27--Rooms For Rent (30---Automobiles for Sele ATTRACTIVELY ae Used FURNISHED ROOM | Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, FOR A "wetter DEAL Call between 5 82 PARK RD. N.| AL MARLOW 728-867 | ts 140 Bond Ww New Or Used Avaliable in privote nome, ana 7 pm PRIVATE furnished room, §) weekly ot Osnawa Aopiy 197 Albert Street RiGine BAST, BH Furnsned toom fer! gentiemar, Rov seneeping privileges, | close to downtown, Apply after 4 om, at AaDovVe adares LARGE SEOROOM | heaping, Appty-- 25). GIRLS! Bright cheery roorn ing privileges optional, close te bus, north General Motors, bieck north of hospital, Reasonable, Apply & Aberdeen 18-8 TWO furnished rooms em 7 TWO furnished parking space Banting Avenue ROOM FOR RENT, bull girls INOW. ieee ae TWO turnlshed, newly decorated rooms, OSHAWA 723-6322 -----~- 723-8311 Close to North General Motors and dower On the spot financiry fown, Suitable for couple, Phone 125-4707 pr ] 1987 BUICK, four-door hardtop SINGLE ROOM for gentiaman, with 10\¢' ater, Telephone 7250565, Apply vision ppply 216 Clarke Street, Tele Worker Drive, Oshawa. non pew F STATIONWAGOW 56 Chevrolet. 6 ROOMS AND CABING, specie' body and paint (no rust) very good rates, Bowmanville 623-7465 ning order, Private $276, Phone 725-6556 FURNISHED bachelor spartment bi MUST SELL 1964 Chevrolet super sport share if Bigriment building near sou 17), four-speed transmission. Mechanical General lors conveniences A est offer, 125°7180 weekly. Telephone betere 5 pan. 178-9991.|'% $7,908 oF bent offer Sua larnlaned ': sn 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard urnishes housekeeping 1 "top, 6 cylinder, aviomatic, power steer basement, close to North General ag 14 ng. Maroon, lack interior, Excellent con gentleman oniy. Apply 313 French Street! aitian gi 796 Telephone 725-8137 sae a 1945 DODGE Polara, 440, aulomalic CLEAN, newly feurteen thousand miles, only 9 months liaht housekeeping old, Over. thirty-five thousand miles of pital and downtown quaranieed warranty \ett, Must sell! 120-0794 $7,150. Terms, Claremont 649-543 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED privale 46 powTiAc Laurentiar room for gentleman, in quiet adull HOM*. | automatic, four-door, sedan Caditiag Avenue, telephone 725-1777 tion, 22,000 miles, Privete SINGLE comfortable furnished bedroom. trade, 623-5267 Adult gentieman, South General Motors igg PONTIAC Strato Chief aren, Telephone 728-3014 standard; twa dears taaie ROOM for rent private walls, 25,000 miles,. Private chen privileges. immediate 623-5269 Telephone 773-0855 1965 FORD KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY 668-5891 Cars bought end a Liens poid off Trade up or down Aiwoys top quality light house Hest | with Aeiaine Nou senren Telephone etter 5 Car boublt and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. location, | 4 rooms, central Telephone 728-3800 of Telephone Best 1195 weekly Jurnished and decorated room, close to hos Giri only, Telephone six cylinder good cond) Will accept six cylinder and white home, Kit Telephone possessor XL convertible. Burgundy biack interior, 390 engine, 4speed trans 28----Room and Board mission, mag, wheels, trode accepted rs Telephone 725-4926 PONTIAC, 2 door $295, After & ai FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, e aan hore, parking, 43 Garrard Road (by Kart), 7274-2786 Bowmanville SINGLE ROOMS and board, Apply 2 jy pontiac, six cylinder, two Division Street owner 13,006 original miles PRIVATE ROOM ana board for onelafier five 125-4555 man. in new home. Near Gane 1962 CHEVROLET, Motors South Plant and Shopping Centre iin. co nmis Phone 7257614 gh private ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman ind i966 CHEVROLET 6 days. Lunches packed. Sha OOM Cheap transportation Single beds, Phone 725-964 723-8748 ROOM AND BOARD tor gentieman,| igsy CHEVROLET station wagon, licence near south General Motors. Apply B63) yrag7 4 cylinder, standard transmission Ritson Road South or call 7238564 an ideal tamily orl Nicole Mater tales ROOM AND BOARD in Christian home!Ltd., on Highway No, 2, just west of to north plant. Abstainers only.