32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Moy 11, 1966 frente Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate tor Sele HYMAN Mc REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street W. 728-6286 20.---Real Estate for Sale i t | | | Quay Realtor 519 Brock St Whitby, Ontario South FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED aru Weaet La ai F 7 ing Bowmanville [20---Real Estote for Sele __ INCOME PROPERTY 1] Suite Apartment One old. Fully rented Flectric heat, Fully equipped Good location Port Hope; Owner sell Terms yeor in anxious to $95,000 SCAU Clair MeCullough 623-3393 ° ponripgee or rties ent |20a---Summer Pro For Sale and OPEN HOUSE This ot Emerald Isle on Buckhorn Lake. Sixty miles from Oshawa. We area featuring a complete new series of three bedroom cot- tages this yeor priced from $3,300 to $4,280 plus the cottage site and services, Emeraid isie natural cation for retirement homes, r round roads, telephone, 16 trom City of Peterborough, low taxes, etc be ee Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 723-8144 rp is a {6 miles \23----Reol Estate Wanted _ '26---Apartments for Rent ROYALE APARTMENTS Carefully two bedroom suites AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Featuring the utmost in mod ern living ot moderate renta rates planned one ond apartment |26----Apartments for Rent '26---Apartments for Rent NOW RENTING | NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA Two Buildina gs Immediate. W, REAL FRANK ESTATE LTD 3393 Oshawa ond Di We are prepared to custom POSS 2 build home so bring Ossession your ideas and we will put them together for you, Ex- cellent rural. financing avail- able Colborne Street Only 2 mine Mary Street Comer of and Mary Street utes walk from and King Street @ Bus Service at Door @ Within Walking Distance of Shopping Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controiied Entrances ' ' Spacious Balconies FEATURES Drapes Supplied 1 Mail Delivery to Each Suite Byoadioomed Corridors FM music throughout Plus many more modern features your 668-5868 , 925-2965 649-2109 Whitby Toronto ., WE NEED | @ YOUR HOME! Bill CALL} Johnston DUKE OF EDINBURGH SCHOOL trict Member Real Eastate Board STARTING AT $125 AND UP FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites, 8 yeor old 5 room brick veneer bungalow with private poved drive. Well worth seeing--asking $15,700. Looking for a NEW HOME? You'll at ; Claremont BOWMANVILLE $19,900 buys room 2 storey with 3 bath rooms water oil heated Fireplace. Finished recreation Broadioom, Many ex Large lot, Would make income home, Easy Directions: from Peterborough to Bridgenorth, cross Che mong Lake Causeway, keep 728-1066) | right and follow signs to SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD,| 1 8 McMullan | cape ie | Listing further details contact CK SIBLOCK Real Estate Broker NICK Harold McGrath Peterbor- ough 742-4234 or direct Tor Low, low REAL ESTATE: L1 line 364-7471 or write NLELA 728 7576. ond Cocks Limited, Variety Oshawa Peterborough bungalow north oar 125-2044 Street yy Apartment controlled entrance Electric heating 2 3, Private balconies 4 Queen BUILDING LOTS Two excellent building on the north-west outskirts of Whitby in an exclusive set ting, Both have tawn water, telephone and paved street Asking $7,500.00 ench. To inspect call Keith. Lunney SUBDIVISION' SITE 95 acres of tream off the | Whithy t property ng $95, Keith find the hest value spacious B nome lots in ta |WE ARE INTERESTED IN || LISTING YOUR HOME || Phone 728-6286 PORT PERRY Just listed, asking $12,500 for this 3 bedroom home on a very large lot brick Free tHydro Oshowa's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch renge, automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece hath in all 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large Balconies Sauna Health hot Refrigerator and stove In each apartment 5, Drapes in each apartment 6, Living room and bedroom TY pre wired Living and hedroom telephone pre wired Intercom each apartment Broadioom in Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment Vanity in bathrooms. donors Bachelor, | ond 2 bedroom apartments room tras deal terms BCWMANVILLE Scugog Street---3 bedroor \ Locations ingal ing. 725-3557 TH SIDE ROAD LOCATED ON S5O0U pa OF NONQUON fully Bowes Realtors; Trades ace down pay financing epted To Inspect Call 728-5282 or 728-1 ments Approximate! room hills, trees pai 562 north-west The in this 000,00 Lunney APARTMENT ott corner of " with fa des init vicinity W POINT resort » POW - WO Year-round everything, Only $17.900-~terms : e ELGIN STREET BOWMANVILLE lot 40' $i¢ ose te with enti MODERN three-bedroom arge kitchen, large iot aren preferred, Telephone 24.-$tores, Offices, Storage roble Ask To inspect call most Pen halls IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON TERRACE MOTEL, SUITE OPEN M > ISPECTION 798.043] FOR INSPECTION RENT Luxur I-bedroom -- brick ' 44 4 @ NEW winterized house TWO ROOM OFFICE r yep tte : GUIDE REALTY renin well landscaped Doug : iY gy 4 : Mog F Cir Located on 4 Street West bd ( bd Loe 4 $75.00 ides e 723 Close to ) and church cree heat com e nitec Asking $24 ( ye Beo ° To inspect call Keith NORTH. EAST $14,600.00 comt Lake @ Planned recreation 3 bedroom * foods, oven-fresh Vithin dances | Finest Spacious '1, 2 apartments baking $1,964, DOWN if you qualify 644% N.H.A. mortgages OPEN DAILY Sot, thru' Thurs 2:00 p.m, till 5:00 pm PARK ROAD SOUTH AT PHILLIP MURRAY SITE fe intersectior Mar Steam Room and Club Swimming Pool Indoor Outdoor pear Sliding 50'. Asking or hungale m m hungalow walking patin Mot Luxury lokefront Situated Choice Office Location Kent and is one of n Whitby for 16 varied $23,000.00 Keith tance of Genere s bir ge of "7 treets term best | South P t t } or wad M] Write ge en wines Kstrg | Call 623-3393 »_Beleory. | frie Asking Io call After 9 p.m RANCH BUNGALOW | jult wkly, all-ir Box 387, | 705-789 This the ser Parking Available parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LIMITED SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy Elevator ice 10 tions each floor a) quest Next door to North General Motors Plant and office Mail opar inspect Lunney RESORT FOR BEI AKE BAPT AIR STE 2 or 3 hed $115, up haths in y re service to each om anortments Excellent bungalow with gorage ono lot ally le streets in separate Lots of extras 900.00 Lunne tment Extra. 4 4 hedr nee all m apts SURE OF AN APARTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele phone hill, All other costs obsorbed by owner on one of the exe f | per mor ine lied 'and most Whith school eption quiet Intercom contr ed porch NG and WILSON HOPPING PLAZA New 6 room bungalow sunken living room plus spe eail dining room, vanity and coloured -- fixtures 614% N.HLA. Call to-night OPEN 9 am After enience f v ' nd water a} 528 | #5, good sv pnts ong wat Elevators included Corridors el ' Two mming, beat mercia 7 ng unl * 9 parking, Phone Harold Segal @ Bre BOATS --- MOTOR at D. Hyman Real Estate * AVAILABLE Limited. 