MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER 4 Y THERE'S NO { BATH SOAP « UP HERE ie ( BLONDIE-- Il GORRY, DEAR, BUT WE'RE ALL 4) i| | [ALL I HAVE IN THE Hou lV Lt PROBABLY BE THE | FIRGT MAN IN HiIGTORY COVER ito GET DIGHPAN HANDS i { HE 1S BEYO! THE REACH F MAN OR EASTS. y YO'LLHAFTA HINT f AT IT,GENTEY, TO LABMAN'S '\ HONEST ABE'! HE's 7 18] N-NO SENSE WAITIN' FO' DRIPPER, | HERE, ORANYWHAR ON THIS EARTH-- == GIT TH HINTP mercy! \ tM OUT OF SUGAR, BAKING POWDER | AND } cannes 4 Flour! -- ne, scoop ™\ MORNING, 0 Like \ 70 BORROW \. A CAKE i L St AWM... BUL COMES ACROSS A PATH WW THE JUNGLE, ILE ACROSS THE ING THE LONE RANGER KIND OF LIFE WITH THAT We CAN'T GET MARRIED AND the GING OVER YOUR HEAP! YESSIREE,...T j TRIED TO HIDE BEHIND A BEARD: TLL HAVE THAT BOY IN ANOTHER VAY OR 50 abies b/ ANNIB, MAY I RAVE > PEANUT BUTTER SANOWICA? we ye * JULIET JONES Bie bi va bins Seer '; WUAT is 17, } m7 Ea Roscoe ? fF P . v . iis ee | hn. & I TOLD YOU NOT TO WAKE ME FROM MY NAP UNLEGS IT ._ WAS FOR GOMETHING y IMPORTANT os mg 4, wit (( Here, BUBBA! Y Gee, THANKS! J | | CATCH! w UGH! iil Sena 4 Caras ' HAT 8 ay ak WHOOPS ! TIME'S UP IN PARADISE, MISS JONES, BACK TO THE WORLD OF PHONES, DECISIONS AND NEUROSES 1 I'™ wuNaRy/) Py baad y a sea) on Ver : i : Jes +7 ys i ( a | "r DoNT KNOW WHY SOME SMART GROWNUP DOESN 'T | { INVENT A NICE, SWEET- TASTING SOAP.,, / Bana At celled, e i THAT / ' CHAS. S12 KUHN: [ (twat 1s Rn To il wiy i | (Goes) * SECRET AGENT X93 Channe Channel Channel 4 Channel Channel! alo Channel 8--~Rochester Channel 9%~Toronto Channe) 11--Hamiltes omen mann meme 2--Buttalo 3--Barrie perman &~--Passport To Adventu 3----Atorn Ant o-Lbeyd 5:30 P.M. S-+eeve if Te Beaver J--Rocketship 7 4--Music Hop Othe er tek 4:00 P.M, 7--Twilight Theatre +-McHales Navy 4--News, Sports Cwck =Heety 6:20 P.M, N--News 6:30 PLM, Vi--Pamily Theatre Me, 9-4+3---News; Weather and Sports @--Huntley-Brinkley News J---Maverick 6--Acroes Canada 7:00 P.M, i--Farmers' Daughter 9--The Munaters SL ittleet Hebe 6--News, Weather Sports 4~Forest Rangers 3--Green Acres 2--Huntley-Brinkley 7:20. PLM. ll--Donna Reed %--Hollywood Palace O4--Deniel Boone - 7--~$hinding é--Hogan's Herose 4--The Munsters 3--The Adams Family 3--Seaway 4~--Giliigen's island 8:30 P.M. %--~its Your Move +-2--Laredo T--Okay Crackerby 4--My Three Sone ¢3--| Dream ef Jeannie 4--Movie ®--Quarter Back Club 9:30 PLM, %--Let's Sing Out $-2--Mona McCluskey 1--Peyion Piece UP HERE BECAUSE YOU + WANTED ME TO POSE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN, OR... NY YOU SHOULD | MENTION THAT, I WAS WONDERING 512, Y r OR BECAUSE « T LIKED YOU, ---- | Laan &3---Telescope (oR ¥ CHIEF OF Trae | Ag MEDICAL ED CHINESE ARMY, DR. BETHUNE MOVES HOSPITAL _. CHIN -CHA~ cH! AREA, WHEREVER THE| KT FIERCEST . A A te A AS: AE A Sy AO AON AE AE AA AR AS A AR A A oe Oi Be OO ote QUT Te MAN GIVES A YELL AND FLEES. fz ig Bag ea) pone NOT A SOUND, GIRLIG, ------ Dies / 10:00 P.M. lleThe Merv Griffin Shew +4-2----Dean Martin Show | JThe Long, Hot Summer 6A Man Called Shenandoah Man From UNCLE 10:3 P. | @-The Serial 11:00 P.M, 941-6 43-9-- Newey | Sports 11:15 PM, 16 | %--thetre Pinel | @Viewpotnt 11:20 PLM, Trooherd ate Shrew bight bhetre 11:30 P.M, 1~The Saint 3--Movie 11:40 PLM, +--Gunamoke Pierre Berton .. «. 