Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1966, p. 8

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|FULL OF SOUND AND FURY...? ° By JOE DUPUIS TORONTO (CP)---~We've just team manager said. "We've given our lads the the next game." ' "If I hadn't played my rookie jkids all year--the guys who ;wouldn't be here." |. Guidolin has been saving Orr, message--God help Oshawa iniusing him on power plays to) give the injury time to heal. The manager is Bill Hunter, Now, "Bobby is able and|'rom there it was and the lads are the Edmonton/ready to play a full game if we! Manager Bill Hunter Has Revival Meeting | Falkenberg explained his 'team's problems this way: had a revival meeting," thelusually sit on the bench--we - we were really fired-up for ithat first game and, of course, Oshawa didn't do anything." Over-confidence set in and all downhill. Now, says Hamilton, Oil DANDY DILEMMA Oshawa Green Gaels, less than a week away from the opening of the season, are still faced with an enviable prob- lem. The management and coaching staff just can't seem to decide which of the rookies they intend to use to open the season. With 13 returnees from last year's Canadian championship club, it should seem easy but | Green Gaels' Problem? Too Many Good Players! | line. These two were also with the Gaels last year. Newcomers will make up the balance of the Oshawa attacking unit, of a third line. The Gaels have as yet not been able to acquire the re- lease of John Clayton, who was with Huntsville, last year. He will not be able to play until his release is received and to this date, Huntsville has been very 'The Oshawa Gaels are plan- ning a gala opening night, with the finals of the Miss, Green |Gael contest, Go-Go dancers, a band. and the usual opening ceremonies. "The game will also be taped by CFTO, for viewing at a later date, on their Summer Sports spectacular. They have chosen the opening game since it pits the two strongest-looking con- tenders for the Junior A title 'against each other, for the only time, in Oshawa, this year. Toronto Township conducted practices for much of the wine ter and-along with Mimice. ex- pect to give the Gaels their toughest opposition, en route to a fourth Minto Cup final, At this juncture, no one can Oil Kings, tilting with Oshawa/feel the need to call on him." |Kings can win the series only if ; . ; ' Generals for the Memoria! Cup| Another - controversial - figure! they cai Hop thé Gererais™ top wes ee go ee and the Canadian junior hockey|in the series--Edmonton goalie!) > 0, a Welies | cccistant . +. Wilb y |championship. Don McLeod--is also a question|/"€ of centre Danny O'Shea) Assistant Frank Wilbur, appear Cashman 8¢t to drop one of the rookies | j i - jand wingers Wayn |. The next game he referred to| mark going into tonight's game. ® ~~ back to the Lasco Steelers, he' icomes up with a big perform- adamant about their refusal fo say who will be in the lineup allow him to join his brother|,. g part 'of Oshawa's third Phil, with the Gaels. Negotia-'iine .1t is expected that the tions have been going on for management will have them over a month but the Muskoka .,404 out by Monday night. people just won't budge on their Nevertheless, it looks like Mone decision. day will be a big start for the It is expected that if a re- Gaels' fourth season in Junior lease is not granted very soon, lacrosse and a Jarge crowd Is his case will be appealed be- expected to ring in the new la- fore the OLA sub-committee. crosse season for the Gaels, Held Over Second Week Direct From Franz Joseph Room Donna London Popular Vocalist HARRY SINDEN (right) is shown receiving congrat- ulations from Milt Schmidt, in Boston, yesterday after- noon. Schmidt has resigned as coach of Boston Bruins and at a conference yester- day, Sindent was named the new coach of the Bruins, to become, at 34, the