Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1966, p. 17

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McLAUGHLIN CO LLE- GIATE'S musical director, Michael Crosbie, alerts the orchestra as a member of the school's junior band, Rosemary Wise, a Grade 9 student, gets ready to clash her cymbals. The 70-piece junior band performed last night along with the senior band and the Kingsway College choir in the Col- legiate's annual. music night. The concert featured individual performances by Scott Painter, Janice Grew- er, Donald W oods and Ray- Reading Aid For Children | Outlined By Inventor's Son An alphabet designed to teach; The Initial Teaching Alpha- announced andt L. T, Savery,/ children to read fluently was | bet is introduced to kindergar-| principal of the Dr. S. J. Phil-| discussed last night by the son| aid. Michael Pitman, spoke to an| over 50 classes in Ontario, seven Haisell, ten classes and by the end said Mr Pitman. He also said there are audience of about 50 elementary|in the Toronto area school teachers on the history John Francom, past presi- and use of the Initital Teaching|dent of the council, brought up Alphabet at a meeting of the|the question of costs involved injMcCulloch aqd Mr. Oshawa and District Council of} introducing the International Reading Asso-| schools, elation. the method | Mr. Pitman said one of the Mr. Pitman also showed a film) main disadvantages of the teach on 1.T.A, which outlined the re-|j search done in England on the|t ng aid is the initial cost of es- ablishing it. The first costs are} method, The film, produced by|great and estimated that about Sir James Pitman, inventor of symbols instead of the conven- tional 26, This provides a con-|as the device spread $12 per student L.T.A., noted the device has 44| start needed he said, sted that s, the costs is to the Francom system Mr, Sugs sistent and reliable code for the) o¢ jt will come down, beginning reader, the film com- mentary noted. Mr, Pitman said the transition | to traditional orthography) (R.0.) takes place quite easily) and quite quickly. ae shher IW Train ELECTION Following a brief question period, the council proceeded with regular business. New ex ecutives for the council were 7. sme ('ant venire duly $20,000 Drive Underway A $20,000 financial drive in aid; of a proposed -$40,000 retarded! adults' training centre at Whitby is underway in the Ajax- Pickering-Whitby area, The campaign opened Monday and ends May 22. If successful, construction of the centre -- to; have a capacity to train about! 20 adults daily -- would start immediately. It could be ready for use possibly by early Sep- tember The centre, to be located on Charles st. e., behind the On tario Hospital, is the undertak- ing of the Ajax - Pickering - All Oshawa Co-operates In Campaign The Centennial Project Fam. paign will be a campaign which will involve the co-operation of all the citizens --Management --~ The Workers and Local Organizations. The Civic Auditorium w built with the co-operation of all these groups Payroll deduction will again be available in all plants, so that the minimum: required from every worker will be available for the campaign -- mainly .50 cents per week over a period of a year Workers the city and management are co-operating to Whitby Association for Retard ed Children Workers in the blitz are con ducting door-to-door canvassing and "approaching industries in the area by Frank Signoretti, chairman the drive and president o 0 ciation, said toda letter," f of as ON OUR OWN He said_ the repeated at year to rai will time balance establish- campa n the ame e the f 0 he next of thie ing the capital t entre COS No help will come from the government eS The 3 We're on our own Assoc hool Ajax re ation runs a s¢ tarded at the sonsible end of it He will € children while government educational Signoretti for the " said Mr expects the association shoulder a $7,000 to $10,000 annual expense of run ning the adult centre Staffed by volunteer and have one MAIN AIMS He said sheltered 6 have-to be to teache paid managez the centre vould be to re bar a works! lieve retarded ac dom burden, 1 mentally tr op ofa € he 1ims are Provide adults with them to fu (i retarded to enable xining to acceptable ing Hel the adult work make the campaign for only one ". year Help from such people By as ron Edmondson of General Mo- 'ie tors, Dick Fairthorne at Hou daille Industries, Murray Mac leod at Duplate of Canada, and many others too numerous to} mention, will ensure that the worker in the city