| Thickson Road, 668 Telephone 724-7786 196) CHEVROLET, hardiop, Lic, Hess V4, automatic, power steering, brakes 29.-Wanted To Rent Has to be seen fo be appreciated! N or four-hedroom home Motor Sales Lid, on Highway N ljust west of Thiekson's Road, 668 between Pickering and Oshawa, by utive transferring 10 Oshawa, Possession! © | 966 RAMBLER, Wi8s, ¥ sedan, ideal car No July |. "Noar separate schools preferred | ment, $22 Mieelk. Mater Galas Write Bow 24192 Oshawa Times lLta., on Highway Ne 1, just west FURNISHED three bedroom aceom modation wanted to rent for summer by Thickson's Road, 668-339! | ic, 16988), fi A careful. family of industrial engineer, 1959 LINCOLN Lic, 16985), four-door famporarily assigned to Ajax, Two de dan, fully powered, Like new, No dowr lightful. ehiliren. Write Mr, HW, B.A payment, Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. on Russell, care of Dupont of Canada Ltd Highway No 2 just west of Thickson Ro 43) 408 Fairall Street, Ajax, Ontario oad 668 ad del leer al 1, fi THREE' > BEORGOM house, No apart 199 VIVA deluxe, licence Ha0sa), five ments please, Phone 725-4474 after four theusand original miles Nieois Motor thirty Sales Lid, on Highway Ne. 2, just west oe oe aw (Of Thickson Road, 668-323 TWO -hedroom aparimen! needed in O86 | ise RONTIAC, hardtop, Two to choose! awa by June 1, GM worker with one) en Tinie aawn, $9 monthly, Nieols child. Telephone 660-6034 .| Motor Sales Lid., on Highway No. 2 just REWARD OFFERED for intormifion, west of Thickson Road, 668-333! whieh will lead to me renting an-execu tive-type & er 4bedroom home, vicinity of Whitby Northwest Oshawa, Reply Box 24284, Oshawa Times | FOUR OR THREE bedroom house re quired, tarilly of five, May |5 er June ' Girls 12, 10 and three years, Affer 4 ca 728-7877 APARTMENT, suitable for Abstainer, Nonamoker, Central, Write Box 2413! Oshawa Times | RELIABLE, careful tenants wish to reat! Ww We will care for hous i" our own. Abstaine DAAl 6 THREE-BEDROOM house required June i| in Oshawa + Whitby area, Moy 14 girl 10 Refer ences, Call 778-843) 30---Automobiles for Sale | ALL CASH: | 8 For clean cars or trucks We deal up or down. Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LIMITE 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 1967 condition hardtop, good p.m, telephone door, one Telephone stationwagon, Excel reasonable offer re Telephone 725-1247 two-door Al motor $125 or best offer close THREE. Lie of 31---Compact Cars for Sale STYLE with ECONOMY 1965 VIVA DELUXE block heater Mileage up Clean, Radio, heoter, ond snow tires to 45 miles per gallon and Wt holstery one parson | | | in excellent condition, ite with red leather up- and bucket seats This one owner cor used os second car for around town for sale. Phone 725.3287 driving owner at p Phone Owner at 725-3287 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD MORE CASH Volkswagen Sales and. Service " p nie New and-Used Cars Pun oy Seed | 334 RITSON RD, $ rade up or de Liens paid I2%244) DODD MOTORS SALES uae Moai Open Evenings 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 % VOLVO & PEUGOT 8? Pontia 4 automatic * MERC EDE ) BENZ speaker, good condition. veneral Repair ond top carrier, After 6 Aut leon Cars wn musT Lut radio and rear Res! offer, Also