SE oe ee ee POPOL PLM YELP MEF 1) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurstey, Mey 12, i708 + van . mafming encejor your encice. maxes 9 or 6 he would foDow the pattern setjers| adolescent birthday par- a. gy oo acne Debutante Balls by the Queen. (ie, not to speak of sauad | ter frying, Gra | ' ; | : ; i io -- immediately on absorbent paper| ,SRVENTR MEAVEN SAUCE | Thing Of The Past! 2,5 °tonm's, wie, aneee|omct, tat. rocerd hope." | remove the excess fat, Keep % ; oe Sig 4 d | ft warm in a ow oven until sN| % cup salad oll HALIFAX (CP)--~The office of auiil Confederation in 1940 thelever from prospective debu- of the pleces are cooked, then|! teaspoon onion juice \Nova Scotia's Heutenant-gover-| to L aad thes Laid &.. tantes. Those who "came out" | serve immediately, All deep|! teaspoon lemon juice |nor has announced there will be , " eer ede . r coming \s year or two ago said they had fried foods are at their flavor|! teaspoon soy sauce --_-- ino St, Andrew's Ball this No-\°%, S NMCKInEtam fats yg Prince |e, OF no feeling for it. They peak as soon as frying is com-|* tre trig A syrup irom Die vember, it means Be day Olipaeeia tsiand although both did it because "'my mother did | pleted. ; Pe ach ginger jthe debutante is gone from Hal- pect: Mg a pg 8 -- it" and more because it sup: | | Fiace egg yolks in & bow! and lifax paunchly loyal 1 ci6 customs, \ported the Children's Hospital DEEP FRIED FRITS | * & few drops ate time, | qiaven t onsery: ie debutante Aumiiary IN LEMON BATTER Leda Mall No one seems to~ care; An shagial AP |beating constantly with an elec-|no one is surprioed. exert, ritual for more than 45 years.| Some of them weren't keen on 2 pounds fish fillets |trie mixer or rotary beater. | perhaps, that it took so long. What it boils down to is that|it at all. They grumbled about ty teaspoon salt |Beat until thick and smooth.| The beginning of the end the debutante ball just hasn't ajwasting six day afternoons | i egg, beaten rs remaining ingredients|came in 1959 when the Queen|Perpose anymore, At one time! going to dancing lessons so they | A ; ? % cup water then add to egg mixture, # lit-lannounced she would receive no|!t seemed necessary for a young|could whirl properly around the | Ladies' Golf Goeese 5 lesvone for 916.00 Sales of 1 lemon le at @ time, Beat until light./more formal presentations,|woman, of a certain social|great room in the traditional bay or yg ety egg DO coe tales Paace 1 eup all-purpose flour Makes 1 cup sauce. That same year the Governor-\level, to meet young men who| waltzes, het. ve aes a ee ite 1 teaspoon baking powder General declined to receive the|were eligible suitors. The deb-| ~~ 4 CG If Cl GROCERS PAY OFF un erbird 0 ub Cut fillets into portions of uni DRUGS ARE DEADLY rustling curtseys. utante ball provided this, PHONE 655-4952 GOLF LESSONS Qualitied C.P.G.A. Instructors 'Professional Teaching Steff. ® Wilson Petterson * Alf Hvestis ® John Deimore Arronaements mode for: Group Lessons, Offices, Cis, ote, Private Lessons Far All Golfers BEGINNERS AND DUFFERS WELCOME Vor The Best Selection in Golting Equipment Visit Our Completely Stocked Pro Shop form size. Dry on absorbent| Between 30 and 40 Canadian) The following year the swank; Now the normal young) Canadian shoppers collected paper, If portions are more|children die every year after|Artillery Ball in Toronto was|woman, regardless of her class|nearly $23,000,000 worth of §. ASHBURN, ONT. than one-half inch thick, make| being if d by h hold discontinued and the Sieutenant-jin sociely, has met scores of] merchandise in return for trad-| one or more deep slits in them|chemicals or medicines, igovernor of Saskatchewan saidieligible young men through sev-! ing stamps in 1965 ' to permit them to cook evenly throughout, Season with salt,' em aaa gr Prepare batter by combining) well beaten egg, water, and| Hemon juice, then stirring in flour and baking powder, Mix lightly until smooth. Dip fish in HOT, CRISP FISH FILLETS batter, a piece at a time, letting Science Of Deep Frying Fish : excess batter drain off, Fry in Makes It Easy For Beginner -- 'eer mii 27 Segre itake 3 to 4 minutes, Drain on Deep trying {s # quick method| How much fat is needed? Use | absorbent paper, Sefve. imme of cooking, Because it is quick, |enough fat " gp acy han How idiately, Makes 6 servings mt way to cook|ever, do not fill the fryer more idle By caval Seeds which | than half full, You will allow) SHRIMP TEMPURA are tender to begin with or ten-|room for the fish and for the|1% pounds raw shrimp derize quickly, It is recommend-| bubbling of the fat |, egg, beaten ed for fish fillets not thicker! 