728-6286 e CALL 725-0267 ve ON THE SOUTH SHORE OF furnished cottages for rent Mure | sale. Hydro peach, Telephone BARGAIN Cottage and 7\_ acres or Rugaed Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish ed, just move in, road to dhor, Inside con Heating ie, fe essure | ; Set foe SSN it, a, KEITH (Dougan) Saisie: Breit es open mortgage for the bal 4091, Bancroft, Gibson Willoughby Lim , ~ psc Y ean 90 wrong only Realtor | REALTOR by waiting =~ eal inwin Cruik shanks now of 728-5205, Schotield-Aker Ltd . <> ann i Le G COTTAGES, REALTY. LTD, -- 728-7328, 73] 109 ) re lg ap = v Telephone 125-2909 = or write KING STREET EAST NEW RANCH 1 Maaliae RR 3 Burks Falls REALTOR A REAL BUY BUNGALOW celine, al 1 BEDROOM conveniences uf t Steinburg Lake north of ? x s 4 arr 12'4 ACRE ut hedr double se raperies ing odioomed Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid 5000 $0, 11, warehouse @ Loaudry room on eact 400 ft, office, For light manufactur @ FM Music throughout ng. Truck level loading, Ample parking @ Within Walkiding Distance 46 Russett Avenue, 725-1260 f schools and shopping 25---Houses for Rent TWO + bedroon stove, dryer and able June |, $120 5096 TWO-FAMILY rent $145 month Call 728-9446 THREE BEDROOM let 51% Close to ther detalis FURMISHED two-bedroor conveniences two or three eight miles from Oshawa, Six lease. Possession May. Telephone 473.2209 THREE-BEDROOM house fer General Motors, south plant, room etc. immediate possessor thly, Telephone 723-7490 SEVEN-ROOM ho No. de of Whitby, $125 monthly ULL FOR LEASE floor Stoca Lake and lots for 9004 fishing. rloble home be andy til 9 pm 774-292 room brick 668-5868 2894 W, ams eon 6243 | 6750 5513 3533 1903 call Premises 102 1 ROAD hours 1 Retnal Agents APPLY ae 190 NONOUC Phone 723 PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Overs hed on and 4 town house recreation Apply Refrigerator Aval Street NOW: RENTING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 123 725 728 723. 728 H. KEITH LTD., REALTOR 723-7463 Margoret Lee Dick Barriage MacKinnon Les Holl : Frank Bob Pople Glen 174 HOME, centrally located mmediate possessior Special terms for first appli- conte Rent now end you will save, Located = 5 min- utes walk from South Gen- erol Motors, Smith ted FOR RENT ottages, on Sturgeon Lake veniences, sandy beach, reasonable manvilie 62%°726 town house to sub monthly, Children weleome schools and shopping, For fur call 72heda? | LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS 1 A 2 bedroom guites housekeeping modern con Bow ' Stevenson Lakefront eit adults bungale @ One, two and three bed room suites includes eve. thing @ Swimming Pool @ FM music @ Intercom con. trolled @ Mail delivered te door @ 2 elevators @ Large balconies @ Model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co. Cottages shld rent, near recreatlor $135 103 impar three OI 7 highway your Gor Nadas 1 no sale rent by seasor g94 wae oF $400.00 Phone 423-5195 electr attached FOR RENT Lakefront $23,90 og¢ 7e suites Olde En 1 decor elevators VENDOR MOVING OUT TOWN Six on 3 built district OF aR Elegant Foyer briek minutes from Oshawa r 414.900. % 00 man NLRLA housekeeping ust out modern On| don Osborne Realty able. Bow TOWN HOUSES, two. bedrooms, Bay Ridge THREE « BEDROOM duplex newly redecorated, close to service and = shopping Apply 368 Windsor FIVE ROOM house, 827 King Street} Nest, ent August