20--Real Estate for Sale CENTRAL |19---Male ond Female Help Wanted |WERDED IMMEDIATELY -- men ond EXTRA INCOME women tor full or part-time work > the | OPPORTUNITY [sain Mesasioms vst seh Bo 6---Articies for Sale \20---Real Estate for Sale SMITH-COROWA = cash rebulit, guar snteed. prices. You're right ond see. FIREPLACE "Woon, white birch, "meple.i inches and sixteen inches. | 15---Employment Wanted |17--Femele Help Wanted TUTORING, Grades 9, 16 and Ii, French registers, $99.7 " EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, port. with high| ond Letin. Telephone 725-2717. time; iso apprentice, Apply Wenda's come to , Ragian| Beauty Shop, 7) King Street East, Bow: "17 --Female Help Wanted 65-9601 10--Mate Help 'Wented THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, May 12, 1966 25 _ |20--Reol Estate for Sale manvill |GIRLS WANTED to sew ina tellor's shop, Hand end electric machines, Must volimited. You operate your own busi | ness, Full training end instruction is pro | vided. Write Box 14272, Osnawa Times, DOWN $2,000 DOWN ec. | Bouveres Te th62. REPAIRG to fishing | rods. and reels end ei Coleman oreducts, Soortermnan's Cor- fer, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west | ot tour corners) aeraicenaron:, ew $m sicicsiaiialatinnieeimenined errr 95;-- pede, $12 mattresses, $19.95 stoves, wy %, cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; ace gavers, $54.95; dressers, chrome seis. radios. Guns, new end used. Valley reek, 6 Bong Stree? Wes 440) top 5467 evenings oniy i USED FILING cabinets, four-drawer ps $4. Also geo sizes, Zypewrs ter milton, Ragiar ; inch and ® querier tower structure with double Pee seria! $39.95, Telephone 723-613) USED TYPEWRITERS, 137) new, $4 siectric adders, $89.; fectory) guarantee, Save $ $$ with Bill Hamilton. | Raglan, SALOWIN SPiNET GROAN, "ak ' old, in ba la gy wu very little, AN. 4 pod Tne -- a ifur |. One location only, Pretty) nd applie Furniture, a4 "Simcoe South, 723-3271 ' FULLER" BRUSH -- Telephone daytime "30444; evenings 668-658) | "GENDRON" BABY CARRIAGE, dive) ans white, $15. Telephone 125-6433, | SUYING OR SELLING furnifure or op-| pilences, Cail Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 of 263-2685. 9--Market Basket N60, T ONTARIO. potatoes re Also seed potatoes and apples veommene| B-1306 or 773-0615 | "Gnd Grade, Mcintosh con-| trolied atmosphere, $1.50 per bus. Also) Ist grade Mac's. Bring own containers. | Algoma Orchards (Lid Thickson Road North, Whitby. 10--Farmer' s Column BEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock) picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,| @. Telephone Collect Hampton 263 Pets and Livestock | ELSH MARE, weil broken to/ ide, with saddle; Pinto colt, well mark-| #4; both gentle. Boxer puppies, registered) itffer, Hampton 263-2773 WAINIATURE POODLES -- white, "Fegis-| tered, Apply after 4 p.m. 105 Ritson Road North. | PUP -- three months oid, one-half Eng-! sh, one-half Cocker Spaniel, red color Friendly and playful, $15. Telephone 726-| 5919 efter 5.30 p.m | BLACK GELDING, 16 hands, suitable for) es asure. Bowmanville 633 334 | SUOGIES -- selling out Prices from $2.95. Breeders Telephone 773-58\4 COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger) man Shepherd pups. Deposits for litter accepted. Palomino, Pinto Ashburn 655-4662 evenings Crd sic ck palr entire $8 pe BEAUTIFUL beby budg training, talking strain. Broad, 114 Eigin East SADDLE, Apply Mrs. English style. Bxcellent con-| phone 778-681! j UPPIES, lovely white Toys.) era! miniatures, ides! pet for adults or children. Telephone 728-9177 or apply 523 Fox Street | FOR SALE -- Registered Boxer, femaie.