Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1966, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Mey 12, 1966 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire ..: Read and Use Times Action Want A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. "nearness Equipment BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Borristers WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, ond" HILL Chartered Accountants, 36 King Street ' » Barristers, Solicitors, 6 ing "Bast, Oshawa, 725-6597; William © " Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, Sewun. CAL Devi G. Perkin, CAs GC) @, 6, Bevchys, OC) Wi. A. Wilmas, d, Grenem MacMillan EA ; Residence: 125-4604; Whitby. VACE, FRIEDLANDER AND co, A68-276 TAI; + 72%5133, NHA and Chertered Accountants, Licensed PhS other first mortgage funds available. A ft - treet Norn, osnewe, FIAT 4 Simene SIV) ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, Nor ~ BCL, Barrister: and Solicitor, 73 Centre HOPKINS, BEADLE AND €O., Charter street. Office hours: 9 am.» 5.3% pm ad Actountants, Financial Trade Build-| Evening appointment. Dial 723-1461 iG. &, Boychyn, QC; W. A, Hillman, | SC L AT. HOM \/GARDEN TIME" peor ag E [Gardening and Supplies _ [Instruction NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUPERFINE GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX Low monthly payments in- clude text books and instruc- tions. Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means | | | SCOTT'S SCRAP BO WEAR A town 1x PERULS A FIGURE OF A COCK THAT By RE SCOTT -| AR pockets umorr FILLINGS KA JET PILOTS EEAK WN. CAUSE WM WITEWSE PAIN WW HIGH AXTMUDE, FLY Gs ICROWED TUREL T1085, JACOWS LADDER AMD Tite, Oni. USED 40 TAKE CARIGT DOWK FROM THE CROSS TUS, SUM, THE, MOON 40d Soo Wide 4WE LANCE With WHICH 4HE ROMANS MERCED |5--Treiter 6--Marine FISHERMAN'S OAT | GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILERS SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND SALES 1010 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY Ports and Accessories Authorized Dealers for {8---Articles for Sale NOW | Six SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service ® WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct costor ond camber, align tee-in and toe-out to correct condition 6.88 @ Ports, extra if required @ Torsion bor adjustment extra, ° BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars), - First Quolity Royaline ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On A-wheels 14.88 Ssoihtinntn | 2 Building Trades 1 New 12° Crestliner Aluminum @ Citation @ Glendette | Car Top with 3 HP. Evin @ Corsair @ Rambler rude, All it needs is a fisher- WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL @ Truck Campers Including weights per whesl eoct Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings TIMOTHY & ALSIKE INDIVIDUAL GRASSES CHRIST'S SIDE. AMD VARIOUS OTHER SYMBOLS « of Provincial examination, DAY, Cerlitiad General PEAT MOSS For FREE information---write, DOW R. Accountant, i. pw, Oshawa Shop| ASPHALT SO-GREEN 7.7.7 | American School, Dept. 8, E, PLENDER, WASKINS and) SO-GREEN PREMIUM Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario SELLS, Chartered Accountants: G. W DRIVEWAYS GARDEN 50-GREEN Riehl, CA, RIA; BR. Waters, PAP ANUAnLY Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7 SPECIAL SPRI) RATES NOW ceaxdivc Age INSURANCE PREMIUMS COOK | 'COMPARABLE PRICES" Fe PEOPLE with income property # Order jitee ond avi We will MILORGANITE : / : BY MoOton YENICLE hy " TRAILER SALES Grr cena Gdes ae sorties S| rods Gre and Nove cur CIL. 10-6-4 Address... aan Fe OWHERS IK AME, U.S, | AKT iframe DOMINION te your needs. For information call 725 peeve Pog Come Pes job for EVERGREEN 6-9-6 J Eye : : ~~ ie rer ae ' CLANCY'S Accounting Service y