an aN 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 11, 1966 , "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire... Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. ' \ my '-- , so ee sage |4--Motorcycles |6--Marine Equipment ae |{8--Articles for Sale i , - : ' SCOTF'S SCRAP BOOK' By RLSCOTT | ay saog SUZUKI MOTORS NOW'S SIX _ of : < mediote Delivery. Low down MARINA & SERVICE SERVICE BAYS payment, $19 monthly, Com- FACILITIES For Auto Service MEAD, plete line of accessories. Open Evinrude & Crestliner Deoler e "till 9 p.m, OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ' Oshawa 195 King W, 728-4242 Harbor Rd, Off Simcoe St. S. Chev,, Dodge, Ford, Ply- BYERS OD Whitby 1206 Dundas E, 668-6642 ree mouth, Pontiac. We correct : mae, js : . WONDA -- Biue, 1965 cc's. Apply at|___ 749-8186 | wheel alignment, i t and Accountants |Barristers |Gardening and Supplies Gardening ond Supplies jeepers F |Smith's. Sports, 359 "Kins treat" Weak "| correct poser a aan 2 }from 9 until 6 p. son outboard motor, 8' P HALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO.,|HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and peda ibapiyons ae ing. Best offer. Telephone align toe-in ond toe-out to HILL. + | a : 5 UP , HONDA, 90 c.c., 1965, A-1 condition, $325. tee ---- onl _ ts, 362 King Street|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King, | agrees { ¥ -- correct condition .... 6.88 Bier enener 7esase) Wwitiiam L*Hall,| Stree! East, Oshawa, R. D. Humphrey.| // 44) pigsty | Telephone 723-5289, icra S ef OAT gis cig Noroniecs Fen @ Ports, extra if required B.Comm., CAs David G. Perkin, CA; QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hiliman, rs geaheg PRIVATE. 1965 Honda Bridgestone, loW| ppine ase aigy (ant steering w *@ Torilon hee J. Graham MacMillan, CA. LLB. O Hemenceys OX be Ores pam, \ mileage, like new. $275, Call 728-4983, STaRCRAPT eg adjustment moti 25- j esidence: Z BES * i ""s AFT" Grew Traveller boats extra, a eee ae crus,| SR261) 128-4326; 725-5133, NKA and| NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX FOR SALE STroilers Evinrude miotors. evenings and e fees. in Bankruptcy, 527 Simcoe Street Mer first mortgage funds avaliable. | PARKLAWN GRASS MIX WE DELIVER FREE en eee ee eee ee SYR BRAKE SPECIAL wth, , T-7aN, ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, | | - : H tra lh Micrretinactse dainiesnecictdshibaaiia n Seen ate AN GOT Charer.| BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73. Centr ee 1 an pees | 15 FT, CEDAR STRIP Ross bosl fiber-| (most popular cors), First OTK Sosamte Financial 'Trade Bund.|sHeet, OWice hours: 7 am,' $20 pm. SUBURBAN GRASS MIX. | f BUDDY plas, Bottom vinyl nautice decking, 40) Quolity A .| Evening appoi y iT . vi = seposer venrude ari ectric ai i On TIMOTHY & ALSIKE [MAPLE LEAP LANDSCAPING, Experi leontrols, Teenee Tilt trailer with spare) 4-Wheel | ing, 167 King ity 3 en, A ie ie yy pe ag ome : Building Trades : INDIVIDUAL GRASSES shrubs, ete. Also nursery stock for E [tire 2 gas tanks, battery, opholetered| « GORDON R. DAY, Certified General! PEAT MOSS tastes : TRAILERS new lite leckels, Ski Rare > pe hh BALANCE "SPECIAL |prop, 3 bumpers, & moorings, cover, $1,- pi "ile weights per wheel c Seite | | Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop | ping Centre, 725-9953, | ASPHALT bs SO-GREEN 7-7-7 | Instruction PORT HOPE |350'00 'Phone' 728-8612 | ' 1,95 HASKING and| 50-GREEN PREMIUM |25 HP Evinrude motor, electric siert and SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, LS, Chartered Accountants: G. W | | : § controls. 581 Bloor Street East. FRONT-E! WOR Bien, "carninr Sm umes | DRIVEWAYS =| GaRbeN SO-GREEN. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME 5 a voted ers | is the only factory authorized | |S0™® sean COMPARABLE PRICES. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 720-7327. __ SPECIAL SPRING RATES | MILORGANITE | IN SPARE TIME OF TWINS IDENTICAL FROM WE KORAM 10 A dealer in Oshawa for... 7--Swap and Barter z ron eoree. wi Bie hg es Order now and save, We will | C.LL, 10-6-4 : BABE wit ef c LEATHER CASE AMACHED fo 1K HAIR SEPTIC TANKS, follets, tubs, sinks, cab- DOMINION ts your needs. For information call 725 grade, stone and pave barat EVERGREEN 6-9-6 Low monthly payments In- & Beg Fory ss uy one ARE HONIG Fo PROTECT Ai16 RAMBLER |inets, vanities, pressure systems, pipe } Chinn 4778 driveway. Complete job ' epg pb fittings, boats, motors, trailers. H. C BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service, only .20¢ per square foot GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 