ca phone 448-5 1941 PONTIAC condition, $a5 7Rb 254 Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage AAD Rit Oshawa ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Authorized Datsun and Fiat Atochiel, good atter 6 poem twordnor 5S! Telephone 1964 CORVAIR Monza convertibie, Power top, four-speed, fully equipped, four new tires, 30,000 miles. Telephone 722-0940 'S$? PLYMOUTH automatic, good motor and goad condition, reasonable price or best offer, Call 128 Barrie Avenue 1960 CHEVROLET Aiscayne, six automatic, radio, four » door green @ood condition. Telephone 725-012? 145 CHEVROLET matic. power steering and ance of warranty. Sacrifice phone 723-098 65 CHEVROLET Super ble, Vl, automat adic power stee accept olde | Your Dealer ylinder eS! ring. In VOIK gen sedan epa 4) 16¢ 728.0051 Many extras throughout, New Call 728-7790 convertible, V8 brakes Terms. auto Tele 196) CHEVY 1 condition offer 1960 CORVAIR, four-door mat iow mileage with gray Inte 946 Exceilent tires Sport, convert = white walls ate, Will vate, 668 sedar auto ady's 4 white Reasonable, Telephone br HEL AIR ¢ steering hevrolet fadio, al t Telephone 724-249 aviomatic, 1966 CORVAIR ioe res andicence Ha208 1962 BLACK Pontia six cylinder, auto tranan 9000 condition four lus two snow tires save $300 $304 . 1965 SUNBEAM Im) Telephone Telephone 725-4 am stan: | 40 VOLKSWAGEN 7230802) motor, custam hit aint, Qnad he 4540 194) a vertibie 182- cu fn. sior A Mill Street and 4M ow yes! CHEVROLET 4 cylinder gute rat Dado radia, n A tandition Telepnene 94).18% 7945 PONTIAC custom sperts convertible 8,000 Must see $2.95 of 32--Trucks for Sale best offer ne 4 alter Som jose poNGE 4 PARISIENNE oth; | dats. ata power equipned, radio with rear speak-iginng Phane rr whitewails, wheel discs. One owner Telephone. 723-0264 ep MERCURY sing canditien GRILLS, pars Late models o 9. Wreck: | 1988 GMC sume ers. 723.5208 elephone 723-87 USED CAR PARTS, 1 trailers, aiso uied fires Bast, after 4 pal 18S CADILLAC Fidorade power seats, window kit, good tires, $300 oF t Wag PORD Galaxie one ewer. Radic hoistery, Telephone 7? 45 FORD Galaxie OO X power siee q and brakes, & der, automatic, | MA y extras Must se Rea Li , easonabie 6@ 1942 CHEVY Il. Many eonditien fhrougheu! Peet is feluxe ate on Call 949.08 AMW P50 nd ear, $300 anne Telephone pertec 729.4900 origina Call one tor sedan, automatic 725.049 adlatars al cer speciaity, Curt make|@ILT Street| Re mates QUEEN Sales and Service * to all makes vacuums, Free esti 373 King West, 728-7852 yeaa CHEVROLET pick-up t mecha ¢ and 720-47 nies to $0? Bioo Excellent Q000 4) TO SELL FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES USE THE MARKET BASKET Bxcelient Revt extras New tires automatic y extras, Tele PONTIAC $8 PONTIAC, .4 @ paint. radio. 194) PLYMOUTH VA automatic Excelient condition. W 485-3426, Many ex trade ar offers, | WANTED | charge | Robert Nichols, four-door | downpay-| Avenue, anyone on or after this date without my Rest! (33-----Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Selt your used to "Ted" Yolk "Cas to the New Cor Dealer and § CAMPIN MOTORS "TED 123-4494 Ras, 725-5574 cor LAKRSHORER AUTO WRECKERS want for wrecking ay may? orices aia | wentworth Bad fF a iw Sete wheeeinS te, , parts tor eaie, ifon and meat 9 Biooor Street East, 1767311.) OSHAWA AUTO PARTS o- Wanted care T "70 paris tor sale oes ote for wrecks Telephone 7 Street, te 7% beeloor Cart for towing 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resieeving Aastoriatic Transmission Crankshaft ond Valve Service DOC' 5 AUTO SPEED CUSTOM 24 hour towing =~ auto ports, Serviced by licensed mec anic, Open 7 days till 10 p.m 1600 King St, &, 728-7781 (formerly Oshawa