with optier fa fur yea heated, 3-plece ath, large kitehen, large basernent and yard, After 6 pur 728-920 HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS, Goorer ham Village, 14 t in excel ent conditior Attractive re tired summer home Vacant, G Ww Goodernar Prone om t ake frontage roadlo heat A' ottages, on Sturgeon Lake 64° veniences, sandy beach, reason # 423-226 room extras Twin Electric heating Heated three a9 and four bungolow This Mortgage on 725.4452 housekeeping cottages, Ideal sand beach SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 4 , / e the comfort and conveniences poate, fishing, lawn golf, ponies, A family fond th lh ot required for good | MANCHESTER NEEDS resori. Folaers Write Wiibérforce ™ F room, ' ' ng Rox 46 9 ki full basement, family ) nesting : HANDY fet TOUCH COTTAGE with inside tg vi ge hier wr 'eh $2,000 " 4 hedroorr Spacious chicken barn, Taxes po a tab Pe 19 brick $74 yearly, payment $66 shopping, good NHA- mort x 200 monthly, full price only $6, ooge neme 500, Neor Newtonville ears old {set , e man BIRCH VILLA Two a indoor facilities sun deck at door entrance parking each file kitchen is 0 we home ir n, | mortgage pool Sauna Both ith | j with , WON'T three-bedrooms |! apartment ouna sennols conveniences ] Rental Representative en duty Dolly 1-9 p.m, at apartment 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-8261 Morning and after hours 723-6255 WHITBY -- LUXURY APT, BUILDING Swimming pool, elevators, one hedroom $115 and $120, 2 bedroom $140 Dial 668-6936 @ FOR RENT @ APTS ROOMS ROOM and ROARD Phone 728-1070 hours; Mon, to Fri 10:30 am, to 9 pm, Sat 'til 3 pom LANDI ORD'S ASSOCIATION 5 BRUCE ST inlleman to north-west exclusive Closed Circuit T.V Bus Balconies & Patios Carpeted Bus ntrolled Plenty Laundry Plast lir uphoords Free hydro Streel, evenings 6 to stop service situoted Simeone. for rent nished Modern co me and Tele on Lake y fur lable J home, of conveniences Are 7 ther re " Ava roorr OF Pressurized halls Al FOR SALE STRADESKI tlage, screened porct TOR good fishing at Stoce 6496 affer 4 pur doors rh beautiful J { ed ondscaped int free domestic hydro & hot water needs decorating out Act fast price Three-bedroom furnished boat, safe beach Lake, Phone 725 DON meide and REAL Fost $14,900 list 194465} ' i MODERN three-bedroom cottage for sale end location near Wilson Rd 0 North of Peterborough, 14l-ft This | FePeagies? Saaashaey 0 FIPTERN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four!) 4. Telephor on. 57 < has 6 rooms AFTER 9 P.M RIPTBEN HUNORED DOWN. Only tour-|i ay, slephone. Tin tir and bath on each side, exce future, Call Stan M 455-9066, | ATTRACTIVE b \ lent condition fur Keith Peters Realty Ltd ints on Glanmire uNngalow - in feet frantage. i alk | noces. A real investment. see s pe THREE ROOM pet ple Pokal \ hdl | this, property at once. Extra * private out basement leading pads ne / erator, stove MADOC into a lovely andscaped ale Apply ale or garden. Shopping Centre and gion aly bk ante BARGAIN sixcroom. three , we w rror brand w hen schools enough, but Nice locality. Write Box ett , pyar) 49 a W area, ba net too. close for comfort 875 Free Parking persons, or Free swimming pool cary Model Suite Open ella 2-9 PM PORT PERRY, Sale or rent, |'9 storey ¢ home, new full bath, good condition, pro : 122) SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 HOME & INCOME HURRY ! miles Owner soys bring me on frontage efter on this compact 3 bed room = brick Braemor