clude text' books and instruc- 4MAPA, FLORIDA, SEF IM THREE. YOUNG TAUREG OF THE SAMARA, ¥ i Hillside and Pard Road South 723-7088. TIRE STORE ; : ; DESERM, FROM EY). SPIRITS 8 : , sige: page ge ing ie al _ Good ee a hi GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD tions, Prepares you to achieve WS 19186 od 1 5 wats TRAILERS Articles for Sale SOU sae Gut Ghaftersd Aces | BONEMEAL | Onterie Diploma by means 19 thee Ga a if Le full , for 2 : : | 1a, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street) 'Ully guaranteed for 2 years | SHEEP MANURE | . of Provincial examination. Be ie 2 ahd acl | DRAPES TELEPHONE, 725-6511 Telephone 723-4833. | | -HOSMAR, Chartered "Accoun-| IL. 10-10-10 is : : : Fig ALBERT |HOSMAR, Chartered Aecoun- Bonded | Paving | wa Here For FREE information--write, Painting and Decorating |TV--Radio Repairs with the dealer ! READY MADE BABY CLOTHES ang Onterie. 'Telephone. 723-1221 Cc | American School, Dept. 8, |EXPERT painting and decorating. Do it Pos agate tall Up 10 6. Phone-728-3160. 2 itor | 723-0381 | GARDEN TOOLS Box 984 Gikoen. Ontorio now while we have time available. Free SALES & RENTALS sizes, all patterns GAS RANOW, four-bornery"sulemalg . i 8-0257 | timer, d 3 Barristers BULK GARDEN SEEDS estimates, - 72 | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED e M&C rE a condition, Sie) lee, Bo .. iia . | PAINTING, hanging. Do it now! Seuax ane KELLY, 6 | | pe odlnap Nee. pug me Free estimates. Call. William 'Weatherall TV TOWERS ps Sundays DRY GOODS | sanuT-Porancademed-edloaer Fax 1 JM. : . | ICI | sean lH ca . & DRAPERIES Guarant * winte 4 | | a varanteed trouble-free winter if you Siiseii; 'Thomes Hi. Jermyn, BA, LLB,| Planning on fin WEED KILLERS ee et for, CAN to tor tees wervionl real ARE THE BEST ° 74 CELINA ST. | Purchase from Western Oll Co, 725.1212, Taw | ishing a rec room? OPEN ALL DAY i Ae tess ----|estimates, Telephone 723-5956. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! 723-7827 AUTOMATIC WASHERS, $85; wringer MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Ti E YOUR PAINTING done now, Inte : washers, $35 up; electric stoves, $35 up; JAMES ae S d HAV BUDDY Drapery material 98c¢ and up | dryers, $55 up; TV's, $25 Al i . naay --- Saturda Ie or, all k guaranteed, F $55 up; " up. All rebuilt Barrett ee nerclal" Bullding, 286 King Modernizing your yi? M At y FINISH Tlor, exterior, all work guaranteed. Free RAO. pty see aaa, Sete tad a ate ' 5 0 | bcs FOE ities ' 5 ester West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking| aily ve y jer Appliances, Caespren, 986-4926 7 nsineormsai. __| bathroom? HIGH SCHOOL Plumbing and Heating -- TELEVISION TR AILERS Sewing Machine Specie! | RIDING. alary mower," The naw, JOSEPH. P. MANGAN, OC, Solcier| COOPER-SMITH ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| Corner Bond and Division FREE formica cobinet | 8028, : Money 19 len. 4% King CALL: Home study prepares you to plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harel'. H.| 728-5143 PORT HOPE | Value $79.00 |DININGROOM SUITE, ~sicpiece7 walt ast, 4232. weet . | it i F . | Stark Ltd... Plumbing, Heating and. Engi-| - 5 lf 2 CREIGHTON, _DRYNAN, MURDOCH | - | CO | phil cahe Foca ser neering; 255 Simcoe 'Strest. South uate Sg with any regular priced Elna. | 7h four, chairs, table, buffet, $60, fers, Solicitors, No-| | ' COS eo we aT SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE an A : et Pid da i: at cok of canner Building, 5/ F. PHELAN . certificote. Grades 6-13, All |ALb TYPES of repairs and remodelling, |\White Elna Sewing Centre| ise Vespa iso scooren, g00d shape, 446; | d used materials, Reasonable ra 4 | im treet 'North, Oshawa, 723-3446; | book i ee oe . 04.1191 Service Call only $2.50 PH E | $200. Ajax 942-4974, * agg ee heeds QC; or residences: G. K 16 Celina St. OOKS and supplies Low rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J, Foley ON j 38 Bond West GL. Murdoch, | | monthly payments, income tax re FAST T.V. SERVICE . Brynn oe, ne View, METNS| 668-6032 EST 1909 deductable. For full informa- |Rug-Upholstery Service : 0) Jged 18) : & dsb Mula by stac On USED FILING cabinet Mortgages arranged, ASS SEE | tion write ore | DOMINION locker "846 Aloe otter' tata: Weasortine NO. 1 ONTARIO potatoes. Pree delivery agi Classified Rates CANADIAN ACADEMY @ NOW OPEN @ TELEVISION fi = eee __| table: Sage ein .R so seed potatoes and apples. Telephone sas | | _$14,90, Bill Hamilton, Ra 728-1306 or 723-0615, me xo | MAPLE LEAF | 46 Main rads Wat | . Serving Oshawa, Bowmenvilie fignita Soa ¢ 0 ONE RECONDITIONED AoFooh, inch 'and APPLES -- 