per square foot GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 f ae $ 1 a 3, 600,000,000, | I BRAIDS AS 723-9534 Pe ng service, 299 Sim d financing available. As icici hn \ oats . | Lt , HURRY! HURRY! HURRY coe Bouth, dig R "rn 7608 os $2 weekly, All work GREENFIELD. LAWNFOOD FINISH 1 a T BUTMANN, Chariered "Aceoun Ni cuacsateed Gr 3 vane BONEMEAI "NEW 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH fant, Licensed Truster, 17 Bond Street HEEP MANURE HIGH Se HOO! * TELEPHONE 725.6511 ry how 72 » £ y tf sé, Sevt_ teenie ee ------| bonded Paving CL. 10-10-10 dae ioc Sismoras 2 st i tar iead har ALSERY HOSMAR, Chae ee ew . Rug-Upholstery Service TV---Radio Repairs tandord 14 ft $1.) THE VERY BEST tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa co cl 4.12.10 write Foti provincial ex Daliine with soilet $1,295 Ontario. Telephone 127 749 By a . pi a eae blephor 723-0381 GARDEN TOOLS ominations for recoginized COLOR T.V. pony certificate, Grades 6-13. Al @ NOW OPEN @ K GARDEN. SEE Books ond supplies a Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville es ' , Black and White mNJAX 942-3491 y regular priced Elner FUNGICIDES deductable. For full informa DARLINGTON a . He BARGAINS White Elna Sewing Centre EED KILLERS tion write JPHOLSTERY ve RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG 38 Bond West man and water NOW ONLY HOCKS, MUFFLERS Sewing Mochine Special "Everything for Trailers' fe MILLER'S FVINRUDE in Value $79.00 AND KELLY, Barristers, Soilc . BUG KILLERS 4 Ce tg lial monthly payments, income tax and areo BIRTHS---DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi tional charges If no: paid within 8 days Mia. Resiaence Proves J. Greer, Planning on fin 2662, OPEN ALL DAY 0 ¢ ms ~ RENTAL 1GS - eee Tg, 40. Main Street West 623-734] e @ RENTAL BOOKINGS TKI WAtd 23-73 728-5143 NOW BEING TAKEN AUTOMATIC WASHERS, $85; wringer available, 725-4716 or 725 pA] from our 1965 stock REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire; Lauren. € olan eka' parti r materiai; 7259°0941 or 668-5830 Ee omen sen REVERPINCES rewopetiered end 3 83 i e TK Creighton, QC; or residences Celina RADIO & TELEVISION ers @ Everything for Trail Mortg! arranged BREA ERLE ee » CLEANERS Bias. | JERS Mason and Risch. First grade, Privately 728-5286 942-349) additional words, 4'4c. each schools, churches, factories Expert repairs to all makes : ' : , 7 irs, trailer, sleeps four , reasonable $165; also 50" , $250; H c 2 ALCAN West ome § at from $39, to $67, Rotors, |traile , hleene dike new, ren NOW ONLY $165; also piano, § A. Cave, Ge cald Sithin'® deve ames Allen itial, figur abbreviation counts Plantinas and Complete Lond hie fs bitems Rabole Initia figure or 0 n d plete v QQ and on r ervice tJ gallons per hour. Paid $175., will sell fer "1 IC ' , - ipisiaanigeican & CUSTOM -- $200 or best offer, Telephone 985-2866 |MISTER TV TOWERS, 378 King Street & GENERAL REPAIRS ; Reduced Sale on speed ATTENTION! Housewives, cleaning win equipment, chrome occ, fen QC, 125-3368; | Terence y 778.5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB ; Zé Oa: Wats + i Monda Saturday Barrister and Solititor and Notary Pub, Modernizing your day fy y Hamilton, Ontario RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis. Establish SyY Me e & * washers, $35 up; electric stoves, $45 te, The Com Daily Delivery ed 17 'years. Workmanshin uaranieed.| cia a 4 wirpy | JACKSON'S TRAILERS n y dryers, $55 up; TV's, $25 up. All' rebuilt A and refinished. Gi ie 725-4 Bre PRIVATE TUTORING |n ali sublects for rebuilt, furniture refinished, Oshawa up e mack Sales and Rentals | ances, Coesnren, Stone SPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.