vIEW OF More Space For Parking The Centennial Project, the) addition to the Oshawa Civic} Auditorium, of a swimming pool | and facilities to. replace those | of the Recreation Department | which burned down, will be placed at the south of the pres- | ent building on Thornton's road south, Plans already call for an additional 250 parking spaces, but the Centennial projecct will also include monies to cover an exit at the south-east corner of the present parking lot to Gibb st., extended through the prop- erty owned by the City of Osh- awa This will give: the complete area, more parking and an addi- tional exit and will mean that cars in the parking lot wilt-be able to move more freely out of the parking lot, during impor- tant contests. Harry Gay, building commit- tee chairman, emphasizes that work is continually going on te overcome the problems of park- ing at the auditorium, and also | their | citizens and in the future of the i city by contributing to the Audi- | POOL AS PL ANNED FOR (CEN Fantastic Growth | Recorded By City Oshawa has had a fantastic , growth since the late 49's. In| 1949 the population of Oshawa | was 28,000. In 1966 Oshawa is heading towards the city. Naturally, to population so rapidly short space of time, requires people, and the people of Os- awa now comprise citizens who have come -here from ail prov- inces in Canada and from many countries in Europe. In 1963 these people showed | interest in their fellow-| increase in such a} torium, With 1967 one year) away, they are being asked to combine together te provide for emphasizes that the committee | is doing everything in its power to alleviate. the situation, and) it is hoped that there will be an | additional exit at the north- west end of the parking lot, soon. 75,000 | | mark, and Oshawa is a young the | the city, a Centennial project | ithat will be useful for all the| citizens and will be something | 'of which the citizens will be} proud, The Canadian Government, | ithe Ontario Government and | the City of Oshawa are com- | bining to provide $180,000.00 to- | wards the building of the Cen- | | tennial Project, representing on | | population figures for 1961, a| | contribution of $1.00 per citizen. | This amount is being supple- | mented by a $200,000.00 budget | | grant from the City of Oshawa to help replace the Recreation | Department facilities, destroyed | by fire, on Gibb street. With additional funds coming | \from the insurance, recoverable | after the loss of the Recreation- | jal Department facilities on | | Gibb street, it is expected that | the $500, 000.00 picked up by pub- | lic subseription- will pay for the | Centennial project. Taking into consideration the | size of the city, Oshawa's Cen- itennial project will be as big 'as any in the country. GIVE GENEROUSLY! Help the Kinsmen Conquer Cystic Fibrosis CALL 728-9494 The Oshawa Kinsmen Club are setting out to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis by selling chocolates and you can help this won- derful cause. Buy chocolates from Kinsmen Club members or CALL 728-94 The Kinsmen Club will deliver chocolates right to your home, give generously. 'TENNIAL PROJECT | Supports Fully The Oshawa Civic Auditorium CENTENNIAL PROJECT And urges all citizens to get behind the committee and join the fun by attending The KICK-OFF PARADE Saturday Morning For those who are unable fo attend the Porede Dial 1350 for a word picture of the parade, By CKLB News. Director Ross Gibson Beginning At 10:00 A.M. ra ewer aadas ~ ae NOB PSA 14 ORE DS +228 o aeet TE BS 6 OE Re OSE EH a PSR OR oe &