will have every opportunity to ute in the easiest fashion -- namely pa uction. trib ssible ithe like, Mr. Sig ng centre hours over fix m prettl said into|introduced Mr. . |in the Maso ic Temple by Wor- | home, lips School, wixus elected honor- ,. | of the year, the average student/ary president. of the inventor of the teaching/i; reading fluently, Executives jncluded the new president of thie ODCIRA, H. L. prinvtipal of Queen Elabeth Scheol, He succeeds Mr. Francom? First vice-}oresident, Earl Francom Pitman and later thanked him for his pre- sentation, Masons Host 4 mond Reid. They will ap- pear again Saturday night with the 55-piece senior band, the junior band and the Sunset Heights public school choir. Both bands UNHAPPY GROUP ALL HAD RABIES Nine foxes, six skunks, four dogs, two cats and two bovine all had something in mon last year Northum- berland and Durham counties They had rabies, according to the 1965. annual report of the counties' health unit. After 97 investigations, it was found. cases occurred in 11 of 15 municipalities and 28 persons were advised to re- ceive preventive treatment | because of contact with sus- pect or rabid animals, In | 1964 more than 30 animals | suffered rabies, compared to 63 a year earlier, Some 1,400 cases were exposed across the province last year. com- in 500 Visitors | Oshawa M#sons will play host all day Saturday to members of the seven Ontario Masonic temples who gill be here for their annualjreunion, More than} 500 Masons gnd their wives are! expected The visits will be greeted | |}shipful.Masiaer A. G,, Barron, |former Masters and members of the Oshawa Tempie Lodge. Visiting witves will be enter- jtained Saturd ay afternoon with | a tour of the, city and a fashion show Also in tipo afternoon Right Worshipful E}rother Donald Gunn, Deputy Grand Master of| the Granl ,Lodge of.Canada,! will addresg, Masons at the Lodge Oshawa ford | M.ayor Lyman Gif-| will bea guest of honor| at a dinner tto be held at Cen-| tral Collegig te | the evening Speaking iit the dinner will Dr. Car} §S. Winters, who} toured thie world on lecture! gements | Dr. Wintens, who is on Gen- eral Motors' lecture staff, is a former Mieligan Crime Com- missioner, {Skid-Row Commis- sion Chairman in Chicago and church minister, Trustees' Seminar Scheduled In Fall A vivid neved to upgrade the|replacing old methods taking an "The role of the teacher as knowledge ef the school trus- role 1d general educa- tional adn jinistration tech niques will be stressed at a! seminar heri' Oct. 14 and 15. Whitby Public School Board has joined ---with- Pickering Township Se hool board two in sponsoring the event, under the direction of the Ontario School rustees' Council To date, eight school boards from surrotinding areas have registered fio attend. The On tario trusteas' council has spent than Sthree years in an research program solutions and preparing f perienced trustees to thajr Ontario. schoo' tees 4 more xtensive seeking teams of e6 cial s before ind off place eminar will be held at the Georgiat: Motor Hotel, ~-- SAFE AND SOUND An 80-yeair-old man is safe | and sound jat home this week after being the object of an | {Saturday morning | search by police and farmers | Uxb\ 'idge area. He dis- | ztbout noon Friday w a regualar wralk was found ol miles from extensive in the appeared t nm on He fiv bout four e Ten Realtors Given Scrolls Past presidents of the Osh- jawa and District Real Estate|by students of the Cingolani Board were honored last night at their annual meeting. Scrolls were given to the for- mer presidents by present vice-president Harold Segal Mr. Segal-referred to the excel- lent work done by the past presidents to promote better understanding in the ranks of the real estate profession in this district Those the scrolls were Paul Ristow, Ralph Hickey, F. Jay. Goyne, Carl Olsen, John A. J. Bolahood, Wil liam McFeeters, Lioyd Met- calf, S. D. Hyman, Donald McQuay, and Douglas Bullied receiving Auditorium in) Mrs, Goyne received the plaque |wdycational TV, Ontario De-|$15 development for her deceased husband, Joseph Bosco, chairman of the educational committee, report- ed. on the plans for the upcom- ing sales seminar to be held at the Genosha Hotel, June 1 Publicity chairman, Walter Miltler reported that he had started to introduce the new symbol for the Canadian Asso- ciation of Real Estate Boards. AQOMS PIERCE SNOW radioactive dey meas ures metting. snow in 10 min- utes for avalanche forecasters, hour CAS Director Integration Of Welfare of in Le Children's director Society Barnard the Oshawa said fare services would be a good thing because "'people are shuf fled about and often fall in be tween the agencies." Although integration under provincial leadershgjy is not ap lied in Ontario, Fred Me- Kinnon, deputy provincial minister and speaker at the Ontario Association of the Chil- dren's Aid Society this week, said "it worked well in Nova Scotia." Integration of the services would be at the county level but Mr. Lewis pointed out such an idéa could possibly never materialize The greater t might be wi Aid and Ontario County today integration of wel of Ont much What 0 rio is a Scotia the Nor good for west | Ontario, may not be good for th The Ostyaton Times: SHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966 'Proposal For Housing A proposed $13 million inte- grated housing development at |the northeast corner of Steven- json rd., and Champlain ave., | was unveiled.Jast night at a city | planning board meeting. The proposal, presented by |Runnymede Investments Ltd., ird., Neighbors Object Apartment Plans | King-Park Area Compley Held For Further Study A proposed $6 million apart- | ment complex near the inter- section of King st., and Park ran into some "neighbor- ly" criticism last night at a planning board public hearing. Fifteen property owners near | \the proposed 550-suite develop-| ment attended the hearing and} several expressed concern| about possible traffic and sun-) light problems. | Planning board referre d the centre court with two levels of parking underneath; surface parking for 297 cars and under. ground parking for 430 cars; @ recreation area including @ swimming pool; and 59 per cent of the site landscaped. Mr, Jones said 29 per cent the suites would have one room; 56,5 per cent would be two-bedroom suites; 7 per cent three-bedroom suites; and 7. per cent would be bacheloy was tabled for discussion until) proposal to the city's engineer- suites, ja special board meeting later|ing department for a report on|NO REZONING, ithis month. | treasurer of Runnymede Invest- jments Ltd., said the 50-acre de- jvelopment would 4\apartment suites; 94 7 ;homes; and 115 single family i | homes He asked the hoard to con- sider rezoning the land from in- |dustrial and low-density resi- dential to high-density residen- tial to permit the development The 50-acre parcel is*south o the CPR line, east of Steven son rd., and north of Champlain | ave. | Mr. Kaplin said the apartment buildings, just south of the CPR line, would average 11 storeys in height, He said a commu- nity recreation building would be located in the apartment area with the terrace and single f wanis Festival. The two- hour concert Saturday, be- gins at 8.15. Admission fees will help pay for new band jackets --Oshawa Times Photos have brought honor to their school; the juniors by plac- ing first in the Toronto Ki- wanis Music Festival and the seniors by placing third in the Peterborough Ki- lfamily houses to the south, 'Crippled Children's School a Fund Drive Over $118,000 1 Advisory Post | An Oshawa resident has been A total of $118,750 has been; Accordion School at the Settle-/ appointed to a provincial ad- collected in a drive to raise|ment House June 3 at 8 p.m. |visory committe for a three- ic guidance counsellor," Supports and so on Mr : j car wash day" at Auto Magic} io new Crippled Children's School!Car Wash, Bond st.. w. Car| gp itr ag ie of = and Treatment Centre, awa Hetrigeration Service, Lid. Bouckley, is donating the use Of| yinoja} Advisory Committee for campaign public relations com-| is facilities and although he | Refrigeration and Air Condi- mittee, said today the drive so cc : ' ' he is hopeful customers will : ui . |make a donation to the crip- Meng ~~ inter oo get Several money-raising events ent o e International Re- are planwed to give the com fund. |Society, A native of Oshawa on|: Bly. , ' boost, May 18 that I'll need to hire an|he is a member of the Rotary The Old Country Club of Osh-|extra 10 men to handle the Scho Board: fie duties 'eal night at the UAW hall with all|for the new school and treat. | Include advising the department proceeds to go towards the new|ment centre is so great and i ditioning personnel JUDO SHOW I can to make it a reality." | e es eas acct Seer Money will also be raised n | Paintings Plague tion at Simcoe Hall Settlement) Board Studies House Saturday at 7 p.m, An : _ BROUGHAM --- Three paint- ings and a plaque will be A 10-acre town housing de-| ing Township for the new muni- | velopment will be considered by) cipal building at the intersec- i | meeting later this month lrd night requested rezoning of land) ton wiffonate a plaque to be Local Ontario Catholic school/ at the northwest corner of Ross-! paced in the building. vention this year in Oshawa. |126 town housing units. y Two hundred and seventy-five} Herman Kassinger. one of the| Jee, ve! Slokeica" teemuas Six -- short for Ontario English|rent for about $145 per month, . , ; Pama' ' ' W. Laycox will be painted . rs ss0c excludin yater and hydro : : . Catholic Teachers' Association) excluding w and hydr qiby Clifford Parsons and Wil- /Gregory's Auditorium, Simcoe|in principle a master plan of a|" ; Ist, ' |50-acre integrated housing de.| contribute a painting, done by will be David Klee, director of/phase of the estimated $12 to building involves -- the After lunch the convention| corner splits into three groups. Flor-| High-rise apartment buildings 'sultant, Toronto board of edu-|also included in the master cation, will speak on "Math in| plan. The entire development is William McMaster, associate| years to complete editor of Scholastic magazine, |~ lish'? to teachers of intermedi- ate grades j ic At Charity Event psychology and Guidance, Chat ham Board of Education, will) A. choir that has performed |sing in Oshawa Friday at a music night organized to raise Scarborough AOTS (As One | Who Serves) Glee Club will be sponsored by the Oshawa Pres- | bwtery Men's Clubs, of the Unit- Proceeds will gu to Cross- jroads Africa, a charitable or- east Lewis to African schools. The music! said night, which starts at & p.m.,| be the only problem, the direc: | oq Church jter said. 'People might hesi : authorities." This reluctance to go to higher personnel could ge were tried, said Mr. Lewis Sittings Called he three-day convention of WHITBY (Staff) -- The dates} Children's Aid Society held in}the Supreme Court of Ontario Sudbury covered a wide rangeljin the various counties across alcoholism Tuesday at Osgoode Hall, | C, BE. Morley The jury assizes for $250,000 for construction. of -a| Wednesday, May 18, is free) year term Wash proprietor, Edward)has been appointed to the Pro- Ian McNab, chairman of the will be giving car washes away, | tioning. far has been encouraging. | |pled children's. school building} 1 ooration 'Service Engineers' paign piggy-bank a further; "] hope we're so busy Club and the Oshawa Separate awa is staging a dance Friday | business," he said, "the need of labor about training air con- crippled children's centre. I just want to help the best way | through a judo club demonstra- 2 i |For New Building accordion concert will be staged Town Housing ;|donated by residents of Picker- | | 275 Teachers lelty planning board at a special!tion of Highway 2 and Brock a noe | f " At Convention | Rossland Park Ltd., 1a8t) The Kiwanis Club of Dunbar- on . " , "i a | " nde * eae teachers will stage their con-|land and Wilson rds., to permit William Baron, 118 Heron dr., " ov r ie > ,f j r | , members of OECTA, District] developers, said the units would Museum. A portrait of Reave y 4 p Yr St.) Pi board has rove : Ryde Salar . will gather Friday at St anning board has approv liam Earl, Sculre"s Beach, will Friday morning's 'speaker| velopment in the area. The first|timself, of the new municipal partment of Education, town (row) housing units at the ence Roliff, mathematics con-jand single family homes are the Primary Grades." expected to take six to eight will talk about 'creative Eng-; . Glee Club Sings K. J. Ferren, 'Consultant in! talk to senior grade teachers on| coast-to-coast in Canada will money for charity ithe performers at an evening ed Church. ganization which gives money Diversity of area would not) js being held at Harmony Unit-! I tate about going to provincial Supreme Court make integration a failure if it the Ontario Association of the/for the opening of the sittings of of topics such as conselling and!the province were announced! of Pickering the} was re-elected vice-presilent of; County of Ontario will open Oct, | the Association 11 at the courthouse in Whitby. | Crime Prevention speaker, J.) The non-jury assizes will open Alex Edmison, a member of the} Nav. 28 National Patrole Board and the; The jury assizes John Howard Society, praised|ed Counties of the CAS for providing Sardi Norihamberaia and the right atmosphere, that}17 Cabou iverts any trouble with the ople,"' legal field, received achievement award in ronto this week "for dis- tinguished contribution in the field of fitness in ama- sport,' The award was presented by Premier John Robarts in the Ontarie an To- for the Unit Durham and }!! apen Oct e at The non-ju teur young assizes for dist Dee. ict will open - KELLY RECEIVES Terence V. Kelly, active in amateur sports and the ithe traffic, sewer servicing and | ment, | Ralph Jones, a spokesman} |posed on an ll-acre parcel of| land west of Rideau st,, and| Saguenay ave., with access to} |Buena Vista ave., and Gibbons | st. He said if rezoning of the land is approved the develop- {ment would start immediately, |He said the development would |be completed in three to five years if the city's present rate of growth continues and fi- nancing is available. Plans call for a landscaped A rezoning application to per- mit two senior citizen apart- ment buildings between King and Palace sts., was turned down last night by city plan- ning board, Board members agreed they could not recommend approval of the project to city council as proposed and referred it to planning director G. A. Wand- less to arrange further discus- An application by George Robert Kaplin, secretary-| sunlight aspects of the develop-,Lysyk and Sons for rezoning to | Pp ermit a 7-unit apartment building at 120 Thomas st., was include 869\for Ralna Ltd., said three, 12\turned down by the planning terrace|to 15 storey buildings are pro-| board. Several residents objected to the proposal mainly because of traffic problems in the area, "The street is almost as busy as Simcoe st., because General Motors .employees use it as a shortcut," said one area r dent. Mr, Lysyk had proposed a three-storey building with a 50 per cent green area, 23 surface parking spaces and 11 two-bed- room, five one-bedroom and one bachelor suites, Housing Company Bid Turned Down By Board a single family home develop ment on Palace st, Mr. Lindsay said the land was the most suitable of six |properties investigated by the housing company, He said sites must be near shopping facil. ities, transportation and churches, He said the company has an agreement to purchase the land, subject to rezoning. The housing company now sions on "compromise" sugges- tions. The Oshawa Housing Com- pany Ltd. proposed to erect a two-storey building fronting on King st, @., just west of Har- mony rd., and a_ two-storey building to the rear which would front on Palace st, Ford Lindsay, housing com- pany president, said the two buildings would contain a total of 32 suites. He said the com- pany has an apartment waiting list of 35 elderly persons. Residents, mainly on Palace st., and south of Palace st., opposed the application because the "long "box" apartment buildings would. not fit into their ' single-family residential area, E, J, Beauchamp, spokesman for a group of the residents, said the land fronting on King st., is zoned to permit two du- plexes and the land fronting on Palace is zoned to permit three single family homes -- a total of seven units. 2 He said residents opposed "spot rezoning" which would quadruple the density. Compromise suggestions made by board members and residents included: the develop- operates the 40-suite Hallida Manor and the 20-suite Wes mount Hall apartments for el derly persons, 65 years of age and over, who have limited in- comes. Library Job Half Finished Work which began Janua on the McLaughlin Public Lik brary is nearly half completed, the president of the construc. tion company handling the proj- ect sald today. Fay Brooks, president of Brooks Construction, said work -- be finished by Septem. er, i A second floor is being added to the original single - storey building. Renovation of the old building's interior, due to start June 1, will include construction of a special room dedicated to the library's benefactor -- Col, R, S. McLaughlin. In it will be kept all of Col, McLaughlin's awards, trophies and momentoes, The room will be located on the main floor of = library just inside the front oor, ment. on King as proposed with Legislature. Chatting after the ceremony are: Mr. Kelly; Education Minister William G. Davis and Albert V. Walker; MPP, Oshawa, Active in soccer, rugger, lacrosse and other minor sports, Mr Kelly was among 45 Ontario leaders in the world of amateur aports ACHIEVEMENT AWARD to be honored by the Ontario Department of education which adminis. ters community programs in the province, Mr. Kelly said: "I think the award is a tribute to the people of Oshawa who made the Civic Auditorium project such a tremendous success."

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