| Papers, needie smaller than average. Price $50, Telephone 668-2684 after 5 | TWO POODLES, Toy end Miniature. | Registered, had needies, very good with) cnildren, pare trained, Reasonable, Tele-| phone 668-43 j WANTED -- good home for 4\4-month-old brown 'errier puppy, female. Has had noculations, $10, Telephone 725-3016. | IRISH SETTER puppies, Canadian and American champion bloodiines, CKC reg istered. Famous for pets Phone 723-7618. Kivrend to good home. 778-837. p HACK ~FTALLION, ~ iwove bic hands. Bvenings, Dunbarton ash 7300 | dB ui st BR Wanted e000 useD FURNITURE, Whet have ou? VO elaad Creek, 16 Bond Street West RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts; rowing ma- chines, bikes exercises --- all $6 per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS cleaning rods pipe vie tripods wrenches, pipe utters pe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT stepladders ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam: ers, tarpaulins, blow torche propone torches BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT cement mixers, finishing trowels, whee! borrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, | Jock hammers, hand trowels, | water pumps, portable heot ors, stee! scaffolding, electric | generator, ramset power rol ters, electric hommers,-mes- onry saw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes thain hoist, miter sow, elec | frie plane, torpaulins, sand | Blaster, power post hole | @uger, oscillating sanders | disc sonders, acetylene weld | ing outfits, 200 amp electric welders STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals ite, 233 King St. W., Osho Phone 723-3224 Tobles, Chairs, Linens es, Cutlery, Glasses Urns, Punch Bowls Weer, Men's Formals Fox Furs, Mink Stoles SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725 3338 Wheel ChAins hospital beds, walkers reducing machines ck room mn sppiies Ald Re Rentals, 105 Beatr CR, 725-164 CHAIRG, card and bancue? tabies "church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Ren Simcoe Street North. Cail 723-2614 GNTERTAINING? Fitiy to one hund peonie? Oshawa Tennis Club for cone quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen pe cing: 722-2140 morn ngs -- Pipe Dish- Coffee Bridal White OWN A CHICKEN DELIGHT Franchise {home Gellvery 'ane out hot food) Over 70 private operating in Ca Canadie ties availab areas, exciusive equipment trainin provided. Cash investment, $10,000.00 High profit return. Eastern office, 1644 Beyview Street, Toronto, phone 481-4436. 15--Employment "Wanted MATURE eemee re equires pos! tion. Exper od counts receivable and pay 'Relerences Box 24446, Oshawa Times DAY CARE AVAILABLE children. Telephone Whitby 668-6 MAN with bulidozer avaiiadk cellars ote U.S. Severa Protected ada and wr CAME CUT -- power mower" os 725-6889 WILL MIND ONE pr and hunting. |~ TOBACCO PLANTERS encéd preferred First jEast me | EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, person to Rair Street West, W ' gion EXPERIENCED 17 "Simeon Street South or tor Preschool HOUSEKEEPER ic live age ildrer youngest r for aaa phone 728 Telephone Blackstock 986 PARYTIM woman Telephone experience SHORT my | herience SEWING LabY -- BY will care k3 "a child|for dry clean ing pla , Phone 725-4) ere Ltd, SECRETARY Advertising Department Here's on opportunity for a girl seeking ond unusual and interesting coreer 06 a secre- tary in the Times Sales office. Applicents with previous sec- retario! experience preferred but not absolutely necessory, Shorthand, typing and a knowledge of filing systems ore necessory @ Pleasant Working Condi- tidns @ Usual Employee Benefits, Apply in writing to MR. L. B. LEITH, Dept imes Advertisin Oshowa Lorge Home Furnishings Store in Oshawa Requires Experi- enced SEAMSTRESS For Drapery Making Must be capable of handling every style of dropery manu Ability to w r home preferred Write Stating Qua facture Box 24112 Oshawa Times BOOKKEEPER