2nd grade, Mcintosh, con Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; IMPROVEMENTS 3, con-| ad ° a quarter tower structure rs Hamilton, Ontario | DARL | NGTON All work guaranteed. GOLDEN FALCON 8-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone 723-6131, it tree Mie aoa see ae additional words, 4)4¢, each; a ! | SNES aR nd saa ney ay . ih N us Vacuums, pol! rs. Re-|Algoma Orchards Lid., Thick: oad tacutive Insertions of 24 words, $2.88;| @ Additions -- Alterations LANDSCAPING & |rmivare TUTORING in all subjects for UPHOLSTERY COLOR TV. ORBIT kes. New hoses. Phone| North, Whitby, oe escort a. ar SM $5.04;| @ Kitchens--Rec Rooms and pupils in grades 1 to 9 Inclusive, Tele. 102 King W., Bowmanville - Y. feb =. wane RS aman secutive ini CORSAIR [VACUUM repairs, all makes, haves, 10--Farmer's Column girl's clothes, size | additional words 21¢. each. all your Construction Needs. phone 668-4065, : phone 668-4065, 6 or | | J AND R SCHOOL, OF MUSIC now en- sth Aesth aL aR ar | ; |brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-021 Cherge--10 per cent additional charge | CALL GARDEN SERVICE rolling students for Sin Gutter, tt RE-UPHOLSTERY experts. Establish. Black and White TRAVEL TRAILER Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Str DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock if not paid within 8 days. | J mM All ear or note. Phone 723-0511 ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed Telephone LERS Pickering. picked up promptly. Margwill. Fur Farm, PHL elidel Sealey For Sodding, Seeding, Top TTL Rae ee eee eee | Bnd Onctphenpigions ail Fore egeemnene Collec Hameton a Method ef Counting -- Less thon bait . ig Jani i re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa up. A Le p base, casters, $16.; new $27,;- executive : nes iad Ba EM words counts @s 24 words weach word, | & Sons [mal Secer Pass nitor Service __|hoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 728-5143 SUBWAY TRAILER PARK | arm' titers, $47 new. We discount, Bill| CERTIFIED STRAWBERRY PLANTS initial, figure or abbreviation | Plontings and Complete Lanc CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re Lg AND SALES | Hamilton, Raglan, ae jfor sale, popular varieties, $6 per 100) . " batteries, 17@3,|tiog rot ey Ais Per 1,000, Phone s6e- for You call - we clean, At- 28 one word; phone number counts | scaping Service | tyled. Free estimate, See our material |}------------_--_--___---- ari two words. 725-6 ] 26 | iia ED J EFFR EYS \tor recovering Slip covers made to | badd Ae eee aden $4; gens., DEATHS Ba -- - order. Dalton Upholstering, "75 Charles) OSHAWA and WHITBY | 1010 DUNDAS ST, E,, | starters, -6V S0c.7 12V 90c.; batterles| ary SOCIAL NOTICES QUALITY CARPENTRY 725-06] ] | JANITOR SERVICE Street, 723-7212, -------- | NIGHT SERVICE | WHITBY $1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street \11--Pets a i ith 25 cents addi- : | wi NERS : | GUARANTEED used wringer washeri, ieaue | E $2.00 por nett noi paid within 8 days.| -& GENERAL REPAIRS & WINDOW CLEANERS Sales and Service television, refrigerator, etc. $34.80 and up.|PACIGREE | Dachshund -- puppies tional charges #6 £2 . S . ' 725-8541 or 668-5830 Parts. and Accessories | Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim- Sile, Five weeks oid. Call 725-8135, | | your + improve- ; j | South, 723-0011 |BLACK GELDING, 16 h rat 32 Fg oie ng a 35 words ond Se wiry nobler ol oe Hr 2 | One of Oshawa's Largest tention Builders and Contrac- ed of -- pec: leo eM ta games or p e. i ss 98an $2.00 ment p ems, ca s s Wi | PPLIANCE 5 BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used <aciee elit thn each thereafter plus 12c. per line of j Selection'of |. fors @ clean new homes, AF | Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| BUDGIES -- selling out entire stock, verse; ase. Papitions! charge if not 725-8576 SERY STOCK schools, churches, factories. REPAI RS RADIO & TELEVISION Authorized Dealers for Street East, 725-6344, : [Prices from $2.95, Breeders, $8 per pair, ane Wien © aye Yin hie a ile with our | NUR Call pa arate mace omnes tc @ Citation @ Glendette (SMITH-CORONA cash registers, g09.7| LelePhone 723-5816, , ' = | ; bulit, feed, D ith high|DOG TRAINING CLASSES -- Sponsor? CAE Oe eS ag words end Se.| customers Fertilizers ond garden sup- |668-8658 WHITBY, ONT.