sweating 8 se SRE NS HEB I: 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 12, 1966 30--Aytomobiles for Sole |35--Lost and Found 36--Legel 38--Coming Events C _ -- 20) es ~-- -- Fe ee ee i a ea Re a pe ee \38--Coming Events |i; Andrew Ernest Reid, 1018 Hutchison | Avenue, Whitby, will not be responsible lfor any debts contracted in my name anyone on or after this date, May 7, 1966, 'th PONTIAC four + door Laurentian, V-4,\COST -- Pearl choker without clasp, | automatic, whitewalls, miles, Licence! sake. Reward. Call 66. » Mwy. 7.) 225-4786. four miles west of Brooklin, 655-481), | 1962 BLACK Pontiee, six cylinder, "ni |36--Legal say ee tave $900. Fel NOTICE TO.CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate. of FRANK STARZYNSKI], Deceased. Bei 3 oe dard transmission, 28 Mill Street, 723-0802! between 10 a.m and 4.30 p.m. i a 9st CHEVROLET." ir eg 2-door, Telephone oy penn GRILLS, radiators, ail car parts, L pinay our specialty. Curtis Auto wreck: 23-5238. cylinder, auto in A+} condition. | A "AR PARTS, spindies to make) trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street | East, after 4, 723-278). 1955 CADILLAC Eldorado convertible, power seats, windows, continental wheel | All persons - having claims pi 'G0ed tires, $300 or best offer. 728-1907.) against the estate of FRANK ig FORD Galaxie 500 XL. power sieer-| STARZYNSKI, lote of the ing and brakes, &-cylinder, automatic.| City of Oshawa, in the Coun- Many extras. Must sell, Beautiful car.| ty of f Ontario, deceased, 'whe Reasonable. 623-5737. | me AUT IAe neem | died on. or about the 20th 5B PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automatic, 2-| doy of March, 1966, ore tone paint, radio, discs, back-up lights,; exceptionally good nechanically and) hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before body. Positively no rust, $575 or nearest) offer. Cash, Private. After 6 evenings | the Saat dav ot Sung: 19686, full particulars of their 773-665); 74 CHEVROLET ; good running order. "Al f claims. Immediately after the soid date all assets of the 'real buy at oe Call after § p.m 165) soid deceased will be dis Verdun Road, Apt. 6 < | aay CY ROUTH Vi automatic. Many @-| tributed having regard only to claims of which she sholl tras. Excellent. condition. Will trade or otters. 655-3678 965 BUICK Wildcat y four-door hardtop sedan. Loaded with special eauipment,) then have notice Air-conditioned. Low mileage Phone 723-3806. 1966 CHRYSLER Windsor, four hardtop, fully powered, Private 728-4970 after 5 p.m 7é4 ACADIAN Beaumont, two - door hard top, 6 cylinder, standard transmission radio, whitewalls. No reasonable offer refused. Licence 39777E. Hooker and Son Lid., Hwy. 7, four miles west of Brook lin, 455-481) oe i644 CHEVROLET super sport conver tole 283, automatic. Immaculate. Low mileage. Black interior and top. Wil! cor sider trade. Financing arranged 72 0776. 1962 PONTIAC 6, automatic, two - door radio, seat belts, very clean and original Reasonable. Must sell! Telephone 723 S658 DATED at Oshawa this 9th day of May, MARY STARZYNSKI, Administrotrix , by her solicitors MANNING F, SWARTZ & RONALD L. SWARTZ, 26% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario Ontario, + door} 1966 Call NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ROBERT Retired, 1% MUSTANG V-8, automatic, radio wheel discs, whitewalls. Excellent con dition. No reasonable offer refused, Be fore 9 p.m, 723-2937 In the Estate of 7042 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four - ARTHUR WRIGHT, sedan, black with aqua interior, 6 cylin dacanced der, standard shift, radio, whitewalls. Perfect condition, 725-7247 196) PONTIAC two - door hardtop, excelient condition. Many outstanding conditions, include new tires and dual speaker radio. Must sell. 728-3589 1957 DODGE, V-8 automatic, two hardtop, two-tone deluxe, radio, rear! apeaker, whitewalls. Good condition. $250) or or best cash offer, 942-0462 or 942-5370 All having claims against the estate of Robert Arthur Wright, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun ty of Ontario, Retired, de- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1966, ore hereby notified to send 31--Compact Cars for Sale) i, to the undersigned Per- sonal Representatives of the SABYAN | said deceased on or. before | the 6th day of June, 1966, MOTOR 'SALES LTD | Volkswagen Sales and Service full porticulors of their claims. Immediately otter the, New ond Used Cars 334 RITSON RD, S. soid date the Personal Re | presentotives will distribute | 723-3461 Open Evenings the assets of the soid de- ceased having regard only *% VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ to claims of which they shal! Genero! Repair ond then have notice Auto-Electric Service ~ EDGAR WRIGHT AND Jake and Bill's Garage | PERCY ALBERT TRESISE, 449 Ritson Rd. South | by their Solicitors Oshawa 728-0921 MeGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, ZOLTAN AND NICK'S 32 Simeoe Street South, Your Authorized Dotsun OSHAWA, Ontario ond Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair ond Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 73 FORD Faicon, automatic, one owner woman's tar, fifteen thousand miles. Ex- cellent second car, 728-313) after 5 p.m.| (Ne calls Saturday, Sunday) 1961 CORVAIR Monza, door, white with red eeats, excellent condition 8654 1963 CHEVY fi. condition throughout offer. Call 728-7790. 1959. popGe 196d CORVAIR, four-door sedan, auto-| " a matic, low mileage, lady's car, white! Lie with gray interior. Reasonable. Telephone, 728-1946, 1964 MORRIS 1100, tour doors. Will "t-] nance or consider trade. Open to offers Must sell, Telephone 723-0776. persons door Dated ot day Oshawa this of May, 1966 3rd \37--Auetions NOTICE OF SALE BY VIRTUE of and Execution issued out of the &th Division Court in the County of On tario automatic, four: interior, bucket Telephone 728 | have seized and taken ny extras. Excellent Many extras. Exe in execution New tires, Best SEDAN 11094 (Red) All of which property will be sold by Public Stirtevonts Auction Hall, 33 otis, dead visti ss Holl St. on the 12th dav of 1961 CORVAIR Handy Van; 1958 GMC av 19646 +h mir 6 4ton chassis and cab; 1960 Chevrolet 5 Mo ot the hour of 8 ten truck; 19584 Mercury 700 tractor; 1957 o Plymouth sedan. Telephone 725-2156 co" vss CORVAIR- Bailiff of Jan Cziranka Dated this 14th day uary, 1966 Monza demonstrator, | cence H82083, low mileage, radio, auto matic, whitewalls, wire wheel discs, new car warranty. Contact John Skelton, 668 3904. | have other cars 1965 SUNBEAM imp, $1175 or best offer Uy tint 725-4115 between 5.30 and 8 "1 Does Your Lawn radio, new bumper motor, custom hitch, custom paint, good heater, new muffler $550, Call 942-0533 BMW 700, $300. = Jungle? errr *) : (4, $y, ic good condition, Telephone 723 1) second car, - 32--Trucks for Sale 1959 DODGE one-ton, four-speed, heavy savy @ Jf Woy duty suspension, in very good conditior Vz, $1000. Phone 725-8493 after 6 p.m } \ -- . h 1959 MERCURY ton truck, good run i > ning condition. Telephone 723-051! rd ee ne Ts truck, five-ton, after 6 ra "ig If So, Put "This Sales and Service | Lion To Work FILTER QUEEN e ' : vi acuums. Free esti Repairs to al! makes v LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN} BLADE MOWER, 6 rf RE 7 rash ty is we mates 323 King West. 728-7552 i948 CHEVROLET pick-up truck mechanical condition gocd tires 798-4733 1943 GMC half-ton, 23.000 mites, new paint lob. excellent mechanica condition $1,125. 728-4870 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used to: "Ted" Talk Car Sove TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Cat-} fn. good Phone ash' to the. New Dealer ond TAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS cars for wrecking wan NEW EASY TO USE en WRAP-AROUND HANDLE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC : Hedge We, 1S? | WRECKING co. and meta East. 725-2311 Trimmers aor eam Repair FRED STONE PHONE 655- @ Motor R dir 3653 e e e a DOC'S Come In and See Be a Our Display Todey s JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD, Oshawe Shopping Centre TEL, 725-3527 AUTO SPEED & CUSTOM 24 hour towing Servi censed anic ' dove t £00 K former TRANSMISSION -- sient are sur-only> North. Phone 728-7339, ZL original) in vicinity Eaton's Plaza, Valued as keep-| collect Willowdale | ------~ | | JAYCEES RUMMAGE Auction ot at 10 am ed Church twifhout my written consent. Sioned > Andrew ws. _Reid. |38--Coming | Events Monster BINGO | Admission 50c | | Two Jackpots NOS. 53 :AND 58 ONE MUST GO $500. 