youngest having starred with Osh- awa Generals in OHA Jun- jor "A" ranks for several seasons and later playing with Whitby's Allan Cup and World Championship teams, before turning professional with Kingston Frontenacs NHL coach in the business, Schmidt will devote full time to duties as Bruins' assistant general manager, to GM "Hap" Emms. Harry, who coached Okla- homa City to the CPHL championship this past sea- son, is exceptionally well- known around these parts, victory Friday Cleveland would end AP Wirephoto | Denne hes enterteined in Eng- fend, Jopen, end Russia -- Now meking her Cenedien Tour Debut. NIGHTLY IN THE Vintage Room coach Aubry ie Toronto if came rd A FG in the two 48 1e Bruins orga MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave. Phone -- 723-4693 years. He coact out Of of the Schmidt emphasized that the 'ision to retire from coaching general manager under Hap Emms gvas last 11 years de to become assistant one wa young his alone, SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30 to 2:30 DINNER BUFFET 5:00 to 9:00 to step right in the organizational this a wonder chance to general. manager p is 6% and doesn't in the job forever." period and passed to Guy) bry stopping several goodipiack Black relayed the puck | drives. Miners' goaltender Alito Cartier at the point and Car Rollins handled 22 shots in theltier scored with a low drive. game. Aubry was off balance when Roy rapped his nee t0| Mailey deflected a drive by Pat withdraw oh ni ra Halas. Beckman beat Rollins| ene game officia ) eet ule {With a hot shot after swerving)-- of Saskat oon : se through the Miners' defence at Kotzma of Yorkton, Sask., were) 15.97 o¢ the. second frame North Brock Wins [ purrty Goop! and lea young f{ vo consider far the Generals--leading the | standby goalie = ye a4 the accounted for nine of Oshaw best-of-seven series 2-1 -- don't|!ast two periods of Sunday's|,, 94.1. ihe exhibition gnines: ) . Rookies still trying for a spot For one thing, after losing the| Whether he'll play until just be-/¥a's dead," Hamilton said. first game 7-2, the Oshawa club|fore game. time. i Re stormed back to 7-1 and 6-2 vic-- "I know. I've been lousy,"'|9@Y nignt. : om + pe cate .. | Doug Sutton, ve Keenan and tories; for another, Bobby Orr|MclLeod said Tuesday. 'But ms sd vale Dave Hi | Mike Lewis. | Orr is the sparkling defence-| |... 5 ; | , jman who usually scores more| ACCEPT THE CRITICISM of training camp and the Osh- awa Club is enjoying the lux- |Kings, said the players accept A . Even without Orr, says Osh-'the criticism ks W 7a star Mery Marshall holding mer In, down the No. 1 spot. | TORONTO (AP) -- Rochester all-around hustle. iHamilton said. | " jneed just one more victory to|two lines are almost set for] Sherbrooke Beavers Nip fi.i."*°#*# =a i ava cong, tne Pinoy ;.one side and Phil Clayton on} one? gh EB ggg nay *\the other with Charlie Marlowe | ee 4 : : at Toronto Tuesday night and CALGARY (CP) --'A_ goal-|changed. He had complained |trounced Cleveland Barons 7-0|Ross Jones and Neil Armstrong) cool, and Sherbrooke Beavers| "Sure, they handled the A Rochester took a 2-1 lead Tuesday night|(third) game good. Everybody night at spot on that line. The other defence spot will ' The praise was for Beavers' ful. Swick did a good job. He é . ford, if the Memorial Cup finals Fe he had tied the series Sunday wh rd, e m up A GENERAL AND A DUNNIE jSerge Aubry who made 34/kept his eyes open," Roy said] yim Pappin turned in 1s tn are over but if not, one of the before 5,569 fans at Calgary'the Canadian Amatéur Hockey 4 all bi | Corral Association, had instructed offi- SCORES FIRST GOAL oy ae returnees i = gedit Walton got the first goal of signed their 1966 certificates. In} jcame back 3-1 May 7. Fourth)gans,"' LIKES LARGER RINK goalie Bob Perreault needed. - ; A : After Walton beat goalie Les r;eorges Roy