| Expert repairs to all. makes TV SERVICE | @ Corsair @ Rambler | prices." You're right, come to Ragion| Oshawa Obedience "Aneeintion, "Bra! each therecfter with 25¢, odditione! i : plies gems eee ~-----| of washers, dryers, ranges, etc DAY : @ Truck Campers and see i inva for sclesses commencing June In & dys. . \ RTS AVAIL OR EVENIN ; oS mage phone 723-9708, charge if not pold within 8 doy' | Eavestroughing sein ee A-1 WINDOW CLEANERS @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ENING Ports-Service-Hitches-Awnings | FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple sai laa ' | 728-5286 gak etc. 12 Inches and sixteen inches: |COZY 4 RANCH Kennels, registered Gere a See Haas: 41.56 tor the! INSTALLATION Sales ond Service e Homes @ Commercial « ALCAN COOK REPAIRER TORING Teas aeaTeain ang | is? sOtptons.| Potoming pina" gat! Fest 2B words ond Be' each' thereafter OR REPAIR Tons and Lede: Boy Industrial @ Window Clean- - OSHAWA REPAIRS to fishing rods and reels and|asnburn 655-4662 evenings: 6 (Word Ade). | CALI | ASK THE EXPERTS ot Madar Geulecaee aod te | TURE and APPIANGE GL eCreeniien =| TRARLER SALES |ner, S80' Byror Saun Whhor ieee won| STANDING" RY" STUD, "Lely Haneoer 'hericad date } ; LI h | | Modern Equipment and Ex- A52 Simcoe $..-- Oshawa | Simcoe North of four corners), | Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, | King's Eavestroughing RUNDLE perienced Professionals ° Telephone 723-0011 CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| (aad) pity limits) BUYING OR SBLLING furniture or 3AF| Ontario's 'champlen ihe ca ae | 994 i s. | SERRE "|All work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue. | pilances. Ce mer, Wempion 26 mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." St DEADLINES | 728-9942 ae GARDEN CENTRE LTD. Call 668-3239 Whitby | 'S SPEED | Telephone 725-0500. 3-963 or 263-2695. tet anne Ake Be WORD ADS 1015 King St. East ~------ DOC'S S : |RE-CONDITIONED ANTENNAE, Bi7i3,| a | REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, _$12;| Dunbarton 839-3779, \ous repairs, large and smal! jobs. L. and H | ATTENTION! Housewlves, cleaning win-| from $5., $10, and $20., for cottage or new smooth-top mattresses, $19.95; | sue i 7 5 pm. DAY PREV! Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. | 725-6551 dows, storms, screens. red's Window! & CUSTOM 4 home. Call Mr. TV Towers, 723-9525. | | stoves, $24.95, ow, SNe ited ified old, pred Nai Wege. 68 Fe LOST AND FOUND EAVES TROUGHING. Free estimates PaaS See AGED wae and General Cleaning, 668-6973. Reduced Sale on --- spee a ee A jspace savers, i dressers, ¢ ra THOROUGHBRED English Pola? 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Guaranteed. work. Murray Holliday. Tele |CELLARS CLEANED trash removed equipment, chrome acc. fen- Well Drilling--Diggirg as tee 66 $1,145 Crock. 6 Bond sivect Wante yaad gi male, one year old, Telephone 715-4586" or BIRTHS AND DEATHS phone 725-9404. Le ae SPRING SALE [ Reusenens repsirs done Telephone 72%) der skirts, grills, discs, sliks, WELL DIGGING by machine specializing Deli ae with dollet $1295 CUSTOM PICTURE 'Yraming, any size.|2PP!Y_1195 Wecker Drive, Oshaw 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS | sean tenes tiniaitintenelanaaainameni parts n Soinch tile." W. Ward, 204 Chestnut | ve a Call Bill DeGraaff of Clark Studig, 668-|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire ON |CELLARS, yards cleaned; also sidewalk! 54 - jo, towing, licensed | Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809, Everything for Trailers | 5467 evenings only. 1 training, talking strain, Apply Mra, Te | | IN MEMORIAMS and places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, slabs and cement blocks for sale, Cal! ' -- . --------_-- | ' Senrmennnnn--ennoonwmmmmn | Broad, 114 Elgin Bast, CARDS OF THANKS |son-arra NURSERY STOCK (ice"ana?Son"723-40 | mechanic. Open 7 doys 'till |2-- Personal eld iy, Uurniture, only. $298 Inc, "complete| SADDLE, English style" Excellent eon: «p.m. DAY PREVIOUS IMPROVEMENT: i arama areas 5 APN SOS AUER 10. 1600 King St. E. | = LEA dds Es Aephh : 1 SPLAY root tar and Pg dh AB al | end-all jMoney to Loan | F y ble Pay ony' i weekly." Unbentehie mace a noeetie eases | means hen Gey wore 2 cee Sia eee ee re «GARDEN SUPPLIES «= Irwin taawper ae 35.000 at a rem, Oe is Marie Murdaff- will bein |RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG |zivtl, Germ! Heme" Futisings 24> uve minute ctl bl er urine or lerper 10 Gin Cay Preview™ FOR ALL YOUR home Imorovemath.