° " e Se ae a ee a alle ai se peer ae - *e*s. a Be gg Ae ay ahi ypatitigg AON ype 20--Real Estate for Sale (20c--Summer Pro mention 23--Reol Estate Wanted (26--Apartments for Rent .26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apertments for Rent 124----Apertments for ae. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 12, 1966 97 OLDER BRICK HOME ~ Walking dis- For Sale or f or hent eae ase we GENTRAL -- Three -- room | sence fo downiown, Large Kiichen, Wi)! COTTAGE POR SAL® -- Hawk Leke, ae eee biles for Sale |30--Automobiles for Tyres Pm Car.|Maliburton, Over 400-1. shoreline, heavy | TEACHERS N 6) W IMMEDIATE | Two Bedroom vsliobte say ae Phone 723.1907. chicane aaa i Sale ries $80. per month. Call Sally Wallace Joa cabin siding, fully lined, three-plece| OCCUPANCY | THREE-ROOM aperiment with garage, 725-6097, Joagh Bosco Resitor. ure yn, shoves, electric, ges, wood.|. We hdve out-of-town school |- | Apartments lprivate bathroom and entrance, retrig ; Vj it th L t FOUR-BEDROOM home, located in soutty-| Air foom mattresses, Screened verendeh, | principal and teachers wish- | | lerator, stove included. Avaliable immed-| 7 1S! € Lo east aren, garage, paved drive, one-hait| Private road and parking ares. Laundry. | ing to re-locate in Oshawo | ARLINGTON : i| jiately Apply 25 Division Street. . h i acre ict. This home is in good condition) Two boats, fw. outboard erator'. 1! ond Whitby, locking for 3 Avai able | WHITBY -- One bedroom furnished! W ere Quality throughout, listed at $14,500. with good|wharfs, large too! shed. Price $12,000.) |" i aula te | apartments, $100 - $125 monthly, Adults " $3400 down payment required.| Bowmanville, 623-TiS4 to 4 bedruom executive type Telephone 668-8727 Twaltes, 72-1123; evenings BALSAM LAKE -- Execulives modern) homes, Substantial down pay- bd : TERRACE In new building, with posses- lwaitBY, large one-bedroom apariment,| ont Olsen Rewer, BY nceehedroem electric nested coftege for| ments | sion' for June Ist, 129.00 |s110. Telephone 660-093. a Pd : AARC MO MSC Gree Weenty; July oF A ory ROYONIE ~ monthly | inciudes; walkout : ' DOWNSVIEW PARK AREA. Prive ui. aeut it sete 'Genen) oret voor DOUGLAS CARMICHAEL COLBORNE MOTEL SUITE OPEN balconies, stoves, yueignsn 27--Rooms For Rent Pr le yng IO wa COTTAGE on Lake Simcoe, for rent representing FOR INSPECTION tors, electric heat, broadioom =| Ge tne heat, Separate dining room, br , A. LTD. Realtor APARTMENTS : | ead all alien ein 4 ATTRACTIVE! f Medi Hving-reom,..thxeq..bedraams, finished seeps six, fully furnished, oro KEITH Luxury large 1, 2.or 3 bed- recrsetion room, 8x i n-|veniences, Available June ahd July, Té ; y HS, 0.4 recreetion foam, xtra faorplece wash |venienicas, Bu ¥ 723-7463 room apartments. $115. up. | eri tae 728- 6386. | FURNISHED ROOM USED CARS 4 garage, double paved drive. Close '0 OR SAL® -- Threebedroom furnished = } eas schools, bus at door, Telephone 729-5636. | ottage, screened porch, boat, safe beach, ; -- | @ pit ht aged ging oh Ayscsehtas Wh ccad! Uae aes We oer kas Pd ab gee von vie goed fishing at Stoco Lake. Phone 725 Mosnreenmnnenemen veneer Corner of Colborne Street j ? IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- +1500 down Qond flaring pm 3 ysercons controlled Immediate Possession | 82 PARK RD. N. | '63 LINCOLN CONTINEN- pe ero ONE BEDROOM APT. TAL, leother seats, door USED CAR 728+ 867] locks, electric windows, 6-way and balance as rent, five clean cozy eam VALUATION | and Mary Street Only 2 min- Droperies included retms, finished room in good om Cottage for sale LISTING & SALES. lot, garage and fenced. We have the key,\30 miles North of Peterborough, 161-11 NICK SiIBLOCK utes walk from Mary Street call for showing Sipby's Real Estate Lid. Lake frontage. Telephone 728-3574 and King Street. Broadioomed Corridors | Large suite, stove, frig, | TMNT ___| ATTRACTIVE 'akeshore Beach and point Spacious Balconies | drapes, wall to wall closet in | Rooms or room and board, downtown lo) 0! bie. 189877. TWO-YEAR-OLD RANCH ibunasiow w with ies © ee tol mater SW Naot FEATURES: Hydro Paid bedroom, walk out balcony, | cation, central, single or to share, single) Pues is Le 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAY- attached gorage. Paved drive, in Oshawa, 725-7740 Leudry room on each floor | central location, Adults only: [04s 'parking space, Apply 48 Albert) [ NE stationwagon V-8 northwest area, L-shaped dining and aie. fReed North, Street, 728-9643 ingraom, three bedrooms: large bright | MADOC threebedroom furnished cottage REAL ESTATE LTD. 1, Apartment controlled FM Music throughout | Telephone 723-6455 after 6 igamae aa Sale ae ISPECIAL engine, standard trons- kllchen. Contact Gerry Osborne, 778-6724, for sale on south shore of Moira Lake 728-7 entrance Within Walkiding Distance p.m Hele af | mission, radio and Joseph Bosco Resiter Telephone Madoc 473-2960. in aa 28. 