ANN LANDERS Parents Are Enriched By Ad Dear Ann Landers: My bus- band and I are the proud pa- rents of two beautiful children--| a little boy three years old and a 10-monthold baby girl. We adopted these youngsters ' through the Tennessee depart-| ment of welfare. | Not a week goes by that) someone doesn't say, "it cer-| tainly is wonderful of you to take those poor little children into your home, God will bless you some day for your kind- , ness." The remarks are invariably made in the presence of the children who are too young to understand, but one day soon they will. How can we make people realize that these children have} made our house a home and that God has already blessed us) a hundredfold? Please provide) us with an answer that will as- sure our. children that we love} them and we did not take them into our home because we felt sorry for them, Thank you.-- Mrs, Furious Dear Mrs.: Children are given) dentials are fairly ry po I can | Street United Church. often guess what the letter Was! ohild needed to grow physically and mentally, but he empha sized the importance of spiritual growth, the warm feeling that they are wanted and loved by the way they are treated and not by lis- tening to their parents talk to friends, I do feel that you should re- spond to your ignorant ac- quaintances, however, not to reassure your children, but to educate the clods, Tell them-- as you told me in your letter-- that God-has already blessed you, and that the children have enriched your lives beyond your ability to describe it. Dear Ann Landers: My letter is to let you know I am with you all the way on this tipping nonsense. You said, "people who do not believe in tipping should park their own cars on the street--if they can find a space, eat at home and carry their coats and hats around all evening. a Disturbed Children Discussed At Duke Of Edinburgh H And $ Miss Louise Hart, co-ordinator| of volunteers at the Ontario Hos-| pital, Whitby, was the guest) speaker at a recent meeting of the Duke of Edinburgh Home| and School Association, Miss Hart endeavored to an- awer the question 'What is an Emotionally Disturbed Child?" by saying that emotionally dis- turbed, was a new name of an old problem, Until recently, chil- dren who had emotional prob- lems were given different names, such as, juvenile delin- quent, chronic liar, petty thief, truant, incorrigible, unmanage-| able and others. It was only in the last few years, that these various forms of anti-social behaviour had been recognized as having an emotional origin, All too often, no one realized that a child had a real and definite problem, un- | someth | Unwanted | were unable to live in a normal til it did something dramatic or bizarre. Miss Hart said that in a re eent renort, it. gras estimates that 75 per cent of the chil: form institutions, were in trouble because of emotional problems. lting, an dren who had been put into re-| vited to attend opted Children If enough of us who are against tipping will take your advice, Ann, the restaurant, ho- tel and tavern owners, the park- ing lot tycoons and others will surely feel the pinch and do something drastic -- like pay their employees a living wage. --Tired of Being Bled Dear Tired: You miake an ex- cellent point, but your solution) would not ease the burden of| the customer. The increased cost of doing business would be passed right along to you and to me in the form of higher prices. As for me, I'd prefer higher prices and no tipping, | but the prospects of getting it} are mighty slim. | Dear Ann Landers: The con-| fidentials at the foot of your| column have always intrigued) me, You once explained that) those messages are abreviated| because you have been asked! advice t Although some of the confi-\ing of the 50-50 Club of Simcoe to the sunny Caribbean, Mr. and|nard about. And now I wonder if you! would do something I don't be- lieve you've ever done before, Will you let a reader supply a confidential? I'm aching to say neighbors might think daughters didn't want to take|! her in, Here {s my Confidential: Confidential to Three Daugh- ters: Let your mother go where she will be comfortable, 'You have given her so little of your time and attention through the years that she knows how you really feel, I hope your mother leaves her money to charity or t cently in Holy Cross: Roman Cathllic Church were Mr. and Mrs, John Matrrison, Mr. and Mrs, Steven Marek, Mr. Isaac Cormier, Mr. nd Mrs, Wen- dall Webber an4@ family, Mr. and Mrs. EA Cormier, all of To- ronto; Mr. andi Mrs. William Dicks, Scarborbugh; Mr. and Mrs, Gilles Simard, St. Jean, Quebec: and lérs, K. M. Ma- 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 12, 1966 Out-ottown guests attendingithrough their paces the Mahoney-Gyatto wedding re-|Brenda