saic "played a great game hock ngade : RENT A BIKE jockey... and getting on thi al | , By DAVE O'HARA ad big ice here helped the game ag alle gly game out of By The Hour or the Dey 'Pro League. | Nnew ay P lik ' | BOSTON (AP)--Boston Bru od Red Wings and mean NKe nut doubted the goaltender He played his Junior OHA Of course, it would could remain consistent for h i : cal e@ 2,200 - seat Foothills |trick in the second period, dur- ing which Brian Conacher also coach Tuesday in a bid to endiplace finishes the next nidt cad Wack lik th sie we : y years in the Central League be chmiat HOE MCSE SCORES WINNING. GOAL seven years of Yrustration as : ' ation. 'for 31] The Beavers took the win on they hang back. What can you iod Mon.-Fri, 10-9 Set, 10-5 do? We outskated them tonight, The Americans are unable to 723-8711 ers finished four points Sinden, who directed the Okla-/first place this year, but won ond period. op 4 ss homa Blazers to the Central! Gilles Cartier of Sherbrooke That Aubry didn't stop all/ tournament is being held there. | championship, svas promoted to| SHOOTS FOR PLAYOFFS 4 een e YAMAHAS the post of the NHL's youngest; Admitting that Schmidt, series, Owen Mailey replied for|*M0ts." REMEMBER WHEN...? the Miners 40 seconds later. Cartier's goal came after Rod Used Bikes on Display move into the front office on a Sinden said: med 2-5 seconds off his own | full-time basis. "We have many 52.2-second world record for RO DON SPORTS - The Place in The Oshewe Aree appear in need of heavenly|same after fanning on four) oa te tik ce ms: Ge |with the Gaels include Tommy is reported recovering quickly|some Of our players haven't! { | ree More 0 Gary Lopak has also been| jgoals than the forwards. Al Hamilton and Bob Falken- ury of two goaltenders, for the) jawa coach Bep Guidolin, the) 'We talked about it and our Americans have thrown their FIRST TWO LINES SET | |Calder Cup. |Toronto Township. Don Stinson Drumheller Mi rum e er ners, was Bl) and Dwight Davies on defence. | jtender earned praise, a dispute|they ignored rough play by the\for a 3-2 lead in the best-of- with new team captain Jim| in the best-of-seven Allan Cup knew they were going to be the series jsaves in helping the defending/in the dressing room trick in the Americans' 3-1 vic- rookies will fill that vacancy. | i I larr 1] } e] } cd] | Le The Miners won the opener jcials to clamp down and warn | "shenani-|the game Tuesday night, and it @ddition Larry Lloyd and Fred) lgame is Thursday night Roy said the move seemed to Binkley at 3:07, Larry Jeffrey, | Coach Roy Kelly of Drumhel- " : . ft too." The series has moved to!" waiton's second goal was un: -- yout d named eer wit ee Pieces ins turned to youtn and named itiockey with Oshawa Generals help we up with a seven games. 'We'll be back RO-DON SPORTS Kelly said: "They (the Beav-\..5req Gerry Ehman closed also-rans in the National fore moving to Oklahoma City, ed the team 10 the strength of a goal by for baat 4h : a eat them at their own game play in Rochester because the Come On Out end See The the playoffs. ; ; | ; opened scoring in' the first per |that stuff. We hit the post a cou coach as veteran Milt Schmidt/of hockey's great players, EB CAN N 7] ' on ce Gaudrault picked up a loose By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Sterting as Low os The teams fought through a "T have never seen a youngiers ready to blossom and n the 100 yards freestyle 38 For Service On All Mokes of Bike: ful opportunits move u a | After all, H want to stay 'goes tonight at 8 EDT, and so| McLeod was replaced by|and Chris Hayes. This line has a'5\ance hoth in practice and in help. goals. Edmonton. won't decide Fifth game is set for Satur- vann, Bill Hastie, Peter. Vipond, from his groin injuny. been using their heads either," : nil, with the club since the opening | Mike Walt Sagas ey jberg, key defencemen for Oil; IKe a on, 'CAN KEEP ROLLING first time, with perennial all- |Generals can keep rolling on morale is real good now," -\hat tricks into the ring and|_ It would appear that the first) The Americans, winner of the| Will centre Brian Thompson on} three goals from Mike Walton Gaylord Powless will centre over officiatin appeared . to|Miners in the second ; y 5 a : spay wore seven Anal, Higgs tying down one defence) senior hockey finals. strict and the guys were care Rochester, down 2-1 in games, likely be filled by Dan Sand- | champions stop the Miners 2-1| Art Potter, past president of tory at Buffalo, N.Y. All the above mentioned play- \6-3 May § and the Beavers|the Miners against e lturned out to be the only one| Greenwood will play on a third Boston Bruins Coach } ce" work. "Everybody" play $\ | Watton and Darrell Sly added! with Kingston in the old Eastern;diens, checks like the Detroit | wi othe ns otra Ra a ler conceded Aubry was '"'hot" the larger 6,600 - seat Corral assisted. He completed his hat 93-year-old Harry Sinden as) We Jed Minneapolis to tl Bobby Hull draft."' and we'll get our chances." or 7 . nt + Teunton Rd. 1 Mile &, of Simeoe ers) get me, They don't hit,| out the scoring in the third per- where the inexperienced Blaz Hockey League. ward Jim Beckman inthe sec , but we couldn't score. American Bowling Congress i , dele Swinging New 1966 Professional League playoff) iod with his third goal of the ple of times and had some wide voluntarily left (he bench tolhis idol when h as . Wales fan. 3 ils idol whe e wa lnuck snidway thopual the fest! Johnny Weissmuller trim $75 scoreless third period, with Au-| | man who has got more out of|urally we'll be shooting for that "8 years ago today--in 1928--at the Illinois Athletic Club. The event now has been re- placed by the 100 metres (110 yards) event. @ hockey team," Bruins presi- playoff spot. However, there's dent Weston Adams said, "No-|a lot of work to be done and I body is more qualified." ltake the job with mild opti Sinden; a Toronto native who| mism." lacked ability as a defenceman) Asked what type of team he to play in the NHL, was a mem-| would like, Sinden smiled and ber of the Whitby Duniops Cana-! said a8-year-old defence djan Olympic team in 1960. He| "I'd like to have a team that, man 1 be playing coach became @ playing coach in 1962|skates like the Montreal Cana-\of the Boston affiliate. 4 | Beats Good Boys Oshawa Tennis Club By Raye yg ny eek Has Season Underway aco defeated Good Boy Furni ture 2-1, last night at Alexan- dra Park Although it is still early in For the past three Wednesday | Toronto 'B' League Schedule May, the Oshawa Tennis Clubjevenings, at 7.00 p.m., the Osh-| May 5th -- CNR at Oshawa has been a beehive of activity|awa Tennis Club has been the| May 12th Oshawa at Kew Sinden be succeeded at by Da will Oklahoma City Murray vidson, a who wi if someone offere ou a tire for Two walks to Murray Foster and Lyle Nelson, . followed by for the past few weeks Due to the dry weather, the 'Butch' Dowe's single, gave the winners their two runs off hard work on the courts by se- veral work + > led by the piteher L. Hircock, in the first nning. McKee took over later and they never scored again ground's chairman John Hent ig, has put in top + notch condition Already many members have taken advantage of any break in the weather to loosen up on the courts Once again, the Oshawa Ten nis Club has entered» doubles teams in the Toronto 'B' and 'C' Tennis Leagues and althoug! it may be hard to believe, this league has already schedule, Last Thursday, the Oshawa Tennis Club played host to the CNR Club from Toronto, The two teams were to have played four doubles matches, however due to the late start of the match and a water problem on two of the four playable courts, only one match could be com pleted In this match, the Oshawa) varties four of the courts st opened ite Site of a interesting nis clinic. This clinic has well attended, with man members taking the opportun to gain some invalu In ruction on how to € their tennis play. The final indoor sion will be held this Wednesday even ing, when it is hoped that some fine films on past Davis and Wimbleton tennis will be shown Any terested ittend these cli h wil ontinue outdoors Wed nesday evenin beginning at seven o'clock. We hope to see you. there The opening for Oshawa Tennis Club will be held on Friday May 20th Further formation will be forthcoming from social director Dianne Mc Naught A final reminder to all mem bers old and new, the courts are now playable and we hone very ten been ney ible improv ses Cur up matche who may be person, i d to wh 1 tennis dance the n Beach May 19th de May 26th -- Moore Park No at Oshawa ine 2nd Lawn Tennis Club at Oshawa June 9th -- Oshawa at B vard No. 1 vard No. 1 June 16th -- Oshawa at Moore Park No - Oshawa at Lea J Toronto oule Toronto 'C' th League Schedule Oshawa ag Rose- dale May llth alt Oshawa May 18th --- awa May side June Ist Oghawa, June &th Scarboro at Osh- 25th -- Oshawa at Lea East York at -- Oshawa at Aura 15th (BYE) #ague Banquet June 24th Toronto Lawn: Tennis Club Team practices will be held at Tennis Club came out on top,|/t0 see you out in the next few on Sunday mornings, during the as Ron Cox and Rick Hamilton | defeated their CNR opponents by scores of 6-4 and 9-7, In the only other match which was able to start, Har- vey Moyer and Jim MacDonald of Oshawa staged a tremendous battle with their Toronto oppo- nents. The Oshawa team, after losing their first set by a 6-1 score, came back in the second set and held a almost unbeliev- eable 21-20 lead before rain and darkness halted play in this long set. This match will be completed at a later date, The next matches for the Osh awa Tennis Club in the Toronto Tennis League will be on Wed nesday, May lith, with the 'C' team playing host to the To ronto Cricket Club and on Thursday evening the 'B' team wil] travel to the Kew Beach Club. These leagues wil! be active anti] the end of June, weeks! chedule GOLF LESSONS Qualified C.P.G.A. Instructors Professional Teaching Staff. Ison Patterson ®& A Private Lessons BEGINh JERS AND DI f Hvestis *® For All Golfers FFERS WELCOME For The Best Selection In Golfing Equipment Visit Our Completely Stocked Pro Shop Ladies' Golf Classes Commencing Wed, May 11 Let us toke str Thund ASHBURN, ONT, kes of erbird Golf Clu 5 lessons for $10.00 Morning and Evening Classes available 2 Pleasure. b PHONE 655-4952 Toronto Cricket but they had enough Murray Foster, pitching for Texaco, yielded only one run, in the 6th inning, when Wayne Nor- ris, first batter, homered For all AUTO REPAIRS and SERVICE Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD, 574 Ritson Rd. S. CANADIAN PORT 725-6518 -- Phone Brights for tree heme detivery | COMMERCIAL ® INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months to Pay @ 3 Year Guarantee HaAwA 6720-1541 OSHAWA PAVING MARCI \ COMPANY me | The straight-talk * tire people tant /2 price' G You bet. And that's just the offer we're making. When you buy any two B.F.Goodrich tires during this sale, you'll get the second tire at half price. And what's more -- we won't automatically try to sell you high-priced tires. No Sir. Not if a ~ \ you don't need them. We deal in Straight-Talk. To keep ourselves in line we've got something called a Tire Value Calculator. It asks seven basic questions about your driving. Then it recommends the tire that'll suit you best. And -- whether the tire for you is our Premium Tread or economy-priced Commander -- you'll get your second tire at half price. How's that for openers? y) \\ BEGoodrich / KING ST. W. OSHAWA 725-4543

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