Gardens Exclusive LLOYD METCALF ESTATE LIMITED sroperty property niact Agents jakeshore beach and point Lake, (Madoc 00 - 200 Matthews Wiisor 1740 ormack with two jell Realtor ws BLE Port Perry six ROOM CONAGE good local AkK®. Phone 725-1486 THREE BEDROOM self-contained plex th east area. $190 Available June 15, Telephone fore 2 p.m FIVE ROOM HOUSE with with apariment garage retrig Available. immed Street house, three bedroams May 2 $108 furnished three-bedroom acant out mith shore of 32960 LAKE livingreem, well furnished Scugog lakefront rooms, insulated, heavy wired y $5,000 Terms. HW, Kelth, garage meoe North at all Nesbitt, Nestieten.facing school and slop. occupancy, See then cal helor ment, 2 apartment in po garage. Aik , 900. ¢ ) 00 n shopping e Madoc 4 scucos large Telephe COTTAGE, kitet ed drives and one a monthly, | 129-5016 bee! PRIVATE hedraom, brick Private REAI two bed large $4,500 cottage ng onl +} neor matin sor ne nai 93 age. z y many #x dW 9, 24409 shawa Times ner mortgage. Telaot storey ANd ON® sEAidelached duplex Inw taxes, Calliang two bathrooms each Metall Reni gents, t "728.4678 CAVALIER VISCOUNT RANCH bungalow BROILER BUSINESS . |26 apartments for Rent AMBASSADOR Paved drive halting y . 1 two hedroany apart le 4 v WANTED NOW RENTING aire sens es WENTWORTH APARTMENTS f $97 furnished, clean, central, $84 monthly ine baleonies best apart $15,000 DOWN, sixcroor 40 King $t. &,, hall home. New furnace An fonnsanr 175-9345 tale store, double Orchardview Immediate three bedrooms Ready to cated anol $2.900.00 bine ec 'and be hedraom home at 90000 situated on $ North This home ready access to DOW? Marvir bus Douglas Carmichael 723-7463 nom with cornfor f just AA-AROA : NOW RENTING! | Paved drive And OWNER LBAVING TOWN Heres » 2l=--Farms for Sale Thre I ed J good buy on a three-bed yslore diningreom om. Fasic 'prick bungalow Reasonably priced monthly, Ca apr ve ne Stradesk!, Realtor, 72 )042-3944 195-9753 or ner of this $12 meee me the LISTED bungalow with garage. Nicely fin with extra area. . Fo Fred OSHAWA Lavely yalow eparate wn house In ombinatior and bathroom: Norris Realtor lovely. three-hedroor alae joo Two Bedroom tw $130 Office Alax wash Apartments Availa pre odnwtowr quick sale 4s : Eima 7OR-410 NORTH ALE , 5 well kept dining TWO.¥BAR.OLD witt attachen" garage west area An Adventure For in West : t with . |" Good Living | lans ¢ . ierias Is Waiting For You bedroe all 70 A JUST LISTED five-room - frame bi Extra quantity € galow on Adeliade Street West, very dene qudlityewextra inrced air heat, four-piece bath. Ask The perfect homes ne otha ay i a ny mn ef I tos the grow ee them in SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX 4 64% N.H.A. Financing Oh _yes, the homes LOT Re room t share, aren fully Tele nort} shaped ee be rv br profit ' r tarn ontact Ge » Reall IN WHITRY one tworhed Large pr yond rawtord with posse Ist, 129.00 includes walkout stoves, retrigera heat, broadloom utilities, Children Call S$. D. Hyman 28-6286 f loom corr In new building Apr Mart quarter birds Joseph Ros f TRIPLEX Two one-hed ory apartments extra and up olue for vale cludes' heat, hydro, Available May 14, 340 Mai land tam vaste No children please, 723-822 and all WW ONE. AND TWO + BEDROOM spark ments mmediaie possession Drapes, welcome Real Estate Ltd, 728-4283 reo r Stove and refrigerator heat and water, elevator and controiied entrance, lack. ers and laundry on every floor. preferred Apply Superintendent, fur-|Mariand