Melvor cracking the\of Labor and Professor Allan whip. George Day will act as Farris of Knox College. Dele- master of ceremonies with Con- gates attended from Toronto, nie Lacas as accompanist at Oshawa, the piano for the Club Singers| Welland and Whitby, Others at- and Costers. May jtending from the Oshawa area will sing a mediey of Scottish songs and Harry McKew and Kathy O'Flynn will sing duets. Other surprise items are on the program for Variety Night. with Mcliwraith AJAX COUPLE TO BE WED St, Bernadette's Roman Catholic Church will be the setting, May 21, for the wed- ding of Miss Rosemarie Gar- riques and Mr. Bernard Me- Connell, The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Garriques and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, James McConnell, all of Ajax. Chitin Pare Dales Explained To 50-50 Club The Reverend J, K. Moffat not to print the letter--just the Spoke on 'The Duties of Chris- SOCIAL & Prior to her marriage to Mr, Leonardo Latfabiana, Miss Joan Pettitt was honored at a mis- cellaneous shower given by her maid of honor, Miss Lrene Boy- \chuk for 40 relatives and friends, Co-workers of the Wiring De- pertment at General Motors presented the bride - elect with a set of pyro-ceram ware, Mrs. Raymond Pettitt entertained the ling her daughter's wedding re- hearsal, Mrs. William Reed, Celina st., is spending a week in Wes- ton, Ontario, visiting Mrs. Frank | Boughton, | Mr. Fred Britten introduced| Mrs, James Lake of Exning, Mr. T, L, Wilson who show- near Newmarket, Suffolk, Eng- }land, has arrived for the wed- Teiephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department | bridal party at dinner follow-| PERSONAL Women's Editor among the official delegates Club of Otha jhave been polkshing up their routines for tamorrow night's concert in aid of the Simcoe Atlantic Day. Mr. Maynard was| Hall pie honey, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Members of the Old: Country a and, District dren's School. ve been going 'Alderman Alice Reardon re- presented the UAW Auxiliary 27 at the Religion - Labor Seminar at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Toronto on Tuesday. Taking part in the panel discussion on "The Moral Implications of In- junctions in Labor Disputes" were Mr. David Archer, presi- Ca . + ett iia th alll FAR, sag dl dent of the Ontario Hamilton, Oakville, were Alderman Clifford and Councillor Thomas Edwards, Whitby. Assisting the Reverand M. 3. Darby at the Mahoney: ptto wedding wes the bride's ne- phew, Master Andrew Ouellette, as altar hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, Olive avenue, had as their for the Mother's Day wee 1, their daughter, Mrs. Russell, Windsor. from armed forces and the gov-| jernment who laid a wreath on the national war memorial, Mr 'and Mrs, Maynard attended morning service in Christ Church and were guests of the Navy League for mid-morning coffee at the Chateau Laurier. They were also entertained by the Naval Officers' Association jin their Bytown club and were jat a reception in the petty offi- cers' mess eboard the HMCS Carleton, Mrs, William Severs, Kawartha avenue, who cele- brated her 76th birthday on Mother's Day, was honored by a reception held by her son, [roe ving to the three daugh-|executive as ters who want their 70-year-old | Presidents, mother to move in with one of|Mrs. J. K, Moffat; them. They are afraid if mama|dents, Mr. and Mrs, |goes to an old folks' home th the|M e| Houlden; Salmers; | Mrs, reporters, Mr. and Mrs Toenjes; Mr, and Mrs. Bert Waite; bulle-| Fort Britten; group leaders, Mr, and their 70th anniversary this year,|tion, Herbert A. Maynard and|who were unable to attend, The) Mrs, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McLeod, '60th (diamond), jan Parents" at the May meet-|ed movies of his winter cruise|ding of her grandson, Mr, Ber-|Mr. Charles Severs, with whom McConnell, to Mis 8\she lives, Mrs, Severs has three Every | Mrs. Wilson had pictures of New| Rosemarie Garriques, to take|sons, Charles, Oshawa; Benja- "| York City, life aboard ship | place May 21. Mrs, Lake will mia, Ajax; and William of} land St, Thomas in the Virgin Is-|spend the summer with her|Bradenton, Florida; two daugh- ; lands, \daughter, Mrs, James McCon, |ters, Mrs, Fred Cole, Bowman-| Mr. Hugh McLeod thankea|nell and Mr. McConnell, For-|ville and Mrs. Percy Hayes, Moffat installed the new| Mf. Wilson ed pene obese hr iat ag yyy By ee follows: Honorary, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Houlden| Mr, and Mrs, W. G, Perry of laren, All the a eacarmeien| the Reverend and presided for the business meet-| White Rock, B.C. who have been|dren were present at the recep-| past-presi-|ing. Mrs. Reginald Piper report-|visiting Mr. and Mrs, Herbert|tion with the exception of five,| Donald ed on plans for the annual ple-|Schuermann, Woodlea crescent,|Tena Marie and Debbie Severs| presidents, Mr. andjHic to be held, June 15, at Camp/and family returned 'home last|in Florida, and Debbie, Dennis! rs, J. K. Moffat Jr.: secre-| Pretoria Refreshments were | week and Ricky Bonner in Soest aries, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen served by Group 3, Mr. and Mrs, Roger Paradis,|Germany. Her sons and daugh-| treasurers, Mr, and iters, their wives and husbands hous a e left Osh- William Shepherd; press| MARRIED FOR 70 YEARS |L2nsdowne drive, have left Ost [honored her at # dinner party Harry; FORT FRANCES, Ont, (CP) Quebec. 