| UP to 40% off -- [euPSun te tor"emy other wommmne| Before You Buy A __|_ showa, May 16th, 17th and [TENT CAMPING TRAILERS | wa puysvalland eccranes vaed Tammi | Souls grlldren, Telephone 728-122 or sommange oe anne as" rene See pe [ante ast emt Tein] Piano or Organ, See | 10M, fray, cena Hotel | © RENTAL BOONES, [Blatt EEMUnt" sd Sinal" oed|fe, OODLEL, Taal 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION ak Minibike dae eke Ree GaA\IROE ITS GIN TRE oe HEINTZMAN ment si JACKSON'S TRAILERS [Som BIG. sabia, | Sane, house trained, Reasonable, Tele nt Rr ag Fitba pp Bla McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061, 1950. Sivens Nash Mortgages | oy & Company Ltd ELECTROLYSIS and Rentals |$20.; adding. machine, $20; amptometer:| ware p sag oor Fone ar aI insertion. CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING, Cer- _----- -- a} 25 723-464] | 1487 Simcoe St. N | ere Tran tery 2total cash register, brown terrier puppy, female. Has hed mic bathrooms, Armstrong Corlon or | 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 2 A i BOX NUMBER RENTAL--5SOc. file floors. Home renovations, Free esti-| SPRING CLEAN-UP 728 0261 or 728-3748 | Inoculations, $10. Telephone 725-3016, } 0 | TELEPHONE 728-2921 SEWING CLASSES -- girls 10 to 18. |BABY BARGAINS, Carriages $29.95,\/picy" " en While every endeavor will be made|™ates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036.) @ planting @ gdding e MO RTGAGE | ELEPHO s 28 |now being conducted at your local Singer Strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, BIBY | arrerican Char roie eel eee, bot to forward replies to box numbers to| NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stuceo,| @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ | GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer| Sewing Center, Half price summer rate. RENTALS and SALES pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10. 88. | istered. Famous for pets and hunting. the advertisers as soon as possible, | sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. Free] eer hi Gindinn 6 | washers and ranges. Free estimates, Cal|| Ola! 725-5443 for enrolment schedule, : | Witson's Furniture, 20 Church Street | Phone 723-7618, we accept no liability in respect of jestimates. A. -C. Woods, 728-3420 or vere eer K nh SI ! 728-1742 or 723-0011 YOUNG LADY wishes ride to Toronto,| @ Cabin ond Camping Troil- | retevision TOWERS aa, San ry neal ieneae ata loss or damage alleged to arise| 728-4717. as @ Marion ond Kentucky Blue- L - --|Lesile and Eglinton vicinity, arriving at) ers @ Everything for Trail- | tower with lo-ft, mast and Single B-213| 12 Articles Wanted through either failure or delay in ag|EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot| grass @ Complete landscop- | Septic Service before 7.30 a.m, Call 725-2268 ers @ Coleman Stoves etc, | antenna installed, $50, (This Is a 40-tt,, "eres Wanted warding such replies, however caused /ivciides arading and fill, two-year guar ing @ Fertilizers vee ila? toe: t s esis cieey | sotto oe --------| | structure.) TRIO Television, Corner Bond! gogp USED. FURNITURE. What have whether by negligence or otherwise. | 2 ira "tn bustage, Tarr an neys available r r : 5 Repaired and Division, 728-5143-4, ' ave ¥ ble for|antee. Eleven years bu: 0 723-9020 | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service| 3--§ ortsman's Column | y, you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, The Times will not ba reeeons! le fOr) baying 723-5841 . - : | and second mortgages Open | on calls. Walter Ward, 264 Chestnut Street| oes phe asc OC MILLER FULLER BRUSH -- Telephone daytime 728-401. - sites neon YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim HILLSIDE. LANDSCAPING }.mortgages. No bonus. First |West, Whitby, 668-2563, SMELT FISHING equipment, gun 1l- Hanyoud BA AJAX 1723-0444; evenings 668-6583 + --annSSEPTSr SESEE nanny eeeeeenmeeeee REGULATIONS neys 'built, repaired, gas linings installed; Bloor St. East mortgages, second mortgages . : cences, New end used guns, -- fishing ' LAWN MOWER, 4cycle, used Iwo years, 13--Articles for Rent Tha Ose r i t Be ren | 00's repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997. | -----| and agreements for sale pur- Surveyors ltackle boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond) 942-349] pariect concifien. Ait 790 8 | Saivoin Drisible for errors. in. advertisements [ATL i and concrete, Get| aren maven | Street _Wost | FORCED SALE of camping trailers, Four : : | r ertisements|ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get) 1 | chased 2 eoparor ee a ae of ping trailers, Four | 668-6172, petbeg ahaecte tenth nti not | your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents| SMITH S F. SWARTZ DONEVAN and PLEISCHMANN, Ontario] WANTED -- Members for trout club, | Hi-Lo the only fold-down all FURNITURE -- But dint room ) vi Inserti: square foot, All work guaranteed, 723-0281. | M 4 Lang Surveyor, Commercial blue prints. | §195 for season. Write D. Muller, RR No.