Avenue or telephone 725-2927 3 four Vacancies Soon! we Reons pen h see ca fam attached 4 br and ilies on Martin Realtor PROPERTY >} apartments Realtor TWO-REDROOM ap te nm, ele Apt OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND BUNGALOWS and ' ' : ta + ' " e iy 19. | badronr ' ) ' h ' STOREYS 'one v srittin age paymen ker ; thing at i smait T " be your ph Ch me M April 30th ative on duty INCOME riheast rime A er i equit top garage r F Andely fed at the a af Osha bui nobie re One as CENTRAL Clean, private 'large shed apartment. Self-contained working individuals, 133 Oxhawa Roulevard South 4 ROOM apariment to rent, Private bath room and entrance, Parking, 10 minutes from South Plant, Apply 536 Lorraine St telephone 725-1148. 000.00 sult 4 - of one BEDROOM basement apartment, ivale entrance and private drive Season June. 1, Close to south General Motors, Telephone 725-1455 MODERN two ments, two wash 725-0657, 723-1996, |ONE, TWO wil THRee . ments, 'frig a i entrances fenced-in 723-234? Telephone ment PRIVATE lings at very and hedroom suites include ever * the or b will Tree bedroom apart nts rooms, Call anytime, board or above |FURNISHED one - bedroom basement | apartment, private entrance and private drive, Possession June |, Close to south General Motors, Telephone 725-1455 FIVE ROOM apartment, modern, spa cious, electric heating, stove and fridge. Whitby 668-6660 Refrigerator, stove, BUSINESS GIRL has. two - bedroom tur: | cluded Separate nished apartment to share, Centratiy lor) Available May 26, cated, Write Box 24107, Oshawa Times THREE ROOMS and bath, heated, upper|27----Rooms for Rent juplex, Private entrance and basement Telephone 72324) FOUR ROOMS, bath, Apply 287 Verdun Road or 086) are tren and Applications taken for 76 naturally at qe > » nhane 723-454 HOME WITH A Vi#W on. Grandview) FARMS ment on 4 95 BRUCE ST OA ' 4 Irees, hot water heal »* 2 on 1-9 pe PROM Av ' water heating from 1-9 p.m LANDL ASSOCIATION Armstrong Homes . @ PRICED FIGHT SUITE apartment eplace @ neal rooms and garage and ¢ 1. ce cal return f ' : BEDROOM apartment, modern 14,975 Small Acreages rant INCAUUOR cs Cloves. Pattie Realt } r ord dst "4 heat ater, drapes, Elevator and AS LOW AS Spacious three be at at e ; The home built noatiwel BEDROOM b led trance, Adult ferred WEST ed entrance dults preterrec mind! ' Daeaie < ; ; A ; ? ng r Sel after hours superintendent Marland Ave Models open 9 a.m: to 9 A} - we pr telephone 723-4368 DOWN 723-0362 ADELAIDE daily TERRACE iroom aparime GRIFFIN ONLY ONE 2 BEDROOM |inent Nomne broadioom ! TY outlet REAL ESTATE LTI . 2 : ' reer waite: N M . pres 942 che) 1 0 : Nhat would or erry TWO-ROOM apartment in privaie home ph Estate SCI {0} Ik | ie) Ak t APARTMENTS modern building, goad Private bath Tramediate possession May 2 Vest : : i Four BEDROOM "to ¥ sizibs APARTME NT cat stove, refrigerator, drapes sup Apply 44% Oxford Street Heed Waixo! masemer ; > slied, laundry eltith lephe 1 JOSEPH BOS( @) nent D if mii aund facilities, Telephone 728 cenvRat LOCATION : ' COLLEGE WILL. One nay ments apariment. Parking facilities REALTO nent 4 REA F DUPLEX oid brick bur SPOTLESS three-bedroorr Nn GOOD PRODUCTIVE FARM " ' 7 vat te lided. Adulls ' Telephone 728-4798. Retirement Home whe POL ob Lares wall landncaned | atone Haig Prout fa TWO - BEDROOM anariment in modern | Bayle five-plex on Lansdowne Drive, Stove Pefferla saci Rett i te at En he ms : W WE TRADE LoTs ve have frigerator included. Adults only J rer moanthly Available immediately by catiing Gerry Osborne MAP | ne harn with potatn storage. fet rive ROOM apartment ssa) Telephone 728-4894 or apply 24) i insey Rosen, Realtor P ' and ated All nveniences. Separate en Street. ned adiainin ; bg Pe , . ¢ s, ho Two 'bedreem bungalow wit of the , : Ho large family room and living oLner aRick HOME y e to downtown age 10 ACRES with and, Apply 480 tower OW Drive Theatre mortgage. 'Tele Ele rndel = suite Uses room other t r . r ' ' ' almost r yalow decorated « esent Fox Street Renta dail Wentw rey bedroom apart Intereom eontrail: ator service, swimming playground, 892 Glen oF features Oshawa (near at apart wrth § n town lane payment ne pool, call CENTRAL -- Three ORD room apartment, heat and light "ins shower, _Abstainera, Phone 723-1989. Two 723-8701 building excellent Don Stradeski @ Realty, 668-0024 buage with ontre ling? Then Apoly fidence tc) modern two through het Adult Apart ROOMS or room and board, downtown lo ation, central, single or to share, single beds, parking Space, Apply 48 Albert Street, 728-9449 ROOMS Queen's Oshawa. FURNISHED ROOM, Apply €2 Nassau. Telephone 725-219 FURNISHED ROOM, Shopping Centre, After abot Street S118 NICE LARGE ROOM, for reni 728 \for gentleman, shift worker DRIVE Y , e » rie? rot ' beds te Se. ads 1 THOMPSC¢ water included, Ava ant pr J separale entrance able telephone 725 edged Adelaide for rent, Hotel, 47 weekly Simeoe Str Apply North, roam bur ' Three-ronm Adults only apariment, re time 5, Pe " Evening yarane close pm bedroom semi vale entrance only, immediate afier & pm, 728 to" Oshawa apply a6 "a tres yalow sh arae eed y A mmediate posession - Suitable welcome, Arthur to schools tay Com and one Jroom. apartment nod erms, 7 pect call Murray 24-4770. Insenh Rasen Realto house No children under i apt, only newly decor 1OMES wilh terms two 9 ONE-BEDROOM furnished or unturnisned . b ' ' f valiant | ae : Reasland Rd PRIVATE SALE ; fas A CLEAN furnished room, kitchen and jaune + water mmediate ' ing, 'close to bus and South General Mo a ATOR.) : " t a ulars apartment, kitchen and living room, park h 4 T j posse 4 ' Roa dry privileges, middle-aged foreign lady Y ry Apply 304 Pacilic Ave are ry ¥ y : . eA prank, 999-29 t : t 4 f preferred, Apply \14 Olive Avenue | Col BORNE STREET EG&AST Two WHITRY Realt +H sb BE My SAGER sell MO apartment,| WHITBY suitable for one facilities, $118. Apply ere tries Junelor two 448-3008, aire pe |NICE CLEAN, large, redecoraied roomy ONE-BEDROOM anariment, stove and jrig| WHITAY. large one-bedroom ided tose to North 1M and hospital use of kitchen, parking, Close to. down $110, Telephone 668-6936 town and north GM. Suitable for gentins fer 4 East. | TWO-bedroom ONE cam Pgh REA! a fireplace. Moderr ta dea gute, ait . en} 9 V Forced air oil fur and dining hr 1 t Senotinid-Aker Lt 2 ; pr Ae: dg 5 Pid Ea Madern _ bathraom "4 . : ba f ty, Located on paved road txcelient } i , . . lnteegood garden. Many re firemen! homes in th ting distor t awn. Close to-r f . $10,000 $2 Larae roam. gentiemen, Telephone One-bedroom Private, avaliable Telephone 125.8020, apartment room with kitchen nace workshop jed with sma tree aundry $a 4297. Joseph Rosco Beau VALLEY RECKONS YOU to THREE ae oRoeM treed ree eet h Schofield-Aker Lid, a TWO-REDROOM 22---Lots for Sale an trae Gahewe apartments, fent includes! and drapes heat, hydro, | °! Georgian Court Apartments,|FURNISHED room, sult one or 2206 jtemen, central. and close to vd hospita igin Bast