Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1966, p. 3

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PC Ex-M From Government Aid Pl |/EX-MINISTER By JOHN McL¥AN OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberal government is fast finding out what it feels like to be praised inister Gets Praise No Charges After Filming CAN) toronto ccry--A Metropot- itan Toronto morality police re- port recommended Wednesday Commons---is the former Con-|the government has formallyjthat no charges be placed in 'servative government in generalicalled the establishment of aiconnection with the filming by and former agriculture minister fund for the economic and social|a CBC crew of a 17-year-old girl Alvin Hamilton in particular development of special ruraliin bed with two youths. The phrase that kept cropping development areas Excerpts of the film were to 1Ht GSMAWA TIMES, Thursday, moy rz, 1966 3 Free Vote Urged : | On Private Bills {fire "memvers should be per: TORONTO (CP)--The govern-| mitted to vote according to ment was urged Wednesday- to consciences, The Ontario house sets aside allow free votes in the legisla- ture on private members' reso-\two separate hours each week lutions and not confine them to'for consideration of private iparty lines. members' resolutions but they | James Renwick (NDP--Riv-| seldom come to a vote, erdale) told the house that such debates are heipful in forming IT CAN BE FUN couver's Red Cross House. Barbershop quartet Robin Buchan (left), Allen Hay- ward, Maurice Jones and Maria Haas found giving blood can become pleasant entertainment when she made the donation at Van More China-W Could Avert Total War By RON LEBEL YORK (CP) Prime Pearson called Wed nesday for improved communi cation between the West and Communist China to avert a Chinese miscalculation in Viet Nam that could mean all-out war. In a major address and in a press conference, he expressed Reais : concern that China threatens KNOWS PROBLEMS world peace hecause it is iso '! know the difficulties, es lated and developing the hydro-| pecially the difficulties that the gen bomb |Peking regime itself has cre He stopped short of advo-|ated in laying down terms that cating United Nations member-| others cannot accept.' ship and diplomatic recognition' This was an apparent Union Will Not Order Longshoremen To Work | MONTREAL (CF)---The Inter-|nesday settlement of the strike national Longshoremen's Asso-\is a "matter of national ur ciation (CLC) has denied respon- geficy." The strike had come at| tibility for ordering its 4,250'a time when Canada has to striking members back to work| move large: quantities of wheat) 'in view of the present attitude' through St. Lawrence River of the Shipping Federation of ports, Canada, an ILA spokesman said The ILA spokesman said Wednesday night union representatives would ap The union was pear in court here for the-in three injunctions late Tuesday junction hearing Friday, the which prohibits interference day that the injunctions expire with the work of three compan- The next step would he a meet ies, The injunctions were issued ing of the union executive Fri by Mr. Justice Harry Batshaw day night and a general meet at the request of lawyer Julien ing of the membership Sunday Chtpman, who represents Can if we have anything to present Steamshin Lires. Clarke to the membership at that and Ag *ce Mari- time,' for China, but edged closer than ever to it Addressing 600 Columbia Uni versity benefactors at a formal dinner, Pearson said he ask himself whether it would not help the West to understand China if Peking became in volved in the international com munity and the UN. NEW Minister refer served with ada Steamships time The strike heg Mondas when 3,500 longshoremen in Montreal walked off the job Ahout 750 longshoremen in Que bec City and Trois stopped work Tuesday. T! which said to parking -problems for members, is thought to cipally due to ---. union in a proposed new ing agreement DENOUNCED FEDERAT The ILA spokesmai nounced the federation for ing the injunctions "instea arying to solve the problem He said the union wants to re pind the federation that "in Ninctions don't unload ships The strike has affected ships in Montreal harbor Transport Minister J. \ Pickersgill said in Ottawa We Liberal Bid's For Queen's Park TV TORONTO (CP) should he allowed to record pro ceedings of the Ontario legislae ture on television and radio, Liberal Leader Andrew Thompe} son told the house Wednesday. Mr. Thompson said if radio and TV were permitted it! "would sharpen us up and let people know how effective their representation is." "They can record, perhaps too accurately, what is going on this legislature." He said his view that TV and radio should he allowed in the house was not a reflection on! newspaper men who have to se lect what they write . TING SCHEDULED * ILA leaders from Montreal, Quebec City and Trois-Rivieres and represnta tives of the federation were to attend a meeting with concilia Judge Claude Prevost in an attempt to settle the contract dispute + ivieres e dis involve |! union prin- pute the work The spokesman said the meet ing had been planned hefore the walkout and was not with it although the contract dispute is a major fac tor Judge Prevost was named to the conciliation post earlier after negotiations on a working agreement, to replace one that expired last year, broke down A port spokesman Wednesday estimated the. strike costing about $2,000 a ship a day to the industry directly concerned »N de of 1s Reporters Ty the time to awiteh . SWITCH 6% on lt @ 9 A.M, te 9 PLM, Fri, SWITCH CVC "canal Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker Bill MeFeeters - SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Pres Vv dent ce Pres for passing out cigars and then\up Wednesday as the Commons be told you're not.thefather.| staged its second day of debate The cigars in this case involve|on second reading of the fund a $50,000,000 fund the govern-|bill was ARDA -- the Agricul- ment is establishing to fight|tural Rehabilitation and Devel- rural poverty, a move generally opment Act, introduced by the applauded by all parties. Conservatives in 1941, And the father--in the minds Here's how several MPs H. W. Herridge (NDP-Koo-\be used in a Seven Days'Doeu-| itenay West): y Another|mentary series, The film, part |brick of the foundations laid by|of # documentary on youth, was: jthe former government and|never shown. | |particularly by the Hon, Mem-| Toronto folic' ne gg ber for Qu'Appelle (Mr. Hamil-|!/ - year - 0 amioops, fos | ton)."' mn igirl, the two youths and CBC : eo , personnel present in the Toronto, Perey Noble (PC Grey apartment during the filming Crlevielands Houre LAKE ROSSEAU, MINETT, MUSKOKA Ontario's Finest Family Resort | dominated the prime ministers speaking in. the 414% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 5 yeor G.I.C.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 year ACCUMLATING G.1.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M, to 6 P.M. Mon. te Thurs Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Heed Office OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W By BEN WARD in concili the . Cana- "inexcusable delays ation procedures," \dian Brotherhood. of has called a strike vote among its 22,000 non-operating railway members A joint statement Wednesday |by President W. J. Smith and | J. A, Pelletier, secretary of the union's joint protective board, | said members wili be asked to lempower CBRT negotiators to call a walkout whenever they feel it necessary Mr, Smith said in an inter view the CBRT has been wait ing for'two months for Labor | Minister Nicholson to appoint a chairman for a federal concilia tion board that will study the union's wage dispute with the railways Contract demands, featuring a 90-cent hourly wage increase, were served on the railways six months ago MEMBERS RESTLESS ence to Chinese Communist in "Our members are becoming sistence that Nationalist China understandably restless and im must be expelled from the UN | patient with this long delay,' 'But the whole question ro-|Mr, Smith said. 'Their patience mains urgent and we cannot!won't last much longer.' continue to shelve it very much He added that it might be dif longer." ficult to hold the membership Pearson said the U.S. and the back from strike action once West have a responsibility to|the vote is completed. The vote end China's isolation, which} is by mailed ballot and will threatens to degenerate into take until mid-June to count racial and cultura! hostility." Most of the CBRT's members are CNR workers. Others are employed by the Ontario North Lesage Farm Barry Shields sang for the donors. CP Wirephoto est Ties NEED COMMUNICATION Diplomatic negotiations re quired "meaningful contact and communication" to allow both) sides to analyse correctly each other's motives, fears and as pirations. Chinese leaders seemed to fear that U.S, forces would re main in South Viet Nam and at- tempt to destroy the regime in' QUEBEC (CP) Premier| China, regardless of assurances|Jean Lesage carried his elec or negotiations, tion campaign into the Ontario "Such a fear, . ..may be ajborder city. of Hull Wednesday | merely tactical move to|night while, elsewhere in Que strengthen their own position bec, his agricultural policies with the Chinese people---fear is;came under fire from two di a great cement--or it may be rections based on a genuine but danger-| The agricultural critics. were| ous miscalculation that could Laurent Legault, co-leader of mean all-out war,"' Le Ralliement National, who Pearson expressed the hope said Mr Lesage is trying to get China gradually will soften her| rid of Quebec's traditional fam 'fanatical' ideology under ex ily farms, and separatist leader ternal and internal pressures, as| Pierre Bourgault the Soviet Union and- Eastern Mr. Legault, former president Europe had in the last 10 or 15 of Le Ralliement des Credi veers tistes who is running in Rouyn Noranda in the June 5 provin cial general election, was! Abitibi East 230 miles Farlier the Chinese threat 45-minute talk with UN Secre-\village of Barraute, tary-General 1 Thant and a sub-' northwest of Ottawa press_centerence at _U se pre nference at L He headquarters CONTROL REQUIRED He told reporters international is needed te use of nuclear plants at least 19 small and said' Mr. ~ besa varits action control the] By 1970,} middle Railway Men Vote Called ry . land and Northern Alberta Rall terminals The CBRT is one of three non parties Railway,| operating railway union groups/across this country for years|created Transport and General Workers| now awaiting conciliation board) proclaiming that we - must main-|within the co*poration procedures, Boards for: the groups have already tablished under the chairman ship of Mr. Justice F, Craig Munroe of Vancouver who will open hearings in Montreal later this month DECLINED INVITATION The CBRT, however, refused to join in an invitation