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos IN $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games KINSMEN | Bring This | SPECIAL Y PRICE PASS To the SATURDAY, MAY 14 KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO At the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $9,000. In Prizes Including New 1966 specified cor from dealer of your choice or $2,- 000 cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Gome, $1,500 Big Snowball (54 nos.) $1,100 Small Snowbol! (51 .nos.), $600 regulor games, $450 Special games Don't forget to buy the econ omy pock for value dnd save money A special game for the big COLOURED TV SET Plus 4 Eorly Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes KINSMEN SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300.00 PRIZES ths iis KRILES JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 57 AT THE RED BARN EXTRA BUSES ~ 7:30 P.M. FREE Do YOU want te be Free, from' |il Health, Poverty, Unhappiness? Attend o FREE introductory. lecture on Concept Therapy Philosophy st Hotel Genosha Corvair Room, Friday,. May 13, 1966 oat 8:30 p.m RAIN OR SHINE: Ads give you speedy "elp, weather, To buy, sell, hire or snone. 723-3497 Times Action 'Want oe ie aie Raat sia A. DEATH _ IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM BENT, Arthur Percy } Entered into rest in St. Michael's Hospi-| on Wednesday, May 11, , bel yo | 4 | Leonard Yulll (Ber! ice), | of Oshawa, Ja ot! |father of Mrs, | Qehawa, Robert |Whitby, Kenneth of Oshawa, Haroll | Toronto and Gerald of Oshawa; his 7ist year. Resting at the Armstrong Fu-| neral Home, Oshawa, with funeral serv- ice in the chapel Sa! ray, May 14. at Oshawa. 2 om. Interment Mount (awn Cemetery Oshawa. (The 100! ge will hold service im the. funeral home, Friday, 7; |p.m.) FORD, Patrick Al Central Nursing Home, Toronto, on Wednesday, May 11, 1966, Patrick Ford, {formerly of Oshawa), in his 76th year Resting at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral |Home, 152 King Street East. Requiem | Mass at St. Gregory's The Great Church|~ lon Saturday, May 14 at 9 a.m. Interment | Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers on Fri-) day evening.) | 38--Coming Events : FUNERAL CHAPEL Spring Tea | BAZAAR and | of | English Cemetery. Casket | vice. (in lieu of flowers, donations te the) | MARSHALL -- In loving memoty of RT, Hellen Gertrude HURLBERT, H r father and grandf At Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday ie May 10, 1966, Hellen Gertrude Root, be- loved wife of Eari T. Hurlbert (638 Grier-| son Avenue) loving mother of Mrs. Clare) (Audrey), Nigeria; Rev. Don-| aid Hurlbert, Johnstown, Penn.; Rev.) |Vernon Hurtbert, Nigeria and Clayton of Resting st Mcintosh-Anderson| 7 sige rae a Funerai 152 King Street Eest.|19 1950. Service in Calvary Baptist Church on Fri} day, May 13, at 2 p.m. Interment Union will remain. open in} the church from 1 p.m. until hour of ser:| in presence we miss, In memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never. by his son Brent and family. Home, in life a loved you dearly, n death we do the same; on we think of you, dear son, And our hearts are sad with pain, Oh, this would be a heaven, Could we hear your voice again, You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Gideon Bible Society will be appre clated), | Kindness beyond Price, yet | Around the grave where you are \eid.| "within reach of all. |--By mother, Ethel Taylor, GERROW May 12, 1950. Gone \s the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 jather, Willan shail, whe passed away May 12, 1965. Sadiy missed and always remembered loving memory of| who passed away May TAYLOR -- In loving memory of eur dad, George &. Taylor, who passed away A_ LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723- 2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funerol arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 CARD OF THANKS LYONS -- | would like to sgt 4 | relatives, friends and nei; flowers, gifts, cards and visita while 'ak was in Oshawa General Hospital. Alse Sweet to remember him. who once was ger to nurses and ward sides on 2C, here, BAKE SALE Southminster United Church And who though absent, is just as dear. Sadly missed by his children, Joe, Ethel, Dorothy, Georgie, Shirley. IN MEMORIAM Cedar Street Saturday, May 14th 2-4PM Admission to Tea Room 50¢ m any kind of | rent tele $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full cord 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30 gomes Bird Gome 7:45 P.M. EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 AND 7:15 P.M Bingo Early | | And Returning after Children under 16 not edmitted HOLY CROSS BINGO Every Friday 7:45 $600. IN PRIZES iu GESJEz=S] Aas, Whitby, Oshawo COMMERCIAL @® INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months to Pay @ 3 Year Guarantee awa 728-1541 OSHAWA PAVING COMPANY MARCI our horuk, | month of May. HREHORUK -- In loving memory of parents, Dorothy and Peter Hre- who passed away during the dear sister, away suddenly on May 12, In our hearts a memory is kept For a dear sister we loved And will never forget Ever remembered by Lyle, 'Midge; Eileen and Bob. 1964. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of those we loved so well, And while they, sleep a peaceful sleep, Their memory we shall. always keep. Lovingly remembered by the family Jennifer, and) WILSON -- In loving memory of our Dora M. Wilson, who passed | Melvin andi Morris and Dr. Rowsell, and Father | Smivine and Father Beriault. Mary Lyons. | | SECT KEEPS OLD RULES Canada's 1,000 Old Order | Amish wear no pockets or but- tons and own no equipment driven by oil or electric power. WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA co ~ SPECIAL! ! U 1965 BUICK SEDAN Fully Powered with Radio, Automatic. All extras, Lies No. 114866 Only $2995.00 f | | | | | ae ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED! Your Quality G.M. Dealer a : "GOOD WILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" | 623-3396 _ Bowmanville, Ont. SPECIAL! 964 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN sel Steering and Brokes, V-8, Radio. Mony Extras, Lic, No. 515381, Pion: $1995.00 WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL ~ YOUR a FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim | ss King St. E. 623-5252 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD, "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes &. MAE BROAD Top. Where it's so eosy to look ++ » So nice, FOR APPOINTMENT Whitby 668-3992 SFLYINGSSSERVICES> Service *% Overhoul * Storage Custom Welding Sheet Metel Fabrication Magnofiux - Zygle Metal Inspection Oshawa | Airport 728-6138 TED'S VARIETY ' SMOKE SHOP @ Smoker's Sundries Bieir Park Shopping Piexe Whitby @ Magazines @ 'ee Cream @ Confectionary Prize Money to be increased storting this week $150. in 56 Nos. $20. Consolation $10. each Horizontal Line $200, in 53 Nos. $20. Consolation Free Admission -- Free Parking | No Children Pleose $ALE a: St Church on Friday, George's Memorial May 13, RUMMAGE SALE -- Simcoe Street Unit- Memorial Hall, Friday, May 1 p.m, Unit 6 LAWN-BOY offers a TWO-YEAR WARRANTY plus 18 convenient advantages, J including: @ Finger-tip start @ Clog-proof grasscatcher @ The industry's largest muffler ® Two-speed operation Parts Distributors and Service Specialists OSHAWA Yachthave LTD. Harbour Road Off Simcoe St. 5. 