Towing) TRANSMISSION specialists, are our only 6 usines Phone 778-73 Transmis on 018 Simcoe Wort 35---~-Lost and Found L057 Pear! choker without clasp, in vielnity Baton's Plaza, Valued as keep sake, Reward. Call collect Willowdale 225-4786. LOST biack female a collar. Apply 1279 or felephon 725-9835 LosT Beagle hound, vicinity of Har mony Village, answers to Rowser, Small biack white and tan, Reward, Telephone 126-4381 OST In eal, spayed, wears MeKenne Avenue, 1 Whitby Saturday, back of wrist watch, case and works, yellow gold Reward, Telephone 728-6476 or Apply 67 Montrave Ave, Oshawa. 36---Legal IN THE MATTER OF THE STATE OF GEORGE ALEXANDER BULLEN, LATE OF THE CITY. OF OSHAWA IN. THE 'COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 1 CLEANER, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS LL persons having - claime against the Estate of George Alexander Bullen, late of the City of Oshawa in the Coun ty of Ontario, whe died on or about the Sth day of April, A.D, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to send full particulors the undersigned on or be- fore the 3list day of May, A.D. 1966, after which dote the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shell then have hod notice DATED at Oshewa this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1966, CATHERINE BULLEN, Executrix, to By her Solicitor JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 1414 King Street East, Oshawe, Ontario Qc Andrew Ernest Reid, 1018 Hutchisen Whitby, will not be responsible debts contracted in my name by May 7, 1944, r any written consent Signed Andrew @. Reid 37--~-Auctions The undersigned auctioneer ouction at Hall, 33 will' sell by public Stirtevants Auction doll St THURSDAY, MAY 12, at 7PM on 6 qua of household con nde nah TRA ie Flectric range machine, barbers choir, ¢ bination buffet chest washing ™ and china rbinet of drawers hed oir dryer Ma more to or @s too numerous mer ". Terms cash 38---Coming Events Eorly Bird Game 7:45 JACKPOT Nos, 55 and 58 ONE MUST GO very Wednesday ILEE PAVILION tw JUB charity ¥, W.G. A, Rummage A ir New cnet sale entre St, Oshawa May |2th \ursday RUMMAGE SALE the Vir by the ne &¥s | t UAW + Moa ent As ALI (38--Coming Events Monster BINGO | , We p4509. | OUR CORNERS Children Monster BINGO _ IN 52 NOS, OR | FARLY Children | {38--Coming Events 'New Senator | Makes Speech | OTTAWA (CP) Hazen Argue, the man who) once said he thought the best) way to reform the Senate was) to abolish it, made his maiden speech in the upper chamber Tuesday Senator Argue, 45, who was appointed earlier this year, thanked his fellow senators for) their many kindnesses to him since h JAYCEES ST. GEORGE'S HALL- = ALBERT ond JACKSON STS. EVERY WEDNESDAY 7'A5 18 GAMES AT. $10 2 GAMES AT $20 SHARE THE WEALTH $220, jackpot 57 Nos, $5 each Horizontal Line $10 Consolation $15 DOOR PRIZES BINGO, Bathe Thursday, 2 p.m som Senator, Admission. 50c Two Jackpots NOS: 53 AND 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS, OR LESS $200. announced Nos known for being reticent in another place (the) | Commons) and | hope 1 can con- tinue to contribute something to Parliament here." The former CCF party leader. spoke just after another new senator, Harry Hays (1---Alber- ta) Park, fvislle Avenue, and fuchre Saturday, DEATHS feat ay, Hollen Conese Senator Hays, former Liberal { Oshawa General Hospi on Ve ¥ vie " red) May 10, 1066, Hellen Gerirude Root, be Aericulture minister, introduced loved wite of Bari 1, Hurlbert (406 'i a Commons bill which increases) lsen Avenue) loving mother of Mrs, Clare " te Son fore! ears Mieeries Rov the capital of the Farm Credit aid Hurlbert, Johnstown, Penn.s 2 Corp, to $40,000,000 from §$20,- |¥ernon