Tioar, | And. hose Sigin Eas sup | TWO ROOMS, |adies or lelean and cenvenient Jenue, Call 725-0424 alter gentionan, | cal|ARTHUR STREET, furnished tor gentleman, Good location home| Possession. Telephone 725 Ap: | LARGE gentiomen it desir apartment, adults] ore 1-592 Available May| Aparrments, 120/}PRIVATE one-bedroom telephone ?25-0460, |private bathroom. Apply 242 AnD §? Bigin Street AND TWO NE BEDROOM ern i a he " oe Fa gas GEM spariment, - Cotle hospital, Available. July 12 Large L ots et eae altar eth Minh en iaaut Telep a-a7e hon " 3 M ¥ feory } 1 att A TWO a OROOMS 0 rund toe t Nest, larne loi, econam * "1 S1IX-:ROOM BRICK capers " eee . Y ground Toor, large! plied, Apply 288 Hillside Avenue achelor aparime ome, Telephone ?25.| SINGLE furnished flown Call GEORGE 8S. STONE " P08 cn moder a # to town, All often rea i MS ee dees ie - hie uilding. Fri nve, all private, |' on we N ihe 985-2632 8. ony im . Tr inspect th --s HOUSE i home, { e | ' : 2 : smal mn apa. a partial thy: priv i 7 Meare te COMFORTABLE room in ' two Port Perry a k 00 witt n n,| m tom 0 pRict bbe Phra iz : 4 welcome, $?5/ suit one gentleman. Centrally ' awa, 1 Choice ' Phas ¥. A Drew Street nly 136 Elgin Street . > »Q ce able Private biel p FOUR-BEDROOM ¢ bunsalew, tary LARGE LOT wit ek, tr ' enh 0 healt Phone Vi 8 5579 ent vont Telepnone | e} oom ONE-bedroom modern bywe ten me wit ¢ ° | ' te y ent h amage deposit NORTHWEST to] LAKESHORE LOT ' Park Plaza : t : South oi v APARTMEN ) ee}, three Two BEDROOM apartment, pr matee 10 ACRE lots to ie, $9 wn ¢ ne 648-428 : 45 ts. Passens j w decorated, Parking. N. tt r mm. +] ase ee-quarters s A he rites Rites S ched garage past el Highw e " GLADSTONE AVENUE Three | SPF ¥ Resales New Homes FOUR-BEDROOM home. located ih. | transports : 1 b Pedy vas Dale : een vs: =. ae dom Apartment OSHAWA Free Valuations anel iran, garaee ' donee ; nent 728 9466 i a By . AWA REA . ; - 2 lf N 25 Bond Wast ork Shift wearker welcome, Apply 119 Street Bast or phe 728-6322 Pate East or phone 2254 aren Osh apartments 4 $118 month bedroom two gen North GM Adull floor Whitby 668 FOUR ROOMS and bath, ground separate entrance, heat hydro water omm anariry tege a se to only wit Very Ave gentiemen. 295 Miteneli 4am FOUR-ROOM A Sire oom for : Road South o hedroam lmmediate private 2 ocated furnished room, sult one or twa single beds, light Nousekeeping Close to South GM. Telephone en ) Ray er East apartment, heat Moving to house ths. Available Rep fer H. Keith kiteren and McNaughton Rea Estate '6 Sink Lene sont | WHITBY STREET five ra +f ee 4 sath ee : Ma Avenue ONE SINGLE ron) Nitor lady or gentleman. 725-0108 OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties vate bat trmedia' Road LASALLE turnisned, suitante Sou Private parking Deal! or Peary Telephone LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in a ciean|MOUSKEE PING et home, for one or two' gentle 00 King General Motors, | 2). sa04 se Larae clear elfcontained 'ies. Bare nland gentiomen. Phone tor West Dens Ag Sirest SPOTLESS THREE BEDROOM + '6 RAVINE LOT 4 Apply orth wha LARGE hovackeening Hing to share. Buss at vale entrance: Phone 725-0004, Harmony Roed South, anariments two apariment|iioor,. 9 468-1200, Apply 38? NEWLY one to buliding REMODELLED trur bedranms Children welcome, Kiteheneite Disney, Realtor, dinetie, tiv A trite, $88 Man one tol $990 y AP-2990 Tursda Ty oo Satur bundey end Monday x ne FOR JUNE } to Friday: |Availa 'w > [ingroam ply 410 King 'Breet gat Call Ga