| Miss Arelene Ware \s cele- brating her 15th birthday on 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 12, 1966 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ware, WHITBY PERSONALS "tdi Weekend guests at the home; A surprise family gathering of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moyle,' was held on Mother's Day at the| Palmerston Home and School 304 Mason st. ig wf = home of Mrs. Verna Sandford! Association is sponsoring a "Fun a Oe vas tee 15th\in honor of her mother, Mrs. | Fair' in the school auditorium wiéding anniversary of Mr. and|George Huntley. Present were:|May 14 ai 2 p.m, In charge of Mrs. Moyle. Mec and Mes. Wusere Huntioy the bake table will be Mrs, Ray ree ngnaeen oe _. |Stubbings and Mrs. Hank Nobbs, Guests over the bog Atland daughter, Jane, Prince Al-\ white elephant table, Mrs. Wil- the home of Mr. and Mrs. HayeSinert- Mr. and Mrs. Richardiliam Speck and various other Myers, 213 Pine st. were rt Huntley, Uxbridge; Mr. and|tables. There will be a refresh- Cathe 7M t | " and Mrs. Vernon Mire' Myers, (Mrs. Earl Huntley and --sonjments~ booth. ae, RE EI ee jGary, 'Ashburn; Mr. and Mrs. | Norman . Hancock will draw Mr. and Mrs. Peter Htman:| Fred cng Fy rege geo 'ha Gey winniea' Uckets. Spe- skie, 425 Brock st. are cele-jan, Terry, Marlene, Susan and) 11 attractions for the children brating their 15th wedding an-|Alfred, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.1 vin) be a fish pond, baseball niversary today. On Wednesday|Douglas Wiles and daughter) us cake, bean tec it ve their son's (Peter) 14th|Mrs. Bev Gough, Mr. Gough | ® , Ait weleous birthday. Best wishes are offer- and son Jeffrey, Brampton, Mr.| hese ci ! throw etc. ed to them all. land Mrs. Richard Sandford, Mr.) ti land Mrs. Harold Huntley and RELEASE COVINGTON children Gail and Scott, Mr. and) CHICAGO (AP) -- Outfielder the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter|Mrs, W. S. Hilliard and chil-| Wes Covington, 34, acquired as Methera!, 944 Dundas st. e. OM\dren, Dawn and George, Mr.|an unhappy member of Phila- Sunday following the christening) and Mrs, B. A. Handscomb and delphia Phillies four months of their. two granddaughters) children, Brenda and Douglas, ago, was released outright by Sharon Lynn, daughter of Mr.|whitby. 'Chicago 'Cubs Wednesday. and Mrs. Gary Ross, Whitby | ----- and Christine Marie, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs A family dinner was-held at Eugene Sandi-| son, Oshawa, They were chris- tened at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Present for dinner were | and Mrs. Merrill Ross and) daughter Nancy, Mrs. J Hol- | man, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs Eugene Sandison, Oshawa, Mr. | and Mrs. Gary Ross and their son Kenneth, Whitbs Mr COMPLETE LINE OF HIGH QUALITY NURSERY STOCK Everything for your gardening nee Oper 9 am. to 9 p.m, Seven days @ week. JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE Between Whitby end Alex on Highway Ne PHONE 668-3396 jit 2 PROTECT Your Furs and Sloth Garments } i Insured « Refrigerated | sas Ht AT one-hit has | | DIRECT from 668-2345 WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, 150 Gofborns St. E WHITBY Vimmam=a\\ FAST-DRY, EASY TO USE, WASH-UP IN WATER Friday, she 's the daughter of| -imade to the parliament build- ay no" FACTORY PRICES {1966 should send his applica-|Crone, Mount Albert, No. 3; ition, together with a $3 mem-| Richard Colwell, Claremont, No. bership, to the Department of|1; Stan Lunney, Zephyr; Bob Agriculture Office, Uxbridge, by, Timbers, Mount Albert, No. 3.]- June 1, wor eT The officers and committee) oq yoNoR MME. VANIER R s 1 UXBRIDGE -- A ber of; + Chair- pon . i Pp : Ontario County Pole Growers os ag Ana aioe sae Mk ge = meg -- Larry|ings, the Supreme Court build-|met in'the Department of Agri-| vice-chairman, Richard Colwell, | yanj ife of the governor- Westlake. RR 3, Oshawa. « stu-|{DR. culture Office, Uxbridge, to re-lClaremont, RR 1; secretary.| Vanier. ae Cinna ze fel Esthet : a : The National Capital Commis-, organize the 500 Bushel Potato|treasyrer, H. L. Fair, Uxbridge re ' fr? dent at Anderson Street High. . ic ta f or oe ' '\nual spring convocation cere- : mug sion was host Wednesday at a/Club for 1966. This club was Or' Con inittee members, Ches|monies May 30, Mme. Vanier |School, Whitby, is in Ottawa | juncheon and scenic tour of the ganized in 1945, and has carried. 