Hurinert, Nigeria and Clayton' of 000,000, He was also making his | Osh Ul Intosh-A |Oshawa, Resting af Meintosh-Anders | maiden speech in the Senate, The bill was given sec ond | Funeral Wore, 182 King Street test Bervice in Calvary Baptist Church on | reading and referred to the Sen late banking and commerce day, May 13, at 2 om vierment Union Cemetery. Casket will remain open in committee for further study, ine church from |.p.m. until hour of ser vice, (in fieu of tiewers, donations to the Gideon Bible Society will be appre ciated In $25 Consolation Prize $/0 per line both games $175. Jackpot $75 full cord PITTMAN, ee Jury Recommends "iimen '*@ Game Study Course Pittman, Delo Paracel WIARTON, Ont, (CP) A man and the late Albert Wadrr oy coroner's jury, investigating the father, predeceased, three brothers x sisters, Resting af the. Morris Funeral death of a 13-year-old boy as a Chapel, Bowmanville Mass in result of a hunting accident last 9. veronns nenan Churn Of December, recommended Tues PM ville Cometery day that the hunter training course of the department of lands and forests be expanded to include instruction in identi fying game The jury ruled Hopkins, 16, of failed to recognize shooting at Dec, 28 when Brooke! Adams of Tobermory was shot in bush near this town 40 miles northwest of Owen Sound, The victim died Feb, 16 } Hopkins testified he had been| within following deer tracks for a cou ple of hours when he saw a deer ~GBERROW about 75-100 yards away, He fol FUNERAL CHAPEL lowed it for another half-hour 390 KING STREET WEST ss he saw four legs in the Telephone 728-6226 "T shot once and then again and hit Brooke," Kelly said Constable Kelvin Stewart of the provincial police said he stood in Hopkins' footprints at the site of the shooting and could not see two other officers) standing where Brooke and his father had been, When the of ficers moved, Constable Stew art said he saw only a blur The constable said that at the time of the shooting deer hunt ing was illegal in the area Coroner Dr, M. Hopkinson Anqus "--_ Passed away May 4 \966 ville, Born May 19, 19% band of Rae (Andrews ng father Dorothy queline, Angus Jr., Joanne eaves to mourn, mother, $20 per line o $20 gam 17 Nos, or 20 Regular double poy in less Reguieer Catholic Interment Bowman Five $30 gomes Bird 7:45 EXTRA PRIZES Game SPARKS, Charies Frederick Entered into rest in the Oshawa Genera Hospital on Monday, May %, 1966, Charies Every Thursday [ise'gatttint tay of Mrs Donna Chatterton, Mrs. William Taylor (Linda), Allan and Gary of Mr. and Mrs, Delos Sparks, brother of Elleen; in at the his Mth year, Resting at the Armitrong Funeral Meme, Oshawa with © fune arvice in the chapel Thursday, May Hy Jubilee Pavilion at 2. pm, interment Oshawa Unior LEAVING AT 7:00 AND 7:15 P.M And Returning after Bingo that Kelly Tobermory, what he was sor beyond Price, of all Kindness yet BUSES reach under 16 not admitted SUNNYSIDE | IN MEMORIAM HOBBS father, Thomas Henry 1958 Gone but not forgotten ver remembered by daughter Dar ane, soneiniaw Gord and grandchild Randy and Rickey in loving memory of @ dear who died May | nes Ser memory of our his Mobbs, who HOBBS in dear father, Thomas assed away May iw silent thought, # secret tear, eeps his memory ever dear Lovrely remembered by son Art and daughter-in-law Pearl and family loving Henry told the jury that Brooke. did) not receive prompt medical at tention because of a shortage Two Jackpots Nos, 52 and 57 $500. der sweet remembrance of of doctors in the area sir dear "Panpy" Thomas Henry Hobbs who passed away May 1, 1999 asi ft le wee.) GREENWOOD © And where he was beto wif He prayed that he m ant | he allowed To enter through God's door His prayers were answered for he Is there, | No reason fo be bive | TORONTO (CP) , | Wood race resuits grandchil: | PirstPurse $2,200, maider CHIN' aids furlongs, photo Ha now Is in ovr dear Lord's care, A-Siliver Road (Turcte 270 Some day we'll meet him toe Capt'n Roo (Walsh) 10,0 4.20)" 5 Sir Trio HOBBS in Int i Do $200. | In announced Nos $25 Prize $10 per line both gomes $150. Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME IN 17 NOS, OR Consolation Tuesday's Green | He Dyer dren Randy and Ricky Maddock, y tine, Debby and Gary Hobns Very dearly loved by his 4.30 AcCome 2.40 Hopas in pre s memory af my dear husband, Thomas Henry Hobbs who: lef! me so suddeniy May |}, 198% 1 will keep in my heart our love of the past Flor there it was planted forever to last Too deep ir heart tor death tc divide § Paried. fo in dreams we walk alde hore ig pert When we meet our loving Saviour, Sultan's Treat (Harrisor Whey a haney bear rwitl & John's Freedom (McComb When: we're gathered with eur. loved me: 1142 18 $] 50 ot J Marry Hughes ery nes Breeze, Moon Ras Pestiva N wv And their happy faces to see ane SPECIAL GAMES Yes, deat Henry, Vil meet you in the GAY Ginny ) Cava Foredenk Bis sina fu ar 1 $50, OTR When | hear the Sav PRIZES BIRD Time; $54 165 aMosiem Fox Famous Hawk, Free Parking, Mickle ante also ran, aAddison and G, F, Wall entry Tour King Hall Rush - Ga -Ho and, Fre ed 44 3% a Second. Purse $2,100 my claiming, 9 7.20 $40 LESS 18.00 Retadora fr our's call Come ye, bieised of my Father, To a home prepared for all ae ital Too dearly loved to ever be forgotter Aree . v 4 year wite Lele, aled.in Canada furlongs s 1 4.90 3.70 2.80 4.00 2.80 Ore era GAME AT 45 ADMISSION $1,00 Sultans Merry a ime ey WELSH = In loving memory of @ dear father and grandfather, Garfield Welsh who passed away May I}, 1964 Caim and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that lows pain) | Ne who love sad s him Rut trust In God to meet aga Davohter © and grandehiidren, Bs Mary ceptable Gilt Cleonia, Helen Stable Every Thursday Jul RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 700 AND 7:30 P.M entry claiming, 9 6.80 3.40 3.00 b 2.90 2.80\, Treasure (Gordor 4. DOT 128 28 Paul ate dear | Black Gar told K "4 WELSH -- | g meme father and grandtather Welsh, who passed away May A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps his momory aver dear Time takes away the edge of grit But memory nack every le Lovingly remembered by Helen, Joh and grandchildren. Risky Attack Shut Out Don Ga Queen & tha nder 14 Not Admitted sre and upward Fabison (Barroby) Moss k ur Maid of Honor (8 in loving memory of a dear; Time li4 Gartield Welsh Poapsaysno, 1964 also ran 200 Aiming, 4-year mile 13,20 turn one KINSMEN WELSH father and grandfather who passed away May 11, We who loved you Sadly miss you As it dawns another. year in our lonely hours of ¢ ghis of you ~~ French Twist, Bega Regs Bring This SPECIAL Vp PRICE PASS th ve SixthPurse $2 one mile, photo. Image (McComb Dittfach) 24.50 4.10 Hh} 10. 8¢ I ing WELSH t a dear husband and dad Welsh SATURDAY, MAY 14 Selita ie a | : KINSMEN | Satire stn [ateistice a Sree SUPER CAR | ssnesstend nm were ® c W Kour ' Sadly miased by wite Marguerite and TUN also ran daughter Jean Bighth--Purse 92,100, d4yearnids, one mile. | West Term (Gomer not have the old days A LASTING TRIBUTE Wild Fabius (Turentte For we tageth ten Pe Rodwennt eBlane we aSaimstow dane H teoethe Ne ¢ When bark, were a ing fam Marvina's claiming, 3 and photo 10.90 4.90 2.90 8.00 2.9 At the 19 PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $9,000. In' Prizes Including New 1946 car lealer ce or 000° cash $1 000 Game, $1,500 Big Se hee $1,100 Snowhe!! §) eh