to Mr Justice Munroe to lead its con ciliation board, The judge an nounced last week that he would not consider appointment to that board in light of the union's decision Mr, Smith said the move to call for a strike vote was taken at a meeting here of the CBRT' 16 - member joint protective board, made up mostly of the general chairmen from across Canada Chief complaint of the CBRT and the other non-op unions fs that wage increases negotiated two years ago fell far behind the general advance of the economy During negotiations with the CNR earlier this year consider able progress was made on non monetary items. However, the talks ended in deadlock over wage increases, shift differen \tials job security vacations and health and welfare benefits Policies other heen es Get Opposition Fire to do away with 30,000 farms in Quebec, at a time when 50 per cent of Quebec's consumer products: are being imported from outside," Mr. Bourgault, leader of Le Rassemblement pour l'Inde pendance Nationale, told a rally in St. Benoit west of Montreal that Quebec agriculture has been deteriorating constantly over the last few years. Mr. Legault said the Lesage administration wants to make farmers into "laborers on big collective farms," "Mr, Lesage has ruined the farmers by imposing 60 new taxes, doubling land taxes, and doing nothing to assist the sale of farm produce or to protect Quebec farmers against 'dump S a rders powers would have nuclear power plants in operation, which could easily be used to produce nuclear bombs China's. third Monday proved ting closer to bomb." nuclear test she was "get the hydrogen. BARCELONA WINS BARCELONA, Spain (AP) Barcelona Wednesday night beat Chelsea .of England 2-0 in their first semi-fina! European Inter-Cities Fairs Cup soccer game. Inside -left Fuste and centre-forward Zaldua scored for Barcelona NOW... Pe. interest is paid on savings accounts . . . THE PERFECT a that time of the year when UP ow red again. Out of money. are letting Trans Canada emergencies. It's so simple $800, just by dropping i 2 9 AM, to 5 P.M, Sot UP... payment is arranged to yo Credit is so ready to help near you, 19 Simeoe St. N. ROWMANVILLE Oshe 623-2527 \ \ Why run short when T In the red? When emergencies demand fast cash you can rely on Trans Canada Credit Just when things look good boom! You're in the Smart people these days Credit take care of their to pick up $500, $700,even n to your nearest Trans Canada Credit office. And the low monthly ur convenience, rans Canada . There's one Loans for all Special Océasions TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 48 King St. W. « Ph. 728-4628 we arders.| orth): 'Action in this field is the brainchild of a man of vi | sion in the Conservative govern Sa fs Victoria-Carleton); "I think ft is proper to pay some tribute to the Hon, Member for Qu'Ap pelle in relation to this whole Sor se | | But one member, Jack Horner) VANCOUVER (PC---Acadia) saw a socialistic OTTAWA (CP) -- Charging|ways and at joint CNR-CPR threat in the new legislation. He said members of political "have heen tain the family farm, yet we two) find ourselves faced with a bill|by which would. establish what might be termed. state farms,' What bothered Mr, Horner was the idea of the government buying up uneconomic farm units and turning them into a type of collective farm to he run by government agencies SAYS NO COMPARISON While he hoped the farmers would be sold back--enlarged and improved to farmers there could be no comparison betyveen privately - owned farms in Canada and state-operated ones in Russia The proposed methods of as sistance were not the only ways the problem of farm. poverty could be changed A farmer who found himself operating an uneconomic unit had two avenues open to him 'He can acquire a better edu cation through one means or an other or he money and enlarge his unit and intensify his production." Forestry Minister Sauve and other government spokesmen have already agreed that edu cation is necessary to the farmer but they have pointed out that the main purpose of the new: legislation is to get away rom a program of social wel fare Caught the middle of a short day the Commons sits only from 2:30 p.m to 6 p.m, on Wednesdays the government has scheduled a third day of de bate on the measure today. in HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS can borrow) _|before presenting their findings _jto Chief James Mackey. The RCMP are conducting \their own investigation. Hugh John Flemming (PC--|n | CBC de: Crisis: LaPierre Charge (CP) -- Law rier LaPierre says CBC Presi dent Alphone Ouimet and other jtop CBC officials have shown travellingia bankruptcy of leadership and a tremendous crisis "T see no way out of it except removing the top people," former co-host of the pro gram This Hour Has Seven Days said at a press conference here Wednesday, "The government sume the responsibility of stating that the break-up ts caused by top management and they must go."' LaPierre, in Vancouver to.ad dress a University of B.C. Al umni Association meeting, also said Parliament should pass a charter of broadcasting "a statement of what the CBC is all about and what it should do." The %6-year-old McGill versity history professor. said the Seven Days controversy is merely a symptom of the trou ble in the CBC the should as Uni- DEFIES SCIENTISTS Potash is an essential plant food but has never heen de- tected in plants' structure. 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