| . loney to loan. Office, 144 King Street CALL . tian heavy duty electric range, 2i-inehy \ Janitor Service receverit p covers made te NOW ONLY $7 Teleshorie Se ign Pacxape deel, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, No E PHELAN CO alton Uphoistering, 78 Charles RAE'S RENTALS and SALES 6". Tolootene 725-1975 icles faries, Bank of Commerce Building ' 17212 r AIR a de-hurnid fier, cost $110. Will - sell for $5 iso prefab bar for recren- s reggg ESE pe Sales and Service af Lon room. Cost 994, will sat for Sal Drynen, QC, 728-8554) G, |. Murdoc 668-6032 EST 1909 : ers @ Coleman Stoves ete both excellent condition, Telephone 728- eow el TV SERVICE Reveirda ft APPLIANCE MILLER Classified Rates | HOME You ca we clean. At owned. J, E, Shields, 308 Burns Stree? WORD ADS LAL a MAPLE LEAF tention Builders and Contree fa ] Onl & East, Whitby. Telephone 468-2473 Cash -- | insertion of 24 words Ae 08 IMPROVEMENT 5 tors. We clean new homes, Addit ' OSHAWA 59 14 FOOT GENERAL home trailer, one Wilton, twelve by fen; large round secutive insertions of 24 words 4f oF @ Additions Iterations of washers, dryers, ranges, ete i ' sleeps four, Propane gas stove and oven,| 40 horsepower Evinrude Elec pedestal kitchen table; twenty-two feet of additional words -12¢. each, 6 er @ Kitchens--Rece Rooms and Cal pre . * ELEC T RON Ics ce box, electricty. Telephone Hampton tric. New from our 1965 (beige draperies. 728-2976 secutive insertions of 24 words, $ all your Construction Needs 8658. WHITBY, ONT @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 263-2574 stock PIANO, upright, "Nordhelmer," 55" high, new to 889, loniied, tower Kile ont Re- Building Tuning and ree | pairs fo all makes of planos, Brougham, Method ef Counting Less than 24 For ON erding, Top Homes @ Commercia 1 word; phone number counts r cap Ser eee 725 6126 scaping Service Modern Equipment and Ex a RE-CONDITIONED ANTENNAE, 8713 MOUSE TRAILER, sleeps two, Phone |$80, Also used Fasto gas water healer, perienced Professionals ° DOC S SPE ED rom $5., $10., and $20., for cottage or a. | small size,.suitable for cottage, $35, 985. Well Drilling--Diggirg Port Perry EXCELLENT BUYS IN |west." Towers. at from $39. 10. $69. WELL DIGGING 'by machine specializing TRAVEL TRAILER, 7-foot, electric Rotars, new, $39.10 $69, limited, tower our home improve erm ne, Pr indo yang e ses, slib Ward, 204 Chestnut One of Oshawa's Largest pd Md ag Mt 5 apias Window der skirts, grills, dises, sliks, pM oe West, Wh thy 668-2563 or 668-3809. hea 125-2661 ishing a rec room? CANADIAN ACADEMY 102 King W., Bowmanville T.R.1.0. Television tent CAMPING TRAILERS 725-7181 ris lient king . West, Oshawa, Onta Sigg a Ral bathroom? Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses ' a 5d ' horsepower new Evinrude ed. Chester Appliances, Caesarean, 984. 496 COOPER-SMITH ft uagame > ° Maine: WBute Men ABI" «NIGHT SERVICE | last Sinere sr East, Oshawa, 728-6232 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re - er 728-0261 or 728-3748 74. - 7 Cabin on | Simece Street North, Oshawa, 7 adds 16 C St ED JEFFREYS abin and Camping Troi QC. 12-4768; J.C, Victor, 95-7118 | UPRIGHT PIANO, Excellent condition, MAY OR EVENING REPAIRS DAY OR EVENING Harwood Rd, AJAX RUGS -- one India, eighteen by tend additional words 2\¢, each ea MISTER TY TOWERS, 378 King Street 1964, 14 FOOT, GOLDEN FALCON house gocd condition, tuned to concert pitch, o 10 per cent additional charge) GARDEN SERVICE Charge-~ A-| WINDOW GiRANERS 5 e vette FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | S4l@ lasts to May 24 TRAILER HITCHES made and installed Ontario, 942-5547 or 942-4777 r) & S Ced Pot 4h) Since § Oshawa CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.|#!s0 ll types of welding done, reason he Bi pe . 24 words; each wor e a edor. Hedges atios "ee abeln Windlass Chak 2 Y : J A ot , ST) Dean Avenue |able. Portable equipment for ren' 1 Instant natural gas fer words counts os w OONnsS noverial © yy w Clea Telephone '723-0011 Teiaahene dogebidthbrclpaiad VS heater, new, Continuous hot Ay "9 QUALITY CARPENTRY 725 061] Free Estimates home, Call Mr. TV Towers, 723-9525 HOUSE TRAILER, home made, \3foo! |2142 T - "* ™ - : ly Call 668-3239 Whitby brakes, propane refrigerator, stove with| kits only, Sale lasts fo May 24 « let. Us " s son. 1 } ~~ e 4 IN MEMORIAMS follet, Used one season, $1,495, Ap-| UJ S F D ELECTRIC GUITAR, "Harmony" and latina nt r Kent' amplifier, strap included, Must $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se; problems, call us first 559 Dean Avenue each thereafter plus per line of| r " fe P 5 " ; ; ELLARS CLEANED: trasn removed, 24 hour towir licen 2----~Personal #4 RAMBLER, \éfoot, Immaculate, sell immediately, Best offer, 263-2560 verse; 25¢, additional charge if not} 25: 8576 2 ' 1S-to ; 1 a paid within ® doys Saige - | NU RSERY STOCK household repairs done, Telephone 723 mechanic, Open % days ' $127 A Gloneatie Steet, OTE eee M 0 T 0 R S | WASHING RACH NE: wringer style, Like | y ik with eur ™ Y U M new, hild's red etal ee ganos OF THANKS phos Riles Gnd Garden Mi 10. 1600 King St. E Removal of superfluous hoir Street es |Affer $ p.m., 165 S Versus tone. yl rib $2.00 for the first 38 words and Be: niles Money to Loan 78.77R1 Marie Murduff will be in |CAMPING TRAILER, "Sliver Liner,"| | MOVING avsevihing "Maat gal" Ae Peat net iS within yf ohh & 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at ar Oshows, May 16th, 17itond | Rariscl cones yieg ek eneen a @ | only 1962 3 HP. Evin Hiques, Chesterton') leather chiair, seine y hae Eavestroughing OWF oOuIP h sonable rate "as terest to kd hat 1 sd lhl ne tnaening. Coleman seve: Soup COMING EVENTS INSTALLATION POWER EQUIPMENT our bills or for. ¥ aller work while ends, suitable for cottage, 527 Coleridge : Sales and Servic x " sshigg $2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for the | purpose providing .you are steadily er first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter OR REPAIR | Toro and Lawn Boy pinyed and have good credit, Telephone (Word Ads) | CA ASK THE EXPERTS aot 723-4631 TION SALES King's s } fo on INCH PER INSERTION, ing's Eavestrot agning 728-9942 Evinrude LOST AND FOUN 9am, DAY OF PUBLICATION MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS, Re si R ront, tar and gravel, exterior painting SPRING CLEAN.-| IRTHS AND DEATHS roof. tar and. gravel, r paintin A BAe DAY OF PUBLICATION eens service, aviation Mewing service @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top 'Soil @ Seeding @ IN MEMORIAMS: and FOR ALL YOUR home Improvements @ Fverqreens @ Gradina @ CARDS OF THANKS rene onstruction and guaranteed work ¥ * pm. DAY PREVIOUS ; oat 10 @ Morion and Kentucky Blue + ro Complete londse CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ROOFING chimneys, all Wypen of cameni| 9 std plate ascop andoagreeme: : oe Sidewalks, slabs, stooms. Frank ing ertilizers aE. ryeyor. Commercial blue prints. | Street, corner Wolfe Street Batt, Tele "ws : igh Pe Fg Pa Me RR 3, Oshawa 655-306 723-9020 vsidsiene c Ontario Street, 725-8632 phone 728-2222 or 723-7112 lags ie hy ba um r -- m. de . ollow The Signs. CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING Cer HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING FLIM AND TROLLOPE Ontario Land 4 Mot 1 793 BRIBE Simcoe § CANCELLATIONS AND ' nreerr me Corian © 6 t Surveyors gin Street East, Phone ororcycies hi. WE BUY, sell and exenange used furni- S ¢ rex 25-4RR 15 FT. CEDAR STRIP Ross boat fiber @ | only 1964 40 HP. Evin ture or anything you have, The City suaranteed work, Whitby 648-4074 gias bottom vinyl nauticle decking, 40 dike Blankie Tracing Post Store, 446 Simece Stree? NEW PLASTERING and repairs, slucen SMIT H"S TV....Radie Repairs norseposer, Evenrude Lark Electric and South, 723-1671 Free YAMAHA controls, Teenee Tit tralier with spare 545.00 | TYPEWRITER, standard, $30.1 portable, Le! 18th. Phone Ger » Hote " rude HEINTZMAN ELE Cc TROLYSIS appointment |lawn mower, electric guitar, three rolls 723-464) while you walt. Telephone Whitby 668 5 y | 12-gauge automatic shotgun, All new, Best @ 1 only 1961. 