-OMSIP enrollment period extended to May 16th Ontario Health Minister Dr. M. B. Dymond has announced that residents of the Province may still receive full Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan coverage andbenefits by July 1st providing they enroll in the Plan before May 16th. 'The Plan is a success," declared the Minister. "The number of applications received already cover more than 1,100,000 of our citizens." Dr. Dymond added, however, that 2 large number of residents had indicated IP but for a variety of reasons had been unable to send in me, The OMSIP open enrollment period has therefore been extended by two(weeks in order that these persons may qualify for coverage from _the day the Plan goes into effect on J uly 1st. they would join O} their application j "'The May 16th deadline is final," added the minister. "This enrollment deadline cannot be extended any further because it takes time to process such a flood of applications even with the most modern equipment available." The extension of the open enrollment period means that those residents who have already enrolled, and those who enroll before May 16th, will be protected by OMSIP, beginning July 1st. Ontario residents who enroll after May 16th will have to undergo a minimum three month waiting period before they are entitled to OMSIP coverage and benefits, said Dr. Dymond. THE OSHAWA TIMES, OMSIP head office Is located of 135 St. Clair West, Toronto. Applications @re already being*processed by See ee ren Hg Notification of acceptance to be sent out shortly People who have already en- rolled in OMSIP need not apply a second time. Dr. Dymond stated that their applications are now being processed, and their noti sites will arrive in the mail very soon, The second enrollment period (deadline May 16th) is for rane who missed the first dead OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE REGARDLESS OF AGE, INCOME, OR HEALTH OMSIP has been established to provide adequate insur- ance coverage for the pay- ment of doctors' bills, and to make this coverage available to all Ontario residents re- gardless of their age, income, or state of health, Enrollment in OMSIP is voluntary, The Plan is intended for individuals and their families and does not provide group coverage. (Group coverage is where a number of indivi- duals eolisetively urchase hrough their place of pte ary union, etc.) Everyone who has lived in Ontario for the past 3 months is eligible to join, except those who are entitled to physicians' services under another Act. Members are free to choose their own doctor. Ifa member travels outside the province, and requires care, OMSIP will still pay the doctors' bills up to OMSIP established rates, People who find they can- not continue to for all or part of their dMs IP con- tract because of unemploy- ment, illness or disability, may apply for temporary as- sistance in paying their fees, OMSIP BENEFITS OMSIP provides practically all physicians' services as benefits Including: e Doctor visits in the home, office or hospital. @ Diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries, @ Diagnosis, pre-operation care and treatment, surgery and post-operation care, @ Obstetrical care, including pre-natal and post- natal care effective from the date of enrollment. @ Anaesinesia and X-rays for diagnssiic, surgical and other procedures. @ Treatment of fractures and dislocations. @ Certified specialist services at established rates when you are referred to the specialist by your doctor. e Certain dental surgical services performed In @ hospital. oe Payment system is flexible Doctors" bills are paid for you by OMSIP in either of two ways. Your doctor may submit his bill directly to OMSIP. This is the most convenient method for everyone and it is hoped most doctors will use it. Or your doctor may prefer to bill you directly. In this case, two courses of action are open to you. You may pay the bill and submit the receipted account to OMSIP, or you may sub- mit the account to OMSIP prior to paying the doctor, In either situation when 'the doctor bills you directly, you will be paid the amount of the established OMSIP rates. These rates are based on 90% of the current sched- ule of fees listed and pre- pared by the Ontario Medi- cal Association, sage snap Legislation approving the Ontario Medical Insurance Plan- OMSIP for short--was passed in the Ontario Legislature on Feb. 18th of this year, Coverage commenced April 1st for social assistance recipients, Coverage will begin July Ist for those who have already enrolled, or who enroll now before May 16th, OLD AGE PENSIONERS Many old age perp have automatically been enrolled in OMSIP but most must fill in and submit an application. Those who will get automatic coverage are pen- sioners who are "Age Asstance