57 ae | 2, Electric heating. of schools and shopping a as cer Sena: POS ee 65 | la S washers. Locol one ~ " s | ait | Sport conver- TRIPLEX IN WHITBY -- Two onebed-- HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, sleciric TWO. OR THREE DROOM | bungalow Private 'tuleonies, e a mpala Super rf owner. Lic. X1 : ream and one two-bedroom apartments in| inside facilities, fishing, skiing and swim- with sepacate diningroom, living rocm at) 3. Privote 'be - Retnal Agents on Premises PHARED Teuphore hazive fete Nfisn | tible V-8, automatic, radio, ' eg vane fop condition. Large private lot on quiet|ming. Telephone 725-2907. or write least 12x 18 ft. Rockcliffe and Belve |' 4, Refrigerator and stove in ACCOMODATION -- ---- -- oh the fi Bi in- street show!ig. "goed. For details! Maline Cottages, RR 3 Burks Falls. dere area. Please call St gach aarehant. APPLY SUITE 102 BUREAU FURNISHED | bedroom in private heme,| | COnSo'® on Tne OOt, ee CHEVROLET BEL-AIR contact Joe eesetora MD. 107}, Joseph weseaVE YOUR COTTAGE now for Guide Realty Ltd, 723-528). 2 5, Dropes<in each apartment j 190 NON UON ROAD | Many people tind compatable ; ciety pied 19 the bus. Gentlemen | terior white, | ket seots. An} SEDANS V-8 automa- Sonce. Regn May 23 holiday weekend. Sturgeon Lake. moneRN three-bedroom bungalow with| ,' ; d t d Q ROOM MATES 8 sehen nd pl SABCUTIVE: CONT NAG, AOS 1-28 te with radio, white TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new build Telephone 623-2262 --------_ Jarge kitchen, large lot, north or east! 6 Living room and bedroom | through this service ae ce ee oe Aimee s walls ond discs. Two Ing, intercom, elevators, built-in stove, 21--forms for Sale area preferred. Telephone 725-2044 V pre wired Phone 723-8365 j Wie den' via | ene _||'63 PONTIAC V-8 convertible, to choose from. Lie. fridge, washer, dryer fre®>broadioom in 7. Living room and bedroom y gon t you FURNISHED. housekeeping room for gen-| | power steering, power brokes, H28037 ond J15081. living room, wail to wal peony extras " 24--Stores, Offices, , Storage | telephone pre wired. 5 CALL 723-6881 Heman with SUE Cenital test Rl itadic, bicker Wolk Lie eodeecceoce Telephone 725-9328 er 728-0 dishes, 'inens, shower hos B. oN an Intercom in each MiD YHO . GEDASEAC Goa IDE Dae OTR Geter Mtare, Anon HO abaS 1962 CHEVROLET coach 6 " 2 ; " 8 PRIVATE -- Unusual 12 5 i ' f | . ' alow, iarge fiving room, ree' reqm, four BROILER BUSINESS FACTORY FOR RENT apartment, nt nmediaia possession. Drapes,|12 Elgin East ae | tylinder automatic with bedrooms, two basements attached gar 5,000 square feet, clear span 9, Broadioom in halls See eee ee and water' FURNISHED bedroom in quiet home 3 * $adio, H56870. $8,090 to $1000 downoayment or A ze f a ? : ' s 4 pshliogs ran Absolute privacy, parking facilities. .Ap re you looking for o very p loading ond ramp. 10. Hardwood and viny! ers and laundry on every floor, i 7 ' house. Telephone 728-5264 he profitable broiler farm? We 00 : pth tno ating in ciernent y preferred. Apply Superintendent, 349 574 Crerar Avenue ue 65 CHEVROLET 327 engine, 1962 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 ' he e t ' gee Pp Mariand Avenue or telephone 725-2227, |ATTRACTIVE furnished. light housekeep-| 2 door hardtop, tilt steering cylinder stendard. L < with house, or 94 acres clear) have one with o quorter year ind administrative use. Am- |11. Vanity in bathrooms. ng room in modern home. Centrally lo wheel. 'odin. paar caneskar y neon Ie be Apply 480 Fox Street, Oshawa (near! = quota for 36,800 birds. Pro ord area for storage 12. Slid tio doo ONE + BEDROOM acartment, College|ca.ed Private entrance. Laundry facil Oe % pr , 52744 Drive-in Theatre party includes o lovely mo De a ae Sliding pati rs Hill area, close to South General Motors, fies. Giri only. 162 Warren Avenve. Tele cutcmatic on the post, very 415.000 DOWN. sicroom, storey and one dernized 4 bedroom home 2s epi : aq 13. Bachelor, 1 and 2 Apa rtments piece bath, heated. $75 monthly. Apply chone 774-2259 low mileage, Lic. 594879 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR rnac lo x 1 . par na sigrowr catior "is 4 ama Sire . i * = "gaps i iow f r agg ee Wal with fireplace ond attached Ey ies. invited "Pa Ris bedroom apartments. NICE CLEAN, arge, edecorate: oom '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 2 SEDAN, 6 outomatie, 25-9. L foubl a ocd beats Enquiries vite u SSRs es Oversize suites SPECIAL bachelor, _apariment in apart Close to down 7 ! ' rodio, whitewalls, etc. auble garage and good broil tow Limited, Redltor, 728 evotor serv Gide Ennis decor i. FF tove, all pi vin and north GM. Suitable fer centle-| door hardtop, Lic, 341417 H95921 FIFTEEN HUNORED DOWN, Only four) er buildings with all the ne- 9474. 