Co LL LEGO LEDEL EOE OC ELE EE I SPRING SALE! OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING CO, (OcATion 287 DEAN AVE. LOCATION AT . + (Off Ritson Rd. South) cL kee ees ile ile cles Tas He siti' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 12, 1966 43 ' 4 Complete Range of materials have been drastically RE- DUCED , . . your opportunity to have your 2 or 3 piece chesterfield suite reupholstered at a FRACTION OF THE COST OF A NEW SUITE! Coll to-day for your free esti- Mitchell, Len Rose, Harvey president of the Duplate Hackey the Ar"s Vending team, which fees declined to run agninst|Gibson, Ross McMaster, Jack executive in addition to the Dan MacAvoy, Don Prosser, | mote! For a limited time only, Oshawa Upholstering Co. ore Balson and Robert Gardian; League, at the annual general finished first in the regular sea- him. Harlowe organized the|Kellar, Dave Teaming, Stan '@) . j Cc ICO AIS president, Sid Johnson, vice-|Peter Lindsay and Coach Ralph' SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS making this truly great offer, Have your 2- or 3-pce. executive, Ori Thompson, Jack McAdam, Paul Trumpour, W. up @ | ' Melinichuk, Al Salter and Law- William Kurelo, Jack Meagher and any others who helped to membership meeting and stag,\son's play, They were present- held at the UAW Hall. ed by DHL President Ralph league in 1955 and has been|Cruwys, dome Bearer Rt, hg . ; Plat ~otTT During This Summer Sole i inje I°eConnell, Gar 'Nei yi f q i 3 president of the league since ni y re Adjustable, Folding Alvminwm president; Howard Shaw, secre- Turpin, tary; Ross McMaster, treasurer) The Canada Outdoor Supply) and Robert Johnson, assistantiteam, sponsored by William secretary, Lyons and. Walter Peel, were All were re-elected for the|winners of the playoffs, Tne Chesterfield Suite re-upholstered AND AT NO EXTRA COST you receive a beautiful adjustable, folding alu- rence McConkey; referees Jim 'make the league a success. Harlowe's election was by|Harlowe, that date. Herb. Richards, Roger Plancke,| minum LOUNGE CHAIR. Toke advantage of this great Claus, Robert Johnson, R. Raiph Hariowe was re-elected Art Willis, went to members of( . ee aicaans acclimation as five other nomi-| Pennant winners were: Bruce This year's league had for its obert Whalen, Ken Beckim,) F 34 E E a fine jobs that they did all year:iteam consisted of: Fucalid) However, McMaster declined (0\Bastarache, Jim Aldred, Lioyd| accept his acclimation and) Mapes, William Buchanan,| Wayne Kimmerly was elected Wddie Goulet, Ray DeWitt, John] in his stead, Shepard, Percy Northey, Rollie} The league this year was COM-|Pijon, Glen Yanch, Ted Lyons,| posed of four teams with play frank Hill, Harley Jackson,! at the Civie Auditorium. Jt was'Gord Rospond, Dick Gunderson, offer, Order now the most successful year in the Bert Meraw, Coach was John history of the league and was| Roberts and manager, Harold won by the Canada Outdoor Cyurwin Supply team Ralph Harlowe and Howard Cheques toward uniforms andighaw were in charge of the trophies were presented to the stag, which was the best yet winning team and the finalists, they were assisted by Jim 16 cHoose FRM @ @& on behalf of the Duplate Hock-\,amont, Percy Northey, Chris ti . ey League, by Sid Johnson and Howard and Major Leslie a Robert Johnson Harry Crouter was refreshment : --- ; A*highlight of the evening wasichief for the evening : " if & the presentation of the Carling) The stag was held in the UAW Awards, by Archie Vickers, who! tial} through the kindness of the came down from Hamilton toi\yAw and Secretary Russ Mc do the honors, Archie has been! noi] a friend of the league ever) The DHI would especially since its inception like to thank The Saint John The Sportsmanship Trophy) Ambulance Corps for their first went to Dave Ieaming, of Art's|aid attendance during the sea Vending, and was also present-ison, Thanks are due also to ed by Archie Vickers, on behalf\the sponsors of teams, Art's of The Carling Brewery, Leam-|Vending, Art Willis; Duraclean ing also received a lamp from!Carpets, Jim MéCartney; Can the DHI, ada Outdoor Supply, W. Lyons Fucalid Bastarache was ad-iand W. Peel; The Duplate judged the most outstanding Sports and Social :Club and its goalie and also received a GOLF SPECIAL COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE 65 STYLES, sues ® AND COLORS @ & & » hove your suite covered later if 2 PC. 'As Low As son $99 RECOVERED «:s No y: ie; i - i} } me Payment Until you wish SEE KING AND SAVE DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN @ FOR CHILDREN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ FIRST QUALITY LENSES ... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ © OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT SAME LOW PRICES NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Upholstering Co. NEW SPRING 725-0311 -- 725-0310 FABRICS Carling award and a trophy lamp from the DHL, 287 DEAN AVE. The 'Best Defenceman Award" went to Jack Kellar of Art's Vending and was donated by W. A. Gilbey (Canada) LAd., through the efforts of Jim Elrick The high scoring average went to Doug Layton, President of the Duplate Hockey League Ori Thompson made the pres- entation, Layton also received a lamp trophy, from John) Bg Poe ond one "wok! ee, Hutehuck on behalf of the | WRITE -- Mrs, Ruth |. Paget or Scheniey Distilleries CALL COLLECT ~~ 705-769-3371, Pennant awards donated by Have our consultant hy 4 coll and give you @ The a, y 7 optic *( 600.000 SATISFIEL TOM free estimete . . . [17 BOND | oi on Wind re, uskok sy end Jon ST. E, MON, TO SAT. And Floor 9 a.m, - 5 p.m, Closed All Day PHONE 728-1261 Wednesday @ 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE @ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY May ond June ickerel Fishing Private Trout Ponds 24th of May Celebration OPEN DAILY 7 TO 6 P.M. FRI, TILL 9 P.M. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. ,.;:%... 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE FIR READY TO USE GARBAGE PAILS BEAUTIFY YOUR FENCING 4 x 4 Cedar Squares, per lin, ft, 1 « 4 Fencing Grade Cedar Lin, Ft ,06* 1 «2 4 Fencing Grade Cedor Lin, Ft 09 1 « 8 Fencing Grade Cedar 11 W/o Lin, Ft 14145 1 x 10 Fencing Grade Cedar, Lin, Fr CHAIN LINK 1 = 12 Fencing Grade Ceder, Lin, Ft 1 « 4.5 14" Coder Phekets, Each 1" « 4" « 4! Coder Plekets, Fach GALVANIZED FENCING 19 qeuee, 2° mesh, 36" per $0 roll 8,10 9.30 10 60 36" STE Complete with fittings per 50° roll ' per 30° roll mens te per 30 rat. VTS 13,50 15.35 42°" per' 50' roll 48" per 30° roll EL GATES for wood post mounting, 42" height only 10.05 7' steel T post only 1.08 COMPLETE WITH CLIPS ARBORS, TRELLISES, Ete. Rose-Arber PG? 11.95 fies sk See To 4 2.20 535 2.70 1,35 C.F. 10-1044" Brass Bands C.7. 16-16" Brew Bands Expanding Trellis 7.8.0 Diemond Fan Tretlis "7. 72 BLACK & DECKER Yq" Drill Kits auc" 21.05 Framed Bulletin BOARDS 26" x 34" 3.75 ONLY fan Trellis 7, 94" 1.65 1.20 1.40 2.40 2.55 en 188 LAWN MOWERS Ehectrie 20° cut 50.75 43,55 50.75 Woll Panels WP, Trellis WP. 186 Wall Penels W.P Trellis WLP. 246 Hanging Octagon Tub wT. 9 Oriental Planter or Model A-18-£.G, Model £J.W. 20 ..,. 4 eycle Gas Model RJ. 20 Ne. 0037 ~~ 9-gal, capacity No, 0047 ~~ 13%-gal, capacity! .... No, 0057 16\4-gel, capacity DOOR CHIMES by Miami Carey From 6.90 to 34.90 This Week Less 10% We carry o good selection of PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS Rural Mail Boxes Reg. 9.95, 8.95 SPECIAL WOOD LADDERS 20,00 8.95 22' Rope extension Reg. 26.50, SPECIAL 6 thrift step ladder Req, 9.95. SPECIAL See Our Complete Line of Stanley Garden HAND TOOLS Also o qood supply of C.)1 izer, Grass Seed, Pent Steele Briggs Garden Seeds, Fertil MAHOGANY BIFOLD DOORS WW18 12,25 12.98 13,35 x 6'6" 2 panel, 22,50 6'6" 4 pane 24.70 6'6" 4 pone 26.90 ALL HARDWARE INCLUDED B.P. FLOOR TILE 080 gauge--% x 9 Vinyl Asbestos 12° Reg. 14e, NOW 080 gouge---12 x 12 Vinyl Asbes 23° tes, Reg, 25¢, NOW 1/16 gouge 12 «x 12 Vinyl Asbestos 2'0" x 6'6" 2 panel 2'6" x 6'6 2'R' « 6'6"' 2 panel Mon and : * KITCHEN COUNTER » WINDOW SILLS e BEDROOM VANITY 7H i oteanew apa This is a special grade of Arborite, contour moulded and bonded to 34" plywood for added strength and long life, Smooth, free-flowing decorative laminate PLYWOOD WATERPROOF BOND GOOD ONE SIDE "Yuden saves, O28 1:00 8,15 Meant Mnare 11,85 STANDARD SHEATHING Meant Mu4ut "Maan FACTORY GRADE OFF CAR SPECIAL curves -- no cracks or crevices == no metal SPRUCE mouldings needed, wom eqereener Se she! St PLYWOOD With Waterproot Banding M4 « 4 x 8 theets, Regular 3,84, BE A DO IT YOURSELF BRICK LAYER WITH BRIK KIT The complete brick facing kit, for over any wall surface, 7 colors to choose from. SPECIAL 3 60 o CMHC ACCEPTED application 6.75 Carton covers 5 sq. ft, All adhesives included, PANELLING € 60 MOUNTAIN ASH Pretinished 3/16 x 427 V grooved 3/16 x 4x8 V grooved 9.30 MOUNTAIN ASH Prefinished with walnut inloy 3/16 x 4x7 V grooved 3/16 x 4x8 V grooved 12,80 PAINT BRUSHES By Simms 2" Reg. 1.75, NOW 4" Reg, 4.55, NOW BAG GOODS 1.50 fy. POWER TOOLS BY SKIL Skilsow model S74C, Reg, 70,00 NOW 55.00 Hedge Trimmer model 327, 50° extra cord FREE 39. 50 e ONLY Portland Cement, per beg Masonry Cement, per beg Seal Bond, per beg PICKED -UP PRICES 95° Set posts end garden fights with SARKETE Concrete Mix {50 eae 45 tb, bags), 3 Special Sakrete Mixes to choose from---all you have to do is add the Patch concrete steps with SAKRETE Sand Mix (80, 45, 25 and 11 Ib, bags), water, Ideal for stop-and-start pro- jects because there's no waste or guesswork, There's a size and mix for every job, 90 Ib, bag concrete mix 45 Ib, bag concrete mix .... 80 Ib, bag sand mix «sees », bog sand MIX ... sees Ib, bag sond mix ,. } Ib, beg sand mix Ib, bag Mortar Mix 45 Ib, bag Mortar Mix 25 |b, bag Mortar Mix y aval Oo isle Ag panda ) ¥; Build decorative Block Wall, Use SAKRETE Concrete Mix (90 and 45 tb, bags) for base, Lay Blocks with SAKRETE Mortar Mix (80, 45 and 251b, bags), CASH AND CARRY CORNER MEDICINE CABINETS Recossed type, size 10,95 14 x 18. Each only BATHROOM FIXTURES ih aaaltiay VIN Ye FOLDING DOOR ye teh aly 108 ENAMELLED TILE BOARD 4 x 8 sheets, variety of colors, Per sheet only 9.25 MODERNFOLD FOLDING DOORS 2 colors, while they 16,95 last, Only SOUTHERN PECAN HARDBOARD WALL PANELLING 4x 8 sheets, 3.99 Only SURFACE UNIT the conoge, Only 09,00 POPLAR UNDERLAY 4 x 4a 4 sheets, 25 or more sheets, 1 29 Only ROOFING 210 Ib, 3 in 1 asphalt shingles SELF SEALING REGULAR CEILING TILE Va x 48 x 48" blocked in 12" x 12" squares, er 12 B. P. CEILING TILE Groy fissuretone carton lots Pe While bid nha? 8.59