A benefit under the Ontario Old Age istance Act, or those pensioners who have been declared eligible for coverage by the Ontario Department of Welfare. These pensioners have already received their OMSIP registration cards, All other pensioners must complete and submit an application to receive OMSIP coverage. If you have not received an OMSIP registration card, or have not already sent in an application form, you must apply before May 16th for coverage when the Plan staris on July 1st. Since the aim of OMSIP leg- islation is to provide ade- uate medical insurance for ntario residents, full or par- tial premium assistance ig available for those who re- quire it, Automatic fully-paid coverage Many residents and their dependants have automatic- ally received fully paid coverage under OMSIP. These are people who are already receiving benefits under the following Acts; ® The Blind Persons' Allowances Act © The Disabled Persons' Allowances Act ® The General Welfare Aésistance Act © The Mothers' Allowances Act © Thé Old Age Assistance Act © The Rehabilitation Services Act Automatic fully-paid cover- age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared el- hey for coverage by the ntario Department of Public Welfare, Many qualify for full or partial assistance Fully-paid coverage on application People resident in Ontario for the past 12 months and who had no taxable income in 1965 get full assistance, This means if these le make out their a teatlon form now, before 16th, they will get OMSIP prot tection, fully paid for by the the government, starting this uly 1st. In addition, many who have been resident in Ontario for the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance, depending on their taxable income and number of dee pendants, (See below), Yes, if you are a single person and your -- income in 1965 was $500 or less. Complete cost Government pays. . You pay ($7.50 every 3 months). $60.00 30,00 Yes, if you have one depen- dant, and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was $1,000 or less, Complete cost... .$120.00 Government pays. 60.00 You pay ($15.00 every 8 months) What Is taxable income? DO YOU QUALIFY FOR PARTIAL ASSISTANCE? i fm Yes, if you have a f: 8 or more, and if your f: . total taxable teem in 1 was $1,800 or less. Complete cost. . - SUE 8 ig ga pays, 90.00 You p ($165. ioe every 3 months) Taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay tax after exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been. deducted, ~ APPLICATION FORM ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW BEFORE COMPLETING APPLICATION FOR 1, Do you have a Social Insurance Number? [ if yes, Insert > Social Insurance Number No 0 For office use only 2. Your Name Please print Last or Family Name 3. Given Names (First) (Second) Other this application. 4, Your Address Please print RR # or P.O, Box or Street & Number City or Town or Village or Post Office County or District Day | Month | Year 5. Birth Date 6, ae = | Male Female Sex 7, Marital Status 8, 0 4 Nature of Busi or Industry 0 i] Single Married Other (specify) 9, LIST DEPENDANTS Spouse and/or children (children must be under 21 and ted), Other 4nd fully empl d children must apply for separate coverage. PREMIUM ASSISTANCE 11, | have lived In Ontario for the past 12 months, !am not covered for total medical care by government. 1 agree to allow the Medical Services Irisurance Division to verify all statements made by me on (SIGN A OR B ONLY) A. NO TAXABLE INCOME | hereby apply for full premium assistance land my eligible dependants had no taxable Ine come for the 12 months ended December Sit last, I state that the Information given by me Is correct, NOTE: OMSIP will not pay for the cost of hospitaliza- tion. OMSIP is an additional service, not a substitute for Ontario Hospital Insurance. You will still require coverage by Hospital Insurance. Given Names Only Day Birth Date Month Sex M or F Given Names Only Year Day Birth Date Month Signature of Applicant Spouse 3rd child Date 19 ist child (oldest eligible) 4th child . TAXABLE INCOME OF $1,300.00 OR LESS l hereby apply for partial premium assistance HERE'S YOUR APPLICATION FORM fans PEN ONLY. CUT OUT FORM CAREFULLY. MAIL TODAY! required, additional application forms are available from any bank, or from OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto 7, 2nd child Sth child My taxable Income and the taxable Income of my eligible dependants was In total $s. for Information given by me is correct. Date. 10, Inapplying titverace under The Ontario Medical Services Insurance Act, 1965, | confirm that | have lived in Ontario for the past 90 days, 1 am not covered for total medical care by government and that the List additional dependant children in space provided be the 12 months ended December 31st last, For office use only 10 cae OMSIP IS VOLUNTARY -- APPLICATION IS NECESSARY OMSIP is a voluntary plan and you can cancel your membership at any time. The government, however, can only cancel memberships in the case of misrepresenta- tion, misuse of services, non- payment of premiums, or 3 months after a member has ceased to be a resident of Ontario. If you fill out this appli- } cation and mail it now, you will be eligible for OMSIP | coverage beginning July 1st. | Otherwise you will have to | wait a minimum of 3 months for your coverage to begin. Since these applications have to be recorded with a | micro-photo machine, please | print carefully and plainly | with a ball point pen only, Signature of Applicant INSTRUCTIONS 1, If you have a Social Insurance Number write ItIn the squares provided starting with the first number In the first square. If you do not have a number, place ' av mark in the square marked NO, . Print your last or Family Name in the box. (Example: Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.), . Print your first and second Given Names In the boxes, (Example: John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a nickname or are commonly known by another name for mailing purposes, please Indicate in the box marked OTHER, . Print your address In the first box; your City, Town, Village or Post Office in the next box; and your County or District in the last box, . Write the number of the day on which you were born In the box marked DAY, Print the name of the month (or its abbreviation) In the box marked MONTH, Write the number of the year In the box marked YEAR (Example: 9 Feb, 1927). . Man should place a </ mark inthe box marked MALE, Women should place a </ mark In the box marked FEMALE. . If you are single place a +/ mark In the box marked SINGLE. If you are married place a \/ mark in the box marked MARRIED, If your status is other than single or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow- ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER, . Write your occupation and the kind of business or Industry In which you work. (Example: Carpenter | state that the Information given by me Is correct. Blonature of Applicant Date 19 9, Print the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) In the first box, Then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children, starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list In the section on this side of the form, If you have more than 10 eligible dependant children, list them separately and return with your application form, Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day of birth, print the month and write the number of the year of birth. (Example: 18 Sept, 1954), Under SEX, write M If the child Is male, F if the child is female, . Sign your name on the line marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and write In the date and year, . IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE Read this section very carefully and complete either the section marked 'A' or the one marked 'B' (not both). . Remember, if you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed under in the folder entitled "omsip... WHAT IT MEANS AND WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU", you should not complete an application form, You. will be provided PARTIALLY ASSISTED PREMIUMS Cost for those eligible for Complete Government You premium assistance Pays Pay (a) The single person ..sscecseevesevsees $30.00 00 (covering only the member) . ba") with a taxable Income in 1965 8 morta) of $500 or less (b) The family Of tWO ....scedenvecees o0608120.00 (covering the head of the family and-one eligible dependant) with a total taxable income in 1968 of $1,000 or less (ec) The family of three oF MOP... 0400000 +8180.00 (covering the head of the family and all eligible dependants) with a total taxable income in 1963 of $1,300 or less FULL PREMIUMS $80.00 automatically with fully pald coverage. Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance cost ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS | pa: Birth Date Month (a) The single person ...csecees seeneeeeeeenecnnenes $60. (covering only the member) (b) The family of tWO,..csssscseveeees oeeneenee +00e+$120,00 a year (covering the head of the family and one eligible dependant) (c) The family of three oF MOre,...cesccccecsccesees (covering the head of the family and all eligible dependants) 00 a year ($15.00 every $ months) ($30.00 every 3 montha) +$180.00 a year ($37.50 every 3 montha) Bullding Trade; Farmer--Agriculture; Sal -- Bakery). FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET e SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TOs - OMSIP, P.O. Box 1700, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario.