tbe 'Whitby Township Calls) | Conference On Centennial THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 11, 1966 § WHITBY DAY® BY - DAY Merchants. Establish The Kosyginh are due in Cairo Tuesday with a delega- | tion of top Soviet figures on an official visit. Mrs. Kosygin Likes The Twist, GORDON. Policy On Store Hours WHITBY (Staff) -- A policy on store hours was established, Monday night, at the first meet- ing of the Whitby Merchants' Association. The question has been a contentious one in the ' a parking problem, it was felt advisable to establish a parking authority so merchants can get some direction solve the problem more quickly. The question of closing all 16 BROOKLIN (Staff) -- About % organizations in Whitby |Township will be summonsed here May 31 to discuss centen- jnial celebration plans lyear, Reeve John Dryden told a j meeting of township council )Monday night he will chair this lone of the best-dressed part-| |time dogcatchers in the busi-| ness. ; night. TESTIMONIAL A testimonial dinner May 21 will honor Dr. J. H. McKinney, Whitby Township DCO Eugene| former medical officer of health next Nickerson made his request for|of Whitby Township, and C. S, a uniform before council last|Thompson, a former township tax collector, clerk and book- Council decided to buy a uni-| keeper. : Also to be honored are Mrs. CAIRO (AP) -- Mrs. Alexei Kosygin, wife of the Soviet pre- mier, "respects art and poe- the tango." two of them with my husband," try" and "likes the twist and "| have become closely ac- quainted with Italian music and art through four trips to Italy, Mrs. Kosygin, # middle-age grandmother who speaks fluent French, was described by the paper's correspondent as "a simple and sentimental great lady who . . . wonders how life can be possible without senti- Mrs. Kosygin said in a Moscow ment," How To Hold OSBORNE REALTOR form for its dogcatcher, consist- le of a windbreaker, two pair of pants, three shuts and three ties; an approximate total cost day Wednesday and remaining jopen Thursday evenings was _ = we ee een He said two questions will dag :<+.,have to be answered; Is there/of $50. én pr gorge hae as to be centennial celebra-| "If he wants a cap," said stores will close Wednesday|reached. These will be publish-| ions here? af 90; what a yee = afternoon but remain openied later. j will they take? |migh ge 'h a 'coon and make Thursday until 9 p.m. Stores| J. Ottenbrite chaired the SHELTERS ihimselt one. son'y report for| When the County Health Unit's will always be open Wednesday|meeting. R. Chatton gave the| Col. F. 8. wotton, Emergency) , sat daghaiod that aca or the jurisdiction enveloped municipal- mornings. treasurer's report and Harry| Measures Organization co-ordin- hr dogs he picked up were ities in the county that had "a } ei" [4 7 " " Following a discussion of the|Arnold acted as secretary, ator for Ontario County,. in-\qotroveq and the other two eee ereviocsls engaged its ser formed township council by let-| ' : Early Days In Whitby Recalled Hr last nit than survey i|qwer® Terieved By Wel OR Dy, afckinney. was the MOH town for some time. It was decided that if a holi- day precedes a Wednesday, stores will remain closed Wed- nesday afternoon and if a Wed- mesday precedes a_ holiday, interview with the Cairo daily newspaper Al Ahram, published here today. Gladys Jordan, former schooi nurse with the Whitby Township board of health; and Leonard Ross, a long-time member of the local board. The Whitby Township Board lof Health disbanded April 1 mécting scheduled for 8 p.m in the council chamber. Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call "The Hot Line" DIAL 668-8826 218 DUNDAS ST. E. (Highway No. FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place "Something irresist t- gf istibly- Do your false teeth annoy and em- bDarrass by sli s. or wob- bling when you eat, la: tracts me to art... . I like the twist and tango," she ner oa | Sst oprisk ZOU, est, Inugh or talk? Mrs. Kosygin was interview on -avinn pe reception -- in her| powder Pr ibolds false, tooth: nore Smaly honor by the wife of the Egyp-| o0° t an ambassador in Moscow, on| sour. ' Me ronal on ' breath). Get FASTZETH -- of her trip to bony b) . Gee Fe om, CLARE SHANK lter last nicht that a survey is here for about 35 years. Mr. The May meeting of St. being taken of ai large build-|~""' Andrew's Preshyterian Women Group 4 was held at the home of Mrs. James Sutherland, 716\ Maria st., May 9. The meeting prayer led by Mrs. Russell Bradley who also gave the scripture reading assisted by Mrs. Carmen Sarles. Rev. W. J. S. McClure con- ducted the Bible study, 'Double Testimony," based on the scripture. This was followed by a question and answer Period. Following the Bible study, Mrs. Bradley closed with prayer and then gave a reading entitled "The Book." It was announced that June 20 the Association meeting will be held at the church. It will be in the form of a pot Yuck supper at 6.30 p.m. June 28 will be "Strawberry Supper" opened with the annual to be Pot Luck Supper Organized St. Mark's United Church| Women Unit No. 7 held its reg- ular monthly meeting May 9, at the home of Mrs. C. Brown. The meeting was chaired by Mrs Garnet Juby. During the business session members made arrangements for a pot luck supper to be held June 20. This will be the clos- ing meeting for the present sea- son. The group will resume its activities in September. Plans were made to attend the Whitby Council meeting that evening following the pot luck supper. St. Andrew's G St. Andrew's Presbyterian! Women Group No .1 held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Anderson. President Mrs. William Scott opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Don Wilson was in charge) ef the worship service. | Rev. W. the Bible study entitled "A Life to Share', followed by a dis-| cussion period. During the ital visits were made. The Adel, ls | ing business session'Mrs, William Scott. held this year in the church hall, first sitting at 5.15 and the second at 6.15 p.m. Mrs. W. J. Morrison has offer- ed her home, 817 Dundas st. w., for a tea to be heki Oct, 19 from 2.30 till 5 p.m. Following the business meet- ing Mrs. J. R. Frost gave an|but they will soon be chased by at the last counci) meeting. MINOR LACROSSE SEASON interesting outline of the early days of Whitby with many per-| sonal remembrances of how} Whitby looked when she first came from Toronto in 1914 Mrs. Frost presented Mrs. Sutherland with a farewell gift of a broach from the group. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland are to| spend time in Haliburton and Florida and many wishes were given for a happy retirement. | Lunch was served by Mrs. McClure and Mrs, Sutherland. | The meeting closed with the Mizpah, It was reported that 12 hospi: | gram was conducted by Mrs.| Cecil Brown and the study book entitled 'Jesus Christ and the Christian Life," chapter 8 and 9) tead, Members were then divided| in two groups to discuss ques-| tions and answers. Mrs. Ron| Pascoe was in charge of the| worship service assisted by Mrs. J. F, Foster. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Grylls and her group. | roup Plan Tea plans were made for a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Don Wilson, Lyndeview dr., May 27 from 2 till 5 p.m. | It is with regrets that the re- signation of President Mrs, Wil- liam Scott was accepted, Mrs. Thomas Sloan kindly consented J. S. M@Clure gave)to act as president for the re-| factors which brought about the mainder of the year. | Assisting the hostess in serv-| were Mrs. D. Zilstra and ings in the county that could be used for shelter purposes in the case of radioactive fallout. He stressed that the survey would be taken at no cost to any municipality. SNAPPY DOGCATCHER The dogs may not realize it, |GRAVEL CONTRACT The Cobourg firm of Harnd and King was awarded a con- \tract last night to supply Whit-) {screened and 'crushed gravel.| This company's. bid of $22,400 was the lowest tender opened} TO BEGIN ON WHITBY (Staff) The Whitby Minor Lacrosse Asso- ciation has announced the season will get under way at | the Whitby Community Arena this Saturday, Any boy wish- ing to play can register at the arena Saturday morning. SATURDAY | The schedule calls for the pee wees to take the floor be- tween 8 and 9 a.m, The nov- ices will be in action from 9 to 10 a.m.; the tykes from 10 to 11 a.m. and the bantams from 11 to 12 noon. | Midget players are asked | Thompson served the municipal- by Township with 30,000 tons of| PARK ISSUE try again, would seem to be yer, whose first request for de- velopment of a township-owned lot on Robmar |ter to its park committee for , : |. cthey let even move oft "MASTER SPY" One Complete Program Only | Each Evening --- Starting at 7:30 BROCK for some 24 years. At his WHI. eY¥ irement he was road ac- nts bookkeeper. If at first you don't succeed, the philosophy of Mark H. Lock- . . DIANN} st. south of ' Brooklin into a children's play- De SIGks ground was turned down. So, he wrote another letter, This time council referred the mat- reconsitleration. Councillor John Batty said he drove by this strect last week and saw children playing hock- pomittanct wuse aon ALSO 2ND FEATURE ATTRACTION AT 7:30 STARRING STEVE MORRAY and JUNE THORNBURN the street for you," he said. to be at the arena by 11 a.m. 