WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY "Vatermain Complete By End Of May WHITBY (Staff) -- Members of the Whitby Public Utility Commission were told this week that the relocation of water- mains on Dundas st. e, is ex- pected to be completed by the end of this month. The work is being done in conjunction with the widening of the street to four lanes, The installation of a 12-inch main from Blair st, to Hopkins st. has been completed, The main has been under pressure for about a week but has not been in use. It replaces a six- inch main. This main will be sterilized and flushed by the end of the week of May 16 and should be serving some of the customers in this area hy the week begin ning May 22 The relocation of the over- head electrical wires on Dun- das st. ¢. has also been com- Blair Park Vista Teens Meet lege Alumnae saw the culmina- Blair Park Vista Teen Club held its regular general meet ing at R. A.. Hutchison school In the absence of President Archie Hieman, Horst Zienen chaired the meeting. The resig nation of Sheryl Femia was ac cepted and Ginny Nickols was elected, Members discussed the forth coming dance of May 28 to be Band Auxiliary Told Of Campaign the opening of school inthe SS Whitby Brass Band Ladies' Auxiliary held its monthly meeting in the band social room, President Mrs Rex Hopkins was in the chair and in charge of a short busi- ness session regular Members made further ar- rangements for the Oct, 22 tea and homebake sale to be held MANY HEAR WOODSMEN About 175,000 people heard conservation lectures by offi- cials of the Ontario department of lands and forests in 1965 -- 6% GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 3, 4 or § Year Term WHITBY 'Alumnae Service At Ladie's College WHITBY -- "There is no such|Mrs, Harry Taylor, Oshawa; person as a self-made man.|Mrs, Hutcheson, Mrs. Skene, pleted by the commission. Plans; ach individual is dependent! Mrs, Gibson and Mrs.,McLeod are being studied to take alon another person', Rev. John) 'The evening concluded with a three-phase line from Ash st.,|E. Hunter, of Willowdale, told reception in the college common north of Dundas st., to Athol st.|the students and alumnae ai the) room, Mrs. R. Leo Gray, of Osh- and easterly to a point east of| annual Alumnae Service heid in| awa and Mrs, R. J. Richardson, Ash st. The objective is to|Grace Chapel at the Ontario La-|) whithy Township, presided at eventually remove the over- dies College the tea- table, head conductors from the Mr, Hunter, whose father, the) The highlight of the annual centre of the town. late Dr. Hunter, was a member| aiumnae Luncheon held May 5 Members of the commission of the college boar! of direc->¢ thy college, following the pre- Relocation attended the annual convention|tors for many years reminded) seniation of cheques from the of the Canadian section of the|the capacity congregation that)ygronto and Whitby Chapters of | i American. Waterworks Associa-\ words are most important asithe Alumnae, was the welcome 'tion in Toronto recently they keep the lines of communi-|extended to Mrs, Kerfoot, of The commission has given its, Cation open "Communication 15) Smiths Falls, by Dr. Stanley approval to the amalgamation | {he life line of the world today," Oghorne principal of the col- of the Flectric Heating Associa he said jege tion and the Electric Service. Taking part in the service Mrs. Kerfoot is one of three League were former students and alum-; generations of the same family The commission recently re- 24€ members, They included who have attended the college, jonas mone Cagle Chapter Achieves Goal In Its Fund - Raising Efforts payment by the commission of WHITBY,-- The Castle Chap-, The Castle Chapter will hold $6,383.79. This amount repre-| sents the underpayment for ter of the Ontario Ladies' Col-\jtg election of officers this power purchased by the com- 'mission in 1965. month.. The president, Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin, has an nounced she will not seek re- election held at the home of Mr. and tion. of its fund raising efforts Mrs. Raymond Hawkins 345/8t the May 5 alumnae luncheon Rosedale dr. This will be "A when a cheque was presented | Doseru' Witch wi be here gh The annual Trafalgar Service , "will be held at 7.30 p.m., May purchase materia) for drapes 29 in Grace Chapel at the for the dining room and ~ r Pe : college auditorium The cheque was. presented by Mrs. R. J. Rich- ardson, vice-president of the chapter Material for the drapes for 17 windows has heen chosen, Dr Osborne expressed the hope the new drapes will be in place for Come as You Are Dance" At the moment the Teens are sponsoring a bicycle draw jucky winner ticket will be drawn at°the dance. Proceeds for summer activities of Teen Club. The next meeting will be held June 13, Homelite ALL NEW at the IOOF hall, Broct st, s The president introduced guest speaker, Mr, Signoretti President of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Retarded Children's Association who mentioned that the campaign to raise funds is now in progress and will be for the next two weeks This cam- paign is right across Canada |He also showed a film = on Workshop" for retarded young adults Nancy Williams, Marcia Bar ber, Sylvia Bacon, Sylvia Die bel, Cathy Langson and Janet YS Lister, a group of the talented students, presented vocal selec tions as well as Irish Folk dances at a recent alumnae meeting, They were accompan ied by their teacher, Mrs, Ted Broughton, of Whitby A pot luck supper and auc tion was held by the chapter . ' at the home of Mrs. Robert Mrs, Charles McKay on behalf) itroy York Mills, with Betty of all present thanked the speaker, Tea hostesses. were Mrs, Morley Smith and Mr Wanda Tizzard RIDE THROUGH