18% King St. E each floor "dian. le ample parking '35° per month n, Shift worker welcame, Apply 119 teen nine. Act wisel invest in your dear quiprr Car , sd '4 "ae a roe r votor s mmediately> Telephone 728-9672 ro tree 2s! or phon 2 2 '62 -Ch fc 1 f ture Call Star Mel ormack, 655-3066 a Bos a : "if Cant De \ Next .¢ to Nortt Heated indoor poo f % FURNISHED room, suit one or two ger ( NEVROLET 4 door se CHEVROLET V-8 outo- wh A Ms ot in Bante a cad of the vr ee General Motors Plont Sauna facilities WHITBY One - bedroom apartment, 'tiemen, central, and close to North GM don. Lic, H78730 matic with radio. J24- a of 90.00 and good Om ffi 'é rs dining room, \aundry facilities, parking. ang hospita ? Elgin st SEMi-deiached duplex, three bedrooms $112,0 aly ah Choice Office Location and office Carpeted sun deck Auainuak Jase 1 Hide per tentn. Kole i ir dlc '62 CHEVROLET automatie $5 and two bathrooms each. Ready for In terms ore avoilable. Ca 16. Mail service to each Gis ston ot dear phone 668-6980 TWO ROOMS, iadies or gentlemen. Very! 4 "do J spection. No agents. Located west of lan Thompson of Schofield . op ; ie ' clean and avenient Mitchell Av door sedan, Lic, 38490K CHEVROLET sedan 6 ontrolied entrance Two BEDROOM apartment, modern enue. Call 725-9424 afier i p.m, ; s cylinder automat i. 61 CHEVROLET, color black atic a de Centre, 229 ond 23) Cabot Street.) Aver itd, of 728-2870 or Plenty of parking d f r] ' f 6 te a aide . 723-2265 ; é A lenty POFKIE building; rent includes -- stove, refrig- ARTHUR STREET, furnished bedroom : , . i OWNER LEAVING TOWN -- Hare's» 729-2265 : SURE OF AN APARTMENT Laundry room eacn floor |enircied entrance. Advits preterred.|(o7,sentieman: Good location. immediate) © Lic, H89651 with radio, 918 19K ue : Plastic lined kitchen Biv Gomerit t, 321 snd. Ave: (possession. Telephone 725-1036 Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave nee Z '60 PONTIAC, 2 door V-8 METEOR 6. eylinder cupboards nue or telephone 723-4368. furnished room, sult one or two A * Free hydro ' gerne » gentlemen, single beds, light housekeeping Lic, 341926 | s andard Good trans- ydro APARTMENTS, modern building, 9004! i¢ desired, Clove to South GM, Telephone | portation. J10576 apartment good buy on # three-bedroom, 1'/-storey brick bungalow. Reasonably priced for ' or McAVC quick sale. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723 e oN VOY PHONE NOW " 728-9431 - i RM #) 2401 'ocation, stove, refrigerator, drapes 8UD- 797.6993 '60 PONTIA ced 4 val stied, tat y ith Teleph> 72 C, 6 cylinder se- 20a ona a ae TWO ROOM OFFICE Model. Suite Open pled, Toundry" felilies, Telephone (70 | a cree arg| 00 PONTIAC, y 2 CHEVROLET pick - up _For Sole and Ren y Chi bil 'you 'ay Iain tele. 2.-9 P.M COLLEGE WiLL. One -- bedroom semi Ryanny, ni'aur' APP 24 McNaughton) uk, i en ae Small Acreages Located on King Street West, phone bill, All other costs- . basement apartment. Private entrance victlare " inser 59 HILLMAN sedan. 4 eyl- side, heavy duty | Heat Included, Aduits only, Immediate ONE SINGLE room, furnished, suitable inder. Lic. J4578 | springs tires like new, $75.00 per month, includes absorbed by owner 1221 SIMCOE NORTH possession. Telephone after 6 p.m. 725.\for lady or gentleman. Private parking OF ORO sits. thee OPEN HOUSE | Buying or Selling? Then | heat, lights and water, com- | < ' 9970 Telephone 725-0108 159 r | | mercial zoning, unlimited | cnc : -- OLDSMOBILE 88, four 14336R, Th eek t Emerald place your confidence in a ' 9 | e FIVE - ROOM apariment, newly decer- HOUSKEEPING rooms for gentiemen } his 4% vii . = . Farias keriey alin laniws the parking, Phone Harold Segal, bP hs 9934 ated. All conveniences, Seperete en.|Apply 200 King Street West, Phone, OF sedan. J8307 ip eg meg 'err Nise oF ale trance. Ample parking facilities, hot and | 723-5804 SPECIAL f ob! D. Hyman Real Estate | miles from Oshawo.' We are District ond hood et "ea n 728-6286 NOW RENTING cold water, Infant welcome. immediate CarGe, jurnished, light hovsekeepina ; ? featuring a complete new | Coll ALLEN THOMPSON -- possession. 165 Verdun Road Taner tor tue ate abate || '63. CHEVROLET IMPALA at ted Bus a FOR LEASE 5000 sq, ft, warehouse | series of three bedroom cot- | Repres, of . 30 COLBORNE STREET EAST. Two door, private entrance. Phone 725-0294 SUPER SPORT convertib! ri 400 49. ff. office. For light manufactur IMMEDIATE bedroom apartment. Frig., stove, broad-|Apply 587 Harmony Road South SPECIALS 327 engine, automatic Mig Truck level loading, Ample parking, | 4. é SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. |e' russett Avenue. 