For expanding steel fabrica ing shop, Must be capable of taking full respon ty for all bookkeeping to trio! bal- ance. Must be proficient typ- st. Apply in hand- writing and be oble to sup- ply re ferences own BOX 23621 OSHAWA TIMES CASHIERS Experienced tow POWER Super Market 564 King St. E opply Manager Hairdresser Wanted One of downtown Oshawa's tes you t Must be ex perienced ond preferably with o Clientele. Excellent ing conditions and salary nest salons join their stot work House of Woman 27 King St. E. 725-432) EXPERIENCED RAIL erm BUJRAACCPCR Must be fully versed in pay roll, 5 day week, Hours 9 to 5. Write stating age ond sal ary required to BOX 24819 OSHAWA TIMES LADIES of $5 per or'more ever: Earn average hour working 2 ¢ ings a week Ir area. Good cor--required, or delivering 942-6603 - 942-3145 WOMAN required for port time on solod ber, Apply Mr. Campbe |GENOSHA HOTEL GIRL for gene re work, with some register experience 728 - 0851 _ WAITRESSES REQUIRED or part-time Mr. Campbe food over cash ! time GENOSHA HOTEL | 14--Business Opportunities jing located return for baby sitting # three-year-old we! ned franchises now! Additiona Phone omfortable cer apartment with all privileges behaved girl while mother remuneration to be discussed 86-7877 atter 4 works wanted, exper Telepno tobacco farm on 3 p.m, $50. weekly weer Apply tr bow Restaurant, 143 thy. p.m. Appl 725-3932 n. three sche ne years. Tele.) afier 4 pat Personality 25-5235 ORDER art-time ne tor general repairs Clean 77-44)) ne Orono 9R17.} Taunton Road pm. to Brock ecutive activit ¥ for mat re lspeak English (Upstairs, over Rose Bowl). ;RESPONSISLE Ader we t icherge of house, Bloor west eres, children for one week, while hospitalized. Telephone 77340200 for tails, HAIRORESSER, experienced, over clientele, Ajax Plaza, 942-0620, WOMAN WANTED to ci half day weekly, Telephone 724-9006, to Whitby 666-9983 after 18--Mele | Help Wanted Wanted _ WANTED A. reliable moan of good: in- tegrity, who is currently o sclesman or who feels he might like selling ond pro- perty management. To such a man who will: work hard we offer o five figure in- come. Personal supervision in oe smal! pleasont real estate office 3 5.90 p.m @ We hove 2 divisions to new sub- ook after @ We doa business jorge trade-in We have excellent sale homes availoble re- t much work BUT We are only interested in a sincere person who is active ond not afraid of work. Let's discuss it. it could be the best move you've ever made. Call MR MR MeMULLAN WILSON 725-3557 J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE OR NEEDED IMMEDIATELY B-neat cars to oreo REQUIREMENTS 1, Between 21-45 ter < with » the Oshawa Ippearing mer work 4 oelf sto enetits 4. Profit sharing pior Sojory $125 meet minimum $60 weekly, if you requirements, week sick benefits medi- if ompany car, after trio gas allowance Christmas bonus, days per Excellent paid het lod Call Thurs. 6 12 P.M for interview 9 P.M, Fri, 9 AM 723-8174 BOYS 1] 16 Yeors Old PART-TIME WORK to nterested in distribut Service Cards, ore asked to report to the Osh awa Esso Service Centre, cor- ner Park Rd. & King St. West et 10 o sharp this Saturday. morn May 14th Boys ing Esso clock ng All Boys Applying Will Be Hired CLEANING MAINTENANCE MEN full time steady employ with an established Good pay. Must be 25 yeors of age licence, Exper- but not es- for ment company neat ve drivers lence an asset sentia!. Write BOX 23981 SHAWA TIMES BOYS with to 16 Years Old PART-TIME WORK Boys ing interested in distribut- Esso Service Cards, are asked to report to the Osh awe Esso Service Centre, cor- ner Park Rd. & King St. West ot 10 o'clock sharp. this Saturday morning only All Boys Applying Wil! Be Hired Real Estate smen ACTIVE REALTY a 48 Simcoe St JANITOR WANTED for weekly. 