|trailers, Four Silver Liner common can-| , Ni H for more than one insertion of any a ch tb | 2614-K St 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 2, Millbrook, Ont : vas type, Reasonable, all In good condi-\chalrs and miscellaneous items of furni advertisement nor beyond the price) ALL TYPES of repairs, rec.- rooms, al TREE FARM 26%: King St. East _.|2, Millbrook, Ont, 5 5 | "s "e - i ie piciideaimaageined 4 ture, also two carpets, Telephone 723-7831 charge for a single insertion in which |terations, rooting etc, Free estimates Oshowa, Ontario H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| woRMS, night crawlers. minnows, tion. Apply corner of Solina Road at No, | 0 rer iit } for! 7 Highway, six miles east of Oshawa, |ONE-WHEEL BOX TRAILER, $35.00; F error occurs, Call 723-8364, Cedar posts -- poles, 723-4697 seesatr Tf Elgin Street East. Phone! fishing, Oshawa Live Balt Co., 859 Neon 2" WeOOr GENERRE home nine -- | wheelbarrow, 'ear tour tinea Wa 14. A LE COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Manure, topsoil, mulch - | Street, corner Wolfe Street East. Tele- | $12.00, Phone Whitby 668-2284 The Oshawa Times reserves the right bs ; sulisiaciion Call Gehaws Cedars for hedges _ phone 728-3222 or 723-7112 sleeps four, Propane gas stove and oven, > sii REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- to Sieeety Savertieng Gccording tO Tee De ecementa, Paha, ae -' TV--Radio Repairs . | massaging belts, rowing -ma- its proper classification, Home Improvements, 725-942 White birch, evergreens, : oe ----_-- 4--Motorcycles | 2682574. |room sculptured nylon frieze, Excellent} Massaging Mibbshite GENERAL WELDING SERVICES shade trees. Call collect y' zee ~|BARGAIN: Two-wheel open tralier. See| CONdition. Telephone 728-3642, | chines, bikes exercises -- all . The "Yunes' wal ples Tag he Alpina a oh Kvnieieae Newtonville 786-2283 For Conventional . [it at 354 Pine Avenue, Oshawa. "GENDRON" BABY CARRIAGE, bive) $6 per month, The i] ie iP. var PD 723 AO ae - | -- -- ' ihe "Times will "not Ge hela respon-| ait work guaranteed, 722-68 be = MORTGAGES |1964, 14FOOT, GOLDEN FALCON house|a"d white, $15. Telephone 725-6433. | PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe the actual error occupies. The pub- | Carpentry without bonus or YAMAHA jtrailer, sleeps four, like new, reasonable| BEAVER WOOD LATHE with motor, cleaning rods, pipe vise lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad-| 9! : CHAIN LINK FENCES EXPERIENCED offer, Telephone 725-5588. |Mounted on metal stand, complete with) -- tripods pipe wrenches, pipe si tly, but / @) s Tn opathaa: | t i ther | x : : no Wetiity of Gaveriement tony | Al CARPENTRY, new and remodelling) An A-] company will give | APPRAISALS | ECONOMY AND SPORTSCYCLES [TRAILER WITCHES made and installed: | or series, "etus 10. ahigets ard zardig| cutters,\ pipe threading dies, inaccuracies in eny form are contained |n¢ repairs: Free estimates, Telephone) pt Gunitiy of mas - - ; also all types of welding done, reason- | accessories: plus, 10, ch toilet auger. 668-8014 ) q y All models now available able. Portable equipment for rent. 723 i) therein. ado : terials and workmanship and E SON KER | Priced to suit your budget | 4,000 miles full warranty, 40. ____| MISTER TV TOWERS, 378 King Street| PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT --~ IT'S EASY TO PLACE A \Cartage lowest prices. Old 'fences re- Le _* R TERMS ARRANGED _ | Priced from $279. 1965, 16-FOOT "PYRAMID" Wralers cok | Wer Towers at A, to 8. stepladders, _ ladder jacks, TEMES BETION WANT AD MAN WITH one large and one aman; 'Moved. Free estimates ony- | LLOYD METCALF | 10 a.m, to 10 p.m, tna systems Sa equalizer hitch, sleeps atx, |Kils enly. Sale lasts to May 24. GE bleh ga meee beat ldaskos tb Call Classified Direct Lene yards Sommer Suruyere Mevedi fe R . : OSHAWA TV | 723-8711 Excellent condition, used only ten days.