'lin the Georgian Motor Hotel, friendship conveners,|Mr, and Mrs. J, A Mathieu of where a message of congratu-| Frances were married The national president of the lations was received from her 6, 1896, and celebrated Royal Canadian Naval Associa-|son and his family in Florida, Mr. in editors, Mr. and Mrs, Fred April and|Names for wedding anniver-|Mrs. Maynard, Thomas street,|family returned for coffee at) and\saries go no higher than the were in Ottawa for the com-|the home of Mr, and Mrs,| memoration of the Battle of the|Percy Hayes Alan Hutcheon, Mr, Douglas McDougall to some old man she met Jast week, -- Also Independent and Miss Hart told of cases she had known in her work with emotionally disturbed children, to illustrate how some children react to a world in which they sociable manner. The parents asked many questions to try to determine the difference be-| tween normal and abnormal be- haviour in children. Mrs. Roy Lee, expressed the feelings of the group, when she thanked| Miss Hart for her talk, | This meeting was the last of the season, there will not be a meeting in June, Mr. Kelvin James, school principal, thank-| ed Mrs. Lorne Dalton, retiring) president of the Home and/ School Association, for the| wonderful way she had conduct- ed the meetings for the past two years, and for her unfailing graciousness and helpfulness, in all matters concerning the school, Mr. James announced that. the Field Day would be ay 18, weather permit all parents were in The date of Apvards Giving Day, will be an- nounced later held on 74 Celina Street FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in end Fabrics . mee... Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS WXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 with lots LIGHTING UNLIMITED | Has the kind of lamps and light fixtures a fall in love with. Like chandeliers dripping in crys- tals, tall stately table lamps, fascinating ceiling | fixtuwas and intriguing outdoor lights. And the prices! You actually save money at Lighting Unlimited. And there are seven handy stores In the Hamilton- Toronto-Oshawa shopping area, all girl can of parking. POLAROID DEMONSTRATION Come In and meet the New Polaroid Color Pack Cameras. Have your FREE DEMONSTRATION PICTURE TAKEN and see the amazing results in 10 sec. MEET THE SWINGER THE'NEW POLAROID LAND CAMERA FOR ONLY 19.88 Have you seen Kt yet? We have the SWINGER, the emazing new low-priced Polaroid camera, it's the camera that "talks" to you -- says YES right in the viewfinder when the exposure is perfect. it's full of surprises. And it gives you your black and white pictures in 10 seconds. Come in and see it today, it's the most camera in the world for the pricel| Polaroid' @ by Polaroid Corporation New Polaroid Color Pack Camera for only 59.88 We've got to be kidding. But we're not. Polaroid has just introduced an economy model of the famous Color Pack Camera. It's called the Model 104. Same great film. Same fast loading. Same electric eye. Same big color prints in 60 seconds (black and whites are ready in just 10). Yet Polaroid has figured out a way to bring it to you for only about half the price of the original model. Come in and make us prove it. DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY Time 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SATURDAY ~~ THE POLAROID CAMERA GIRL will be on hand to demonstrote the . TIME 10:30 a.m, to 4:30 p.m, cameras ond give you tips on Polaroid Accessories . . ostaWa CAMERA CENTRE A Sea ek mt a Special Pistia Savings! ACTIVE SPORTSWEAR FOR ACTIVE MISSES Such timsational savings for a summer wardrobe of active sportswear! Hurry to Walker's Sportswear Section to scoop up these tyivings before you head for the hills, Styles illustrated are jus|t representative of a super selection. Cottons, rayons, plains {md prints im assorted colors. Sizes 10 to 20, ah 1.49 nla '7Qe Shorts WALKER"S Jamaica Sets 1.49 29e OPEN DAILY TO @ PM, Thursdeys and Fridays to ? am. Where good taste in fashion is not expeiisive LOCATED: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TEL. 728-5211 eee age ee