12 p.m: «am jheve cheracter references, '24487 Oshawa Tian, hotel. § $0 hour Apply Pay while learning. Apply If person to H. Sheriff, 37 Prince Street and mother de fake 72-5117 or in house, one CLEANING LADY, Saturday, "relerences ghis| SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME Must wine agenfs fo represent Electrolux, re Box PART-TIME MAN REQUIRED FOR Drapery Track Installations Experience Essential Contoct MR, KNOTT ot CHERNEY BROS, LTD. MAN WIFH TRUCK OR CAR We are looking for « men with truck or lote model cor to handle light deliveries in the.. Oshawa Whitby ores. Six cays each week, Must be free to work afternoons be- tween 2 and 6 p.m. Apply by letter only to BOX 1940 OSHAWA TIMES LICENSED MECHANIC excellent starting salary ond bonus, All company benefits including group wmuTance, hospitalization, paid vaca- tion and pension plan, Front end experience on asset, Ap ply to the manager of FIRESTONE STORE 190 King St. E., Oshawa FITTERS Must be Ne Steady jot Two ble te fitters required do layout work s need apply jht men Andis Antenna Co, Ltd. WHITBY, ONT | |20--Reol Estate for Sole Realtor 668-884] 728-6661 WHITBY $11,900 $1,500.00 DOWN. Three bedrooms, tiled beth, lerge living room and good fomily' kitchen. This home is only 6 years old ond is a. semi- detach construction but is in excellent condition ond pric- ed to sell quickly. Compare this value end see for your- self. Coll Mr. Jones 668- 684) WHITBY FOUR BEDROOMS CENTRAL LOCATION $12,500, ideal boarding or rooming house well located in the heart of Whitby. Owner could have private three roomed apartment This house does require decorat ing but is priced to sell quickly, must be liquidated Moke your offer OSHAWA EAST $17,200, This is a fine, well built roomed bungalow located in a quiet neighbour hood. Large RECREATION ROOM with BAR the liquor Is not included but the fridge is. Paved drive, fenced back yord, lV. a storms ond screens are extras In the clean corated home WHITBY EXECUTIVE $21,500 for this older brick and field stone This Is truly a property in a good district main floor comprises of living room with fireploce, dining room about 14 x 16, sun room, bedroom with private two piece wosh- room, family room and kit- chen with eeting arec, Up stoirs there are three more tenna, a few of the well de rie fine The Phone Mr, Mayall, 668-3348 ELECTRICIAN JOURNEYMAN experienced, domestic wiring Apply in person to |Armstrong Electric | 52 Fernhill Blvd LASS A MECHANIC Steady Employment APPLY Simcoe South 25-0512 74 Junior Executive Mature Z 35 YRS. OLD ne employment in OCAL MEN'S WEAR establishment Write Box 24344, Oshawa Times STUDENT YRS 7 TO 19 Part-time thane ond Boy's Retell Cle thing Store, Write Box 24345 Oshawe Times WANTED Experienced produce clerk in Ajax store, Good starting salary ond benefits, 40 hour week in person TEINBERG'S LTI Ajax »pping Plaza | POSITIONS PAYING $375 and up walt! young men trained as telegraphers, CN |Rallway wants men NOW. Agents re ceive more, With Code madhine and seit. teaching books, you can train at home on easy terms, Positions secured, Free fold-| jer. Write, call, or phone 668-4607, Cassan| | Systems, 805 Beech Street, | YOUNG MEN REQUIRED {cal ability essential. Permanent, |working conditions, usual benefits Apply | jin person, Atlas Tag Company of Cenada/ f td, Alex, Ont | Apply She wines ast ONE SALESMAN -- {f Interested In mek-| j'ng $25 per day, and being paid daily, | reply immediately. Telephone sales ex-/ | Berlence heipful, or will train, Box 21858, jose Times, . | | LIFEGUARD, student preverred, May ysl to end of August, outside work, good pay. | Write stating quatifications. and telephone number to Mr RR 1, Breoklin, Ont MIODLE-AGED man, wanted tor to care for horses and some Iight work, Port Perry 985-2200, Ri ldgeview Ranch, Myrtle Statlor WANTED -- Experienced service station attendant. good wages and working con jitions, Apply Centre BP, 408 King West | RELIABLE MAN to work in yard Steady work Apply ss | Street, Oshawa | EXPERIENCED WAITER tuil time work } pply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. lwaltan Experienced for cocktail wnge and beverage room. Steady pos! tion, Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street est, Oshawa lpanitan fully experienced only, |quired. After 4.30 telephone 728-275) | WORMS WANTED, | phone 648-59¢ experience Jim. Minas salvage Albert | re highest prices. Tele 19--Male and Female Help Wanted HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED Fully Experienced CONTINENTAL RAIRSTYL ING 936 Sin e ot 723-5571 TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time 3 Age 2 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 Minimum witheut cars. Fy eferred shawa mediately, with o time. Middle-aged chool, 728-009 ng Treining previded. |ORIVING INSTRUCTORS WANTED Imp Part) good bedrooms with lots of cupboard space, a balcony overlooking the beauty of the backyard and « modern 4 piece bath. This is o qual ity home and does require some decorating to restore the original beauty thot to- doy connot be bought only in a home such os this. Brick gorage, TLV antenna, storms and screens Included WHITBY RESIDENTIAL AREA $15,800. Five large rooms oll well decorated In original designs that have to be seen to appreciate. Landscaping has been all completed at considerable expense, large gorage with storage area for boat. RECREATION. ROOM of original design, Call and inspect -tonight, 668-8841 WHITBY 134 ACRES FOUR BEDROOMS $17,000. Now hear this, here is an opportunity for an embitious buyer, the 7 room ed house is older, yes, but in exceptional condition, Well decorated new furnace modern kitchen and bath HALF of the purchase: price con. be recoptured by resell- Ing some of the land, How ebout thet coll Mr, Jones tonight W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2! King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshowe & District Real Estate Boord SUNSET TERRACE SUBDIVISION N.H.A, 3. Bedroom _ brick bungalows by James O'Mol- ley Construction, Your guar- antee of quality craftsmon- ship. Only a few left at these low prices: Please moke your selection avoid dis- appointment Bowmen ville's best value. People whe shop ond compare are buy- era of O'Malley homes early to of NEWCASTLE' 8 m, 2. storey lot 115° x 257 Very central. Or -- $3,000 dowr me on 2 fireploces $15,500 MAPLE GROVE AREA 2 bedroom bungalow on lot 66' x $660'. 3 piece bath Close fo town, Only $12,600 --$1,500 dowr Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M 623-3077 73 5787 128 1005 23-7843 Orono 321 655-3853 Joe Barnosk (ower McCullough Doug | Clare | Roy Foster | Howard Forder | Brooklin | George Beaton Port Perry POSS »rT 885-4548 Port Hope 885-25 985-2987 slett 35 Res ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT, PHONE 723-5221 CENTRALLY LOCATED TWO DRIVEWAYS Substentia!l cosh will get bar- goint Older home solidly built, Suitoble for large fom~- ily, 4 bedroom with two bathrooms. Asking $18,900, Call Tom Houston for details and moke on offer FULL PRICE $18,200 Very close to S&. Gertrude's Separate School, Large, mod- ern 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious rooms. Situated in a nice iet residential orea Excellent Yor children. Owner moving away from Oshawa, so must be sold, Coll Tom Houston for detolls VERY LOW TAXES if you want low taxes, excel lent meighborohood, conven ient schools and bus this 6 room brick home on Hillcroft near Simcoe is for you at only $13,400. Move fast! See Charles Chaytor for details POTENTIAL PROFIT This duplexed home in-excel- lent central Oshawa location on large jot will show a good return on investment ond high potential for capital gain Zoned -R4, Phone Chories Chaytor for details THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 9F CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST IS AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL -- BUY --~ BUILD LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST AFTER HOURS CALL OR Charles Chaytor Torn Houston Ralph Schofield 723-7996 668-4416 728-3376 NEW '66 MODEL HOMES IN CEDAR RIDGE Taunton. Rd, West at Simcoe Street 5 BEAUTIFUL NEW MODELS hu ~7 Beacon Homes Ltd. OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. TO 9 P.M, COME SEE |! COME SIGH |! 725 - 3557 J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE LTD Jack Ricard REALTOR 623-2503 48 ACRE RETREAT. Wide fost stream. Large trees, Near Leskard --~ 20 minutes from Oshawa. $16,000 --- Terms, 100 ACRE FARM, Near New- tonville. Large pond. Good house and barn, Only $17, 000 -- $5,000 down. ACRE FARM." Tyrone Solid masonry home Good barn, Two streoms Good growing land. Affords excellent view of Lake On- tario, 6 miles distant. $5,000 n 100 area ORONO, Electrically heated brick bungalow, attached car- age. Built in oven and range, etc. $17,800 less $500 Govt bonus NEWCASTLE, Custom built bungalow corport living room, fireplace. Lake. $19,900 br Lorge View of terms BOWMANVILLE. Attractive storey and f brick home, Separate dining room, Good $15,500 1 McDonald 623.3 Howke Orono R Ricord 723-5 condition MAils 23 9 Wilf ) 12 Gornet 688 McQ uay, % REALTOR Whitby Ontario 668-5868 APARTMENT SITE Choice. location on Kent &t. In Whitby. Zoned R5 and room for 14 suites.All ser vices in, Location would be ideal for luxury type opart- ment building. For more par- ticulars osk for Ivan Kelles- tine RAGLAN ST, WHITBY Six room brick bungalow in o quiet, prestige area, Thie lot is 61 x 125 ond beoutifully landscoped, This custom- 723-5221 | | | | built home has mony extras, fireplace, broadioom, twin- dow in living and dining rooms, plus a large detoched gorage. Asking $24,900, with a substantial down poyment, for more porticulors ask for Ivan Kellestine INVESTMENT PROPERTY Apartment site for 45. suites Zoned R4 excellent location in Whitoy. Proposed plan on file in our office For more information ask for Ivan Kellestine HANDY MAN"S SHOP weld, you can be in business for $10,000 full price, Electric and Acetylene welding, mony tools such cs drill, grinder, lawn mower sharpener, dozens of wrench- es and a lathe ore included this offer, Good highway location et Grafton, Ontario Taxes are low in this oreo, only $40 per year. Present owner is retiring but has made a good living here for many d home con be purchased in this area at a ver# reasonable price too For more porticulers on this business, osk for lven Kelles- tine highway If you can years. A BROOKLIN Seven yeor old brick Veneer bungolow, Six good sized rooms in this well kept home. | A little lorger than overage size lot lif 5 x 110, If you con poy about $6,000 down- this home corries for $88.50 a month, The schools are close by too. To Inspect this home ask for ivan Kellestine APARTMENT SITE Dufferin St, Whitby. Zoned R4 and all services ore in Size of lot is 23,826 sq, ft Most oportment sites are selling for more than one dol- tar per sq, ft. this one Is priced at $23,000 so see it Ask for Ivan Kellestine FOUR BEDROOMS Freshly decorated throughout All n this two storey home are large. Aluminum storms and screens ail around ed now the bac fer buy sk'ng with $3,000 down Corries for $137 P.1.T, Four bedroom homes are hard to find so call now end ask for Ivan Kellestine ir 1 $15,500 519 BROCK ST. SOUTH NORRIS | PEW Realtor Bowmanville 14 Fronk Street Phone 623-3950 FARM, Excellent Brick home, all conveniences. 