725-1240 | Ro cee aunery facilities. $115. APPIY| PRIVATE furnished room, $7 weekly.|//65 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR|| 'mission, bucket seats, console so] toges this year priced from | $3,300 to $4,280 plus the cottage site and services. | Daytime 723-2265 Emerald Isle is @ natural lo- | Evenings 728-2870 25--Houses for Rent cation for retirement homes, A bd ROOM house, 827 King Stree ne e small child welcome. $75 close to downtown. Apply after 4 p.m. at| | brakes Y s, teleph GOOD PRODUCTIVE FARM, within| Wes! fo sublet 'till August with opticn | | diate O DANCY tmenthly. Apply $17 Crew Street above address 1] eor round roads, telephone, 0: R . M, within iro daar Vad heated; Spiace H mmediate Occupancy CARBE"lnsbeirean ere rrr driving distance to Oshawa, consists o two-bedroom apartment, heat, two furnished reoms. Telephone after 5||'64 CHEVROLET. STATION- only 16 miles from City of : ' t arge kitcher rae basement and ie' 5 50 acres. Excellent sandy loam, r water included in rent, Meving to house } Peterborough, low taxes, etc. prick house with modern conveniences, After 6 p.m. 728-920 2 a Special terms for first appli- and will sublet for 10 months. Available |2te 72> WAGON 4 door, 6 cylinder, 1 TWO furnished rooms, central location, | Lic. X7778 We are prepared to custom peo new ay ere ark" tae peat HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS, ; | APARTMENTS cants ---~ Rent now ond you |June 1. Call before 6 p.m. 723-6200. Shinn ctee' Tectia' meeebe ar asl automotic. ¥ i. cellent valve @ with terms and) ham Village. 1% storey: home, In ' eens gen ivigs oe sear ogg p spac e ' 1 build your home so bring | 54 per cent mortgage for balance. Own-|ien| condition. Oil heat, Attractive ye anal eae ; G piss lated seit contsined "ri9 steve, Seating Avenue i MOTORS LTD your ideas and we will pur ler anxious to sell I Jlarsitired persons, or for' summer home. utes walk from South Gen- Washing facilities, parking, near South| ROOM FOR RENT. ull girls. Telephone|| ©2 CHEVROLET 4 door ste- : thern together for you, Ex- cal gargs yyerctia Millbre 1943 | Vacant N. Barr, Gooderham, Phone 1 eae : era! Motors General Motors. Couple preferred. Tele- 728-0260 || tionwogon, 6 cylinder stondard SEE ACE RICHARDS cellent rural financing avail- , a dial tite as ae ane Whitby 648-0662 TWO" furnished, newly decorated rooms,| | shift. Lic, X9237, | or LOUIS PHILLIPS ot -- 35 ACRES -- Mostiy wooded with small THREE BEDROOM fown house to sub Wancat Fovks @One, two and three bed- |eoR JUNE 1. Kitchenette, dinetie, liv-| close to North General Motors and down | COURT! a rapes ac oti, Labetea ex ae ail 'oad le ie He phe | ¥ room suites includes every- ngroom, bedroom, stove and fridge. $85.|fown, Suitable for couple. Phone 725-8707.1|'57 CHEVROLET STATION- : CE 728-6206 Directions: from Peterborough with good access to Hwy. No. 4 li|ther details call 728-3425 . Electric heating thing @ Swimming Pool @ {Cal Ed Disney, Realtor, 723-2333 SINGLE ROOM for gentleman, with tale WAGON, 6 cylinder standard, | | OR he- i i pf Aker Lt t ~ | sic Intercor on- CENTRAL Clean, private large fur-|vision, Apply 216 Clarke Street ele to ibe «shag cross " e Allen Thompson ot Schofield-Aker Lid. 8) sige een Gireaiea any ca. Both FM music @ e nc CRNTRAL ---- Cie ane vale ae Tet abetted HAROLD MICHELSON mong Lake Cousewoy, keep a onveniences, for two or three adults, trolled @ Mail deliveries to four working individuals, 133 Oshawa! poong AND CABINS es = or TED MILLER at right and follow signs to | TWENTY-FIVE-ACRE farm. Two houses, ieight miles from Oshawa, Six months} Closed Circuit T.V. your door ® 2 elevators @ Bovievard South er weekly Brill ti @ two acres Bush, two acres young' frult| lease, Possession May. Telephone 673-2209 ! 4 ard So rates. Bowmanville 623-746 WHEN WE PUT OUR BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 meraid sie. |trees, big barn, large pig pen, imple : : Sui saivien large balconies @ Model 4 ROOM apariment fo rent. Privete bath: EieNisHED bachelor" apariment | imp! SEVEN-ROOM house on No, 2 highway, suite furnished b Nilson room and entrance. Parking, 10 minutes +6 in apartment building, r @) K iit es mer te OC PANCY Apt Apply 732 Albert Street y 4 ed | MANSIONS THREE-room unfurhished epariment, pr' BLOIN BAST, a3 = Furnished room ter] |S'ATIONWAGON, 8 cylinder, op ioe Noor redie, ° recr vate bath, private entrance, laundry f8-\centieman, housekeeping privileges,||¥- 8, power steering, power speaker. tinted gloss ete. Li- "og - Lic. X7447, cense J233 oble F ' h det | ¢ ment shack, tractor and Implements it at x Whitb $125 monthly Gor ' § h F x i se L 5 or further letails contac $27,000 with $10,000 down. Apply or write| lust outside of Whitby. $ i > rom South. Plant, Apply _orraine St : , Meisid' Matra Patarher. fo: Mike Weiclk, RR 2, Whitby or tele.