SPACE The next meeting will be' The Gyrotron,' a "ride to jheld June 13 when arrange-|Mars" by British designer Sean| jments will be made for a Kenny, will be the chief feature forthcoming barbecue of Expo 67's amusement area TOWN OF WHITBY . NOTICE RETARDED CHILDREN'S WEEKS May 9th to 22nd By virtue of @ resolution of the Council of the Town of Whitby pessed on the 21st dey of March, 1966, | hereby declare the weeks of Moy 9th te 22nd RETARDED CHILDREN'S WEEKS in the Town of Whitby, Chain Saw XL-70 New design -- tight weight -- faster cutting -- double fuel and oll capacity. Only 14% tbs. less bar and chain and cuts through 15° hardwood in 12 seconds! And the cost is low! See it, try it, buy itt Batty, Brooklin, acting as auc- tioneer WILDE RENTAL Service & Sales 1415 DUNDAS ST, &. Hwy. Ne, 2 WHITBY, ONT, Telephone 668-3226 D. G. NEWMAN, Mayer. Have You Made Any Improvemets On Your Kitchen Yet? Why Wait?... Do-It-Now! Now is the time to have your kitchen remodelled. Have the R.H, Cabinet Co. come to your home and give you a free estimate on Custom built Kitchens and Bathroom Vanities. Over 13 different d Custom - Built Kitchens to choose from -- such as French Provincial, Italian Provincial, (knotty pine), Modern, etc. In different pqtterns, colors, marble and woodgrain tops, with a choice of Arborite or Formica Post Form-- (rolled counter tops) There is also 5 different designs in Bathroom Vanities. PRICES TO SUIT YOUR DEALERS OF MOFFAT BUILT-IN OVEN AND SURFACE UN Ale suppliers for general throughout the ore | j Her mother was one of the first | tral and original part of the eol- | FRONTIER DAYS NURSE 'students and was.a member of |lege which was once the resi- |dence of Sheriff Reynolds, the the first graduating class, Mrs. Kerfoot recalled 'that first sheriff of Ontario County. when her mother was a stu- Mrs. Kerfoot was a student dent, the building was what is) after the building was enlarged now known as the upper and|by the addition of the Ryerson \lower main. This was the cen-| Wing. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 12, 1966 § @ BROCK Evening Programs Start 7 and 9 waster Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Big Jim Cole had tome to the rim of Hell and nobody but. nobody was going to push him over! Co-Storring, Martha Hyer & Keenan Wynn ANOTHER WHITBY INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION Congratulations to the Andrew Antenna Company Ltd. on their major plant ex- pansion of 32,000 sq, ft. to their pre- ent facilities plus some additional office space increased plant personne] required not available, Whitby Industrial Commission Return To CHEV. OLDS . Come Down to the Dundas Frontier Trail (Highway Construction ! !) and See Our Round Up of OK Used Cars "CACTUS" CLARKE ATTENTION ! PEE WEE Baseball Players If you are interested in playing Hardball in the ROYAL CAN- ADIAN LEGION MINOR BALL ASSOC, LEAGUE Please Report to the LEGION HALL Byron Street South on Saturday, May 14 Between 10 ond 11:30 A.M, for Registration. All persons interested in coaching or managing are wel come MR, ALEC BROWN --~ Chairmon of Minor Sports -- 668-3401 HONEST JACK MORGAN Come in for the Big Fish Fry on Fridays Open 9 A.M. to 117 P.M. SOUTHSIDE SEA FOODS We Deliver -- 668-2721 409 Brock St. South -- Whitby QUICK DRAW" ROSNICK esigns in BUDGET, WARRANTY plus 18 advantages that make it the most convenient power mower money can buy. Come in and see all 18 features. Few other makes have half of them, No other mower made has them afl. Your Whitby Area Exclusive Dealer WILSON'S Cycle & Sales 106 Colborne St, E., Whitby 668-3746 "We Service What We Sell" ITS, contractors x mess BROCK ST, SEE ...OQOur NEW!! VINYL COVERED KITCHENS CHARLES ST. w le ee HENRY ST X RW, CABINET In 4 Different Colors 1614 Charles St, OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY AND SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M, CABINET CO. Whitby 668-6911 OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M, RED WING ORCHARDS CRISP AND JUICY APPLES COLD STORAGE OPEN MON, TO FRI, 8 A.M. TO S P.M, ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN WEEKENDS Located 22 Miles West of Whitby on No, 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" *RED LEAD ANDERSON ®& > 300 DUNDAS ST. EAS 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop V-8 automatic, power brekes, power steering, radio, white walls end discs. Honduras meroon with matching in- terior, Ask one of our salesmen about this one, Lic, H91995 $1195.00 1964 PONTIAC Porisienne 4 Dr Sedon This sedan hes full power. Must be seen to be eppreciated, Lic. 708858 $1895.00 1965 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF 2 DOOR Artesion Turquol with hi interior, Lie, 314069 $2195.00 1965 CHEVROLET Super Sport Convertible V-8 automatic, power brekes, power steering, radio, white walls, This car \ 1 iten, Glantal is in black with bleck interior. Lic, 103-519 $3095.00 1963 CHEVROLET Impala -- 2 Door Hardtop V-8 automatic, radio. Provincial white with red interior. This Is'@ sharp car, priced to sell. Lic. H78834 $1895.00 1961 CHEVROLET Bel-Air 4 Dr, Sedan 6 eyl, automatic. Finished in dark blue with trim to match, Here te value. Lie. H93137 $995.00 1963 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, This luxury car is fine ished in Provincial white with red in- terior, Lie. J7069 $1595.00 1964 CORVAIR Spyder Coupe Hos 4 speed transmission, radio, white walls, dises. Finished in Hon- duras maroon with Black interior, Lie. H99571 $1495.00 1963 RAMBLER Classic 4 Door Sedan Dark, blue with white top and moteh- ing interior, Here is economy and value, Lie, J32232 $1195.00 ' CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. T * WHITBY * PHONE 668-3304 \