4.07, Conley, Wallee Bav-lee cleats ahs uaeimad hel | this week taking part in the 16th) capital as well as dinner and|out a successful competition' | --. Uxbrid 0 BE i: Walter chanceties of the Vaiversity a) lannual "Adventure in Citizen-| dancing at the Chateau Laurier|each year. Eighteen potato| 12 Port Wi G4: Bill Ottaes At +. pt he en vers ship', a project of the 'Rotary | Hotel, growers completed this highly nevis Zephyr; Albert Hockley, | sons to receive honorary de- Made-to-Measure Clothes Tailored HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN TIP TOP TAILORS Freemans Formal Rentals -- 2 USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 | Whitby Student In Ottawa | Potato Club WHITBY (Staff) Club of Ottawa. Two hundred) 'The minister of public works,|¥ield club in 1965, pe |Claremont, No, 1; Murraylgrees of doctor of laws compe-| ae eaniae teh a BARON 2 stent ie pating. The students will also be ad-|Perry, with an estimated yield | The Rotary Club of Whitby (dressed by Prime Minister Les- of 814 bushels per acre. The made the arrangements for his|ter B. Pearson and the Rt. Hon, average estimated yield for all |trip to Ottawa. He is an honor) John G. Diefenbaker, leader of eighteen growers in the 1965 student who excells in track and|the opposition competition was 525 bushels field events. | Discussion groups were held| Contestants may use any re- The students will visit the Na-|each day to review the national commended potato variety they tional Art Gallery of Canada| and international issues that wish, and they may use any | and the Public Archives of Can-| are current. means at their disposal to se- ada. The Royal Canadian| -- _---------- --lcure the highest possible yield Mounted Police will give a spe-- ATOMS REPLACE COAL /from the one acre they have cial performance of their musi-,. Nearly 14 per cent of Brit- entered in the competition, -- cal ride. Visits will also bejain's electricity is generated by; Anyone interested in joining | Inine nuclear power stations, 'this high yield potato club for and forty-six students from Can- the Hon, George J, -MclHraith,|..The winner of the 1965 ada's 10 provinces are partici-| was the speaker at the dinner. tition was Walter Kerry, Port 123 GRANDVIEW AVE, Five toom stucco with garage on 75' x 200' lot. Hot water ting Neat decoration, cozy open fireplace, Outdoor life galore here with whlk out base- ment, barbecue area and beautiful lake and city view overlodking growing Oshawa, Only $18,000.00 Pied QUALITY pli-tone Twincoat fone-qlo Cafe, PAINTS 145 LABRADOR DR. Three bedroom brick bungalow on popular paved street with car port. You will be pleased with the immaculate condition of this Hollywood style kitchen with natural trim, built in stove and oven, attractive vanity and ceramic tile bath and other extras. Asking $19,500.00. GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE Dial 668-8826 Whitby Watch For The Signs That Sell And. Call The Hot Line the LATEX PAINT for Interiors! ROUSSEAU THE ULTIMATE in shoe comfort Try on the new Hortt flexibles Lighter, softe Tone Craft SPECIAL LATEX WHERE ECONOMY COUNTS Tone-Craft Special Latex and ceilings. Ex Sidi dnmiiiek oecih Water pased and Use for walls cellent for basement * cial | site baiit-he we fast tiry Suggested Retail $4.95 gallon SAVE $1.96 | HERFTAGE | SS HOUSE | Twincoat Dli-tone Tone Craft eas tre watex LOW PRICED FAVOURITE--easy to use Latex paint dries to a velvety matt finish. Quick-dry--Wwash-up in | | water. | TEX FLAT FINISH Suggested Retail $5.75 gallon SAVE $1.76 COLLINS SHOES Beauly with One Coat effort! 7one- Croft, plitone Twincoat [Wincoat: * LARTic rier ins Rousseau's Anniversary Sale This Week ... SALE $999 GAL. Phone: 668-3476 119 Brock St. $., Whitby Versa-fone Larex FIRST QUALITY. LATEX wall finish with both professional and Washable Quick room favourite BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT do-it-yourself painters Easy wash-up in water up Suggested Retail $6.50 gallon SAVE $1.51 clean PLASTIC LATEX OUR SUPER LATEX--smooth effortless Lap-free Pli-tone Twincoat dries in minutes, is washable, really washable as soon as dry. No unpleasant paint odour. Easy wash-up. Because it's plastic it keeps its soft glare-free beauty longer. When you paint with Pli-tone Twincoat you will see the Twincoat beauty but know there is only one coat and one coat effort. 1000 colors to choose from, slightly higher in price. For the family with a recreation, family room or summer home in mind! A complete correlated room grouping in the Country Manor Style. Solid oak was used for strength and beauty in the construction of this furniture, along with sturdy Font Coft Kryltone LATEX ACRYLIC LATEX gives extra ease of application -- extra coverage -- added to all features of regular latex. Easy care washability. Suggested Retail $7.80 gallon SAVE $1.81 Force Craft 'Krylon Aa Te menmoe 0A feeete SUGG. RETAIL $9.75 GALLON SAVE $2.76 QUART $3.15 SAVE 79¢ carefree covers on the upholstered pieces in nubby $399.00 Includes -- 3 seater settee, chair. coffee table and 2 end tables, LOU DICKSON W. oJ. Norris Real pleased to the ap- pointment of Mr. L. T, Diek- eon, Sr., 08 0 salesman Ajax office Mr publisher of the Ajex Estete is announce in his Dickson is the former Adver- resid. tiser ord a twenty veor ert of the creo KING PARK PLAZA 253 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-4922 OSHAWA, ONT. Drop In and See Us at... s Open Thurs. and Fri till 9 p.m. 216 Mary St. E. WHITBY 668-3483