|don Osborne Realty. 668-8826. : Balconies & Patios Furniture Co or teleceone' Fs-diae Genera Motors. All. cor venis ces ¢ eo | Phone 655-4618 from # a.m. to 10 a.m, |TOWN HOUSES, two, three and four-| Pressurized hall /. FURNISHED one - bedroom basement ough bale myc ahi Tor BRIGHTON, 1508 Taste Go wacuable; bedrooms. Bay Ridges, 839-127 | hid Rental representative on duty aseninart, private sisvahen oll private ONE furnished housekeeping room ON A CAR, WE 1964 CORVAIR SPYDER -- ; ; ; NOME : sement, close to North General: Motors, | onto tne ' Or writ® | level land, brick house, barn with hydro.| PORT PERRY, Sale or rent, lia sforey| Free domestic hydro & hot water| Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment drive. Possession June 1. Close to south gentleman only. Apply. 313 French' Street BACK IT UP Hos 4 speed transmission, Bowes and Cocks paren $13,000, Located two miles north on west! home, new full bath, good condition, pro F back General Motors, Telephone 725-1655 wMlyghbea WITH A NEW radio, whitewalls, Finish' in 0 oO side of Highway 30. Toronto 366-2337 heat, vacant, References. Phone ree rkiny O S x ne Realtors, Peterboroug ighway _|pane heat, vac r i] 885 xford St. FIVE - ROOM apartment, modern, se CLEAN, newiy furnished and decorated dark maroon with black in- seat Port Perry, 985-7955 is, electric heating, stove and fridge -- immi , . ht housekeepin: om, clos to ho terior, pais orth cs Wena none ea 22--Lots for Sale FiikE TS SEOROOM Geliconieined a_| Free swimming pool Sti eas lim' housekeeping roem, close 10. hos. 25 MONTH | r plex, South east area, $130 monthly PHONE BUSINESS GIRL has two - bedroom fur-| 723-0734 | WARRANTY M dg el i ee Available June 15. Telephone 723-5016 be! 2 Fi | nished apartment to share. Centrally lo iva ee eve osni at $1,300 Down LOTS -- $50. foot |tore 2 an Contact Exclusive Agents 723-8261 cated. Write Bex 24107, Oshawe Times. [ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED | private Nurse Chev. & Olds FIVE ROOM HOUSE with store, doubie| LLOYD | THREE ROOMS and bath, heated, upper! Cadillac Avenue, telephone 725-1777 WE'RE GENERAL Whitby s Private entrance and basement o een eee | A limited number of building |gerage, Simcoe North at Orchardview Morning and ofter hours duplex " SANDY BEACH f : fiee ach Sh sham Inunadians g eras wa anh SINGLE comfortable furnished bedroom MOTORS DEALERS ots now available in the | cccusancy call 723-42 | 723-6255 } with attached sitting room, Adult gentle 1963 Chev. Impale, 2 door $7,300 full price 'for this country and city : METCALF | FOUR ROOMS, bath, separate entrance. man. South General Motors area. Tele fa solic V-8. ' HH price. ' NOW RENTING! Town house In pisx.| Apniy 287 Verdun Road or telephone 725-|nhone 728-3014 Lease '66 cars ond trucks } P, automatic, rodio, white with red inter- three bedroom cottage, choice C fp A ee hg gd i 0861 FURNISHED ROOM, use cf kitchen, suit He Prices start ot $4,500 and up. diningroom, kit ai ak sh wi) REAL ESTATE LIMITED TWO-ROOM apartment in private home.| able for lady. Telephone 728-7120 PELESHOK @ Licence:H78834. location on Sandy Loke. H O Coll WILSON REALTOR é dablesthie Private bath. Immediate possession i ing, 2 bath, well fur- oO! / t N W RENTING Apply 645 Oxford Street. -- "* FURNISHED two - bedroom bungalow, | 40 King St. E., 728-4678 GRNYRAL WoCATion eer 28---Room and Board @ See: Steve Rosnik, 5 Ideal nm Or il- . 5 0 ences for t or three adult iy - . nished, Ideal setting for ch 723-0361--725-5625 'y conven f wo ee adu | partment. Parking facilities, Adults oniy,| FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meais, ot Nurse Chev, Olds. e ¢ hawa ease May et, clean heme, parking, 43 Garrard Whitby ren. Call Keith Fairboirn, at th ; to October, 622-7223 or 623-2209 WENTWORTH [ieotemes Road (by K-Mart). 723-2786 74° 7 erg TWO - BEDROOM apartment in mode 34 25 42-4234 or write Bowes HOUSE OR HOUSE with farm, Located INGLE ROOMS and board. Appi Limited, Realtor LOTS FOR SALE. Township of Darlington, 15th line. Tele five-plex on Lansdowne Drive, Stove, re e.| SINGLE _ROOMS and board. "Apply STATION. ROAD, 1945. CHEV. CUSTOM SPORT ivigerator "icioded: AduTts orily." $113 and Cocks'L $4 Bholte "Toronto BE" 3-367 V4 . ae sal a ees ~ é z = ase i Peterborough Large «city lot 60' x 225' : oa APARTMENTS Cee eee eT Each, Ih bee Rama: Hei once AJAX -- All the extros ineludin | 9 - 26--Apartments for Rent Eioiare seuih, Plant Be console, shift, automatie $ t ' Motors South Plant and Shopping Centre close to new school, beauti- One of. Oshawd's best apart- ONE-BEDROOM furnished or ee hone. 725-2614 94? 