72358186 For big or small spending we do big ASSOCIATES and small lending The Associates make persona! loans of any size-- and for almost.any reason $50 | Some people come in for day. while to $6,000 or more. In any case oan tl next pay others need larger monthly tailored to your income and there are no hidden rees. Whatever your reason fo all, borrowing, see the Associates. After money is our business ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-6531 WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Specializing | * LATE MODEL WRECKS * NEW & USED PARTS No. 12 Hwy, 1 mile North of Whitby Walt Lebenovich -- Prop. Whitby, Ont. 668-3322 @ RULES oe Eoch week for the next 26 weeks there will oppeor throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the nome of 4 famous person or place. All you are required to do is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters end identify thet person or place, Send. your answer along with your nome ond address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/e The Oshawa Times, Tuesday of eoch week. The first correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, ond Duffy's Super Morket, $25.00 in free groceries. Enter today. THIS WEEK'S WINNER! MRS. M. WOODROW 80 William St. OSHAWA no later than 4 p.m the grand weekly prize of OSHAWA 235 Simcoe $. 725-9792 WHITBY 1003 Dundes &. 668-5342 air Queen PADDY'S MARKET Furniture & Appliences USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS CALL TODAY! Complete Line of Beat: ley Appliances, Speed HAMPTON 263-2241 Thor-Cros- n. Bowman & Gibson LIMITED REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE 668-5823 WHITBY ONTARIO "Serving You Since '22" HOMES - FARMS - LOTS FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY - Be. "The Home of Better Food Values" DUFFY'S. SUPER MARKET 948 Simcoe N. "We Deliver" -- -- Open until 10:00 P.M. For Your Shopping Convenie 723-9371 nce HOTEL ROYAL Featuring The Musical Styling of Tony Lee & ee Featuring: @ Excellent Cuisine e@ Quiet Atmosphere Fully . Licensed A hiey. an 171 Brock N, vening ou 668- 5012 Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES FM Background Music WANDA'S BEAUTY SELLING OUT Perm Stock Cutting & Styling TiN April 30 $ 18--14,50 $15--12.50 $12.50---10.00 $10.50--8.50 $8.50---7,00 & Fri, Evenings Bowmanville 623-3801 Broadioomed Floors OPEN 9 A.M. = 11 P.M the Lod es, Gentlemer and Children with Parents Located in CKLB Bldg 725-8112 360 King W. -- Open Tues Oshowa 71 King £., "THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL" SKLAR CKAIRS Regular 109.98 SALE 69.50 Only 4 Left MERCURY FURNITURE Herwoed N., Ajex 442-3711 (3rd Con: FOR FREE DELIVERY CA HOFER VALLEY MEAT PRODUCTS ssion Rd, Whitby. Rossiond Rd. W. Fresh Pork, Beef, Veal, Lerge Variety of Cold Meats. MEAT CUT FOR HOME FREEZERS oft Hwy, Lemb end Poultry 12) e & 160 SIMCOE $, onomical Comfort LL WHITBY 668-4311 ZOLTAN & NICK'S FINA SERVICE -- PRESENTS -- * As low es only $1295.00, IAT 850 4 on the Floor Geor Shift 728-0051 Stafford Bros. Led. Menuments in atone and merble erations Gen ef Experience 668-3552 318 Dundes EF. ste US FOR DAVEY. . DRY CLEANING TRANSPORT e@ Loce! & Long Distance Moving e@ Freight @ Livestock & Feed e@ Bulk Feed Service @ Fertilizer PCV. Licence CDF. FS. & H. 623-5318 Bowmanville Now is the time to Store Your Winter Clothing Cold Storage for your Furs at WHITBY CLEANERS 4 Weverly LIMITED GILLARD Gleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 92 Wolfe 170% Mary 12 Bend £. -- 924 Simeee N. Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe 180 Colborne St. E. 668-2345 RADIO -- HOLMES EL Fer Prompt Services Coll 24 HR. SERVICE TELEVISION TIME T ECTRONICS WHITBY 668-5679 352 Dundes TIX UP YOUR HOME NOW. COMPLETE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Reasonable Rates ---- Free Estimates M. LOOPLE & SON DECORATING SERVICE t E., Whitby 668-2418 RAY'S Smoke & Gift Simeoe $. Plare Simcoe at Ritson Phone 725-9018 * POST OFFICE * CARDS * SCHOOL SUNDRIES * GIFTS * FILMS SUPPLIES Brock Radio & TLV, feat Color T.V. by ADMIRAL Sales and Service [ MARY'S BEAUTY | SALON SPECIAL! PERMS Reg. $12.30 ONLY $8.50 Onse Tues & Thurs. ti 8 p.m 24 hr. Service Nights 723.0065 725-8541 Deys 668-5830 123 Brock N. WHITBY WILSON PLAZA VARIETY * SOFT DRINKS * ICECREAM * GROCERIES * COOKED MEATS * SCHOOL SUPPLIES Open Daily 9 A.M. - 10 P.M. Sun, 10 te 10 372 Wilson S. 728-2836 18 Colborne