equidr games e Es games 24 HOUR Pre Jon't forget fo buy the econ a manence and dignity Time 1:48 38 por Wee Annie Do AWN Autor Peace PARK nf Sun tT 1 iT 1 MEMORIAL BRE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the rere Office 723-2433 Stage by also ont Dance: ing BIRTHS sor from $2 Hi-Lo Ba Snowbol! Horal © Smal! Nos $400 $450 Special cilied LOCKE'S ero FLORIST arrangements angements for of ur ch and oll HERON announ brotne "ar rccasions OSHAWA SHOPPING amy pock fnr value and save KUNKEL y money De en) are happ , r th it i the the special game OLOURED TV Pp 4 Early B weg share the Wealth Many able at Free ond Door Prizes Gower rietta ot the m4 * tam winhaa ale yceraly thank TAYLOR Val KINSMEN ~The Gower Family G matern ward etatt at ters of the After a me ¢ scrap Mr iam Allan sister Eileen of Oshawa and six, McCullough and a brother, Farmip.m Oshawa The de Hurlbert She Born hip in predeceased by late George and Eliza Root was married to church, been a resident of the city since wife , who at the Dominion Drama Festival telephone home in nearby Hampton Court Sur in the style of what's been writ Goring Coast preparing for the festival open He ta he was mailed to him last week "There's one new play by a Tt is the first time he has judicated a drama festival and' CARD OF THANKS :* rau By "oo nent the SPRINGTIME IN ROCKIES These over weighing a ized springs, ton each, sup- the 1 free standing buildings of the headquar- North American port CHARLES FREDERICK SPARKS short, serious sick s; Charles Frederick Sparks of 672 Simcoe street south, died Mrs at the Oshawa a Hospital Monday, Bom May Reanareville, Ontario 1917 he is survived by and Mrs, Delos nm mn, 31, parents Mr. 1959. Sparks of Oshawa He was married Aug Oshawa and 1941 In has been a resi-| city since 1929, For years he has at it of the gr seven employed and tron Sparks is survived by his former Mary Ellen M¢ oy, and two daughters, Mrs nna Ghatterton and Mrs, Wil Taylor (Linda) of Oshawa is also survived by two sons and. Gary of Oshawa, a e, the 220! grandchildren runeral at the Armstrong Funeraljand three granddaughters sur- service willl be held May 12 at 2 Interment will follow in Union Cemetery, Rev nk Ward of Westmount Unit Church will conduct the ser me, Thursday, s.99/ ViCe, IRS, KARL T. HURLBERT Mrs.. Far! T. 638 Grierson ave the Oshawa Ger Tuesday, May.10 ill for the past rath of of urred "at | Hospital had been eral months in Tyendinaga, 'Town the county of Hastings 1903, Mrs, Hurlbert was her parents, the vy 3, Gertrude Farl T. Hurl Street United 1928 and has he former Helen Albert Oct, 23, t-in {t time 818 Adjudicator Outlines wim omen His Goals In Festival By PETER BUCKLEY ONDON (CP)--Marius Gor a versatile British actor will 'adjudicate next week Victoria, says the winner I have to have struck into the © heart of the play "The main thing I'll be look he said in a weekend interview from his for rey, 'will be performances To me, that's terribly im- tant." leaves Thursday Canadian West a day or two M the end for fo sp alr Sunday already has been doing boning up on the plays presented, A list of entries Ae but all othe others I Death of a Salesman, e and others--it's going to week.' nadian a busy ad first trip to Canada, EXPERIENCE had the sort of left few fields s his S WIDE oring has has do ght and made his t famil rs an am ed at onti debut on the { He age Sta ge of 15 and has been Cedardale| Nigeria, Air Defence Command, bur- fed under Cheyenne Moun- tain at Colorado Springs, Colo, The spring-mounted buildings can move 19 inches _ - OBITUARIES | She has been a member of, The body is resting at the Calvary Baptist Chureh for the|Sherrin Funeral Home in Pick+ past bs years and taught Sun-jering. Services will be held day school for over 30 years.