . measure distances| PHOTOGRAPH BLANKETS between underwater blast-| It's a case of spreading bian- ing sites and electronic record-| kets on the ground at each rec- ing stations that measure shock|ording site and matching aerial praves travelling through the! photos of them with aerial map earth. ping photos of the region to pin The surveys and mapping|point the location, For the un Lega mye coer " derwater blasting sites, the aer SPORT BRIEFS buoy and enough shoreline of he lake for identification. é field) Ontario's fishing regulations) narty will be in the Yellowknife protect your best interests a8/region this August for seismic! * |lal photos will show the marker YOU HELP YOURSELF A 30-man observatory a sportsman -- and as a good! studies of the ground under the|! MO J ,branch of the mines and tech- no gyre 0 Tuesday SIt show raised the question of the RCMP's investigation of the un-| ion the film permission and over the objec tions of my legal counsel." pez ind on the express ing ls called royal mews, at Buck- ingham Palace, The convey- ance they are pulling is a "brake." (AP Wirephoto) CBC President NTREAL (CP) McLaughlin, president of the International Union Canada, Wednesday protesting "the unauthor elf' on the network's Eye television program night Titled The Return of The the half-hour public affairs ublic The wire of complaint said "was used without my The clip 'was made at Winni- under a different context understand that was taken for the how filmed under the style and itle of Seven Days. (This Hour it citizen, Regulation today means) experimental seismological ar-| 1148 Seven. Days) -\stalled in Johannesburg's 3%4- | Seafarer Slams -- Leonard wired CBC President J, Alphense Oui met ized use of & film and sound "lip of mys NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) The Ontario Council of Women iWednesday approved four ton General Hospital's cytology|amendments to the Human) department, said Wednesday! Rights Code to combat discrim-| early detection of uterine can-|--- -- oo cer results in almost 100-per-| cent chance of cure, ; | Bare-Kneed Jurors Dr. Scudamore, one of several | socio oeicoorins 2 Goee; Want Protection audience following a cancer film, said PAP smears should) weg7 GREENWICH, RL! be done in a doctor's office, not (4p)--women jurors in Rhode in a hospital or cancer clinic.|{siand say they'd like a wooden A PAP smear is a simple test! panel in front of the jury box to determine if cancer is pres-| rather than a rail ent in the cervix. | Their skirts are just getting | The audience was also told by| too short, | the doctors' panel that emery) = gunenior court Judge Flor- i; woman over 20, married or Sin-| ence K, Murray, the state's igle, should have a PAP smear|oniy woman judge,' said the} at least once a year, The tests! court passed out questionnaires) lshould continue until after the|tg9 769 jurors during the last! 'age of 60. |eight months. They also learned that a! "we asked them if there was jmother of elght children 15 anything they wanted to make more prone to cancer than @ \nown to us, if they had any| |woman who has had only one | suggestions," Judge Murray or two, especially if she had) aid. several children before she was' 'The 21, showed up with some recur- Rene: |rence was that the women jwanted a panel put in front of} j Hamilton Tigers ithe jury box because -their skirts have grown shorter." | @s Judge Murray reported the | | ; Sign Iowa Star finding to the state's judges at HAMILTON (CP) -- Dave the annual meeting of the ju- Hoppmann "All-America back-|"icial conference of Rhode Is- fielder. with lowa State Univers land, akg ity in 1962 who played two sea Judge Murray said the judges sons with Montreal Alouettes| W740 heard her report--about 30 and briefly with New York Gi-| men--"'just considered it was amusing." lants, has been picked up by| a HAMILTON (CP)--Dr. June} Scudamore, chief of the Hamil-| one suggestion that Early Tests | End To Discrimination Cancer Cure Urged By Women's Group "lernment last Sept. LE OO, OE Acre Quota Raised) By Tobacco Board | TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)-- ination against women in em-| The Flue-Cured Tobacco Grow-| ployment. ers Marketing Board Wednes- The amendments were con-\44Y Night rejected by votes of tained in a brief that had been|t, hed sadied ted presented to the grag os Delhi and Aylmer. | Business and Professional Wom- "a 5 400 gd -- en's Clubs of Ontario. sah e board did not make The 57 delegates at the coun- full use of facilities at the .Till- cil's annual meeting supported| oe eion pegs oe ex- the brief's call for enforcement! Whe kcara. ¥ she of the code's equal pay section je hoard raised this year's being handled by the wages sec- 4¢reage quota for Ontario grow- tion of the dehartment of labor €tS by 40 per cent or 61,600,000 other than the Ontario Human|Pounds over the 154,000,000- Rights Commission. pound 1965 crop, It said