'Thaw the fish if it is frozen.|} cup water than 14 inch, small whole fish,| Separate the pieces, cut to unl-\1% cups all purpose flour and shellfish. bel 9 size, age pot dry, hao ped Thew shrimp, if frosen, Shel and cover with a coating such @8ileaving ta ins attache 0 Pgh aga Bi Bay ge flour, crumbs, cornmeal, or &|flesh Sout almost through sturdy, deep saucepan or frying batter, The coating will keep|lengthwise and remove sand kettle with straight sides, a try. | the fish moist during frying and | veins Wash. then dry thorough ing basket to fit the kettle, g| wil give it delicious crispness, |ly on absorbent paper. Prepare deep-fat frying thermometer or| Add only one layer of fish to) batter by combining beaten RE | an electric fryer with automatic | 'he fry basket at a time andiand water, then adding flour) temperature control, # tray cov- allow enough room so that the|and mixing lightly, The secret ered with asorbent paper and pleces do not touch. This pre-|of success with this batter is| tongs or ® slotted spoon vents the.temperature of the fatinot. to overmix Dip each from dropping. suddenly; assuresishrimp into the batter, holding; 4% You also require @ good gre | thorough cooking and = eveniby the tail fin, Let excess bat-| cooking ol! or fat which can. b€ browning. Wait until the fat has|ter drain off. Fry in hot deey heated to 375 deg. F. without) nested to 375 deg. F then |fat at 375 degrees F for about smoking. This is necessary be-|jower the basket into it slowly|3 minutes, or until golden cause when a fat starts to smoke to prevent excessive bubbling. brown, Serve hot with Seventh A ag en preg and 9 Fry, uncovered, until the fish|Heaven Sauce or other sfuce give the food an unpleasant fla- vor, Because of their higher smoke point, vegetable oils and fats are preferable for deep tat | ing than fats of animal or! + MUST Studio Srurn melted shortening is most im Now Open et portant Too high heat will over- brown the outside of the 'fish 33 King Street Lest, Oshewe, before the centre is cooked, Too low heat will give a pale, greasy,| Dedicated te High Style Sporteweor end imported Knits @ OPEN DAILY @ fat-soaked product. Research! has shown that 375 deg. F. is the most satisfactory frying tem-| perature for fish and shellfish. If the fat is at the right tem- perature when the fish is added, a crust forms almost immedi: | ately, holding in the juices and at the same time preventing the fat from soaking in If your old car is now worth '700 Look at the small differ- ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. 0% OFF { { SALE PRICES On Floor Model Demonstrators RCA VICTOR Black and White or Colour New Vista Television featuring: Power- ful new vista tuner; transistorized IF circuitry; solid copper circuits; mew vista TX-66 chassis; pre-set fine tuning luminated. channel indicator YOUR CAR IS WORTH BFGOODRICH HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 King St, W., Ochawe Telephone 725.4543 BE Coodrieh f Open Friday till > Plenty of Free Parking Your old car is now worth MORE... HUNDREDS MORE . . . on the purchase of any new 1966 Seaway Mercury! If your old car is now worth $1100 Look at the small differ- ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. HUNDREDS MORE ON A 1966 MERCURY TODAY! GET THE BEST DEAL AT EAWAY MOTORS DURING THEI =m ------ If your old car is now worth '1500 Look at the small differ- ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. On Lew. t aw We RATE FINANCING A Plan For Every Budget OPEN Daily Tili 10 P.M. Soturdays Till 6 P.M, 78. DOWN -- '78. PER MONTH Will buy you a brand new Mercury Comet at Seaway Motors