6300 cylinder ful d : « bulld : apartment, kitchen and living recm, park BEL-AIR RESORT ully treed with creex at ment buildings at very rea- ing, close to bus and South General Mo: ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman for : LAKE BAPTICTE COR RENT 1 beck. 'ldecl for vias NOW AVAILABLE APARTMENTS sonable rent.. 1, 2 and tors. Apply 306 Pacific Ave 6 days. Lunches packed... Share room @ Licence H85887, . : Call § : bedroom suites include y WHITBY One-bedroom apartment, °'ngle beds Me ares EM: @ Coll JG Clark 668-3304 @ NEW .. winterized house- a POH FROM OMIT: / Carefully planned one and thing the only bill wil dag haat ae eeaueble one ROOM AND BOARD sfer ' sien OF Used STATIONWAGON 58 Chevrolet. - keepir 6286 or 723-3533 : he sits please, Telephone 725-8020. |near south General Motors | " mePing 486 OF 74 renre vare twe bedroom apartment be your phone. Children we MODERN two - three bedroom apart-| Ritson Road South or call 7238364, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, jPody and paint (ne' rust) very good run- @ COTTAGES City con- SD. HYMAN ee Fr egg Suite open | ments, two wash rooms. Call anytime.| ROOM ANB BOARD. for young lady In Cadillac, Chev. Trucks a BS Cd IR lM oan veniences, screened porch- ' ! A wT ATE IN »T. ree ' | pril 30th, Rental-represent- | /25-0657, 723-1996. modern home, with privileges, Rossland 'fs MUST SELL 1964 Chevrolet super sport, Real Estate Limited, THE ULTIMATE IN APART AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ative on duty daily at apart- | TWO-bedroom apariments, rent Includes| 2nd Stevenson area. Close to bus, After FOR A BE ER DEAL i Toursspeed transmission. Mechanical- e good swimming, boat- 4 my. telephone 728-0114 fist MENT LIVI | CEN- ment. on 275 Wentworth St, |stove, fridge and drapes heat, hydro,|4 P.rm: telephone ly AJ, $2,300 or best offer, 725-2180 Hg Featuring the utmost in mod sit floor. Georgian Court Apartments . lier ---- shine Statins - , : . e n y 6S PONTIAC La tian, si * @ BOATS ---- MOTORS - 12 Large L ots TRA HAWA ern living ot moderote rental from 1°9 pin Whitby 668-2296, 29--Wanted To Rent AL MARLOW |auttontetlc. feirdenry: beaten, "aod cone AVAILABLE 2 miles from city, in attrac- rate FOUR ROOMS and Sath, y soreund Hoot THREE. or four-bedroom home wanted| s fs avg ae eee? 200 nile Private. WIl! accept ~ " AXL7 ; las : Bi separate entrance, heat hydro wal IP between Pickering and Oshawa, by exec Ontario otor Sales Ltd. CALL 725-0267 tive oreo Som treed os T B ildi @ Bus Service at Door fas 870 | plied. Apply 268 Hillside Avenue utive transferring to Oshawa, Possession 140. Bond St. W., Oshawa |'s4 PONTIAC Strato Chiel six cylinder aved stree ose by public WO Ul INQS @ Within Walking Distance | f | SINGLE furnished room tor gentieman.| uly 1. Near separate schools preferred fs SRA I Rh. standard, two door, radio and white AY. JUNE GOLF SPE school, new h school and of Shopping after hours Apply 559 Ritson Road South or call Write Box 24132 Oshawa Time | 'alls, 25,000 miles. Private. Telephone MAY G Bee bus lines Immediate Plactriceliy: Hasted 723-0362 723-6844 FURNISHED three - bedroom. accom-| KELLY DISNEY 23-546, Bee THE BALDWINS PRICED TO SELL Camniatal | COMFORTABLE room in private home,|™odation wanted to rent for summer by USED CARS LTD 196$ FORD XL convertible. 6 irgundy, Windermere, Muskoka Lompletely Soundproof sult one gentleman, Centrally located, Ap- careful family of industrial engineer . black Interior. 390 engine, 4-speed trans. fe + Phone 728-5579 Possession Controlled Entrances sly 136 Elgin Street East temporarily assigned to Ajax. Two de 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST mission, mac, wheels, trade accepted, KEREL FISHING ightfu nildr W Ar A ; c 492 TR : [ Spacious Balconies GNE-bedroam Modern apertwenty Bdulis | Meron, cone er Divert ch Cannaee Lid WHITBY -- 668-5891 Telephone 725-4920. VATE TROUT BONDS 4 Fairail Ce tate 41 PONTIAC, six cylinder, two door, one > * - rc Drapes Supplied only, no damage deposit, Available May | 40g Fairall Street, Ajax, Ontarlo Cars bought and sold Ff MAY CELEBRATION LOT FOR SALE ee re KAnit Delivery to Foch Suit 15. Apply Park Plaza Aparrments, 170 ! t 9 id. off |ewner, 33,000 original miles. Telephone ERE >i eae ps STARTING MENVErY LO FOG SUITS Park Road South or teleohone 725-0460 THRES + BEDROOM house. No apart jens paid oft after five 725-4555. FREE GOL ay Broadiloomed Corridors ents please. Phone 725-4474 after four Trade up or down ame ~ Friday if staying one week or uuntry living yet within ea AT $125 AND UP TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private bath. thirty ; 1962 CHEVROLET, stationwagon. Excel. sity a ; ' J Sy, , Always top quality lent condition, No reasonable offer re FM music throughout Newly decorated, Parking Immediate Pai aie bah tae | Tike ane | FEAT ja See VISCOUNT «(etary Sm Hie nese fo Si Sosy eam wan wh om tse. Tothee R rs. Ruth |, Pag 0' by titable for URES 1, 2 and 3 bee r or 728-87 3-603 C | wa 1" motor. COLLECT -- 705 A. Priced at ¢ Se Cs scales LARGE FURNISHED bedroom In a dean| -7-_elephone ba vont fare Puget se aoe Cueis: (rauearioiun hiss or 'heat oer d at $2,750 cash LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE Aad quiet tome tor one or two gentie. REWARD OFFERED for information) © MORLEY STALKER nsans Te reese seep OF NONOUON ROAD AMBASSADOR men, close to north General Motors. whic lead PBs gis Bs vicinity MOTOR SALES 1958 CHEVROLE m wagon, licence 728-6286 or 723-3533 Free Hyde \ » lel hse Nioy "Northwest Oakewe. Reply 137 KING STREET W X7467, & cylinder, standard: transmission , t To Ir t Cal ADELAIDE TERRACE, moc two 24254, Oshawa Time An ideal family car! Nicols, Motor Sains Yea ind , wes = 2 Eee bedroom apartment, broadloom through a on Highway No. 2, just west of D, HYMAN re neial kiteh 28-5282 or 728-1582 One ond t spart= out, refrigerator, stove TV outlet, not|FOUR OR THREE - bedroom house re) 723-6322 -- 723-831] Thickson Road. 660-3331 L Goal baie linia : ve and orsier. ineluded. Available May. 21, quired, family of five, May 15 or Juve } a iia MERGURY. Ur ae ° Planned recreation, dances Rea state Limitec Dou ments ove. refr r, Adults only, Telephone 725-2697 or 329|Girls 12, 10 and three years. After 4 cal _On the spot. financing ah Secrils: Pl fecal Halve, @ Finest foods, evan-frash CAKESHORE LOT 'or sale, 100" x 180 $0 inch: renee. full drapes, broadioom c |. fadelaide West, Apartment 2 728-7877, A Pls tachle, v wnifewalls. Share, cer. Must, 80. baking on Pine Lake, Haliburton, Hydro, good aaiatte intercom, FM. Immediate oc TWO ROOMS ' |APARTMENT, suitable for one person 1963 2 ) 'No. 7 he aa ie t stic : Imr d kitchen, private bath 63 CHEV. IMPALA joor and Sen Ltd., Highway No. 7, beach, good road. Port Perry, 985-7496 be Mf Abstainer. Non-smoker. Central. Write LA 2 d 4 miles west of Brooklin, 655-4811 yxury lokefront suites. co 0 é sinned. S67 om, private entrance. Apply 108 Bant i ; and lodge rooms, $54 10 ACRE lois for sale, $900 down. Balance x orge Fridge with p< SeRoeey $97 end up ing Avenue, or telephone 728-7050 Box 2413) Oshawa Times hardtop, V-8, automatic, plus 1961 CHEVROLET, hardion. Lic ass per odult wkly 1 geen hea gla ad geal ? 340 Marland SPANISH MOTIF apariment; locailon | RELIABLE, careful tenants wish to rent; ony options, mist blue with | v-8, automatic, power steering, brakes Write 9205197" " ' ~ nen Drapes | ss: . central, controlled entrances, FM, elec- house. We will care for house as if its white top. A one owner Has to be seen to be appreciated! Niccls lle or coll 7 RAVINE LOY a' by 372 7 @ Wolk-in closets in bedrooms Apt. 111 frically heated broadioomed and prassur-/oUr, own pees "eee ne | baguly Hush Woah "at Prtcksum's: Remess aaaeaT, Ne ¢ i y 3 t and ' » ; ed corridors, automatic range, retriger- ? ' ee property at 71 Harmon aout | to. th ra p 50 Adelaide Ave. E. oe ce ght < et ° bs ee rma Licence: H83516 ---- a alee ee arora es ¥ @ Ext w iece bath--in at Apply 330 Gibb Stre z THREE-BEDROOM house required June | ¢ }1960 RAMBLER, Lic. 87185, four-door COTTAGE, SCUGOG LAKE -- Iwo bed ah all 3 bedroom suites 728-4283 MODERN furnished basement apartment|n Oshawa - Whitby area. Boy 16, girl) Ask for: Jock Morgan sedan. Ideal second car. No downpay- rooms, kitet roe room, large LOTS, Lake Sciigog. Full price $490 and o All wilted 2 igh One =e with fireplace. Stove and refrigerator,| 10. References, Call 728-863 668-3304 ment, $22 monthly. Nicols Motor Sales ot, heavy wir well furnished, $4,500, $990. Terms. 787-2590 Tuesday to Friday u WIpped with : ee = $90, monthly includes heat and hydro./ TWO. OR THREE-BEDROOM h gece Ltd, on Highway No. 2, just west of fi : Satur nd: Moh Lé ninontes arge De L $ " ar0. | ouse re rath, initio Maety "WERE eee |g cn Stee Apartment ONLY THREE-RGGN consicanls soy tor Reseed ane wih schoateen cd CHEVROLET" WF CINEOLN Le" bi, Toons 9 Tai M iv m Room ane THREE-ROOM apartment, part! ur ft P Hy J, four + 88 rea a He 4 23--Real Estete Woented ; ; : NLY ONE 2 BEDROOM hished. Central lecation i eee May | References: supplied. Write Box M2487; 1965 Impala 2 door, cyprus dan, fully powered. Like new, No down. Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton \ © Large rooms 1 Telephone 728-1359 or 14.2 Bond Oshawa Times green, contrasting interior. payment. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd, on Highway No. 2, just west of Thickson 8 ° c Db. n P i a ae be } ) | @ 2 bedrooms APARTMENT reet V-8 automatic, radio, power Rowe ae BARGAIN -- Cottage and 7a acres or adoor P @ 2 bathrooms LARGE bed-sitting room, 'Teguier size 30--Automobiles for Sale equipped, terms and trode |Roee en Parking Available ea i Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish AVG 165 VIVA dei. 1 Haosss, fi " a hathroom and storage Teor uxe, licence Ha0 ve 4, Just move in, road to door, Inside con Sell-ective Outdoor quest parking ® 2 balconies | Ons of Galeee's et heating, stove, refrigerator. and can be arranged 5 thousand original -miles. Nieris Motor ve e So pressure @ Large cupboards ' : soa. Ons month. Whitby 668-$447 ALL CASH Licence: H83510 jSales Ltd., on Highway No. 2, [ust west : : 1 drapes, per $ buildings. Elevator service, in Ask for: Jock Morgan of Thickson Road, 668-333 Top floor overlooking Lake and A 2 rit Ret waite ¢ THIRD FLOOR - one-bedroom apart Pan clean She we seks Ol / ms + en sia Ontario terec balcony mediate | ient aiaaaruier UaRehae clean cars or trucks. We 1959 PONTIAC, hardiop. Two to choo possession. No children under ad kina. Available now deal up or down Vieke paid _ from. Nothing down, $39 monthly v Tow rR Coe H n \ a Bancroft. Gibson |W : Sell sg rH : > yen Apply 822 King Street East C =P) Motor Sales Ltd., on Highway Ne | " _ 3 west of Thickson Road. 668-333 ou ome VA ADULTS ONLY | 12, Shown by apt. only NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE fot T - ns $125 } blah Aga one and two-bedroom apart- 146 BROCK ST. NORTH : ee ae vet =" Laketront housekeeping thru shicia WG cancininaat per month nts In sixsplex, stove, refrigerator, | pohede UB its one ena 11.000 37, PLYMOUTH "automatic. 'good motor Sturgeon Lake, mod PHONE 723 5] ] ] ' i MITE parking included, Avaliable June Across from Royal Hote as por maratop, "Vt, and good condition, reasonable price or V y beach, reseenable, beer is i 149° Shane NALD HOWE GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ole Whitby 668-3331 miles, power brakes ond |best_offer, Call 128 Barrie Avenve y 2242 GRIFFIN C : | $9 MONTHLY, Threeroom firs! floor itdetina; soba ae | 1940 CHEVROLET Biscayne, six cylinder BIRCH VILLA Two threebedrooms Exclusive Anent 123 528) apartment, fridge, range, heat and ut automatic, radio, four - door green sedan, Seat Satire two Gull, adler A. fon Real Estate Ltd 725 7732 fies intoged. Sood Barking, near town MORE CASH @ Licence H89477 : peas SinveO ee ene, cable ir '> - ~ d hor Qui tts, 725-3093 cae : we mae 5 | convertible, V-8 gg na wene: ( 723 8 ] 44 OSHAWA REALTY ' FOUR-ROOM apariment in private ai, r Good Clean Cars @ Call Jock Clark 668-3304 [matic power steering and brakes § Ne " \ home, self-contained arace, available rade up or down. Liens poid rc me ance of warranty, Sacrifice! Terms By ga hg myn ietinics Lanai WHITBY V | |Aeuts peerage "aer'"s'm- 19) DODD. MOTORS SALES |sranon'vs ouummies ratte "wt | one 20 3H telnbur ke: perth r Street West / ae : rd , 0. i eed ah Bp A Bon gg Mtgtoith LUXURY APT. BUILDING acancies Soon! eet We Be sii sia | walls. Licence 39108. For further in-| EL AIR Chevrolet, V-8, automat 5195 r ange - i : wo Gentleman to share, fully 314 PARK RD \UTH formation call Hooker and Son Ltd.,| Power steering, radio, all new tires and WE ' Swimming pool, elevators, one Rooms - apartments rnish house, north-west area. Tele 723.94 Highway No. 7, 4 miles west of Brook-|Many extras, Telephone 725-349), _ aket ent housekeeping NEED f ON bedroom $115 and $120. 2 houses room and board 23-1840 42 655-48 i |1965" PONTIAC, Laurentian, automatic, ee a : : ( ) BOA bedroom $140 Anplications taken for above | FOUR - ROOM upstairs apariment, un. MUST SELL! '5? Pontiac 6 automatic, 196) PONTIAC two-door. Stratochiet, good Still under, warranty Meny extras, Tele YOUR HOME! , ) at nished, clean, central; $85 monthly radio rear speaker, good condition. conditian, $850. Telephone after 6 p.m.|2non® : J Dial 668-6936 ne paueu ks cludes "neal able may for Atvo en ton carriers After © Bets | 55 BD. vo € ' 6 phone 668-5089 8 Soa ke >) af) 7 me or uA as m = - em 1944 CORVAIR Monza convertible. Power Bill Johnston é SEADSTONS AVENUE, a Thies AN RNS ASSOCIA ONE TWO and THREE bedroom apart |/48 CHEVROLET Super Sport, converl:|tap, fo r-soeed, fully sauipped, four new CLASSIFIED ' : 28 f ikeeiane oe : 2 i ~ os, a 'ove r t v automatic Bio, 'White walls. itires, 30, miles. elephone 723-8940. : ele RI =1066) LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION: [Sarai Asia lll cacltereee Nee aR Ro, 6 Sein severe "ta "ale | sel "arta ee ade eat: tid VOLT. psd Jer trimeas pogine +a helterham, Ont. FIELD. T ¢ r] ? ° 4 laygroun 2G or | ace i C t Priv 4 in good running con! : Stronge, Chelterham, On ELD yet LTC T session It ne ry. 723-9850, bert Street, Oshawa. 5182 ae dition, Telephone 623-2796 after 7 orm. (Continued on Page 28) MOLIDAY IN HALIBURTON