8% HP DEADLINES TELEPHONE 77 97 Sewing Cen Half price summer rate.|six, has three foam rubber mattresses, | 185 00 structure, allechannel antenna installed, rem er ee Terr rel re ais ae aa EPHONE. 728-2921 nai $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton AAR2774 19R-17 © 930 : : 28-1742 o fi 6----~Marine Equipment @ | only 1943 QR HP. Evin kavich Auto Wreckers; corner of Soline Monevs available first Walter Ward, #04 Chestnut Sirect Webster paint spray outfit with motor reel WANTED Members for trout club MARINA & SERVICE and extra hose, $25; three electric motors, Before You uy \ SHASTA TRAILER, 19-foot, six yaars old p ie Buy he on these dates tor cpr excetient condition, sleeps. five, 'fully self 90 00 Apple Hill iano ¢ c nial iain mre | * ano or Organ, 9ee nent oniained, Price $1800, Alex 942-2713 for} ' |12 HP ELGIN motor, 12-1. plywood boat, - TRAILER HITCHES made and "Trataical |200 ft, 2" mesh, 60" high garden fence; - Mortgages & Company Ltd 4 R UNDLE 9 vs te ee Aad Oshawa | SEWING CLASSES rr pas i cad ss offers, 476 Cromwell Avenue 5 GARDE NC EN 1 RE | TD Now being conducted at your local Singer, FULLY EQUIPPED tent trailer, ai TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foo!t tower WeaD ADS Dial 725-5443 for enrolment schedule and attached canopy, Apply 198 Fare Ste DAY PREVIOUS reofing, chimneys pavestros ghing, fire 725.655] - GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail wringer well Avenue or call 725-9509 } Road East, just east of Ritson Road J ces senry Sor y, yhitey hers and ranges. Fr 1 ' . places. masonry d May, Whith washers and ranges. Free estimates, Ca 3--Sportsman 's Column USED AUTO PARTS -- anything! Chas- SMELT FISHING equipment gun fh LOANS Septic aa vite BOER NOS Ad. eee rs. Mains sda' Blactele Road (six miles east of Oshawa) fackle. boats, Valley Creek, 16 Bond BOATS SNOW TIRES -- two Goodyear, aimost SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service Street West MOTORS 425 e8) new, on wheels, for. '59 Naurhall, $25; on calls V RS ' ond second mortaages. Onen at, V t AAR ' z te soae is : is $125 for seasor Write D. M er, RR No | ' 1-4, $5 Va, $5.7 Va, $10, 725-1892 mortgages bonus. First 2, Milibreok, Ont FACILIT . lol 3 40 HP. John FURNITURE three rooms, new quale Festa Pibhabe 4 mortgages, second mortgoges WORMS, night crawlers, minnows, tor Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer 3 mie : : A and FLRISEHMANN, "Ontario. fishing: Oshawa Live Bait Co. kay Neteon | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD ' bedroom, {i kitchen ensem- 595 00 bles. Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatable . A value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 ¢ Enst Home n as ons. Free est id 9 am. DAY OF PUB 0 rn isn = as ke 3 E; : tire, 2 gas tanks, battery, upholstered - | ep c « "¢ } rags 0.; adding machine, $20; comptometer, Ea TREE FARM SPORTSCYCLES eats, Gompaass spesdomerery snstior: 3) electric typewriter, 2total eash register, JUMBER ar and grave @ Cedar poits poles thicat ' mits : ii prop, 3 bumpers, & moorings, cover, $1, ; Re $85, 723-4434 avery endeay made | rep and amall jobs, @ Monure, topsoil, mulch MOR TC, W ES models now availa 150.00 Phone 728-8612 @ 1 only 1960 75 HP, Evin BABY BARGAINS. Carriages $29.95, rward replies te num ' ' and Cor ietin ; am Cadar rts Gt bs BI J 4 ( ) miles fu worranty STARCRAFT" Grew Traveller bonis rude Flectric with short strollers $7.88 .mattresses $9.88, play EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot @ "White: birch, ° everarseris with b EC JOMY AND riced from $279 Evinrude motors.. Open evenings and shaft and generoter ne rading and two-year ar ' i XP RIE Ni i r) f LUXE | 10 am. to 10 p.m weekends. Marine Storage and Supply bus hade trees. Call collect es 50 ee) - = ¢ }Ltd., Brooklir 58-364 TELEVISION TOWERS -- 30-ff, 1-In > " Katia od Newtonville 786-2283 APPRAISALS p ; hina 723-8711 MeGINNES boat trailer with' i2:foot ish | JOU, tower with l0-ff, mast and single &.213 otherwise. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY nar. Chim rer nen TERMS ARR ANGI 5 ng baal, Campiite 'sth telephone ait antenna installed, $50. (This ts a a0-tt, The Times wil 5 . nsible for neys built, rer oas nstalled ores ELDON KERR R O DON SF OR 1588 or 137 Elgin East | structure.) TRI elevision, Corner Bond replies uncolled for y roots repaired 773-2997 CHAIN LINK FENCES ' P ' \ by SFT, LAKEFIELD cedar avin bony 35| and Division, 728-5143-4 ait i cedar airi A ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get An A.-| ompany Ww give O >b IAWA TV TAU NTC RD HP. Johnsen .motor, electric pe et Tee FURNITURE Buffet, dining room chairs and miscellaneous items of furni: REGULATIONS driveway paved by exparta, 22 cents reper Nap LLOYD .METCALI SLIPPL YL) , lust-Eq 5°Poin Nee trailer, Comp $0, 725-3791 : are foot. All work quarantend. 723-028 mo UPPLY "LIMITED : } ors fF Hee Tralie mmplete, $850, 725-9791 atter ture, also two carpets, Telephone 723-7831. TAU NTON RO f 1968 EVINRUDE 91s HP motor $338 or O } ' | ONS-WHEEL BOX TRAILER, $35.00) 96 () wheelbarrow, $5.00; four tires, 695 x 14, fae bane ab Biri best offer, Telephone 725-2001, ~ se snawa §$ nly we ehene Whney teste JOHNSTON 40 HP ei ; ; gdvertisamant : no Grcdlinnt Ceritinn ata te ce eee Marina TWO-PIECE chesterfield suite, mush= yd wl dor your satis all Oshawa 723.5377 FIRST and SECOND throttle and gear shift control Telepnont | ee ee | room sculptured nylon frieze, Excellent eto. MORT GLEE HONDA 450 C( rout condition, Telephone 728-3642 a4 3, 5 > The Oshawa Times reserves | | GENERAL WELDING SERVICES 1966 BMW MOTORCYCLES | 60 HP ELECTRIC outboard motor (1963). | EAVER WOOD LATHE with motor, to classify advert 1 ¢ © tructura and rep anecialty 8 ts proper clossificat ' . : - i re ray Telephone 728-5668 after 5 pir OSHAWA Trounted ion. metal stand complete eile : ie TELEVISION RADIO @ Honda Sport 90 $449. BOAT, @-h. Hydro, steering controls, accessories; plus 10 chisels and sending In the cases ot display dv Carpentry SEC = RITIES AND 24 HOUR SERVICE @ Hondo car convertible Matle $200. complete, 78-2636 'attr, five suARaNTane --s Inger washers, sit ; a at AY CARPE NTRY, new and remodel na F( rR SALI ce JRITI . LIMITE D $2,195 oe YAC HTHAVEN television, railenrsiors ue rn50 and gt felnuypar 0. tentocune , t 2 ncoe HOLMES - URTEEN-FOOT alumnum run-about Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim- p pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street vest qualit terials and workmanship and Real Estate Ltd 40 King St. E 728-4678 ALL TYPES of ! ver the swinging world of of repairs, rec. raoms, a ferations, roofing etc. Free. estimates YAMAHA Call 723-0944 moved. Free estimates ony savertisement 'Rey . COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS -- time west prices, Old fences re play at r . 1 IVER. EREE Ape Eighteen HP Evinrude and trailer as coe South, 723-001) PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for G WEST new, $950, After 5 p.m. telephone 725 mortgages. Mortgages and acres 1905 BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used Cartage Call 728. 