|Thursday, in St. Paul's United Huribert was associated| Church, Ajax, at 2.00 p.m. . with the Bible Club movement, The Ajax Fire Dept. will form for over 20 years during which|an honor guard and act as pall. time it used to meet in her bearers for Mr. Winter, home on Oshawa blvd A well-known athletic man, She is survived by her hus-|Mr, Winter was active until the band and three sons: Rey. Don-|time of his death: He was a ald Hurlbert, pastor of Johns-|member of the British Olympie {town, Penn, Bible church, Rev,.|team prior to World War I and Vernon Hurlbert who has been|ran in the British Empire doing missionary work iniGames before the Great War. Africa, for the past 10; Mr. Winter served with the years and Clayton Hurlbert of|British Armed Forces in the Oshawa, 191418 conflict before coming Also surviving are a daughter,|to Canada Mrs. Clare English (Audrey); Mr, Winter served on the To- who is on furlough from Nigeria,;ronto Fire Dept, from 1920-41 Africa, missionary field where|and came to Ajax where he be- has served the past tworeame fire chief shortly after, sister, Mrs, Mildred) He was a chartered president Wil-| of the International Rotary Club Deseronto.|and a member of the Dorie AF grandsons|and AM Masonic Lodge 424. Mr. Winter was also a mem- ber of St. Paul's United Church The body Js resting at the in Ajax. Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral home, Rey, R. B. Lytle of Cal vary Baptist church will con duct the funeral service at the church, Friday, May 18 at 2} pm Harold Gully, who died 'sudden. The casket will remain openijy at his home, 19 Whitehall in the church from 1.00 p,m, lid Toronto, on Saturday, was juntil the hour of service, Inter-|helq in 'Toronto Monday. ment. will follow "In Oshawal 'The late Mr. Gully was horn Union cemetery in Oshawa : ' | In Heu of flawers donations He is survived by to the Guideon Bible society will| sarah Crawforth. For many be appreciated years prior to his retirement the late Mr, Gully was an exec. utive of Silverwood Dairies Ltd., Toronto, Interment was Pleasant Cemetery up. or down to absorb shock from a bombing. About 70 RCAF members work at NORAD headquarters. she terms; a of 10 Root, both are also liam rhere Viving FUNERAL OF HAROLD GULLY Funeral .service forthe late his wife, CECIL P. WINTER Former Ajax fire chief, Cecil P. Winter, 71, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home Mon iday night Mr.-Winter, in Mount formerly of 531 Thornerest dr., Ajax, leaves his Anne, of Ajax, and one Gary, 25, of Whitby, FUNERAL OF JOHN EARL HALL John Earl Hall, of 92 West. moreland ave., Oshawa, died suddenly in Argyle, Saturday, May 7. Rev, G. W. C. Brett of Knox Presbyterian Church con: ducted the services in the Me» Intosh - Anderson Funeral | Chapel, 152 King st, ¢., on Tues- iday, May 10, Interment was Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Malcolm John McArthur, Norville. Flem- and Ernie son, in Oshawa strong ever since--plays, movies, television, radio, He has appeared frequently in| McArthur, Shakespeare at Stratford - on- Lloyd Horslen, Avon and in a range of pro-;ming, Sid Burnett, ductions in London's West End.' Healey. RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY auiace cw MILEAGE CHARGE 725-65 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa going OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIANCE! toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser vice; and radio dispatched trucks el- woys on the ready to serve you, Fue! ©}! Budget Pion evailable, EL oll NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 COAL & KING ST, W, SUPPLIES