one Other amendments approved pice Hs se eg included: W i. --Qualified labor inspectors ----" to buy 55,000,000 should investigate infractions| ? Ww the thi ( in the code, i is increase in tobacco --Reporting such infractions handling expected, Victor Van- should be done by inspectors | Elslander suggested that all or persons other than the in- three exchanges could open one dividuals concerned, hour earlier, --Definite monetary penalties ~ should be assessed when an ' | How fo relieve employer has been found to| violate the equal pay legisla- Ase Dodd's Kidney BACK Pills for prompt | tion. The council voted to ask Pre- relief from the systemic econdi- mier John Robarts for immedi- tin" aomster' the ate action on the brief, backache. Soon you feel better -- In other business Wednesday, rest better, Dew the council passed. a motion to pend on Dodd's, ensure that qualified women EG A a A PLA ee OE Tallon atm lle ge tog treet B27 'One of the finest Canadian whiskies this country " has ever tasted' by GILBEY's are represented on the council of regents and boards of gov- ernors of proposed community colleges in Ontario Only one woman, Miss Mary MacAulay of Toronto, now is on the council of regents MOD |Hamilton Tiger - Cats of the | Eastern Football Conference, SAFEGUARD HIGH ROAD Giant jacks are being in-) mile elevated highway to hold it up if the foundations subside, WOOL Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1, | H IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL \) 723-8261 from Weston, Ontario 1:00 p.m. | Obtain sacks and twine | without charge from BOYD AYRE (SHEARER) HAMPTON FOR LEASE te 9 p.m. RALPH HEPBURN (SHEARER) R.R, No 2, OSHAWA WILLIAM SNOWDEN (SHEARER) R.R. No, 2, OSHAWA or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7, Ontario. Modern SERVICE On main intersection in travelled area, ood fishing tomorrow for you---\ray, a joint Canada-U.K or everyone. The Department) ject, of Lands and Forests asks you to help by knowing and obey- ing. Ontario's fishing regula- tions, WIN BRIDGE TITLE pro Results will be used to locate )the research and development | station which was set up both for earthquake studies and to investigate the possibility of AMSTERDAM (AP) Ivan| identifying underground nuclear * Erdos and Mary Jane Farell,| tests both of the United States, won The group will set up the world mixed pairs contract/ing stations at nine sites * bridge championship Monday| set off 19 one- and two-ton dyna night, They finished with 1,883) mite charges at the bottom of match points, followed by M. G.| lakes in an area 500 miles long Weissberger and Mrs. J, Dur-|and 350 miles wide, including ran of Britain with 1,887 points|Athabasca, Great Bear and record and in second place Great Slave lakes RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH '5.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TR 725-6553 @ MODERATE FINANC PLUS LOW @ IMMEDIATE POSSES MILEAGE CHARGE For Further Telephone UCK RENTALS or 72 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa @ LESSEE TRAINING IF NECESSARY SION Two Bay STATION City of Oshawa, Heavily ING NEEDED : If you are presently emp! the hustle and bustle of Information ; ment development in Ost 725-0807 3-1126 S wimming Pool H uge Suites This is the reverse side of your OMSIP APPLICATION FORM See the other side of this page for details on OMSIP Send your completed application form to: OMSIP, P.O. BOX 1700, TERMINAL A, TORONTO E legant Lobby ; n very 2 and S uperior locatio ' ndependant te N o parking fees WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE NEWEST IN ERN NOW RENTIN Bedroom © 2-Bedroom* © 3-Bedroom* APARTMENTS SHELDIAN MANSIONS | Stren SAVE ON TRANSPORTATION COSTS --- LUNCH AT HOME will enjoy the advantages of being able to stroll home for lunch . . save on transportation costs. But, that's not all. . ; SHELDIAN MANSIONS offers you all the quiet and relaxed atmosphere of country living, away from THE EXCELLENT ADVANTAGES offered you in SHELDIAN MANSIONS, L ocated 5. minute Walk from South G.M. D cuble high speed elevators A rtistically landscaped iv o stringent lease requirements Mai delivered right to your door A quiet residential street N o need to spend money, gas or time getting to work @] shawa's most reasonable rental fees S uperintendants always on duty. LIVING 7) ; 723-6255 from 9 a.m, te 12:30 p.m. *With 2 Bathrooms in the Ultra-Modern MAY OCCUPANCY * a oyed in any of the South General Motors plants you . and honking traffic, It's the most ultra-modern apart- vawa. You owe it to yourself to investigate ALL OF VISIT THE... MODEL SUITE Furnished by Wilson's Furniture Co., Oshawa 3 bedroom suite--an extra bathroom nant locker room each floor forthe family car BLOOR ST. WEST G.M. PARTS G.M. CHASSIS G.M. TRUCK CORDOVA MALAGA | : cd (° 1 p.m, to 9 p.m, The Next 25 Families Signing Leases .. . receive something special | [ 723-8261 or 723-6255 9 a.m, to 12:30 p.m.