|ELECTRIC GUITAR, "Harmony" and| SP'OY guns, wallpaper steam- 723-3492 a eee 723-5377 H Real Estate. Ltd. $1,500, Pickering 942-4163 \"Kent' amplifier, strap included. Must; rs, tarpaulins, blow torches, ---- ice box, electricty, Telephone Hampton|TWO-PIECE chesterfield suite, mush 728-1892 { ee Soa an | 40 King St. E 728-4678 | SUPPLY LIMITED HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps two. Phone Sel! immediately. Best offer, 263-2567. | propane torches TON TRUCK and man, for hire, QnY|GARDEN and fawn maintenance. Roto . TAUNTON RD. E } RO-DON SPORTS | 728-0835 |DININGROOM SUITE, wainut veneer, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- kind of work, Very reasonable. Dial tilling, landscaping, patigg, ploughing 2 ae TAUNTON RD. E |HOUSE TRAILER, home made, 13-foot,| Nine pieces. Phone 725-9498. cement - mixers, -- finishin INDEX TO 728-4047. and cultivating, Call 655-49%6 after 6. Just East of Ritson |$200 or best offer. Telephone 985-2866 | WASHING MACHINE, wringer sivie. Like! trowels, wheel barrows, elec- CLASSIFICATIONS a a | EXPERIENCED GARDENER will care FIRST and SECOND Just East of 5 Points) | Port. Perry. new, $85, Child's red metal car, $10 | , A AAP iit ioscan oe bicinalal Pare tric vibrator, air compressor, | for your garden and lawn, planting, sod @) A -§] ] Discover the swinging world of | . ic|Atter 5 p.m., 165 Verdun Road, Apt. 6. ' ' 1--Women's Column --------- |ding, spraying, hedge trimming. etc MORTGAGES 723 3 M TRAVEL TRAILER, i7-lool, electric -- : j en ne _ -| jack hammers, hand trowels, _ ae |CAREFOOT, DR, HN M,, Dental 1 - All Classes - brakes, propane refrigerator, stove with} MOVING -- everything must go! An- ' Re ne he Column Sorpaens Iva King Sireet ast, "Cohawa. | ree. Taree : ---- City, Rural, Vacation -- oven, toilet. Used one season, $1,695, AP-|tiques, chesterfield, leather chair, sew-| Water pumps, portable heat- ayeerienen pert, Ue sre, stiee PLOWING AND CULTIVATING. Ger-| , Rural, f - ws ply 559 Dean Avenue ing machine, Coleman stove, onde and) ers, steel scaffolding, electrie ¢ i RIT EK Db SC OT het | ens or larger areas, Cali us. Free esti = j 7 i AA slate, is, suitable for cottage, 527 Coleridge, 5-- Trailers ISIALEK, OR. @..P. Dental" Surgeon, | enn." ree SUMMERLAND TELEVISION -- RADIO | _ [4 RAMBLER, 16foo!, -- immaculate,| <nds, suitable for cottag 'dge.| generator, ramset power rol- 6--Marine Equipment 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For is iaiasicetslieaionanaiee peas SECURITIES LIMITED cL. p | HONDA 450 CC $1275; Glendette 15-foot, $975; both sleep wtneeinernnatncionpert ~ | lers, electric hammers, mas- 7--Swap and Barter la tment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-844) BIRCH TREES any size, cedar for) ' * i 24 HOUR SERVICE . | six: well equipped Apply 1527 Lakeside|12 HP ELGIN motor, 12-ff. plywood boat,| x il com 8--Articies i Sale = Ninh alabama | NOOR ONG Lombardy Poplars wale 112 Simcoe St. N.---725-3568 .| | 1966 BMW MOTORCYCLES _ | Street. lawn mower, electric guitar, three rolls| at saw, building int 9--Market Basket i) : phone 728-9530. 3 ng treet West ite 7|200 ft, 2 mesh, 60" high garden fence;| mortar mixers, mortar boxes 10. ' ressmokin a BLE tad. MS ns PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies tor, i ia CAMPING TRAILER, 'Silver Liner, : ' y Pon thnk beast 9 ieniaghsiadtinal FOR LAWN ROLLING call John's Land-|ali mortgages. Mortgages and agree | @ Hondo Sport 90 $449, perfect condition, used one season, $495. apanbge sv iarialte arctaun: All'new. Best! chain hoist; miter saw, elec- Fay ld oA ig, PA |"MODERN DRESSMAKING'--12 Prince, scaping, RR No. |, Brooklin, 655-3866 ments of sale purchased, Creighton EIN | Telephone 728-2290. va ie naples Ment cca | tric plane, tarpauli si 12--Articles Wanted ~" | @ Honda car convertible iiss cccmeemanan | plane, Paulins, sand 13--Articies for Rent Street NOW OPEN! Ladies* made-to TREE TO TRIM? Ca! Slim oF In cut | Orynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See 'Bar . | $2,195 | SHASTA TRAILER, 19-tool, six years oid, GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired | bloster power post hole 4--Business Opportunities measure suits, dresses, skirts, etc. Cus-| them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 or|"isters'.) 4 ~ excellent condition, sleeps five, fully self-|at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, cai J |S---Employment Wonted jtomers' materiais, expert service, ree-| 729.9619, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail-| | On Disbley at contained. Price $1800, Ajax 942271) for |728-9731 as _| auger, ascillating sanders, ié--Agents Wanted | Sonable price GARDENS PLOWED and cullivaled' Call(able, W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock| } 199 KING WEST appointment TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- <-foot tower| disc sanders, acetylene weld- \7---Female Help Wanted |EXPERT TAILORING and dressmaking| Ror Tiling, ohare Street North, Whitby 668-3338 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ? KING WES TRAILER HITCHES made end Installed] structure, all-channel antenna installed,| ing outfits, 200 amp electric mint I for ladies' children's w ae eo SSE -- -- -- ? : ' vb , Taunton | 8-----Mole Help Wanted jfor iad and children's wear, 668-6248 TOP SOIL with or wilhcul Tanure, Man. |PIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale CALL OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M, while you wait. Telephone Whitby 668-| 50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton welders i io-- Ip Won sceD - ! East, just east of Rif d ele Scie tee so" NON . | EXPERIENCED ORESSMAKING andj © and also shredded top soll, William| agreements purchased and sold, Hennick | 599. Rosd East, just ons? of Ritson Rom | : ae, ee ; Laiterations. 375 Poplar Street, Apt. 2, 728 A and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street . 728-4242 -- ~ USED AUTO PARTS -- anything! Chas-| S 7 A N S paar mealbsy BAAS -ogddggd 9768 Use Seer Ot Oe mea, fees Whitby--668-5679 6--Marine Equipment kavich Auto Wreckers, corner of Solina Rea ecg Bo DRESSMAKING DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 yards and Up, 6 Sesh gta aCe se rere? tO nis ane ke _|Road (six miles east of Oshawa) Se hey teiets Wented hte gl 2 | $2.00 per yard: top soil, 4 vards and UP! Musical Services maa 1965 EVINRUDE 9¥2 HP motor $335 oF SNOW TIRES = two Goodvear- alma oMarpening & Rentals Ltd. ry ty. Mere. $2.25 yard; well-rotted manure, $5. yar ss : [ best offer, Telephone 725-2001 7 Mg ie / 24--Stores Offices and Storoge pecialty. M Delivered. 725-0697 SMALL DANCE BAND avallabio Ex e Call only $2.80 ___. |new, on wheels, for '59; Naurhall, $25. 233 King St! W., Oshawa 25--Houses for Rent nay is Serv - @ BSA @ TRIUMPH '65 JOHNSTON 40 HP electric motor, in| Webster paint spray outfit with motor . Phone. 723- 4 26--Apartments for Rent citi he gned DRESSMAKER: Ladies'/ sop -- Top Qualily, Field and nursery. (perienced, reliable, reasonable, Phone FAST T.V. SERVICE 1' Accessories Pirelll' tires excellent condition, also one combination | and extra hose, $25). three electric motors, Phone: 723-322 27--_Rooms for Rent rane tag ne ih s, A!S0) Free eatienates prompt delivery. 725-| Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-1663. oddles, jackets; oloves Pipes | throttle and gear shift control, Telephone 1-6, $5.; \4, $5:; Va, $10, 725-1832 j _ aanereeneneecsinilianenicsti was 28--Room and Board : : _.| 3325_ or 723-9910 gna RE ge a pga pend de cand hd 726-681 |USED TYPEWRITERS, $39.; new, $48;| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walker: 29--_Wanted to Rent TOP SOIL, SANDY LOAM, driveway Nursing Homes | DOMINION helmets. Repairs and service. brand new electric adders, $89.; factory|"educing machines, sick room supplies, 20----Automobiies for Sale Smart pravel, sand fill, excavating and 9red-/SALLY CLIFF LODGE, overlooking Lake TELEVISION AB's Motorcycle SHOP | Telephone 728-5668 after 5 p.m | guarantee? Save $ $$ with Bill Hamilton, ix Rentals, 108 Beatrice, 725-1644 3!--Compact Cars for Sale n teh 6 1, 72 : Redo _-- " 32---Trucks for Sale Business 9. Dutch Sand and Gravel, 728-2871, |Ontario, Qualified nursing care 24 hours 728-5154 9.a.m. to 9 p.m.. | 114 STVENSON RD, SOUTH (|@OAT, 6-4. Hydro, Steering controls, | Paglan CHAIRS, card and-banavet tables, church 33--Automobiles Wonted GARDENS or lawns roto tilled. Phone Reasonable rates. Telephone 942-0357. 728-7780 lights, 10 HP Scott motor. with Bail-O-/BALOWIN SPINET ORGAN, six years aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 34--Automobile Repair People 725-7887 - All work guaranteed . Matic, $200. complete. 728-3656 after five|cic. in perfect condition, used very {ittle,| Simcoe Street North.' Call 723-2614 5. Los coe : 726 ve ost ond Found Sing the Proises QUANTITY TOP SOIL and fill, Reason: Optometrist MISTER TV. TOWERS, 378 King SirectiBRIDGESTONE motorcycles (Daviona jem pie easels an 5 ENTERTAINING? Filly to one hundred otf Oshawa : able, Phone 725-2156. F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe. West, Towers al from $39. to $69. Rotors,|Speedway champs), -Sales and Service|1é FOOT moulded mahogany boat, 40|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- : \ GOOD FIELD sod, iid or delivered. Spe-| Street North, Suite 6 Oshawa. Telephone |new, $39. to'$49., limited, tower kits only.|United Rent-All_ and Marine, $$§ King| Johnson electramatic; 2,000 Ib, capacity|and appliances. One location onty Pretty|quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen 39--Notices Action Ads cial rates for buliders, Call 623-3244, | 723-4191, [Sale lasts to May 24 ' Bast, 728-5565, 'tit trailer, Extras, 438 Fairlawn, 728-2333, Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, parking. 722-2140 mornings. '