12:30 A.M, li-Mews - Weather ¢ } rts &~Newscap ' PRIDAY 8:00 A.M. | 4-Ceptein Kangeres 9:00 A.M, %-Playtime With Uncie 9:30 AM, 9--Meta 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Doble Gilils 10:00 A.M, 1--Topper o--Pisyiime With Uncie Bobby $-2-Fractured Phrases 6:3--Ivanhoe +I Love Luey 5-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys 63--Friendly Giant §--Bingo 10:45 AM &3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, ll Mike Douglas %--Mr, And Mrs, #2--Morning Star T---Supermarket Sweep 6-3 Butternut Square 4-Andy of Mayberry 1:20 AM, 63--Across Canada 1:30 A: %--Abracadabra |8-2--Paradise Bay | Mos al Interlude ~ CROSSWORD r ACROSS 1, Tdentical 5. Bottle tops 9. Noble 0, Religion of the Moslems Entries Spanish lariat Problem, figura- tively Locust tree British island of the 40. 41, 12. 14, 15. 16. . Print "denoting . Large ----_ 7, Appeas 8. Irony One kind of surgeon Smaller DOWN . NASA rocket . Mountain crest . Member of the family . . Viper . Check . Farmer numerical accuracy 5. Loophol: 7, Begins Deletes land mass Distant 4--Dick Van Dyke Show . High hill OUR, PRINCE CHARMING: ) MY SOLDIERS BEARD, OR. BETHUNE . UKE YOUR NEW NOW ALL RIFLES Jp L DE EMPTYS oe ( OKAY, MISTER! YOU WON THIS LITTLE HOR DOWN, BUT THE DANCE /SNT OVERS _ TELEVISION LOG 12:00 NOON %--~Toronto Today 6-2--Jeopardy T--Money Movie é-Luncheon Date 4---News and arch For Tomorrow | ort t--Heonday RF ew 4---Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, \--Theatre ~Morning Ster Ben Casey | é--Luncheon Date eet The Millers | Movie | 2--Mike Dougias Show | 1:30 P.M, | James Beard Show | @4---As The World Turns | 2:00 P.M, %--Kids is Peopie 7--The Gator Bowl 6-4--Password 3~--Profile 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 .P.M, 9--Dear Charlotte | 2:30 P.M, %-Paople in Conflict 84----The Doctors | 7A Time For Us | 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party vie 3100 PM, ll--Bonna Reed | & Fractured Prrases | O#--Another Warld y-@anera| Heepitet +43---To Tell The Tru 3:30 PLM. l--Funny Company 7--Superman Show +3--Take 30 4-idge of Might #~-Kartoon Karnivat 4:00 PLM, J--Early Show |&3--Bonnle Prudden Show | 4=@0crat Storm o--Recky And Hie Friend: | 4:30 PLM, | &-The &Thirty Club | 3--Sting Ray Yesterday's Answer 30, Concise 31,Pagan gods 83, Glen 36, Leather- worker's tool 87, Payment Windward group | 2 Y 7 18 y, 19, Fortify 20, Ahead 21, Cinder Y iT} 22, Female saint: abbr, V, V7 28, Slender Ly glass tube 25. Old measure of length 26. 27. Spawn of fish Neighbor of Nebr, 29, Hindu title White ant 32, Parried Split pulse 38. Staggers | | 39. Lash marks LL sey | | 9--Mickey Mouse Clue | | &--The Match Come | | be possible HUBERT JUST PAY YOUR FIVE-DOLLAR PARKING FINE AND Dou'T START ANYTHING AWFULLY TOUCHY - Tere \_/ CAN YOU LET ME HAVE THREE TENS? 'Syadienta, Inc, 1966. Ward vighte = asters 'YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNE Dear Dr. Molner: What is a perforated ear drum and what precautions are necessary? I also have a demiated septum and a continuous pustnasal drip, Is there something I can take for this?--Mrs, I. D, A perforated ear drum is one with a hole in it, The ear drum serves two purposes: Transmit- ting sound vibrations to the middie ear; and, at.the same time, keeping. infection out, A chronic infection is the usual cause of a perforated ear drum. Therefore the first ques- tion is whether this infection can be subdued, and the second is how to keep further infection out If the ear canal is dry (no drainage from it) little need be done except to keep dirt and Perforated Ear Drum Explained R, MD |from a perforated drum varies, |sometimes being quite notice- lable, other times making little | difference. Your deviated septum (bent or distorted patition between |the nostrils) no doubt is part of jthe cause for your postnasal drip, but chronic sinus infection, excessive smoking, allergy, |polyps or enlarged turbinates in the nose can be involved, too, Instead of wondering whethér |there is something you can take, | by far the best course is to have ithe nose examined so you can |then know what may really help you. | Dear Dr. Molner: Are roasted, jsalted-in-the-shell peanuts fat- germs out, and to avoid letting) water get into the ear, which jalso might introduce infection.) A cotton pledget is helpful to prevent dust from blowing into the ear, Swimming is, of course, | taboo, Avoid getting water in} the ear while taking a bath or shower. OBTAIN ADVICE If there is drainage, you, should have an ear specialist's} advice on necessary treatment.) If the infection cannot be con-) quered, a drop or two of rub-/ bing alcohol, full strength--or| diluted to half, if full strength) is irritating--tends to dry the canal and ward off secondary infection. Hydrogen peroxide, full strgngth or diluted one- third ay also be used Ungtr some circumstances tympanoplasty (surgical recon- struction of the ear drum) may It may or may not improve your hearing. The amount of hearing impairment) Now the only way to buy | WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .» popular, modern THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 12, 1966 15 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Masters' Individual Chempicnship Play) East dealer. Opening lead--ten of spades. Some of the most advanced plays in bridge are forced upon declarer by reasons of the spec- circumstances he faces which compel him to adopt an unusual course of play. Here is a rare type of hand where declarer had to shorten his trump holding three times to effect a success- ful coup. At first glance it looks as though East must make a trump trick, but South, by care- ful play, was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by demolishing East's apparent trump trick. South opened with three hearts, to which North respond- ed five notrump. This was the grand slam force convention and directed South to bid seven hearts if had two of the three top trump honors. South had no choice but to obey and he duti- fully bid the grand slam. This contract would ordinarily have been a cinch to make, but when South cashed tha ace of spades and ace of hearts, ruffed a.spade, and then led the king of hearts, he discovered that East had started with the J-9-8-2 of trumps. There being no chance of making the contract unless he could execute a trump coup, South entered dummy with a club and ruffed a club to re- duce his trump holding to the Q-10-6 (East still had the J-9 at this point.) He then reentered dummy with a diamond and ruffed an- other club to bring himself to equal terms with East. When he now returned to dummy with a diamond and started to run the remaining clubs, East found himself in a hopeless position. At any point he elected to ruff, his J-9 of trumps would be F ogoscey up by the Q-10 and South would auto- matically take the rest of the tricks. So South wound up making the grand slam by refusing to give up the ghost when West showed out of trumps. The un- likely 4-1 heart break compelled him to execute a trump coup. tening? My friend says yes. I say no, --A.P. Peanuts are high in protein and fat, hence if you eat too many of them they'll be fatten- ing. Some of the fat will be re- moved by roasting. The answer is yes. Note to L.C.: Pyelonephritis is a kidney infection, and it can be very dangerous unless treated properly. WHEN YOU'RE MARKETING THIS _ WEEK, REMEMBER TV GUIDE dime pack You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste