Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 May 1966, p. 16

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= Pee ee pI ids 6 ee Ee ae Be ee Se SP | cycling water from the northern et. oe oc a SURVEY HAS SEVERE WORDS Auto Plant |Water Diversion Proposal rerssonng ino sanes tay WAY Surveys UFOs |FOR AMERICAN BATHROOMS 2S," .... , Opposed By Liberal Member uns nar, xy "VN valf-dozen different companies) DEEP RIVE, Ont. (CP)-- carried out by re-cycling of wa- parks for Metropolitan Toronto, wey CUNTHIA LOWRY is| ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) -- A inize needed improvements in | are ioveakad 'e bayier ter Ap icacaar? Setiles, Livers wie \tee taka feted ot we called for & researeh orogram oe, lek ana ps leeted te Conell University research automobiles. We must also nd lfunct Studebaker of Canada|ber of Parliament for Renfrgw| sion scheme to be carried out at the post- creatures from other planets, At| ¢#™ Surfaced from a five- cept the fact that the bath- i114 auto assembly plant here.|North, said Sbturday he is op- | a graduaté Jevel to determine the least that was the consensus of| 7°" study 'of indoor plumb- room needs & drastic over- | president Gordon Grundy 'said! posed to a proposed plan to di- He 48 in favor of the Kier- direction recreational programs the experts on Tuesday night's| "8 today with harsh words haul. | Tuesday, vert the headwaters of the Al-|ans or James Bay plan for re-'should follow, CBS Reporis, » calm and bai-| {°° the North American bath- 'The team's findings were | je said purchase bids willjbany River ,into the Great)------------------ ran ; euced survey of unidentified fly- room. : set out in a 116-page report, 'not be received until the com-| Lakes. ing objects Their conclusion: The'bath- jjjustrated with 46 photo- | pany ends its business in a few! He told the closing session of ; ; room is a disgrace to the graphs. and diagrams-bearing | months. the Ontario Recreation Associ- The program, UFO: Friend.) space age. such captions as 'postural | ; : : Foe or Fantasy, gave a hearing! The tub is uncomfortable see che tec of lever and | While Mr. Grundy did not ation's conference that such a Py s to widely assorted views, and unsafe. The wash bowl is Jeaying a bathtub." identify prospective bidders oar von a solve the al gd There was a Michigan farmer| too low. The shower is It said bathtubs ere dan- the Langlois et Lalonde automo- ter pollution problem or provide | Z more recreational facilities. ; : ' e| cramped. And as for the : Hage sige ' , ag 5 ie ' wee We. mons sap saw OS whatchamacallit, it is "the gerous to get in and out of |bile company of Montreal: ha He said water replenishment OSHAWA'S SMAR} MEN'S SHOP joutline of thing like a ' ; ; " and not much fun to use, re- | aj " ere sic wile Boag penta an aba Pp -- fixture ever tarking: 'No tub made to- eT po es ps of the Great Lakes should be 10 KING STREET WEST : gi "ahaa day mits a person to re- |258emdling : oae ad later had blue and white lights ad ---- ype gical nets Mv iduege canes to be 8 peed Da is hoping to build in GETS PR JOB | on either side, It subsequently, Said Theodore Kira, an archi Con ortionist."" munce. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)--| The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear is Y '.| tect who headed the study, By the end of the month,',. was seen by members of his "is minimal in terms of con- The whatchamacallit, the |gtudebaker will have completed Gabby Hartnell, g member of family, neighbors and a police-| temporary knowledge, tech- report said, should be rede- | yroduction of supply parts for|baseball's Hall of Fame, has i ' Hil} man, The farmer obviously was) nology, values and attitudes. signed with closer attention to |cars puilt before the company|been added to the public rela- not satisfied with the official ex- 'We have come to recog- "body dynamics.' ceased assembly work a few|tions staff of Kansas City: Ath planation: Marsh gas. jweeks ago, Mr. Grundy said.jletics. A catcher, he was with There was a former U.S. ma-|eyer, was prepared to say that; RACER RETIRES All cars produced here have |< hicago Cubs for 20 years as a rine officer, Donald Keyhoe,|there was no life on other) LONDON (AP)--Jack Sears, been sold. iplayer and manager who is convinced that "we are planets and none was willing to former British stock car and © |being observed' by representa-| state that there was no possibil-|sports car champion, announced |tives*f a highly, superior civil-| jty of space visitors. They said Monday he. is retiring from! jization arriving in interplane- it" just was not probable. racing because of a_ broken) tary space ships. One of the most interesting back. The ge _---- There was a woman who g s 'a farmer survived a 130-mile-an- \ hae he was takah On & yinittee demonstratious consisted nour crash while testing a car| ito Venus. of motion pictures taken by a at British Silverstone circuit | British couple on their first) seven months ago |LEANS TO SCIENTISTS plane trip. They filmed a black, " But the program gave the /sausage-shaped thing out of HORTON JOINS LEAFS greatest weight to scientists and) their plane window which sud-- BOSTON (AP) -- First-base military observers whose radar denly seemed to wheel and dis- man Tony Horton, who lost his space-tracking equipment and appear. It looked like a space job to rookie sensation George special cameras constantly ship, Subsequently a profes-|Scott, was optioned by Boston sweep the skies and probe deep) sional cameraman made the|Red Sox Friday to Toronto Ma into space. They reported that' same trip under similar cir-|ple Leafs of the International itp 'iy they had found absolutely no/cymstances and filmed. the|League, The Leafs also got eas ~~ '\evidence of extra - terrestrial) same thing--identified as a re-|shortstop Albert Lehrer who BACK FROM THE SOUTH POLE visitors flection of part of the plane incomes from Pittsfield in the None of the scientists, how-' which he was riding. Eastern League Seaman Ronnie Jones of A crewman on the ice- ee ee g 5 | Columbia, S.C., says the breaker Glacier, Jones spent penguins in Antarctica were seven months on Antarctic never like this as he sweeps duty. Danelle is from Water- Danelle DellaPaolera off her town, Mass. feet at Boston Navy. Yard. (AP Wirephoto) Two Chap lins rae creies bak Sie There couldn't be a better time! On Movie Set [im ices You just can't buy a better beer! QUALITY Tattones ' | By BOB THOMAS ja chat. Like most of the Chap- LONDON (AP)--There is an-jlins, he has grey hair before his other Chaplin on the set of Thejtime (42 years). Unlike his Countess from Hong Kong and' father, he is a strapping fellow, his name is Sydney. |deep-voiced and muscular. : He bears the name of the late| 'What ts it like to work with comedian who was subjected to|my father?" he mused, 'Im- living in the shadow of -his mensely stimulating. He can be brother, the great Charlie Chap-|tough, but of course, how can lin. But young Sydney, unlike|You argue with him? He is al- his uncle, has been able to build/ Ways right." emaie Pi Ask the Official Analysts ppg Mayes sctage TOG, F< ney! Ruut Heyes je -- cant They'll tell you that in the past few weeks Dow has Countess from Hong Kong, Grey ee two boys 18" ROTARY | "4 Charie Chaplin wat directing} }ave, eight halt brother and | 3 MOWER come through the toughest tests of any beer in the beach scene. marriage to Oona O'Neill. Al vihkat ven tele oe ok _ entire history of brewing. "Keep it warm, charming,"|though his parents separated) . i dependable machine, 234 h.p, power the director instructed Miss|early in his life, Sydney indi-| ah roducts, 2-cycle engine, 6" metal ; : : ' ° ear Gee Wan a nae orp: cated he has always been close Nag winels fitted with wide diamond-tread 4 And it came through with flying colours for brewing skimpy sarong. She was evi-|to father. | Bo yd -- p : : dencing the strains of a long| "I've always been able to go Sind methods oe quality. ee purity. ne and taste. and difficult film with a dicta-/to him for advice on matters t - eat, $4 95 torial director. But, trouper that/concerning my career," sald) q she is, she kept the scene warm/|Sydney, "and he has always and charming. |been of great help. But he never \ Ai Ask © u r co mp etito rs Afterward, the Italian star ile|never me to be an actor. He Recoil Start tired to her dressing room while|never tells his children what to the elder Chaplin stepped down|do, He lets us decide for our: 18" ROTARY i Sure they're proud of their own products. And rightly from the set to greet Jules| selves." Conré Charman of MCA, which|under Me lamer ereeuon N | -- so. But even they can tell you that Dow has always ™ sydney Chaplin came over forltlm in Hollywood, | Ds ik anal met the highest industry standards for quality of ingredients, processes, and the care with which Dow products are brewed. raQal rm" th. g 4 \4 ic see 8 i ; i DON'T MISS = Mey. iis He'll be happy to tell you why he's loyal to Dow. | i oa L Pie gs BATE And don't be surprised if he talks about great taste, MOTOR CITY CAR CLUB NN a Acar ete and refreshment, and a real out-and-out beer-drinking 6th Annual < 5 ge RO enjoyment no other brew can match. CUSTOM Fi. A \2 a! Mea oa \ iz As far as we're concerned the headline says it all: C A E SH 0 W gt emo ah a You just can't buy a better beer, so next time, make ; , Nai yours Dow. There couldn't be a better time for you FRIDAY, MAY 13th | . : -: Ry to swing to Dow. It'll pay off in pleasure and 5 P.M, to 11 P.M, : : . pa SATURDAY, MAY 14th satisfaction for you. We promise. Vv 10 A.M. to 11 P.M, SUNDAY, MAY 15th ; | . ~ | A es ; ' Ask yourself 1 P.M. to 9 PLM, OSHAWA 1k = : G, When a beer has gone through tougher official tests CHILDREN'S I? oe yes Tt than any other brew in history...when even our ARENA Y competitors can vouch for its quality and purity...when sg Eee ee its taste has been. checked out by thousands and Soko semanas emery geen tigoegenggl ony Badly oll thousands of Ontario beer-drinkers and found to be oe gl ecg My ed gonvenience of much higher | an easy winner-- CARS IN NORTH AMERICA ! it with @. peoteienel "welkarssenad. upon tures'and conver ance electric rriowers VALUED UP TO $7,000.00 ling. @ lof Jess work. 2H. Briggs & | chine tratton 4 cycle engine . riv start ; rols ed or a 3 PRIZE ney 50 00 BOND ) napte rollers, adjustable cutting heigt f wheels with semi-pneumatic tires Awarded at Trophy Presentation | ' $ .95 SUNDAY EVENING 117 Everyone welcome to enjoy this show of amoteur and professional auto custom builders, i ves a ie wii ' : om ¥ , . -- , -- ae n --, . oe » i DOMINION ' Easy Budget Terms --- Low Down Payment aie i -- Fas 's Le PS bg Ji Te RIO) Li M i 7 E a TIRE STORES ' DOMINION TIRE STORES TORONTO KING PARK PLAZA -- 725-6511 ia ae te SRA EC ER af _ Next time shouldn't you make yours Dow? Sere et eee

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