6903 ments of sale purchased, Creighto PE IL 9 P.M LIMITED Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre, 264 Bond MAN" WITH" one "large and ane small Coenen ane : = |Deynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See. Bar 198-4249 : BOAT - mouided plywood and tralier, 25 Street East, 725-6344 cleane BR ang il J an awn maintenance. Roto ters 7 iP Johnson motor, electric starter an IT'S EASY -TO PLACE A menect fur ahure: Maver? ling, landscaping, pation, ploaghine |, « * controls. Telephone. 725-0281 y e ek GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired Y aeene are Hivatl C 5 FOR PROMPT SERVIC Horbor Rd. off Simeoe St. 5, at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, TIMES ACTION WANT AD and cultivating. Call 6554996 aMer 4 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ay SERV 1GROOT MOULDED PLYWOOD beat, ALSae TEE NEE ROAT TRAILER, "T" frame, TON TRUCK and man, tor hire EXPERIENCED GARDENER will care 2b!@. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock CA sa home made. One year old, Best offer 72 | 6 500 Ib. capacity. Also 3 tricycles Tele £5- phone 728-532) aif ect ' for your garden and lawn, planting, and. S'reet North, Whitby 468-2738 Telephone 728-420 | k work ' pasonable aed i PP odes . * . 2 SATVC i RIUIMPI Tae 3492 , 0. ) mming, ic, FIRST AND SECOND mortgage Sale Whitby 668-5679 TRIUMPH RGAT, Walle and waler, wiih' aon Reas agreements purchased and solid, Hennick ries Pirel tires A.) condition, Complete $875. Telephone - ee : and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street : 6% NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re 7 Dentistry _ WEE LSAT PANDICAFING auton: Bast, 723-7292 qoagies, jackets, gloves, Buco rea pairs to all mmkes, New hoses. Phone INDEX TO. CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN. Dendal| shrups, ete. Also nursery stock for sole : WOT DIPPED GALVANIZED helmets. Repairs and service Jack Lees, 728-6956 Oe : CLASSIFICATIONS Surgeon, 172 King Stree! Bast, Oshawa, | 42-2088 Nursing Homes A : AB's Motorcycle SHOP | TELEVISION, Admiral) Rotor "General ee al nih LN NURSERY SOD. Now culling, Choice WALLY CLIFF LODGE, overloaklng Lake TV TOWERS 114 STVENSON RD, SOUTH TIMES Electric. Palcgeraiors | epactinent sire) ! Colu ntal Surgeon, quality Kentucky Rive, Prompt delivery Ontario. Qualified nursing care 24 hours - : 77 has u con 2--Persona Simcoe $1 North, Oshawe, Ferion any amount. Phon , y sd anne 728-7780 vm, Philco mantel radio; oval glass Eee ons tehiwn Ha H hiecin, "Canes, any amount, Phone alter 6, 668-4965. |Reasonable rates, Telenhone 942-035 ARE : i. BEST abinet, Telephone 985-707: Malareyeles PLOWING AND CULTIVATING, Gar ° "1, ae 7--Swap and Barter na cabinet, Telephone 985-7074 Classified : dens or larger areas, Call us: Free e ri W H ! Clizt} PROPANE GAS stove and two space Dressmaking pie gE) ai ' Optometrist 5 SUZUKI SEPTIC TANKS, toilets, tubs, sinks, cab-/heaters (oll). Telephone 728-7680 F. RICHARD BLACK, .0D, 136 Simcoe ~ All models on display \ Inets, vanities, pressure systems, pipe ; MODERN [DRESSMAKING"-12 Prince BIRCH TREES any size, cedar for Sireet North, Suite 6 Oshawa. Telephone ee lisplay, In : Tificba. beats. weotors, trailers. Hi ene DINING-ROOM SRT, table, ching cabin ty N ' T ' nor medi , ~ i . ' e cha Motorola. TV; Filter eet NOW N! Ladies'. madeto-|hedaes and Lombardy Poplars. Tele: 723.419) mediate Delivery, Low down AC TION Hillside. and Pard Road. South, 723.7008 atte four chairs Bate Pe Aelita e ts, dresses, skir phone 728-95 > King' treet West men nthly. Co si, een vacuum clea r a ul ne 728-9530. n° treet ° Payment, $19 monthly. Com < fable, other items. Telephone 725-2090 8--Articles for Sale aes" Gee armen Ge : ae : ASION : j ' abie ms. ines to Tame: GA i V1 cot Painting and Decorating LEV : N |" plete line of accessories. Oper BOX TRAILER, two-wheel; tent, 9 x 12. r own. Free estimates, 725-5118 or Hill 9 pn > ha if th Nie OW: ASS DRESSMAKING i 728-0610 PAINTING ierior , . ver' Bond o ' ia TORS N. 728-404 AD EO eee itien Biin: flute: relies ' 2 ine DRAPES ae S\o HP ROTO-TILLER, reasonable. Tele alte D covers, drapes. F ean. n6.t . seit * on y , M GARDENS PLOWED and cultivated. Call jay a radley care do } 5143 Whitt 16-Dundas E. 668.6642 ra painting and decorating, De i Speedway champs), Sales and Service READY MADE phone 7238635 after S p.m. now while we have time avail 2 I TENT TRAILER, sleeps four, good con- Tilting, 728-4378 re able. F 'ery Ca niy $2.50 ted Rent-All and Ma 585 : a : estimates, . 728-025 FAY TV. SERVICE East, 728-5565 : RESUL T S All sizes, all patterns ldition, Brooklin. 655-4454 M&C TAUUN Hapa a Waker hoa b te 1 942.0 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 yards and UP: PAINTING, paperhanging, 6 ; HARLEY. - DAVIDSON, Model D per yard: top soil, 4 yards and UP: Eres estimates, Cail W a NON pletely reconditioned. F ' ks rushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery ' DOMINION mediately, $380, or bes DRY GOODS Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, yard; well-rotied manure, $$. yard. 95.5 SPRING SALE wee EXPERIENCED PAINTER and decora TELEVISION rez Telephone & DRAPERIES baa CcoTAee ane gieiSGlainan" aa SOD -- Top Quality. Field and nursery. tor Call now tor fast servicel Free HONDA, excellent condition . . ca estimates: Prompt delivery. 75: | estimates. Telephone 723-5956 28.5154 9 to 9 e three month 723-3492 74 CELINA ST hone 728-3269 or ?23-991¢ nree Ww r 7 at; up to 6 Phone 728-326 2 SE : | cK YOUR PAINT one now, inte tee sell, $730 of best offer. Teleph J : | ap) NURSERY STOC TOP SOIL, SANDY" LOAM, driveway WAVE YOUR PAINTING done ow, lite. uel). $28 723-7827 GAS RANGE, our burner, automat avel, sand fill, excavating ote , et bao A Drapery material 98¢ and up at * ' Rent nd ia. Gulth Baad Gan @raual estimates. Call Lloyd Simpso B-9R76 HONDA Blue, 19 Apply at for all other departments f drapery track, $5. Apply 792 Albert tomobiles for Sole GARDEN UPPLIES GARDEN - - smith's Sports, 35 r Street West vib sah per yard Street + Care tor ¢ AA IS or n oto tl ni from 9 untit ¢ nv 723-347 Trucks for Sale t '40° ff " : ety pac dines Plumbing and Heating ' = ob - 33474 USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, up fo 4 HONDA, 90 « ? nd! tor 5 motion uy ser adiat 4 ny Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you pt oO QUANTITY TOP SOIL and fill, Reason ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup Sate eo : Co $ Rotor ss: We BUY SCOR CAGIRIOTS 981 BOTT eee tron, Western Dit Ca. RINNE OSs I {AWA Pp & pile elephone daroid lephone '. starters, 4V SOc 2V Hc batleries P ' able. Phone 0 a! + > : ub A, Jpen Mon. ~ Fri, 8:00 a.m ' 25-2142, 1178 Nelson Street > Stark Lid, F + 7 \ PRIVATE Rridigestane, low Open Mor J DININGROOM SUITE," six piece, walnut GOOD FIELD sor. lave . ne "nee Ser mii? 1 mileage, like ; 6-0 finish, four cha table, buffet, $49 ( fr nuticde: 494.69 . att 228 te 3:00 p.m USED STEEL STENO" cha vive : \ AR DEN C ENT RE [cit rete: te " ALL TYPES of reo emocietiin A IN ADS ; SPARE ROOMS wilh paving guest base, casters. $16; new $27.0 executive! Menhone 728-4954 - a FOR LAWN ROLLING call John's Land. new and used ¢ Reasonable . . 3-349) now tor ot. 8:00 om, to 12:00 p.m. arm tilters, $4? new, We discount, Bill 193 VESPA 180 SCOOTER, good shape; 259 Simcoe North acaping, RR Ne, |, Brooklin, 655-3866 rates, Eatimates free, 723-1191, J, Foley, 723 -3492 "4. . = ies Hamilton, Raglan, $200, Ajax 942-4974, (follow the signs) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER Ladies Lid BRIDGESTONE = motorcycies Daytona for d alterations, also TOP SOIL with or withou! manure. Man EXPERT re and also shredded top soll. Willian 668-2906 or 448-3980 Gardening and Supplies 39--Notices

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