'Parental Delinquency To Blame, Moore Declares WHITBY (Staff) -- Juvenile delinquency is the direct result of parental delinquency, Barry Moore, featured speaker at the Crusade for Christ meetings at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium told members of the Rotary Club of Whitby at their Tues- day meeting Ed. Lyman, the soloist of the Crusade meetings, favored the gathering with two sacred solos. During the meeting the club president, Dr. W. H. Weber, pre- sented a gift to Rotarian Cecil Brown who is being transferr- ed to the position of manager of the Victoria and Grey Trust Co., at Meaford. Charging that people today| have failed to learn from pre- |children and trying to buy their| love with material things. "If we are going to the dogs it is the fault of adults, Our} | young people are receiving too/ little direction on how to face! the problems of the sick society | in which we live. Youth emu-| lates adults, Our one big prob-| lem is that pre are not setting} them a good example." | Mr. Moore suggested adult thinking and behaviour must| undergo change, parents must spend more time at home and devote more time to their chil- dren and take an interest in| their children and their actiyi- j ties. "The only hope lies in a re- surgence of the home as the -- AT THE -- WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where you get Choice Quality Meat at Cut Rate Prices Red & Blue Brand Beef BLADE ROAST 49: PORK BUTT ROAST 99: Blade Bone Removed basic institution in munity," Mr, Moore said. vious generations, Mr. Moore drew a parallel between the decline of the Roman Empire and conditions existing in The the erat | i} TENDER FLAKE United States and Canada today. | "This is an age of moral de- cadence and moral decline," he | said. "The wildest young people FOX This is Your Invitation te vm PORK & BACON -PORK HOCKS ». 25° SUNBRITE LARD and MARGARINE MAC & CHEESE LOAF---CHICKEN ROLL PORK LIVER ». 25° CHEESE 4 us 1.00 MED, & 59 Hous¢ Of Windsor Chapter Meets House ~6f Windsor Chapter| Fashion Show to be held th A com- IODE held {ts annual pot luck/first week of October. are to be found among the best e\families. The biggest problem we face today is due to the de- dinner Monday evening at the|mittee has been arranged for|Cline of the home, Too many home of Mrs. Robert Clements, | 601 Centre st. s. Each member brought one of| her favorite dishes and together) the meal was a real delight) for 19 members present. | Following the dinner a short|Jack Morgan, Mrs. John Vick-| ya cachusetts meeting was presided by Re- gent Mrs. John Davies who dis-| cussed a possible "Wig Demon- stration" for June & to be held in a school auditorium, also plans. were discussed for al this event with Mrs. Graham} Lagyson, Mrs. Roy Howe and Mrs. Stuart Roblin An "Antique Show" commit- tee was also formed consisting | of Mrs. Andrew Glenny, Mrs. ery and Mrs. Donald Wells Members discussed the possi-| bility of holding a "Centennial | Ball' next March, 1967 at the} Whitby Court House More de- tails will be forthcoming. H And S Executive Confers An executive meeting was held at Kathleen Rowe schoo! for retiring officers and the in coming officers of the Home and School Association The meeting was presided by Mrs. Ruby Schieder, assisted by members of her executive: vice- president, Mrs. Marion Wallace; secretary, 1€ ors ma; treasurer, Mrs. Lois Sea- brook; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Verna Mifflin; member- ship convener, Mrs. Joan Bridge; social convener, Mrs Doreen Allen; room representa- tive, Mrs. Jean Handscombe; No Free Rides For Minister TORONTO (CP)--John R. Si- monett, minister of energy and resources management, denied Monday he had ever used the Ontario Northland Railway's private car for political trips into Northern Ontario Replying in the legislature to Liberal Leader Andrew Thomp- son, Mr. Simonett said he had never attended a political meet-| ing in the North, unless a! speech to a local Chamber of Commerce meeting could be re- garded as such. He said the ONR's private ear is used for business pur- poses only. Mr. Simonett is re- sponsible to the legislature for the ONR 'Sine Mrs. Creoted To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LYD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 council member, Mrs. Elsie Barton. At the last Home and School meeting the following officers were installed for the coming term, President, Mrs. Bruce Hands- combe; vice - president, Mrs Elsie Barton; secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hobin; treasur- er, Mrs. Karel Schaaf; social jconvener, Mrs, Trefers; press} correspondent, Mrs Lloyd |Myles; room representative, | parents are neglecting their EASE BIRTH CONTROL LAW BOSTON (AP)--Gov. John A. Volpe Tuesday signed a bill to ease the 87-year-old ban in law on the dis- semination of contraceptives or birth control information, The bill permits doctors to prescribe birth control devices or drugs to married persons and allows pharmacists to fill the prescrip- tions NURSERY Garden Centre <« ~) Brocks St. N. WHITBY 668-6162 Handling @ full tine of Ist Quality Nursery Stock, Everything for Your Gardening Needs. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Seven doys @ Week. OLD LB. Cooked Meals oe 99° FARMER STYLE | Minced Beef 3: 1.00 | SAUSAGE 3 1.00} We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting and Wrapping Ask About Our Prices WHITBY MEAT MARKET Whitby Ploze [ | Phone 688-6941 Red and Blue Brand Beef -- |All Meats Gov't Inspected CLOSED MONDAYS WANTED! Nearly New -- Spring and Summer Clothing. Ladies -- Men's and Children's Clothes. The TREASURE HOUSE For Information Call Whitby . After 5 P.M, 668-8103 Mrs. Mary Balson; membership | = convener, Mrs, V. Cormack; corresponding secretary, Mrs William Underwood. It was announced that the Kathleen Rwe field day will be held June 15 at Henry Street) High School. Members of the executive will again this year| have a booth at the Field Day! of Champions STOP BLOOD DELIVERIES MONTREAL (CP) --J. A Robert, Quebec' Provincial Po- lice director, said Tuesday his One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wollpaper end Murels Custom Dreperies Broadioom C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER CILUX? TRUTONE WHITE Reg. 11.75 Gal. 3.65 Qt. SALE PRICE, Qts. { ACRYLIC LATEX - EXTERIOR ACRYLIC-LATEX iow PAINT Reg. 10.55 Gal. .99 jemergency blood transfusion force soon will cease to make DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby deliveries. The number of calls had grown so large the trips were hindering police work. PHONE 668-5862 3.35 Qt. GAL. SALE PRICE, Qts. JANITORS WANTED Female Janitors required for Anderson Collegiote in Whitby Present hours --- 4 to 8 p.m. Five days per week, Duties to commence oround May 16th, Salary $125. per month, Fringe benefits. Male Janitors required commencing | shift. Sterting salary $4,000. y lst., 42 hove week, rotating MANY MORE SAVINGS IN GP PAINTS at... Probationary period 6 months, fringe benefits. 'i Application forms and further particulors eveilable*from the under- signed. W. D. THOMSON, Ser Treas Whitby District High School Bord, 405 Dundes St, West, Box 86 ---- Whitby, Ont, 668-841) ' (07 Byron St. S. DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. Whitby 668-5862. ortiviry GEORGE SULLIVAN NICK VAN DEN BROEK NOW READY hd MOVE = $19,500.00 room brick a! in populor south west crea Siey neor schools. ionally well built home with ma- hogony trim, hot water heating, roughed-in cooling hot days aheed. Walnut finished kitchen ¢! bosement and other extras for your enjoyment. to settle for a postage-stamp lot here either. GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY, $15,500. 3 bedroom brick in tip top condition on extra lorge lot schools and shopping. Trees here too, Moke offer, with down payment. : 2 BEDROOM FOR ONLY $10,900.00 At Pickering Beach with low toxes and easy corrying 100 ft. frontage lot. Work in Oshawa, Whitby, have reasonable living costs in this country sett You Jake breezes oll summer long. BYRON ST. NORTH, WHITBY, $8,500.00 Stucco bungalow with 3 bedroom, fomily size kitchen, low toxes, good garden soil on lorge lot, Economy living here for a young fomily or a retired couple, WHITBY -- 8 ROOM BRICK ONLY $13,950. Two storey. family home in central Whitby location with rea- sonoble taxes. Trees for shode here. Some modernization storted. 2 bathrooms, open fireploce. Small down payment with substentio!l monthly payments or if you prefer sove the Interest and pay cosh: CROCUS CRESCENT IN THE SPRING Con be your address if you will take time to see this brick and stone 3 bedroom bungalow with separote dining room, Hollywood kitchen, brand new broadioom in tastefully decor- ated living room, Watch the family swoon when they see the hugé recreation room with built-in features and the completely privote 6' fenced-in ploy yard, Naturally there Is on ottoched garage here too and the price Is only $20,500, MeCULLOUGH DRIVE, WHITBY 2 yeor old and 3 bedroom brick with attached garage In popular south weset orea with shorp decoration, mohogony trim, extra spacious kitchen, and lorger thon average bed- rooms, Extra bedroom In high dry basement, other extras too, Moke appointment to see and make your offer about $5,000. down, NORTH WHITBY FOR ONLY $7,500. 2 bedroom insul brick bungalow' with roomy 80 by 140' lot, gorage, private drive, basement, oi! heating, R2 -- An other economy home to compare before paying the higher prices. BROOKLIN BEAUTY, $22,500. Situated on 86' frontage lot is this 6 room brick and stone split level design with low carrying charges, delightfully lorge kitchen, sunken living room with broadioom, corlon and oa and cupboards galore. Only a few minutes drive to and Whitby so why be congested In the city. $4,000. down with one mortgage. ROYA! ., PICKERING $12,600. 3 bedroom home decoration, low taxes, garage, fenced in yard, for I heating, country living ot Its best, Eosy 'drive to Oshawa or Toronto, OSHAWA -- 3 BEDROOM STUCCO, $12,500.00 7 room with fireplace, extra 3 room apartment rents for $50. monthly ond helps poy expenses. Low taxes ond spacious 80 foot frontage x 192 foot lot make this a must to see, Call now for appointment F PICKERING -- 3 BEDROOM $12,600. Economize here with low taxes and large lot on quiet street. Wife will be delighted with the large kitchen ond fenced In yord for the children. Clean decoration and goroge for the cor too. Cash may talk here. Reduced, REDUCED -- BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideawaq for the busy executive and so relaxing watch- ing the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar filled bush. You will have several Interesting locations to ploce your dream home on this choice property. KING ST. DESIRABLE WHiTeyY HOMES Are being built for early occupancy. 'Extra fine workmanship in these brick and stone bungalows near Schools, Churches and Shopping. Buy now and choose your own style and colors, Trees, fireplace, electric heat and other interesting features. From $19,000, to $21,600. EXTRA WiCE TWIN ONLY $14,568. You will like the immaculate condition of this 3 bedroom brick bunugalow with practically new broadioom on tiving room floor, finished recreation room with additional built-in features, paved drive and other extras, Don't miss seeing this one with only 6% Interest on mortgage, BETWEEN OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE -- $13,500.00 Highwoy frontage near Maple Grove with three bedroom clop- board bungalow and attached garage. Clean decoration, low taxes, fenced yard, Buy here for future gain. JUST LISTED, A LUPIN DRIVE BEAUTY, $15,500.00 This populor paved street with the busy little ploza con be your future home if you aet quickly and call us tonight, Don't wait for the rose bushes to bloom or someone else will be there. If you can use four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and like @ nice recreation room with some furniture tossed In for this popular price call now to see, Forgot to mention there is @ 10 year guarantee on the broadloom too. WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME $13,250.00 Near shopping plaza with family size kitchen, decorative wood panelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high bose. ment and finished landscoping. See and make your offer for this fully dressed model. : $12,900.00 FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM Semi-detached brick on paved Whitby street. You need only $2,500, down payment to move into this economy property and the balance you can pay like rent. Don't wait to call us on this one see it now while It lasts, OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH, $9,000.00 2 bedroom bungalow with asbestos siding, low taxes, garage, smoll lot. Retire here with low upkeep or a good Bray young couple wanting to save. BUY NOW ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY -- COMMERCIAL 7 room, 2 storey home ond 112' x 176' lot near busy Thiek- son Rd. Live here ond have your own service business in one of the finest locations between Oshawa ond Whitby. Reason- able toxes, close proximity to other thriving businesses, Asking $35,000. with terms NEED A COTTAGE FOR REAL SUMMER LIVING? If so, we have just listed @ fisherman's poradise only a few miles from Lindsay. Neorly new furniture in this 2 with Hollywood style kitchen, Sliding doors to outside patie from living room. Tall Stately trees for extra shade on the hottest summer days. Why bake in on oportment when you can dream the days in summer comfort on a quiet lake. Full price Including all for a song and a few dollors. Make an offer. 3 ACRES WITH HOUSE IN BROOKLIN In village, Clean decoration with broadloom: floor in this 6 room home with @ family size kitchen. Speculate here with future building lot opportunity. Full price $19,500.00, 3 ACRES WITH HOME IN BROOKLIN If you with to live in fine family home in beautiful Brooklin and wait for your three acres to spurt oi! this could be just It. Don't say | wished | had, but dig In and buy while the opportunity is here. The price is right at. $19,500. LOG COTTAGE 1% ACRES, HALIBURTON 5 room rustic summer cottoge 28 x 30 ft., on quiet lake with bass ond speckled trout fishing. Also included in this deal is 2 bedroom mobile home 10 x 36', with all conveniences and furnishings. Taxes are low here too, Full price $10,500.00 with about $3,000.00 down, ANNES STREET WHITBY 3 BEDROOM Brick and stone bungolow with large bedrooms, fomily size kitchen, finished recreation room ond 2 extra bedrooms in basement for over-flow quests. Built-in stove and oven and other extras. Growing family needs large home. Aet quickly on this one for $17,800.00.