105° drive sheds. Ask STOCK buildings modern x 36' born, 2 Stream, Good location ing $85,000, Terms. STOCK FARM, 144 Acres, brick home, Good size bam 120 Acres workable, Asking $20,000, Terms. VALUABLE PROPERTY. Only 2 miles from Oshowa, Future subdivision, golf course, Pres- ently operoted os a Dairy form with large Oshowa Milk contract, Excellent buildings STOCK Brick home born, Asking Terms NORTH OF 100 farm, 8 roomed home wit? moder conveniences Good size barn. Pond, Ask ing $30,000. Terms NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE, 10 Acres with stream, Only $1,000 down FARM, - 200 Acres L-shaped bank $29,000. OSHAV OSHAW Acre NORTH Acres with Barn Terms Asking YF OSHAWA, 150 Acres, NORTH DAIRY FARM Large L-shoped barn 10 roomed home, all modern conveniences. Large Toronto milk-contract. Priced to sell TOBACCO FARM equipped, 97 Acres Acres M-B.R. gr New bam. 2 Modern home PORT PERRY Acre farm ern convenience size im. Asking $28,- Fully with 38 wing rights Greenhouses Priced to sell 100 mod AREA brick home After H Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlarx rs Co 623-3614 623-3715 ono 1649 728 is on, Bethany 30r2 Balance $7,250 corries. like rent. Frome 4 rooms, Living- tole = room, kitchen, 2 OGTR and 3 piece bath, Forced oir 90s furnace. Aluminum storms and screens, Garage, This is truly o comfortable home, NORTH AJAX, $9,800 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms, Full besement. Forced oir gas heat, Lot 40 x 100 fenced Garage. See this for. sure! IT'S CUTE ; 'Whot? This 5 room frome bungolow situated on o lot 75 x 200 with garage. Clear of mortgage. Asking $10,000. LOT 50 x 215 Close to shopping end trons- portation.3 'bedrooms, Lerge kitchen, Tile both. Forced air oi! furnace. Aluminum storms and screens, Cor port. Priced $11,000 with $2,200 down, Taxes only $211. See It today and make on offer; TREED LOT 3 bedroom brick A reol nice family kitchen with loods of cupboards Large living room, Full base- ment. with one finished room All aluminum storms and screens, Priced to sell ot $13, 90 at bungalow $3,250 DOWN Will put yqu into this love ly year old 5 room brick bungalow situated in South- wood Park. Owner transfer- red has to sell! Asking only $16,250, Balance on | mortgage. Corries for $116 PLT AJAX RIGHT DOWNTOWN PRESTIGE AREA --~ 4 bed rooms 2 baths -- 4 piece tiled with venity and 3 piece Shaped living room and din- ing room with wall-to-wall broadioorm. Modern kitchen with built-in stove and oven Recreation room, Fenced land scaped and paved drive, See this one --~ Best buy in Ajax! REALTOR AJAX 942 - 3364 MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B Making people "Home Hoppy" Is our business. Metca REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King St. E BUILDING LOT King St. E., 78 x 112, choice location COTTAGE Only minutes from Oshawa, on north west side of Loke > Asking $6,786, $2,300. DOWN Large 2 storey electrically heated 6 room, semi detach- ed choice north end location, Balance on one N.H.A 614% mortgage. INCOME HOME Large 12 room plus garage, $240, monthly income plus 4 room apartment for owner, Only a few blocks from down town SOUTHWOOD ST Large 6 room ranch with at= tached garage, stone fire- place, partial rec room, extra plumbing, many, many extros In choice east end location. ELMGROVE AVE Five room bungalow garage TV. erial, storms and screens, rec, room, ponellied basement, home in beoutiful condition, Clear property. PHAIR AVE Six room red brick bungalow with stone front attached garage, paved drive, Two fireplaces, Lot 76 x 240. Lovely rural home. Toxes $250.00 OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 725-9191 723-9178 725-9365 723-7963 728-5836 725-8585 728-1554 Joe Maga Eldon Kerr Bob Johnston Ken Hann Jack Osborne John O'Driseoll Jack Hogan MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B We list exclusive & MLS NORTH WEST OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING 1S mere iS your opportunity te buy @ good ranch house only 10 yrs. old at a moderaté Consisting of three bedrooms, L-shaped J and dining room, fire e with heatalator, finish ed recreation room and éxtra 3 pc, bath in basement. Large hedged lot 58 ft. by 135 ft We will arrange convenient ing a buy you t afford to miss all win Cruikshanks now 728 205 Schofield-Aker Ltd his Is or : Carden Osborne REALTOR Dial 668-8826. BUILDING LOT BUILDER WILL bulid the home of your choice on this desirable lot in south west Whitby near Public ond High Schools, If you want to build yourself the lot ie stilt for sale, Asking price $5,600 ESTATE SALE PICKERING $9,000, 5. room frome home neede some touch ups could be bought right. Trees, gorden, 110 x 200' lot, Garage ond sun porch, Moke offer to out ve town owner while it lasts 50 ACRES, HOUSE, BARN $14,900. 8 room, 2 storey brick home on open road, 40 miles north of Oshawa and Whitby. Ree- sonable living here for fam- ily wishing to get out of the busy city life, School bus et door for public end high school, Solid home with clean decoration A BEAUTIFUL TWIN FOR $13,900 WHITBY With recreation room end shower, gos dryer, aluminum storms and screens and other extras. 3 bedrooms, large living room and 9% x 13 kitchen, Lease on this home expires June 30th, so moke offer for occupancy et this date ond pleose out of town owner $12,900, FOR THIS THREE BEDROOM Semi-detached brick on paw ed Whitby street. You need only $2,500 down to move into this property and the balance you con poy like rent, Don't wait to ¢all us on this one, see it now while It losts, OSHAWA BLVD, SOUTH, $9,000 2 bedroom bungalow with asbestos siding, low toxes, gorage, small lot. Retire here with low. upkeep or @ good stort for young eouple wanting to save, BROOKLIN BEAUTY, $22,500. Situated on 86' frontage lot this 6 room brick and stone split level design with low carrying charges, delight fully large kitchen, - sunken living room with broadioom, corlon and oak floors, elec- tric heot, walkout basement with recreation room and cupboards galore. Only o few minutes drive to Oshawe and Whitby so why be con- gested in the city, $4,000 down with one mortgage. WHITBY 8 ROOM BRICK ONLY $13,950 2 storey. family home in central Whitby location with reasonable taxes. Trees for shade here. Some modem- ization storted, 2 bothrooms, Open fireploce. Small down payment with substantiel monthly payments or if you prefer save the interest ond [REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET E. REALTOR SIMCOE: ST. NORTH Asking only $12,900.00 with $2000 down. Open to offers on this well kept frame bun- view with full bosement, ed air heating, lorge beck yard with shade tree, This home is modern inside and must be seen: Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 INCOME HOME 6 room home centrally locat ed, 2 bathrooms, and twe kitchens, garage ond private drive. Make us an offer Full price $15,400.00. For further information e¢all A. Donaldson 728-7328 |INVESTMENT PROPERTY Downtown location on King St. close to Church Street, 3 storey brick building, built well back on: lot, has 17 rooms, present income $382. Asking only $32,000.00, Don't let this commercial property go by without vesting, Good area for small store. Ask for Bob Johnson 728-2548 for more informa- tlon NEWLY COMPLETED But with many comfortable refinements included: Built in stove and oven, seporote dining area, vanity in beth, excellent family room with full width natural stone fire- place, lower level fully par- titioned, At $18,900.00 in Oshawa"s east end, this home is good volue. Call Stan Me- Cormack ot 655-3066 (Ne toh) in- a a 20--Reol E Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 26)